
Love™ (Unfinished)

Jul 1st, 2013
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  1. >”Awwwuh, come on, Anon! Hearts and Hooves day is supposed to be fun for EVERYP0NY, not just couples.”
  2. >You sit on your small sofa, arms crossed and expression neutral.
  3. “Thanks, Pinkie, but I don’t really feel like going. Doesn’t feel right, you know?”
  4. >”NoooooOOOOOooooOOOOOooo! You HAVE to come… pleeeeeease!”
  5. “I’d feel weird and out of place. Moreso than I normally do. Sorry, but I’m not budging on this one.”
  6. >For the past hour, Pinkie has been trying to convince you to attend her Hearts and Hooves celebration. She says it’s for both singles and couples, but going to a party for a holiday based around love and togetherness… nah. No thanks.
  7. >But she’s pushy. She’s not going down without a fight. Pinkie quickly adopts her token adorable scheming face, cocking her head, closing an eye, and sticking her tongue out while running her chin.
  8. “Whatever you’re planning, it won’t work. I appreciate it, but, please, I don’t really want to go.”
  9. >”Okay, okay! What if it was SINGLES only. And, and we don’t make that the big thing! It’s just a bunch of ponies getting together who all have something in common!”
  10. “Hm…”
  11. >”And you know, maybe something does happen between some ponies who are still in the spirit of the holiday.”
  12. “Weeeeeell… that’s a heck of a lot better. I don’t have to look lonely and awkward around couples. Only other people who are lonely and awkward.”
  13. >”Exactly!”
  14. “… Fine, I’ll go. It’s been a whole two weeks since I’ve been to a good Pinkie party. So when is it?”
  15. >”Twenty minutes!”
  16. “W-what?!”
  18. >Meanwhile at Twilight’s library.
  19. >Twilight makes panicked motions in her room as she tries to find something casual and appropriate for Pinkie’s party and will cover these wings at the same time.
  20. >Ever since she accomplished her princesshood, those wings have been little more than an annoyance.
  21. >Perhaps a scarf wrapped around… nooo…
  22. >She sighs to herself before falling back onto her rump. She thinks, ‘Why do I have to look special? I want to look normal, especially at these casual get-togethers. But, noooooo. Every p0ny there will treat me like a little princess and suddenly the whole party becomes stiff and uninteresting…’
  23. >”Twilight! Where are you? Trixie does not understand this incantation!” A voice bellows from the first floor of the building.
  24. >That’s ONE pony that doesn’t treat Twilight any different than before, unless you’re counting the whole apprenticehood thing.
  25. >Trixie.
  26. >Months after Twilight’s coronation, Trixie came back to Ponyville to further apologize for her actions and possibly stick around for a little while.
  27. >Long story short, she saw just what Twilight had become and basically begged to become her apprentice. And she did so in front of half of Ponyville. Nice.
  28. >Since then, she’s been able to turn her attitude from unbearable to endearing. Most ponies now get a kick out of her ‘I’m the best’ attitude. Most.
  29. >And there’s one who can’t stand her for it, and he’s not even a pony.
  31. >Anonymous and Trixie. Trixie and Anonymous. A match made in the deepest depths of Tartarus. No one could ever guess that the two of them bumping into each other at the market would ignite a spark that would later turn into a raging fire that consumed everything in its path.
  32. >At first, Trixie seemed to go out of her way to anger Anon. He was believed to be the victim.
  33. >It wasn’t long until Anon started doing the same thing though. Purposefully instigating fights in the middle of the street, driving Trixie to the edge of using her magic to hurt Anon. Things have yet to get physical. Yet.
  34. >But when it eventually happens, a trip to the hospital is expected for both of them.
  35. >Focusing back on the present…
  36. >Twilight sighs and settles with a plain muted pink dress. It’s in season, after all. She drapes it over the standing mirror and proceeds to trot downstairs to where Trixie is practicing magic with Spike.
  37. >”Sparkle, why is this a part of Trixie’s curriculum? It is useless and I won’t ever be using it.”
  38. >”Aw come on,” Spike flicks the rim of his tophat then steps back to give both you and Trixie an eyeful of his suit. “Ponies everywhere would love magic suit making!”
  39. >”Spike, what did I tell you about misguiding Trixie on her lessons.”
  40. >”Ha! So he was lying? I knew it.”
  41. >With a quick flicker of her horn, Spike’s suit disappears instantly. But Trixie isn’t finished yet. Afterwards, Spike is enveloped in a purple aura before his purple scales begin to lighten.
  42. >”W-what are you doing?!”
  43. >A malicious grin spreads across Trixie’s snout as she releases her magic.
  44. >Leaving Spike completely pink.
  46. >”What?! Oh no. Oh no no no! Change me back!”
  47. >”Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmm? No.”
  48. >”No!? T-Twilight! Do something!”
  49. >”I don’t know Spike, you diiiid trick Trixie.” Twilight elicits a little giggle at her play on words. ‘Trick Trixie.’ Heheheh.
  50. >”Awwwuh, please?!”
  51. >Twilight rolls her eyes with a smile before turning Spike back into his original colors
  52. >”Thanks, Twi! Okay, now I gotta find a real suit to impress Rarity.”
  53. >A quiet snort escapes Trixie’s mouth, but Twilight raises a hoof to cut her short.
  54. >”Then good luck, lover dragon!”
  55. >Spike completely ignores Twilight and exits the room, giving Twilight and Trixie a moment of privacy.
  56. >Trixie is the first to break the silence.
  57. >”Now that your little nuisance is out of the way, is it time for today’s lesson?”
  58. >”Spike isn’t a nuisance. He’s just… young.”
  59. >”Hmph.”
  60. >”And there’s no lesson today. It’s Hearts and Hooves day, after all.”
  61. >”So?”
  62. >”Well… there’s a party and,”
  63. >”And you would miss your studies and my lessons for a simple party? Hah! Trixie doesn’t believe it.”
  64. >”But Pinkie’s throwing it, and I guess it’s supposed to be for single ponies only. So you and I would fit in perfectly.”
  65. >Much to Twilights surprise, Trixie raises a hoof to her chin and adopts a contemplative look.
  66. >”Hmmm, might there be any rich stallions there?”
  67. >”Erm… maybe?”
  68. >”Very well, Trixie shall indulge herself for an evening and seek out the most eligible stallion in all of Ponyville. Surely he’ll be there!”
  70. >You, Anonymous, quickly gussied up before taking the short walk to Sugarcube Corner.
  71. >The party is in full swing as you arrive. It looks as if there are only twenty or so ponies at the place which is much better than what you expected. Twenty is like, the perfect number.
  72. >You easily integrate yourself into the party, chatting it up with mares and stallions alike. No one really seems like they want to hook up which is just fine. The pressure is off to play some tongue twister with the lights turned down.
  73. >Not all is well and good though. Only an hour into the party does Twilight come through the door. Sure, the ponies start fawning over her massive throbbing princesshood but that isn’t what upsets you. What upsets you is that her shitty little apprentice is always on Twilight’s ass.
  74. >And sure enough, Trixie and all her bitchyness comes marching through the door, looking like she owns the place.
  75. >Of course she doesn’t. And you have to remind her that she doesn’t.
  76. >With a cup of punch in a loose grip.
  77. >As you pour the punch into a cup, a pink hoof holds your arms in place and stops you from going anywhere near Trixie.
  78. >”Ooooh no, mister,” Pinkie berates, “Put that punch down!”
  79. “What, why? I’m just a little thirsty.”
  80. >”You don’t like punch, Anon. There’s a bowl of lemonade for that reason.”
  81. “But,”
  82. >”No buts! C’mon, I have a surprise for you.”
  83. “A surprise? What’s going o—Oh?”
  84. >Pinkie cuts you off by wrapping a bandanna around your eyes.
  85. >”You can’t speak, either! It might ruin the surprise for someone else.”
  86. “And here I thought I wouldn’t get lucky tonight.”
  87. >”No! Nothing like that, silly billy!”
  89. >Pinkie shoves you through the crowd of ponies towards some unknown destination. You can hear the stifled giggles of a couple ponies and even a few hollers but nothing out of the ordinary for a party.
  90. >You’re seated in one of the tables nearby and told to stay here and be quiet. Quickly you get bored and try to think of ways to screw Trixie over today.
  91. >Pinkie seems to be on high alert so it’s gotta be subtle. Maybe you could sneak out at one point and mess with Trixie’s stuff. She came in without her hat so maybe you can slightly tear it in a way that’s really annoying to repair.
  92. >Speaking of, you haven’t heard her ear splitting voice in a little bit…
  93. >It’s only been about two minutes and Pinkie is back with some company. It sounds like more than one pony so maybe you’re not the only one blindfolded here.
  94. >As everyone gets situated, you feel a hoof begin to lift your blindfold up.
  95. >”Alright, everyone just staaaaay easy now.”
  96. >”Tch, why did you even do this?” You hear her voice the moment her blue coat comes into view. She stops herself and meets your own gaze.
  97. >You see a cup in front of you. Not knowing if it’s full or not, you brush a hand against without a second thought. It tips over in Trixie’s direction but before any contents can fall out, Pinkie Pie stops it with a hoof.
  98. >Trixie’s horn lights up. The red punch from your cup begin to fly at your face but a different purple barrier stops it.
  99. >Twilight is sitting right next to Trixie and you didn’t even notice.
  101. >”Well! Now that that’s out of the way, we can talk about this.”
  102. >”Talk about what?!” You and Trixie say simultaneously.
  103. >”Why you two are always at each other’s throats!”
  104. >”Yeah! And we chose today because Hearts and Hooves Day is about loving your fellow ponies!”
  105. >Trixie retches.
  106. >”Not that kind of love, Trixie.” Twilight plainly states. “I love all of my friends, but not in a romantic way or anything. Hearts and Hooves day isn’t just about romance.”
  107. “That’s pretty gay, Twi.”
  108. >”Trixie agrees! That is… gay, and she wants no part of it. Now, move out of Trixie’s w—“
  109. >”Absolutely not. No one is leaving until you two at least put a stop to this fighting. Pinkie and I are going to bring you two some lemonade, because neither of you like punch. But don’t think we’re not watching you two.”
  110. >Twilight and Pinkie shuffle out of their seats, leaving you alone with Trixie.
  111. >You pretend you’re really interested with what’s going on outside while Trixie shifts between glaring at you and the table.
  112. >Meanwhile, Twilight and Pinkie are scheming at the bowl of lemonade.
  113. >”Are you sure this is a good idea, Pinkie? We’ve seen the effects of the love potion before and it almost made us lose Big Mac and Cheerilee.”
  114. >”Of course! We’re only putting a couple drops into each cup! Sweetie Belle said those two drank nothing but the potion! Trust me.”
  115. >”I don’t know…”
  116. >”Besides, if they DO fall in love, Trixie will finally move out of your place!”
  117. >”Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. Not right away, at least… It would be nice to have the place to myself and Spike again, though.”
  118. >”See, there’s no way this can go wrong!” Pinkie begins hopping up and down in excitement as Twilight pulls a small vial of the purple potion from under her dress.
  120. >Back at the table. You and Trixie have not yelled at each other for thirty whole seconds!
  121. >Time to change that.
  122. >You scratch your head in—
  123. >”Shut up!”
  124. >That was easy.
  125. “Fuck off you—“
  126. >”We’re back!” Pinkie slams two cups of pink lemonade in front of you. It’s a bit of a funny shade of pink lemonade but you’re not going to call 911 on that shit.
  127. >”Wonderful, so can we leave?”
  128. >”Have you two worked out your differences yet?”
  129. “Yes, totally, can we go?”
  130. >”No.”
  131. “Shit.”
  132. >”Oh, oh, I know! You two should drink on it! You know, the beginning of a new friendship!”
  133. >”Can I leave if I do?”
  134. >Twilight looks between you and Trixie for a moment before slapping on a fake smile.
  135. >”S-sure…?”
  136. >Almost instantly, you and Trixie have your cups raised.
  137. “… Cheers?”
  138. >Trixie gives you a funny look. You nod towards Pinkie and she understands. Look friendly for a few seconds just to get away.
  139. >She sighs and bumps her cup with your own.
  140. >”Cheers.” She mumbles.
  141. >As you and Trixie raise the cups to your respective lips, Pinkie suddenly gets very excited and,
  142. >”Gotta go, bye!”
  143. >She zips off without another word.
  144. >Twilight knows of the effects of the love potion as well. The first pony the afflicted pony sees, he or she will instantly feel the effects of the potion. So Twilight simply ducks under the table.
  145. >After chugging the entire small cup, you place the small cup back on the table. Trixie does the same a second later.
  146. “Hah, beat you.”
  147. >”Oh, shut—“
  148. >You and Trixie both burp at the same time. Two purple shapes float out from each other’s mouths and slowly begin to meet in the middle.
  150. >”Uh oh.” Trixie mutters.
  151. “What?”
  152. >”Love Po—“
  153. >The shapes meet in the middle and everything fades to a bright purple.
  154. >Everything, expect Trixie. No more thought, no more freedom, no more anything. Just Trixie.
  155. >Meanwhile, Twilight begins to rise from under the table.
  156. >And things didn’t go quite as planned.
  157. >To her displeasure, you and Trixie are bumping noses and staring into each other’s eyes, unblinking.
  158. >”Hey, are you two friends now!?” Pinkie returns in a flash. “That’s…” Her expression of excitement instantly fades into one of horror. “Oh no.”
  159. >”Yes, Pinkie. Oh no…”
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