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a guest
Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. # CapsBlock
  2. # Set the percent of caps in a message which defines it as excessive, the default is 50%
  3. # Choose a response for when an excessive CAPS message is caught, options are...
  4. #
  5. # ReplaceWithLowerCase - Replace all the caps in the message with lowercase and display it as normal
  6. # ReplaceText - Replace the message text with your own text
  7. # CancelText - Cancel a message with excessive caps
  8. # KickOnCaps - Kick a user who sends a message with excessive caps
  9. #
  10. # Once you've chosen and set the option to 'true' you can decide whether or not to notify the user
  11. # of the action taken, and define your own notification message.
  12. MinMsgLength: 3
  13. CapsPercent: 50
  14. ReplaceWithLowerCase: true
  15. NotifyOnReplaceWithLowerCase: true
  16. ReplaceWithLowerCaseMessage: Please refrain from exessive use of CAPS. Thanks.
  17. ReplaceText: false
  18. NotifyOnReplaceText: true
  19. ReplaceTextMessage: Your message contained an excessive use of CAPS and has been replaced
  20. NewText: I've Used Too many Caps!
  21. CancelText: false
  22. NotifyOnCancelText: true
  23. CancelTextMessage: Your message contained an excessive use of CAPS and has been cancelled
  24. KickOnCaps: false
  25. KickMessage: You have been removed for excessive CAPS use
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