
An Adventure of a Lifetime Chapter 2

Jun 21st, 2013
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  1. As you all exit you begin to walk deeper into the forest, all the lightly armored ponies moved ahead scouting out the area. While you stay in the back with the crossbow ponies behind the ones with heavy armor and melee weapons. You see the scouts comeback, they talk to the unicorn a bit.
  2. "Alright pansies the hideout ain't to far away lets get moving."
  3. Everyone picks up the pace and eventually you see the surprisingly well built griffon camp, it has a large wooden fence made of trees. Everyone takes some cover behind some trees and in some foliage.
  4. "This is it ponies. Any questions before we get to it?"
  5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. You look over to the captain of the squad who is currently scoping out the griffon defenses.
  7. >"So what's the plan?"
  8. "You and the crossbow ponies will take out the archers while we deal with the ground units, you and them will open up the attack by taking out one archer each then we will rush in. Anymore questions, the longer we wait the longer the griffons have to kill one of the captives."
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. You look over to the encampment you see a pretty well defended camp. It's a bit small probably holding somewhere between 15 to 20 griffons. On the wall made of tree logs you see 5 griffon archers a couple talking and the others lazily keeping watch one of them having a smoke. You notice one perk up as rain begins to fall lightly upon the dark woods. You look to your left and notice the other crossbow ponies aiming their sights at the griffons.
  11. >"I'm ready."
  12. "All right you take the opening shot, take out the one that's smoking, the others will follow your lead." She walks behind you and start preparing the heavily armored ponies to charge
  13. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. You notch a bolt into your crossbow and take aim at the griffon, you take a deep breath and hold it as you put the sights on his head. 1, 2, 3 you count in your head before pulling the trigger. Your bolt flies through the air being weighed down by the rain a bit but not enough as it flies into the griffons neck. The griffon stumbles around a bit before falling of the wall outside of the camp, as the crossbow ponies see this they follow your example and let loose their bolts all sinking into to their targets. After this the heavily armored ponies go rushing past you as some heavily armored griffons charge out of the encampment. You see some more griffons take flight with bows and arrows.
  16. Your troops:
  17. 10 heavily armored ponies
  18. 5 light armored ponies
  19. 4 crossbow ponies
  20. 1 you
  21. Their troops:
  22. 10 heavily armored griffons
  23. 5 flying griffons with bows and arrows
  24. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. You notch another bolt into your crossbow, you take aim at a griffon flying right above the battle field, you let loose another bolt it sinking into the griffons chest him spiraling down and slamming into the ground. You look again over the battle field you notice that the heavily armored griffons are falling back into the camp, your heavily armed units putting the hurt on them. You also hear a couple more crossbows be fired next to you as your companions take down a couple more griffons. You notch another bolt in as you watch your allies run into the camp.
  28. Your troops:
  29. 9 heavily armored ponies (Charging)
  30. 4 light armored ponies (Charging)
  31. 4 crossbow ponies (Staying back)
  32. 1 you
  33. Their troops
  34. 5 heavily armored griffons (Falling back)
  35. 2 archer griffons (Falling back)
  36. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. You notch another bolt and take aim at the fleeing griffon archer as you fire the griffon drops back inside the camp causing your bolt to sail far above it's original target. The crossbow ponies start to help the two wounded front line ponies. The heavily armored one has a stab wound in his shoulder while the other one has a arrow stuck in her back. You two of the crossbow ponies pull out medical bandages while the other two start helping the wounded out of their armor.
  38. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. You holster your Crossbow on your back and run over to the mare that had a arrow implanted into her back. You run up to one of the ponies working on her, he pulls of his helmet and begins to work on her. He pulls out the arrow with his telekinesis.
  40. >"Is there anything I can do to help"
  41. "Yeah get her out of her armor and patch her up we need more hooves on the big man over there he got hit pretty bad." He says before giving you some medical bandages and running over to the large stallion who was stabbed.
  42. You start by taking her helmet off, you notice that this pony is incredibly young probably no older than what Twilight was right before becoming a princess. Her red mane cascades down as you remove her helmet. Next is the armor as you begin to undo the buckles and clasps on her heavy hide armor she fades back into consciousness. She starts mumbling something but you can't hear her do to the rain. As you finally remove the armor you see that the mares pink coat is soaked with blood, you clean the wound and start patching her up, you turn to your left and notice they've got the big guy on his hooves. you continue to do your best but you notice that the bandages you just put on are beginning to turn a deep red
  43. "Am I going to die?" you hear coming from beneath you
  44. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. Her speaking up surprised you and not knowing what to say to comfort her you just say what you're thinking.
  46. >"Yeah your fucked. Any last requests?"
  47. She continues to keep her eyes closed.
  48. "T...thought so.C...Can you try and save me at least?"
  49. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. You start to patch her up once more removing the soaked bandages and putting on new ones. you take some more medical tape and wrap it around her body and over the wound to put some pressure on it. This to your surprise works she is still shaking heavily the feeling of being shot can't be fun. The pony who gave you the bandages walks over and opens her mouth pouring a green liquid into her mouth. As she does she stops shaking and her breath returns to a steady breathing pattern.
  51. "Good job, didn't think the wound was that bad, sorry I didn't help you out."
  52. As he says this, you notice that the elite squad walks back out with a large draconic figure in heavy white and gold armor. The Figure jogs over and picks up the pony you were just patching up. As you both stand up you notice that he is about the same height as you maybe a half inch shorter but he has a lean muscular build.
  53. "Thanks for the assist stranger the names Spike." He says to you before walking off in the direction of the cart that brought you here. The elite squad follows behind him. You notice that the large stallion that was stabbed earlier is walking just find now.
  54. "Come on cupcake, I believe I owe you a drink and some conversation." Says the yellow unicorn squad leader
  55. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. You begin to walk along with the rest of the group you turn your attention to the yellow unicorn.
  57. >"So what about those settlers, weren't we here for them."
  58. "Yeah and Spike, I have the two medics of the group taking care of the settlers, they will take them back to their settlement and stay their to help protect it until the injured guards are back up and moving again."
  59. You look over the group and notice that you are missing two of the heavily armored ponies. You continue back to the LZ and eventually get back to the cart.
  60. "It's about time!" Says one of the pegasi as they both get back in their cart pulling harnesses.
  61. Everyone gets in and sits down, spike putting the injured mare in a seat and strapping her in. The cart begins to take off as you gain altitude the yellow unicorn sit down next to you and takes a seat.
  62. "Good job out there today cupcake."
  64. Experience gained from encounter
  65. Two confirmed kills: 500xp
  66. Successful healing of squad mate: 150xp
  67. Quest complete: 250xp
  68. total xp: 900/1000
  69. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. You see this as an opportunity to get some sweet candy vag.
  71. >"You didn't do so bad out there yourself buttercup." You smirk
  72. "Well I promised that we could get a bit closer if you lived past this fight, not only did you do that you saved one of my soldiers. So I think you've earned a couple rounds on me."
  73. >"And maybe some time to get really close?" You suggest.
  74. "Maybe, lets just see if that luck you had today sticks with you." She stands up from her seat and starts to talk to the now awake pony that you patched up.
  75. You look around the cart and you see that all the ponies are now talking with their helmets off opposed to on like they were when you were on your way to the forest. You see spike scrawling something on a piece of parchment before setting it ablaze.
  76. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. You walk up to spike, as you do he lifts his head up and looks at you.
  79. "Hey, thanks again for the assist. I'm pretty sure that the squad could have handled it but if you weren't their Dawny might not have made it."
  80. >"No problem, I was just coming over her to ask what was that letter you just burned."
  81. "Oh that, I was just writing a letter to Princess Celestia. I may not serve under her kingdom anymore but that doesn't mean I can't stay in touch with her." He smiles and holds out his hand. "I don't think I got your name."
  82. >"It's Anon." You shake his hand
  83. "Well thanks again Anon."
  84. >"No problem." You go back down to your seat and enjoy the rest of the ride home.
  85. You jolt up from your sleep as you feel something hit you in the chest. You open your eyes to see the yellow unicorn standing in front of you.
  86. "Come one we have a report to give to Princess Sparkle."
  88. End chapter 2
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