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Feb 9th, 2015
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  1. PAGE 31
  5. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  7. Extra tools: Cultist disguise
  9. Dark Priests are those weird Succubi you might see travelling in pairs, going up to men and telling them about "The Fallen God" and how they know you've sinned and need to repent.
  10. They can be considered more docile than Succubi, but just as lewd and no less dangerous. They're patient hunters, indoctrinating their male victims first into their cult.
  11. Their dorm is substantially large. Home to many Dark Priest initiates studying their various religious and pleasure courses.
  12. It can be difficult to sneak about due to how full the building is. So there are a few ways to get around being detected.
  13. The first is waiting for a Dark Ritual to take place, this will draw all the Dark Priests and any other Human or Monster Girl followers to the great hall, where they will perform an unholy sacrement and massive orgy.
  14. This will make it easier to get into their wardrobes, but if you're caught during this you'll become a sort of 'sexual sacrifice' for the ritual.
  15. The second is to disguise yourself as best as you can as a Human Cult member, this often works well as long as you stay in character and pretend to be lewd. Though you don't have to pretend much with the aura Dark Priests can give off.
  16. The downside is that you'll be expected to go where Human Cult members go, such as escorting a Dark Priest to her chambers to pleasure her. If this happens you may need to take one for the team to avoid blowing your cover.
  17. If spotted the Dark Priest will sound the alarm, thinking you're after any valuable relics they possess, which you are kind of. Dark Priests give off an alluring aura that can tempt any man who lacks will. If that fails they'll resort to the demonic powers given to them when they became Succubi. Making them difficult to subdue.
  18. If caught you'll be indoctrinated slowly and often forcibly into their Cult, then made o lay with a Dark Priest to seal the pact. The best you can do is pretend to go along while keeping your head straight, then bail later at night.
  19. If successful you'll come away with the Dark Priest's chaste, yet somewhat lewd undergarments. Though chastity is far from the intention of how it's designed, it's more to tempt.
  20. In conclusion, Dark Priests can be a test on your member's will, but the raid is easy to pull off with good planning and timing. The threat can be high, if the caught member isn't strong enough to resist and becomes a cult member, otherwise there's no demonic energy or chemicals to affect you physically.
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