
Giving a Show by Anon (Anon/Trixie)

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. Giving a Show by Anon
  3. ---
  5. >The town is all riled up and furious
  6. >Judge reading the sentence
  7. >"For the destruction of town property and the endangering of lives, you are hereby sentenced to 50 strokes with the paddle."
  8. >The ponies yell angrily chastising the guilty pony
  9. > "The punishment may be administered to your specifications, either in public by a royal guard, or in private by an administrator of your choice."
  10. >The angry ponies cried out, demanding the public spectacle
  11. >"So what will it be, Lulamoon?"
  12. > Trixie looks around nervously, struggling to maintain composure
  13. > "WE WANT IT NOW!" The ponies cried out, visibly upset at the attack of the Ursa Minor
  14. >Seeing no way out, she bowed her head in defeat ready to accept her punishment.
  15. >"I volunteer" A voice cried out
  16. > A silence came upon the crowd
  17. > Anon stepped forward as murmurs ran throughout the gathered mass
  18. "What do you think you're DOING Anon?" Twilight hissed
  19. > "Should the condemned wish it so, I will volunteer to administer the punishment in the confines of the town hall."
  20. >Trixie looked up, her eyes watering
  21. "Anon...I accept"
  22. >Uproar from the crowd
  23. >The judge pony begins to get nervous
  24. >many of the buildings are still destroyed and in the process of being rebuilt
  25. >The town is visibly upset
  26. >The crowd was showing animosity not only towards her, but Anon as well
  27. >They resented his taking away from their spectacle
  28. "Lulamoon, I ask that you reconsider..."
  29. >The judge nervously eyed the guards, ready to contain the situation
  30. >Anon walks up to Trixie and gets down on one knee next to her
  31. >"Looks like you're in deep, but don't worry. You can trust me."
  32. >Anon beckons to the town hall, ready to administer the punishment reluctantly
  33. "Your honor," she says, "I have a proposition to make"
  34. >The crowd goes quiet again as the town listens eagerly
  35. "I'll take the punishment publicly..."
  36. >She paused to gauge the reaction of the crowd
  37. "IF Anon is the one to administer it."
  38. >Murmurs of approval spread through the crowd
  39. >Anon in disbelief
  40. >"Trixie! What are you doing?" Anon pleaded
  41. >A smile crept across her face as she nodded to the guards
  42. "These ponies want a show...well let's give them one!"
  43. >She was determined to have the last laugh
  44. >Anon stared back in silence, accepting what was about to transpire
  45. >All saddled up and ready to go
  46. >Constraints for the head and all four hooves as well as the tail
  47. >Trixie's hat and cape lay next to the stocks as the other ponies jeer at her
  48. >Anon approaches the judge and guards
  49. >"What are the specifications for the punishment?"
  50. >The royal guard reads from a scroll
  51. "The beatings will occur at regular intervals with a pause at 25. The crowd will gauge if the punishment was sufficient, seeing as this is the public punishment."
  52. >The crowd roared in approval as Anon was handed the paddle
  53. >Anon took the instrument and walked up to the trapped pony
  54. >Trixie smiled to the crowd maintaining what dignity she had
  55. "Give them hell Anon..."
  56. >Anon's hands trembled as he lifted the instrument.
  57. >First blow came down with a sharp smack
  58. >Trixie inhales sharply, wincing
  59. >Cheers from the crowd
  60. >"HARDER!" They cry
  61. >Anon bites his lip in distaste as he brings the paddle back
  62. >2!...3!...4!
  63. >Slowly Trixie began to be more vocal
  64. >gasps were replaced with wimpers
  65. >wimpers with cries
  66. >19!...20!
  67. >Anon could feel Trixie cracking under the pressure, but there was nothing to do other than carry out the punishment.
  68. >She finally broke down and began sobbing freely
  69. >Her body quaked as her muscles tensed up
  70. >25! This is where the pause was supposed to occur
  71. >Anon lowered the paddle and was immediately met with callous cries from the gathered audience
  72. >"There is a mandatory pause at 25 strokes" Anon said trying to maintain authority
  73. "Forget the pause! Get back to beating!" Rainbow Dash cried out.
  74. >The town agreed with approving rabble
  75. "I-I ca-n take it An-non"
  76. >Trixie stumbled over her words as she tried to smile at him
  77. >That blue rear was pretty pink now, rivaling Pinkie's own naturally pink rear
  78. >Anon lifted the paddle again, fighting to not show his emotions
  79. > 26! The crowd cried out
  80. > The beatings continued, each smack gaining a louder reaction from both the guilty and the mob
  81. >By 40 strokes she was completely disheveled, a sobbing mess
  82. >5 more strokes
  83. >4 more strokes
  84. >The ponies were counting down
  85. >3 more strokes
  86. >2 more strokes
  87. >Anon raised the paddle to deliver the final blow
  88. >He was interrupted by the crowd
  89. >They demanded that the final blow be much harder
  90. "Do what th-they say Anon" Trixie gasped, "End it with a bang"
  91. >Anon did just that, the sound was spectacular
  92. >Trixie hadn't even anticipated that much hurt
  93. >Her anguished scream filled the night air as the crowd finally calmed down
  94. >The guards unshackle Trixie as you hand the paddle back to the Judge
  95. >Anon picks up Trixie's hat and cape as she is lowered from the stocks
  96. >She shakily stands on her legs determined to at least maintain some kind of composure
  97. >Anon gets down on one knee again and quietly whispers to Trixie
  98. >"It's over now..."
  99. >The crowd slowly began to dissipate, each of the ponies muttering smugly
  100. >Now it was just Anon, a sniffling Trixie and the mane 6
  101. >"Are you happy now? Punishment has been administered, you may leave."
  102. >Anon spat out the words in contempt
  103. "Why did you do that, why would you stick up for her?" Twilight asked, baffled.
  104. >"Compassion...that and I can understand her really well."
  105. "You SYMPATHIZE with her?" Rainbow Dash cried out
  106. >"Maybe one day I'll explain myself; but for now just leave her alone."
  107. "She's nothin' but trouble I tell ya, but I'll respect your decision." Applejack turned away and began to walk back home.
  108. >One by one, the ponies left until only Anon and Trixie remained
  109. "Thanks...Anon" She said quietly
  110. >Anon stares at Trixie before handing her her cape and hat
  111. >Trixie dons her hat but hesitates to put on the cape
  112. >She looks back up at Anon
  113. "I think I need"
  114. >She sheepishly looks at her tanned rear
  115. >Anon doesn't waste a second and scoops her up into his arms, carrying her back to his house
  116. >Trixie didn't have a place to go, her lodging was at Anon's place for the time being
  117. >Anon carefully opened the door to his home, switching on the lights.
  118. >"You're probably very sore" Anon says
  119. "You think?" Trixie hisses
  120. >Glad to see you going back to your old self
  121. >"I know how to help ease the soreness"
  122. "What?"
  123. >"Just soak it in cool water, it'll help dull down the pain and heal you quicker."
  124. >Anon went to the bath tub and began filling it
  125. >Trixie watches idly
  126. "Anon..."
  127. >"Yes Trixie?"
  128. "What did you mean when you said that you understood me really well?"
  129. >Anon sighs
  130. >"You remind me of...well me"
  131. >Silence as the water rushes out of the tap
  132. >Anon continues
  133. >"Brash, self-important, thinks highly of're like a younger version of me."
  134. >Trixie says nothing
  135. >"But I see something in you, something that outshines your flaws"
  136. >Anon turns off the tap, feeling the water temperature
  137. >"Potential"
  138. >Anon slowly lowers Trixie into the water
  139. >Trixie winces at the first contact with the water, but slowly she relaxes
  140. >The cold water must have felt good
  141. >"You can become what you want to be, Trixie, you have the capacity for it."
  142. >She stares at Anon silently
  143. >Anon sighs and continues his speech
  144. >"Look, both of us know that the whole Ursa deal was crap. Yes you created a story of glory, but you didn't lead the Ursa into Ponyville. Don't let tonight get to you, you'll have your due."
  145. "It's cold, Anon"
  146. >Trixie spoke in a tired voice
  147. "It feels good on my flanks but I'm uncomfortable everywhere else..."
  148. >Anon examined the tub, it was a fair size so why not?
  149. >"Mind if I get in then?"
  150. >Anon couldn't help but feel pretty bad for the pain he had inflicted
  151. >She nodded and Anon stripped down to his Boxers.
  152. >First foot in, damn it was chilly
  153. >Slowly Anon lowered himself into the tub and hugged Trixie
  154. >"Don't worry about me, I'll be here as long as you want."
  155. >She just lay on top of Anon's chest resting her head on his shoulder.
  156. >Anon let her lay there the two resting from that evening's excitement
  157. The end
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