
A Scripted Evening

Aug 27th, 2020
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  3. For nadie95! This one is a bit different from my usual oneshots, so it couldn't go into Healing Kisses or a collection, so I hope people don't mind it being a separate thing.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ------------
  9. A Scripted Evening
  12. The evening is calm and quiet as Claudine leads Maya down Starlight Hall by the hand. Maya follows her with an air of excitement and anticipation, her heart doing tiny leaps in her chest.
  14. Tonight is a special night - more special than most - and she's nearly bursting with how badly she's dying to know what Claudine has in store for her.
  16. Dressed in their school uniforms, they walk the familiar hallways in silence. Having just finished a certain celebration with the rest of their friend group in their shared lounge room, Claudine had pulled Maya out a bit early.
  18. Puzzled but curious, Maya had followed, and even now she gazes at Claudine's back and her bouncy, wavy hair with building interest. She recognizes their route and Claudine's intended path moments before they arrive.
  20. Claudine turns the handle to her own dorm room and slowly pushes her way in. But Maya pauses at the entrance, causing Claudine to turn back to her.
  22. "Tendo Maya? Aren't you coming in?"
  24. Maya swallows softly.
  26. "May I? After all… it is quite late…"
  28. Claudine rolls her eyes and scoffs in exasperation.
  30. "If I didn't want you coming in at this hour, would I be pulling you in myself? Unless you'd rather not-"
  32. "No." Maya immediately takes a step inside the room with her. Claudine smirks.
  34. "That's what I thought. Now come here." She gives Maya's wrist a tug, bringing her fully inside the room before closing the door behind her. "Now then…" Claudine glides back around in front of her like a nymph, taking both of Maya's hands in hers. Her eyes are bright and mischievous, and her voice lowers just a notch. "It's your birthday, Tendo Maya. And while everyone else has already given their gifts in the form of snacks and dinner, I have yet to give you anything."
  36. Maya watches her step back, moving like a spirit, and Maya is drawn in. She has no choice but to follow her another step.
  38. "Saijou-san," she says, voice tight. "You needn't worry yourself. I don't mind if you have nothing to give-"
  40. "Oh, but I do," Claudine murmurs. "I do have something to give you, Tendo Maya. And I'm sure if you just use your imagination a little bit, you'll be able to figure it out…" Claudine smiles with a devilish innocence as she takes another step backward. It doesn't take Maya very long to realize they are heading for the bed. She swallows.
  42. "Saijou-san-"
  44. "Hush." Claudine presses her index finger over Maya's lips, taking her back another step, and then another. Maya obeys and follows as though she's been placed under a spell.
  46. Just as they reach the bed, Claudine turns them both around and now pushes Maya to sit down first.
  48. She looks up at Claudine, chest tightening by the second as this beauty of a girl smiles down at her in the darkness, highlighted by only a small pool of moonlight. Maya opens her mouth limply in an effort to speak, but Claudine quiets her with an alluring glance, one that makes Maya forget speech altogether.
  50. It almost doesn't feel real until she registers Claudine's weight settling into her lap, straddling her. Their skirts mingle and ruffle slightly. Maya can hardly comprehend what's happening, but some small portion of her brain tells her to reach out and hold her before Claudine can sway or fall backward.
  52. So Maya extends trembling arms to support her, holding onto Claudine's waist and the small of her back. Claudine smiles softly as she holds Maya's shoulders, leaning in awfully close. Her voice drops even lower, into a rasp.
  54. "Tendo Maya… you see… there's a present I'd wanted to give you tonight, too… but first there's something you need to know…"
  56. Maya's entire body is rushing with heat, and her head feels so dizzy she can hardly remember how to blink. But she blinks multiple times, forcing her vision to focus on the beauty before her.
  58. "Of course…" Her voice comes out shaking, and she tightens her grip on Claudine's waist. "Anything, Saijou-san."
  60. Now that she's invited her to speak, however, Claudine suddenly grows quiet. She looks away for a moment, and Maya can feel Claudine's pulse slamming against her palm.
  62. She holds her steady - waiting - and after a moment Claudine draws in a deep breath and finally meets her gaze once more. Her face is completely pink, so much so that Maya can tell even in the darkness.
  64. "Tendo Maya," she says loudly. "I love you."
  66. Maya feels her own heart backflip just as Claudine's does the same beneath her hand. The confession lingers in the air for a moment as both of them try to make sense of it. Maya's jaw drops again, but nothing comes out.
  68. Claudine's face is turning redder and redder, and her heart is pounding out of control. She can't take Maya's silence any longer.
  70. "Well don't just sit there looking like a fish out of water! Say something!"
  72. Maya blinks, trying to grasp onto some thread or shred to confirm this is reality. All she can cling onto is Claudine.
  74. "Eh…?" She blinks, but still the image remains. This is no mirage, no dream. Claudine is real and warm and trembling in her lap right this instant.
  76. Claudine heaves an incredulous sigh and squeezes Maya's shoulders.
  78. "Well?" she snaps. "What about you? Do you… feel the same…? Or…" Claudine's gaze falters, and Maya feels a sting in her chest for her; her hesitation might've caused Claudine to misunderstand.
  80. "Of course!" Maya says breathlessly. She gives Claudine a squeeze around her waist, coaxing her to turn her face and look into her eyes again. "Saijou-san- no… Claudine. Of course I love you. I have loved you… for longer than I can comprehend." She folds her arms around her and pulls Claudine against her chest.
  82. At the same time, Claudine leans against her, hugging Maya tightly.
  84. Their hearts thump together for a long moment before Maya eases back. She kisses Claudine first, able to both feel and hear a miffed little huff from her before Claudine reciprocates. Their arms lock around one another - tighter, harder - and the kiss deepens.
  86. When they finally part, both girls are breathing heavily, nose-to-nose and flushed. Claudine rests her forehead against Maya's for a moment as she catches her breath. Maya soaks in her touch and her warmth, keeping her close.
  88. "So then," she murmurs. "What exactly is this special present you have for me, Claudine?"
  90. After a moment, Claudine eases back again. She removes her arms from Maya's shoulders and instead brings them to the ribbon of her own uniform. She unties it and lets it fall. And then, one by one, she begins to unbutton her blouse.
  92. "I think you can infer, can't you?"
  94. Maya gapes, watching in stunned bewilderment as Claudine releases the top button and then the next and the next, each time revealing a little more skin than the last. She finds herself leaning closer, eager to glimpse more-
  96. "Well?" Claudine snaps at her. "Are you going to help me, or are you just going to sit there looking like an idiot?"
  98. "Eh? Oh, o-of course-"
  100. Maya keeps one hand at the small of Claudine's back, then uses the other to begin pawing open her shirt. Claudine nods in satisfaction as she undoes the final button of her top.
  102. Maya pauses before touching her further, uncertain. But Claudine's words are unmistakable.
  104. "Me," she says, her eyes deep and serious. "Your present is me, Tendo Maya. For your birthday… I am giving you my first time. Do you understand?"
  106. Maya feels the breath leave her entire body all at once. She feels dizzy.
  108. "I…"
  110. Her eyes travel from Claudine's navel peeking from inside her shirt, up the smooth pale skin of her stomach, the pink bra underneath, and eventually back up to her eyes. She can't breathe.
  112. "C-Claudine," she stammers. "Don't you think… perhaps… we may be moving too quickly? After all, we only just established our feelings-"
  114. "Perhaps," Claudine mumbles. "But we've known each other for three years now. Don't you think we're close enough? And besides…"
  116. Claudine draws in a trembling breath, now reaching out to cup Maya's face. Maya can't tell if more heat is coming from her own face or from Claudine's fingers. She can taste her against her lips as Claudine kisses her softly and breathes into her.
  118. "I trust you, Tendo Maya."
  120. Maya's stomach flips, and all at once she crushes Claudine close to her. She kisses her back harder than Claudine had kissed her, and a steeling resolve settles over her heart.
  122. When they part from the kiss, Maya caresses a hand through Claudine's hair and strokes it all down her back, gazing deeply into her eyes.
  124. "Then I accept your offer," she murmurs.
  126. Slowly, she begins slipping her other hand into Claudine's open shirt. All at once, she turns them sideways, flipping their positions and pinning Claudine down onto her back on the bed. Maya climbs on top of her, snaking a knee between her thighs as her fingers trail idly to the waistband of her skirt. Maya slips them under and leans over her with a husky whisper.
  128. "I promise I'll be gentle-"
  130. There's a sudden creaking sound from across the room, so clearly it isn't the mattress beneath them.
  132. "Oy, Kuroko, Tendo, just wanted to ask if you guys wanted to join us for the after party and- uh… what are you doing…? And what the hell are you wearing-?"
  134. Maya and Claudine are petrified for a long moment as they look to the doorway where Futaba is standing in pants and a formal dress shirt.
  136. Because the party everyone had attended tonight had not actually been Maya's birthday party, but rather everyone's 5-year anniversary of graduating Seishou Academy.
  138. In truth, the girls are not seventeen or eighteen or still in school, but rather they are 23, finishing college, and had been invited back to Seishou's dorms for one evening in order to celebrate their official school reunion and graduation anniversary.
  140. Maya and Claudine have been dating for years now, but had decided to try out something fun on their reunion night; playing the part of high school students again, they'd reenacted their first night together as a couple, the confession, the tenderness, and even brought along their old school uniforms to help add to the role-play.
  142. And now that little fantasy is shattered as one of their friends walks in on them right at the heart the action.
  144. All three of them are stupefied into silence for a long moment, until finally Claudine breaks it. With a shriek, she shoves Maya off herself and sits up, pulling her shirt back together across her chest.
  146. "Idiote!" she cries. "You didn't lock the door?!"
  148. Maya scrambles to sit up and climb off of her.
  150. "I-I apologize. It was your room and you were leading, so I presumed-"
  152. "You were the last one in! It's your job to lock it!" Claudine grabs the pillow from the head of the bed and whacks Maya with it.
  154. Futaba stands in the doorway in flustered silence, unsure of whether she should leave quietly or finish inviting them to after party. Her face is already beat red.
  156. "Oh…uh… s-sorry for interrupting…? Geez, I don't think I even wanna know… I probably already do; I have a brain… A-Anyway, if you two are up for some drinks, meet us at the front of the school in 15 minutes. We'll be taking the train tonight. But if you're uh, busy, then…"
  158. Claudine and Maya frantically turn to her, eyes pleading.
  160. "Isurugi-san-"
  162. "Futaba, you can't tell the others- especially Kaoruko-"
  164. Futaba holds up both hands.
  166. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I won't say a word. I'd rather forget, too. I'm gonna start drinkin'..."
  168. And with this she quickly closes the door behind herself and scurries off.
  170. Maya and Claudine - actually in their early twenties - stare after her as their little role-play reenactment of their younger high school years comes crashing down. Maya continues staring at the door even after she begins to feel the burning of her girlfriend's glare on her face. Claudine's voice is low and seething.
  172. "Tendo Maya-"
  174. "N-Nevermind all that," Maya says thinly. "Shall we continue…?"
  176. "Are you kidding? After that buzz kill?" Claudine is already up off the bed and removing her old uniform - not for the reasons Maya hopes for, but to change back into the formal blouse and skirt she'd arrived in for the party.
  178. Maya heaves a sigh and follows, shedding her uniform that still fits so well and putting her formal clothes back on.
  180. Claudine is red and huffing all the while, muttering in French to herself. And even though she is so miffed, and even though their plans tonight had been shattered, Maya still ends up chuckling.
  182. Claudine hears and whirls around.
  184. "And what, exactly, is so funny?"
  186. "Forgive me," Maya says, taking her hand. "Regardless of our age, you haven't changed a bit, Ma Claudine."
  188. Claudine's face heats up even more at the pet name.
  190. "And you're still as insufferable as ever… Mechante va."
  192. Maya loops an arm around her waist and pulls her close, kissing her lips warmly. Claudine lets her frustrations channel into the kiss and her hold on Maya, and eventually it all melts away.
  194. Maya gives her a long hug, and after they part from the kiss, they simply rest their heads on each others' shoulders for a moment.
  196. "At least it wasn't Kaoruko," Claudine mutters. "Futaba won't say anything."
  198. "You're absolutely right. We should count our blessings."
  200. "It's a shame, though," Claudine says, and Maya believes she can hear a hint of a suggestive tone in her voice. "We didn't get to see things through here… I guess we'll just have to really play it up once we get home tonight."
  202. Maya - who had been under the assumption that their intimate activities for the night were over, now perks up hopefully.
  204. "Do you mean-?"
  206. "I mean-" Claudine quiets her with a kiss. "We brought these old uniforms all the way with us. We might as well use them as we intended at some point tonight, even if it's just back at the apartment, right? It just makes sense. So we'll join the others, have a few drinks, and once we get off the train and back home, we'll pick up where we left off here. How does that sound?"
  208. Maya responds by giving her another hug, picking her up and spinning her once before gently placing her back down and kissing her.
  210. "I very much look forward to it, Saijou Claudine."
  212. Claudine eyes her back with a familiar haughty interest.
  214. "As do I, Tendo Maya."
  216. With one more kiss, they head off to pack away the uniforms they'd brought along before joining their friends for a little after-party; and then, their own private 'after-party' to follow.
  218. -----------
  220. A/N: This was such a fun request to work with. It was tricky trying to make the beginning seem like their usual canon Seishou schooldays while not giving away the twist and still being ambiguous enough to let it be them as older 25 year-olds in a roleplay. It was a little nsfw territory too, but all for the humor in this case. (I do have a legit nsfw one coming soon though).
  222. I hope you enjoyed the twist and the aged-up Mayakuro!
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