

Mar 4th, 2021
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  1. Gumball: Dude, what is going on?!
  2. Darwin: There you are! Sorry, I forgot your name.
  3. [The screen shows a name selector]
  4. Gumball: Please enter name? [Gasps] I've trapped us inside a video game! [Singsong voice] Awesome!
  5. [Gumball types in a name]
  6. Darwin: Please, MYBUTT, tell me what is going on.
  7. [Gumball snickers as Darwin and Anais talk to each other]
  8. [Anais walks in]
  9. Anais: A foul curse has been released upon our town by MYBUTT.
  10. Darwin: You mean the gates of doom were opened by MYBUTT?
  11. Anais: The fabric of the universe was ripped apart by MYBUTT.
  12. Darwin: MYBUTT has made quite a mess.
  13. [Gumball begins laughing hysterically]
  14. Gumball: Surely this is gonna get old at some point.
  15. Darwin: Here's some healing ointment to help MYBUTT in the heat of battle!
  16. Gumball: [Laughs and wipes a tear away] Nope.
  17. Voice: "Anais and Darwin have joined your team".
  18. [Ping! The screen shows that Gumball has received the bottle of healing ointment]
  19. Outside
  20. Darwin: Oh no, the path is blocked by an awkwardly placed shrub! And we're apparently too stupid to walk on the lawn.
  21. [Gumball selects an axe from the console]
  22. Voice: "MYBUTT uses AXE. It is ineffective".
  23. [Gumball selects a saw]
  24. Voice: "MYBUTT uses SAW. It is ineffective".
  25. Gumball: Can MYBUTT just use common sense and walk around it?!
  26. Voice: "MYBUTT uses SARCASM. It is ineffective".
  27. Gumball: Argh! [Kicks the shrub]
  28. [Screen spins and reveals a hideous flower monster. It sends leaves toward Gumball]
  29. Gumball: Pfft, I'm pretty sure I can handle a few le— [The leaves slash his face] Ow! Ow! Ow! Ah! Ach! [Falls to the ground]
  30. Voice: MYBUTT receives CRITICAL damage.
  31. [Gumball snickers]
  32. Anais: A leaf monster would be susceptible to fire attacks.
  33. Gumball: Yes, I think most things are susceptible to fire attacks. [Selects "Science" attack on the console]
  34. [Anais rises with powers; dramatically pours chemical from test tube to test tube and then throws it at the flower monster, defeating it]
  35. All: Woah! Yeah! Awesome!
  36. Darwin: We did it!
  37. [The Watterson kids pose in victory]
  38. [Gumball, Darwin and Anais walk towards the path and seemingly out of nowhere, Leslie appears behind them]
  39. Darwin: Leslie? What happened to you?
  40. Leslie: I bought some fertilizer from THE AWESOME STORE. I went home after visiting THE AWESOME STORE and used the fertilizer I'd just bought at THE AWESOME STORE...
  41. Leslie: [In the background] But who will stand up to such a dangerous enemy as...
  42. Gumball: Okay! Okay! We got it, we got it. The awesome store is the villain.
  43. Leslie: THE AWESOME STORE...
  44. Darwin: MAKE IT STOP!
  45. Leslie: [In the background] The problem is no-one knows how to find...
  46. Gumball: I can't! There's no command to skip through his cutscene.
  47. Leslie: THE AWESOME STORE...
  48. Darwin: DO SOMETHING!
  49. Gumball: Hold on!
  50. [Gumball takes Darwin's dialogue box from the bottom of the screen]
  51. Leslie: THE AWESO—
  52. [Gumball proceeds to hit Leslie with the box. Leslie left unconscious and the letters in his new dialouge are now mixed up]
  53. Anais: We could've just walked away. But now maybe we should run.
  54. [The Watterson kids run. The scene fades to black and switches to the porch of the Robinson household]
  55. Anais: What are we doing at Mr. Robinson's?
  56. Gumball [Searching through items] Getting loot.
  57. Anais: I think you mean looting.
  58. Gumball No, if there are items hidden in these pots, they must be for me.
  59. Anais: No, I'm pretty sure the mailman hid them there so people like you wouldn't steal them.
  60. [The Wattersons kids enter the house]
  61. Gumball: No, that's how it works in RPGs. Whatever you find, you take.
  62. Darwin: I don't know. There was no *BUDABLING* sound when you took that VHS player. Right now it just feels like you're ransacking an old man's house.
  63. Gumball: I'm sure Mr. Robinson doesn't mind.
  64. Gaylord: Welcome to my home. Please take whatever you need for your quest.
  65. Gumball: Hm. [Takes Mr. Robinson's money] I'm gonna go sleep in his bed now.
  66. [A single tear slides down Mr. Robinson's smiling face. The scene transitions to the street, with Anais wearing a soldier outfit with a giant, robotic sword]
  67. Anais: What's with this new outfit? Can someone explain why this gigantic sword has a trigger?
  68. Gumball: Yeah, well you did reject the alternative outfit.
  69. Anais: Yeah I don't think that was age appropriate.
  70. [Gumball changes her outfit back to normal]
  71. Gumball: But those leather platform boots would have given you plus five vision!
  72. Anais: How?
  73. Gumball: Well, they make you taller, don't they?
  74. Anais: [Gasps] Oh, that actually makes sense.
  75. [Gumball walks into Penny, equipped with a mechanical eye, who turns around and roars. Scene cuts to a battle scene]
  76. Gumball: Oh, man. I can't fight my girlfriend!
  77. Darwin: You have to!
  78. [Penny roars and is about to attack them]
  79. Gumball: Uh, okay, I'll try to calm her down. Oh, how 'bout a gift?
  80. [Gumball selects "Item." He summons the VHS player with a heart animation and throws it at her]
  81. Gumball: I love you!
  82. [VHS player hits Penny in the head, leaving her face disfigured; the battle ends. Gumball, Darwin, and Anais do the victory dance with horrified faces]
  83. Penny: [Slurring] Thanks for saving me. The cellphone I bought from THE AWESOME STORE took possession of me. [Removes the smartphone from her face] Here, take it. It will help you in battle.
  84. Voice: "Smartphone acquired. You may now summon friends in battle".
  85. Gumball: Thanks Penny. Sorry about the whole disfiguring you with the VHS player thing. [Kisses Penny on the cheek]
  86. Penny: [Slurring] No problem. Just a scratch.
  87. [The Watterson kids walk away, but as they do, Penny and her dialogue box fall to the ground. The scene fades and cuts back to the trio]
  88. Darwin: Wait, I think this person has a clue for us!
  89. Gumball: Really? I wonder what makes you say that.
  90. [It is shown that Alison is feeding her pigeons. Gumball commences his interaction with her by pushing a button on the console]
  91. Alison: Hello. I've lost my pigeons. Will you help me find them?
  92. [The screen shows a map indicating all the spots the pigeons are at]
  93. Gumball: No! A super tedious side quest that preys on every gamer's weakness!
  94. Anais: Tortilla chips and sugary drinks?
  95. Gumball: No!
  96. Darwin: The sun?
  97. Gumball: No, the compulsive need to complete every game 100 percent.
  98. [Screen reads, "400 packs of tortilla chips, 300 cans of energy drinks LATER." Gumball, shown as an overweight nerd, enters back to Alison, letting her take the pigeons]
  99. Voice: "You've earned the NO LIFE trophy".
  100. Gumball: Worth it.
  101. Preparing for the Awesome Store
  102. [Scene cuts to the world map]
  103. Gumball: Okay, we need to find this AWESOME STORE before we all start growing anime hair.
  104. [Anais grows an anime hairstyle resembling Rizelea's]
  105. Anais: But where is it?
  106. [Gumball grows an anime hairstyle resembling Cloud Strife's]
  107. Gumball: There must be a clue somewhere.
  108. [Darwin grows an anime hairstyle resembling Sephiroth's]
  109. Darwin: How about that?
  110. [Camera moves to show a building with a gold skull and a thundercloud above it]
  111. Gumball: Yeah, that'll be it.
  112. Anais: Wait, we can't go yet! We don't have enough XPs to fight the boss.
  113. Gumball: Then, we'll do the things that make up most RPGs— GRIND!
  114. Anais: What's that?
  115. Gumball: Fighting menial enemies until we're stacked!
  116. [Scene transitions to a battle montage involving fighting squirrels, birds, rats, butterflies, squirrels again, birds again, and a bunny, squirrel, and bird; a battle theme plays. They no longer have anime hair]
  117. Anais: Hmmm. We still need more XPs. But there are no enemies left to fight.
  118. [They look around, and proceed to attack several residents of Elmore]
  120. Billy: No, no, no— Aah!
  121. [Victorious music plays]
  122. Darwin: We're finally strong enough to take on THE AWESOME STORE! Let's go!
  123. Gumball: Wait, don't you kinda want to hear that awesome battle music one last time?
  124. [Battle theme plays]
  125. Gumball, Darwin, and Anais: Do-ba-do-ba-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-ba-do-ba-do, ba-na-na-na.
  126. [Scene cuts to Gumball, Darwin, and Anais about to go through the entrance of the building; menacing music plays]
  127. Gumball: You guys ready? 'Cause there's no turning back.
  128. Darwin and Anais: Mm-hmm.
  129. [All go through]
  130. Gumball: [He tries to go back, but there's a force that pushes him] No, no, wait. I forgot to save! I forgot to save!
  131. Darwin: It's too late! The cut scene already started!
  132. Gumball: No, no, no— NOOOOOOOO!
  133. [Thunder crashes. Pipes drip, while the scene cuts to the trio walking through with worry]
  134. Van shopkeeper: Welcome.
  135. [They gasp. Scene cuts to a man, showing only his eyes, opening the Awesome Store]
  136. Van shopkeeper: Welcome to the end of your quest. Prepare to fight your true enemy.
  137. [Gumball, Darwin, and Anais scream terrified and abruptly attack the Awesome Store with magic powers]
  138. Van shopkeeper: JEEZ LOUISE! I was about to explain how we're allies, not enemies.
  139. Gumball: Oh, uh, sorry. It's just you looked so evil, and you sold people all those cursed objects and stuff.
  140. Van shopkeeper: What do they expect when they buy things from the back of a van?
  141. Gumball: Fair point. Anyway, what were you saying?
  142. Van shopkeeper: The secret is not a game. The secret to beat the game is to beat the game.
  143. Gumball: Uhhhhhhh, what?
  144. Van shopkeeper: The console is the enemy.
  145. Gumball: Ohh! "Inverted Paradox: The Enemy Within." So the name actually meant something. Makes sense, because we're playing the game in real life and the enemy is— AAH!
  146. The Console
  147. [Gumball screams; the Game Child console turns into a "boss" creature and the scene cuts to a battle. It roars]
  148. Anais: How do we fight? We don't have the console anymore.
  149. Gumball: We take it on, hand to hand. Hi-yah!
  150. [He performs a karate chop, but it doesn't reach the console creature]
  151. Anais: Aren't you supposed to actually hit it?
  152. Gumball: I'm not touching that with my bare hands. I don't know where its tentacles have been.
  153. [The console attacks them, causing them to have 1 HP (health point) left]
  154. Anais: Wait, what happens in this game if we perish?
  155. Gumball: I guess we perish in the real world, too. Or worse, we'll have to restart the whole game from the beginning.
  156. [The console roars and shoots lasers that force the three to dodge them]
  157. Darwin: Use the potion I gave you!
  158. Gumball: But we might need it later!
  159. Darwin: Dude, we literally only have one XP left!
  160. Gumball: Aw, fine. Yah!
  161. [Gumball throws the potion; however, it gives the console 650 more health points]
  162. Darwin: I meant, use it on us!
  163. Anais: Gumball, we still have the phone!
  164. Gumball: Of course! [Prepares to throw the phone]
  165. Anais: No, we can use it to summon friends in battle!
  166. Gumball: Oh, yeah, right.
  167. [Gumball dramatically dials his friends and family. Sarah is summoned, and she uses BRAIN FREEZE: she pulls off her head and throws it at the monster, freezing it and taking out 999 health points. Hector is summoned and uses PSYCHE!: he is about to punch it, but instead flicks it, taking out 999 health. Banana Joe is summoned; he uses THOUSAND BLOWS: he dons a run pose, and continuously moves his arms and legs up and down, emanating multiple lasers, each taking 100 health. Carrie is summoned, and she uses STOP HITTING YOURSELF: she possesses the console and hits itself numerous times, each hit taking 100 health. Granny Jojo is summoned; she uses GIVE US A KISS: she pulls out her dentures and throws them at the console creature, and the dentures bite the monster, taking out 999 health. Nicole is summoned; she uses I'M NOT ANGRY JUST DISAPPOINTED: she stares at it with a very stern look, surprisingly taking out 999 health. The camera zooms out, showing a giant Richard in the background. Scene cuts to space, where Richard uses RING OF FIRE: he eats power and farts out a ray of light at it. Gumball presses the phone, and the console screeches as it dies. The battle ends; Gumball, Darwin, and Anais do a victory dance. The game cuts to the credits, displaying the text: INVERTED PARADOX THE ENEMY WITHIN, CREDITS: Directed by." Scene abruptly cuts to Gumball, Darwin and Anais back in reality, on the couch]
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