
Bye Bye Adam

Mar 27th, 2016
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  1. VengarlVilidiaSOUL has joined the chat
  2. AshlaSnow: Let me know when you load in
  3. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: im here
  4. AshlaSnow: Okay im mad at you for a lot of things right now
  5. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: what did i do i havn't even been here
  6. AshlaSnow: Adam you fucking trashed all of GoE rooms to re build vilidia which we all know is dead then you join olyumpus and cliam jenna is your daughter again RP is MUTAL adam! also you keep telling people im your wife im not!
  7. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: I told everyone you left me but still are friends not Wife Andre said do what i want with GOE its kinda dead so he did not care i ....and Jenna just started calling me father i never asked her to be my daughter again
  8. Guest_KylanDeadMau5 has joined the chat
  9. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [I will brb in 15]
  10. AshlaSnow: Andre never fucking said that stop lying and i know thats not true at all! Jenna messaged me on skype pissed off that you were cliaming to be her father
  11. AshlaSnow: (ok tyt)
  12. VengarlVilidiaSOUL whispers: its easier to talk on skype, im so tired of this drama, i never said anything i don't know whats going on i swer
  13. VengarlVilidiaSOUL whispers: i really don't know what happend
  14. VengarlVilidiaSOUL whispers: im sorry
  15. AshlaSnow: Adam stop whispering me
  16. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: ok
  17. AshlaSnow: I know you are lying just cut the bullshit
  18. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: i really don't know whats going on ash
  19. AshlaSnow: YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT also leave hera out of your conquest plan
  20. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: no i swer i don't
  21. AshlaSnow: Bull i know your lying
  22. AshlaSnow: did you forget who your talking to
  23. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: if i asumed Jenna was my daughter again cus she called me that im sorry
  24. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: *fater
  25. AshlaSnow: but she didnt call you that >.> even if she did there is RP and RL its different
  26. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: could we talk on skype, i'll listen to you promies....and yes just RP i don't care bout Vilidia anymore or what i just was pease and quiet and to hang with friends
  27. Guest_KylanDeadMau5 whispers: It's because I'm here
  28. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: just want to understand better
  29. AshlaSnow: No adam i dont want to talk to you on skype, fact is you trashed GoE stole andre RP charecter concepts
  30. AshlaSnow > Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Yeah i know he isnt gettong away with it
  31. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: NO we talked about that 2 weeks ago he was upset i was rping his Cru'x and doing it wrong he said he help me his not mad what do you think that
  32. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: *why
  33. AshlaSnow: again not true
  34. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: we just taked on skype bout all this why are you saying all this. but i am sorry i deleted GOE rooms and the page
  35. AshlaSnow: you got power hungry adam and you stepped on everyone to get your lil fake RP crown
  36. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: ok i'll take down Vilidia if you like i really don't want it anymore, if thats ok
  37. Guest_KylanDeadMau5 whispers: pastebin for Alyssa after everything
  38. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: ORANGES
  39. AshlaSnow: uh huh
  40. AshlaSnow: whatever adam im done i said what i had to say and you still deny everything i get no where its basically talking to a wall
  41. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: can you plz help me here im listening to you ash
  42. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: its why i left everything, i didn't want issues anymore, and i apologize to everyone too
  43. AshlaSnow: no apology will make up for what you did
  44. VengarlVilidiaSOUL: but thats what andre said i asked him if GOE is still on he didn't know said it was kinda dead
  45. VengarlVilidiaSOUL has left the chat
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