

Aug 14th, 2015
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  1. [url=""]The Power Trip (Austin, HBK, and HHH)[/url] vs [url=""]The Hart Foundation (Foley, Owen, and Bret)[/url] began with Owen and HHH locking up, with Owen consistently outwrestling HHH despite his size disadvantage, completely embarrasing HHH to the point where Hunter shoved Owen into the Harts' corner and tagged in Shawn, prompting Bret to tag himself in. Bret and Shawn locked up, and almost immediately, Shawn whipped Bret into the Power Trip's corner and started a 3 on 1 beatdown. As Hunter and HBK pulled off a great Indian Deathlock/Diving Elbow combo, Austin snuck over to the Harts's corner and pulled Owen off the apron, slamming Owen into the outside padding just as Bret made it to the Harts' corner for the hot tag. Foley rushed in like a house of fire as Austin made his way back to his corner, knocking Shawn off the apron and hitting a series of elbow smashes on HHH before hitting the Double Arm DDT! Foley went for the cover.
  3. 1...2...Austin broke the pin with the diving middle fingers! As the ref pushed Austin back onto the apron, HHH staggered towards the corner and tagged him in. Austin rushed in, and started brawling with Foley, each man throwing hard strikes. Foley was on a roll with a series of elbows until he wound up for the roaring elbow smash and Austin poked him in the eyes! The ref castigated Austin as Foley staggered into the corner and tagged in Owen, who was looking for payback after that slam to the mat, and hooked the still-arguing Austin with a German Suplex for 2! Austin was irate, and the two went back and forth, Austin hitting a Thesz Press that Owen reversed into a Monkey Flip, Owen going for the Northern Lights and Austin reversing it into a Tornado DDT!
  5. 1...2...2.9, Owen kicked out! Austin wasted no time picking Owen up and whipping him into the Power Trip's corner. Austin tagged in HBK, and the two rocked Owen with a flurry of chops and kicks until Owen was just about catatonic on the mat! Shawn and Austin sized Owen up for a combination SCM/Stunner, but Owen dodged the SCM, and whipped HBK into Austin, knocking them both loopy and giving Owen the opportunity to tag in Foley! The ref had gotten Austin back onto the apron, and Foley went wild on Shawn, hitting a flying cannonball that knocked Shawn into the corner before hitting a series of running knee strikes to the collapsed Heartbreak Kid, leaving Shawn glassy-eyed against the turnbuckles. Foley grabbed Shawn, carried him up the turnbuckles, and set up for the Turnbuckle Double Arm DDT, but Austin tagged himself in before Foley could hit it, pushing Foley off the top as well. Austin got the champ in his sights as he picked himself up off the mat, and went for a Stunner! However, Foley had it scouted, and reversed it into the Mandible Claw! But before Foley could completely hook the Claw in, Austin knocked the champ away with a few well-placed elbows, and hit the ropes for the Thesz Press. However, as soon as he hit the ropes, Foley was right there with him, and hit a Cactus Clothesline that sent the both of them to the outside! The ref started to count as Foley and Austin brawled on the outside, knocking each other into the barricades. As the ref got to 5, Austin press slammed Foley into the crowd! Foley crash landed on a mass of fans, who swiftly got out of the way as Austin scaled the barricade. As the ref counted 9, Foley and Austin were in a maniac craze, bombing each other with strikes, as Bret, Owen, HBK, and HHH looked on in shock. As Foley hit the roaring elbow smash and sent Austin clattering into a pile of chairs, the ref counted 10 and [b]the match was declared a double countout.[/b]
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