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Jul 1st, 2015
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  1. The unfriending was intentional
  2. Re-sent the thing thinking it must've been an accident and..yeah
  3. It was rejected. Last thing i'm doing by associating is one ask to his tumblr at least asking for him to formally say that he's not wanting to be friends... Man i was acting like a fucking psychologist for him for 3 months.. Talking to him, through fucking everything, from his depression at having broken up with his boyfriend, to sending him a present with a valentine
  4. I sent him a plushie of his favorite pokemon-lucario, with a mega absol necklace on it because i wanted to be sweet, put chocolate in it and a caligraphy pen because i said his handwriting was pretty ,A letter that made him cry, Sunglasses because he'd said he'd wanted a pair.
  5. Anon: It sounds like you were being a great friend. But, I can't imagine why he did that
  6. Because, I ended up liking the guy, and the valentine was my way of trying to say that
  7. And i ended up getting..pretty hurt because he'd said nothing, he was a bit flirty and generally happy. but i guess i was a fucking retard
  8. Anon: I'm guessing he wasn't as committed to the friendship as you were
  9. Day in, day out. he helped me get over him..but i guess i wasnt as over him as i'd thought, or at least...ready for him to just do that.
  10. And the thing is. I'll never know if he got the ask, or if he blocked me on tumblr too
  12. I was straight up with my ex. Just. "I'm unsure if i love you, or if i'm in it for the sex, i need to get my shit in gear to figure out just what. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, but we've gotta break up"
  13. Why wasnt he, i mean come the fuck on.
  14. Anon: Damn. Definitely doesn't sound good if you went through all that trouble and he ended up shoving the friendship up his ass.
  15. Anon2: So this was out of nowhere?
  16. Yeah. We were talking and shit like normal last night Even rp'd the characters we'd made.
  17. He brought me to fucking tears a month and a half ago
  18. Because of his revelation of getting back with his boyfriend that spurred the depression he was in in the first place.
  19. And i was pretty bummed, but i powered through it as best i could, i fucking lost weight because i couldnt eat from the knot in my stomach. He talked to me, promised nothing was going to change.. That he did indeed love me, just not as a lover but a sibling..Then suddenly right out of left field.
  20. Gone.
  21. Anon: My bad regarding the disconnect. Anyways, it honestly sounds like something came up on his end. You don't just suddenly wake up and decide that you don't wanna be friends with someone anymore. Hopefully, you can talk to him.
  22. He turned down the friend request sent. Kinda hard to do that by accident
  23. Anon2: hmm, wonder what made him do it
  24. Anon: Same here. He might deny you other ways of contacting him, but you've gotta give it a try. I don't really understand why he would do that.
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