
Endtown RPG Session #23

Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Hey everyone!
  2. Clayton R.: hello
  3. Martin Baron: Hey GM
  4. Jakov Kovać: ey
  5. Traver S.: Ayy, how's it hanging?
  6. GM (GM): Has that been playing the whole time?
  7. Clayton R.: yeah
  8. Jakov Kovać: yup
  9. GM (GM): Crazy.
  10. Everett Pillory: We're all at hospital still!
  11. Jakov Kovać: yup
  12. GM (GM): There you go.
  13. Everett Pillory: Hey DM, got my e-mail? Computer was malfuncitoning all week so I want to make sure
  14. GM (GM): Okay, everyone ready to begin?
  15. Yeah I got it.
  16. Everett Pillory: Good
  17. At least that wasn't broekn then
  18. Martin Baron: Missing Mana and the other fellow.
  19. Everett Pillory: Right
  20. GM (GM): Let me update the doc.
  21. Jakov Kovać: witch one
  22. GM (GM): Okay, you are cited. I gotta remember to go to noodleworks, apparently the MLA has changed in the ten years since I've done that sort of thing.
  23. Updated doc:
  24. Martin Baron: Cited?
  25. GM (GM): Cited. Piotr did the character sheet.
  26. You do art or writing for the game, you gotta be mentioned in the citations.
  27. Martin Baron: Oh the character sheets, cool.
  28. GM (GM): Otherwise how will people know you did it?
  29. Everett Pillory: People now know I share the name with the biggest loser in the comic
  30. GM (GM): There is blood spilt on that sort of thing, believe you me!
  31. Oh, well, at least he had a sword!
  32. Anyway!
  33. with the brutal batter and backlashes of the wastes settled, the party takes a moment to heal and recover.
  34. Jakov Kovać: again
  35. GM (GM): Wait,
  36. Is your character a lobster or a fruit bat, Jakov?
  37. Martin Baron: How much MP and HP would that be, boss-man?
  38. Jakov Kovać: lobster
  39. Martin Baron: Missing guy is bat.
  40. GM (GM): Right.
  41. Anyway, your Hp is restored.
  42. Everett Pillory: Hooray
  43. GM (GM): You have rested about a week.
  44. DJ-Max: Feelin' good!
  45. Martin Baron: Aw yiss
  46. GM (GM): so 70 hp, 35 mp if you want to be technical.
  47. Everett Pillory: I'd probably crash at Mana's house or DJ's.
  48. GM (GM): Sure, you're small, don't take up much space.
  49. DJ-Max 's house happens to have a sega genesis.
  50. Martin Baron: Back up at the positives, a meager 16
  51. No one will have a sleepover at Martin's after the stunt he pulled. :(
  52. Everett Pillory: Say DM, in the mean time can I ask Mallard if he needs an assistant?
  53. GM (GM): ((
  54. You do and in character fashion he tells you he does not!
  55. Martin Baron: With the assistant he's got now, you'd think he'd be fine with literally anyone else.
  56. GM (GM): He also says he wants his blasters back!
  57. Mallard never takes an assistant that might possibly challenge his ego.
  58. Martin Baron: Martin rubs the back of his head and admits that the blaster he received had been destroyed. Because it exploded in his hands.
  59. GM (GM): You were warned! You have no grounds for a suit!
  60. He says in more colorful language.
  61. DJ-Max will hand back his own blaster with no fuss!
  62. Everett Pillory grumbles something about "Old university cliques."
  63. Clayton R. hands over his own blaster with little fanfare. He hardly ever used it.
  64. Martin Baron mumbles something about being happy he wasn't charged for the gun.
  65. GM (GM): Now, before we proceed with The Quest let's take a moment to consider buying skills.
  66. Clayton R. takes the time again to ask Mallard once more about the possibility of having his topsider suit sealed back up
  67. Martin Baron: I have 4 points. I'm too broke to enter the Skill Store.
  68. Clayton R.: (( alright. i think I want to save some of my points though))
  69. Jakov Kovać: no problem
  70. GM (GM): What level are you?
  71. Martin Baron: Level 4
  72. Jakov Kovać: I don't have enough to buy anything
  73. Martin Baron: Mind of 3
  74. Jakov Kovać: :)
  75. Everett Pillory: I'm buying Electronics at 1 and Traditional firearms rifles at 1
  76. GM (GM): 9 points.
  77. Yeow
  78. DJ-Max: I'm level...3 I went to the skill store and picked up energy weapons and dancing a little bit ago...when I remembered 'oh yeah, I have to level up.'
  79. Everett Pillory: Saved up 11 SP for this
  80. Martin Baron: What's that about 9 points?
  81. GM (GM): You have or had 9 skill points.
  82. Martin Baron: Yep
  83. Spent 5 on sneak
  84. GM (GM): Ah, right.
  85. Martin Baron: Martin's not exactly the smartest survivor around. He's a bit slow when it comes to skills.
  86. GM (GM): I bring this up because the game has been going awhile and we haven't gotten into skill purchases really.
  87. Everett Pillory: I believe I grabbed First Aid during my first visit. Woo SP cash cow!
  88. DJ-Max: I grabbed a SPEED UP to.
  89. GM (GM): Right, I guess that's handled!
  90. We begin again our story...
  91. Everett Pillory: (( Well I also will need a shotgun and a handful of shells - normal, buckshot and dragon's breath. I can get that out of Clay's cash reserve ))
  92. Clayton R.: (( perhaps, you and Clayton still have it out against each other. Maybe if you help him make some napalm. ))
  93. GM (GM): ((Pretty good chance to kill eachother, making napalm.))
  94. Clayton R.: ((I actually have been meaning to make it for a while. Gasoline fire just doesn't cut it.))
  95. Everett Pillory: (( Chemistry skill 3!!))
  96. you all reconvene to discuss your next venture.
  97. Martin Baron: ((Medical supplies run, right?))
  98. ((Also, I think I'm gonna buy a pistol. Got the cash, might as well spend it.))
  99. Clayton R. takes some time to speak with Everett, singling him out from the group. "Hay. I think I might need your help beefing up my... firepower."
  100. from the wacked out scenario of last week you've been asked to go on a delivery run in the hopes that a change of scenery might help your deranged comrad.
  101. Clayton R.: (( Is this Martin's Loyalty Quest? ))
  102. also, alittle bit of altruism goes far in this world...just saying.
  103. Martin Baron: ((Heh, yeah you get a special perk when you reach max reputation with Martin))
  104. GM (GM): ((Yes, by doing this Martin will be able to fix that pipe without dying.))
  105. Jakov Kovać: ((pipe?))
  106. Everett Pillory shrugs "Sure. Quite frankly I can't find any job with my resume... Last time I spoke to Mallard he said "Too &*$@%! Overqualified".. so what do you need?
  107. DJ-Max: (Its an important pipe.)
  108. Jakov Kovać: ((I'm interest in this story))
  109. Martin Baron: ((It's leaking fuel in a closet, if I don't fix it it might get set aflame.))
  110. Clayton R. leans in close to Everett. "Napalm."
  111. GM (GM): ((All those clothes, gone!))
  112. DJ-Max: "Doing good stuff is always good Everett. Least you won't be to stuffy in Mallard's place all day."
  113. Jakov Kovać: ((awww, I tought it was some hijinx with plumming, instead it's just a regulare fule line lecage))
  114. Martin Baron: ((Right, I'm gonna buy a 10mm Colt and 2 100-bullet boxes. Brings my current cash down to 3433))
  115. GM (GM): Sure!
  116. Everett Pillory waves his hand "Yeah I can do that. And lately I've just been going around town trying to find things to do. All I got so far is a couple of boring lectures."
  117. GM (GM): 10mm Colt 2d10+30:
  118. DJ-Max: (DJ is just gonna fix up his clothes/armor. He's a puncher not a shooter.)
  119. GM (GM): Roll chemistry to make napalm.
  120. brb
  121. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  122. (99)+20= 119
  123. Clayton R.: (( aww dude! ))
  124. Martin Baron: ((I know I'm slowly becoming a walking arsenal now, but would it be alright if I also buy a ranged handgun taser? Also, I can't find the batteries to buy for it.))
  125. Jakov Kovać: ((das alot of napalm))
  126. DJ-Max: (Nah Martin, you're just becoming Chris Redfield. Don't worry so much)
  127. Martin Baron: ((Also need to replace my armor too. Thing got shredded after an entire building fell on it.))
  128. Clayton R.: (( that's just to see if he succeed is making it.))
  129. Martin Baron: ((Good god, I'm gonna start punching boulders soon aren't I?))
  130. GM (GM): ((So will you be buying new armor or just having the old stuff repaired? Also, what was your armor?))
  131. Everett Pillory: (( Actually I will arm myself with a vest ))
  132. GM (GM): ((Yes, you have succeeded in making napalm
  133. Martin Baron: ((Studded leather armor at 0 HP. Pretty sure it's more expensive to fix than to buy a new one.))
  134. ((Also, I asked earlier if I could get a ranged handgun taser?))
  135. Clayton R.: (( how much napalm, GM?))
  136. Jakov Kovać: ((MY BODY IS ARMOUR))
  137. GM (GM): Napalm: Standard mix: 5d10+50.
  138. Jakov Kovać: ((also I don't have money to buy anything ontop))
  139. GM (GM): Guess I should note that.
  140. Yes,
  141. Everett Pillory: rolling 5d10+50
  142. (6+8+1+1+1)+50
  143. = 67
  144. DJ-Max: (Just having the old stuff repaired. It was just some leather armor and the like.)
  145. GM (GM): You can get tasers at George's Civilian Munitions.
  146. Clayton R.: ((what was that roll for Everett?))
  147. Martin Baron: ((How much for batteries? It isn't in the updated document.))
  148. GM (GM): ((That was a horrible roll.
  149. Studded leather, 600
  150. Clayton R.: ((I'm just wondering why he rolled a napalm damage roll))
  151. GM (GM): ((Ah, I was thinking that all tasers use the same battery: 20 bones
  152. I'll have to add that.
  153. DJ-Max: (Ah man, I only got 100 bucks to my name. Haha. Welp. Guess I'll just but a nice shirt. Least that way I can go out in style.)
  154. Martin Baron: ((Alright, fixed my armor, got a gun and a taser. I'm ready for war, I suppose. And DJ, I can spot some cash for you if you want.))
  155. ((So how much for a single battery?))
  156. GM (GM): ((Could go with sports pads, $30 for 30 hp.
  157. DJ-Max: (Sounds good to me.)
  158. Clayton R.: ((Are riot jackets available in Endtown?))
  159. GM (GM): (($20 for a battery))
  160. Martin Baron: ((Thanks.))
  161. ((Wait crap, I'm sorry with the questions, but how many charges do each battery hold?))
  162. GM (GM): ((Its in the model description.))
  163. ((Battery payload
  164. Jakov Kovać: ((what can I get for 15$))
  165. GM (GM): ((pg. 57. We gotta get rolling here Jakov.))
  166. Martin Baron: ((Alright, got 3 batteries and wrote down the total amount of charges. Thanks GM.))
  167. Clayton R.: (I'll grab a riot jacket and hand off what is left of my studded armor to a friendly.))
  168. GM (GM): ((Three bowls of moss soup.))
  169. You have done so, Clay.
  170. How much is left of your armor?
  171. Clayton R.: (31/90) on studded armor
  172. Everett Pillory: (( So I'll use Clayton's reserve to grab a pump action and box of slug and buckshot ammo
  173. Jakov Kovać: ((so essentially nothing))
  174. ((good to know))
  175. Clayton R.: (( I have a shotgun in lockup Everett)
  176. GM (GM): ((Yeah, things are very expensive in Endtown.))
  177. Everett Pillory: (( Good, then I can use that... ))
  178. GM (GM): ((This is kind of disturbing, thinking about it for the system.))
  179. Everett Pillory: (( Gonna write it down on my sheet then ))
  180. Clayton R.: (( I also have a riot vest with 32/70 armor left if someone desperately needs it.))
  181. Jakov Kovać: ((shall we go then?))
  182. Martin Baron: ((
  183. Jakov Kovać: ((oh noes batman has arrived))
  184. We begin! into the night!
  185. Martin Baron: ((It'd be hilarious if the missing guy shows up now.))
  186. Clayton R. turns to the rest of the group before they set off, holding up some torn studded leather armor and a riot vest. "Who wants em?"
  187. GM (GM): That it would.
  188. With your kit on, you feel ready to set out on the wastes.
  189. Everett Pillory: (( I will grab that riot vest. Hell even try to repair it))
  190. If you stop by the hospital you'll pick up the supplies for the delivery.
  191. Everett Pillory: ((Can I do that?))
  192. Clayton R. adjusts his new armor, and situates his new fuel supply on his back.It's good to upgrade.
  193. GM (GM): ((Got metal working or any craft skill?))
  194. Clayton R. he hands off the riot vest to Everett. "Heh, don't mind the tear marks."
  195. Clayton R.: (( Don't forget to get ammo for the shotgun Everett.))
  196. Everett Pillory: (( Engineering, Invention, Electronics ))
  197. (( I already said I want a box of each ))
  198. Clayton R.: ((Oh okay. what cost was it?))
  199. GM (GM): $800
  200. Everett Pillory: (( $60 for 100ct box, $55 for 100 ct box ))
  201. GM (GM): Engineering!
  202. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  203. (98)+20= 118
  204. GM (GM): 90s today, man.
  205. You repaired it!
  206. Everett Pillory: (( He's a surviour! ))
  207. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow, impressed with Everett's handiwork
  208. Martin Baron: ((I'm guessing Mallard's not gonna outfit us with our blasters for our supply run?))
  209. Everett Pillory shrugs "Living in the waste taught me to fix what's broken to survive. It would be a shame to throw out this vest."
  210. GM (GM): ((Probably not, this isn't 'official' colony business.))
  211. ((You private sector now!))
  212. DJ-Max: "...That's still impressive man."
  213. Martin Baron: "Wish I sent my armor to you first, would've saved a bit of cash."
  214. Clayton R. still has some torn studded leather armor for someone who wants something better than nothing.
  215. Everett Pillory makes a bandana out of his tie, writes "BORN TO KILL" on a piece of paper, sticks it behind it and sighs "I guess I can consider myself drafted for now."
  216. Everett Pillory: Well yeah, man. You should've.
  217. Martin Baron: ((Oh well. Lods oph eaoni. ))
  218. You have picked up the supplies, your next stop is the secret garage where your vehicles are held. Conveniently, there is access through the colony
  219. Proceed? Or is there other business?
  220. Clayton R. makes sure to grab his shotgun from lockup, can't let Everett go on without it.
  221. Clayton R. also tries to acquire his topsider suit while he is there
  222. GM (GM): Without much fuss, they give you back the suit.
  223. DJ-Max has nothing better to do. He shall proceed.
  224. GM (GM): Turns out the rats were just being jerks and there was no detectable signals.
  225. Martin Baron: ((Reasonable jerks. This time anyway.))
  226. GM (GM): ((Over dramatic jerks.))
  227. Jakov Kovać: hello
  228. SecurityRat: Hello
  229. Clayton R. heads back with the suit tucked under his arm. He hands a scorched double barrel shotgun over to Everett. "found this while up on that skyscraper."
  230. Jakov Kovać: so what will be our transport commrads
  231. Clayton R.: ((What shape is the APC in? The jeep is pretty bad if I remember correctly.))
  232. GM (GM): Ah, yeah, forgot your guys had that gun.
  233. Jakov Kovać: I heard you ackwiared something fancy while topside
  234. GM (GM): Both vehicles have been banged up abit.
  235. Jeep hp: 130
  236. Everett Pillory looks over the gun "Eh, it'll do."
  237. Everett Pillory: (Can I try to fix up the Jeep?)
  238. GM (GM): APC hp: 240
  239. (You may.)
  240. Clayton R. shrugs. "Try and fix it up if you want, but a free gun is free gun."
  241. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  242. (56)+20= 76
  243. GM (GM): The Jeep is currently in the garage.
  244. But when you get there.
  245. Clayton R. "So... don't expect much."
  246. Jakov Kovać: ((I don't have a token))
  247. Clayton R.: ((Jakov. Do you want my old leather armor since you have none?))
  248. Jakov Kovać: ((can't move it at all, also sure))
  249. ((what are the stats))
  250. GM (GM): ((Whoop, sorry.
  251. Clayton R. hands off the torn armor to the lobster-man. "It ain't much but it's better than nothing."
  252. Jakov Kovać: oh thank you
  253. this remindes me of my youth
  254. Everett Pillory: (( 76 is a good roll, right? ))
  255. GM (GM): EM, you managed to bang out afew dings. +100 hp to jep
  256. Jakov Kovać: going to a worn torn place with but scraps of armour and vihicles that could barely be described as battle ready
  257. GM (GM): Roughly, the jeep is at 30%
  258. Jakov Kovać: nostalgia isn't suger coating it much
  259. Everett Pillory grumbles "Well... the Jeep needs MORE work than I can put to it right now. At least it won't be leaking coolant no more after the rats shot up the radiator."
  260. Assistant: OH, HELLO GUYS!
  262. Jakov Kovać: ((so how much hp does the lather armour have, I'm presumeing it's damaged))
  263. Clayton R. groans. "Really?.. They look in pretty bad shape. What have you been up to?"
  264. Everett Pillory looks at the Assistant like a potential target for trying out the shotgun on.
  265. Clayton R.: (31/90 hp)
  266. DJ-Max: "Oh, hey, how's it going?" Max says as he moves his ears so the shouting doesn't destroy them.
  267. Everett Pillory: "I'm TRYING to work here."
  268. Jakov Kovać: good day, nice garage you got here
  271. Assistint: AND, WELL, I COULDN'T FIX IT.
  272. Clayton R. pauses. "Th-... The what? Are you senile?"
  273. Assistint: ... I DID WASH THEM!
  274. Everett Pillory sighs and just goes back to replacing the shot hoses and wires. "Well I'm busy here. If you were to wait for me to help you..."
  275. the beaver puffs up in pride for some unknown reason
  277. Clayton R. runs his hand through his hair. "Is there anything else you have for us... iunno... something useful, like a GPS?"
  280. Jakov Kovać: U ime Oca, i Sina, i Duha svetoga, Amen.
  281. Everett Pillory raises from the jeep "Hey I sent in my resume 2 times in a week. You don't want an assisant, fine by me."
  282. Everett Pillory grumbles... "At least cars can't talk."
  283. Jakov Kovać prays alittle
  284. Everett Pillory goes back to getting the thing up and running agian.
  285. Clayton R. nods in some relief. "fine... that might be useful if I come back in another topsider suit."
  286. vehicle damage report: Both vehicles are battle damaged. The APC is without a power cell.
  287. Assistant: I AM GOOD AT MY JOB!
  288. DJ-Max: "Yep. You're the best man. Really." he says with great sarcassam.
  289. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  290. (65)= 65
  291. The beaver fails to recognize sarcasm
  292. Everett, after some work you've determined you are out of parts! You'll need either to find some, buy some, or make some to continue to repair the jeep.
  293. Clayton R. paces around the two vehicles before speaking. " I think we may have to settle on the jeep again this time around.... Mr... uh... Assistant-of-Mallard. Do you know if the rats or if anyone else around Endtown can help patch that APC up while we're gone?"
  294. Everett Pillory: We're out of parts, Clayton.
  295. So if we were to patch ANY vehicles up we need to buy some junk or grease some palms
  296. And I don't expect charity
  297. Jakov Kovać: not even for a good cause?
  299. Clayton R. turns to Everett. "We have cash... and I'm sure there is some gear around Endtown... if not even more scrap just lying around the surface."
  300. Clayton R. turns again to the Assistant. "There aren't any in Endtown are there?"
  301. DJ-Max: "I know of one! We could just go to gray's scrapyard"
  302. Clayton R.: me arches an eyebrow. This was the first he was hearing of this scrapyard.
  304. DJ-Max remembers this from the FEESH incident
  305. Jakov Kovać: so why isn't doc.Mallard supplying us with one?
  306. GM (GM): It is true, you have a scrap yard.
  307. Clayton R. clarifies. "Are there any available to use? Purchasable or otherwise acquirable here?"
  308. AoM: YOU NEED ONE?
  309. Clayton R. clarifies once more. "YES."
  310. Jakov Kovać: Indeed
  311. Everett Pillory shuts the hood of the jeep "Christ... why are we talking with him?" he whispers to himself.
  313. the beaver leaves.
  314. Clayton R. slaps his hand to his forehead. "For Christ's sake..."
  315. Silence fills the room after a very long absence.
  316. Jakov Kovać: that guy seems ore then a little daft
  317. why would Mallard want such a guy for an assistant
  318. Everett Pillory: Well
  319. Back at my university we had people like that
  320. They weren't allowed to do much but they were useful for carrying stuff
  321. Jakov Kovać: I see
  322. When I went too collage such individuals left after the 1st year
  323. GM (GM): Less fuss about experimentation.
  324. Everett Pillory hops into the jeep "And we had asshole professors that wouldn't hire smart people for their assistants because they would make them look bad... these people at least made them look smart."
  325. GM (GM): after some time the beaver returns.
  326. he presents a blaster.
  327. Clayton R. nods in appreciation. "Could you please remove the cell?"
  329. Clayton R. is unamused.
  330. Everett Pillory falls over with a groan
  331. DJ-Max: "...Eh?"
  333. Jakov Kovać: I figgured my boy
  335. DJ-Max: "...That brings up many questions, none of them ones I wanna know anythin' about"
  336. Martin Baron: "... It wont explode if we use it like that, right?"
  337. Clayton R. nods. "Can you help us wire it in?"
  339. Everett Pillory: Clayton... for the love of God... let ME handle it
  340. You don't want him to handle anything
  341. Jakov Kovać whispers to Clayton "do you really want him to help us"
  342. AoM: OKAY.
  343. GM (GM): The Beaver hands the blaster off to Panda.
  344. Clayton R. rolls his eyes. "then by all means Professor Panda.."
  345. GM (GM): The Assistant of Mallard wanders off whistling some tune.
  346. Clayton R. turns back to lobster-man. "I'll take any help I can get."
  347. Everett Pillory sighs and tries to wire the damn contraption to the APC
  348. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  349. (70)+20= 90
  350. GM (GM): Wiring the Apc: Engineering skill roll!
  351. It works.
  352. Clayton R.: ayy
  353. DJ-Max: "...Its a rare person who can exist like that in todays world."
  354. GM (GM): Scarlet Ibis, man.
  355. Everett! you foresee a problem!
  356. Jakov Kovać: Great start for the adventure
  357. Clayton R. pats Everett on back. "Heh. Thanks for the demonstration professor."
  358. GM (GM): The blaster still operates on the crank handle mechanic, which means the APC runs on a crank as well.
  359. Everett Pillory: ...
  360. Clayton R. frowns.. "What's wrong now?"
  361. Everett Pillory looks back at the party "Hey remember how blasters operate? Hand-crank and all?"
  362. GM (GM): Everey 100 or so miles, you'll have to reach in and crank the blaster to get power again.
  363. DJ-Max: "Yeah?.."
  364. Everett Pillory: "You will need to do the hand cranking every hundred miles or so unless I find a working proton cell"
  365. (I can rewrite it for the cranking to be done inside the APC?)
  366. GM (GM): That's another engineer roll.
  367. Clayton R. shrugs. "alright... so we crank it after a while... sound more like we got a rechargeable battery more than anything."
  368. GM (GM): Also, you'll need scrap.
  369. DJ-Max: "...Wait. Don't cars engines have like...some kind of belt or something? Could you just...I'unno jerry-rig it to that."
  370. "So it cranks itself."
  371. "Or is that just a cartoon thing. I've never looked under the hood of a car."
  372. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  373. (1)+20= 21
  374. (Christ almighty... I knew it)
  375. Martin Baron: ((It broke as fuk))
  376. Jakov Kovać: ((it had to happen))
  377. GM (GM): You have broken the crank!
  378. Everett Pillory: FUCK IT...
  379. DJ-Max: "...Nevermind."
  380. Jakov Kovać: Jeep it is
  381. Clayton R. sighs
  382. GM (GM): (Ah geez, you guys are trying so hard. I feel bad now.)
  383. Everett Pillory grumbles "I'll need to see about fixing it when we get back..."
  384. Everett Pillory: At least it didn't explode...
  385. GM (GM): Indeed.
  386. Clayton R. wants to see about contacting a rat
  387. Everett Pillory backs away from the APC slowly "Although I would leave in a haste"
  388. Jakov Kovać Jumps in the back of the Jeep
  389. quick quiz, does anyone know where you guys are actually supposed to be going?
  390. Jakov Kovać: Alright boy what's the wait let's go
  391. Clayton R.: some other colony
  392. Martin Baron: ((No, just some settlement.))
  393. Jakov Kovać: ((I don't think you specified to any of us to what colony we are going))
  394. That should be something you should ask!
  395. DJ-Max: (He never did.)
  396. Martin Baron: ((No one did, the session ended a few minutes after the suggestion.))
  397. Everett Pillory: Did we load the supplies and got the destination?
  398. GM (GM): ((There, medical beans.))
  399. ((500 lbs of medical supplies.))
  400. Martin Baron: ((Is there a note on it or something? Like a To and From?))
  401. Jakov Kovać: ((also by the sound of the doctor it seemed Like I already knew where I was going?))
  402. Martin Baron: ((Directions maybe?))
  403. after a quick run around you discover your destination: Deep City.
  404. DJ-Max: (Sounds deep)
  405. Everett Pillory: (I haven't been there, now have I?)
  406. Martin Baron: ((Let's stop dillydallying and get a move on.))
  407. DC is located SW of Endtown, nestled under a city ruin.
  408. Clayton R.: (( Can I buzz a rat or whoever works here to see about hiring some mechanics to patch up the APC's damage?))
  409. GM (GM): it;s loaded.
  410. Sure.
  411. They tell you they'll get to it.
  412. Surely, by the time you get back it will be fixed some.
  413. Clayton R. finishes his chat and heads to the jeep. "I got some people to start working on the APC's damage, barring any tampering with the Mallard Blaster. Should be looking better by the time we get back."
  414. GM (GM): Surely!
  415. Everett Pillory sighs "Well I still need to fix that blaster"
  416. Clayton R. nods. "Yep. you sure do."
  417. GM (GM): Give me a minute.
  418. Everett Pillory: Let's go... I'll take care when I get back.
  419. Clayton R. waves to DJ and Martin. "You two ready to head out?"
  420. Martin Baron nods, getting into the backseat as he waits to set off.
  421. DJ-Max is ready
  422. Jakov Kovać: Ok.Lets how you americans say go YIPY-CA:YAY
  423. You have traveled south for about a day.
  424. GM (GM): you see three outstanding ruins in the distance.
  425. Clayton R. sits up trying to get a better look at the ruins
  426. GM (GM): You see, ruins!
  427. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  428. (20)+35= 55
  429. GM (GM): No real signs of activity in any of them.
  430. Everett Pillory: rolling d100+50
  431. (60)+50= 110
  432. Clayton R. frowns, any of you want to give a shot at surveying the area?"
  433. GM (GM): You have a mind of 10 Everett?
  434. Martin Baron: "As in, get in there and explore? If someone comes with me, maybe."
  435. DJ-Max: "I'd probably be best for it. I got fast legs."
  436. Everett Pillory: (Whoops, sorry)
  437. (No wait, 8)
  438. Martin Baron: "DJ, mind if I tag along then?"
  439. Everett Pillory: (That's +50, right? )
  440. GM (GM): +40
  441. Everett Pillory: (Right... either way 100)
  442. GM (GM): True.
  443. DJ-Max shakes his head. "Not at all."
  444. GM (GM): Anyway, you do see some activity in the ruins.
  445. Figures slinking around corners.
  446. Everett Pillory: Ummm
  447. I think we have company
  448. Some figures... not sure if muties or not
  449. Clayton R. perks up. "What have you got, point em out?"
  450. Martin Baron: "What's going on? What the hell is it?" Martin says, sitting up to get a better look.
  451. Everett Pillory loads up his gun
  452. GM (GM): brb
  453. Martin Baron puts a hand on his newly bought weapon, hoping it isn't Topsiders stalking the ruins.
  454. Everett Pillory: I wish I had some binoculars
  455. Martin Baron: Wait, isn't that standard with survival supplies?
  456. GM (GM): Your thick nerd glasses suffice for now.
  457. Anyway.
  458. Eastward, Something moves.
  459. Martin Baron: ((We shoot at it till it stops moving then.))
  460. GM (GM): You don't have to worry much, this map is in miles.
  461. You must roll again to scope out the SE and SW ruins.
  462. Martin Baron tries to get a look at the other ruins, in case there aren't more hidden.
  463. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  464. (42)+40= 82
  465. Jakov Kovać: ((good, now the crazy rabit wont accidently kill civilians))
  466. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  467. (34)+15= 49
  468. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100+40
  469. (14)+40= 54
  470. GM (GM): To the SW you see, smoke.
  471. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  472. (90)+35= 125
  473. Jakov Kovać: is that smoke
  474. GM (GM): To the SE you see, nothing happening. Absolutely nothing.
  475. Everett Pillory: I don't like the smoke
  476. But smoke usually means someone was there
  477. And not "Someone IS there"
  478. DJ-Max: Indeed. Because it means there was a fire.
  479. Jakov Kovać: nothing good ever comes of smoke
  480. you always find something sad at the end of it
  481. Martin Baron: "But if you see people over at the East, they could've come from the South-East ruins after raiding it. Or purging whatever's there."
  482. Jakov Kovać: ((were we not given any indication where to look?))
  483. Clayton R. is unsure of how to proceed here. "they said Deep city was Southwest... where the smoke is, but I'm curious about that activity as well."
  484. Everett Pillory: "Right and that's where we going. I have a bad feeling about these shapes."
  485. GM (GM): (("Go SW, there's a big ruin, Deep City is under that.))
  486. Everett Pillory: Might as well guess what their intention was
  487. Jakov Kovać: ((great))
  488. DJ-Max: "Well. Lets hope they don't get in the way. This is supposed to be a calming trip!"
  489. Everett Pillory starts humming "Bad Moon Rising" as he adjusts his "Born to kill" card
  490. Jakov Kovać: shall we continue then boys
  491. Everett Pillory: We should
  492. DJ-Max: Yes
  493. Clayton R. sighs. " I think we may want to check out that activity we saw. It could be important... you know what happened last time we ignored activity."
  494. Jakov Kovać: what happened last time?
  495. Everett Pillory: Fine, Clay fine
  496. Clayton R.: (( topsiders and mutants fighting topsiders))
  497. GM (GM): You mean, East?
  498. Clayton R.: Wasn't the activity to the west?
  499. GM (GM): There is nothing to the west!
  500. If I said that then I meant the other west
  501. Jakov Kovać: ((smooth))
  502. GM (GM): ((Sorry, I'm making maps on the side here.
  503. Clayton R.: (( Whichever way we saw activity in the ruins, we were heading there first, then the smoked out ruins.))
  504. GM (GM): So, you go to that ruins which you want to go to.
  505. There you see a lizard in a robe.
  506. Jakov Kovać: Find Day Today
  507. Isn't it my good sir
  508. GM (GM): The lizard briefly sees you then shuffles behind a wall.
  509. Jakov Kovać: No need to hide
  510. you're amongst friends
  511. Martin Baron has his hand on his pistol. He still remembers the other hooded "mutants" DJ and Gray encountered.
  512. Everett Pillory is battle ready... don't like hooded creatures
  513. Rept: Stay back now, I'm cursed!
  514. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow, and he climbs out of the jeep. "Come on out... If you have nothing to hide."
  515. DJ-Max: .me indeed isn't looking to repeat that "Cursed?"
  516. Everett Pillory: "It's okay we have a doctor. Just show your face..."
  517. Jakov Kovać: Cursed is not a recognized Medical Ailment
  518. what is really wrong?
  519. Rept: I'm dehydrating, turning to dust!
  520. DJ-Max looks to Martin and whispers 'should we mention we have water?'
  521. the reptilian pulls back his sleeve to reveal that layers of his skin are missing.
  522. Clayton R. rolls his eyes. "That's not cursed... We have supplies, and I'm sure you can help us too."
  523. Jakov Kovać: Just that, will get you some watter then sir
  524. DJ-Max: "Oh. He's shedding."
  525. Rep: I'm not shedding!
  526. Jakov Kovać: Sir you do know Lizard shed theire entire skin every once in a while
  527. oh?
  528. Martin Baron whispers back. "Let's see what he does first, then decide if we should give him water."
  529. It: 's dangerous to be around me! I'm disappearing in patches!
  530. Clayton R. paces around. "Where are you from Lizard man?"
  531. Jakov Kovać: Explay it in a bit more detail, when did the simptoms first start
  532. literally, patches of his skin. You can see muscle tissue and bone in these gaps in his flesh.
  533. Everett Pillory: ...
  534. Jakov Kovać: oh deer
  535. Everett Pillory: (Shit... radiation)
  536. Rep: About a week ago.
  537. Clayton R. hides his disgust
  538. rep: Somedays I grow back, others not so much.
  539. Martin Baron immediately feels woozy after seeing the wounds. The lizard wasn't joking.
  540. Everett Pillory: Hey doc
  541. Jakov Kovać: Boy, tell me, Where you were, What did you do, What did you touch and What did you eat prior to that
  542. DJ-Max is taken aback. "Nngh. N-nevermind. You're right."
  543. Jakov Kovać: this is Important
  544. I: was East, we examined some scrap.
  545. Martin Baron: (( "I" Oh shit))
  546. Everett Pillory: ((Hmmm can I see if I am familiar with this type of damage?))
  547. Everett Pillory: ((Given well may have seen that during laboratory work))
  548. Jakov Kovać: ((yee I should also prolly roll knowladge to figure what this is?))
  549. Rep: Well, after looking at it we took some of it with us. Then every night one of us disappeared leaving his clothes.
  550. GM (GM): Yes, doctorate.
  551. DJ-Max: "...J-just their clothes?"
  552. Rep: and dust.
  553. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100+10
  554. (33)+10= 43
  555. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  556. (90)+20= 110
  557. Rep: I'm not an idiot, I know it's radiation.
  558. Jakov Kovać: ((no wait did I add it right?))
  559. Clayton R. paces back toward the group. "Do we have any data about Topsider activity out here?"
  560. Everett Pillory: ((Damn, thought you were refering to me))
  561. GM (GM): Your skill determines that he has moderate zero-energy exposure. Also, he is an idiot.
  562. GM (GM): gimme a sec, jak
  563. Everett Pillory: Is there hope for him, doc?
  564. I mean I think I saw something like this happen once
  565. GM (GM): Yes.
  566. Jakov Kovać: It's survivable, unplesent but survivable, if exposure was low enough
  567. Everett Pillory:
  568. Everett Pillory unloads his gun "No mercy kill required?
  569. Jakov Kovać Looks at Everett
  570. Jakov Kovać: NO
  571. DJ-Max: "...Really Everett. You'd say that out loud"
  572. Clayton R. frowns, repeating his question to the group. "Do we have any data about Topsider activity out here?"
  573. GM (GM): Jakov: You have know idea if he can be helped. 100% of people usually vaporize instantly from Z-rays.
  574. Martin Baron: "How should we know? They're just about everywhere, dammit."
  575. GM (GM): *no idea.
  576. Everett Pillory looks at the doc and shrugs "One thing I remember from my "What should you do when the bombs drop" PSAs was "If the radiation victim is showing no hopes of survival, a mercy kill should be performed after giving him or her last sacrament"
  577. Rep: We saw very different PSAs!
  578. Martin Baron: "Christ, what the hell Everett? He's still alive and standing, we can probably save him or something!"
  579. The reptilian reaches into his shirt and holds. He looks very defensive.
  580. Clayton R. rolls his eyes. "Well you're not exactly around a group of peers right now... So kindly, pipe down." He turns to the lizard. "How many of you were out here?"
  581. DJ-Max just quirks a brow "...Everett where the hell did you live before all of this?"
  582. Everett Pillory shrugs "I was a professor at a university."
  583. Rep: "...Just four of us. We talked about a colony that had advanced technology. We thought they could help us. I'm the only one to make it this far."
  584. the Reptilian throws you an evil eye, "Clearly, not a humanities teacher."
  585. Rep: I don't think I'm ever going to see another colony.
  586. Everett Pillory rubs the back of his head "I mean, man. I'm not gonna talk what happened after the chaos started. I think only 10 people made it out of faculty alive. And no, my field of expertise was chemistry."
  587. Clayton R. sighs. "Your story is strange. I'll give you that much, but you have some pretty large supporting evidence too. How long has it been since you last ate?" He asks, beginning to reach into his bag.
  588. Jakov Kovać: I'll be frank fella, I can't help you, This is not my field of Expertise, I stich people back to geather, I only know the basics about radiation poisoning, we have a Genious back in our Colony he will know what to do
  589. the Reptilian puts his hands down. "Afew days, I think."
  590. Everett Pillory: We still need to deliver the supplies, Doc. But I think taking him back won't upset anyone.
  591. Rep: You mean that colony exists?!
  592. Everett Pillory: Well except the rats
  593. Jakov Kovać: We are make ing a supply run to a Collony from our one
  594. Clayton R. produces a can of beans and a bottle of water. "Take these... I want you to stick around with us for a while until we get everything figured out."
  595. Everett Pillory clears his throat "Sorry what I've said earlier. I'm sometimes too used to choices in the wasteland."
  596. the reptilian grabs the supplies as he runs to the jeep. He jumps in the back shouting, "Vamos! Gracias!"
  597. Everett Pillory hums "Well... I know rats won't be pleased with a new surviviour. Another mouth to feed and all that jazz
  598. Clayton R. is a bit taken aback. "You'll excuse us if we keep an eye on you. We'll be leaving shortly."
  599. DJ-Max: "Probably... but he seems nice enough."
  600. Jakov Kovać: Extatic little fella
  601. Everett Pillory shrugs "Doesn't bother me, what bothers me is the security force that almost killed me."
  602. Jakov Kovać: I do hope Mallard will find a way to help him when we get back
  603. rep: De nada! It's fine.
  604. Clayton R. turns around, searching the area for any salvageable gear.
  605. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  606. (92)+20= 112
  607. Martin Baron: ((Ooh, mind if I make a scavenge roll too?))
  608. Everett Pillory looks at Clay "Don't you be wandering off too far. You don't want to have radiation poisoning too"
  609. Everett Pillory: ((I think I'll do some searching myself))
  610. Jakov Kovać: ((scavange is what?))
  611. ((+10))
  612. Clayton R.: (( looking around for stuff you can use.))
  613. GM (GM): You find: One wooden sword. 80 in cash. and scrap.
  614. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  615. (64)+20= 84
  616. Martin Baron: ((Mind bonus?))
  617. GM (GM): The scrap could be used to restore about 100hp to the rig.
  618. Clayton R.: ((nope. skill bonus))
  619. GM (GM): If you have 7< mind you get a skill bonus.
  620. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  621. (5)= 5
  622. ((For fucks sake))
  623. Clayton R.: (sad trombone)
  624. Everett Pillory: ((At least it's not 1))
  625. Jakov Kovać: ((wait so how do I roll fro scawange in the wnd?))
  626. Clayton R.: ((/roll 1d100))
  627. Jakov Kovać: ((and what about the bonuses?))
  628. GM (GM): Your mind is 7 so you get +10.
  629. Clayton R.: (( you get +10 for every point you have in scavenging))
  630. GM (GM): ((Maybe the skill bonus thing isn't comprehensive.
  631. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100 +20
  632. (99)+20= 119
  633. Clayton R.: ((nice))
  634. GM (GM): That's a success.
  635. Jakov Kovać: ((1 lvl in scavangeing a 8 in mind))
  636. GM (GM): You find, some more scrap and afew worn books.
  637. 3 books, actually.
  638. Jakov Kovać: ((what are the books about))
  639. Clayton R. grabs the sword, cash and scrap. he calls over Everett. "I got some scrap we can use. You want to beef up the jeep?"
  640. Everett Pillory: ((What about my roll))
  641. GM (GM): Phrenology, carpentry, and a story about a cowboy going to a big city.
  642. Everett Pillory: Well yeah I could, it would take a bit.
  643. GM (GM): resale value: $135
  644. Martin Baron tired with his fruitless searching gets into the backseat of the car. He looks at the lizard sitting in the bed and asks "So what's your name?"
  645. Jakov Kovać: ((nice))
  646. GM (GM): ((Gimme a sec here E, i don't type fast.))
  647. Everett Pillory: (( Sure, sorry ))
  648. GM (GM): The panda finds: Some worn clothing, and... a half bottle of scotch?!
  649. Jakov Kovać: ((nice find))
  650. Everett Pillory: Well someone is drinking today
  651. Everett Pillory gets his panda paws working on the jeep first...
  652. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  653. (25)+20= 45
  654. GM (GM): Engineering 3 right?
  655. Everett Pillory: (Nope! 1)
  656. GM (GM): Oh, then fail!
  657. Everett Pillory: (Invention 2)
  658. Alrighty... nothing can be done right now. These are the wrong parts
  659. Everett Pillory throws the scrap into the back "Let's go..."
  660. GM (GM): Good rebound.
  661. as you head home, something happens!
  662. Everett Pillory: (We still haven't done our delivery??)
  663. Clayton R.: (( I thought we we heading back to the smokey ruins.))
  664. Everett Pillory: ((Yeah))
  665. Jakov Kovać: ((Indeed, who said anything about going home?))
  666. Martin Baron: ((Either way, as we're heading out, some crazy shit happens!))
  667. Jakov Kovać: cest la viv
  668. Clayton R.: ((Oh damn! We got imperial Walkers!))
  669. a small, stocky treaded robot approaches
  670. Clayton R. feels a sense of dread fall over him. He tries to get a good look at the robot.
  671. the bot waves, apparently it wants to talk.
  672. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  673. (95)+35= 130
  674. Jakov Kovać pokes Everett "can you speak robot?"
  675. DJ-Max: "...Maybe it speaks english?"
  676. Everett Pillory: "...Maybe. I don't trust bots..."
  677. "At least this one doesn't have a creepy face"
  678. Bot: Attention convoy, you are to be redirected to New Persia. I am to escort you.
  679. Jakov Kovać: Good Day sir
  680. Clayton R. turns to the rest of the group. "It looks like... it's waving to us... I'll go see what it wants. Keep an eye out for me."
  681. Jakov Kovać: What is New Persia
  682. Everett Pillory: A colony
  683. Ummm
  684. Why are we getting redirected
  685. Bot: Good day, new persia is a colony.
  686. DJ-Max: "...It does speak englis-New what."
  687. Martin Baron: "Hold up... We're supposed to be heading to Deep City."
  688. Clayton R. approaches the machine. "Why are we being directed? Under whose orders are you operating?"
  689. Bot: "Were" supposed to be going to Deep City.
  690. Everett Pillory looks at the bot "Is something wrong"
  691. Jakov Kovać Whispers to Everett "how fast is this bucket of bolts"
  692. Bot: Not particularly. I've been ordered to escort any convoys to New Persia by order of the Mayor.
  693. I can hit 150, can you?
  694. Jakov Kovać: ha ha
  695. Clayton R. holds his ground. "And what if we refuse?"
  696. Martin Baron: "Ok... And what happens if we decide not to comply?"
  697. GM (GM): ((Can't find the right image.))
  698. Everett Pillory looks at the group "You don't look at a man with a knife and ask "What are you gonna do, stab me?"
  699. Everett Pillory pokes Clayton "Do what he says."
  700. Then: my orders are to flip your rig over and ask again.
  701. Jakov Kovać: What is the reason for the redirections my good sir, is there a feude betwwn the 2 colonies
  702. Everett Pillory pulls out a piece of paper and writes "This is smelling rotten, I think something bad is happening in New Persia." and passes it to Martin
  703. Bot: The new mayor gives out the orders. We either do them or it's 'lights out.'
  704. Clayton R. interjects. "Whoa Whoa. Hold up. We have vitals supplies in there. Are you to escort us to New Persia?"
  705. Everett Pillory: Clayton for fuck's sake
  706. Do what the robot says
  707. Clayton R.: (( never bow to machines! ))
  708. the robot shrugs as best he can and says, "There isn't really a conflict so to speak. I just gotta follow orders like everyone else."
  709. Martin Baron writes on the backside of the note and hands it back to Everett. "We don't have any firepower to deal with this thing. If we had blasters, maybe, but we're $%$#ed if we try fighting it."
  710. Everett Pillory nods at Martin
  711. GM (GM): ((Never surrender!))
  712. DJ-Max is just sitting in the back and letting the world go by. This is supposed to be a calming trip.
  713. Everett Pillory: Clayton, either you or someone else will have to get us there, so please be so kind to follow our mechanical friend here
  714. Clayton R. continues. "This area is a hotspot for topsiders... much like everywhere, and you are trying to re-direct us. Will you escort us there?"
  715. Bot: What are you hauling, anyway?
  716. Everett Pillory: A wounded passanger
  717. Martin Baron looks back to the lizard and asks "You know anything about New Persia?"
  718. Yes: , I am to escort you. If you are unable to move this vehicle I will drag you there.
  719. Everett Pillory: And some scrap.
  720. the bot pauses.
  721. Bot: that's not worth alot.
  722. Everett Pillory: ((Hmm... I am thinking if I can BS the bot))
  723. ((Hell let's try it))
  724. Clayton R. sighs. "Why are you so interested in supplies?"
  725. lizard: Eh, its called new persia because it's near a volcanic vent. Real hot, like 100 degrees easy. Mutants that like warmth prefer to live there.
  726. Clayton R. he continues. "Or rather, the value of them?"
  727. Bot: I don't actually know. The mayor demands it after taking over. I think he's just on a power trip.
  728. Martin Baron: "Anything about robots hijacking cars?"
  729. Everett Pillory puts his hand on Clayton's shoulder "Well to tell you the truth we were supposed to see if they need anything fixing with this scrap."
  730. Everett Pillory gives Martin a "See I've told you." look
  731. Clayton R. says nothing, trying to play along.
  732. Lizard: nope...Wait, I think there is a robot there. They call him "Re-Bo." He's like a mascot or something.
  733. Martin Baron: ((Re-bo the Repo Robo. God dammit.))
  734. Everett Pillory writes on that scrap "If some mayor took over and he's robbing people, it's a threat. Should we take care of it?" and passes it to DJ.
  735. Jakov Kovać: ((oh deer))
  736. GM (GM): ((Note passing, this is turning into highschool!))
  737. Everett Pillory: ((Bots have good hearing))
  738. ((Professor Panda is not stupid. And remembers his student days))
  739. Bot: Welp, can't all be winners.
  740. The robot spins 180 degrees and waves for you to follow him.
  741. Everett Pillory hmms...
  742. Jakov Kovać: Good bye Robo Friend
  743. DJ-Max takes the note and has a look and writes 'Nothing can be done now, We'll get our opportunity later though...once we're inside' he shall then pass it along.
  744. DJ-Max ...As a note. DJ's handwriting is kinda bad.
  745. Martin Baron: ((You had a story and everything set up where we'd go to a town ruled by a power-hungry mayor, didn't you?))
  746. GM (GM): ((Actually I had two, just in case you went to Deep City.))
  747. Everett Pillory looks at the bot's back "Well... he seems friendly."
  748. Everett Pillory: I hope no one messed up his Asimov laws
  749. GM (GM): ((To be honest I wasn't expecting compliance from you guys! What the heck?!))
  750. Martin Baron: ((Giant tank > 5 guys with bullet guns.))
  751. Everett Pillory: ((WE CAN HAVE OUR OWN COLONY!!!))
  752. Martin Baron: ((Yeah nah.))
  753. Everett Pillory: ((WE COULD BE KINGS... NOT KINGS...))
  754. ((GODS))
  755. Jakov Kovać: well if a robot is smart enough he could pass them on his own
  756. Clayton R. turns back to the Panda. "For now. "
  757. DJ-Max: ( the note may actually read as '"Noting can be done nov. Well get our oppurtunitx later... etc.")
  758. Martin Baron: ((Overthrow corrupt mayor, we all get a chunk of the city and make it our own as a council or something.))
  759. Session End: Next Week, chasing the desert sun!
  760. Everett Pillory: Heeeeey I'm the one always hating on bots, right?
  761. Jakov Kovać: ((I don't wona be a god it to much work))
  762. GM (GM): Let's do xp
  763. Everett Pillory: ((Oh dear....))
  764. Jakov Kovać: ((hello pooch girl))
  765. GM (GM): ((Yeah, gods are where the buck stops.))
  766. Clayton R.: ((I really like robots... but they are ultimately commanded by the guy with the remote.))
  767. M. Walker: (Hey, personal issues and crap, blugh)
  768. GM (GM): Walker!
  769. Green S.: eya Walker
  770. DJ-Max: Heya Mana
  771. Clayton R.: (( Hey Walker. Sorry you missed the session.))
  772. Martin Baron: Sorry to hear that, we just finished up.
  773. GM (GM): Literally by a minute.
  774. DJ-Max: You litereally showed up juts as we finished
  775. Everett Pillory: Sorry to hear that, Mana
  776. GM (GM): Whatever, you're here! You can guess what's going on and take the xp.
  777. Jakov Kovać: alrigtht how much xp do we get
  778. GM (GM): Let's play a game first.
  779. Jakov Kovać: awwww
  780. Clayton R.: 4
  781. Everett Pillory: 2
  782. DJ-Max: 3
  783. Martin Baron: Let's see, one by avoiding the smoke, one with lizard man, and one with the giant tank.
  784. Everett Pillory: THE FIGHT IS RIGHT
  785. DJ-Max threads the needle.
  786. GM (GM): Yeah, 3.
  787. That's surprising.
  788. Martin Baron: Be glad my MP is in the positives, or else our avoided fights would be 0.
  789. GM (GM): Anyway, +30 xp for somehow using insight and caution to not escalate things.
  790. Jakov Kovać: yay
  791. DJ-Max: Woo
  792. GM (GM): +20 for saving the lizard.
  793. Jakov Kovać: 65 more xp to lvl 2 :D
  794. 45 xp to lvl 2
  795. Martin Baron: I asked his name but he never answered.
  796. GM (GM): ((Oh sorry.))
  797. There's a lot of Steves in the wasteland.
  798. GM (GM): The lizard's name is uh, what's a mexican name?
  799. Martin Baron: Jose
  800. Joseph
  801. Everett Pillory: Juan
  802. GM (GM): Jose!
  803. Everett Pillory: JESUS
  804. Clayton R.: Edwardo
  805. Everett Pillory: Dammit
  806. Jesus the lizard would've been amazing
  807. DJ-Max: Julio
  808. GM (GM): Juan Jose, Edwardo Jesus Julio Paco... Junior!
  809. That is his name.
  810. Martin Baron: Radical
  811. Green S.: Ricardo, Esteban, Sergio
  812. GM (GM): brb
  813. Jakov Kovać: cya
  814. Green S.: he'll be back
  815. so, jakov. When did you get introduced to Endtown?
  816. Clayton R.: How have you been Walker?
  817. Jakov Kovać: stumbled upon it acopple years ago read trought the first arc and stopped there for about 2 years
  818. GM (GM): Back, back.
  819. Jakov Kovać: and read the rest acouple of months ago
  820. eyo
  821. GM (GM): I think everyone is abit like that.
  822. Green S.: Great
  823. GM (GM): I read it like last year on /co/
  824. Green S.: Same here
  825. Martin Baron: Got introduced to it on a site. Thought it started off slow, then went from 0 to 100 once Sparkplug's story began.]
  826. GM (GM): Then nothing for a year. Kinda horrible because I saw it and was thinking, "Hey, I should check this out more."
  827. Green S.: Like, it was the first thing i saw the first time i came on /co/. It turned me away from being a fucking Brony, for pete's sake.
  828. Jakov Kovać: I got reminded of it existance by Suule and another friend in IRC
  829. GM (GM): Awesome!
  830. Green S.: fate is an amazing thing
  831. Martin Baron: Anyway, so anymore XP to be handed out or are we clear?
  832. Got 30 minutes to go get dinner.
  833. DJ-Max: I saw it a long time ago on some site, but it didn't update for a long while so I forgot about it until I saw it on /co/
  834. GM (GM): Well, I think Everett and eastern euro lobster +25 for skill uses.
  835. Green S.: Holy fuck Jakov, you're a lobster???
  836. GM (GM): Everyone else should get +15 for all the scavengr frenzy.
  837. Jakov Kovać: :D
  838. thanks
  839. Everett Pillory: So who's gonna be MVP?
  840. Green S.: Bloody brilliant
  841. DJ-Max: >+15
  842. LEVEL UP
  843. GM (GM): Just enough!
  844. 12 sp!
  845. Who should get the MVP?
  846. Clayton R.: I think Everett helped a pretty good bit today
  847. Martin Baron: Everett did fix up the truck and somewhat the APC
  848. Everett Pillory: I broke the crank though.
  849. I mean that was the worst possible 1 I've rolled
  850. Green S.: finna break crank
  851. Martin Baron: Going to come back with the crank duct taped back on.
  852. GM (GM): snap and thus the 3 ton military machine is ruined forever.
  853. Jakov Kovać: kek
  854. GM (GM): But that was some good patchery.
  855. Clayton R.: Then me, for giving food and water like a generous citizen of the wasteland!
  856. DJ-Max: I shall now start hoarding points in order to better myself further.
  857. Everett Pillory: Well
  858. GM (GM): That is true! Generosity is much better then, say, punching him and taking his crap.
  859. Clayton R.: Nah, Everett fixed up some stuff good and fucked up one thing
  860. GM (GM): That was such a messed up game group.
  861. Everett Pillory: Everything went better than expected!
  862. Jakov Kovać: indeed
  863. Martin Baron: What, you got a secret group behind our backs?
  864. GM (GM): Yeah, really you got to look at the intent instead of the result.
  865. Nah, back in the days of GMing Heroes Unlimited.
  866. Green S.: Ey, GM, Is my steel donut dead yet?
  867. GM (GM): No!
  868. Green S.: GOOD
  869. GM (GM): Which is your donut?
  870. Green S.: Simon Michaels
  871. GM (GM): Oh yeah! Right!
  872. Green S.: last seen sleeping in the back of the APC
  873. GM (GM): Nah, he's back there still.
  874. Martin Baron: Which one was that? What's the animal?
  875. GM (GM): Very, very well rested.
  876. Green S.: Bobcat
  877. Martin Baron: Oh right
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