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- Date: 07/04/13
- Time: 16:58:56
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Build 250
- Steam initialized
- Render Device: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (
- Sound Device: Lautsprecher (Creative SB X-Fi) stereo
- Record Device: Mikrofon (Creative SB X-Fi)
- Connecting to server
- Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
- Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
- Downloading mods
- Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
- Finished downloading and installing mods
- Error: Mod pewpew's motion tracking circle failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
- Error: Mod Color symbols failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m706d242_1372772260/
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1361377036/
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m899e1be_1372455259/
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m67e3b77_1353354858/
- Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
- Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
- Loading config://HistoryServers.json
- Loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
- Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_veil.level
- Finished loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
- Welcome to Weasel's Reborn 2! Have fun!
- Admins: Gameover, JCD2150, JoeScylla and Snix
- Moderators: Allen, Casio and Pausen
- Press M for more options!
- Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
- Press M for the options menu
- - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
- Join our TeamSpeak Server:
- Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
- Error: IDirect3DDevice9::Reset to 1920x1200 failed (Device lost)
- Press M for the options menu
- - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
- Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
- JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
- Apoptosis killed MAC with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
- Join our TeamSpeak Server:
- JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
- JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
- Apoptosis killed Extractor with Whip
- JCD2150 killed Harvester with Sentry
- JCD2150 killed Harvester with Sentry
- Apoptosis killed Power node with BileBomb
- Apoptosis killed Extractor with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Power node with Whip
- JCD2150 killed Egg with Sentry
- Apoptosis killed Sentry Battery with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
- Apoptosis killed Sentry with Whip
- JCD2150 killed Sentry with Recycled
- Apoptosis killed MAC with Whip
- Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
- Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
- Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
- Downloading mods
- Error: gamestrings/frFR.txt:667: Expected '='
- Finished downloading and installing mods
- Error: Mod pewpew's motion tracking circle failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
- Error: Mod Color symbols failed consistency checking and will be disabled ('ui/' failed)
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m706d242_1372772260/
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1361377036/
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m899e1be_1372455259/
- Mounting mod from C:/Users/JCD/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m67e3b77_1353354858/
- Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
- Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
- Loading config://HistoryServers.json
- Loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
- Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
- Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
- Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
- Welcome to Weasel's Reborn 2! Have fun!
- Admins: Gameover, JCD2150, JoeScylla and Snix
- Moderators: Allen, Casio and Pausen
- Press M for more options!
- Main Menu Initialized at Version: 250
- Steam Id: 45758
- Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
- JCD2150 killed Snix with Rifle
- Chat All - Snix: :(
- Chat All - JCD2150: was war das :D
- Chat All - Snix: ein stuck
- FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- FlizKitten killed Snix with Pistol
- Snix killed JCD2150 with Bite
- Bitmunk killed Snix with Shotgun
- Bitmunk killed Harvester with Shotgun
- JCD2150 killed Drifter with Rifle
- Press M for the options menu
- JCD2150 killed rainbowrocket with Rifle
- JCD2150 killed Drifter with Rifle
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- JCD2150 killed Harvester with Axe
- Chat Vote - Weasel's Admin: Voting for the next map has started.
- JCD2150 killed rainbowrocket with Rifle
- Snix killed kryptt with Bite
- FlizKitten killed Harvester with Rifle
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Snix killed Mines with Spikes
- Chat Vote - Weasel's Admin: FlizKitten voted for ns2_docking (1 vote for this, 1 total vote)
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Snix killed Bitmunk with Bite
- - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
- FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
- Chat Vote - Weasel's Admin: ns2_docking won the vote. Setting next map in the cycle to ns2_docking.
- Snix killed Bitmunk with Bite
- FlizKitten killed Bertha38 with Rifle
- Apoptosis killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Bitmunk killed [VG] Duke Leto with Shotgun
- Bitmunk killed Snix with Shotgun
- JCD2150 killed [VG] Duke Leto with Shotgun
- JCD2150 killed Snix with Shotgun
- Join our TeamSpeak Server:
- Apoptosis killed Bitmunk with Bite
- JCD2150 killed rainbowrocket with Shotgun
- JCD2150 killed Bertha38 with Shotgun
- Apoptosis killed FlizKitten with Bite
- [GGC]PeterLustig110 killed Harvester with Axe
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Bitmunk killed Snix with Shotgun
- Narrator killed Hydra with Grenade
- [GGC]PeterLustig110 killed Hydra with Pistol
- Jesaja killed [GGC]PeterLustig110 with Bite
- Snix killed JCD2150 with Bite
- Predator killed Prototype lab with Bite
- Snix killed Narrator with Bite
- kryptt killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
- kryptt killed Predator with Pistol
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Apoptosis killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Snix killed Extractor with Bite
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Jesaja killed FlizKitten with Bite
- kryptt killed Snix with Sentry
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.material'
- Visit Weasel's Retaliation 2 for custom maps
- Jesaja killed Narrator with Bite
- FlizKitten killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Buscher killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- Buscher killed Predator with Rifle
- [VG] Duke Leto killed [GGC]PeterLustig110 with Bite
- Snix killed Buscher with Bite
- Jesaja killed Bitmunk with Bite
- [VG] Duke Leto killed Bitmunk with Bite
- Brechtos killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
- Overon [Ger] killed Buscher with Bite
- Wyrm killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Snix killed Narrator with Bite
- Snix killed Brechtos with Bite
- JCD2150 killed Endymionis with Rifle
- jahboh killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- Predator killed Bitmunk with Bite
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
- FlizKitten killed Harvester with Rifle
- jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/jetpack_thruster.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/jetpack_thruster.surface_shader' for material 'models/effects/jetpack_thruster.material'
- Overon [Ger] killed Buscher with Bite
- Endymionis killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
- Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
- jahboh killed rainbowrocket with Rifle
- jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
- [VG] Duke Leto killed Arsonisti with Bite
- jahboh killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
- Buscher killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- Snix killed Buscher with Bite
- JCD2150 killed Predator with Rifle
- Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
- Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
- Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
- Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
- Compiling 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'shaders/Decal_Emissive.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.material'
- Arsonisti killed Endymionis with Rifle
- Endymionis killed Sentry Battery with BileBomb
- Endymionis killed Sentry with BileBomb
- Endymionis killed Sentry with BileBomb
- Press M for the options menu
- jahboh killed Predator with Rifle
- Bitmunk killed Egg with Rifle
- Wyrm killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- Jesaja killed jahboh with None
- Wyrm killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Snix killed Extractor with Bite
- Overon [Ger] killed Narrator with Bite
- ARC killed Crag Hive with ARC
- Bitmunk killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Overon [Ger] killed Brechtos with Bite
- Chat All - JCD2150: snix nu versteh ich was du meinst mit den 0-1 fps
- Overon [Ger] killed Arsonisti with Bite
- rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
- Bitmunk killed Endymionis with Rifle
- Endymionis killed ARC with BileBomb
- Endymionis killed ARC with BileBomb
- rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
- rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
- rainbowrocket killed ARC with BileBomb
- Overon [Ger] killed Wyrm with Bite
- AdAstra killed Bitmunk with Bite
- Overon [Ger] killed FlizKitten with Bite
- AdAstra killed Armory with Bite
- [VG] Duke Leto killed Power node with Bite
- Arsonisti killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- TJOOMANN killed Buscher with Bite
- FlizKitten killed TJOOMANN with Rifle
- AdAstra killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Arsonisti killed AdAstra with Pistol
- Bitmunk killed Endymionis with Pistol
- [VG] Duke Leto killed Arsonisti with Bite
- [VG] Duke Leto killed Bitmunk with Bite
- Wyrm killed Jesaja with Shotgun
- Wyrm killed [VG] Duke Leto with Shotgun
- killed Harvester with None
- Predator killed jahboh with Bite
- FlizKitten killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- Bitmunk killed Endymionis with Pistol
- jahboh killed AdAstra with Rifle
- Arsonisti killed Harvester with Rifle
- jahboh killed TJOOMANN with Pistol
- Overon [Ger] killed Bitmunk with Bite
- Snix killed Buscher with Bite
- Narrator killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- Narrator killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Endymionis killed Arsonisti with Bite
- - Die größte deutsche NS2 Community
- FlizKitten killed Endymionis with Rifle
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- JCD2150 killed TJOOMANN with Rifle
- [VG] Duke Leto killed jahboh with Bite
- Predator killed Bitmunk with Bite
- Snix killed Brechtos with Bite
- Buscher killed Predator with Rifle
- FlizKitten killed AdAstra with Rifle
- Jesaja killed Buscher with Bite
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.material'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
- kryptt killed Phase gate with Recycled
- jahboh killed [VG] Duke Leto with Rifle
- jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Overon [Ger] killed jahboh with Bite
- FlizKitten killed Drifter with Rifle
- Endymionis killed Brechtos with Bite
- jahboh killed Overon [Ger] with Rifle
- Snix killed jahboh with Bite
- Endymionis killed Buscher with Bite
- TJOOMANN killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
- Narrator killed Endymionis with Rifle
- jahboh killed Jesaja with Rifle
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
- AdAstra killed Narrator with Bite
- Buscher killed Harvester with Rifle
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
- Narrator killed AdAstra with Rifle
- Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
- Error: Couldn't load shader 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader' for material 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole_02.material'
- jahboh killed Endymionis with Rifle
- Snix killed FlizKitten with Bite
- Wyrm killed Predator with Pistol
- Error: 4 memory leaks in 'ClientWorld' (1584 bytes)
- Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.
- Error: 4 memory leaks in 'Client' (1584 bytes)
- Error: 4 memory leaks in 'Engine' (1584 bytes)
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