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Jul 4th, 2013
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  1. Date: 07/04/13
  2. Time: 16:58:56
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Build 250
  5. Steam initialized
  6. Render Device: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (
  7. Sound Device: Lautsprecher (Creative SB X-Fi) stereo
  8. Record Device: Mikrofon (Creative SB X-Fi)
  9. Connecting to server
  10. Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
  11. Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
  12. Downloading mods
  13. Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
  14. Finished downloading and installing mods
  15. Error: Mod pewpew's motion tracking circle failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
  16. Error: Mod Color symbols failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
  17. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m706d242_1372772260/
  18. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1361377036/
  19. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m899e1be_1372455259/
  20. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m67e3b77_1353354858/
  21. Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
  22. Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
  23. Loading config://HistoryServers.json
  24. Loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
  25. Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_veil.level
  26. Finished loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
  27. Welcome to Weasel's Reborn 2! Have fun!
  28. Admins: Gameover, JCD2150, JoeScylla and Snix
  29. Moderators: Allen, Casio and Pausen
  30. Press M for more options!
  31. Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
  32. Press M for the options menu
  33. - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
  34. Join our TeamSpeak Server:
  35. Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
  36. Error: IDirect3DDevice9::Reset to 1920x1200 failed (Device lost)
  37. Press M for the options menu
  38. - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
  39. Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
  40. Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
  41. Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
  42. JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
  43. Apoptosis killed MAC with Whip
  44. Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
  45. Join our TeamSpeak Server:
  46. JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
  47. JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
  48. Apoptosis killed Extractor with Whip
  49. JCD2150 killed Harvester with Sentry
  50. JCD2150 killed Harvester with Sentry
  51. Apoptosis killed Power node with BileBomb
  52. Apoptosis killed Extractor with Whip
  53. Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
  54. Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
  55. Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
  56. Apoptosis killed Power node with Whip
  57. JCD2150 killed Egg with Sentry
  58. Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
  59. Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
  60. Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
  61. JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
  62. Apoptosis killed MAC with Whip
  63. Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
  64. Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
  65. Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
  66. Downloading mods
  67. Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
  68. Finished downloading and installing mods
  69. Error: Mod pewpew's motion tracking circle failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
  70. Error: Mod Color symbols failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
  71. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m706d242_1372772260/
  72. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1361377036/
  73. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m899e1be_1372455259/
  74. Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m67e3b77_1353354858/
  75. Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
  76. Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
  77. Loading config://HistoryServers.json
  78. Loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
  79. Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
  80. Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
  81. Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
  82. Welcome to Weasel's Reborn 2! Have fun!
  83. Admins: Gameover, JCD2150, JoeScylla and Snix
  84. Moderators: Allen, Casio and Pausen
  85. Press M for more options!
  86. Main Menu Initialized at Version: 250
  87. Steam Id: 45758
  88. Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
  89. JCD2150 killed Snix with Rifle
  90. Chat All - Snix: :(
  91. Chat All - JCD2150: was war das :D
  92. Chat All - Snix: ein stuck
  93. FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
  94. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  95. FlizKitten killed Snix with Pistol
  96. Snix killed JCD2150 with Bite
  97. Bitmunk killed Snix with Shotgun
  98. Bitmunk killed Harvester with Shotgun
  99. JCD2150 killed Drifter with Rifle
  100. Press M for the options menu
  101. JCD2150 killed rainbowrocket with Rifle
  102. JCD2150 killed Drifter with Rifle
  103. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  104. JCD2150 killed Harvester with Axe
  105. Chat Vote - Weasel's Admin: Voting for the next map has started.
  106. JCD2150 killed rainbowrocket with Rifle
  107. Snix killed kryptt with Bite
  108. FlizKitten killed Harvester with Rifle
  109. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  110. Snix killed Mines with Spikes
  111. Chat Vote - Weasel's Admin: FlizKitten voted for ns2_docking (1 vote for this, 1 total vote)
  112. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  113. Snix killed Bitmunk with Bite
  114. - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
  115. FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
  116. Chat Vote - Weasel's Admin: ns2_docking won the vote. Setting next map in the cycle to ns2_docking.
  117. Snix killed Bitmunk with Bite
  118. FlizKitten killed Bertha38 with Rifle
  119. Apoptosis killed FlizKitten with Bite
  120. Bitmunk killed [VG] Duke Leto with Shotgun
  121. Bitmunk killed Snix with Shotgun
  122. JCD2150 killed [VG] Duke Leto with Shotgun
  123. JCD2150 killed Snix with Shotgun
  124. Join our TeamSpeak Server:
  125. Apoptosis killed Bitmunk with Bite
  126. JCD2150 killed rainbowrocket with Shotgun
  127. JCD2150 killed Bertha38 with Shotgun
  128. Apoptosis killed FlizKitten with Bite
  129. [GGC]PeterLustig110 killed Harvester with Axe
  130. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  131. Bitmunk killed Snix with Shotgun
  132. Narrator killed Hydra with Grenade
  133. [GGC]PeterLustig110 killed Hydra with Pistol
  134. Jesaja killed [GGC]PeterLustig110 with Bite
  135. Snix killed JCD2150 with Bite
  136. Predator killed Prototype lab with Bite
  137. Snix killed Narrator with Bite
  138. kryptt killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
  139. kryptt killed Predator with Pistol
  140. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  141. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  142. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  143. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  144. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  145. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  146. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  147. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  148. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  149. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  150. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  151. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  152. Apoptosis killed FlizKitten with Bite
  153. Snix killed Extractor with Bite
  154. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  155. Jesaja killed FlizKitten with Bite
  156. kryptt killed Snix with Sentry
  157. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  158. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  159. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  160. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  161. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  162. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  163. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  164. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  165. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  166. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  167. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  168. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  169. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
  170. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
  171. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.surface_shader'
  172. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.material'
  173. Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
  174. Jesaja killed Narrator with Bite
  175. FlizKitten killed Jesaja with Rifle
  176. Buscher killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  177. Buscher killed Predator with Rifle
  178. [VG] Duke Leto killed [GGC]PeterLustig110 with Bite
  179. Snix killed Buscher with Bite
  180. Jesaja killed Bitmunk with Bite
  181. [VG] Duke Leto killed Bitmunk with Bite
  182. Brechtos killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
  183. Overon [Ger] killed Buscher with Bite
  184. Wyrm killed Jesaja with Rifle
  185. Snix killed Narrator with Bite
  186. Snix killed Brechtos with Bite
  187. JCD2150 killed Endymionis with Rifle
  188. jahboh killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  189. Predator killed Bitmunk with Bite
  190. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  191. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  192. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  193. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  194. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  195. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  196. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  197. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  198. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  199. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  200. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  201. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  202. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  203. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  204. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  205. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  206. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  207. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  208. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  209. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  210. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  211. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  212. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  213. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  214. FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
  215. FlizKitten killed Harvester with Rifle
  216. jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
  217. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/jetpack_thruster.surface_shader'
  218. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/jetpack_thruster.surface_shader' for material 'models/effects/jetpack_thruster.material'
  219. Overon [Ger] killed Buscher with Bite
  220. Endymionis killed FlizKitten with Bite
  221. Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
  222. Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
  223. Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
  224. Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
  225. jahboh killed rainbowrocket with Rifle
  226. jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
  227. [VG] Duke Leto killed Arsonisti with Bite
  228. jahboh killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
  229. Buscher killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  230. Snix killed Buscher with Bite
  231. JCD2150 killed Predator with Rifle
  232. Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
  233. Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
  234. Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
  235. Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
  236. Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
  237. Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
  238. Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
  239. Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
  240. Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
  241. Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
  242. Arsonisti killed Endymionis with Rifle
  243. Endymionis killed Sentry Battery with BileBomb
  244. Endymionis killed Sentry with BileBomb
  245. Endymionis killed Sentry with BileBomb
  246. Press M for the options menu
  247. jahboh killed Predator with Rifle
  248. Bitmunk killed Egg with Rifle
  249. Wyrm killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  250. Jesaja killed jahboh with None
  251. Wyrm killed Jesaja with Rifle
  252. Snix killed Extractor with Bite
  253. Overon [Ger] killed Narrator with Bite
  254. ARC killed Crag Hive with ARC
  255. Bitmunk killed Jesaja with Rifle
  256. Overon [Ger] killed Brechtos with Bite
  257. Chat All - JCD2150: snix nu versteh ich was du meinst mit den 0-1 fps
  258. Overon [Ger] killed Arsonisti with Bite
  259. rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
  260. Bitmunk killed Endymionis with Rifle
  261. Endymionis killed ARC with BileBomb
  262. Endymionis killed ARC with BileBomb
  263. rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
  264. rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
  265. rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
  266. Overon [Ger] killed Wyrm with Bite
  267. AdAstra killed Bitmunk with Bite
  268. Overon [Ger] killed FlizKitten with Bite
  269. AdAstra killed Armory with Bite
  270. [VG] Duke Leto killed Power node with Bite
  271. Arsonisti killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  272. TJOOMANN killed Buscher with Bite
  273. FlizKitten killed TJOOMANN with Rifle
  274. AdAstra killed FlizKitten with Bite
  275. Arsonisti killed AdAstra with Pistol
  276. Bitmunk killed Endymionis with Pistol
  277. [VG] Duke Leto killed Arsonisti with Bite
  278. [VG] Duke Leto killed Bitmunk with Bite
  279. Wyrm killed Jesaja with Shotgun
  280. Wyrm killed [VG] Duke Leto with Shotgun
  281. killed Harvester with None
  282. Predator killed jahboh with Bite
  283. FlizKitten killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  284. Bitmunk killed Endymionis with Pistol
  285. jahboh killed AdAstra with Rifle
  286. Arsonisti killed Harvester with Rifle
  287. jahboh killed TJOOMANN with Pistol
  288. Overon [Ger] killed Bitmunk with Bite
  289. Snix killed Buscher with Bite
  290. Narrator killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  291. Narrator killed Jesaja with Rifle
  292. Endymionis killed Arsonisti with Bite
  293. - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
  294. FlizKitten killed Endymionis with Rifle
  295. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  296. JCD2150 killed TJOOMANN with Rifle
  297. [VG] Duke Leto killed jahboh with Bite
  298. Predator killed Bitmunk with Bite
  299. Snix killed Brechtos with Bite
  300. Buscher killed Predator with Rifle
  301. FlizKitten killed AdAstra with Rifle
  302. Jesaja killed Buscher with Bite
  303. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.surface_shader'
  304. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.material'
  305. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  306. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  307. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  308. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  309. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  310. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  311. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  312. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  313. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  314. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  315. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  316. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  317. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  318. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  319. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  320. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  321. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  322. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  323. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  324. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  325. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  326. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  327. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  328. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  329. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  330. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  331. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  332. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  333. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  334. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  335. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  336. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  337. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  338. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  339. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  340. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  341. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  342. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  343. Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
  344. kryptt killed Phase gate with Recycled
  345. jahboh killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
  346. jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
  347. Overon [Ger] killed jahboh with Bite
  348. FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
  349. Endymionis killed Brechtos with Bite
  350. jahboh killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
  351. Snix killed jahboh with Bite
  352. Endymionis killed Buscher with Bite
  353. TJOOMANN killed FlizKitten with Bite
  354. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
  355. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
  356. Narrator killed Endymionis with Rifle
  357. jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
  358. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
  359. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
  360. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
  361. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
  362. AdAstra killed Narrator with Bite
  363. Buscher killed Harvester with Rifle
  364. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
  365. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
  366. Narrator killed AdAstra with Rifle
  367. Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
  368. Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
  369. jahboh killed Endymionis with Rifle
  370. Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
  371. Wyrm killed Predator with Pistol
  372. Error: 4 memory leaks in 'ClientWorld' (1584 bytes)
  373. Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.
  374. Error: 4 memory leaks in 'Client' (1584 bytes)
  375. Error: 4 memory leaks in 'Engine' (1584 bytes)
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