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#astralponies sunbutt

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Apr 18th, 2013
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  1. [20:12] <Van01> Alright, here we go then
  2. [20:13] * Van01 is now known as Celestia
  3. [20:13] * Celestia is now known as CelestiaSun
  4. [20:14] <CelestiaSun> Hello, I'm glad to be here today. As I'm sure you all are as well
  5. [20:14] <XSI> Welcome
  6. [20:14] <prot> Hello there
  7. [20:14] <XSI> I believe someone had a plan for this and organisational notes on questions. But I don't.
  8. [20:14] <XSI> Hows it going?
  9. [20:15] <CelestiaSun> Very good, i'm a bit worried about my student though.
  10. [20:16] <XSI> Is there something wrong?
  11. [20:17] <CelestiaSun> No, I just left her in charge of Canterlot while I am here. Luna will be helping her, however she's never had to deal with something like this.
  12. [20:17] <XSI> She's a smart pony, I'm sure she will do fine
  13. [20:17] <CelestiaSun> She very much is
  14. [20:18] <prot> are her task any different now that she 'ascended'?
  15. [20:18] <prot> *tasks
  16. [20:19] <CelestiaSun> No, not very. I want her to enjoy her time with her friends. Living life is one of the best experience builders. She has taken it upon herself to try to further Equestria's technological studies and has been doing a marvelous job of it.
  17. [20:20] <CelestiaSun> Every so often I do have a task for her and i've introduced her to various leaders and dignitaries from the other countries of our planet.
  18. [20:21] <XSI> That seems like a very nice way to spend time for her
  19. [20:22] <CelestiaSun> She's been enjoying it. She's always one to tackle a problem head on. Sometimes though I feel as if I have placed too great a burden on her, but she's more then happy to do it.
  20. [20:24] <CelestiaSun> Now, I have a question for you, if you wouldn't mind.
  21. [20:24] <XSI> Of course, all questions are welcome
  22. [20:24] <prot> we were informed that aside of answering our inquiries you have some questions for us as well. are we going to d that in a specific order?
  23. [20:24] <prot> oh
  24. [20:24] <prot> thats a hivemind
  25. [20:24] <prot> question answered and ready to answer
  26. [20:25] <CelestiaSun> I would like to know your plans for when and ever you manage to project to Equestria.
  27. [20:25] <XSI> I believe we all have our own personal plans
  28. [20:26] <XSI> Or, like me, no real plan. I mostly just plan on going there, and then I'll see what happens
  29. [20:27] <prot> when? it's hard to find an exact date since it doesn't always work out as planned
  30. [20:27] <XSI> That too. I do not know when I'll be able to project yet
  31. [20:27] <XSI> And many others have the same
  32. [20:28] <prot> even though i managed to project few times and enter equestria(everfree to be exact). i'm having a slight lockdown right now - health issues
  33. [20:28] <prot> can't say much about others
  34. [20:29] <XSI> At the risk of drawing the chat off-topic, I simply have not projected at all yet, for reasons I still am unsure of. Working on it though
  35. [20:29] <CelestiaSun> I see. All the same, I would just like to make sure that you follow proper etiquette should you ever manage to arrive.
  36. [20:29] <prot> as soon as i stop having cough attacks i should be ready to start again
  37. [20:30] <XSI> What is proper etiquette?
  38. [20:30] <XSI> I understand the words, of course, but for Equestria, specifically, I mean
  39. [20:30] <CelestiaSun> Being polite to ponies that you meet, trying not to stir up trouble.
  40. [20:31] <prot> thing is, we won't even end up in the very same equestria. proper behavior is eternal and omnipresent though, of course!
  41. [20:31] <XSI> We may end up in the same Equestria. I believe we could follow eachother or drag eachother there as well
  42. [20:31] <prot> i'd love to do so
  43. [20:31] <XSI> Polite and not causing issues seems fair, is there anything else we need to be aware of?
  44. [20:32] <prot> any taboos?
  45. [20:33] <CelestiaSun> I'm sure the various social conventions can easily be taught when you arrive. My subjects tend to be very friendly and open minded, so I'm sure you won't have any trouble making friends
  46. [20:35] <prot> haha, surely we learned a lot about friendship after all these years
  47. [20:35] <CelestiaSun> But as a starter. Touching of the head, particularly the ears of a pony is considered something only done between close friends or lovers. Please try to avoid that if you can, it can make ponies feel uncomfortable
  48. [20:36] <Whooves> oh snap i've been playing minecraft too long to realise celestia was here
  49. [20:36] <Whooves> Hello!
  50. [20:36] <CelestiaSun> Hello
  51. [20:36] <XSI> That is a good one to know. There is quite a lot of material out there that shows scratching behind the ears as a casual thing
  52. [20:36] <prot> hey there whoovsies, we're just starting
  53. [20:37] <CelestiaSun> Minecraft, Van has shown me that game. He is trying to build a very large house
  54. [20:37] <CelestiaSun> It's not a game that I could enjoy much i'm afraid. I like a game called Mario.
  55. [20:37] <Whooves> On a unrelated note to others, what can I do to stop being raided by others on a faction servers
  56. [20:38] <Whooves> Mario is a classic
  57. [20:38] <XSI> I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who didn't like Mario games
  58. [20:38] <prot> video games seem to be the biggest achievement van brought to equestria
  59. [20:38] <Whooves> i prefer Mario over SANIC
  60. [20:38] <XSI> They are a bit simple for my taste though
  61. [20:38] <prot> pinnacle of human research, final frontier
  62. [20:39] <prot> everypony he talks about seems to enjoy them
  63. [20:40] <CelestiaSun> Since you missed it, Mr. Whooves, could you please tell me what your plans are in Equestria?
  64. [20:41] <Whooves> To fit in.
  65. [20:41] <Whooves> I don't fit in here.
  66. [20:41] <Forge> wait what are you guys doing
  67. [20:41] <CelestiaSun> And why do you feel that way?
  68. [20:42] <Forge> >CelestiaSun
  69. [20:42] <Forge> plsno
  70. [20:42] <Whooves> I just don't fit in.
  71. [20:42] <prot> sssshhh
  72. [20:42] <XSI> I believe the original intent of the mlp astral projecting threads was to figure out a way to emigrate to Equestria
  73. [20:43] <CelestiaSun> So you have trouble making friends and believe that you would have an easier time in Equestria
  74. [20:43] <XSI> That is not possible with the way astral works though. Or at the very least very unlikely to work
  75. [20:43] <prot> some people came up with a plan to stay there permanantly, it didn't sound healthy
  76. [20:43] <prot> nor sane
  77. [20:43] <Whooves> Yes, Celestyia.
  78. [20:43] <Whooves> Celestia*
  79. [20:44] <Forge> well you can stay there forever in the astral
  80. [20:44] <Forge> but you have to die
  81. [20:44] <Whooves> >you have to die
  82. [20:44] <Whooves> well thats depressing lel
  83. [20:44] <XSI> And probably a bad idea
  84. [20:44] <prot> van brought this idea with tulpamantling once
  85. [20:45] <Forge> there is a lot of other problems associated with it to
  86. [20:45] <Forge> too*
  87. [20:45] <Forge> you have to be able to keep your current personality and mind intact after death
  88. [20:45] <Forge> as you start to merge with everything you have ever been before
  89. [20:45] <Forge> and eventually you become a blur of everyone else, and a new mind is born to cover it up
  90. [20:45] <Forge> then that mind is incarnated
  91. [20:46] <CelestiaSun> V: Yeah, didn't really get into that whole thing with them
  92. [20:47] <XSI> So, yeah. Attempting to actually move for any sort of permanence is a bad idea
  93. [20:48] <prot> this sounds literally like something from Elder Scrolls cosmology - Dreamsleeve soul recycling
  94. [20:48] <prot> and mantling
  95. [20:48] <prot> exvept you know
  96. [20:48] <prot> more real
  97. [20:49] <CelestiaSun> V: Moving on, i've got my own question for Celestia. Why exactly were you so keen on the idea of making Twilight an Alicorn?
  98. [20:51] <prot> so... not the best idea. there was a guy in the first thread wanting to leave his tulp/clone/puppet thingy here and go projecting indefinitely. but yeah, moving on
  99. [20:52] <CelestiaSun> I wanted to give her the gift. I saw the light within when she had her magical explosion. However it required a full understanding of leadership.
  100. [20:52] <Whooves> Celestia
  101. [20:52] <Whooves>
  102. [20:52] <Whooves> Is any of this true?
  103. [20:53] <Forge> my god this chat makes me want to an hero
  104. [20:54] <XSI> Don't look at me, I just want to take a good look at the tourism business in there
  105. [20:54] <XSI> Maybe a library if it turns out we use the same language
  106. [20:54] <XSI> (Though the idea of pony friends is oddly appealing)
  107. [20:55] <CelestiaSun> My thoughts so far. I did not train Starswirl
  108. [20:56] <CelestiaSun> Star Swirl was an inspiration, but he did everything on his own. I didn't want, or rather couldn't give him the gift
  109. [20:57] <CelestiaSun> I think that is why he tried to develop his spell. To give him self the spark required for ascension.
  110. [20:58] <Whooves> Ah.
  111. [20:58] <Whooves> Okay.
  112. [20:59] * Codifier (~Conscious@84E88D8A.79776E0F.3D3C5362.IP) has joined #astralponies
  113. [20:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Codifier
  114. [20:59] <prot> here we go
  115. [20:59] <@Codifier> Celestia's here!
  116. [20:59] <CelestiaSun> Yes, hello
  117. [21:00] * @Codifier (~Conscious@84E88D8A.79776E0F.3D3C5362.IP) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  118. [21:01] * Codifier (~Conscious@84E88D8A.79776E0F.3D3C5362.IP) has joined #astralponies
  119. [21:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Codifier
  120. [21:01] <XSI> A question for you then, what do you think of getting astral visitors?
  121. [21:02] <CelestiaSun> I think that it is an interesting opportunity.
  122. [21:03] <prot> multiversal alliance, that's something
  123. [21:03] <CelestiaSun> I would enjoy spreading the knowledge of friendship as well as learning of new cultures. Equestria is always open to new ideas
  124. [21:03] <XSI> Earth sure can use some friendshi[
  125. [21:03] <XSI> p
  126. [21:04] <CelestiaSun> As for the rest of the video, I would say that it seems to fall in line with my thinking.
  127. [21:05] <Forge> tfw
  128. [21:05] <@Codifier> Video?
  129. [21:05] <Forge> fake ponies
  130. [21:05] <Forge> acting as if they are powerful beings
  131. [21:05] <@Codifier> You can't know they're fake either way :P
  132. [21:05] <Forge> deities
  133. [21:05] <@Codifier> >tfw you pretend you're a powerful "deity"
  134. [21:06] <Forge> i dont pretend shit nigger
  135. [21:06] <@Codifier> You are REAL and LEGIT
  136. [21:06] <XSI> Codifier, Whooves linked this:
  137. [21:06] <prot> let's stop having fun right
  138. [21:06] <CelestiaSun> I do not make myself out to be a god. I'm sorry if i've upset you.
  139. [21:08] <XSI> So, what's the latest news from Equestria? Latest big happening?
  140. [21:09] <CelestiaSun> The latest thing would be a visit from the Griffon King, Gelbrich
  141. [21:09] <Forge> cant wait to find this one
  142. [21:09] <Forge> purification by fire
  143. [21:10] <CelestiaSun> I had to quickly fetch My student and her friends for the banquet that we had to prepare. He arrived unannounced.
  144. [21:10] <@Codifier> How does your mane work? ( '-')
  145. [21:11] <@Codifier> An emergency?
  146. [21:11] <CelestiaSun> Magic. *wink*
  147. [21:11] <prot> aww
  148. [21:11] <CelestiaSun> I wasn't expecting him for another few days
  149. [21:12] <prot> where's his kingdom located? east from equestria?
  150. [21:12] <CelestiaSun> He did it because he wanted to test us, how prepared we were for a sudden invasion
  151. [21:12] <CelestiaSun> We weren't up to his standards, but Equestria hasn't been a country ready for war in hundreds of years
  152. [21:12] * Azathoth ( has joined #astralponies
  153. [21:13] <CelestiaSun> Yes it is located across the sea
  154. [21:13] <Azathoth> Hi everypone. Or should I say Astral angel super soldier fighter master blaster?
  155. [21:13] <XSI> Hi Azathoth, you're just in time to talk to Celestia
  156. [21:13] <@Codifier> What?
  157. [21:13] <prot> uhhhh
  158. [21:13] <CelestiaSun> Just for you prot, I shall give a proper explaination
  159. [21:14] <Azathoth> oh really? Who did she posess? And what questions have already been asked/answered since I don't want to waste her time or anything.
  160. [21:14] <XSI> Hundreds of years without war? We can barely go a month without
  161. [21:14] <CelestiaSun> Van: That would be me Azathoth
  162. [21:14] <Azathoth> Aww, good to hear.
  163. [21:15] <prot> we've got not-to-scale map somewhere, i think
  164. [21:15] <Azathoth> So then, Celestia- I assume you know about this Astral plane business. How many ponies know about it? What about Twilight Sparkle? Is it a secret or only an obscure factoid used by scholars and such? First question off the top of my head, sorry if it's been answered before.
  165. [21:15] <@Codifier>
  166. [21:15] <@Codifier> This one?
  167. [21:16] <CelestiaSun> My mane is how it is because of my mana reserves. It causes the hair to take on aspects of my talent. Once a unicorn's mana reaches a certain point, this effect manifests.
  168. [21:16] <@Codifier> Any unicorn?
  169. [21:16] <CelestiaSun> Twilight should be reaching that point soon
  170. [21:16] <Azathoth> Isn't she an Alicorn now, or some shit?
  171. [21:17] <prot> that's the one
  172. [21:17] <Azathoth> I haven't watched the show since (season 2)
  173. [21:17] <CelestiaSun> In theory, but I have never seen a unicorn that had that much mana.
  174. [21:17] <CelestiaSun> Yes Azathoth, my student is an Alicorn now
  175. [21:17] <prot> mana? it's seriously called that way?
  176. [21:18] <Azathoth> Ahh. Well anyway, could you answer my earlier question? Sorry if it was a bit long.
  177. [21:18] <@Codifier> What would be a better thing to call it?
  178. [21:18] <CelestiaSun> Yes, mana is what a unicorn uses to cast magic.
  179. [21:18] <Azathoth> It just seems the people of Equestria would be more open minded about AP then us hoomens.
  180. [21:18] <CelestiaSun> It is not a secret Azathoth
  181. [21:19] <Forge> invite me back when the roleplay is over
  182. [21:19] * Forge ( has left #astralponies
  183. [21:19] <Azathoth> Ahh.
  184. [21:19] <Azathoth> Also Forge has the right idea ;)
  185. [21:19] <prot> not surprising since wizardry is a bit more common there
  186. [21:19] <XSI> Celestia: In case you didn't catch the hints, Forge dislikes ponies
  187. [21:19] <CelestiaSun> It isn't practiced unfortunatly
  188. [21:19] <CelestiaSun> So i've seen and heard from Van
  189. [21:20] <CelestiaSun> We have already taken measures in case of any hostile arrivals
  190. [21:20] <prot> experienced guy, just not very sociable
  191. [21:20] <prot> nor fond of ponies
  192. [21:20] <Azathoth> Haha, glad to hear. He sounds like a pretty good guy.
  193. [21:20] <@Codifier> And perhaps just over the edge of insanity
  194. [21:21] <Azathoth> OH
  195. [21:21] <XSI> Insanity is a funny word
  196. [21:21] <Azathoth> And another question for our royal vistor.
  197. [21:21] <Azathoth> You don't need to answer this if you don't want, but I'm going to ask anyway.
  198. [21:21] <Azathoth> How's your sex life?
  199. [21:21] <XSI> I knew that topic would come up
  200. [21:21] <Azathoth> ;)
  201. [21:21] <XSI> How long did it last? Next time we should get a betting pool going
  202. [21:22] <prot> hey it was corr's question
  203. [21:22] <Azathoth> lel. Wondering if we'll get an answer.
  204. [21:22] <prot> ehhh
  205. [21:23] <Azathoth> A polite 'fuck off' would be perfectly fine. Just gotta hear it from the lady herself ;)
  206. [21:23] <CelestiaSun> Well, I suppose that question was inevitable. To be frank, it is unfortunately rather bare. While I am sure I could find anyone to bed me, I don't want them to do so out of obligation to me as Princess
  207. [21:23] <Azathoth> Oh, how cute. Why not with a hunky Astral traveler? ;) Just kidding. Thanks for answering anyway.
  208. [21:23] <prot> oh dear
  209. [21:24] <XSI> Well
  210. [21:24] <XSI> Since we're on the topic
  211. [21:24] <Azathoth> Oh shi-
  212. [21:24] <XSI> Oh, it was asked already
  213. [21:24] <XSI> Do you get those questions a lot?
  214. [21:25] <XSI> Or was it just obvious this chat would ask?
  215. [21:25] <prot> oh, and now for the non-private stuff - how's your stalker-ish fan club doing?
  216. [21:25] <CelestiaSun> Interviews are not something I am unuse to and it has come up in some of the more risque magazines.
  217. [21:26] <Azathoth> Haha, that's hillarious.
  218. [21:26] <XSI> So, what do you look for in a stallion? ( :P )
  219. [21:27] <Azathoth> Stallions are too small for a girl like her. She needs horses. Or maybe a rather well hung human. Not that I'm offering, I'm a faggot so I'm not coming on to you or anything, Princess.
  220. [21:27] <Azathoth> *Pony stallions
  221. [21:27] <CelestiaSun> They are doing fine. Hopefully I won't have to throw them in the dungeon the next time they try something.
  222. [21:27] <@Codifier> How did we get to this ( '-')
  223. [21:27] <XSI> Well, there WAS that image on 4chan comparing human and pony 'sizes'
  224. [21:28] <XSI> ...Probably not the topic to discus with royalty though
  225. [21:28] <XSI> Or really, anyone
  226. [21:28] <Azathoth> All my fault, mwhahaha!
  227. [21:28] <@Codifier> I've seen a couple of those that differ somewhat
  228. [21:28] <prot> how about we get a question to get away fo
  229. [21:28] <CelestiaSun> My ideal stallion would probably be one that is brash, isn't afraid to pull on my mane and appreciates a good joke.
  230. [21:28] <prot> from going even more downhill?*
  231. [21:29] <XSI> I fail to see how this is downhill :p
  232. [21:29] <@Codifier> I'm sure you've NEVER been asked this before, but how old are you? :D
  233. [21:29] <XSI> Isn't it rude to ask that from a lady?
  234. [21:30] <CelestiaSun> Ofcourse, never. But for the record I am 3175.
  235. [21:30] <CelestiaSun> Van: That's quite a bit older then I thought she was.
  236. [21:30] <Azathoth> Looking good for being 3175.
  237. [21:30] <XSI> Now I have two things to say in response to that, so I'll just say both
  238. [21:30] <XSI> 1. That's a long time to be lonely. *wink*
  239. [21:31] <XSI> 2. How did Equestria do before that?
  240. [21:31] <XSI> Feel free to ignore me, I didn't sleep last night
  241. [21:32] <@Codifier> Sleep is for the weak
  242. [21:32] <@Codifier> Just replace your blood with caffeine
  243. [21:32] <CelestiaSun> I wasn't always lonely, I use to have quite a fun time in my first thousand years of life. It's only been recent years that i have, abstained.
  244. [21:33] <CelestiaSun> For the second question, what exactly do you mean?
  245. [21:33] <Azathoth> I think he means, how did the pony's manage before that without you?
  246. [21:33] <Azathoth> To run Equestria, of course.
  247. [21:33] <XSI> Well, yeah
  248. [21:34] <XSI> From Twilight, we heard Equestria was a fair bit older than 3000 years
  249. [21:34] <CelestiaSun> They had a system set up.
  250. [21:34] <CelestiaSun> It worked wonderfully
  251. [21:34] <Azathoth> What about the sun and the moon? Wild and untamed before you, or did you take up the mantle from another being who controlled it before.
  252. [21:34] <CelestiaSun> The sun and the moon use to be raised and lowered by a group of one hundred Unicorns
  253. [21:35] <XSI> How was growing up? Had a normal...What's it called, foalhood?
  254. [21:36] <CelestiaSun> I tried to adapt most of the old system over after it was insisted that My sister and I ruled.
  255. [21:36] <CelestiaSun> As normal as can be, I grew up in the final years before Discord's eventual rule
  256. [21:36] <prot> now just to bring some thoughts from me - you've talked about those interviews and recent matters and it seems like modern times are quite different for you. things change, ponies change and the sisters remain. are you treated any different now? is the divinity and royalty as important for citizens as in the times before? do you feel you fit in the very present times? sorry about rambling, i like to find meaning in simple words or statement
  257. [21:37] <CelestiaSun> While we remain, I've tried to keep up with the times as much as possible. Old thinking would just hold ponies back. I've had to be just as if not more adaptive then my subjects.
  258. [21:38] <CelestiaSun> I think the way that we are treated though has remained much the same
  259. [21:39] <Azathoth> So why don't you Astral Project your way out of Equestria? Even if just for a vacation
  260. [21:40] <prot> pretty sure there's a lot of things o do as a ruler
  261. [21:40] <CelestiaSun> I have actually, I've visited a few other worlds, even this world before.
  262. [21:40] <CelestiaSun> But I can never stay for long
  263. [21:40] <prot> like... recently?
  264. [21:40] <CelestiaSun> as Prot has pointed out, I am almost always needed
  265. [21:40] <XSI> Want to play chess sometime?
  266. [21:41] <XSI> (That's my lack of sleep talking, feel free to ignore)
  267. [21:41] <CelestiaSun> No, as in a few years ago. Which is a bit odd to think about, as the show you enjoy wasn't around then.
  268. [21:41] <Azathoth> Smells like bullshit.
  269. [21:41] <CelestiaSun> I would love to play Chess XSI, it's a favorite passtime of mine
  270. [21:41] <XSI> Sweet
  271. [21:42] <Azathoth> Wouldn't their be 'proof' of these Astral Travelers all over our world then?
  272. [21:42] <Azathoth> Hmph.
  273. [21:42] <prot> what's the proof?
  274. [21:42] <XSI> The thing with astral is that we can't really prove it using our existing science
  275. [21:43] <CelestiaSun> Van: I would say that most astral beings are likely misinterpreted as ghosts
  276. [21:43] <CelestiaSun> I also never made contact with any humans here, only observed
  277. [21:44] <Azathoth> Wanna astral right in front of me now to prove it's real? lel
  278. [21:44] <Azathoth> No but please, carry on.
  279. [21:44] <XSI> Pretty sure a majority of humans wouldn't be nice to you anyway
  280. [21:44] <XSI> Or ignore you thinking it's an hallucination
  281. [21:45] <XSI> Some people are really deep into their idea of there not being anything out there aside from what their eyes see
  282. [21:46] <CelestiaSun> I think now would be a good time for another question from myself
  283. [21:46] <CelestiaSun> How many friends do all of you have?
  284. [21:46] <XSI> Uh
  285. [21:46] <XSI> Define friend?
  286. [21:47] <CelestiaSun> Companion, someone you spend time with and around, have fun with and connected on a personal level
  287. [21:47] <XSI> Does it count if it's over the internet?
  288. [21:47] <Azathoth> I have a primary 5-6 that I hang out with every weekend or so. My roommate is also a 'friend', even if he gets on my fucking nerves. Which is to be expected.
  289. [21:48] <CelestiaSun> I would say that as long as you actually talk and the conversation is meaningful, then yes
  290. [21:48] <Azathoth> I go over to their apartment, where like 3 of them live. Then like 4-5 more come over for the weekend and we chill and play video games and sheeet.
  291. [21:48] <XSI> Oh, then it's probably something between 3 and 5
  292. [21:49] <prot> 6 of those who i talk to on daily basis
  293. [21:49] <CelestiaSun> I see. That is good to hear
  294. [21:49] <Azathoth> >Having friends
  295. [21:49] <prot> there are some people dear to me that i can only meet once in a while
  296. [21:50] <prot> friends from the past
  297. [21:50] <Azathoth> >Not using Astral powers to create armies to shatter reality and control ever universe at once
  298. [21:50] <Azathoth> >Shig le dig
  299. [21:50] <prot> we have good relations, but the distance doesn't make easy
  300. [21:51] <XSI> The thing I've found here is that offline, people are dicks and not the kind of type you want to be friends with. But over the internet people try to be nice, at least
  301. [21:51] <prot> isn't that the other way around?
  302. [21:51] <CelestiaSun> Van: Odd, i've encountered the exact opposite. Online people tend to think that their actions don't have consequence.
  303. [21:52] <prot> well i'm trying to be kind most on the time no matter what
  304. [21:52] <XSI> One would think so, but my experience says otherwise
  305. [21:52] <XSI> Of course there are dicks online, but they're less annoying than the dicks offline
  306. [21:52] <CelestiaSun> Van: That's because you aren't bombarded with the other parts of the conversation
  307. [21:53] <CelestiaSun> Van: The sound, the body language
  308. [21:53] <XSI> Or because you can just add them to a filter online, I suppose
  309. [21:53] <Azathoth> SO CELESTIA; HOW'S YOUR SISTER?!
  310. [21:53] <CelestiaSun> Ah, the question I've been waiting to have asked
  311. [21:53] <CelestiaSun> She's very good, much better then she was in her first year back
  312. [21:54] <XSI> I know you probably hear it a lot, but Luna is pretty cute.
  313. [21:54] <prot> q
  314. [21:54] <prot> *misclick
  315. [21:54] <CelestiaSun> She's has been interacting more with the public and I dare say that she hasn't had to suffer the stigma that I have
  316. [21:54] <XSI> (Lack of sleep probably talking, feel free to ignore me)
  317. [21:55] <prot> i'll be back in 10 minutes
  318. [21:55] <CelestiaSun> I have heard many of the staff say the same XSI
  319. [21:55] <CelestiaSun> I wouldn't be surprised if she has had many ask her on a date.
  320. [21:56] <XSI> So, which of you is more popular with the gentlecolts?
  321. [21:56] <@Codifier> Cue d'awws
  322. [21:56] <XSI> ...Wow, I'm blunt today
  323. [21:56] <XSI> My apologies
  324. [21:56] <@Codifier> XSI, you just need anti-sleep juice
  325. [21:56] <CelestiaSun> no, don't. It's much refreshing compared to everything I usually have to deal with
  326. [21:57] <XSI> Okay then
  327. [21:57] <XSI> I think we may have scared Twilight away a bit with how blunt we were
  328. [21:57] <XSI> So, yeah. Wasn't sure if it was a good idea
  329. [21:57] <CelestiaSun> I can't say which of us is more popular. Likely myself, but only because I have been with the Kingdom for much longer
  330. [21:58] <CelestiaSun> Luna is, new. The modern world has forgotten about her and the only thing left are the stories that I let pass to act as guides for when Luna would be returned to me
  331. [21:59] <XSI> Oh, stories
  332. [21:59] <XSI> Of course, are there any interesting pony cultural things you want to share?
  333. [21:59] <CelestiaSun> Cultural stories or history?
  334. [22:00] <XSI> History is a part of culture, so
  335. [22:00] <XSI> Your favourite cultural bit?
  336. [22:01] <CelestiaSun> My favorite fable then.
  337. [22:01] <XSI> That sounds like it would be interesting
  338. [22:05] <Azathoth> Hold on, the neckbeard pretending to be a character from a kids show is googling fables and trying to adapt one to pony lore. Just give him a minute.
  339. [22:06] <prot> >implying van's a neckbeard
  340. [22:06] <XSI> I wouldn't be surprised if it was something very close to a human fable. The show seems to show a lot of human-analogies anyway
  341. [22:06] <CelestiaSun> Van: No, from what I'm getting from her, it doesn't sound anything like a fable, just a few verses
  342. [22:08] <CelestiaSun> We stand against the dark, our candles our blade. Never let the fires of friendship die, for it shall light the way.
  343. [22:08] * Whooves ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  344. [22:09] <CelestiaSun> Van: It's seriously just that, but it feels like there is something else that I just can't interpret properly
  345. [22:09] <@Codifier> Maybe let her type it?
  346. [22:10] <CelestiaSun> Van: Sorry, i've got to take a break. Dogs need played with and I need food
  347. [22:10] <prot> it reminds me or something
  348. [22:11] <XSI> Hearts Warming Eve thing, maybe?
  349. [22:11] <prot> probably just a familiar feeling and not anything specific
  350. [22:11] <prot> i liked that episode
  351. [22:11] <CelestiaSun> It does seem to do with Hearth's warming eve
  352. [22:11] <prot> namesake
  353. [22:11] <CelestiaSun> That heart thing, it is called the Fire of Friendship
  354. [22:12] <CelestiaSun> Van: Ah, that was me by the way, not Celestia
  355. [22:12] <CelestiaSun> Van: But seriously. I'll be back in just a sec
  356. [22:12] <prot> hearth as in hearthfire
  357. [22:12] <prot> oh right
  358. [22:13] <prot> power keeping home together
  359. [22:13] * Foxxxy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  360. [22:13] * Foxxxy ( has joined #astralponies
  361. [22:14] <XSI> Pretty nice
  362. [22:14] <prot> fire that can be lit when it has to be
  363. [22:15] <prot> as small as in candle, az powerful as fireplace
  364. [22:15] <prot> for it resides in one's heart
  365. [22:15] <prot> the biggest power of them all
  366. [22:16] <prot> why did i write that oh man
  367. [22:16] <prot> im having a funny mood today
  368. [22:16] <XSI> I think Russian folklore has stuff like that
  369. [22:16] <prot> absolutely cozy
  370. [22:16] <@Codifier> Lol
  371. [22:17] <prot> there are some similar things in poland and ukraine too, i'm pretty sure
  372. [22:17] <prot> can't find the exact tale
  373. [22:17] <prot> slavs win again, confirmed for closest to ponies
  374. [22:17] * smutsy (~yaaic@A667ECDE.E322F9D8.6E1FA383.IP) has joined #astralponies
  375. [22:17] <smutsy> Bam
  376. [22:18] <prot> hello there
  377. [22:18] <XSI> Hi
  378. [22:18] <smutsy> Hello
  379. [22:18] <smutsy> Btw is there anything happening at 1 am tonight
  380. [22:19] <prot> IT'S HAPPENING
  381. [22:19] <prot> literally
  382. [22:19] <@Codifier> But Van went to take a break
  383. [22:20] <prot> brace yourself then
  384. [22:20] <smutsy> What's happening?
  385. [22:20] <prot> who's your favourite pony princess man
  386. [22:20] <@Whoovsies> I want to ask Celestia a question.
  387. [22:20] <@Whoovsies> 2
  388. [22:20] <@Whoovsies> Lelelelelel
  389. [22:21] <smutsy> Still don't have those crystals
  390. [22:21] <XSI> We should
  391. [22:21] <XSI> Link her our OCs
  392. [22:21] <XSI> And ask opinions
  393. [22:21] <XSI> On looks and such
  394. [22:21] <prot> i aint gonna be no pony
  395. [22:22] <@Whoovsies> I'm going to ask what she thinks of people going to EQ
  396. [22:22] <smutsy> .....
  397. [22:22] <prot> though she sounds pretty cool, i wanna go to her equestria
  398. [22:22] <smutsy> .................................!!?
  399. [22:22] <@Codifier> Autism is a fun thing to show interdimensional 3000-year-old princesses
  400. [22:22] <@Whoovsies> And are ponies good at AP?
  401. [22:22] <@Whoovsies> I KNOW.
  402. [22:22] <@Codifier> They have a spell to do it if need by
  403. [22:22] <@Codifier> *be
  404. [22:22] <@Whoovsies> How easy is that then?
  405. [22:23] <@Codifier> Idk, ask Twilight
  406. [22:23] <@Codifier> You can actually go there S:I
  407. [22:23] <smutsy> Whoovsies I still don't have your crystals yet
  408. [22:23] <XSI> Whoovsies: That was asked
  409. [22:23] <XSI> What she thinks of people astralling to her place
  410. [22:23] <XSI> What I plan on asking is what she thinks of people astralling to her place in pony form
  411. [22:23] <prot> dunno, doesn't van hold the 'keys' there?
  412. [22:24] <@Whoovsies> Xsi that was my backup
  413. [22:24] <@Whoovsies> fuku
  414. [22:24] <smutsy> Aha
  415. [22:25] <prot> pretty sure i wouldn't be able to enter that speific plane without somekind of his permission
  416. [22:25] <@Codifier> Why?
  417. [22:25] <@Codifier> It's not his reality
  418. [22:25] <@Codifier> We just call it "his" because that's really the only way to distinguish it in any good way
  419. [22:25] <smutsy> Whoovsies: me no have your crystals
  420. [22:26] <prot> i should probably ask celestia to keep me in memory for finding a way there
  421. [22:26] * Effendil (cgiirc@33699002.AE1EFA61.E99DFCBB.IP) has joined #astralponies
  422. [22:26] <Effendil> Hi
  423. [22:26] <XSI> Hi
  424. [22:26] <smutsy> Hey
  425. [22:26] <Effendil> How are you ?
  426. [22:26] <prot> solidfying business is pretty much solved then too
  427. [22:27] <smutsy> Good you
  428. [22:27] <prot> having a lot of fun
  429. [22:27] * smutsy (~yaaic@A667ECDE.E322F9D8.6E1FA383.IP) Quit (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -
  430. [22:27] <Effendil> ah ? What's fun ?
  431. [22:27] <prot> multiversal dialogues are
  432. [22:28] <prot> wait a while as van gets back
  433. [22:28] <Effendil> Gosh, I want to hear that story.
  434. [22:28] <prot> it's a pretty...
  435. [22:28] <prot> ...ongoing story
  436. [22:29] <Effendil> And you were with him, I guess ?
  437. [22:31] <prot> oh hush, he'll be back soon and you'll know what's up
  438. [22:31] <XSI> See the user list
  439. [22:31] <XSI> >Celestia
  440. [22:31] <Effendil> Alright, I'm too impatient.
  441. [22:32] <Effendil> Celestia is here ?
  442. [22:32] <XSI> On break right now
  443. [22:33] <prot> it's complicated
  444. [22:33] <@Codifier> Or waiting for Van to come back
  445. [22:33] <Effendil> It may be the night in Equestria :P
  446. [22:33] <prot> she's here though
  447. [22:34] <XSI> Heh
  448. [22:34] <XSI> So in a sense
  449. [22:34] <XSI> We're all... 'spending the night' with her :P
  450. [22:34] <prot> as in our reality, van's getting mantled so we can have fun interviewing 3000 years old entities
  451. [22:34] <prot> oh god
  452. [22:34] <@Codifier> Mantled?
  453. [22:35] <prot> i mean (semi)possessed
  454. [22:35] <@Whoovsies> I know my question.
  455. [22:36] <prot> possession sounds a bit negative here
  456. [22:36] <Effendil> 3000 years ?
  457. [22:36] <Effendil> Who are they ?
  458. [22:36] <XSI> 3175
  459. [22:36] <XSI> Apparently
  460. [22:36] <XSI> (I would lose track somewhere in the 2000s)
  461. [22:37] <@Codifier> Which is weird
  462. [22:37] <@Codifier> I thought Equestria was just over 1000 years old
  463. [22:37] <@Codifier> But I guess not
  464. [22:38] <XSI> You missed 2 zeroes
  465. [22:38] <XSI> Twi mentioned something of 100,000+
  466. [22:39] <@Codifier> Ohhhh
  467. [22:39] <Effendil> Holy...
  468. [22:39] <XSI> Or something
  469. [22:39] <@Codifier> I thought she was talking about the planet itself
  470. [22:39] <XSI> I think that's just how their world came into being
  471. [22:39] <XSI> *probably* no evolution
  472. [22:39] <XSI> We should ask that, actually
  473. [22:39] <@Codifier> That sounds really weird
  474. [22:40] <Effendil> So we have to wait Van01
  475. [22:40] <@Whoovsies> Ping me when Celestia is back.
  476. [22:40] <Effendil> Okay Whoovsies
  477. [22:40] <CelestiaSun> back
  478. [22:41] <Effendil> Hello, princess Celestia
  479. [22:41] * prot ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  480. [22:41] <CelestiaSun> Van: Sorry that took so long
  481. [22:41] <@Codifier> It was only like 10 minutes
  482. [22:41] * prot ( has joined #astralponies
  483. [22:41] <Effendil> Not a problem
  484. [22:41] <@Codifier> Just in time, prot
  485. [22:41] <prot> got d/c'd
  486. [22:41] <CelestiaSun> Van: Really? Seemed like more, guess I was just lost in thought
  487. [22:41] <prot> for a moment
  488. [22:42] <Effendil> The time flow.
  489. [22:42] <XSI> Welcome back
  490. [22:43] <XSI> It was 30 minutes
  491. [22:43] <CelestiaSun> Van: I'm not really possessed. She's just in the room and speaking to me and I'm typing what she says. Unfortunately that can sometimes get mixed up
  492. [22:43] <prot> oh
  493. [22:43] <prot> alright
  494. [22:43] <Effendil> She's busy i guess so ?
  495. [22:43] <prot> you tried this last time thoughright?
  496. [22:44] <CelestiaSun> Van: Yeah, I had Twilight possess me, it allowed for faster responses
  497. [22:44] <XSI> I think a bunch of people had new questions
  498. [22:44] <XSI> But I already forgot mine
  499. [22:44] <CelestiaSun> Van: I COULD allow Celestia to do the same, but god, she is intense
  500. [22:44] <prot> top lel
  501. [22:45] <Effendil> intense, you mean she's too powerful to handle ?
  502. [22:45] <prot> alright, do we start again?
  503. [22:46] <XSI> I was going to make a 'too sexy' song lyric joke there, but I can't remember the lyrics to that one
  504. [22:46] <Effendil> My body is ready.
  505. [22:46] <XSI> So, questions?
  506. [22:47] <XSI> What do you think of Earth so far?
  507. [22:47] <@Codifier> Is she reading these straight off the screen, or are you repeating the questions to her?
  508. [22:48] <Effendil> Hmm, more seriously also: How it feels to be on Earth in astral projection ?
  509. [22:48] <CelestiaSun> Van: sorry, I had to take care of something
  510. [22:49] <CelestiaSun> Van: I repeat the questions
  511. [22:49] <Effendil> Whoovsies.
  512. [22:49] <Effendil> I forgot to ping him, sorry.
  513. [22:50] <CelestiaSun> Your Earth is beautiful, though there is quite a lot of destruction done to it
  514. [22:50] <@Whoovsies> Welcome back
  515. [22:50] <prot> we see
  516. [22:50] <XSI> That sounds about right
  517. [22:50] <@Whoovsies> Silly Effendil
  518. [22:51] <Effendil> She talks just now
  519. [22:51] <@Whoovsies> Celestia, have you ever been vulgar in front of your subjects before
  520. [22:51] <Effendil> I swear.
  521. [22:51] <CelestiaSun> In the last thousand years? No.
  522. [22:51] * Prototypesnipe_ ( has joined #astralponies
  523. [22:51] <Effendil> How it feels to be at Earth in astral projection ?
  524. [22:52] <CelestiaSun> In my earlier years, I can't say that I haven't slipped and done something that ponies might have found improper
  525. [22:52] <XSI> Well, don't hold back here, we're okay with vulgar
  526. [22:52] * abadual ( has joined #astralponies
  527. [22:52] <CelestiaSun> Van: sorry guys, i'll be back. Got to take care of something else
  528. [22:52] <@Whoovsies> guh
  529. [22:53] <@Whoovsies> If only Celestia could type without possessing Van
  530. [22:53] <abadual> hey guys, i have a quick question. im ussaly an open guy to accept things, but travveling between universe and LIVING their... is that actually real
  531. [22:53] <prot> cake incident :x
  532. [22:54] * Azathoth ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  533. [22:54] <Effendil> I don't think she's possessing him
  534. [22:54] <prot> yeah man, it gets understandable after a while
  535. [22:54] <Effendil> He said before he tips her answer.
  536. [22:55] <@Codifier> Abadual, that's the idea
  537. [22:55] <@Codifier> Try it and see if it works
  538. [22:55] <CelestiaSun> Van: Back
  539. [22:55] <abadual> wow ...... this just seems too good to be true
  540. [22:55] <@Codifier> You have to AP first
  541. [22:55] <@Codifier> Which can vary from extremely difficult to extremely easy
  542. [22:55] <prot> its not a permanent travel thougj
  543. [22:55] <@Codifier> Theoretically it could be
  544. [22:56] <@Codifier> Unless you don't follow metaphysics
  545. [22:56] <CelestiaSun> Effendil, I'm not sure how to answer this question
  546. [22:56] <XSI> Hey
  547. [22:56] <XSI> Good idea
  548. [22:56] <prot> stick around here abadual, there's something special going on in here
  549. [22:56] <abadual> its funny, i used to not belive a single thing about metaphysics, but i have become so uch more inviting to it
  550. [22:56] <XSI> We could ask her if she has tips for AP
  551. [22:57] <@Codifier> >tfw she just repeats everything you've heard before
  552. [22:57] <prot> >omg read the fucking sticky
  553. [22:57] <@Codifier> ...?
  554. [22:57] <XSI> Hey
  555. [22:57] <prot> :^) nevermind
  556. [22:58] <CelestiaSun> Unfortunately I'm not sure I could be of much help. My Astral Travels are done by a spell. I could tell you how to get use to being in the astral
  557. [22:58] <XSI> Either she has advice that helps
  558. [22:58] <XSI> Or it doesnt hurt
  559. [22:58] <Effendil> Hmm, how could ponies project themself here, I'm just wondering...
  560. [22:58] <@Codifier> If we grew horns we could try it~
  561. [22:58] <@Codifier> Hm
  562. [22:58] <XSI> Well, as nice as that would be, getting into astral is the difficult thing
  563. [22:58] <@Codifier> Actually, you know, it's suggested that our universe does have a very subtle form of magic
  564. [22:58] <@Codifier> It's entirely possible that the spell could have some effect here, with some modification
  565. [22:59] <XSI> I'd say that would be worth a try
  566. [22:59] <prot> so would you be happy to have more astral guests in equestria?
  567. [22:59] * Effendil (cgiirc@33699002.AE1EFA61.E99DFCBB.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  568. [22:59] * Effendil (cgiirc@33699002.AE1EFA61.E99DFCBB.IP) has joined #astralponies
  569. [22:59] <CelestiaSun> I wouldn't mind having more guests as long as they were behaved.
  570. [23:00] <Effendil> I was lagging, sorry
  571. [23:00] <prot> i'll be ready to go this week(end) and having someone remember/wait you would help a lot
  572. [23:00] * Forge ( has joined #astralponies
  573. [23:00] <prot> wait for*
  574. [23:00] <XSI> I try to get into astral daily
  575. [23:00] <XSI> So, it's a matter of time before it works
  576. [23:00] <Effendil> How could ponies learn to astral project themself here ?
  577. [23:00] <Forge> still rp?
  578. [23:00] <XSI> Forge: They're still here
  579. [23:00] <Forge> still rp
  580. [23:00] <prot> yep
  581. [23:00] * Forge ( has left #astralponies
  582. [23:00] <Effendil> Go out, Forge.
  583. [23:00] <prot> heh
  584. [23:01] <XSI> Again, Forge doesn't like ponies
  585. [23:01] <CelestiaSun> Effendil, I found this place by accident years ago. I never expected to have someone from here show up
  586. [23:01] * Prototypesnipe_ ( Quit
  587. [23:02] <prot> >inb4 princess's a reason show has started
  588. [23:02] * Prototypesnipe_ ( has joined #astralponies
  589. [23:02] <CelestiaSun> Van: That would be interesting, but she already said that she never interacted with anyone
  590. [23:02] <XSI> Oh, one question that was suggested during the break
  591. [23:02] <Effendil> I wonder if the cartoon has an influence on your world, Princess Celestia?
  592. [23:02] <XSI> What is your view on people taking on a pony form during their astral visits?
  593. [23:03] <prot> it's a
  594. [23:03] <prot> *probably a mutual thing, nothing superior to the other
  595. [23:03] <@Codifier> In Forge's defense, he has a good reason to dislike ponies
  596. [23:03] <CelestiaSun> As long as they aren't doing it to try to pin something on another pony it is fine. I can understand not wanting to make ponies afraid with a strange shape
  597. [23:03] <abadual> i might have, to go soon, is there any tips you guys could give me for first AP?
  598. [23:03] <Prototypesnipe_> have you read the guide yet?
  599. [23:04] <abadual> yes, just making sure im not missing anything
  600. [23:04] * mqi3 ( has joined #astralponies
  601. [23:04] <XSI> How are the parties in Equestria?
  602. [23:04] <mqi3> Full of sugar and tooth decay.
  603. [23:04] <Effendil> Hmm, I don't want to be a pony if I project there.
  604. [23:04] <CelestiaSun> That would depend on where you go. Parties in Canterlot tend to be more social functions that are bland
  605. [23:05] <prot> get on chat tomorrow and well link you to some resourced abadual
  606. [23:05] <Prototypesnipe_> abadual i dont really have any tips but some people here might have some
  607. [23:05] <mqi3> Oh, I seem to have made it right on time. Greetings, Princess.
  608. [23:05] <prot> es*
  609. [23:05] <Effendil> I'm also wondering, is that you can control the flow of time between Earth and Equestria ?
  610. [23:05] <CelestiaSun> While the parties in Manehatten sometimes take to the streets in revelry.
  611. [23:05] <@Codifier> Just look in the title, really
  612. [23:05] <abadual> prot thank you very much :)
  613. [23:06] <prot> have fun man
  614. [23:06] * abadual ( Quit (Quit: Rizon webchat:
  615. [23:06] <CelestiaSun> No, time control is unfortunately beyond me. I do not think there is any spell that could stop, slow or otherwise interrupt the flow of time.
  616. [23:07] <CelestiaSun> Especially between universes.
  617. [23:07] <@Codifier> Not even a Starswirl spell?
  618. [23:07] <CelestiaSun> Time Travel is another matter, one that I also don't like to get into
  619. [23:07] <XSI> Does Equestria run on the same time speed as Earth than?
  620. [23:07] <XSI> Without any control or alternating stuff
  621. [23:08] <prot> so what's the power level ranking in equestria? some other powerful beings?
  622. [23:08] <CelestiaSun> Equestria seems to run at the same speed. It has been 5 hours since I arrived and I do believe it has been 5 hours there
  623. [23:09] <prot> from what ive heard the religious matters are mostly about afterlife
  624. [23:09] * newfluttershy[star] (~newflutte@C843DDE5.7E78C3FB.DD994415.IP) has joined #astralponies
  625. [23:09] <Effendil> Do you believe in a universal creator, who created all the worlds as you know ?
  626. [23:10] <CelestiaSun> In terms of magical power, it would seem that aside from myself, Luna, Twilight and Discord, the next most powerful would be Star Swirl
  627. [23:10] * Lookis ( has joined #astralponies
  628. [23:10] <Lookis> Heya
  629. [23:10] <XSI> Hi
  630. [23:10] * @Whoovsies ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  631. [23:10] * Whoovsies ( has joined #astralponies
  632. [23:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Whoovsies
  633. [23:11] <@Whoovsies> fug
  634. [23:11] <Lookis> >tfw RP partner thanks me and says I'm helping him through his parents' divorce
  635. [23:11] <Lookis> also I can AP reliably.
  636. [23:11] <@Whoovsies> Celestia, have there been any major crimes, such as mass murder?
  637. [23:11] <@Whoovsies> Lookis is growing up
  638. [23:11] <@Whoovsies> Took a while
  639. [23:12] <prot> hey loomis
  640. [23:12] <Lookis> Hey
  641. [23:12] <@Codifier> Well Lookis, welcome to the Pullout Crew
  642. [23:12] <prot> 5 murder cases, right?
  643. [23:12] <Lookis> Assuming Celestiasun's Celestia?
  644. [23:12] <CelestiaSun> Not in the last hundred years. We did have an unfortunate incident with
  645. [23:12] * abadual ( has joined #astralponies
  646. [23:12] <CelestiaSun> Yes, hello Lookis
  647. [23:12] <Lookis> Ah, hello.
  648. [23:13] <mqi3> Abadual, let me get you that information you wanted.
  649. [23:13] <XSI> Do ponies(you included) enjoy having their mane and/or fur brushed?
  650. [23:13] <Lookis> Ooh, corr's gonna be upset.
  651. [23:13] <CelestiaSun> an incident with a Bull that had killed a pony that was abusing him. He went on to injure several more ponies before he was detained
  652. [23:14] * Prototypesnipe__ ( has joined #astralponies
  653. [23:14] <CelestiaSun> Yes XSI, I often have my coat brushed after a long day
  654. [23:14] <Effendil> No belief in one God, creator of the Universe, Princess Celestia ?
  655. [23:14] <Lookis> If Twilight got married, would you preside?
  656. [23:14] * Prototypesnipe__ ( Quit
  657. [23:14] <CelestiaSun> Sorry, so many questions I must have missed it
  658. [23:15] <Effendil> No problem.
  659. [23:15] <CelestiaSun> I choose to believe that there is a cosmic influence
  660. [23:15] * Prototypesnipe_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  661. [23:15] <CelestiaSun> Yes Lookis, if Twilight did get married, I would preside
  662. [23:15] <Lookis> What about the other elements
  663. [23:15] <Lookis> And
  664. [23:16] <@Whoovsies> Celestia, if one of us were looking for a short term relationship would you accept?
  665. [23:16] <Lookis> What's your favorite genre of literature
  666. [23:16] <XSI> Is a unicorn/alicorn's horn sensitive?
  667. [23:16] <CelestiaSun> The same for them as well.
  668. [23:16] * Whoovsies2 ( has joined #astralponies
  669. [23:16] <mqi3> Wow, Whoovsies, talk about subtle.
  670. [23:16] <@Whoovsies> hue
  671. [23:16] <prot> corr 2.0
  672. [23:16] <Lookis> Whoovsies, your ghost will be heartbroken!
  673. [23:16] * abadual ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  674. [23:16] <@Whoovsies> I'm not looking for one
  675. [23:16] <XSI> Allow me to be blunt and add to Whoovsies' question. What's your opinion on threesomes?
  676. [23:16] <@Whoovsies> But we all know who is.
  677. [23:16] <XSI> :P
  678. [23:17] <CelestiaSun> A chance thrill Whoovsies? No unfortunatly, if I were to get into a relationship it would be for much longer
  679. [23:17] <Effendil> Lookis, you are hilarious.
  680. [23:17] <Lookis> Thank you?
  681. [23:17] <mqi3> For the record, Celestia, I believe he is asking on behalf of another member.
  682. [23:17] <CelestiaSun> XSI, No, Unicorn horns aren't sensitive, unless they are channling magic
  683. [23:17] <prot> so have you heard anythimg about our religions? also, do ponies go to pony heaven?
  684. [23:17] <Whoovsies2> And here begins the heart break of Corr.
  685. [23:18] <Effendil> or pony hell...
  686. [23:18] <CelestiaSun> I would have a rather poor experience butting heads with Chrysalis if they were
  687. [23:18] <prot> rest in rip
  688. [23:18] <@Whoovsies> I have that Copt pasted hueeheueueu
  689. [23:18] <CelestiaSun> I have heard a bit about Earth Religions.
  690. [23:19] <Lookis> Ever written any novels?
  691. [23:19] <CelestiaSun> We believe that when a pony dies they join a great collective
  692. [23:19] <@Whoovsies> Celestia, what is the status of pandemics and other things like that?
  693. [23:19] <XSI> With thousands of years for a lifespan, what do you do with all your time?
  694. [23:19] <@Whoovsies> Has there ever been a pandemic?
  695. [23:20] <@Whoovsies> >the great Corr pandemic, millions of Corr's flood Equestria
  696. [23:20] <@Whoovsies> hue
  697. [23:20] <prot> aww, pony noosphere
  698. [23:20] <CelestiaSun> Yes, Feather Flu use to be much worse then it is now and many other diseases that have mostly died off by now.
  699. [23:20] <prot> crisis on infinite crystals, heh
  700. [23:20] <Effendil> What do you think of tulpae, Princess Celestia ?
  701. [23:20] <CelestiaSun> No Lookis I haven't written any novels. I have had people write them about me though
  702. [23:20] <Lookis> Hm. Any you liked?
  703. [23:21] <Lookis> Are crystal ponies influenced by their crystal structure? Like, healing types of crystals, made into crystal ponies, are they good at healing?
  704. [23:21] <XSI> Have there ever been any pegasus ponies crashing into your throneroom by mistake?
  705. [23:21] <mqi3> Has there ever been any negative opinions voiced of you?
  706. [23:21] <CelestiaSun> No, unfortunatly. They either get something wrong or they assume too much about me
  707. [23:21] <XSI> Might be an overload of questions, Ill wait a bit and let the rest ask
  708. [23:21] <Effendil> XSI >Implying rainbow dash.
  709. [23:22] <Lookis> Ever thought about writing one yourself?
  710. [23:22] <CelestiaSun> Tulpa? I like Tia, so I guess my impression of them are positive.
  711. [23:23] <CelestiaSun> Crystal Ponies are magic absorbers, so yes there CAN be Crystal Ponies that are good at healing
  712. [23:24] <@Whoovsies> Celestia, do you let anyone come inside, the palace?
  713. [23:24] <CelestiaSun> Van: I think that's why that mail pony was so fast, she absorbed speed spells
  714. [23:24] <Lookis> Whoovsies why.
  715. [23:24] <@Whoovsies> For Corr.
  716. [23:24] <mqi3> Sounds like a drug addiction to me.
  717. [23:24] * Whoovsies is now known as TheCorrSimulator
  718. [23:24] <Effendil> Which pony is currently able to astral travel ? They can go anywhere they want on Earth and not be attached where Van01 lives now ?
  719. [23:25] <XSI> Have any ponies dropped the spaghetti in front of you?
  720. [23:25] <CelestiaSun> XSI, yes there has been a couple of incidents where a pegasai has crashed into the throne room
  721. [23:25] <XSI> Huh, were these pegasus ponies guards?
  722. [23:25] <CelestiaSun> Mostly the wonderbolts
  723. [23:25] <@TheCorrSimulator> You mentioned "thrill chance" for a relationship, what about a long term relationship?
  724. [23:26] <mqi3> No.
  725. [23:26] <mqi3> Stop.
  726. [23:26] <prot> goddamn
  727. [23:26] <mqi3> You're going to break his heart.
  728. [23:26] <Effendil> Gosh, you're not the corrsimulator for nothing.
  729. [23:26] <@Codifier> XD
  730. [23:26] <prot> i sense his tears
  731. [23:26] <CelestiaSun> I would love one, but
  732. [23:26] <@TheCorrSimulator> chill I can do this for Corr
  733. [23:27] <Lookis> How do you feel about the fact that Corr will likely AP to an Equestria where you're willing to be in a relationship with him?
  734. [23:27] <Effendil> That will be a pony hell
  735. [23:27] <CelestiaSun> As long as he was nice and had the qualities that I am looking for, I would give him a chance.
  736. [23:27] <prot> infinite possibilities, infinite no dambs given
  737. [23:27] <XSI> ...Have you heard of the fanfic on 'princess molestia' ? :P
  738. [23:27] <@Codifier> >__>
  739. [23:27] <Lookis> >fanfic
  740. [23:27] <Lookis> what
  741. [23:27] <@Codifier> What is this, bronycon?
  742. [23:27] <Lookis> It's a tumblr dude
  743. [23:27] <CelestiaSun> But I'm not sure how that would look to the general public
  744. [23:28] <XSI> Theres a fanfic of it too
  745. [23:28] <@Codifier> >secret harem
  746. [23:28] <prot> c'mon there's probably a universe where he wants ru ome inside you
  747. [23:28] <prot> or me
  748. [23:28] <CelestiaSun> Yes, I am aware of this 'persona' that you have given me.
  749. [23:28] * newfluttershy[star] (~newflutte@C843DDE5.7E78C3FB.DD994415.IP) Quit
  750. [23:28] <prot> or all of us
  751. [23:28] <prot> *to come
  752. [23:28] <mqi3> I'm just going to go and do work, I want nothing of the encroaching train wreck.
  753. [23:28] <CelestiaSun> and while I am laid back on most matters, this one is something that I will not abide by
  754. [23:28] <XSI> That is understandable
  755. [23:28] <Effendil> Please, stay a minimum descent...
  756. [23:29] <XSI> Did I kill the conversation with that question? My apologies
  757. [23:29] <prot> ehh, human achievements
  758. [23:29] <prot> right
  759. [23:29] <Lookis> Wait I got one
  760. [23:29] <@Codifier> Random topic change
  761. [23:29] <CelestiaSun> Van: No looking at previous questions
  762. [23:29] <prot> lets go
  763. [23:29] <Effendil> Which pony is currently able to astral travel ? They can go anywhere they want on Earth and not be attached where Van01 lives now ?
  764. [23:30] <CelestiaSun> Negative opinions. Only a few times
  765. [23:30] <mqi3> What was the worst?
  766. [23:30] <Lookis> You ever look around our internet, say, 4chan and such, with your magical laptop connection?
  767. [23:31] <@TheCorrSimulator> Celestia, have you visited any of Earth's landmarks?
  768. [23:31] <XSI> She has a magical laptop connection?
  769. [23:31] <Lookis> yup
  770. [23:31] <@Codifier> I'm getting really confused
  771. [23:31] <CelestiaSun> Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves, myself and my sister seem to be the only ones that are currently APing.
  772. [23:31] <@TheCorrSimulator> Derpy wut
  773. [23:31] <@Codifier> Derpy? :O
  774. [23:31] <Lookis> I assume Van taught her
  775. [23:31] <@TheCorrSimulator> GOTTA GO FAST
  776. [23:31] <Effendil> Pinkie Pie... be warned.
  777. [23:31] <CelestiaSun> Van: Nope, she seemed to know how
  778. [23:32] <CelestiaSun> Van: She followed Rainbow Dash when she was already APing that night
  779. [23:32] <CelestiaSun> Van: Which is how she found me
  780. [23:32] <@TheCorrSimulator> Celestia, is there any belief system that you know of in Equestria that believes in chakras?
  781. [23:32] <Effendil> But they could APing where they want ?
  782. [23:32] <prot> meta-question - how does it feel to talk to people who don't really treat you as superior royalty but a normal person instead?
  783. [23:32] <CelestiaSun> Yes, they could
  784. [23:32] <prot> talking about times right now
  785. [23:32] <CelestiaSun> Van: Pinkie Pie has tried to visit a friend of mind
  786. [23:33] <CelestiaSun> mine*
  787. [23:33] <Effendil> And what's the result ?
  788. [23:33] <XSI> Do ponies have any sports?
  789. [23:33] <@TheCorrSimulator> Celestia, how fluffy are your pillows?
  790. [23:33] <Lookis> did you not see the pony Olympics ep?
  791. [23:33] <CelestiaSun> XSI, yes we have sports. Hoofball
  792. [23:33] <@TheCorrSimulator> OH XSI.
  793. [23:33] <@Codifier> 20Q...
  794. [23:33] <Lookis> damn it corr
  795. [23:33] <mqi3> No, we haven't, because it doesn't exist.
  796. [23:33] <mqi3> There were episodes leading UP to it.
  797. [23:34] <@TheCorrSimulator> But it assumes sports
  798. [23:34] <@TheCorrSimulator> No derailment allowed
  799. [23:34] <Lookis> Have you seen much plays and such?
  800. [23:34] <Effendil> Hmpf, If a pony APing in my home, could I see it ?
  801. [23:34] <@TheCorrSimulator> Celestia, how large is the Palace? I've never seen the full thing when Aping.
  802. [23:34] <CelestiaSun> Van: Not unless you were tuned to see spirits
  803. [23:35] <@TheCorrSimulator> Are you a fan of classical music?
  804. [23:35] <prot> oh man i'd like to meet a pony like this
  805. [23:35] <Lookis> Do you have a shakespeare expy?
  806. [23:35] <@Codifier> Goddamn
  807. [23:35] * @TheCorrSimulator is only $59.99 not including batteries
  808. [23:35] <@Codifier> Guys, fucking take turns
  809. [23:35] <CelestiaSun> I like slow jazz
  810. [23:36] <@TheCorrSimulator> Nice.
  811. [23:36] <mqi3> Oh man, oh man, yes, slow jazz is amazing.
  812. [23:36] <XSI> There are groups dedicated to using hypnosis to change their percieved forms into ponies. What is your opinion on that?
  813. [23:36] <Effendil> yep it's amazing.
  814. [23:36] <@TheCorrSimulator> Does Luna visit many dreams, or only dreams where it matters?
  815. [23:36] <CelestiaSun> XSI that is their own business
  816. [23:37] <CelestiaSun> She visits as many as she can
  817. [23:37] <@TheCorrSimulator> Does she ever tell you about the dreams she visits?
  818. [23:37] <XSI> Do pony dreams work the same as human dreams?
  819. [23:37] <CelestiaSun> I don't see why they shouldn't work the same
  820. [23:37] <CelestiaSun> Yes she does, it's one of our few bonding moments
  821. [23:38] <CelestiaSun> The Palace, that depends on what information you want.
  822. [23:38] <Effendil> You never thought of letting someone in your place and retire ?
  823. [23:39] <@TheCorrSimulator> Celestia do you use feathers for pillows? Or do you use synthesised materials?
  824. [23:39] <Lookis> Why princess and not queen?
  825. [23:39] <CelestiaSun> Do you want to know it's dimensions? Or maybe how many rooms
  826. [23:39] <@TheCorrSimulator> >because faust
  827. [23:39] <@TheCorrSimulator> Rooms.
  828. [23:39] <Lookis> I doubt they know faust
  829. [23:39] <Lookis> but that's my headcanon too
  830. [23:39] <mqi3> I would like to know its dimensions, so why not both?
  831. [23:39] <CelestiaSun> Because Princess is least threatening. Queen suggests domination.
  832. [23:39] <@TheCorrSimulator> I CAN BELIEVE
  833. [23:40] <Lookis> Seems a rather cheap calling a general a thread.
  834. [23:40] <XSI> Can you outfly the wonderbolts?
  835. [23:40] <Effendil> Queen suggests a husband no ?
  836. [23:40] <Lookis> No?
  837. [23:40] <@TheCorrSimulator> Are you faster than Rainbow Dash? Can you clear clouds in under 9.99seconds?
  838. [23:40] <CelestiaSun> There are almost 500 rooms in the palace
  839. [23:40] <Effendil> The Corr has been doubled.
  840. [23:40] <@Codifier> Actually Faust wanted Queen
  841. [23:41] <@TheCorrSimulator> That is pretty well proportioned with Earth's palaces axtually
  842. [23:41] <@Codifier> Hasbro forced the Princess title because it sounds younger and less evil
  843. [23:41] <@TheCorrSimulator> The largest palace has 670 rooms
  844. [23:41] <Lookis> That nust be so weird for her tp hear.
  845. [23:41] <@Codifier> >mfw Celestia confirms Queen more threatening
  846. [23:41] <@TheCorrSimulator> HASBRO CONSPIRACY
  847. [23:41] * @TheCorrSimulator is turning on CorrTypeMode
  848. [23:42] <Effendil> Writing a fanfiction with all Princess Celestia details...You said show-accurate?
  849. [23:42] <@TheCorrSimulator> Celestia
  850. [23:42] <@TheCorrSimulator> Do you
  851. [23:42] <@TheCorrSimulator> Like
  852. [23:42] <@TheCorrSimulator> Ever read human fan fiction
  853. [23:42] <Effendil> Don't read it.
  854. [23:42] <@TheCorrSimulator> About ponies?
  855. [23:42] * AstralNova ( has joined #astralponies
  856. [23:42] * ChanServ sets mode: +h AstralNova
  857. [23:42] <CelestiaSun> No, I am not the best flyer, unfortunatly
  858. [23:42] <CelestiaSun> I am sure the Wonderbolts could fly circles around me
  859. [23:43] <CelestiaSun> No I have not read any fanfiction, at least on my own
  860. [23:43] <CelestiaSun> though I have read Sunshine and Fire with Van
  861. [23:43] <Lookis> inb4 my little dashie
  862. [23:44] <Effendil> What would happen if one of the elements of Harmony were to die tragically, the balance would be broken ?
  863. [23:44] <CelestiaSun> Van: I recommended that we read it together. I half way regret that decision now
  864. [23:44] <@Codifier> Sunshine is a really nice one
  865. [23:44] <XSI> Somehow I doubt my little dashie would have an effect on her
  866. [23:44] <@Codifier> Did it give you ideas? :3
  867. [23:45] <XSI> Friend of mine has a question. I'll quote. "What is your current view on the human race?"
  868. [23:45] <CelestiaSun> Yes Effendil, it would. A new element would be found to replace the one lost, hopefully they would all be friends, but it likely wouldn't be as strong as before
  869. [23:45] <@TheCorrSimulator> Who is Sunset shimmer?
  870. [23:46] <CelestiaSun> I have never heard of a pony with that name
  871. [23:46] <@TheCorrSimulator> And who will balance the amount of unicorns in the Elements?
  872. [23:46] <Effendil> What are the origins of Prince Blueblood, why did he also this title ?
  873. [23:46] <CelestiaSun> Twilight is still the Element of Magic
  874. [23:46] <@TheCorrSimulator> I meant, you have 2 Earth, 2 Pegasi, but 1 unicorn, and 1 alicorn
  875. [23:46] <@TheCorrSimulator> Who will be the 2nd unicorn?
  876. [23:47] <CelestiaSun> No one. It was never about a balance of races
  877. [23:47] <@TheCorrSimulator> Oh
  878. [23:47] <CelestiaSun> It just worked out that way
  879. [23:47] <Lookis> They'd need another element for that dude
  880. [23:47] <@TheCorrSimulator> Trust perhaps lol but it's unlikely.
  881. [23:47] <CelestiaSun> Blueblood...
  882. [23:47] <@Codifier> I like the number 6
  883. [23:47] <prot> >sunset shimmer not canon
  884. [23:48] <CelestiaSun> He's not blood related to me
  885. [23:48] <prot> oooof
  886. [23:48] <@TheCorrSimulator> Do ponies celebrate April fools, speaking of April Fools, we were planning to prank you.
  887. [23:48] <Lookis> we were?
  888. [23:48] <@TheCorrSimulator> Yeah
  889. [23:48] <XSI> What is the strangest event you've ever witnessed?
  890. [23:48] <@Codifier> The thing where we were going to be really formal
  891. [23:48] <@TheCorrSimulator> Praising Celestia, not being informal
  892. [23:48] <CelestiaSun> we have April Foals
  893. [23:48] <@TheCorrSimulator> We were gonna have some tunes too
  894. [23:48] <Effendil> he's blood related to who, why did he has the title of "prince" ?
  895. [23:48] * %AstralNova ( has left #astralponies
  896. [23:49] <@TheCorrSimulator> >why did he has
  897. [23:49] <@TheCorrSimulator> I don't
  898. [23:49] <Lookis> that sounds like an aftereffect of Hearts and Hooves day.
  899. [23:49] <CelestiaSun> He has the title because he was adopted into the family
  900. [23:49] <@Codifier> >tfw Blue Blood was adopted
  901. [23:49] <CelestiaSun> I promised to take care of him after his parents died, they were good friends of mine
  902. [23:49] <@TheCorrSimulator> Is Rarity actually made of marshmallows? I have to confirm this for myself btw
  903. [23:49] <mqi3> He seems to take his position as royalty too seriously.
  904. [23:50] <@Codifier> Wow
  905. [23:50] <@Codifier> You're good, TCS
  906. [23:50] <prot> ...
  907. [23:50] <Lookis> What's up with your hoof shoe things?
  908. [23:50] <@TheCorrSimulator> IT HAD TO BE DONE
  909. [23:50] <@TheCorrSimulator> Also, are you aware of a product called GAK
  910. [23:50] <CelestiaSun> Yes, he is rather full of himself. He believes that it is the common pony that should serve him, when it's actually the other way around
  911. [23:50] <Effendil> So Cadance is also adopted ?
  912. [23:50] <mqi3> What a douche.
  913. [23:50] <XSI> Sounds like most human leaders
  914. [23:51] <Lookis> Isn't she Luna's daughter?
  915. [23:51] <CelestiaSun> Cadence is adopted yes
  916. [23:51] <Lookis> WHA
  917. [23:51] <@Codifier> How does that even work?
  918. [23:51] <Lookis> muh headcanon
  919. [23:51] <@Codifier> Luna just came back, she couldn't be Cadance's mother
  920. [23:51] <Lookis> >Trapped for 1000 years
  921. [23:51] <Lookis> >freed around Luna's freedom
  922. [23:51] * Corr ( has joined #astralponies
  923. [23:51] <XSI> In before 'mmust have been lonely'
  924. [23:52] <XSI> Hi Corr
  925. [23:52] <Corr> Hi
  926. [23:52] <Lookis> Sup
  927. [23:52] <CelestiaSun> Van: Her coloring is surprisingly like a fanart of Nightmare Moon's foal she had on the moon. My god that was freaky
  928. [23:52] <Effendil> There are other ponies adopted, which were given the title of prince or princess, out of these two?
  929. [23:52] <Lookis> Why do you wear those gold shoes and how do they stay on
  930. [23:52] <CelestiaSun> So I finally meet Corr
  931. [23:52] <@Codifier> That feels comic about Luna's unborn fetus dying?
  932. [23:53] <XSI> Guys, I dont think that part is canon
  933. [23:53] <CelestiaSun> Those are my Horse shoes Lookis, the slip on
  934. [23:53] <prot> hi corr
  935. [23:53] <Effendil> Corr in person...
  936. [23:53] <Lookis> Yes, but why?
  937. [23:53] <@Codifier> Decoration?
  938. [23:53] <Lookis> corr says he can't speak
  939. [23:53] <prot> ooooooooh
  940. [23:53] <mqi3> What.
  941. [23:54] <prot> keep your soul spaghetti in check
  942. [23:54] <Effendil> We'll regret him .... or not.
  943. [23:55] <Effendil> No other prince or princess adopted aside Cadence and Blueblood ?
  944. [23:55] <Corr> I feel like I'm going to explode
  945. [23:55] <CelestiaSun> Speaking of spaghetti, I believe I was asked if anypony had spilled it in front of me. Yes, my subjects tend to get flustered quite a bit in front of me
  946. [23:55] <@TheCorrSimulator> Corr Simulation Shutting Down... (Error! Corr joined)
  947. [23:55] * @TheCorrSimulator shuts down
  948. [23:55] * TheCorrSimulator is now known as Whoovsies
  949. [23:55] <Corr> What's this
  950. [23:55] <@Whoovsies> Corr I have good news.
  951. [23:55] <Corr> What is the good news
  952. [23:56] <Effendil> you are pregnant.
  953. [23:56] <XSI> Congratulations
  954. [23:56] <XSI> It's twins
  955. [23:56] <@Whoovsies> Siamese twins.
  956. [23:56] <Effendil> The fun has been doubled.
  957. [23:56] <Corr> I mean
  958. [23:56] <Corr> I feel it going to happen
  959. [23:57] <Corr> I'm going to over react so hard
  960. [23:57] <Effendil> Indeed.
  961. [23:57] <Lookis> c'mon corr you got this
  962. [23:57] <Corr> no I mean
  963. [23:57] <Corr> I literally can't stop it
  964. [23:57] <@Whoovsies> He's going to exploden
  965. [23:57] <prot> we're alk gonna make it brah
  966. [23:57] <@Whoovsies> BACK ON TOPICS
  967. [23:57] <prot> channel your zyzz and go
  968. [23:57] <Corr> I can't prevent this
  969. [23:57] <@Codifier> Random topic refocus
  970. [23:57] <Lookis> Fine I'll ask fro Corr
  971. [23:57] <@Whoovsies> Celestia, has Derpy ever accidentally bumped into you
  972. [23:57] <Lookis> For*
  973. [23:57] <@Codifier> Your student mentioned that Equestria was 100,000+ years old, but I don't think she clarified if that was the nation of Equestria, or the entire planet
  974. [23:58] <XSI> Can't help but wonder what Celestia thinks of all this random off-topic
  975. [23:58] <Effendil> I really want to know if there are others prince or princess...
  976. [23:58] <CelestiaSun> Yes, I have two more adopted sons. Regent and Nova Sphere
  977. [23:58] <@Whoovsies>
  978. [23:58] <@Whoovsies> For Corr.
  979. [23:58] <@Whoovsies> What do they look like, Celestia?
  980. [23:58] <Corr> Oh
  981. [23:58] <mqi3> Disclaimer: Don't count your chickens.
  982. [23:59] <Corr> tell me about the sons?
  983. [23:59] * Wishdream ( has joined #astralponies
  984. [23:59] <CelestiaSun> Miss Hooves has bumped into me when she was dropping her daughter off at my school. She's very clumsy with her eyes like that. But it's endearing.
  985. [23:59] <Effendil> Couldn't fix that ?
  986. Session Time: Thu Apr 18 00:00:00 2013
  987. [00:00] <@Whoovsies> <Corr> Im Too haooyn
  988. [00:00] <CelestiaSun> Regent is a Blue Earth Pony, he unfortunately gets picked on because of this
  989. [00:00] <@Whoovsies> Happy f
  990. [00:00] <CelestiaSun> I could Effendil, but she insists on keeping them
  991. [00:00] <Corr> A blue earth pony..
  992. [00:00] <Corr> huh.
  993. [00:00] <@Whoovsies> Celestia, Corr is a charming man.
  994. [00:00] <CelestiaSun> All the rest of the 'nobility' are Unicorns. Most of Canterlot is as well
  995. [00:01] <CelestiaSun> so when I decided to adopt Regent, it caused quite a stir
  996. [00:01] <Lookis> >Celestia's son
  997. [00:01] * Juze|LaptopHDD ( has joined #astralponies
  998. [00:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Juze|LaptopHDD
  999. [00:01] <Lookis> >picked on
  1000. [00:01] <Lookis> what
  1001. [00:01] <Corr> I have a question
  1002. [00:01] <Corr> Have you put people in your dungeon before?
  1003. [00:01] <mqi3> I assume the general opinion of Canterlot is that unicorns are superior.
  1004. [00:01] <Corr> If you have one.
  1005. [00:02] * Juze_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1006. [00:02] <Effendil> He is adopted so, a son non blood related.
  1007. [00:02] <CelestiaSun> Yes Corr, I have. Unfortunately it wouldn't be the first time that someone has gotten rowdy and needed a time out.
  1008. [00:02] <CelestiaSun> They are never left down there for long though
  1009. [00:02] <Corr> Oh
  1010. [00:03] <Effendil> >implying you'll be the next.
  1011. [00:03] <mqi3> Now this is where things start getting steamy.
  1012. [00:03] <mqi3> Corr is sweating bullets. I can tell.
  1013. [00:03] <CelestiaSun> Nova Sphere is a white Unicorn like Blue Blood, but he isn't as large.
  1014. [00:03] <XSI> Steamy? What did I mis?
  1015. [00:03] <Corr> No
  1016. [00:03] <Corr> you see
  1017. [00:03] <XSI> Oh, just Corr
  1018. [00:04] <Corr> I'm too excited right now
  1019. [00:04] <CelestiaSun> Van: I think people are assuming. "Love Dungeon."
  1020. [00:04] <Corr> on the outside I'm fine
  1021. [00:04] <Corr> but on the inside
  1022. [00:04] <Effendil> I wouldn't be stuck in a dungeon.
  1023. [00:04] <%Akwa> Hello everyone
  1024. [00:04] <Corr> I'm going to explode
  1025. [00:04] <CelestiaSun> No, that would be my bed room. Something only a few have seen
  1026. [00:04] <XSI> Hii Akwa
  1027. [00:04] <XSI> Have you ever tried to farm or grow food of your own?
  1028. [00:04] <Lookis> Hey Akwa
  1029. [00:04] <prot> hello
  1030. [00:04] <mqi3> Hello Akwa, have you projected recently?
  1031. [00:05] * Foxxxy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1032. [00:05] <Effendil> Faudrait enregistrer toute cette session je pense.
  1033. [00:05] <CelestiaSun> I have a small garden on my balcony in my room. Just a few rows of small plants
  1034. [00:05] <%Akwa> No, i've been pretty upset the last few days and haven't tried
  1035. [00:05] <mqi3> Ah.
  1036. [00:05] <Effendil> We should record all this session I think.
  1037. [00:05] <mqi3> I'm doing that already.
  1038. [00:05] <Effendil> Gosh, why did I write in french....
  1039. [00:05] <mqi3> My client saves all of the logs.
  1040. [00:06] <XSI> I bet I look like a total jackass on the logs
  1041. [00:06] <@Codifier> I have an autolog
  1042. [00:06] <%Akwa> That would be nice, it seems I missed a lot of it
  1043. [00:06] <@Codifier> Yes, you do :P
  1044. [00:06] <prot> oh, that's good
  1045. [00:06] <Corr> Does controlling the sun take up a lot of energy?
  1046. [00:06] <XSI> How many languages does Equestria have anyway?
  1047. [00:06] * Wishdream is now known as Rarity[Opal]
  1048. [00:07] <prot> i'm afraid i'll be going soon, shame
  1049. [00:07] <Effendil> Do you understand all language upon English ?
  1050. [00:07] <Effendil> *aside english.
  1051. [00:07] <CelestiaSun> Yes,controlling the sun takes a lot of energy. Luckily I have figured out ways to reduce the strain
  1052. [00:08] <Corr> Oh
  1053. [00:08] <CelestiaSun> Unicorns use to move the sun, but I realized that I could just rotate the planet.
  1054. [00:08] <@Codifier> Wouldn't moving the sun disrupt the entire solar system?
  1055. [00:08] <Effendil> Rather it is the control of the rotation of your planet rather than the sun, right?
  1056. [00:08] <XSI> Ever made a mistake in planet rotation? And if so, how did that go?
  1057. [00:08] <prot> keep me in mind in case i tried to project into your exact equestria, that would help. Goodnight Princess and everyone else!
  1058. [00:09] <Effendil> goodnight prot
  1059. [00:09] <@Codifier> night
  1060. [00:09] <XSI> Night Prot
  1061. [00:10] <CelestiaSun> That is part of the reason why I stopped. I had to cancel the effects of the gravity on everything. I have no idea how many planets were lost when they suddenly didn't have the sun in the same position
  1062. [00:10] <@Codifier> Your system must look really weird now
  1063. [00:10] <@Codifier> Oh well
  1064. [00:10] <XSI> I'd like to take a look at that system. It sounds interesting
  1065. [00:10] <Effendil> The power required to move the sun must be colossal.
  1066. [00:11] * Forge ( has joined #astralponies
  1067. [00:11] <Effendil> Luna couldn't move the sun also ?
  1068. [00:11] <Effendil> Go out Forge. We are RPing
  1069. [00:11] <CelestiaSun> opps
  1070. [00:11] * CelestiaSun is now known as Van01
  1071. [00:12] <Van01> looks like she has to go
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