

Jul 25th, 2015
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  1. Bret promo, probably closer to Mania than the Rumble, where Bret talks about how when they were growing up, Owen was the one everybody liked, but he was the one everybody respected. People knew that Owen was the one who always had a joke, but when it came down to winning championships, Bret was the one who could get it done. But ever since he came back after losing that title at Mania 12, Owen was always stealing his goddamned thunder. He came back, and Owen was right there to challenge him. He went for the title against Vader, and Owen was right there to steal the moment. Even at Wrestlemania, after he fought his way into that 4-way match, Owen still stole the moment, not just by winning the match, but by bringing that stupid fucking pyramid with him! It was almost a relief when Goldust took that title away, because at least Owen didn't have it. But even when he got his title shot against Goldust, Owen still stole his thunder! All anyone could talk about back home was "Oh, did you see Owen vs Austin? Wasn't Owen vs Austin great? I can't wait to see what happens with Owen and Austin!" WHAT ABOUT BRET? WHAT ABOUT BRET? AND THE SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENED AT SUMMERSLAM! SURE, BRET GOT FRONT AND CENTER ON THE POSTER, BUT EVERYONE WAS TALKING ABOUT OWEN VS AUSTIN! [recap of what happened between Summerslam 97 and Rumble 99, with Bret getting more and more jealous of the respect and acclaim Owen gets, and Bret always being the bridesmaid in #1 contendership matches, never the bride], and just when Bret finally got his title back, the title he never really lost, who was there to steal his thunder but Owen? "And what's the first thing you said to me? Not "Hey, Bret, nice job", not "Hey, Bret, I'm proud of you", not "Hey, Bret, I respect you", no, you just made another goddamn joke, BUT THIS TIME, I'M NOT FUCKING LAUGHING! THIS IS NOT A JOKE! THIS IS NOT A GAG! THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER SPARRING MATCH IN THE DUNGEON, THIS IS WRESTLEMANIA, AND THIS IS THE WWF TITLE! AND WHEN I AM DONE WITH YOU, YOU WILL PAY THE RESPECT THAT IS DUE, NOT JUST TO THE WWF TITLE, NOT JUST TO WRESTLEMANIA, BUT TO ME! IF I HAVE TO BEAT YOU BLOODY, YOU WILL FINALLY TREAT ME WITH RESPECT!"
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