
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 19

Nov 30th, 2014
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  1. ''So, anyway, where you planning to eat?''
  2. >Ty grins at you and starts the car, the old black 320 rumbling to life
  3. >''There's this new place just at the edge of Slate. Ain't been there yet but I heard it's great.''
  4. ''What's it called?''
  5. >He shrugs in response as you cruise down the street
  6. >''Something like Fim and Fam's, Slim and Slam, whatever.''
  7. ''You mean those two guys who own the pawn shop?''
  8. >''Yeah, I guess. Anyway, place is brand new, man. Opened just last week.''
  9. ''So, heard anything else about it?''
  10. >You pull out a cigarette and put it in your mouth, making a flicking motion with your thumb
  11. >''Yeah, feel free. Anyway, from what I hear, they got fresh cider on tap.''
  12. >You make an appreciative noise and blow a smoke ring
  13. ''Hm. Alcoholic or nah?''
  14. >He shrugs in response while tapping on the sound system
  16. ''Shit man, why the Flocka?''
  17. >''Nigga, it's my car so it's my music.''
  18. ''Whatever. So, alcohol or no?''
  19. >''Chill man, we'll see, aight? You've got beer at home anyway.''
  20. ''Yeah, but you just don't walk in and order non-alc cider, man.''
  21. >''Why the fuck not?''
  22. ''It's juice, man. I ain't paying cash money for juice that don't even get me drunk if there's water instead.''
  23. >''Shiieet man, just lay off the drank for a while, okay? It won't kill ya.''
  24. ''Yeah, but I like being drunk. Sue me.''
  25. >''Man, if you don't have anything else to do, you could start hitting the gym again. I ain't seen you there in weeks.''
  26. ''Yeah, I know. Sorry.''
  27. >He scoffs with a smile on his face
  28. >''Yeah, better be. You know how boring shit gets without my main gymbro?''
  29. ''Yeah, I guess. Next week okay?''
  30. >''As long as you actually get your ass there, then yeah.''
  31. ''Sure, sure.''
  33. >The rest of the drive is filled with idle chatter, both of you planning the weekend
  34. >Despite being with your closest friend, you can't help but to feel uneasy, slightly worried even
  35. >And on top of that, you kind of miss Celestia
  37. >The first things to catch your attention about Flim and Flam's Flamed and Fried Finest Foods are the doors
  38. >Or, rather, the blue heart-shaped doorknob in the middle of the double glass doors
  39. ''Psst. Ty.''
  40. >''What's up?''
  41. ''You sure this place is legit and not just, well, some homo club?''
  42. >''What do you mean?''
  43. >You mutely point at the doors, and the heart-shaped monstrosity responsible for opening them
  44. >Ty chuckles and shakes his head, following you at a slow pace towards the entrance
  45. >''Yeah, I'm sure. As I said, they just got this place, so they haven't made that many changes yet.''
  46. ''Alright. But who'd put that kind of thing there? I mean, it's just so, so girly!''
  47. >''Don't know, don't care. Anon-''
  48. >He pushes open the doors and you file in, taking refuge from the November chill
  49. >''Don't you think you're overreacting, man? Like, just a bit? I mean, I ain't no faggot or anything, but they gotta have a place too, you know?''
  50. ''I'm not overreacting! If I go to a place like this, it's because I want to eat, not get ogled by some homo motherfucker!''
  51. >''Anon, chill out, man. Volume, aight?''
  52. ''Yeah. Sorry.''
  53. >Looking around at the clientele, you notice that most of the customers are casting hasty glances your way, murmuring silently
  54. >Whether it's from your outburst or the fact that your face looks fucked you don't know, but you don't want any attention
  55. >The clientele is, as expected, mostly High School kids, although there are some men and women who have the unmistakable look of factory workers
  56. ''So, uh, how's this work?''
  57. >''What do you mean?''
  58. ''Like, how do we order? This some fancy place?''
  59. >He shrugs and starts walking towards the counter currently manned by a mustachioed man with red hair
  60. >''Dunno. Why you so sketchy, anyway?''
  61. ''I don't know, okay? I just feel, like, worried.''
  62. >''About what?''
  63. >You shrug in response and lean up against the counter
  64. ''I don't know, man. I just don't want C blabbing to anybody.''
  65. >''Just chill, man. Roll with it.''
  66. >Your discussion is interrupted by the mustachioed man manning the counter
  67. >''Welcome to Flim and Flam's Flamed and Fried Finest Foods, where even-''
  68. ''Alright, thanks. Chicken and waffles, please. Is the cider alcoholic?''
  69. >He looks shocked for a moment, but soon regains his composure
  70. >''Why, I regret to inform you that the cider we currently have is not-''
  71. ''Alright, thanks. Corona, cap on, no lime, if you don't mind. How much is that?''
  72. >He is definitely starting to look annoyed, replying in a tense voice while Ty grins silently
  73. >''That'll be thirteen dollars exactly, 'sir'.''
  74. >''I'm paying, bro. I'll have the same, only with cider instead of beer. You-''
  75. >Ty turns towards you and points at a vacant booth
  76. >''Go claim the table. I got this.''
  77. ''Alright bro, thanks.''
  78. >You take off briskly, not wanting to spend more time with Flam than needed
  79. >Or was it Flim?
  80. >Whoever it was, he had fucked you on way too many trades in the pawnshop
  81. >Walking towards the booth, your eyes scan the room, admiring both the interior and some of the clients
  82. >Creamy beige walls and warm orange booth cushions combine to give the place a warm glow
  83. >As you take a seat on the soft cushion and relax, you continue your investigation
  84. >You don't see any faces you'd call familiar
  85. >Some of them have probably bought something or other from you, but you can't be sure
  86. >A few cursory glances aside, most of the clientele are now busy eating and talking amongst themselves
  87. >At least they're not paying much attention to the sliced-up homophobe in the corner booth
  88. >You're pretty satisfied with that, the less attention you get, the better
  89. >Sitting down with a heavy thud, Ty hands you your beer and takes a long gulp from the glass of apple cider in his hand
  90. ''Hey, thanks, man. You know, for paying and shit. How's the juice?''
  91. >Ty gives a theatric 'ahh' and puts his glass down with a satisfied smile
  92. >''It's damn good. You'll regret not ordering that shit, man. And hey, no problem. Least I can do.''
  93. >You pop the cap off with your lighter and take a long pull
  94. ''Yeah, but you know. Thanks. I mean, I still got cash, that ain't a problem, but getting robbed kinda put a dent in my budget.''
  95. >''The budget ain't the only thing dented, bro. How you get your face that fucked?''
  96. >You shrug and motion at the excess of bandages on your face
  97. ''Honestly, it's not that bad under them. Celestia just wanted to be on the safe side, I guess.''
  98. >Ty laughs and rubs his hands together
  99. >''Ooh, naughty nurse and teacher? Damn son, where do you find them?''
  100. >You give him a smirk and sip your beer
  101. ''In my kitchen, usually.''
  102. >A lavender-and-pink blur interrupts your conversation with a huge grin
  103. >''Two chick waffles?''
  104. >She can't be older than fifteen, and is currently balancing an obscene number of plates in her hands
  105. >''Yeah. Here, thank you.''
  106. >Ty interrupts your investigation into the waitress with a friendly smile
  107. ''Yeah. Uh. Thanks.''
  108. >She sets down your plates with an equally friendly grin
  109. >''Here you go, gentlemen. Bon App-''
  110. >She looks at your face with a mixture of shock and curiosity
  111. >''Ohmygod what happened to your face? Does it hurt?''
  112. >You try to wave her off with a nonchalant smile
  113. ''It's a long story, and it doesn't hurt that bad.''
  114. >''Are you sure? We have aspirin in the-''
  115. ''I'm fine. Now, don't you think you have some tables to see to?''
  116. >She dons a sheepish smile and apologizes
  117. >''Oh, right! Sorry. Heh. Rarity, that's my sister, always tells me I talk too much too.''
  118. >After a moment of awkwardness, she rockets off towards the next table, but not without giving you a final call of 'Enjoy!'
  119. ''Huh. That was weird. Anyway-''
  120. >You take your eyes off her fleeing form and turn back to your plate
  121. ''This sure smells good. There's just one thing I'm curious about.''
  122. >''What's that?''
  123. ''Why do the plates look burned?''
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