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a guest
Apr 27th, 2013
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text 377.42 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 0 info it worked if it ends with ok
  2. 1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'install' ]
  3. 2 info using npm@1.2.14
  4. 3 info using node@v0.10.0
  5. 4 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/package.json
  6. 5 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  7. 6 verbose install where, deps [ '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen',
  8. 6 verbose install [ 'clean-css-brunch',
  9. 6 verbose install 'css-brunch',
  10. 6 verbose install 'handlebars-brunch',
  11. 6 verbose install 'javascript-brunch',
  12. 6 verbose install 'less-brunch',
  13. 6 verbose install 'sass-brunch',
  14. 6 verbose install 'uglify-js-brunch',
  15. 6 verbose install 'mocha',
  16. 6 verbose install 'expect.js' ] ]
  17. 7 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/package.json
  18. 8 info preinstall package-name@0.0.1
  19. 9 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/package.json
  20. 10 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  21. 11 verbose cache add [ 'handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2', null ]
  22. 12 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2" args=["handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2",null]
  23. 13 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  24. 13 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  25. 13 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  26. 13 verbose parsed url host: null,
  27. 13 verbose parsed url port: null,
  28. 13 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  29. 13 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  30. 13 verbose parsed url search: null,
  31. 13 verbose parsed url query: null,
  32. 13 verbose parsed url pathname: 'handlebars-brunch@%3E=%201.5.2',
  33. 13 verbose parsed url path: 'handlebars-brunch@%3E=%201.5.2',
  34. 13 verbose parsed url href: 'handlebars-brunch@%3E=%201.5.2' }
  35. 14 verbose cache add name="handlebars-brunch" spec=">= 1.5.2" args=["handlebars-brunch",">= 1.5.2"]
  36. 15 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  37. 15 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  38. 15 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  39. 15 verbose parsed url host: null,
  40. 15 verbose parsed url port: null,
  41. 15 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  42. 15 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  43. 15 verbose parsed url search: null,
  44. 15 verbose parsed url query: null,
  45. 15 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.5.2',
  46. 15 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.5.2',
  47. 15 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.5.2' }
  48. 16 verbose addNamed [ 'handlebars-brunch', '>= 1.5.2' ]
  49. 17 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.5.2' ]
  50. 18 verbose cache add [ 'javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1', null ]
  51. 19 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1" args=["javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1",null]
  52. 20 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  53. 20 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  54. 20 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  55. 20 verbose parsed url host: null,
  56. 20 verbose parsed url port: null,
  57. 20 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  58. 20 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  59. 20 verbose parsed url search: null,
  60. 20 verbose parsed url query: null,
  61. 20 verbose parsed url pathname: 'javascript-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  62. 20 verbose parsed url path: 'javascript-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  63. 20 verbose parsed url href: 'javascript-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1' }
  64. 21 verbose cache add name="javascript-brunch" spec=">= 1.5.1" args=["javascript-brunch",">= 1.5.1"]
  65. 22 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  66. 22 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  67. 22 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  68. 22 verbose parsed url host: null,
  69. 22 verbose parsed url port: null,
  70. 22 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  71. 22 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  72. 22 verbose parsed url search: null,
  73. 22 verbose parsed url query: null,
  74. 22 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  75. 22 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  76. 22 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.5.1' }
  77. 23 verbose addNamed [ 'javascript-brunch', '>= 1.5.1' ]
  78. 24 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.5.1' ]
  79. 25 verbose cache add [ 'less-brunch@>= 1.5.1', null ]
  80. 26 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="less-brunch@>= 1.5.1" args=["less-brunch@>= 1.5.1",null]
  81. 27 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  82. 27 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  83. 27 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  84. 27 verbose parsed url host: null,
  85. 27 verbose parsed url port: null,
  86. 27 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  87. 27 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  88. 27 verbose parsed url search: null,
  89. 27 verbose parsed url query: null,
  90. 27 verbose parsed url pathname: 'less-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  91. 27 verbose parsed url path: 'less-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  92. 27 verbose parsed url href: 'less-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1' }
  93. 28 verbose cache add name="less-brunch" spec=">= 1.5.1" args=["less-brunch",">= 1.5.1"]
  94. 29 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  95. 29 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  96. 29 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  97. 29 verbose parsed url host: null,
  98. 29 verbose parsed url port: null,
  99. 29 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  100. 29 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  101. 29 verbose parsed url search: null,
  102. 29 verbose parsed url query: null,
  103. 29 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  104. 29 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  105. 29 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.5.1' }
  106. 30 verbose addNamed [ 'less-brunch', '>= 1.5.1' ]
  107. 31 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.5.1' ]
  108. 32 verbose cache add [ 'sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1', null ]
  109. 33 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1" args=["sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1",null]
  110. 34 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  111. 34 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  112. 34 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  113. 34 verbose parsed url host: null,
  114. 34 verbose parsed url port: null,
  115. 34 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  116. 34 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  117. 34 verbose parsed url search: null,
  118. 34 verbose parsed url query: null,
  119. 34 verbose parsed url pathname: 'sass-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  120. 34 verbose parsed url path: 'sass-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  121. 34 verbose parsed url href: 'sass-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1' }
  122. 35 verbose cache add name="sass-brunch" spec=">= 1.5.1" args=["sass-brunch",">= 1.5.1"]
  123. 36 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  124. 36 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  125. 36 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  126. 36 verbose parsed url host: null,
  127. 36 verbose parsed url port: null,
  128. 36 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  129. 36 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  130. 36 verbose parsed url search: null,
  131. 36 verbose parsed url query: null,
  132. 36 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  133. 36 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  134. 36 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.5.1' }
  135. 37 verbose addNamed [ 'sass-brunch', '>= 1.5.1' ]
  136. 38 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.5.1' ]
  137. 39 verbose cache add [ 'uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1', null ]
  138. 40 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1" args=["uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1",null]
  139. 41 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  140. 41 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  141. 41 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  142. 41 verbose parsed url host: null,
  143. 41 verbose parsed url port: null,
  144. 41 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  145. 41 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  146. 41 verbose parsed url search: null,
  147. 41 verbose parsed url query: null,
  148. 41 verbose parsed url pathname: 'uglify-js-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  149. 41 verbose parsed url path: 'uglify-js-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  150. 41 verbose parsed url href: 'uglify-js-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1' }
  151. 42 verbose cache add name="uglify-js-brunch" spec=">= 1.5.1" args=["uglify-js-brunch",">= 1.5.1"]
  152. 43 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  153. 43 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  154. 43 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  155. 43 verbose parsed url host: null,
  156. 43 verbose parsed url port: null,
  157. 43 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  158. 43 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  159. 43 verbose parsed url search: null,
  160. 43 verbose parsed url query: null,
  161. 43 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  162. 43 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  163. 43 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.5.1' }
  164. 44 verbose addNamed [ 'uglify-js-brunch', '>= 1.5.1' ]
  165. 45 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.5.1' ]
  166. 46 verbose cache add [ 'mocha@>= 1.8.2', null ]
  167. 47 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="mocha@>= 1.8.2" args=["mocha@>= 1.8.2",null]
  168. 48 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  169. 48 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  170. 48 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  171. 48 verbose parsed url host: null,
  172. 48 verbose parsed url port: null,
  173. 48 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  174. 48 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  175. 48 verbose parsed url search: null,
  176. 48 verbose parsed url query: null,
  177. 48 verbose parsed url pathname: 'mocha@%3E=%201.8.2',
  178. 48 verbose parsed url path: 'mocha@%3E=%201.8.2',
  179. 48 verbose parsed url href: 'mocha@%3E=%201.8.2' }
  180. 49 verbose cache add name="mocha" spec=">= 1.8.2" args=["mocha",">= 1.8.2"]
  181. 50 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  182. 50 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  183. 50 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  184. 50 verbose parsed url host: null,
  185. 50 verbose parsed url port: null,
  186. 50 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  187. 50 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  188. 50 verbose parsed url search: null,
  189. 50 verbose parsed url query: null,
  190. 50 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.8.2',
  191. 50 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.8.2',
  192. 50 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.8.2' }
  193. 51 verbose addNamed [ 'mocha', '>= 1.8.2' ]
  194. 52 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.8.2' ]
  195. 53 verbose cache add [ 'expect.js@>= 0.2.0', null ]
  196. 54 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="expect.js@>= 0.2.0" args=["expect.js@>= 0.2.0",null]
  197. 55 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  198. 55 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  199. 55 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  200. 55 verbose parsed url host: null,
  201. 55 verbose parsed url port: null,
  202. 55 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  203. 55 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  204. 55 verbose parsed url search: null,
  205. 55 verbose parsed url query: null,
  206. 55 verbose parsed url pathname: 'expect.js@%3E=%200.2.0',
  207. 55 verbose parsed url path: 'expect.js@%3E=%200.2.0',
  208. 55 verbose parsed url href: 'expect.js@%3E=%200.2.0' }
  209. 56 verbose cache add name="expect.js" spec=">= 0.2.0" args=["expect.js",">= 0.2.0"]
  210. 57 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  211. 57 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  212. 57 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  213. 57 verbose parsed url host: null,
  214. 57 verbose parsed url port: null,
  215. 57 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  216. 57 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  217. 57 verbose parsed url search: null,
  218. 57 verbose parsed url query: null,
  219. 57 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%200.2.0',
  220. 57 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%200.2.0',
  221. 57 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%200.2.0' }
  222. 58 verbose addNamed [ 'expect.js', '>= 0.2.0' ]
  223. 59 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=0.2.0' ]
  224. 60 silly lockFile 9f78c749-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2 handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2
  225. 61 verbose lock handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/9f78c749-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2.lock
  226. 62 silly lockFile 930d6e9c-javascript-brunch-1-5-1 javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  227. 63 verbose lock javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/930d6e9c-javascript-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  228. 64 silly lockFile 95c65b64-less-brunch-1-5-1 less-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  229. 65 verbose lock less-brunch@>= 1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/95c65b64-less-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  230. 66 verbose cache add [ 'clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1', null ]
  231. 67 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1" args=["clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1",null]
  232. 68 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  233. 68 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  234. 68 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  235. 68 verbose parsed url host: null,
  236. 68 verbose parsed url port: null,
  237. 68 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  238. 68 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  239. 68 verbose parsed url search: null,
  240. 68 verbose parsed url query: null,
  241. 68 verbose parsed url pathname: 'clean-css-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  242. 68 verbose parsed url path: 'clean-css-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  243. 68 verbose parsed url href: 'clean-css-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1' }
  244. 69 verbose cache add name="clean-css-brunch" spec=">= 1.5.1" args=["clean-css-brunch",">= 1.5.1"]
  245. 70 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  246. 70 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  247. 70 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  248. 70 verbose parsed url host: null,
  249. 70 verbose parsed url port: null,
  250. 70 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  251. 70 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  252. 70 verbose parsed url search: null,
  253. 70 verbose parsed url query: null,
  254. 70 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  255. 70 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  256. 70 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.5.1' }
  257. 71 verbose addNamed [ 'clean-css-brunch', '>= 1.5.1' ]
  258. 72 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.5.1' ]
  259. 73 silly lockFile a2f2234d-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1 clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  260. 74 verbose lock clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/a2f2234d-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  261. 75 verbose cache add [ 'css-brunch@>= 1.5.1', null ]
  262. 76 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="css-brunch@>= 1.5.1" args=["css-brunch@>= 1.5.1",null]
  263. 77 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  264. 77 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  265. 77 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  266. 77 verbose parsed url host: null,
  267. 77 verbose parsed url port: null,
  268. 77 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  269. 77 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  270. 77 verbose parsed url search: null,
  271. 77 verbose parsed url query: null,
  272. 77 verbose parsed url pathname: 'css-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  273. 77 verbose parsed url path: 'css-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1',
  274. 77 verbose parsed url href: 'css-brunch@%3E=%201.5.1' }
  275. 78 verbose cache add name="css-brunch" spec=">= 1.5.1" args=["css-brunch",">= 1.5.1"]
  276. 79 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  277. 79 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  278. 79 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  279. 79 verbose parsed url host: null,
  280. 79 verbose parsed url port: null,
  281. 79 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  282. 79 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  283. 79 verbose parsed url search: null,
  284. 79 verbose parsed url query: null,
  285. 79 verbose parsed url pathname: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  286. 79 verbose parsed url path: '%3E=%201.5.1',
  287. 79 verbose parsed url href: '%3E=%201.5.1' }
  288. 80 verbose addNamed [ 'css-brunch', '>= 1.5.1' ]
  289. 81 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.5.1' ]
  290. 82 silly lockFile b1c69acb-css-brunch-1-5-1 css-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  291. 83 verbose lock css-brunch@>= 1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/b1c69acb-css-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  292. 84 silly addNameRange { name: 'handlebars-brunch', range: '>=1.5.2', hasData: false }
  293. 85 silly addNameRange { name: 'javascript-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: false }
  294. 86 silly addNameRange { name: 'less-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: false }
  295. 87 silly lockFile ae8d1e5d-sass-brunch-1-5-1 sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  296. 88 verbose lock sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/ae8d1e5d-sass-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  297. 89 silly lockFile 41ad6a60-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1 uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  298. 90 verbose lock uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/41ad6a60-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  299. 91 silly lockFile d05adf29-mocha-1-8-2 mocha@>= 1.8.2
  300. 92 verbose lock mocha@>= 1.8.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/d05adf29-mocha-1-8-2.lock
  301. 93 silly lockFile e928a577-expect-js-0-2-0 expect.js@>= 0.2.0
  302. 94 verbose lock expect.js@>= 0.2.0 /home/jonathan/.npm/e928a577-expect-js-0-2-0.lock
  303. 95 silly addNameRange { name: 'clean-css-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: false }
  304. 96 silly addNameRange { name: 'css-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: false }
  305. 97 silly addNameRange { name: 'sass-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: false }
  306. 98 silly addNameRange { name: 'uglify-js-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: false }
  307. 99 silly addNameRange { name: 'mocha', range: '>=1.8.2', hasData: false }
  308. 100 silly addNameRange { name: 'expect.js', range: '>=0.2.0', hasData: false }
  309. 101 verbose url raw handlebars-brunch
  310. 102 verbose url resolving [ '', './handlebars-brunch' ]
  311. 103 verbose url resolved
  312. 104 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  313. 105 verbose etag "8HWN5GRMWVPJYFV4A89A9X3XV"
  314. 106 http GET
  315. 107 verbose url raw javascript-brunch
  316. 108 verbose url resolving [ '', './javascript-brunch' ]
  317. 109 verbose url resolved
  318. 110 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  319. 111 verbose etag "DSERQG2GZP8QV4VYXH8QPEWVW"
  320. 112 http GET
  321. 113 verbose url raw less-brunch
  322. 114 verbose url resolving [ '', './less-brunch' ]
  323. 115 verbose url resolved
  324. 116 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  325. 117 verbose etag "9C9JWQGEGEN34CJAO2C5V5W3J"
  326. 118 http GET
  327. 119 verbose url raw clean-css-brunch
  328. 120 verbose url resolving [ '', './clean-css-brunch' ]
  329. 121 verbose url resolved
  330. 122 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  331. 123 verbose etag "C7W4QNKW8EE0NYBVS6JMBP2EO"
  332. 124 http GET
  333. 125 verbose url raw css-brunch
  334. 126 verbose url resolving [ '', './css-brunch' ]
  335. 127 verbose url resolved
  336. 128 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  337. 129 verbose etag "4W8HEDQMDOBVDHRP9CKJ9EUSX"
  338. 130 http GET
  339. 131 verbose url raw sass-brunch
  340. 132 verbose url resolving [ '', './sass-brunch' ]
  341. 133 verbose url resolved
  342. 134 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  343. 135 verbose etag "ENR6WIWZ1LE49XINGG5SX9E8S"
  344. 136 http GET
  345. 137 verbose url raw uglify-js-brunch
  346. 138 verbose url resolving [ '', './uglify-js-brunch' ]
  347. 139 verbose url resolved
  348. 140 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  349. 141 verbose etag "DJM6V17VAGJUCET86J5LD5RXS"
  350. 142 http GET
  351. 143 verbose url raw mocha
  352. 144 verbose url resolving [ '', './mocha' ]
  353. 145 verbose url resolved
  354. 146 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  355. 147 verbose etag "8OAYC166689064P1TX05PG6WC"
  356. 148 http GET
  357. 149 verbose url raw expect.js
  358. 150 verbose url resolving [ '', './expect.js' ]
  359. 151 verbose url resolved
  360. 152 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:14
  361. 153 verbose etag "22NLGH54O12IYKWI45EWD4DL"
  362. 154 http GET
  363. 155 http 304
  364. 156 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  365. 156 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  366. 156 silly registry.get etag: '"9C9JWQGEGEN34CJAO2C5V5W3J"',
  367. 156 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  368. 156 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  369. 157 verbose etag less-brunch from cache
  370. 158 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'less-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: true }
  371. 159 silly addNameRange versions [ 'less-brunch',
  372. 159 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0',
  373. 159 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  374. 159 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
  375. 159 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  376. 159 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
  377. 159 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
  378. 159 silly addNameRange '1.4.1',
  379. 159 silly addNameRange '1.5.0',
  380. 159 silly addNameRange '1.5.1',
  381. 159 silly addNameRange '1.5.2' ] ]
  382. 160 verbose addNamed [ 'less-brunch', '1.5.2' ]
  383. 161 verbose addNamed [ '1.5.2', '1.5.2' ]
  384. 162 silly lockFile 816ccbcc-less-brunch-1-5-2 less-brunch@1.5.2
  385. 163 verbose lock less-brunch@1.5.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/816ccbcc-less-brunch-1-5-2.lock
  386. 164 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/less-brunch/1.5.2/package/package.json
  387. 165 silly lockFile 816ccbcc-less-brunch-1-5-2 less-brunch@1.5.2
  388. 166 silly lockFile 816ccbcc-less-brunch-1-5-2 less-brunch@1.5.2
  389. 167 silly lockFile 95c65b64-less-brunch-1-5-1 less-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  390. 168 silly lockFile 95c65b64-less-brunch-1-5-1 less-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  391. 169 http 304
  392. 170 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  393. 170 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  394. 170 silly registry.get etag: '"ENR6WIWZ1LE49XINGG5SX9E8S"',
  395. 170 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  396. 170 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  397. 171 verbose etag sass-brunch from cache
  398. 172 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'sass-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: true }
  399. 173 silly addNameRange versions [ 'sass-brunch',
  400. 173 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0',
  401. 173 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  402. 173 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
  403. 173 silly addNameRange '1.1.2',
  404. 173 silly addNameRange '1.1.3',
  405. 173 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  406. 173 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
  407. 173 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
  408. 173 silly addNameRange '1.4.1',
  409. 173 silly addNameRange '1.4.2',
  410. 173 silly addNameRange '1.5.0',
  411. 173 silly addNameRange '1.5.1',
  412. 173 silly addNameRange '1.5.2' ] ]
  413. 174 verbose addNamed [ 'sass-brunch', '1.5.2' ]
  414. 175 verbose addNamed [ '1.5.2', '1.5.2' ]
  415. 176 silly lockFile e8b0bcdb-sass-brunch-1-5-2 sass-brunch@1.5.2
  416. 177 verbose lock sass-brunch@1.5.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/e8b0bcdb-sass-brunch-1-5-2.lock
  417. 178 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/sass-brunch/1.5.2/package/package.json
  418. 179 silly lockFile e8b0bcdb-sass-brunch-1-5-2 sass-brunch@1.5.2
  419. 180 silly lockFile e8b0bcdb-sass-brunch-1-5-2 sass-brunch@1.5.2
  420. 181 silly lockFile ae8d1e5d-sass-brunch-1-5-1 sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  421. 182 silly lockFile ae8d1e5d-sass-brunch-1-5-1 sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  422. 183 http 304
  423. 184 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  424. 184 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  425. 184 silly registry.get etag: '"8HWN5GRMWVPJYFV4A89A9X3XV"',
  426. 184 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  427. 184 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  428. 185 verbose etag handlebars-brunch from cache
  429. 186 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'handlebars-brunch', range: '>=1.5.2', hasData: true }
  430. 187 silly addNameRange versions [ 'handlebars-brunch',
  431. 187 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0',
  432. 187 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
  433. 187 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  434. 187 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
  435. 187 silly addNameRange '1.1.2',
  436. 187 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  437. 187 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
  438. 187 silly addNameRange '1.5.0',
  439. 187 silly addNameRange '1.5.1',
  440. 187 silly addNameRange '1.5.2' ] ]
  441. 188 verbose addNamed [ 'handlebars-brunch', '1.5.2' ]
  442. 189 verbose addNamed [ '1.5.2', '1.5.2' ]
  443. 190 silly lockFile 1b1f8b08-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2 handlebars-brunch@1.5.2
  444. 191 verbose lock handlebars-brunch@1.5.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/1b1f8b08-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2.lock
  445. 192 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars-brunch/1.5.2/package/package.json
  446. 193 silly lockFile 1b1f8b08-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2 handlebars-brunch@1.5.2
  447. 194 silly lockFile 1b1f8b08-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2 handlebars-brunch@1.5.2
  448. 195 silly lockFile 9f78c749-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2 handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2
  449. 196 silly lockFile 9f78c749-handlebars-brunch-1-5-2 handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2
  450. 197 http 304
  451. 198 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  452. 198 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  453. 198 silly registry.get etag: '"4W8HEDQMDOBVDHRP9CKJ9EUSX"',
  454. 198 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  455. 198 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  456. 199 verbose etag css-brunch from cache
  457. 200 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'css-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: true }
  458. 201 silly addNameRange versions [ 'css-brunch',
  459. 201 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.1.1', '1.3.0', '1.5.0', '1.5.1' ] ]
  460. 202 verbose addNamed [ 'css-brunch', '1.5.1' ]
  461. 203 verbose addNamed [ '1.5.1', '1.5.1' ]
  462. 204 silly lockFile 9bd37756-css-brunch-1-5-1 css-brunch@1.5.1
  463. 205 verbose lock css-brunch@1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/9bd37756-css-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  464. 206 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/css-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  465. 207 silly lockFile 9bd37756-css-brunch-1-5-1 css-brunch@1.5.1
  466. 208 silly lockFile 9bd37756-css-brunch-1-5-1 css-brunch@1.5.1
  467. 209 silly lockFile b1c69acb-css-brunch-1-5-1 css-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  468. 210 silly lockFile b1c69acb-css-brunch-1-5-1 css-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  469. 211 http 304
  470. 212 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  471. 212 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  472. 212 silly registry.get etag: '"DJM6V17VAGJUCET86J5LD5RXS"',
  473. 212 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  474. 212 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  475. 213 verbose etag uglify-js-brunch from cache
  476. 214 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'uglify-js-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: true }
  477. 215 silly addNameRange versions [ 'uglify-js-brunch',
  478. 215 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.1.1', '1.3.0', '1.3.1', '1.5.0', '1.5.1' ] ]
  479. 216 verbose addNamed [ 'uglify-js-brunch', '1.5.1' ]
  480. 217 verbose addNamed [ '1.5.1', '1.5.1' ]
  481. 218 silly lockFile 4c43a065-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1 uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1
  482. 219 verbose lock uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/4c43a065-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  483. 220 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  484. 221 silly lockFile 4c43a065-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1 uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1
  485. 222 silly lockFile 4c43a065-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1 uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1
  486. 223 silly lockFile 41ad6a60-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1 uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  487. 224 silly lockFile 41ad6a60-uglify-js-brunch-1-5-1 uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  488. 225 http 304
  489. 226 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  490. 226 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  491. 226 silly registry.get etag: '"C7W4QNKW8EE0NYBVS6JMBP2EO"',
  492. 226 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  493. 226 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  494. 227 verbose etag clean-css-brunch from cache
  495. 228 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'clean-css-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: true }
  496. 229 silly addNameRange versions [ 'clean-css-brunch',
  497. 229 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.1.1', '1.3.0', '1.4.0', '1.5.0', '1.5.1' ] ]
  498. 230 verbose addNamed [ 'clean-css-brunch', '1.5.1' ]
  499. 231 verbose addNamed [ '1.5.1', '1.5.1' ]
  500. 232 silly lockFile aea12d81-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1 clean-css-brunch@1.5.1
  501. 233 verbose lock clean-css-brunch@1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/aea12d81-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  502. 234 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  503. 235 silly lockFile aea12d81-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1 clean-css-brunch@1.5.1
  504. 236 silly lockFile aea12d81-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1 clean-css-brunch@1.5.1
  505. 237 silly lockFile a2f2234d-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1 clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  506. 238 silly lockFile a2f2234d-clean-css-brunch-1-5-1 clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  507. 239 http 304
  508. 240 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  509. 240 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  510. 240 silly registry.get etag: '"8OAYC166689064P1TX05PG6WC"',
  511. 240 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  512. 240 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  513. 241 verbose etag mocha from cache
  514. 242 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'mocha', range: '>=1.8.2', hasData: true }
  515. 243 silly addNameRange versions [ 'mocha',
  516. 243 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1-alpha1',
  517. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.1-alpha2',
  518. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.1-alpha3',
  519. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.1-alpha4',
  520. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.1-alpha5',
  521. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.1-alpha6',
  522. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.1',
  523. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
  524. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
  525. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
  526. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
  527. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
  528. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
  529. 243 silly addNameRange '0.0.8',
  530. 243 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
  531. 243 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
  532. 243 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
  533. 243 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
  534. 243 silly addNameRange '0.3.2',
  535. 243 silly addNameRange '0.3.3',
  536. 243 silly addNameRange '0.3.4',
  537. 243 silly addNameRange '0.3.6',
  538. 243 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
  539. 243 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
  540. 243 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
  541. 243 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
  542. 243 silly addNameRange '0.7.1',
  543. 243 silly addNameRange '0.8.0',
  544. 243 silly addNameRange '0.8.1',
  545. 243 silly addNameRange '0.9.0',
  546. 243 silly addNameRange '0.10.0',
  547. 243 silly addNameRange '0.10.1',
  548. 243 silly addNameRange '0.10.2',
  549. 243 silly addNameRange '0.11.0',
  550. 243 silly addNameRange '0.12.0',
  551. 243 silly addNameRange '0.12.1',
  552. 243 silly addNameRange '0.13.0',
  553. 243 silly addNameRange '0.14.0',
  554. 243 silly addNameRange '0.14.1',
  555. 243 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
  556. 243 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
  557. 243 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
  558. 243 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
  559. 243 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  560. 243 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
  561. 243 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
  562. 243 silly addNameRange '1.2.2',
  563. 243 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  564. 243 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
  565. 243 silly addNameRange '1.3.2',
  566. 243 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
  567. 243 silly addNameRange '1.4.1',
  568. 243 silly addNameRange '1.4.2',
  569. 243 silly addNameRange '1.4.3',
  570. 243 silly addNameRange '1.5.0',
  571. 243 silly addNameRange '1.6.0',
  572. 243 silly addNameRange '1.7.0',
  573. 243 silly addNameRange '1.7.1',
  574. 243 silly addNameRange '1.7.2',
  575. 243 silly addNameRange '1.7.3',
  576. 243 silly addNameRange '1.7.4',
  577. 243 silly addNameRange '1.8.0',
  578. 243 silly addNameRange '1.8.1',
  579. 243 silly addNameRange '1.8.2',
  580. 243 silly addNameRange '1.9.0' ] ]
  581. 244 verbose addNamed [ 'mocha', '1.9.0' ]
  582. 245 verbose addNamed [ '1.9.0', '1.9.0' ]
  583. 246 silly lockFile 12b86872-mocha-1-9-0 mocha@1.9.0
  584. 247 verbose lock mocha@1.9.0 /home/jonathan/.npm/12b86872-mocha-1-9-0.lock
  585. 248 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/mocha/1.9.0/package/package.json
  586. 249 silly lockFile 12b86872-mocha-1-9-0 mocha@1.9.0
  587. 250 silly lockFile 12b86872-mocha-1-9-0 mocha@1.9.0
  588. 251 silly lockFile d05adf29-mocha-1-8-2 mocha@>= 1.8.2
  589. 252 silly lockFile d05adf29-mocha-1-8-2 mocha@>= 1.8.2
  590. 253 http 304
  591. 254 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  592. 254 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  593. 254 silly registry.get etag: '"22NLGH54O12IYKWI45EWD4DL"',
  594. 254 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:17 GMT',
  595. 254 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  596. 255 verbose etag expect.js from cache
  597. 256 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'expect.js', range: '>=0.2.0', hasData: true }
  598. 257 silly addNameRange versions [ 'expect.js', [ '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.2.0' ] ]
  599. 258 verbose addNamed [ 'expect.js', '0.2.0' ]
  600. 259 verbose addNamed [ '0.2.0', '0.2.0' ]
  601. 260 silly lockFile 8bd15c82-expect-js-0-2-0 expect.js@0.2.0
  602. 261 verbose lock expect.js@0.2.0 /home/jonathan/.npm/8bd15c82-expect-js-0-2-0.lock
  603. 262 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/expect.js/0.2.0/package/package.json
  604. 263 silly lockFile 8bd15c82-expect-js-0-2-0 expect.js@0.2.0
  605. 264 silly lockFile 8bd15c82-expect-js-0-2-0 expect.js@0.2.0
  606. 265 silly lockFile e928a577-expect-js-0-2-0 expect.js@>= 0.2.0
  607. 266 silly lockFile e928a577-expect-js-0-2-0 expect.js@>= 0.2.0
  608. 267 http 304
  609. 268 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  610. 268 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  611. 268 silly registry.get etag: '"DSERQG2GZP8QV4VYXH8QPEWVW"',
  612. 268 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:18 GMT',
  613. 268 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  614. 269 verbose etag javascript-brunch from cache
  615. 270 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'javascript-brunch', range: '>=1.5.1', hasData: true }
  616. 271 silly addNameRange versions [ 'javascript-brunch',
  617. 271 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.1.1', '1.3.0', '1.5.0', '1.5.1' ] ]
  618. 272 verbose addNamed [ 'javascript-brunch', '1.5.1' ]
  619. 273 verbose addNamed [ '1.5.1', '1.5.1' ]
  620. 274 silly lockFile 5232b4fc-javascript-brunch-1-5-1 javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  621. 275 verbose lock javascript-brunch@1.5.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/5232b4fc-javascript-brunch-1-5-1.lock
  622. 276 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/javascript-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  623. 277 silly lockFile 5232b4fc-javascript-brunch-1-5-1 javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  624. 278 silly lockFile 5232b4fc-javascript-brunch-1-5-1 javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  625. 279 silly lockFile 930d6e9c-javascript-brunch-1-5-1 javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  626. 280 silly lockFile 930d6e9c-javascript-brunch-1-5-1 javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1
  627. 281 silly resolved [ { name: 'less-brunch',
  628. 281 silly resolved version: '1.5.2',
  629. 281 silly resolved description: 'Adds LESS support to brunch.',
  630. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'Paul Miller', url: '' },
  631. 281 silly resolved homepage: '',
  632. 281 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
  633. 281 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
  634. 281 silly resolved scripts:
  635. 281 silly resolved { prepublish: 'rm -rf lib && coffee --bare --output lib/ src/',
  636. 281 silly resolved test: 'node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script --require test/common.js' },
  637. 281 silly resolved dependencies: { less: '1.3.x' },
  638. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '1.8.1', chai: '1.4.2' },
  639. 281 silly resolved readme: '## less-brunch\nAdds [LESS]( support to\n[brunch](\n\n## Usage\nInstall the plugin via npm with `npm install --save less-brunch`.\n\nOr, do manual install:\n\n* Add `"less-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app.\n Pick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version.\n* If you want to use git version of plugin, add\n`"less-brunch": "git+ssh://"`.\n\n### Options\nPrint source-file references in output via brunch config (supported options: [\'comments\', \'mediaquery\', \'all\']):\n```\nconfig:\n plugins:\n less:\n dumpLineNumbers: \'comments\'\n```\n\n## License\n\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2012-2013 Paul Miller (\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n',
  640. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  641. 281 silly resolved _id: 'less-brunch@1.5.2',
  642. 281 silly resolved _from: 'less-brunch@>= 1.5.1' },
  643. 281 silly resolved { name: 'sass-brunch',
  644. 281 silly resolved version: '1.5.2',
  645. 281 silly resolved description: 'Adds Sass support to brunch.',
  646. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'Paul Miller', url: '' },
  647. 281 silly resolved homepage: '',
  648. 281 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
  649. 281 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
  650. 281 silly resolved scripts:
  651. 281 silly resolved { prepublish: 'rm -rf lib && coffee --bare --output lib/ src/',
  652. 281 silly resolved test: 'node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script --require test/common.js' },
  653. 281 silly resolved dependencies: {},
  654. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '1.8.1', chai: '1.4.2' },
  655. 281 silly resolved readme: '## sass-brunch\nAdds Sass support to\n[brunch](\n\n## Usage\nInstall the plugin via npm with `npm install --save sass-brunch`.\n\nOr, do manual install:\n\n* Add `"sass-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app.\n Pick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version.\n* If you want to use git version of plugin, add\n`"sass-brunch": "git+ssh://"`.\n\n### Options\nPrint line number references as comments instead of sass\'s default FireSass fake media query:\n```\nconfig:\n plugins:\n sass:\n debug: \'comments\'\n```\nTo include the source files\' name/path in either debug mode, create a parent file that `@include` your actual sass/scss source. Make sure the source files are renamed to start with an underscore (`_file.scss`), or otherwise exclude them from the build so they don\'t get double-included.\n\n## License\n\nThe MIT License (MIT)\n\nCopyright (c) 2012-2013 Paul Miller (\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.\n',
  656. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  657. 281 silly resolved _id: 'sass-brunch@1.5.2',
  658. 281 silly resolved _from: 'sass-brunch@>= 1.5.1' },
  659. 281 silly resolved { name: 'handlebars-brunch',
  660. 281 silly resolved version: '1.5.2',
  661. 281 silly resolved description: 'Adds Handlebars.js support to brunch.',
  662. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'Paul Miller', url: '' },
  663. 281 silly resolved homepage: '',
  664. 281 silly resolved repository:
  665. 281 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  666. 281 silly resolved url: '' },
  667. 281 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
  668. 281 silly resolved scripts:
  669. 281 silly resolved { prepublish: 'node setup.js prepublish',
  670. 281 silly resolved postpublish: 'node setup.js postpublish',
  671. 281 silly resolved test: 'node setup.js test' },
  672. 281 silly resolved dependencies: { handlebars: '~1.0.10' },
  673. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '*', chai: '*' },
  674. 281 silly resolved readme: '## handlebars-brunch\nAdds [Handlebars]( support to\n[brunch](\n\n## Usage\nAdd `"handlebars-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app.\n\nPick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version.\n\nIf you want to use git version of plugin, add\n`"handlebars-brunch": "git+"`.\n',
  675. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  676. 281 silly resolved _id: 'handlebars-brunch@1.5.2',
  677. 281 silly resolved _from: 'handlebars-brunch@>= 1.5.2' },
  678. 281 silly resolved { name: 'css-brunch',
  679. 281 silly resolved version: '1.5.1',
  680. 281 silly resolved description: 'Adds CSS support to brunch.',
  681. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'Paul Miller', url: '' },
  682. 281 silly resolved homepage: '',
  683. 281 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
  684. 281 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
  685. 281 silly resolved scripts:
  686. 281 silly resolved { prepublish: 'node setup.js prepublish',
  687. 281 silly resolved postpublish: 'node setup.js postpublish',
  688. 281 silly resolved test: 'node setup.js test' },
  689. 281 silly resolved dependencies: {},
  690. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '1.8.1', chai: '1.4.2' },
  691. 281 silly resolved readme: '## css-brunch\nAdds CSS support to [brunch](\n\n## Usage\nAdd `"css-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app.\n\nPick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version.\n\nIf you want to use git version of plugin, add\n`"css-brunch": "git+ssh://"`.\n',
  692. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  693. 281 silly resolved _id: 'css-brunch@1.5.1',
  694. 281 silly resolved _from: 'css-brunch@>= 1.5.1' },
  695. 281 silly resolved { name: 'uglify-js-brunch',
  696. 281 silly resolved version: '1.5.1',
  697. 281 silly resolved description: 'Adds Uglify minifying support to brunch.',
  698. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'Paul Miller', url: '' },
  699. 281 silly resolved homepage: '',
  700. 281 silly resolved repository:
  701. 281 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  702. 281 silly resolved url: '' },
  703. 281 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
  704. 281 silly resolved scripts:
  705. 281 silly resolved { prepublish: 'node setup.js prepublish',
  706. 281 silly resolved postpublish: 'node setup.js postpublish',
  707. 281 silly resolved test: 'node setup.js test' },
  708. 281 silly resolved dependencies: { 'uglify-js': '2.2.x' },
  709. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '1.8.1', chai: '1.4.2' },
  710. 281 silly resolved readme: '## uglify-js-brunch\nAdds [UglifyJS]( support to\n[brunch](\n\nThe plugin will minify your javascript files.\n\n## Usage\nAdd `"uglify-js-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app.\n\nPick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version.\n\nIf you want to use git version of plugin, add\n`"uglify-js-brunch": "git+ssh://"`.\n\nTo specify uglifyjs options, use `config.plugins.uglify` object, for example:\n\n```\nconfig: {\n plugins: {\n uglify: { \n mangle: false,\n compress: {\n global_defs: {\n DEBUG: false\n }\n }\n } \n }\n}\n```\n',
  711. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  712. 281 silly resolved _id: 'uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1',
  713. 281 silly resolved _from: 'uglify-js-brunch@>= 1.5.1' },
  714. 281 silly resolved { name: 'clean-css-brunch',
  715. 281 silly resolved version: '1.5.1',
  716. 281 silly resolved description: 'Adds CleanCSS support to brunch.',
  717. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'Paul Miller', url: '' },
  718. 281 silly resolved homepage: '',
  719. 281 silly resolved repository:
  720. 281 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  721. 281 silly resolved url: '' },
  722. 281 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
  723. 281 silly resolved scripts:
  724. 281 silly resolved { prepublish: 'node setup.js prepublish',
  725. 281 silly resolved postpublish: 'node setup.js postpublish',
  726. 281 silly resolved test: 'node setup.js test' },
  727. 281 silly resolved dependencies: { 'clean-css': '0.10.x' },
  728. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '1.8.1', chai: '1.4.2' },
  729. 281 silly resolved readme: '## clean-css-brunch\nAdds [clean-css]( support to\n[brunch](\n\nThe plugin will minify your CSS files.\n\n## Usage\nAdd `"clean-css-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app.\n\nPick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version.\n\nIf you want to use git version of plugin, add\n`"clean-css-brunch": "git+ssh://"`.\n\nTo specify clean-css options, use `config.plugins.cleancss` object, for example:\n\n```\nconfig:\n plugins:\n cleancss:\n keepSpecialComments: 0\n removeEmpty: true\n```\n',
  730. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  731. 281 silly resolved _id: 'clean-css-brunch@1.5.1',
  732. 281 silly resolved _from: 'clean-css-brunch@>= 1.5.1' },
  733. 281 silly resolved { name: 'mocha',
  734. 281 silly resolved version: '1.9.0',
  735. 281 silly resolved description: 'simple, flexible, fun test framework',
  736. 281 silly resolved keywords: [ 'mocha', 'test', 'bdd', 'tdd', 'tap' ],
  737. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'TJ Holowaychuk', email: '' },
  738. 281 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
  739. 281 silly resolved main: './index',
  740. 281 silly resolved bin: { mocha: './bin/mocha', _mocha: './bin/_mocha' },
  741. 281 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.4.x' },
  742. 281 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'make test-all' },
  743. 281 silly resolved dependencies:
  744. 281 silly resolved { commander: '0.6.1',
  745. 281 silly resolved growl: '1.7.x',
  746. 281 silly resolved jade: '0.26.3',
  747. 281 silly resolved diff: '1.0.2',
  748. 281 silly resolved debug: '*',
  749. 281 silly resolved mkdirp: '0.3.3',
  750. 281 silly resolved ms: '0.3.0' },
  751. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { should: '*', 'coffee-script': '1.2' },
  752. 281 silly resolved readme: ' [![Build Status](](\n\n [![Mocha test framework](](\n\n Mocha is a simple, flexible, fun JavaScript test framework for node.js and the browser. For more information view the [documentation](\n\n## Contributors\n\n```\n\n project : mocha\n repo age : 1 year, 7 months\n active : 272 days\n commits : 1116\n files : 123\n authors :\n 504 TJ Holowaychuk 45.2%\n 389 Tj Holowaychuk 34.9%\n 31 Guillermo Rauch 2.8%\n 13 Attila Domokos 1.2%\n 9 John Firebaugh 0.8%\n 8 Jo Liss 0.7%\n 7 Nathan Rajlich 0.6%\n 6 James Carr 0.5%\n 6 Brendan Nee 0.5%\n 5 Aaron Heckmann 0.4%\n 4 hokaccha 0.4%\n 4 Xavier Antoviaque 0.4%\n 4 Joshua Krall 0.4%\n 3 Wil Moore III 0.3%\n 3 Jesse Dailey 0.3%\n 3 Nathan Bowser 0.3%\n 3 Tyson Tate 0.3%\n 3 Cory Thomas 0.3%\n 3 Ryunosuke SATO 0.3%\n 3 Paul Miller 0.3%\n 3 Ben Lindsey 0.3%\n 2 Forbes Lindesay 0.2%\n 2 Konstantin Käfer 0.2%\n 2 Brian Beck 0.2%\n 2 Merrick Christensen 0.2%\n 2 Michael Riley 0.2%\n 2 David Henderson 0.2%\n 2 Nathan Alderson 0.2%\n 2 Paul Armstrong 0.2%\n 2 Pete Hawkins 0.2%\n 2 Quang Van 0.2%\n 2 Raynos 0.2%\n 2 Jonas Westerlund 0.2%\n 2 Domenic Denicola 0.2%\n 2 Shawn Krisman 0.2%\n 2 Simon Gaeremynck 0.2%\n 2 FARKAS Máté 0.2%\n 2 Timo Tijhof 0.2%\n 2 Justin DuJardin 0.2%\n 2 Juzer Ali 0.2%\n 2 Ian Storm Taylor 0.2%\n 2 Arian Stolwijk 0.2%\n 2 domenic 0.2%\n 1 Richard Dingwall 0.1%\n 1 Russ Bradberry 0.1%\n 1 Sasha Koss 0.1%\n 1 Seiya Konno 0.1%\n 1 Standa Opichal 0.1%\n 1 Steve Mason 0.1%\n 1 Will Langstroth 0.1%\n 1 Yanis Wang 0.1%\n 1 Yuest Wang 0.1%\n 1 abrkn 0.1%\n 1 airportyh 0.1%\n 1 fengmk2 0.1%\n 1 0.1%\n 1 traleig1 0.1%\n 1 vlad 0.1%\n 1 yuitest 0.1%\n 1 Adam Crabtree 0.1%\n 1 Andreas Brekken 0.1%\n 1 Atsuya Takagi 0.1%\n 1 Austin Birch 0.1%\n 1 Bjørge Næss 0.1%\n 1 Brian Moore 0.1%\n 1 Bryan Donovan 0.1%\n 1 Casey Foster 0.1%\n 1 Corey Butler 0.1%\n 1 Dave McKenna 0.1%\n 1 Fedor Indutny 0.1%\n 1 Florian Margaine 0.1%\n 1 Frederico Silva 0.1%\n 1 Fredrik Lindin 0.1%\n 1 Gareth Murphy 0.1%\n 1 Gavin Mogan 0.1%\n 1 Greg Perkins 0.1%\n 1 Harry Brundage 0.1%\n 1 Herman Junge 0.1%\n 1 Ian Young 0.1%\n 1 Ivan 0.1%\n 1 Jaakko Salonen 0.1%\n 1 Jakub Nešetřil 0.1%\n 1 James Bowes 0.1%\n 1 James Lal 0.1%\n 1 Jason Barry 0.1%\n 1 Javier Aranda 0.1%\n 1 Jeff Kunkle 0.1%\n 1 Jonathan Creamer 0.1%\n 1 Jussi Virtanen 0.1%\n 1 Katie Gengler 0.1%\n 1 Kazuhito Hokamura 0.1%\n 1 Koen Punt 0.1%\n 1 Laszlo Bacsi 0.1%\n 1 László Bácsi 0.1%\n 1 Maciej Małecki 0.1%\n 1 Matt Robenolt 0.1%\n 1 Matt Smith 0.1%\n 1 Matthew Shanley 0.1%\n 1 Michael Schoonmaker 0.1%\n 1 Phil Sung 0.1%\n 1 R56 0.1%\n```\n\n## Links\n\n - [Google Group](\n - [Wiki](\n - Mocha [Extensions and reporters](\n',
  753. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  754. 281 silly resolved _id: 'mocha@1.9.0',
  755. 281 silly resolved _from: 'mocha@>= 1.8.2' },
  756. 281 silly resolved { name: 'expect.js',
  757. 281 silly resolved version: '0.2.0',
  758. 281 silly resolved description: 'BDD style assertions for node and the browser.',
  759. 281 silly resolved main: './expect',
  760. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '*', serve: '*' },
  761. 281 silly resolved readme: '# Expect\n\nMinimalistic BDD assertion toolkit based on\n[should.js](\n\n```js\nexpect(window.r);\nexpect({ a: \'b\' }).to.eql({ a: \'b\' })\nexpect(5)\'number\');\nexpect([])\'array\');\nexpect(window);\n```\n\n## Features\n\n- Cross-browser: works on IE6+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera.\n- Compatible with all test frameworks.\n- Node.JS ready (`require(\'expect.js\')`).\n- Standalone. Single global with no prototype extensions or shims.\n\n## How to use\n\n### Node\n\nInstall it with NPM or add it to your `package.json`:\n\n```\n$ npm install expect.js\n```\n\nThen:\n\n```js\nvar expect = require(\'expect.js\');\n```\n\n### Browser\n\nExpose the `expect.js` found at the top level of this repository.\n\n```html\n<script src="expect.js"></script>\n```\n\n## API\n\n**ok**: asserts that the value is _truthy_ or not\n\n```js\nexpect(1);\nexpect(true);\nexpect({});\nexpect(0);\n```\n\n**be** / **equal**: asserts `===` equality\n\n```js\nexpect(1)\nexpect(NaN);\nexpect(1)\nexpect(\'1\');\n```\n\n**eql**: asserts loose equality that works with objects\n\n```js\nexpect({ a: \'b\' }).to.eql({ a: \'b\' });\nexpect(1).to.eql(\'1\');\n```\n\n**a**/**an**: asserts `typeof` with support for `array` type and `instanceof`\n\n```js\n// typeof with optional `array`\nexpect(5)\'number\');\nexpect([])\'array\'); // works\nexpect([])\'object\'); // works too, since it uses `typeof`\n\n// constructors\nexpect(5);\nexpect([]);\nexpect(tobi);\nexpect(person);\n```\n\n**match**: asserts `String` regular expression match\n\n```js\nexpect(program.version).to.match(/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+/);\n```\n\n**contain**: asserts indexOf for an array or string\n\n```js\nexpect([1, 2]).to.contain(1);\nexpect(\'hello world\').to.contain(\'world\');\n```\n\n**length**: asserts array `.length`\n\n```js\nexpect([]).to.have.length(0);\nexpect([1,2,3]).to.have.length(3);\n```\n\n**empty**: asserts that an array is empty or not\n\n```js\nexpect([]);\nexpect({});\nexpect({ length: 0, duck: \'typing\' });\nexpect({ my: \'object\' });\nexpect([1,2,3]);\n```\n\n**property**: asserts presence of an own property (and value optionally)\n\n```js\nexpect(window)\'expect\')\nexpect(window)\'expect\', expect)\nexpect({a: \'b\'})\'a\');\n```\n\n**key**/**keys**: asserts the presence of a key. Supports the `only` modifier\n\n```js\nexpect({ a: \'b\' }).to.have.key(\'a\');\nexpect({ a: \'b\', c: \'d\' }).to.only.have.keys(\'a\', \'c\');\nexpect({ a: \'b\', c: \'d\' }).to.only.have.keys([\'a\', \'c\']);\nexpect({ a: \'b\', c: \'d\' }).to.not.only.have.key(\'a\');\n```\n\n**throwException**/**throwError**: asserts that the `Function` throws or not when called\n\n```js\nexpect(fn).to.throwError(); // synonym of throwException\nexpect(fn).to.throwException(function (e) { // get the exception object\n expect(e);\n});\nexpect(fn).to.throwException(/matches the exception message/);\nexpect(fn2).to.not.throwException();\n```\n\n**within**: asserts a number within a range\n\n```js\nexpect(1), Infinity);\n```\n\n**greaterThan**/**above**: asserts `>`\n\n```js\nexpect(3);\nexpect(5);\n```\n\n**lessThan**/**below**: asserts `<`\n\n```js\nexpect(0);\nexpect(1);\n```\n\n**fail**: explicitly forces failure.\n\n```js\nexpect().fail()\nexpect().fail("Custom failure message")\n```\n\n## Using with a test framework\n\nFor example, if you create a test suite with\n[mocha](\n\nLet\'s say we wanted to test the following program:\n\n**math.js**\n\n```js\nfunction add (a, b) { return a + b; };\n```\n\nOur test file would look like this:\n\n```js\ndescribe(\'test suite\', function () {\n it(\'should expose a function\', function () {\n expect(add)\'function\');\n });\n\n it(\'should do math\', function () {\n expect(add(1, 3)).to.equal(4);\n });\n});\n```\n\nIf a certain expectation fails, an exception will be raised which gets captured\nand shown/processed by the test runner.\n\n## Differences with should.js\n\n- No need for static `should` methods like `should.strictEqual`. For example, \n `expect(obj)` works well.\n- Some API simplifications / changes.\n- API changes related to browser compatibility.\n\n## Running tests\n\nClone the repository and install the developer dependencies:\n\n```\ngit clone git:// expect\ncd expect && npm install\n```\n\n### Node\n\n`make test`\n\n### Browser\n\n`make test-browser`\n\nand point your browser(s) to `http://localhost:3000/test/`\n\n## Credits\n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2011 Guillermo Rauch &lt;;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\'Software\'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \'AS IS\', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n### 3rd-party\n\nHeavily borrows from [should.js]( by TJ\nHolowaychuck - MIT.\n',
  762. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  763. 281 silly resolved _id: 'expect.js@0.2.0',
  764. 281 silly resolved _from: 'expect.js@>= 0.2.0' },
  765. 281 silly resolved { name: 'javascript-brunch',
  766. 281 silly resolved version: '1.5.1',
  767. 281 silly resolved description: 'Adds JavaScript support to brunch.',
  768. 281 silly resolved author: { name: 'Paul Miller', url: '' },
  769. 281 silly resolved homepage: '',
  770. 281 silly resolved repository:
  771. 281 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  772. 281 silly resolved url: '' },
  773. 281 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
  774. 281 silly resolved scripts:
  775. 281 silly resolved { prepublish: 'node setup.js prepublish',
  776. 281 silly resolved postpublish: 'node setup.js postpublish',
  777. 281 silly resolved test: 'node setup.js test' },
  778. 281 silly resolved dependencies: {},
  779. 281 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '1.8.1', chai: '1.4.2' },
  780. 281 silly resolved readme: '## javascript-brunch\nAdds JavaScript support to\n[brunch](\n\n## Usage\nAdd `"javascript-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app.\n\nPick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version.\n\nIf you want to use git version of plugin, add\n`"javascript-brunch": "git+ssh://"`.\n',
  781. 281 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  782. 281 silly resolved _id: 'javascript-brunch@1.5.1',
  783. 281 silly resolved _from: 'javascript-brunch@>= 1.5.1' } ]
  784. 282 info install less-brunch@1.5.2 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  785. 283 info install sass-brunch@1.5.2 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  786. 284 info install handlebars-brunch@1.5.2 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  787. 285 info install css-brunch@1.5.1 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  788. 286 info install uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  789. 287 info install clean-css-brunch@1.5.1 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  790. 288 info install mocha@1.9.0 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  791. 289 info install expect.js@0.2.0 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  792. 290 info install javascript-brunch@1.5.1 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  793. 291 info installOne less-brunch@1.5.2
  794. 292 info installOne sass-brunch@1.5.2
  795. 293 info installOne handlebars-brunch@1.5.2
  796. 294 info installOne css-brunch@1.5.1
  797. 295 info installOne uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1
  798. 296 info installOne clean-css-brunch@1.5.1
  799. 297 info installOne mocha@1.9.0
  800. 298 info installOne expect.js@0.2.0
  801. 299 info installOne javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  802. 300 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/less-brunch/1.5.2/package/package.json
  803. 301 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch unbuild
  804. 302 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/package.json
  805. 303 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/sass-brunch/1.5.2/package/package.json
  806. 304 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch unbuild
  807. 305 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch/package.json
  808. 306 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars-brunch/1.5.2/package/package.json
  809. 307 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch unbuild
  810. 308 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/package.json
  811. 309 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/css-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  812. 310 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch unbuild
  813. 311 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch/package.json
  814. 312 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  815. 313 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch unbuild
  816. 314 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/package.json
  817. 315 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  818. 316 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch unbuild
  819. 317 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/package.json
  820. 318 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/mocha/1.9.0/package/package.json
  821. 319 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha unbuild
  822. 320 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/package.json
  823. 321 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/expect.js/0.2.0/package/package.json
  824. 322 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js unbuild
  825. 323 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js/package.json
  826. 324 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/javascript-brunch/1.5.1/package/package.json
  827. 325 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch unbuild
  828. 326 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch/package.json
  829. 327 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/less-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  830. 328 silly lockFile a8cec17c-runchen-node-modules-less-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch
  831. 329 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch /home/jonathan/.npm/a8cec17c-runchen-node-modules-less-brunch.lock
  832. 330 silly lockFile 8739858e-pm-less-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/less-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  833. 331 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/less-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/8739858e-pm-less-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz.lock
  834. 332 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/sass-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  835. 333 silly lockFile 2f49ce2b-runchen-node-modules-sass-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch
  836. 334 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch /home/jonathan/.npm/2f49ce2b-runchen-node-modules-sass-brunch.lock
  837. 335 silly lockFile 6e49dbf2-pm-sass-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/sass-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  838. 336 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/sass-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/6e49dbf2-pm-sass-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz.lock
  839. 337 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  840. 338 silly lockFile 97ae1c88-n-node-modules-handlebars-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch
  841. 339 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch /home/jonathan/.npm/97ae1c88-n-node-modules-handlebars-brunch.lock
  842. 340 silly lockFile a7d88a83-dlebars-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  843. 341 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/a7d88a83-dlebars-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz.lock
  844. 342 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  845. 343 silly lockFile a9f15136-brunchen-node-modules-css-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch
  846. 344 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch /home/jonathan/.npm/a9f15136-brunchen-node-modules-css-brunch.lock
  847. 345 silly lockFile 3255e76b-npm-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  848. 346 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/3255e76b-npm-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz.lock
  849. 347 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  850. 348 silly lockFile 12cdff67-en-node-modules-uglify-js-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch
  851. 349 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch /home/jonathan/.npm/12cdff67-en-node-modules-uglify-js-brunch.lock
  852. 350 silly lockFile f6dfa86f-lify-js-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  853. 351 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/f6dfa86f-lify-js-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz.lock
  854. 352 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  855. 353 silly lockFile a13e7f12-en-node-modules-clean-css-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch
  856. 354 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch /home/jonathan/.npm/a13e7f12-en-node-modules-clean-css-brunch.lock
  857. 355 silly lockFile 8f091f18-ean-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  858. 356 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/8f091f18-ean-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz.lock
  859. 357 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/mocha/1.9.0/package.tgz
  860. 358 silly lockFile 61032399-t-ostbrunchen-node-modules-mocha /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  861. 359 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha /home/jonathan/.npm/61032399-t-ostbrunchen-node-modules-mocha.lock
  862. 360 silly lockFile 702c6ce0-than-npm-mocha-1-9-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mocha/1.9.0/package.tgz
  863. 361 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/mocha/1.9.0/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/702c6ce0-than-npm-mocha-1-9-0-package-tgz.lock
  864. 362 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/expect.js/0.2.0/package.tgz
  865. 363 silly lockFile 661d263b-tbrunchen-node-modules-expect-js /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js
  866. 364 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js /home/jonathan/.npm/661d263b-tbrunchen-node-modules-expect-js.lock
  867. 365 silly lockFile b9c9b9f1--npm-expect-js-0-2-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/expect.js/0.2.0/package.tgz
  868. 366 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/expect.js/0.2.0/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/b9c9b9f1--npm-expect-js-0-2-0-package-tgz.lock
  869. 367 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/javascript-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  870. 368 silly lockFile 34ff2d39-n-node-modules-javascript-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch
  871. 369 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch /home/jonathan/.npm/34ff2d39-n-node-modules-javascript-brunch.lock
  872. 370 silly lockFile a19858d5-ascript-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/javascript-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  873. 371 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/javascript-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/a19858d5-ascript-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz.lock
  874. 372 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  875. 373 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  876. 374 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  877. 375 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  878. 376 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  879. 377 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  880. 378 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  881. 379 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  882. 380 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  883. 381 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  884. 382 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  885. 383 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  886. 384 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  887. 385 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  888. 386 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  889. 387 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  890. 388 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  891. 389 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  892. 390 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  893. 391 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  894. 392 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  895. 393 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  896. 394 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  897. 395 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  898. 396 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  899. 397 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  900. 398 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  901. 399 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  902. 400 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  903. 401 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  904. 402 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  905. 403 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  906. 404 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  907. 405 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  908. 406 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  909. 407 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  910. 408 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
  911. 409 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry expect.js
  912. 410 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  913. 411 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
  914. 412 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry setup.js
  915. 413 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  916. 414 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry setup.js
  917. 415 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  918. 416 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry setup.js
  919. 417 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  920. 418 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry setup.js
  921. 419 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  922. 420 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry mocha.js
  923. 421 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  924. 422 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry setup.js
  925. 423 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  926. 424 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
  927. 425 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
  928. 426 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
  929. 427 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
  930. 428 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
  931. 429 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
  932. 430 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
  933. 431 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
  934. 432 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
  935. 433 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/_mocha
  936. 434 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
  937. 435 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
  938. 436 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry vendor/handlebars.runtime-1.0.rc.3.js
  939. 437 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/mocha
  940. 438 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
  941. 439 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/package.json
  942. 440 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch/package.json
  943. 441 silly lockFile a8cec17c-runchen-node-modules-less-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch
  944. 442 silly lockFile a8cec17c-runchen-node-modules-less-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch
  945. 443 silly lockFile 2f49ce2b-runchen-node-modules-sass-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch
  946. 444 silly lockFile 2f49ce2b-runchen-node-modules-sass-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch
  947. 445 silly lockFile 8739858e-pm-less-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/less-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  948. 446 silly lockFile 8739858e-pm-less-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/less-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  949. 447 silly lockFile 6e49dbf2-pm-sass-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/sass-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  950. 448 silly lockFile 6e49dbf2-pm-sass-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/sass-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  951. 449 info preinstall less-brunch@1.5.2
  952. 450 info preinstall sass-brunch@1.5.2
  953. 451 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/package.json
  954. 452 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  955. 453 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/package.json
  956. 454 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch/package.json
  957. 455 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch/package.json
  958. 456 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  959. 457 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  960. 458 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch/package.json
  961. 459 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  962. 460 silly resolved []
  963. 461 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch
  964. 462 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch
  965. 463 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/sass-brunch/package.json
  966. 464 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  967. 464 verbose linkStuff false,
  968. 464 verbose linkStuff false,
  969. 464 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules' ]
  970. 465 info linkStuff sass-brunch@1.5.2
  971. 466 verbose linkBins sass-brunch@1.5.2
  972. 467 verbose linkMans sass-brunch@1.5.2
  973. 468 verbose rebuildBundles sass-brunch@1.5.2
  974. 469 verbose cache add [ 'less@1.3.x', null ]
  975. 470 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="less@1.3.x" args=["less@1.3.x",null]
  976. 471 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  977. 471 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  978. 471 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  979. 471 verbose parsed url host: null,
  980. 471 verbose parsed url port: null,
  981. 471 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  982. 471 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  983. 471 verbose parsed url search: null,
  984. 471 verbose parsed url query: null,
  985. 471 verbose parsed url pathname: 'less@1.3.x',
  986. 471 verbose parsed url path: 'less@1.3.x',
  987. 471 verbose parsed url href: 'less@1.3.x' }
  988. 472 verbose cache add name="less" spec="1.3.x" args=["less","1.3.x"]
  989. 473 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  990. 473 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  991. 473 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  992. 473 verbose parsed url host: null,
  993. 473 verbose parsed url port: null,
  994. 473 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  995. 473 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  996. 473 verbose parsed url search: null,
  997. 473 verbose parsed url query: null,
  998. 473 verbose parsed url pathname: '1.3.x',
  999. 473 verbose parsed url path: '1.3.x',
  1000. 473 verbose parsed url href: '1.3.x' }
  1001. 474 verbose addNamed [ 'less', '1.3.x' ]
  1002. 475 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.3.0- <1.4.0-' ]
  1003. 476 silly lockFile f9286916-less-1-3-x less@1.3.x
  1004. 477 verbose lock less@1.3.x /home/jonathan/.npm/f9286916-less-1-3-x.lock
  1005. 478 info install sass-brunch@1.5.2
  1006. 479 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch/package.json
  1007. 480 silly addNameRange { name: 'less', range: '>=1.3.0- <1.4.0-', hasData: false }
  1008. 481 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/package.json
  1009. 482 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/package.json
  1010. 483 info postinstall sass-brunch@1.5.2
  1011. 484 verbose url raw less
  1012. 485 verbose url resolving [ '', './less' ]
  1013. 486 verbose url resolved
  1014. 487 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:18
  1015. 488 verbose etag "9YVLGS91O2XJ5O1PX25GYPAAR"
  1016. 489 http GET
  1017. 490 silly lockFile a9f15136-brunchen-node-modules-css-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch
  1018. 491 silly lockFile a9f15136-brunchen-node-modules-css-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch
  1019. 492 silly lockFile 3255e76b-npm-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1020. 493 silly lockFile 3255e76b-npm-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1021. 494 silly lockFile 34ff2d39-n-node-modules-javascript-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch
  1022. 495 silly lockFile 34ff2d39-n-node-modules-javascript-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch
  1023. 496 silly lockFile a13e7f12-en-node-modules-clean-css-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch
  1024. 497 silly lockFile a13e7f12-en-node-modules-clean-css-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch
  1025. 498 silly lockFile 12cdff67-en-node-modules-uglify-js-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch
  1026. 499 silly lockFile 12cdff67-en-node-modules-uglify-js-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch
  1027. 500 silly lockFile a19858d5-ascript-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/javascript-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1028. 501 silly lockFile a19858d5-ascript-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/javascript-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1029. 502 silly lockFile 8f091f18-ean-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1030. 503 silly lockFile 8f091f18-ean-css-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1031. 504 silly lockFile f6dfa86f-lify-js-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1032. 505 silly lockFile f6dfa86f-lify-js-brunch-1-5-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js-brunch/1.5.1/package.tgz
  1033. 506 info preinstall css-brunch@1.5.1
  1034. 507 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch/package.json
  1035. 508 info preinstall javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  1036. 509 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1037. 510 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch/package.json
  1038. 511 info preinstall clean-css-brunch@1.5.1
  1039. 512 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1040. 513 silly resolved []
  1041. 514 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch
  1042. 515 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch
  1043. 516 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/css-brunch/package.json
  1044. 517 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  1045. 517 verbose linkStuff false,
  1046. 517 verbose linkStuff false,
  1047. 517 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules' ]
  1048. 518 info linkStuff css-brunch@1.5.1
  1049. 519 verbose linkBins css-brunch@1.5.1
  1050. 520 verbose linkMans css-brunch@1.5.1
  1051. 521 verbose rebuildBundles css-brunch@1.5.1
  1052. 522 info preinstall uglify-js-brunch@1.5.1
  1053. 523 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch/package.json
  1054. 524 info install css-brunch@1.5.1
  1055. 525 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1056. 526 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch/package.json
  1057. 527 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/package.json
  1058. 528 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/package.json
  1059. 529 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1060. 530 silly resolved []
  1061. 531 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch
  1062. 532 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch
  1063. 533 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/javascript-brunch/package.json
  1064. 534 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  1065. 534 verbose linkStuff false,
  1066. 534 verbose linkStuff false,
  1067. 534 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules' ]
  1068. 535 info linkStuff javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  1069. 536 verbose linkBins javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  1070. 537 verbose linkMans javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  1071. 538 verbose rebuildBundles javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  1072. 539 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1073. 540 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/package.json
  1074. 541 info postinstall css-brunch@1.5.1
  1075. 542 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1076. 543 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/package.json
  1077. 544 info install javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  1078. 545 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1079. 546 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1080. 547 verbose cache add [ 'clean-css@0.10.x', null ]
  1081. 548 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="clean-css@0.10.x" args=["clean-css@0.10.x",null]
  1082. 549 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1083. 549 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1084. 549 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1085. 549 verbose parsed url host: null,
  1086. 549 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1087. 549 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1088. 549 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1089. 549 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1090. 549 verbose parsed url query: null,
  1091. 549 verbose parsed url pathname: 'clean-css@0.10.x',
  1092. 549 verbose parsed url path: 'clean-css@0.10.x',
  1093. 549 verbose parsed url href: 'clean-css@0.10.x' }
  1094. 550 verbose cache add name="clean-css" spec="0.10.x" args=["clean-css","0.10.x"]
  1095. 551 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1096. 551 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1097. 551 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1098. 551 verbose parsed url host: null,
  1099. 551 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1100. 551 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1101. 551 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1102. 551 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1103. 551 verbose parsed url query: null,
  1104. 551 verbose parsed url pathname: '0.10.x',
  1105. 551 verbose parsed url path: '0.10.x',
  1106. 551 verbose parsed url href: '0.10.x' }
  1107. 552 verbose addNamed [ 'clean-css', '0.10.x' ]
  1108. 553 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=0.10.0- <0.11.0-' ]
  1109. 554 silly lockFile fd405221-clean-css-0-10-x clean-css@0.10.x
  1110. 555 verbose lock clean-css@0.10.x /home/jonathan/.npm/fd405221-clean-css-0-10-x.lock
  1111. 556 info postinstall javascript-brunch@1.5.1
  1112. 557 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/package.json
  1113. 558 silly addNameRange { name: 'clean-css',
  1114. 558 silly addNameRange range: '>=0.10.0- <0.11.0-',
  1115. 558 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
  1116. 559 verbose cache add [ 'uglify-js@2.2.x', null ]
  1117. 560 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="uglify-js@2.2.x" args=["uglify-js@2.2.x",null]
  1118. 561 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1119. 561 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1120. 561 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1121. 561 verbose parsed url host: null,
  1122. 561 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1123. 561 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1124. 561 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1125. 561 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1126. 561 verbose parsed url query: null,
  1127. 561 verbose parsed url pathname: 'uglify-js@2.2.x',
  1128. 561 verbose parsed url path: 'uglify-js@2.2.x',
  1129. 561 verbose parsed url href: 'uglify-js@2.2.x' }
  1130. 562 verbose cache add name="uglify-js" spec="2.2.x" args=["uglify-js","2.2.x"]
  1131. 563 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1132. 563 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1133. 563 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1134. 563 verbose parsed url host: null,
  1135. 563 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1136. 563 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1137. 563 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1138. 563 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1139. 563 verbose parsed url query: null,
  1140. 563 verbose parsed url pathname: '2.2.x',
  1141. 563 verbose parsed url path: '2.2.x',
  1142. 563 verbose parsed url href: '2.2.x' }
  1143. 564 verbose addNamed [ 'uglify-js', '2.2.x' ]
  1144. 565 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=2.2.0- <2.3.0-' ]
  1145. 566 silly lockFile ad16998d-uglify-js-2-2-x uglify-js@2.2.x
  1146. 567 verbose lock uglify-js@2.2.x /home/jonathan/.npm/ad16998d-uglify-js-2-2-x.lock
  1147. 568 silly addNameRange { name: 'uglify-js', range: '>=2.2.0- <2.3.0-', hasData: false }
  1148. 569 verbose url raw clean-css
  1149. 570 verbose url resolving [ '', './clean-css' ]
  1150. 571 verbose url resolved
  1151. 572 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:18
  1152. 573 verbose etag "9CIRMJXCF9E2CG0KTNMNB6T5S"
  1153. 574 http GET
  1154. 575 verbose url raw uglify-js
  1155. 576 verbose url resolving [ '', './uglify-js' ]
  1156. 577 verbose url resolved
  1157. 578 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:18
  1158. 579 verbose etag "7YJVQMLPMRN5QP54RH073PRSW"
  1159. 580 http GET
  1160. 581 silly lockFile 97ae1c88-n-node-modules-handlebars-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch
  1161. 582 silly lockFile 97ae1c88-n-node-modules-handlebars-brunch /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch
  1162. 583 silly lockFile a7d88a83-dlebars-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  1163. 584 silly lockFile a7d88a83-dlebars-brunch-1-5-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars-brunch/1.5.2/package.tgz
  1164. 585 info preinstall handlebars-brunch@1.5.2
  1165. 586 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/package.json
  1166. 587 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1167. 588 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/package.json
  1168. 589 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1169. 590 verbose cache add [ 'handlebars@~1.0.10', null ]
  1170. 591 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="handlebars@~1.0.10" args=["handlebars@~1.0.10",null]
  1171. 592 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1172. 592 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1176. 592 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1177. 592 verbose parsed url hash: null,
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  1180. 592 verbose parsed url pathname: 'handlebars@~1.0.10',
  1181. 592 verbose parsed url path: 'handlebars@~1.0.10',
  1182. 592 verbose parsed url href: 'handlebars@~1.0.10' }
  1183. 593 verbose cache add name="handlebars" spec="~1.0.10" args=["handlebars","~1.0.10"]
  1184. 594 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1185. 594 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1188. 594 verbose parsed url port: null,
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  1190. 594 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1191. 594 verbose parsed url search: null,
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  1193. 594 verbose parsed url pathname: '~1.0.10',
  1194. 594 verbose parsed url path: '~1.0.10',
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  1196. 595 verbose addNamed [ 'handlebars', '~1.0.10' ]
  1197. 596 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.0.10- <1.1.0-' ]
  1198. 597 silly lockFile 9e60cd22-handlebars-1-0-10 handlebars@~1.0.10
  1199. 598 verbose lock handlebars@~1.0.10 /home/jonathan/.npm/9e60cd22-handlebars-1-0-10.lock
  1200. 599 silly addNameRange { name: 'handlebars',
  1201. 599 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.0.10- <1.1.0-',
  1202. 599 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
  1203. 600 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js/package.json
  1204. 601 verbose url raw handlebars
  1205. 602 verbose url resolving [ '', './handlebars' ]
  1206. 603 verbose url resolved
  1207. 604 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:18
  1208. 605 verbose etag "C1YVZ8DS7C3RSYW9TMKTNU0QK"
  1209. 606 http GET
  1210. 607 silly lockFile 661d263b-tbrunchen-node-modules-expect-js /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js
  1211. 608 silly lockFile 661d263b-tbrunchen-node-modules-expect-js /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js
  1212. 609 silly lockFile b9c9b9f1--npm-expect-js-0-2-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/expect.js/0.2.0/package.tgz
  1213. 610 silly lockFile b9c9b9f1--npm-expect-js-0-2-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/expect.js/0.2.0/package.tgz
  1214. 611 info preinstall expect.js@0.2.0
  1215. 612 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js/package.json
  1216. 613 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1217. 614 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js/package.json
  1218. 615 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1219. 616 silly resolved []
  1220. 617 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js
  1221. 618 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js
  1222. 619 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/expect.js/package.json
  1223. 620 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  1224. 620 verbose linkStuff false,
  1225. 620 verbose linkStuff false,
  1226. 620 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules' ]
  1227. 621 info linkStuff expect.js@0.2.0
  1228. 622 verbose linkBins expect.js@0.2.0
  1229. 623 verbose linkMans expect.js@0.2.0
  1230. 624 verbose rebuildBundles expect.js@0.2.0
  1231. 625 info install expect.js@0.2.0
  1232. 626 info postinstall expect.js@0.2.0
  1233. 627 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry images/error.png
  1234. 628 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry images/ok.png
  1235. 629 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1236. 630 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/utils.js
  1237. 631 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/hook.js
  1238. 632 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/mocha.js
  1239. 633 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/ms.js
  1240. 634 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/context.js
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  1242. 636 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/runner.js
  1243. 637 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/suite.js
  1244. 638 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/test.js
  1245. 639 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/interfaces/bdd.js
  1246. 640 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/interfaces/exports.js
  1247. 641 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/interfaces/index.js
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  1258. 652 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/base.js
  1259. 653 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/json-cov.js
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  1261. 655 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/json.js
  1262. 656 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/index.js
  1263. 657 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/doc.js
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  1267. 661 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/progress.js
  1268. 662 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/html.js
  1269. 663 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/spec.js
  1270. 664 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/html-cov.js
  1271. 665 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/tap.js
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  1273. 667 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/teamcity.js
  1274. 668 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/landing.js
  1275. 669 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/xunit.js
  1276. 670 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reporters/list.js
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  1281. 675 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry mocha.css
  1282. 676 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
  1283. 677 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1284. 678 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
  1285. 679 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/package.json
  1286. 680 silly lockFile 61032399-t-ostbrunchen-node-modules-mocha /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  1287. 681 silly lockFile 61032399-t-ostbrunchen-node-modules-mocha /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  1288. 682 silly lockFile 702c6ce0-than-npm-mocha-1-9-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mocha/1.9.0/package.tgz
  1289. 683 silly lockFile 702c6ce0-than-npm-mocha-1-9-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mocha/1.9.0/package.tgz
  1290. 684 info preinstall mocha@1.9.0
  1291. 685 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/package.json
  1292. 686 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1293. 687 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/package.json
  1294. 688 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  1295. 689 verbose cache add [ 'diff@1.0.2', null ]
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  1298. 691 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1299. 691 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1300. 691 verbose parsed url host: null,
  1301. 691 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1302. 691 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1303. 691 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1304. 691 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1305. 691 verbose parsed url query: null,
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  1307. 691 verbose parsed url path: 'diff@1.0.2',
  1308. 691 verbose parsed url href: 'diff@1.0.2' }
  1309. 692 verbose cache add name="diff" spec="1.0.2" args=["diff","1.0.2"]
  1310. 693 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1311. 693 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1312. 693 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1313. 693 verbose parsed url host: null,
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  1315. 693 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1316. 693 verbose parsed url hash: null,
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  1318. 693 verbose parsed url query: null,
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  1322. 694 verbose addNamed [ 'diff', '1.0.2' ]
  1323. 695 verbose addNamed [ '1.0.2', '1.0.2' ]
  1324. 696 silly lockFile 314815e6-diff-1-0-2 diff@1.0.2
  1325. 697 verbose lock diff@1.0.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/314815e6-diff-1-0-2.lock
  1326. 698 verbose cache add [ 'debug@*', null ]
  1327. 699 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="debug@*" args=["debug@*",null]
  1328. 700 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1329. 700 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1330. 700 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1331. 700 verbose parsed url host: null,
  1332. 700 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1333. 700 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1334. 700 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1335. 700 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1336. 700 verbose parsed url query: null,
  1337. 700 verbose parsed url pathname: 'debug@*',
  1338. 700 verbose parsed url path: 'debug@*',
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  1340. 701 verbose cache add name="debug" spec="*" args=["debug","*"]
  1341. 702 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1342. 702 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1345. 702 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1346. 702 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1347. 702 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1348. 702 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1349. 702 verbose parsed url query: null,
  1350. 702 verbose parsed url pathname: '*',
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  1353. 703 verbose addNamed [ 'debug', '*' ]
  1354. 704 verbose addNamed [ null, '' ]
  1355. 705 silly lockFile 3ac45eff-debug debug@*
  1356. 706 verbose lock debug@* /home/jonathan/.npm/3ac45eff-debug.lock
  1357. 707 verbose cache add [ 'jade@0.26.3', null ]
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  1371. 710 verbose cache add name="jade" spec="0.26.3" args=["jade","0.26.3"]
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  1373. 711 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1384. 712 verbose addNamed [ 'jade', '0.26.3' ]
  1385. 713 verbose addNamed [ '0.26.3', '0.26.3' ]
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  1387. 715 verbose lock jade@0.26.3 /home/jonathan/.npm/7a3d3ea7-jade-0-26-3.lock
  1388. 716 verbose cache add [ 'mkdirp@0.3.3', null ]
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  1390. 718 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1391. 718 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1395. 718 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1396. 718 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1397. 718 verbose parsed url search: null,
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  1399. 718 verbose parsed url pathname: 'mkdirp@0.3.3',
  1400. 718 verbose parsed url path: 'mkdirp@0.3.3',
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  1402. 719 verbose cache add name="mkdirp" spec="0.3.3" args=["mkdirp","0.3.3"]
  1403. 720 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1404. 720 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1416. 722 verbose addNamed [ '0.3.3', '0.3.3' ]
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  1418. 724 verbose lock mkdirp@0.3.3 /home/jonathan/.npm/453bb99b-mkdirp-0-3-3.lock
  1419. 725 verbose cache add [ 'ms@0.3.0', null ]
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  1422. 727 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  1423. 727 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  1424. 727 verbose parsed url host: null,
  1425. 727 verbose parsed url port: null,
  1426. 727 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  1427. 727 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1428. 727 verbose parsed url search: null,
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  1430. 727 verbose parsed url pathname: 'ms@0.3.0',
  1431. 727 verbose parsed url path: 'ms@0.3.0',
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  1433. 728 verbose cache add name="ms" spec="0.3.0" args=["ms","0.3.0"]
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  1435. 729 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1454. 737 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1479. 741 verbose addNamed [ '0.6.1', '0.6.1' ]
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  1481. 743 verbose lock commander@0.6.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/fa16a2ce-commander-0-6-1.lock
  1482. 744 verbose cache add [ 'growl@1.7.x', null ]
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  1490. 746 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  1491. 746 verbose parsed url search: null,
  1492. 746 verbose parsed url query: null,
  1493. 746 verbose parsed url pathname: 'growl@1.7.x',
  1494. 746 verbose parsed url path: 'growl@1.7.x',
  1495. 746 verbose parsed url href: 'growl@1.7.x' }
  1496. 747 verbose cache add name="growl" spec="1.7.x" args=["growl","1.7.x"]
  1497. 748 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  1498. 748 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
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  1500. 748 verbose parsed url host: null,
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  1506. 748 verbose parsed url pathname: '1.7.x',
  1507. 748 verbose parsed url path: '1.7.x',
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  1509. 749 verbose addNamed [ 'growl', '1.7.x' ]
  1510. 750 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.7.0- <1.8.0-' ]
  1511. 751 silly lockFile 9f7e3aca-growl-1-7-x growl@1.7.x
  1512. 752 verbose lock growl@1.7.x /home/jonathan/.npm/9f7e3aca-growl-1-7-x.lock
  1513. 753 silly addNameRange { name: 'growl', range: '>=1.7.0- <1.8.0-', hasData: false }
  1514. 754 verbose url raw diff/1.0.2
  1515. 755 verbose url resolving [ '', './diff/1.0.2' ]
  1516. 756 verbose url resolved
  1517. 757 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:19
  1518. 758 verbose etag "C49HSO5Q5ILO6PAKM8JWHCFYS"
  1519. 759 http GET
  1520. 760 verbose url raw debug
  1521. 761 verbose url resolving [ '', './debug' ]
  1522. 762 verbose url resolved
  1523. 763 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:19
  1524. 764 verbose etag "2NQFBC5T4PM83LSCUT58F4178"
  1525. 765 http GET
  1526. 766 verbose url raw jade/0.26.3
  1527. 767 verbose url resolving [ '', './jade/0.26.3' ]
  1528. 768 verbose url resolved
  1529. 769 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:19
  1530. 770 verbose etag "94VUBF7AYQ2K866O2UC4HZA90"
  1531. 771 http GET
  1532. 772 verbose url raw mkdirp/0.3.3
  1533. 773 verbose url resolving [ '', './mkdirp/0.3.3' ]
  1534. 774 verbose url resolved
  1535. 775 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:19
  1536. 776 verbose etag "6PV7OT2J70BO48D4WZ7QYBJ06"
  1537. 777 http GET
  1538. 778 verbose url raw ms/0.3.0
  1539. 779 verbose url resolving [ '', './ms/0.3.0' ]
  1540. 780 verbose url resolved
  1541. 781 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:19
  1542. 782 verbose etag "9XSILWX9FS7NU589DXQH25D4S"
  1543. 783 http GET
  1544. 784 verbose url raw commander/0.6.1
  1545. 785 verbose url resolving [ '', './commander/0.6.1' ]
  1546. 786 verbose url resolved
  1547. 787 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:19
  1548. 788 verbose etag "D7K1H7LZWS5MZ5237EITUFCEM"
  1549. 789 http GET
  1550. 790 verbose url raw growl
  1551. 791 verbose url resolving [ '', './growl' ]
  1552. 792 verbose url resolved
  1553. 793 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:19
  1554. 794 verbose etag "426BCKZZ08RPW4ESDW6O4IF2U"
  1555. 795 http GET
  1556. 796 http 304
  1557. 797 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1558. 797 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1559. 797 silly registry.get etag: '"9YVLGS91O2XJ5O1PX25GYPAAR"',
  1560. 797 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1561. 797 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1562. 798 verbose etag less from cache
  1563. 799 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'less', range: '>=1.3.0- <1.4.0-', hasData: true }
  1564. 800 silly addNameRange versions [ 'less',
  1565. 800 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.10',
  1566. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.11',
  1567. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.14',
  1568. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.18',
  1569. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.19',
  1570. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.21',
  1571. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.32',
  1572. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.36',
  1573. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
  1574. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.40',
  1575. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.41',
  1576. 800 silly addNameRange '1.0.44',
  1577. 800 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  1578. 800 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
  1579. 800 silly addNameRange '1.1.2',
  1580. 800 silly addNameRange '1.1.4',
  1581. 800 silly addNameRange '1.1.5',
  1582. 800 silly addNameRange '1.1.6',
  1583. 800 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
  1584. 800 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
  1585. 800 silly addNameRange '1.2.2',
  1586. 800 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  1587. 800 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
  1588. 800 silly addNameRange '1.3.2',
  1589. 800 silly addNameRange '1.3.3',
  1590. 800 silly addNameRange '1.4.0-b1',
  1591. 800 silly addNameRange '1.4.0-b2' ] ]
  1592. 801 verbose addNamed [ 'less', '1.3.3' ]
  1593. 802 verbose addNamed [ '1.3.3', '1.3.3' ]
  1594. 803 silly lockFile fcd40bce-less-1-3-3 less@1.3.3
  1595. 804 verbose lock less@1.3.3 /home/jonathan/.npm/fcd40bce-less-1-3-3.lock
  1596. 805 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/less/1.3.3/package/package.json
  1597. 806 silly lockFile fcd40bce-less-1-3-3 less@1.3.3
  1598. 807 silly lockFile fcd40bce-less-1-3-3 less@1.3.3
  1599. 808 silly lockFile f9286916-less-1-3-x less@1.3.x
  1600. 809 silly lockFile f9286916-less-1-3-x less@1.3.x
  1601. 810 silly resolved [ { name: 'less',
  1602. 810 silly resolved description: 'Leaner CSS',
  1603. 810 silly resolved homepage: '',
  1604. 810 silly resolved keywords: [ 'css', 'parser', 'lesscss', 'browser' ],
  1605. 810 silly resolved author: { name: 'Alexis Sellier', email: '' },
  1606. 810 silly resolved contributors: [],
  1607. 810 silly resolved version: '1.3.3',
  1608. 810 silly resolved bin: { lessc: './bin/lessc' },
  1609. 810 silly resolved main: './lib/less/index',
  1610. 810 silly resolved directories: { test: './test' },
  1611. 810 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.2' },
  1612. 810 silly resolved optionalDependencies: { ycssmin: '>=1.0.1' },
  1613. 810 silly resolved devDependencies: { diff: '~1.0' },
  1614. 810 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'make test' },
  1615. 810 silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
  1616. 810 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
  1617. 810 silly resolved readme: 'less.js\n=======\n\nThe **dynamic** stylesheet language.\n\n<>\n\nabout\n-----\n\nThis is the JavaScript, and now official, stable version of LESS.\n\nFor more information, visit <>.\n\nlicense\n-------\n\nSee `LICENSE` file.\n\n> Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Alexis Sellier\n',
  1618. 810 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  1619. 810 silly resolved _id: 'less@1.3.3',
  1620. 810 silly resolved dependencies: { ycssmin: '>=1.0.1' },
  1621. 810 silly resolved _from: 'less@1.3.x' } ]
  1622. 811 info install less@1.3.3 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch
  1623. 812 info installOne less@1.3.3
  1624. 813 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/less/1.3.3/package/package.json
  1625. 814 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/node_modules/less unbuild
  1626. 815 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/node_modules/less/package.json
  1627. 816 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/less/1.3.3/package.tgz
  1628. 817 silly lockFile 9b923e64-es-less-brunch-node-modules-less /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/node_modules/less
  1629. 818 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/less-brunch/node_modules/less /home/jonathan/.npm/9b923e64-es-less-brunch-node-modules-less.lock
  1630. 819 silly lockFile d669e11e-athan-npm-less-1-3-3-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/less/1.3.3/package.tgz
  1631. 820 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/less/1.3.3/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/d669e11e-athan-npm-less-1-3-3-package-tgz.lock
  1632. 821 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  1633. 822 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  1634. 823 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  1635. 824 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1636. 825 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  1637. 826 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
  1638. 827 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1639. 828 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1640. 829 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/lessc
  1641. 830 http 304
  1642. 831 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1643. 831 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1644. 831 silly registry.get etag: '"9CIRMJXCF9E2CG0KTNMNB6T5S"',
  1645. 831 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1646. 831 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1647. 832 verbose etag clean-css from cache
  1648. 833 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'clean-css', range: '>=0.10.0- <0.11.0-', hasData: true }
  1649. 834 silly addNameRange versions [ 'clean-css',
  1650. 834 silly addNameRange [ '0.1.0',
  1651. 834 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
  1652. 834 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
  1653. 834 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
  1654. 834 silly addNameRange '0.2.3',
  1655. 834 silly addNameRange '0.2.4',
  1656. 834 silly addNameRange '0.2.5',
  1657. 834 silly addNameRange '0.2.6',
  1658. 834 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
  1659. 834 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
  1660. 834 silly addNameRange '0.3.2',
  1661. 834 silly addNameRange '0.3.3',
  1662. 834 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
  1663. 834 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
  1664. 834 silly addNameRange '0.4.2',
  1665. 834 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
  1666. 834 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
  1667. 834 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
  1668. 834 silly addNameRange '0.8.0',
  1669. 834 silly addNameRange '0.8.1',
  1670. 834 silly addNameRange '0.8.2',
  1671. 834 silly addNameRange '0.8.3',
  1672. 834 silly addNameRange '0.9.0',
  1673. 834 silly addNameRange '0.9.1',
  1674. 834 silly addNameRange '0.10.0',
  1675. 834 silly addNameRange '0.10.1',
  1676. 834 silly addNameRange '0.10.2',
  1677. 834 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
  1678. 834 silly addNameRange '1.0.1' ] ]
  1679. 835 verbose addNamed [ 'clean-css', '0.10.2' ]
  1680. 836 verbose addNamed [ '0.10.2', '0.10.2' ]
  1681. 837 silly lockFile 29930117-clean-css-0-10-2 clean-css@0.10.2
  1682. 838 verbose lock clean-css@0.10.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/29930117-clean-css-0-10-2.lock
  1683. 839 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/amd.js
  1684. 840 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/ecma-5.js
  1685. 841 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css/0.10.2/package/package.json
  1686. 842 http 304
  1687. 843 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1688. 843 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1689. 843 silly registry.get etag: '"7YJVQMLPMRN5QP54RH073PRSW"',
  1690. 843 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1691. 843 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1692. 844 verbose etag uglify-js from cache
  1693. 845 silly lockFile 29930117-clean-css-0-10-2 clean-css@0.10.2
  1694. 846 silly lockFile 29930117-clean-css-0-10-2 clean-css@0.10.2
  1695. 847 silly lockFile fd405221-clean-css-0-10-x clean-css@0.10.x
  1696. 848 silly lockFile fd405221-clean-css-0-10-x clean-css@0.10.x
  1697. 849 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/header.js
  1698. 850 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/require-rhino.js
  1699. 851 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'uglify-js', range: '>=2.2.0- <2.3.0-', hasData: true }
  1700. 852 silly addNameRange versions [ 'uglify-js',
  1701. 852 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
  1702. 852 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
  1703. 852 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
  1704. 852 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
  1705. 852 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
  1706. 852 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
  1707. 852 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
  1708. 852 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
  1709. 852 silly addNameRange '1.0.4',
  1710. 852 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
  1711. 852 silly addNameRange '1.0.6',
  1712. 852 silly addNameRange '1.0.7',
  1713. 852 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  1714. 852 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
  1715. 852 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
  1716. 852 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
  1717. 852 silly addNameRange '1.2.2',
  1718. 852 silly addNameRange '1.2.3',
  1719. 852 silly addNameRange '1.2.4',
  1720. 852 silly addNameRange '1.2.5',
  1721. 852 silly addNameRange '1.2.6',
  1722. 852 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  1723. 852 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
  1724. 852 silly addNameRange '1.3.2',
  1725. 852 silly addNameRange '1.3.3',
  1726. 852 silly addNameRange '1.3.4',
  1727. 852 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
  1728. 852 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
  1729. 852 silly addNameRange '2.2.2',
  1730. 852 silly addNameRange '2.2.3',
  1731. 852 silly addNameRange '2.2.4',
  1732. 852 silly addNameRange '2.2.5' ] ]
  1733. 853 verbose addNamed [ 'uglify-js', '2.2.5' ]
  1734. 854 verbose addNamed [ '2.2.5', '2.2.5' ]
  1735. 855 silly lockFile 41132903-uglify-js-2-2-5 uglify-js@2.2.5
  1736. 856 verbose lock uglify-js@2.2.5 /home/jonathan/.npm/41132903-uglify-js-2-2-5.lock
  1737. 857 silly resolved [ { name: 'clean-css',
  1738. 857 silly resolved author:
  1739. 857 silly resolved { name: 'Jakub Pawlowicz',
  1740. 857 silly resolved email: '',
  1741. 857 silly resolved url: '' },
  1742. 857 silly resolved description: 'A well-tested CSS minifier',
  1743. 857 silly resolved keywords: [ 'css', 'minifier' ],
  1744. 857 silly resolved homepage: '',
  1745. 857 silly resolved repository:
  1746. 857 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  1747. 857 silly resolved url: '' },
  1748. 857 silly resolved version: '0.10.2',
  1749. 857 silly resolved main: 'index.js',
  1750. 857 silly resolved bin: { cleancss: './bin/cleancss' },
  1751. 857 silly resolved scripts:
  1752. 857 silly resolved { bench: 'node test/bench.js',
  1753. 857 silly resolved check: 'jshint .',
  1754. 857 silly resolved prepublish: 'jshint .',
  1755. 857 silly resolved test: 'vows' },
  1756. 857 silly resolved dependencies: { commander: '1.1.x' },
  1757. 857 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '0.7.x', jshint: '0.9.x' },
  1758. 857 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.6.0' },
  1759. 857 silly resolved readme: '[![build status](](\n\n## What is clean-css?\n\nClean-css is a [node.js]( library for minifying CSS files.\nIt does the same job as YUI Compressor\'s CSS minifier, but much faster thanks\nto many speed optimizations and node.js\' V8 engine.\n\n\n## Usage\n\n### What are the requirements?\n\n```\nnode 0.6.0+ on UN*X (fully tested on OS X 10.6+ and CentOS)\nnode 0.8.0+ on Windows\n```\n\n### How to install clean-css?\n\n```\nnpm install clean-css\n```\n\n### How to use clean-css CLI?\n\nClean-css accepts the following command line arguments (please make sure you use `<source-file>` as the \nvery last argument to avoid potential issues):\n\n```\ncleancss [options] <source-file>\n```\n* `-h`, `--help` output usage information\n* `-v`, `--version` output the version number\n* `-e`, `--remove-empty` Remove empty declarations (e.g. `a{}`)\n* `-b`, `--keep-line-breaks` Keep line breaks\n* `--s0` Remove all special comments (i.e. `/*! special comment */`)\n* `--s1` Remove all special comments but the first one\n* `-o`, `--output [output-file]` Use [output-file] as output instead of stdout\n\n#### Examples:\n\nTo minify a **public.css** file into **public-min.css** do:\n\n```\ncleancss -o public-min.css public.css\n```\n\nTo minify the same **public.css** into the standard output skip the `-o` parameter:\n\n```\ncleancss public.css\n```\n\nMore likely you would like to concatenate a couple of files.\nIf you are on a Unix-like system:\n\n```\ncat one.css two.css three.css | cleancss -o merged-and-minified.css\n```\n\nOn Windows:\n\n```\ntype one.css two.css three.css | cleancss -o merged-and-minified.css\n```\n\nOr even gzip the result at once:\n\n```\ncat one.css two.css three.css | cleancss | gzip -9 -c > merged-minified-and-gzipped.css.gz\n```\n\n### How to use clean-css programmatically?\n\n```js\nvar cleanCSS = require(\'clean-css\');\nvar source = "a{font-weight:bold;}";\nvar minimized = cleanCSS.process(source);\n```\n\nProcess method accepts a hash as a second parameter, i.e.,\n`cleanCSS.process(source, options)` with the following options available:\n\n* `keepSpecialComments` - `*` for keeping all (default), `1` for keeping first one, `0` for removing all\n* `keepBreaks` - whether to keep line breaks (default is false)\n* `removeEmpty` - whether to remove empty elements (default is false)\n* `debug` - turns on debug mode measuring time spent on cleaning up\n (run `npm run bench` to see example)\n\n### What are the clean-css\' dev commands?\n\nFirst clone the source, then run:\n\n* `npm run bench` for clean-css benchmarks (see test/bench.js for details)\n* `npm run check` to check JS sources with [JSHint](\n* `npm test` for the test suite\n\n### How do you preserve a comment block?\n\nUse the `/*!` notation instead of the standard one `/*`:\n\n```css\n/*!\n Important comments included in minified output.\n*/\n```\n\n\n## Acknowledgments\n\n* Vincent Voyer ([@vvo]( for a patch with better\n empty element regex and for inspiring us to do many performance improvements\n in 0.4 release.\n* Isaac ([@facelessuser]( for pointing out\n a flaw in clean-css\' stateless mode.\n* Jan Michael Alonzo ([@jmalonzo]( for a patch\n removing node\'s old \'sys\' package.\n* [@XhmikosR]( for suggesting new features\n (option to remove special comments and strip out URLs quotation) and pointing\n out numerous improvements (JSHint, media queries).\n\n## License\n\nClean-css is released under the [MIT License](\n',
  1760. 857 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  1761. 857 silly resolved _id: 'clean-css@0.10.2',
  1762. 857 silly resolved _from: 'clean-css@0.10.x' } ]
  1763. 858 info install clean-css@0.10.2 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch
  1764. 859 info installOne clean-css@0.10.2
  1765. 860 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css/0.10.2/package/package.json
  1766. 861 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css unbuild
  1767. 862 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/package.json
  1768. 863 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/2.2.5/package/package.json
  1769. 864 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css/0.10.2/package.tgz
  1770. 865 silly lockFile ba31f780-ss-brunch-node-modules-clean-css /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css
  1771. 866 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css /home/jonathan/.npm/ba31f780-ss-brunch-node-modules-clean-css.lock
  1772. 867 silly lockFile c4bf57fd-npm-clean-css-0-10-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css/0.10.2/package.tgz
  1773. 868 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css/0.10.2/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/c4bf57fd-npm-clean-css-0-10-2-package-tgz.lock
  1774. 869 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  1775. 870 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/require.js
  1776. 871 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/browser.js
  1777. 872 silly lockFile 41132903-uglify-js-2-2-5 uglify-js@2.2.5
  1778. 873 silly lockFile 41132903-uglify-js-2-2-5 uglify-js@2.2.5
  1779. 874 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  1780. 875 silly lockFile ad16998d-uglify-js-2-2-x uglify-js@2.2.x
  1781. 876 silly lockFile ad16998d-uglify-js-2-2-x uglify-js@2.2.x
  1782. 877 silly resolved [ { name: 'uglify-js',
  1783. 877 silly resolved description: 'JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit',
  1784. 877 silly resolved homepage: '',
  1785. 877 silly resolved main: 'tools/node.js',
  1786. 877 silly resolved version: '2.2.5',
  1787. 877 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.0' },
  1788. 877 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object] ],
  1789. 877 silly resolved repositories: [ [Object] ],
  1790. 877 silly resolved dependencies: { 'source-map': '~0.1.7', optimist: '~0.3.5' },
  1791. 877 silly resolved bin: { uglifyjs: 'bin/uglifyjs' },
  1792. 877 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node test/run-tests.js' },
  1793. 877 silly resolved readme: 'UglifyJS 2\n==========\n\nUglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor or beautifier toolkit.\n\nThis page documents the command line utility. For\n[API and internals documentation see my website](\nThere\'s also an\n[in-browser online demo]( (for Firefox,\nChrome and probably Safari).\n\nInstall\n-------\n\nFirst make sure you have installed the latest version of [node.js](\n(You may need to restart your computer after this step).\n\nFrom NPM for use as a command line app:\n\n npm install uglify-js -g\n\nFrom NPM for programmatic use:\n\n npm install uglify-js\n\nFrom Git:\n\n git clone git://\n cd UglifyJS2\n npm link .\n\nUsage\n-----\n\n uglifyjs [input files] [options]\n\nUglifyJS2 can take multiple input files. It\'s recommended that you pass the\ninput files first, then pass the options. UglifyJS will parse input files\nin sequence and apply any compression options. The files are parsed in the\nsame global scope, that is, a reference from a file to some\nvariable/function declared in another file will be matched properly.\n\nIf you want to read from STDIN instead, pass a single dash instead of input\nfiles.\n\nThe available options are:\n\n --source-map Specify an output file where to generate source map.\n [string]\n --source-map-root The path to the original source to be included in the\n source map. [string]\n --source-map-url The path to the source map to be added in //@\n sourceMappingURL. Defaults to the value passed with\n --source-map. [string]\n --in-source-map Input source map, useful if you\'re compressing JS that was\n generated from some other original code.\n -p, --prefix Skip prefix for original filenames that appear in source\n maps. For example -p 3 will drop 3 directories from file\n names and ensure they are relative paths.\n -o, --output Output file (default STDOUT).\n -b, --beautify Beautify output/specify output options. [string]\n -m, --mangle Mangle names/pass mangler options. [string]\n -r, --reserved Reserved names to exclude from mangling.\n -c, --compress Enable compressor/pass compressor options. Pass options\n like -c hoist_vars=false,if_return=false. Use -c with no\n argument to use the default compression options. [string]\n -d, --define Global definitions [string]\n --comments Preserve copyright comments in the output. By default this\n works like Google Closure, keeping JSDoc-style comments\n that contain "@license" or "@preserve". You can optionally\n pass one of the following arguments to this flag:\n - "all" to keep all comments\n - a valid JS regexp (needs to start with a slash) to keep\n only comments that match.\n Note that currently not *all* comments can be kept when\n compression is on, because of dead code removal or\n cascading statements into sequences. [string]\n --stats Display operations run time on STDERR. [boolean]\n --acorn Use Acorn for parsing. [boolean]\n --spidermonkey Assume input fles are SpiderMonkey AST format (as JSON).\n [boolean]\n --self Build itself (UglifyJS2) as a library (implies\n --wrap=UglifyJS --export-all) [boolean]\n --wrap Embed everything in a big function, making the “exports”\n and “global” variables available. You need to pass an\n argument to this option to specify the name that your\n module will take when included in, say, a browser.\n [string]\n --export-all Only used when --wrap, this tells UglifyJS to add code to\n automatically export all globals. [boolean]\n --lint Display some scope warnings [boolean]\n -v, --verbose Verbose [boolean]\n -V, --version Print version number and exit. [boolean]\n\nSpecify `--output` (`-o`) to declare the output file. Otherwise the output\ngoes to STDOUT.\n\n## Source map options\n\nUglifyJS2 can generate a source map file, which is highly useful for\ndebugging your compressed JavaScript. To get a source map, pass\n`--source-map` (full path to the file where you want the\nsource map dumped).\n\nAdditionally you might need `--source-map-root` to pass the URL where the\noriginal files can be found. In case you are passing full paths to input\nfiles to UglifyJS, you can use `--prefix` (`-p`) to specify the number of\ndirectories to drop from the path prefix when declaring files in the source\nmap.\n\nFor example:\n\n uglifyjs /home/doe/work/foo/src/js/file1.js \\\n /home/doe/work/foo/src/js/file2.js \\\n -o foo.min.js \\\n --source-map \\\n --source-map-root \\\n -p 5 -c -m\n\nThe above will compress and mangle `file1.js` and `file2.js`, will drop the\noutput in `foo.min.js` and the source map in ``. The source\nmapping will refer to `` and\n`` (in fact it will list ``\nas the source map root, and the original files as `js/file1.js` and\n`js/file2.js`).\n\n### Composed source map\n\nWhen you\'re compressing JS code that was output by a compiler such as\nCoffeeScript, mapping to the JS code won\'t be too helpful. Instead, you\'d\nlike to map back to the original code (i.e. CoffeeScript). UglifyJS has an\noption to take an input source map. Assuming you have a mapping from\nCoffeeScript → compiled JS, UglifyJS can generate a map from CoffeeScript →\ncompressed JS by mapping every token in the compiled JS to its original\nlocation.\n\nTo use this feature you need to pass `--in-source-map\n/path/to/input/`. Normally the input source map should also point\nto the file containing the generated JS, so if that\'s correct you can omit\ninput files from the command line.\n\n## Mangler options\n\nTo enable the mangler you need to pass `--mangle` (`-m`). Optionally you\ncan pass `-m sort=true` (we\'ll possibly have other flags in the future) in order\nto assign shorter names to most frequently used variables. This saves a few\nhundred bytes on jQuery before gzip, but the output is _bigger_ after gzip\n(and seems to happen for other libraries I tried it on) therefore it\'s not\nenabled by default.\n\nWhen mangling is enabled but you want to prevent certain names from being\nmangled, you can declare those names with `--reserved` (`-r`) — pass a\ncomma-separated list of names. For example:\n\n uglifyjs ... -m -r \'$,require,exports\'\n\nto prevent the `require`, `exports` and `$` names from being changed.\n\n## Compressor options\n\nYou need to pass `--compress` (`-c`) to enable the compressor. Optionally\nyou can pass a comma-separated list of options. Options are in the form\n`foo=bar`, or just `foo` (the latter implies a boolean option that you want\nto set `true`; it\'s effectively a shortcut for `foo=true`).\n\nThe defaults should be tuned for maximum compression on most code. Here are\nthe available options (all are `true` by default, except `hoist_vars`):\n\n- `sequences` -- join consecutive simple statements using the comma operator\n- `properties` -- rewrite property access using the dot notation, for\n example `foo["bar"] →`\n- `dead_code` -- remove unreachable code\n- `drop_debugger` -- remove `debugger;` statements\n- `unsafe` -- apply "unsafe" transformations (discussion below)\n- `conditionals` -- apply optimizations for `if`-s and conditional\n expressions\n- `comparisons` -- apply certain optimizations to binary nodes, for example:\n `!(a <= b) → a > b` (only when `unsafe`), attempts to negate binary nodes,\n e.g. `a = !b && !c && !d && !e → a=!(b||c||d||e)` etc.\n- `evaluate` -- attempt to evaluate constant expressions\n- `booleans` -- various optimizations for boolean context, for example `!!a\n ? b : c → a ? b : c`\n- `loops` -- optimizations for `do`, `while` and `for` loops when we can\n statically determine the condition\n- `unused` -- drop unreferenced functions and variables\n- `hoist_funs` -- hoist function declarations\n- `hoist_vars` -- hoist `var` declarations (this is `false` by default\n because it seems to increase the size of the output in general)\n- `if_return` -- optimizations for if/return and if/continue\n- `join_vars` -- join consecutive `var` statements\n- `cascade` -- small optimization for sequences, transform `x, x` into `x`\n and `x = something(), x` into `x = something()`\n- `warnings` -- display warnings when dropping unreachable code or unused\n declarations etc.\n\n### Conditional compilation\n\nYou can use the `--define` (`-d`) switch in order to declare global\nvariables that UglifyJS will assume to be constants (unless defined in\nscope). For example if you pass `--define DEBUG=false` then, coupled with\ndead code removal UglifyJS will discard the following from the output:\n\n if (DEBUG) {\n console.log("debug stuff");\n }\n\nUglifyJS will warn about the condition being always false and about dropping\nunreachable code; for now there is no option to turn off only this specific\nwarning, you can pass `warnings=false` to turn off *all* warnings.\n\nAnother way of doing that is to declare your globals as constants in a\nseparate file and include it into the build. For example you can have a\n`build/defines.js` file with the following:\n\n const DEBUG = false;\n const PRODUCTION = true;\n // etc.\n\nand build your code like this:\n\n uglifyjs build/defines.js js/foo.js js/bar.js... -c\n\nUglifyJS will notice the constants and, since they cannot be altered, it\nwill evaluate references to them to the value itself and drop unreachable\ncode as usual. The possible downside of this approach is that the build\nwill contain the `const` declarations.\n\n<a name="codegen-options"></a>\n## Beautifier options\n\nThe code generator tries to output shortest code possible by default. In\ncase you want beautified output, pass `--beautify` (`-b`). Optionally you\ncan pass additional arguments that control the code output:\n\n- `beautify` (default `true`) -- whether to actually beautify the output.\n Passing `-b` will set this to true, but you might need to pass `-b` even\n when you want to generate minified code, in order to specify additional\n arguments, so you can use `-b beautify=false` to override it.\n- `indent-level` (default 4)\n- `indent-start` (default 0) -- prefix all lines by that many spaces\n- `quote-keys` (default `false`) -- pass `true` to quote all keys in literal\n objects\n- `space-colon` (default `true`) -- insert a space after the colon signs\n- `ascii-only` (default `false`) -- escape Unicode characters in strings and\n regexps\n- `inline-script` (default `false`) -- escape the slash in occurrences of\n `</script` in strings\n- `width` (default 80) -- only takes effect when beautification is on, this\n specifies an (orientative) line width that the beautifier will try to\n obey. It refers to the width of the line text (excluding indentation).\n It doesn\'t work very well currently, but it does make the code generated\n by UglifyJS more readable.\n- `max-line-len` (default 32000) -- maximum line length (for uglified code)\n- `ie-proof` (default `true`) -- generate “IE-proof” code (for now this\n means add brackets around the do/while in code like this: `if (foo) do\n something(); while (bar); else ...`.\n- `bracketize` (default `false`) -- always insert brackets in `if`, `for`,\n `do`, `while` or `with` statements, even if their body is a single\n statement.\n- `semicolons` (default `true`) -- separate statements with semicolons. If\n you pass `false` then whenever possible we will use a newline instead of a\n semicolon, leading to more readable output of uglified code (size before\n gzip could be smaller; size after gzip insignificantly larger).\n\n### Keeping copyright notices or other comments\n\nYou can pass `--comments` to retain certain comments in the output. By\ndefault it will keep JSDoc-style comments that contain "@preserve",\n"@license" or "@cc_on" (conditional compilation for IE). You can pass\n`--comments all` to keep all the comments, or a valid JavaScript regexp to\nkeep only comments that match this regexp. For example `--comments\n\'/foo|bar/\'` will keep only comments that contain "foo" or "bar".\n\nNote, however, that there might be situations where comments are lost. For\nexample:\n\n function f() {\n /** @preserve Foo Bar */\n function g() {\n // this function is never called\n }\n return something();\n }\n\nEven though it has "@preserve", the comment will be lost because the inner\nfunction `g` (which is the AST node to which the comment is attached to) is\ndiscarded by the compressor as not referenced.\n\nThe safest comments where to place copyright information (or other info that\nneeds to be kept in the output) are comments attached to toplevel nodes.\n\n## Support for the SpiderMonkey AST\n\nUglifyJS2 has its own abstract syntax tree format; for\n[practical reasons](\nwe can\'t easily change to using the SpiderMonkey AST internally. However,\nUglifyJS now has a converter which can import a SpiderMonkey AST.\n\nFor example [Acorn][acorn] is a super-fast parser that produces a\nSpiderMonkey AST. It has a small CLI utility that parses one file and dumps\nthe AST in JSON on the standard output. To use UglifyJS to mangle and\ncompress that:\n\n acorn file.js | uglifyjs --spidermonkey -m -c\n\nThe `--spidermonkey` option tells UglifyJS that all input files are not\nJavaScript, but JS code described in SpiderMonkey AST in JSON. Therefore we\ndon\'t use our own parser in this case, but just transform that AST into our\ninternal AST.\n\n### Use Acorn for parsing\n\nMore for fun, I added the `--acorn` option which will use Acorn to do all\nthe parsing. If you pass this option, UglifyJS will `require("acorn")`.\n\nAcorn is really fast (e.g. 250ms instead of 380ms on some 650K code), but\nconverting the SpiderMonkey tree that Acorn produces takes another 150ms so\nin total it\'s a bit more than just using UglifyJS\'s own parser.\n\nAPI Reference\n-------------\n\nAssuming installation via NPM, you can load UglifyJS in your application\nlike this:\n\n var UglifyJS = require("uglify-js");\n\nIt exports a lot of names, but I\'ll discuss here the basics that are needed\nfor parsing, mangling and compressing a piece of code. The sequence is (1)\nparse, (2) compress, (3) mangle, (4) generate output code.\n\n### The simple way\n\nThere\'s a single toplevel function which combines all the steps. If you\ndon\'t need additional customization, you might want to go with `minify`.\nExample:\n\n var result = UglifyJS.minify("/path/to/file.js");\n console.log(result.code); // minified output\n // if you need to pass code instead of file name\n var result = UglifyJS.minify("var b = function () {};", {fromString: true});\n\nYou can also compress multiple files:\n\n var result = UglifyJS.minify([ "file1.js", "file2.js", "file3.js" ]);\n console.log(result.code);\n\nTo generate a source map:\n\n var result = UglifyJS.minify([ "file1.js", "file2.js", "file3.js" ], {\n outSourceMap: ""\n });\n console.log(result.code); // minified output\n console.log(;\n\nNote that the source map is not saved in a file, it\'s just returned in\n``. The value passed for `outSourceMap` is only used to set the\n`file` attribute in the source map (see [the spec][sm-spec]).\n\nYou can also specify sourceRoot property to be included in source map:\n\n var result = UglifyJS.minify([ "file1.js", "file2.js", "file3.js" ], {\n outSourceMap: "",\n sourceRoot: ""\n });\n\n\nIf you\'re compressing compiled JavaScript and have a source map for it, you\ncan use the `inSourceMap` argument:\n\n var result = UglifyJS.minify("compiled.js", {\n inSourceMap: "",\n outSourceMap: ""\n });\n // same as before, it returns `code` and `map`\n\nThe `inSourceMap` is only used if you also request `outSourceMap` (it makes\nno sense otherwise).\n\nOther options:\n\n- `warnings` (default `false`) — pass `true` to display compressor warnings.\n\n- `fromString` (default `false`) — if you pass `true` then you can pass\n JavaScript source code, rather than file names.\n\n- `mangle` — pass `false` to skip mangling names.\n\n- `output` (default `null`) — pass an object if you wish to specify\n additional [output options][codegen]. The defaults are optimized\n for best compression.\n\n- `compress` (default `{}`) — pass `false` to skip compressing entirely.\n Pass an object to specify custom [compressor options][compressor].\n\nWe could add more options to `UglifyJS.minify` — if you need additional\nfunctionality please suggest!\n\n### The hard way\n\nFollowing there\'s more detailed API info, in case the `minify` function is\ntoo simple for your needs.\n\n#### The parser\n\n var toplevel_ast = UglifyJS.parse(code, options);\n\n`options` is optional and if present it must be an object. The following\nproperties are available:\n\n- `strict` — disable automatic semicolon insertion and support for trailing\n comma in arrays and objects\n- `filename` — the name of the file where this code is coming from\n- `toplevel` — a `toplevel` node (as returned by a previous invocation of\n `parse`)\n\nThe last two options are useful when you\'d like to minify multiple files and\nget a single file as the output and a proper source map. Our CLI tool does\nsomething like this:\n\n var toplevel = null;\n files.forEach(function(file){\n var code = fs.readFileSync(file);\n toplevel = UglifyJS.parse(code, {\n filename: file,\n toplevel: toplevel\n });\n });\n\nAfter this, we have in `toplevel` a big AST containing all our files, with\neach token having proper information about where it came from.\n\n#### Scope information\n\nUglifyJS contains a scope analyzer that you need to call manually before\ncompressing or mangling. Basically it augments various nodes in the AST\nwith information about where is a name defined, how many times is a name\nreferenced, if it is a global or not, if a function is using `eval` or the\n`with` statement etc. I will discuss this some place else, for now what\'s\nimportant to know is that you need to call the following before doing\nanything with the tree:\n\n toplevel.figure_out_scope()\n\n#### Compression\n\nLike this:\n\n var compressor = UglifyJS.Compressor(options);\n var compressed_ast = toplevel.transform(compressor);\n\nThe `options` can be missing. Available options are discussed above in\n“Compressor options”. Defaults should lead to best compression in most\nscripts.\n\nThe compressor is destructive, so don\'t rely that `toplevel` remains the\noriginal tree.\n\n#### Mangling\n\nAfter compression it is a good idea to call again `figure_out_scope` (since\nthe compressor might drop unused variables / unreachable code and this might\nchange the number of identifiers or their position). Optionally, you can\ncall a trick that helps after Gzip (counting character frequency in\nnon-mangleable words). Example:\n\n compressed_ast.figure_out_scope();\n compressed_ast.compute_char_frequency();\n compressed_ast.mangle_names();\n\n#### Generating output\n\nAST nodes have a `print` method that takes an output stream. Essentially,\nto generate code you do this:\n\n var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream(options);\n compressed_ast.print(stream);\n var code = stream.toString(); // this is your minified code\n\nor, for a shortcut you can do:\n\n var code = compressed_ast.print_to_string(options);\n\nAs usual, `options` is optional. The output stream accepts a lot of otions,\nmost of them documented above in section “Beautifier options”. The two\nwhich we care about here are `source_map` and `comments`.\n\n#### Keeping comments in the output\n\nIn order to keep certain comments in the output you need to pass the\n`comments` option. Pass a RegExp or a function. If you pass a RegExp, only\nthose comments whose body matches the regexp will be kept. Note that body\nmeans without the initial `//` or `/*`. If you pass a function, it will be\ncalled for every comment in the tree and will receive two arguments: the\nnode that the comment is attached to, and the comment token itself.\n\nThe comment token has these properties:\n\n- `type`: "comment1" for single-line comments or "comment2" for multi-line\n comments\n- `value`: the comment body\n- `pos` and `endpos`: the start/end positions (zero-based indexes) in the\n original code where this comment appears\n- `line` and `col`: the line and column where this comment appears in the\n original code\n- `file` — the file name of the original file\n- `nlb` — true if there was a newline before this comment in the original\n code, or if this comment contains a newline.\n\nYour function should return `true` to keep the comment, or a falsy value\notherwise.\n\n#### Generating a source mapping\n\nYou need to pass the `source_map` argument when calling `print`. It needs\nto be a `SourceMap` object (which is a thin wrapper on top of the\n[source-map][source-map] library).\n\nExample:\n\n var source_map = UglifyJS.SourceMap(source_map_options);\n var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream({\n ...\n source_map: source_map\n });\n compressed_ast.print(stream);\n\n var code = stream.toString();\n var map = source_map.toString(); // json output for your source map\n\nThe `source_map_options` (optional) can contain the following properties:\n\n- `file`: the name of the JavaScript output file that this mapping refers to\n- `root`: the `sourceRoot` property (see the [spec][sm-spec])\n- `orig`: the "original source map", handy when you compress generated JS\n and want to map the minified output back to the original code where it\n came from. It can be simply a string in JSON, or a JSON object containing\n the original source map.\n\n [acorn]:\n [source-map]:\n [sm-spec]:\n [codegen]:\n [compressor]:\n',
  1794. 877 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  1795. 877 silly resolved _id: 'uglify-js@2.2.5',
  1796. 877 silly resolved _from: 'uglify-js@2.2.x' } ]
  1797. 878 info install uglify-js@2.2.5 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch
  1798. 879 info installOne uglify-js@2.2.5
  1799. 880 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  1800. 881 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1801. 882 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/2.2.5/package/package.json
  1802. 883 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js unbuild
  1803. 884 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/package.json
  1804. 885 http 304
  1805. 886 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1806. 886 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1807. 886 silly registry.get etag: '"2NQFBC5T4PM83LSCUT58F4178"',
  1808. 886 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1809. 886 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1810. 887 verbose etag debug from cache
  1811. 888 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/2.2.5/package.tgz
  1812. 889 silly lockFile bd098dac-js-brunch-node-modules-uglify-js /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js
  1813. 890 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js /home/jonathan/.npm/bd098dac-js-brunch-node-modules-uglify-js.lock
  1814. 891 silly lockFile e9d16939--npm-uglify-js-2-2-5-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/2.2.5/package.tgz
  1815. 892 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/2.2.5/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/e9d16939--npm-uglify-js-2-2-5-package-tgz.lock
  1816. 893 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  1817. 894 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'debug', range: '', hasData: true }
  1818. 895 silly addNameRange versions [ 'debug',
  1819. 895 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
  1820. 895 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
  1821. 895 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
  1822. 895 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
  1823. 895 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
  1824. 895 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
  1825. 895 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
  1826. 895 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
  1827. 895 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
  1828. 895 silly addNameRange '0.7.1',
  1829. 895 silly addNameRange '0.7.2' ] ]
  1830. 896 verbose addNamed [ 'debug', '0.7.2' ]
  1831. 897 verbose addNamed [ '0.7.2', '0.7.2' ]
  1832. 898 silly lockFile 432e5064-debug-0-7-2 debug@0.7.2
  1833. 899 verbose lock debug@0.7.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/432e5064-debug-0-7-2.lock
  1834. 900 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/colors.js
  1835. 901 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/functions.js
  1836. 902 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  1837. 903 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  1838. 904 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  1839. 905 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/debug/0.7.2/package/package.json
  1840. 906 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  1841. 907 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1842. 908 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintignore
  1843. 909 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
  1844. 910 silly lockFile 432e5064-debug-0-7-2 debug@0.7.2
  1845. 911 silly lockFile 432e5064-debug-0-7-2 debug@0.7.2
  1846. 912 http 304
  1847. 913 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1848. 913 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1849. 913 silly registry.get etag: '"94VUBF7AYQ2K866O2UC4HZA90"',
  1850. 913 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1851. 913 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1852. 914 verbose etag jade/0.26.3 from cache
  1853. 915 silly lockFile 3ac45eff-debug debug@*
  1854. 916 silly lockFile 3ac45eff-debug debug@*
  1855. 917 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/uglifyjs
  1856. 918 http 304
  1857. 919 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1858. 919 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1859. 919 silly registry.get etag: '"6PV7OT2J70BO48D4WZ7QYBJ06"',
  1860. 919 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1861. 919 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1862. 920 verbose etag mkdirp/0.3.3 from cache
  1863. 921 http 304
  1864. 922 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1865. 922 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1866. 922 silly registry.get etag: '"C1YVZ8DS7C3RSYW9TMKTNU0QK"',
  1867. 922 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1868. 922 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1869. 923 verbose etag handlebars from cache
  1870. 924 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/jade/0.26.3/package/package.json
  1871. 925 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/index.js
  1872. 926 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/lessc_helper.js
  1873. 927 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/cleancss
  1874. 928 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
  1875. 929 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/ast.js
  1876. 930 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/compress.js
  1877. 931 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package/package.json
  1878. 932 warn package.json jade@0.26.3 No file found!
  1879. 933 silly lockFile 7a3d3ea7-jade-0-26-3 jade@0.26.3
  1880. 934 silly lockFile 7a3d3ea7-jade-0-26-3 jade@0.26.3
  1881. 935 http 304
  1882. 936 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1883. 936 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1884. 936 silly registry.get etag: '"9XSILWX9FS7NU589DXQH25D4S"',
  1885. 936 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1886. 936 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1887. 937 verbose etag ms/0.3.0 from cache
  1888. 938 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'handlebars', range: '>=1.0.10- <1.1.0-', hasData: true }
  1889. 939 silly addNameRange versions [ 'handlebars',
  1890. 939 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.2beta',
  1891. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.4beta',
  1892. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.5beta',
  1893. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.6',
  1894. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.6-2',
  1895. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.7',
  1896. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.8',
  1897. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.9',
  1898. 939 silly addNameRange '1.0.10' ] ]
  1899. 940 verbose addNamed [ 'handlebars', '1.0.10' ]
  1900. 941 verbose addNamed [ '1.0.10', '1.0.10' ]
  1901. 942 silly lockFile 4681da13-handlebars-1-0-10 handlebars@1.0.10
  1902. 943 verbose lock handlebars@1.0.10 /home/jonathan/.npm/4681da13-handlebars-1-0-10.lock
  1903. 944 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars/1.0.10/package/package.json
  1904. 945 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/parser.js
  1905. 946 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/rhino.js
  1906. 947 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/ms/0.3.0/package/package.json
  1907. 948 silly lockFile 453bb99b-mkdirp-0-3-3 mkdirp@0.3.3
  1908. 949 silly lockFile 453bb99b-mkdirp-0-3-3 mkdirp@0.3.3
  1909. 950 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/clean.js
  1910. 951 silly lockFile 4681da13-handlebars-1-0-10 handlebars@1.0.10
  1911. 952 silly lockFile 4681da13-handlebars-1-0-10 handlebars@1.0.10
  1912. 953 silly lockFile 9e60cd22-handlebars-1-0-10 handlebars@~1.0.10
  1913. 954 silly lockFile 9e60cd22-handlebars-1-0-10 handlebars@~1.0.10
  1914. 955 silly resolved [ { name: 'handlebars',
  1915. 955 silly resolved description: 'Extension of the Mustache logicless template language',
  1916. 955 silly resolved version: '1.0.10',
  1917. 955 silly resolved homepage: '',
  1918. 955 silly resolved keywords: [ 'handlebars mustache template html' ],
  1919. 955 silly resolved repository:
  1920. 955 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  1921. 955 silly resolved url: 'git://' },
  1922. 955 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.7' },
  1923. 955 silly resolved dependencies: { optimist: '~0.3', 'uglify-js': '~1.2' },
  1924. 955 silly resolved devDependencies:
  1925. 955 silly resolved { benchmark: '~1.0',
  1926. 955 silly resolved dust: '~0.3',
  1927. 955 silly resolved jison: '~0.3',
  1928. 955 silly resolved mocha: '*',
  1929. 955 silly resolved mustache: '~0.7.2' },
  1930. 955 silly resolved main: 'lib/handlebars.js',
  1931. 955 silly resolved bin: { handlebars: 'bin/handlebars' },
  1932. 955 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node_modules/.bin/mocha -u qunit spec/qunit_spec.js' },
  1933. 955 silly resolved optionalDependencies: {},
  1934. 955 silly resolved readme: '[![Build Status](](\n\nHandlebars.js\n=============\n\nHandlebars.js is an extension to the [Mustache templating language]( created by Chris Wanstrath. Handlebars.js and Mustache are both logicless templating languages that keep the view and the code separated like we all know they should be.\n\nCheckout the official Handlebars docs site at [](\n\n\nInstalling\n----------\nInstalling Handlebars is easy. Simply [download the package from GitHub]( and add it to your web pages (you should usually use the most recent version).\n\nUsage\n-----\nIn general, the syntax of Handlebars.js templates is a superset of Mustache templates. For basic syntax, check out the [Mustache manpage](\n\nOnce you have a template, use the Handlebars.compile method to compile the template into a function. The generated function takes a context argument, which will be used to render the template.\n\n```js\nvar source = "<p>Hello, my name is {{name}}. I am from {{hometown}}. I have " +\n "{{kids.length}} kids:</p>" +\n "<ul>{{#kids}}<li>{{name}} is {{age}}</li>{{/kids}}</ul>";\nvar template = Handlebars.compile(source);\n\nvar data = { "name": "Alan", "hometown": "Somewhere, TX",\n "kids": [{"name": "Jimmy", "age": "12"}, {"name": "Sally", "age": "4"}]};\nvar result = template(data);\n\n// Would render:\n// <p>Hello, my name is Alan. I am from Somewhere, TX. I have 2 kids:</p>\n// <ul>\n// <li>Jimmy is 12</li>\n// <li>Sally is 4</li>\n// </ul>\n```\n\n\nRegistering Helpers\n-------------------\n\nYou can register helpers that Handlebars will use when evaluating your\ntemplate. Here\'s an example, which assumes that your objects have a URL\nembedded in them, as well as the text for a link:\n\n```js\nHandlebars.registerHelper(\'link_to\', function(context) {\n return "<a href=\'" + context.url + "\'>" + context.body + "</a>";\n});\n\nvar context = { posts: [{url: "/hello-world", body: "Hello World!"}] };\nvar source = "<ul>{{#posts}}<li>{{{link_to this}}}</li>{{/posts}}</ul>"\n\nvar template = Handlebars.compile(source);\ntemplate(context);\n\n// Would render:\n//\n// <ul>\n// <li><a href=\'/hello-world\'>Hello World!</a></li>\n// </ul>\n```\n\nEscaping\n--------\n\nBy default, the `{{expression}}` syntax will escape its contents. This\nhelps to protect you against accidental XSS problems caused by malicious\ndata passed from the server as JSON.\n\nTo explicitly *not* escape the contents, use the triple-mustache\n(`{{{}}}`). You have seen this used in the above example.\n\n\nDifferences Between Handlebars.js and Mustache\n----------------------------------------------\nHandlebars.js adds a couple of additional features to make writing templates easier and also changes a tiny detail of how partials work.\n\n### Paths\n\nHandlebars.js supports an extended expression syntax that we call paths. Paths are made up of typical expressions and . characters. Expressions allow you to not only display data from the current context, but to display data from contexts that are descendents and ancestors of the current context.\n\nTo display data from descendent contexts, use the `.` character. So, for example, if your data were structured like:\n\n```js\nvar data = {"person": { "name": "Alan" }, company: {"name": "Rad, Inc." } };\n```\n\nyou could display the person\'s name from the top-level context with the following expression:\n\n```\n{{}}\n```\n\nYou can backtrack using `../`. For example, if you\'ve already traversed into the person object you could still display the company\'s name with an expression like `{{../}}`, so:\n\n```\n{{#person}}{{name}} - {{../}}{{/person}}\n```\n\nwould render:\n\n```\nAlan - Rad, Inc.\n```\n\n### Strings\n\nWhen calling a helper, you can pass paths or Strings as parameters. For\ninstance:\n\n```js\nHandlebars.registerHelper(\'link_to\', function(title, context) {\n return "<a href=\'/posts" + context.url + "\'>" + title + "!</a>"\n});\n\nvar context = { posts: [{url: "/hello-world", body: "Hello World!"}] };\nvar source = \'<ul>{{#posts}}<li>{{{link_to "Post" this}}}</li>{{/posts}}</ul>\'\n\nvar template = Handlebars.compile(source);\ntemplate(context);\n\n// Would render:\n//\n// <ul>\n// <li><a href=\'/posts/hello-world\'>Post!</a></li>\n// </ul>\n```\n\nWhen you pass a String as a parameter to a helper, the literal String\ngets passed to the helper function.\n\n\n### Block Helpers\n\nHandlebars.js also adds the ability to define block helpers. Block helpers are functions that can be called from anywhere in the template. Here\'s an example:\n\n```js\nvar source = "<ul>{{#people}}<li>{{#link}}{{name}}{{/link}}</li>{{/people}}</ul>";\nHandlebars.registerHelper(\'link\', function(options) {\n return \'<a href="/people/\' + + \'">\' + options.fn(this) + \'</a>\';\n});\nvar template = Handlebars.compile(source);\n\nvar data = { "people": [\n { "name": "Alan", "id": 1 },\n { "name": "Yehuda", "id": 2 }\n ]};\ntemplate(data);\n\n// Should render:\n// <ul>\n// <li><a href="/people/1">Alan</a></li>\n// <li><a href="/people/2">Yehuda</a></li>\n// </ul>\n```\n\nWhenever the block helper is called it is given two parameters, the argument that is passed to the helper, or the current context if no argument is passed and the compiled contents of the block. Inside of the block helper the value of `this` is the current context, wrapped to include a method named `__get__` that helps translate paths into values within the helpers.\n\n### Partials\n\nYou can register additional templates as partials, which will be used by\nHandlebars when it encounters a partial (`{{> partialName}}`). Partials\ncan either be String templates or compiled template functions. Here\'s an\nexample:\n\n```js\nvar source = "<ul>{{#people}}<li>{{> link}}</li>{{/people}}</ul>";\n\nHandlebars.registerPartial(\'link\', \'<a href="/people/{{id}}">{{name}}</a>\')\nvar template = Handlebars.compile(source);\n\nvar data = { "people": [\n { "name": "Alan", "id": 1 },\n { "name": "Yehuda", "id": 2 }\n ]};\n\ntemplate(data);\n\n// Should render:\n// <ul>\n// <li><a href="/people/1">Alan</a></li>\n// <li><a href="/people/2">Yehuda</a></li>\n// </ul>\n```\n\n### Comments\n\nYou can add comments to your templates with the following syntax:\n\n```js\n{{! This is a comment }}\n```\n\nYou can also use real html comments if you want them to end up in the output.\n\n```html\n<div>\n {{! This comment will not end up in the output }}\n <!-- This comment will show up in the output -->\n</div>\n```\n\n\nPrecompiling Templates\n----------------------\n\nHandlebars allows templates to be precompiled and included as javascript\ncode rather than the handlebars template allowing for faster startup time.\n\n### Installation\nThe precompiler script may be installed via npm using the `npm install -g handlebars`\ncommand.\n\n### Usage\n\n<pre>\nPrecompile handlebar templates.\nUsage: handlebars template...\n\nOptions:\n -a, --amd Create an AMD format function (allows loading with RequireJS) [boolean]\n -f, --output Output File [string]\n -k, --known Known helpers [string]\n -o, --knownOnly Known helpers only [boolean]\n -m, --min Minimize output [boolean]\n -s, --simple Output template function only. [boolean]\n -r, --root Template root. Base value that will be stripped from template names. [string]\n</pre>\n\nIf using the precompiler\'s normal mode, the resulting templates will be stored\nto the `Handlebars.templates` object using the relative template name sans the\nextension. These templates may be executed in the same manner as templates.\n\nIf using the simple mode the precompiler will generate a single javascript method.\nTo execute this method it must be passed to the using the `Handlebars.template`\nmethod and the resulting object may be as normal.\n\n### Optimizations\n\n- Rather than using the full _handlebars.js_ library, implementations that\n do not need to compile templates at runtime may include _handlebars.runtime.js_\n whose min+gzip size is approximately 1k.\n- If a helper is known to exist in the target environment they may be defined\n using the `--known name` argument may be used to optimize accesses to these\n helpers for size and speed.\n- When all helpers are known in advance the `--knownOnly` argument may be used\n to optimize all block helper references.\n\n\nPerformance\n-----------\n\nIn a rough performance test, precompiled Handlebars.js templates (in the original version of Handlebars.js) rendered in about half the time of Mustache templates. It would be a shame if it were any other way, since they were precompiled, but the difference in architecture does have some big performance advantages. Justin Marney, a.k.a. [gotascii](, confirmed that with an [independent test]( The rewritten Handlebars (current version) is faster than the old version, and we will have some benchmarks in the near future.\n\n\nBuilding\n--------\n\nTo build handlebars, just run `rake release`, and you will get two files\nin the `dist` directory.\n\n\nUpgrading\n---------\n\nWhen upgrading from the Handlebars 0.9 series, be aware that the\nsignature for passing custom helpers or partials to templates has\nchanged.\n\nInstead of:\n\n```js\ntemplate(context, helpers, partials, [data])\n```\n\nUse:\n\n```js\ntemplate(context, {helpers: helpers, partials: partials, data: data})\n```\n\nKnown Issues\n------------\n* Handlebars.js can be cryptic when there\'s an error while rendering.\n* Using a variable, helper, or partial named `class` causes errors in IE browsers. (Instead, use `className`)\n\nHandlebars in the Wild\n-----------------\n* [jblotus]( created []( for anyone who would\nlike to try out Handlebars.js in their browser.\n* Don Park wrote an Express.js view engine adapter for Handlebars.js called [hbs](\n* [sammy.js]( by Aaron Quint, a.k.a. quirkey, supports Handlebars.js as one of its template plugins.\n* [SproutCore]( uses Handlebars.js as its main templating engine, extending it with automatic data binding support.\n* [Ember.js]( makes Handlebars.js the primary way to structure your views, also with automatic data binding support.\n* Les Hill (@leshill) wrote a Rails Asset Pipeline gem named [handlebars_assets](\n\nHelping Out\n-----------\nTo build Handlebars.js you\'ll need a few things installed.\n\n* Node.js\n* Jison, for building the compiler - `npm install jison`\n* Ruby\n* therubyracer, for running tests - `gem install therubyracer`\n* rspec, for running tests - `gem install rspec`\n\nThere\'s a Gemfile in the repo, so you can run `bundle` to install rspec and therubyracer if you\'ve got bundler installed.\n\nTo build Handlebars.js from scratch, you\'ll want to run `rake compile` in the root of the project. That will build Handlebars and output the results to the dist/ folder. To run tests, run `rake spec`. You can also run our set of benchmarks with `rake bench`.\n\nIf you notice any problems, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker at []( Feel free to contact commondream or wycats through GitHub with any other questions or feature requests. To submit changes fork the project and send a pull request.\n\nLicense\n-------\nHandlebars.js is released under the MIT license.\n',
  1935. 955 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.markdown',
  1936. 955 silly resolved _id: 'handlebars@1.0.10',
  1937. 955 silly resolved _from: 'handlebars@~1.0.10' } ]
  1938. 956 info install handlebars@1.0.10 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch
  1939. 957 info installOne handlebars@1.0.10
  1940. 958 silly lockFile e6650cad-ms-0-3-0 ms@0.3.0
  1941. 959 silly lockFile e6650cad-ms-0-3-0 ms@0.3.0
  1942. 960 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars/1.0.10/package/package.json
  1943. 961 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars unbuild
  1944. 962 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/package.json
  1945. 963 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  1946. 964 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/batch-test.js
  1947. 965 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree.js
  1948. 966 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/alpha.js
  1949. 967 http 304
  1950. 968 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1951. 968 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1952. 968 silly registry.get etag: '"D7K1H7LZWS5MZ5237EITUFCEM"',
  1953. 968 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1954. 968 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1955. 969 verbose etag commander/0.6.1 from cache
  1956. 970 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars/1.0.10/package.tgz
  1957. 971 silly lockFile 7c9e3df6-s-brunch-node-modules-handlebars /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars
  1958. 972 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars /home/jonathan/.npm/7c9e3df6-s-brunch-node-modules-handlebars.lock
  1959. 973 silly lockFile a72ac583-pm-handlebars-1-0-10-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars/1.0.10/package.tgz
  1960. 974 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars/1.0.10/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/a72ac583-pm-handlebars-1-0-10-package-tgz.lock
  1961. 975 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  1962. 976 http 304
  1963. 977 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  1964. 977 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  1965. 977 silly registry.get etag: '"426BCKZZ08RPW4ESDW6O4IF2U"',
  1966. 977 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:20 GMT',
  1967. 977 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  1968. 978 verbose etag growl from cache
  1969. 979 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/bench.js
  1970. 980 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/binary-test.js
  1971. 981 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/expression.js
  1972. 982 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/import.js
  1973. 983 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  1974. 984 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/0.6.1/package/package.json
  1975. 985 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  1976. 986 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  1977. 987 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'growl', range: '>=1.7.0- <1.8.0-', hasData: true }
  1978. 988 silly addNameRange versions [ 'growl',
  1979. 988 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.1',
  1980. 988 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
  1981. 988 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  1982. 988 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
  1983. 988 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
  1984. 988 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  1985. 988 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
  1986. 988 silly addNameRange '1.4.1',
  1987. 988 silly addNameRange '1.5.0',
  1988. 988 silly addNameRange '1.5.1',
  1989. 988 silly addNameRange '1.6.0',
  1990. 988 silly addNameRange '1.6.1',
  1991. 988 silly addNameRange '1.7.0' ] ]
  1992. 989 verbose addNamed [ 'growl', '1.7.0' ]
  1993. 990 verbose addNamed [ '1.7.0', '1.7.0' ]
  1994. 991 silly lockFile 2e65a17a-growl-1-7-0 growl@1.7.0
  1995. 992 verbose lock growl@1.7.0 /home/jonathan/.npm/2e65a17a-growl-1-7-0.lock
  1996. 993 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/custom-test.js
  1997. 994 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit-test.js
  1998. 995 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/javascript.js
  1999. 996 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/element.js
  2000. 997 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/growl/1.7.0/package/package.json
  2001. 998 silly lockFile fa16a2ce-commander-0-6-1 commander@0.6.1
  2002. 999 silly lockFile fa16a2ce-commander-0-6-1 commander@0.6.1
  2003. 1000 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
  2004. 1001 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README.markdown
  2005. 1002 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/media.js
  2006. 1003 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/mixin.js
  2007. 1004 silly lockFile 2e65a17a-growl-1-7-0 growl@1.7.0
  2008. 1005 silly lockFile 2e65a17a-growl-1-7-0 growl@1.7.0
  2009. 1006 silly lockFile 9f7e3aca-growl-1-7-x growl@1.7.x
  2010. 1007 silly lockFile 9f7e3aca-growl-1-7-x growl@1.7.x
  2011. 1008 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/960-min.css
  2012. 1009 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/960.css
  2013. 1010 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/handlebars
  2014. 1011 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/mozilla-ast.js
  2015. 1012 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/output.js
  2016. 1013 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/big-min.css
  2017. 1014 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/big.css
  2018. 1015 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .rspec
  2019. 1016 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry handlebars-source.gemspec
  2020. 1017 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars.js
  2021. 1018 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/base.js
  2022. 1019 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/parse.js
  2023. 1020 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/scope.js
  2024. 1021 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/operation.js
  2025. 1022 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/paren.js
  2026. 1023 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/blueprint-min.css
  2027. 1024 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/browser-prefix.js
  2028. 1025 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/browser-suffix.js
  2029. 1026 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/quoted.js
  2030. 1027 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/directive.js
  2031. 1028 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/blueprint.css
  2032. 1029 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/reset-min.css
  2033. 1030 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/runtime.js
  2034. 1031 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/utils.js
  2035. 1032 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/reset.css
  2036. 1033 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/sample1-min.css
  2037. 1034 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/compiler/ast.js
  2038. 1035 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/compiler/base.js
  2039. 1036 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/data/sample1.css
  2040. 1037 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/compiler/compiler.js
  2041. 1038 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/compiler/index.js
  2042. 1039 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/ratio.js
  2043. 1040 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/dimension.js
  2044. 1041 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/compiler/parser.js
  2045. 1042 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/compiler/printer.js
  2046. 1043 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/sourcemap.js
  2047. 1044 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/transform.js
  2048. 1045 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/rule.js
  2049. 1046 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/condition.js
  2050. 1047 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/compiler/visitor.js
  2051. 1048 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/handlebars/source.rb
  2052. 1049 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/ruleset.js
  2053. 1050 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/comment.js
  2054. 1051 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2055. 1052 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2056. 1053 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
  2057. 1054 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dist/handlebars.js
  2058. 1055 http 304
  2059. 1056 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  2060. 1056 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  2061. 1056 silly registry.get etag: '"C49HSO5Q5ILO6PAKM8JWHCFYS"',
  2062. 1056 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:21 GMT',
  2063. 1056 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  2064. 1057 verbose etag diff/1.0.2 from cache
  2065. 1058 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/diff/1.0.2/package/package.json
  2066. 1059 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dist/handlebars.runtime.js
  2067. 1060 silly lockFile 314815e6-diff-1-0-2 diff@1.0.2
  2068. 1061 silly lockFile 314815e6-diff-1-0-2 diff@1.0.2
  2069. 1062 silly resolved [ { name: 'debug',
  2070. 1062 silly resolved version: '0.7.2',
  2071. 1062 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
  2072. 1062 silly resolved description: 'small debugging utility',
  2073. 1062 silly resolved keywords: [ 'debug', 'log', 'debugger' ],
  2074. 1062 silly resolved author: { name: 'TJ Holowaychuk', email: '' },
  2075. 1062 silly resolved dependencies: {},
  2076. 1062 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '*' },
  2077. 1062 silly resolved main: 'lib/debug.js',
  2078. 1062 silly resolved browserify: 'debug.js',
  2079. 1062 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
  2080. 1062 silly resolved component: { scripts: [Object] },
  2081. 1062 silly resolved readme: '\n# debug\n\n tiny node.js debugging utility modelled after node core\'s debugging technique.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\n$ npm install debug\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n With `debug` you simply invoke the exported function to generate your debug function, passing it a name which will determine if a noop function is returned, or a decorated `console.error`, so all of the `console` format string goodies you\'re used to work fine. A unique color is selected per-function for visibility.\n \nExample _app.js_:\n\n```js\nvar debug = require(\'debug\')(\'http\')\n , http = require(\'http\')\n , name = \'My App\';\n\n// fake app\n\ndebug(\'booting %s\', name);\n\nhttp.createServer(function(req, res){\n debug(req.method + \' \' + req.url);\n res.end(\'hello\\n\');\n}).listen(3000, function(){\n debug(\'listening\');\n});\n\n// fake worker of some kind\n\nrequire(\'./worker\');\n```\n\nExample _worker.js_:\n\n```js\nvar debug = require(\'debug\')(\'worker\');\n\nsetInterval(function(){\n debug(\'doing some work\');\n}, 1000);\n```\n\n The __DEBUG__ environment variable is then used to enable these based on space or comma-delimited names. Here are some examples:\n\n ![debug http and worker](\n\n ![debug worker](\n\n## Millisecond diff\n\n When actively developing an application it can be useful to see when the time spent between one `debug()` call and the next. Suppose for example you invoke `debug()` before requesting a resource, and after as well, the "+NNNms" will show you how much time was spent between calls.\n\n ![](\n\n When stdout is not a TTY, `Date#toUTCString()` is used, making it more useful for logging the debug information as shown below:\n \n ![](\n\n## Conventions\n\n If you\'re using this in one or more of your libraries, you _should_ use the name of your library so that developers may toggle debugging as desired without guessing names. If you have more than one debuggers you _should_ prefix them with your library name and use ":" to separate features. For example "bodyParser" from Connect would then be "connect:bodyParser". \n\n## Wildcards\n\n The "*" character may be used as a wildcard. Suppose for example your library has debuggers named "connect:bodyParser", "connect:compress", "connect:session", instead of listing all three with `DEBUG=connect:bodyParser,connect.compress,connect:session`, you may simply do `DEBUG=connect:*`, or to run everything using this module simply use `DEBUG=*`.\n\n You can also exclude specific debuggers by prefixing them with a "-" character. For example, `DEBUG=* -connect:*` would include all debuggers except those starting with "connect:".\n\n## Browser support\n\n Debug works in the browser as well, currently persisted by `localStorage`. For example if you have `worker:a` and `worker:b` as shown below, and wish to debug both type `debug.enable(\'worker:*\')` in the console and refresh the page, this will remain until you disable with `debug.disable()`. \n\n```js\na = debug(\'worker:a\');\nb = debug(\'worker:b\');\n\nsetInterval(function(){\n a(\'doing some work\');\n}, 1000);\n\nsetInterval(function(){\n a(\'doing some work\');\n}, 1200);\n```\n\n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk &lt;;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\'Software\'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \'AS IS\', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.',
  2082. 1062 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  2083. 1062 silly resolved _id: 'debug@0.7.2',
  2084. 1062 silly resolved _from: 'debug@*' },
  2085. 1062 silly resolved { name: 'jade',
  2086. 1062 silly resolved description: 'Jade template engine',
  2087. 1062 silly resolved version: '0.26.3',
  2088. 1062 silly resolved author: { name: 'TJ Holowaychuk', email: '' },
  2089. 1062 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
  2090. 1062 silly resolved main: './index.js',
  2091. 1062 silly resolved bin: { jade: './bin/jade' },
  2092. 1062 silly resolved man: [ './jade.1' ],
  2093. 1062 silly resolved dependencies: { commander: '0.6.1', mkdirp: '0.3.0' },
  2094. 1062 silly resolved devDependencies:
  2095. 1062 silly resolved { mocha: '*',
  2096. 1062 silly resolved markdown: '*',
  2097. 1062 silly resolved stylus: '*',
  2098. 1062 silly resolved uubench: '*',
  2099. 1062 silly resolved should: '*',
  2100. 1062 silly resolved less: '*',
  2101. 1062 silly resolved 'uglify-js': '*' },
  2102. 1062 silly resolved component: { scripts: [Object] },
  2103. 1062 silly resolved scripts: { prepublish: 'npm prune' },
  2104. 1062 silly resolved _id: 'jade@0.26.3',
  2105. 1062 silly resolved readme: 'ERROR: No file found!',
  2106. 1062 silly resolved _from: 'jade@0.26.3' },
  2107. 1062 silly resolved { name: 'mkdirp',
  2108. 1062 silly resolved description: 'Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`',
  2109. 1062 silly resolved version: '0.3.3',
  2110. 1062 silly resolved author:
  2111. 1062 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
  2112. 1062 silly resolved email: '',
  2113. 1062 silly resolved url: '' },
  2114. 1062 silly resolved main: './index',
  2115. 1062 silly resolved keywords: [ 'mkdir', 'directory' ],
  2116. 1062 silly resolved repository:
  2117. 1062 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  2118. 1062 silly resolved url: '' },
  2119. 1062 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
  2120. 1062 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '~0.2.4' },
  2121. 1062 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
  2122. 1062 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
  2123. 1062 silly resolved readme: 'mkdirp\n======\n\nLike `mkdir -p`, but in node.js!\n\n[![build status](](\n\nexample\n=======\n\npow.js\n------\n var mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n \n mkdirp(\'/tmp/foo/bar/baz\', function (err) {\n if (err) console.error(err)\n else console.log(\'pow!\')\n });\n\nOutput\n pow!\n\nAnd now /tmp/foo/bar/baz exists, huzzah!\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nvar mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n\nmkdirp(dir, mode, cb)\n---------------------\n\nCreate a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir` with octal\npermission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\n`cb(err, made)` fires with the error or the first directory `made`\nthat had to be created, if any.\n\nmkdirp.sync(dir, mode)\n----------------------\n\nSynchronously create a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir`\nwith octal permission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\nReturns the first directory that had to be created, if any.\n\ninstall\n=======\n\nWith [npm]( do:\n\n npm install mkdirp\n\nlicense\n=======\n\nMIT/X11\n',
  2124. 1062 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.markdown',
  2125. 1062 silly resolved _id: 'mkdirp@0.3.3',
  2126. 1062 silly resolved _from: 'mkdirp@0.3.3' },
  2127. 1062 silly resolved { name: 'ms',
  2128. 1062 silly resolved version: '0.3.0',
  2129. 1062 silly resolved description: 'Tiny ms conversion utility',
  2130. 1062 silly resolved main: './ms',
  2131. 1062 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '*', 'expect.js': '*', serve: '*' },
  2132. 1062 silly resolved readme: '# ms.js: miliseconds conversion utility\n\n```js\nms(\'1d\') // 86400000\nms(\'10h\') // 36000000\nms(\'2h\') // 7200000\nms(\'1m\') // 60000\nms(\'5s\') // 5000\nms(\'100\') // 100\nms(100) // 100\n```\n\n```js\nms(60000) // "1 minute"\nms(2 * 60000) // "2 minutes"\nms(ms(\'10 hours\')) // "10 hours"\n```\n\n- Node/Browser compatible. Published as `ms` in NPM.\n- If a number is supplied to `ms`, it returns it immediately.\n- If a string that contains the number is supplied, it returns it as\na number (e.g: it returns `100` for `\'100\'`).\n- If you pass a string with a number and a valid unit, the number of\nequivalent ms is returned.\n',
  2133. 1062 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  2134. 1062 silly resolved _id: 'ms@0.3.0',
  2135. 1062 silly resolved _from: 'ms@0.3.0' },
  2136. 1062 silly resolved { name: 'commander',
  2137. 1062 silly resolved version: '0.6.1',
  2138. 1062 silly resolved description: 'the complete solution for node.js command-line programs',
  2139. 1062 silly resolved keywords: [ 'command', 'option', 'parser', 'prompt', 'stdin' ],
  2140. 1062 silly resolved author: { name: 'TJ Holowaychuk', email: '' },
  2141. 1062 silly resolved repository:
  2142. 1062 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  2143. 1062 silly resolved url: '' },
  2144. 1062 silly resolved dependencies: {},
  2145. 1062 silly resolved devDependencies: { should: '>= 0.0.1' },
  2146. 1062 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'make test' },
  2147. 1062 silly resolved main: 'index',
  2148. 1062 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.4.x' },
  2149. 1062 silly resolved readme: '# Commander.js\n\n The complete solution for [node.js]( command-line interfaces, inspired by Ruby\'s [commander](\n\n [![Build Status](](\n\n## Installation\n\n $ npm install commander\n\n## Option parsing\n\n Options with commander are defined with the `.option()` method, also serving as documentation for the options. The example below parses args and options from `process.argv`, leaving remaining args as the `program.args` array which were not consumed by options.\n\n```js\n#!/usr/bin/env node\n\n/**\n * Module dependencies.\n */\n\nvar program = require(\'commander\');\n\nprogram\n .version(\'0.0.1\')\n .option(\'-p, --peppers\', \'Add peppers\')\n .option(\'-P, --pineapple\', \'Add pineapple\')\n .option(\'-b, --bbq\', \'Add bbq sauce\')\n .option(\'-c, --cheese [type]\', \'Add the specified type of cheese [marble]\', \'marble\')\n .parse(process.argv);\n\nconsole.log(\'you ordered a pizza with:\');\nif (program.peppers) console.log(\' - peppers\');\nif (program.pineapple) console.log(\' - pineappe\');\nif (program.bbq) console.log(\' - bbq\');\nconsole.log(\' - %s cheese\', program.cheese);\n```\n\n Short flags may be passed as a single arg, for example `-abc` is equivalent to `-a -b -c`. Multi-word options such as "--template-engine" are camel-cased, becoming `program.templateEngine` etc.\n\n## Automated --help\n\n The help information is auto-generated based on the information commander already knows about your program, so the following `--help` info is for free:\n\n``` \n $ ./examples/pizza --help\n\n Usage: pizza [options]\n\n Options:\n\n -V, --version output the version number\n -p, --peppers Add peppers\n -P, --pineapple Add pineappe\n -b, --bbq Add bbq sauce\n -c, --cheese <type> Add the specified type of cheese [marble]\n -h, --help output usage information\n\n```\n\n## Coercion\n\n```js\nfunction range(val) {\n return val.split(\'..\').map(Number);\n}\n\nfunction list(val) {\n return val.split(\',\');\n}\n\nprogram\n .version(\'0.0.1\')\n .usage(\'[options] <file ...>\')\n .option(\'-i, --integer <n>\', \'An integer argument\', parseInt)\n .option(\'-f, --float <n>\', \'A float argument\', parseFloat)\n .option(\'-r, --range <a>..<b>\', \'A range\', range)\n .option(\'-l, --list <items>\', \'A list\', list)\n .option(\'-o, --optional [value]\', \'An optional value\')\n .parse(process.argv);\n\nconsole.log(\' int: %j\', program.integer);\nconsole.log(\' float: %j\', program.float);\nconsole.log(\' optional: %j\', program.optional);\nprogram.range = program.range || [];\nconsole.log(\' range: %j..%j\', program.range[0], program.range[1]);\nconsole.log(\' list: %j\', program.list);\nconsole.log(\' args: %j\', program.args);\n```\n\n## Custom help\n\n You can display arbitrary `-h, --help` information\n by listening for "--help". Commander will automatically\n exit once you are done so that the remainder of your program\n does not execute causing undesired behaviours, for example\n in the following executable "stuff" will not output when\n `--help` is used.\n\n```js\n#!/usr/bin/env node\n\n/**\n * Module dependencies.\n */\n\nvar program = require(\'../\');\n\nfunction list(val) {\n return val.split(\',\').map(Number);\n}\n\nprogram\n .version(\'0.0.1\')\n .option(\'-f, --foo\', \'enable some foo\')\n .option(\'-b, --bar\', \'enable some bar\')\n .option(\'-B, --baz\', \'enable some baz\');\n\n// must be before .parse() since\n// node\'s emit() is immediate\n\nprogram.on(\'--help\', function(){\n console.log(\' Examples:\');\n console.log(\'\');\n console.log(\' $ custom-help --help\');\n console.log(\' $ custom-help -h\');\n console.log(\'\');\n});\n\nprogram.parse(process.argv);\n\nconsole.log(\'stuff\');\n```\n\nyielding the following help output:\n\n```\n\nUsage: custom-help [options]\n\nOptions:\n\n -h, --help output usage information\n -V, --version output the version number\n -f, --foo enable some foo\n -b, --bar enable some bar\n -B, --baz enable some baz\n\nExamples:\n\n $ custom-help --help\n $ custom-help -h\n\n```\n\n## .prompt(msg, fn)\n\n Single-line prompt:\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'name: \', function(name){\n console.log(\'hi %s\', name);\n});\n```\n\n Multi-line prompt:\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'description:\', function(name){\n console.log(\'hi %s\', name);\n});\n```\n\n Coercion:\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'Age: \', Number, function(age){\n console.log(\'age: %j\', age);\n});\n```\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'Birthdate: \', Date, function(date){\n console.log(\'date: %s\', date);\n});\n```\n\n## .password(msg[, mask], fn)\n\nPrompt for password without echoing:\n\n```js\nprogram.password(\'Password: \', function(pass){\n console.log(\'got "%s"\', pass);\n process.stdin.destroy();\n});\n```\n\nPrompt for password with mask char "*":\n\n```js\nprogram.password(\'Password: \', \'*\', function(pass){\n console.log(\'got "%s"\', pass);\n process.stdin.destroy();\n});\n```\n\n## .confirm(msg, fn)\n\n Confirm with the given `msg`:\n\n```js\nprogram.confirm(\'continue? \', function(ok){\n console.log(\' got %j\', ok);\n});\n```\n\n## .choose(list, fn)\n\n Let the user choose from a `list`:\n\n```js\nvar list = [\'tobi\', \'loki\', \'jane\', \'manny\', \'luna\'];\n\nconsole.log(\'Choose the coolest pet:\');\nprogram.choose(list, function(i){\n console.log(\'you chose %d "%s"\', i, list[i]);\n});\n```\n\n## Links\n\n - [API documentation](\n - [ascii tables](\n - [progress bars](\n - [more progress bars](\n - [examples](\n\n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk &lt;;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\'Software\'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \'AS IS\', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.',
  2150. 1062 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  2151. 1062 silly resolved _id: 'commander@0.6.1',
  2152. 1062 silly resolved _from: 'commander@0.6.1' },
  2153. 1062 silly resolved { name: 'growl',
  2154. 1062 silly resolved version: '1.7.0',
  2155. 1062 silly resolved description: 'Growl unobtrusive notifications',
  2156. 1062 silly resolved author: { name: 'TJ Holowaychuk', email: '' },
  2157. 1062 silly resolved main: './lib/growl.js',
  2158. 1062 silly resolved readme: '# Growl for nodejs\n\nGrowl support for Nodejs. This is essentially a port of my [Ruby Growl Library]( Ubuntu/Linux support added thanks to [@niftylettuce]( \n\n## Installation\n\n### Install \n\n### Mac OS X (Darwin):\n\n Install [growlnotify(1)]( On OS X 10.8, Notification Center is supported using [terminal-notifier]( To install:\n \n $ sudo gem install terminal-notifier\n \n Install [npm]( and run:\n \n $ npm install growl\n\n### Ubuntu (Linux):\n\n Install `notify-send` through the [libnotify-bin]( package:\n\n $ sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin\n\n Install [npm]( and run:\n \n $ npm install growl\n\n### Windows:\n\n Download and install [Growl for Windows](\n\n Download [growlnotify]( - **IMPORTANT :** Unpack growlnotify to a folder that is present in your path!\n\n Install [npm]( and run:\n \n $ npm install growl\n\n## Examples\n\nCallback functions are optional\n\n var growl = require(\'growl\')\n growl(\'You have mail!\')\n growl(\'5 new messages\', { sticky: true })\n growl(\'5 new emails\', { title: \'Email Client\', image: \'Safari\', sticky: true })\n growl(\'Message with title\', { title: \'Title\'})\n growl(\'Set priority\', { priority: 2 })\n growl(\'Show Safari icon\', { image: \'Safari\' })\n growl(\'Show icon\', { image: \'path/to/icon.icns\' })\n growl(\'Show image\', { image: \'path/to/my.image.png\' })\n growl(\'Show png filesystem icon\', { image: \'png\' })\n growl(\'Show pdf filesystem icon\', { image: \'article.pdf\' })\n growl(\'Show pdf filesystem icon\', { image: \'article.pdf\' }, function(err){\n // ... notified\n })\n\n## Options\n\n - title\n - notification title\n - name\n - application name\n - priority\n - priority for the notification (default is 0)\n - sticky\n - weither or not the notification should remainin until closed\n - image\n - Auto-detects the context:\n - path to an icon sets --iconpath\n - path to an image sets --image\n - capitalized word sets --appIcon\n - filename uses extname as --icon\n - otherwise treated as --icon\n \n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2009 TJ Holowaychuk <>\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\'Software\'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \'AS IS\', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n',
  2159. 1062 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  2160. 1062 silly resolved _id: 'growl@1.7.0',
  2161. 1062 silly resolved _from: 'growl@1.7.x' },
  2162. 1062 silly resolved { name: 'diff',
  2163. 1062 silly resolved version: '1.0.2',
  2164. 1062 silly resolved description: 'A javascript text diff implementation.',
  2165. 1062 silly resolved keywords: [ 'diff', 'javascript' ],
  2166. 1062 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object] ],
  2167. 1062 silly resolved bugs:
  2168. 1062 silly resolved { email: '',
  2169. 1062 silly resolved url: '' },
  2170. 1062 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
  2171. 1062 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
  2172. 1062 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.3.1' },
  2173. 1062 silly resolved main: './diff',
  2174. 1062 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'expresso test/*' },
  2175. 1062 silly resolved dependencies: {},
  2176. 1062 silly resolved devDependencies: {},
  2177. 1062 silly resolved readme: '# jsdiff\n\nA javascript text differencing implementation.\n\nBased on the algorithm proposed in\n["An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations" (Myers, 1986)](\n\n## Installation\n\n npm install diff\n\nor\n\n git clone git://\n\n## API\n\n* JsDiff.diffChars(oldStr, newStr)\n Diffs two blocks of text, comparing character by character.\n\n Returns a list of change objects (See below).\n\n* JsDiff.diffWords(oldStr, newStr)\n Diffs two blocks of text, comparing word by word.\n\n Returns a list of change objects (See below).\n\n* JsDiff.diffLines(oldStr, newStr)\n Diffs two blocks of text, comparing line by line.\n\n Returns a list of change objects (See below).\n\n* JsDiff.diffCss(oldStr, newStr)\n Diffs two blocks of text, comparing CSS tokens.\n\n Returns a list of change objects (See below).\n\n* JsDiff.createPatch(fileName, oldStr, newStr, oldHeader, newHeader)\n Creates a unified diff patch.\n\n Parameters:\n * fileName : String to be output in the filename sections of the patch\n * oldStr : Original string value\n * newStr : New string value\n * oldHeader : Additional information to include in the old file header\n * newHeader : Additional information to include in thew new file header\n\n* convertChangesToXML(changes)\n Converts a list of changes to a serialized XML format\n\n### Change Objects\nMany of the methods above return change objects. These objects are consist of the following fields:\n\n* value: Text content\n* added: True if the value was inserted into the new string\n* removed: True of the value was removed from the old string\n\nNote that some cases may omit a particular flag field. Comparison on the flag fields should always be done in a truthy or falsy manner.\n\n## [Example](\n\n## License\n\nSoftware License Agreement (BSD License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2009-2011, Kevin Decker\n\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification,\nare permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n* Redistributions of source code must retain the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the\n following disclaimer.\n\n* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the\n following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other\n materials provided with the distribution.\n\n* Neither the name of Kevin Decker nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products\n derived from this software without specific prior\n written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR\nCONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\nDAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\nDATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER\nIN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT\nOF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n',
  2178. 1062 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  2179. 1062 silly resolved _id: 'diff@1.0.2',
  2180. 1062 silly resolved _from: 'diff@1.0.2' } ]
  2181. 1063 info install debug@0.7.2 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  2182. 1064 info install jade@0.26.3 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  2183. 1065 info install mkdirp@0.3.3 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  2184. 1066 info install ms@0.3.0 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  2185. 1067 info install commander@0.6.1 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  2186. 1068 info install growl@1.7.0 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  2187. 1069 info install diff@1.0.2 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  2188. 1070 info installOne debug@0.7.2
  2189. 1071 info installOne jade@0.26.3
  2190. 1072 info installOne mkdirp@0.3.3
  2191. 1073 info installOne ms@0.3.0
  2192. 1074 info installOne commander@0.6.1
  2193. 1075 info installOne growl@1.7.0
  2194. 1076 info installOne diff@1.0.2
  2195. 1077 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/debug/0.7.2/package/package.json
  2196. 1078 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug unbuild
  2197. 1079 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug/package.json
  2198. 1080 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/jade/0.26.3/package/package.json
  2199. 1081 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade unbuild
  2200. 1082 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/package.json
  2201. 1083 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package/package.json
  2202. 1084 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp unbuild
  2203. 1085 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  2204. 1086 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/ms/0.3.0/package/package.json
  2205. 1087 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms unbuild
  2206. 1088 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms/package.json
  2207. 1089 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/0.6.1/package/package.json
  2208. 1090 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander unbuild
  2209. 1091 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander/package.json
  2210. 1092 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/growl/1.7.0/package/package.json
  2211. 1093 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl unbuild
  2212. 1094 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl/package.json
  2213. 1095 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/diff/1.0.2/package/package.json
  2214. 1096 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff unbuild
  2215. 1097 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff/package.json
  2216. 1098 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/debug/0.7.2/package.tgz
  2217. 1099 silly lockFile 916e19c5-modules-mocha-node-modules-debug /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug
  2218. 1100 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug /home/jonathan/.npm/916e19c5-modules-mocha-node-modules-debug.lock
  2219. 1101 silly lockFile e3183af2-than-npm-debug-0-7-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/debug/0.7.2/package.tgz
  2220. 1102 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/debug/0.7.2/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/e3183af2-than-npm-debug-0-7-2-package-tgz.lock
  2221. 1103 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/jade/0.26.3/package.tgz
  2222. 1104 silly lockFile b8da4f9b--modules-mocha-node-modules-jade /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade
  2223. 1105 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade /home/jonathan/.npm/b8da4f9b--modules-mocha-node-modules-jade.lock
  2224. 1106 silly lockFile d0197518-than-npm-jade-0-26-3-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/jade/0.26.3/package.tgz
  2225. 1107 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/jade/0.26.3/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/d0197518-than-npm-jade-0-26-3-package-tgz.lock
  2226. 1108 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package.tgz
  2227. 1109 silly lockFile fec2c766-odules-mocha-node-modules-mkdirp /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp
  2228. 1110 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp /home/jonathan/.npm/fec2c766-odules-mocha-node-modules-mkdirp.lock
  2229. 1111 silly lockFile 384a70fb-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-3-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package.tgz
  2230. 1112 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/384a70fb-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-3-package-tgz.lock
  2231. 1113 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/ms/0.3.0/package.tgz
  2232. 1114 silly lockFile b3ade189-de-modules-mocha-node-modules-ms /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms
  2233. 1115 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms /home/jonathan/.npm/b3ade189-de-modules-mocha-node-modules-ms.lock
  2234. 1116 silly lockFile abf9ab88-onathan-npm-ms-0-3-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/ms/0.3.0/package.tgz
  2235. 1117 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/ms/0.3.0/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/abf9ab88-onathan-npm-ms-0-3-0-package-tgz.lock
  2236. 1118 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/0.6.1/package.tgz
  2237. 1119 silly lockFile aaaecbd2-les-mocha-node-modules-commander /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander
  2238. 1120 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander /home/jonathan/.npm/aaaecbd2-les-mocha-node-modules-commander.lock
  2239. 1121 silly lockFile 235417be--npm-commander-0-6-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/0.6.1/package.tgz
  2240. 1122 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/0.6.1/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/235417be--npm-commander-0-6-1-package-tgz.lock
  2241. 1123 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/growl/1.7.0/package.tgz
  2242. 1124 silly lockFile 64c5390d-modules-mocha-node-modules-growl /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl
  2243. 1125 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl /home/jonathan/.npm/64c5390d-modules-mocha-node-modules-growl.lock
  2244. 1126 silly lockFile 4059bec1-than-npm-growl-1-7-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/growl/1.7.0/package.tgz
  2245. 1127 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/growl/1.7.0/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/4059bec1-than-npm-growl-1-7-0-package-tgz.lock
  2246. 1128 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/diff/1.0.2/package.tgz
  2247. 1129 silly lockFile d1c0ade3--modules-mocha-node-modules-diff /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff
  2248. 1130 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff /home/jonathan/.npm/d1c0ade3--modules-mocha-node-modules-diff.lock
  2249. 1131 silly lockFile d89cb654-athan-npm-diff-1-0-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/diff/1.0.2/package.tgz
  2250. 1132 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/diff/1.0.2/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/d89cb654-athan-npm-diff-1-0-2-package-tgz.lock
  2251. 1133 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  2252. 1134 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  2253. 1135 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  2254. 1136 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  2255. 1137 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  2256. 1138 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  2257. 1139 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  2258. 1140 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  2259. 1141 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  2260. 1142 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  2261. 1143 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  2262. 1144 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  2263. 1145 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  2264. 1146 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  2265. 1147 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  2266. 1148 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry debug.js
  2267. 1149 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  2268. 1150 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  2269. 1151 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  2270. 1152 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  2271. 1153 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  2272. 1154 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2273. 1155 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  2274. 1156 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  2275. 1157 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2276. 1158 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
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  2278. 1160 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2279. 1161 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  2280. 1162 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2281. 1163 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry ms.js
  2282. 1164 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2283. 1165 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
  2284. 1166 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2285. 1167 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2286. 1168 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/growl.js
  2287. 1169 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry runtime.min.js
  2288. 1170 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  2289. 1171 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  2290. 1172 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.orig
  2291. 1173 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry diff.js
  2292. 1174 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.html
  2293. 1175 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry style.css
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  2295. 1177 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2296. 1178 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
  2297. 1179 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
  2298. 1180 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
  2299. 1181 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
  2300. 1182 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2301. 1183 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry jade.js
  2302. 1184 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry runtime.js
  2303. 1185 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry jade.min.js
  2304. 1186 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/compiler.js
  2305. 1187 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/filters.js
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  2307. 1189 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/jade.js
  2308. 1190 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/doctypes.js
  2309. 1191 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/self-closing.js
  2310. 1192 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/parser.js
  2311. 1193 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/runtime.js
  2312. 1194 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/utils.js
  2313. 1195 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/lexer.js
  2314. 1196 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/attrs.js
  2315. 1197 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/code.js
  2316. 1198 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/comment.js
  2317. 1199 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/doctype.js
  2318. 1200 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/case.js
  2319. 1201 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/filter.js
  2320. 1202 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/index.js
  2321. 1203 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/literal.js
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  2324. 1206 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/block.js
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  2328. 1210 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/nodes/each.js
  2329. 1211 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  2330. 1212 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/jade
  2331. 1213 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.jade
  2332. 1214 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry testing/index.js
  2333. 1215 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry testing/user.js
  2334. 1216 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry testing/head.jade
  2335. 1217 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry testing/index.jade
  2336. 1218 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry testing/layout.jade
  2337. 1219 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry testing/user.jade
  2338. 1220 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.rej
  2339. 1221 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
  2340. 1222 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commander.js
  2341. 1223 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test.js
  2342. 1224 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/index.html
  2343. 1225 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README.markdown
  2344. 1226 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js
  2345. 1227 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/app.js
  2346. 1228 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/wildcards.js
  2347. 1229 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/worker.js
  2348. 1230 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/support/jquery.js
  2349. 1231 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.orig
  2350. 1232 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.rej
  2351. 1233 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/browser.html
  2352. 1234 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/debug.js
  2353. 1235 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/chmod.js
  2354. 1236 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm.js
  2355. 1237 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm_sync.js
  2356. 1238 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl/package.json
  2357. 1239 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/race.js
  2358. 1240 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/mkdirp.js
  2359. 1241 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/selector.js
  2360. 1242 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/color.js
  2361. 1243 silly lockFile 64c5390d-modules-mocha-node-modules-growl /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl
  2362. 1244 silly lockFile 64c5390d-modules-mocha-node-modules-growl /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl
  2363. 1245 silly lockFile 4059bec1-than-npm-growl-1-7-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/growl/1.7.0/package.tgz
  2364. 1246 silly lockFile 4059bec1-than-npm-growl-1-7-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/growl/1.7.0/package.tgz
  2365. 1247 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/return.js
  2366. 1248 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/return_sync.js
  2367. 1249 info preinstall growl@1.7.0
  2368. 1250 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl/package.json
  2369. 1251 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2370. 1252 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl/package.json
  2371. 1253 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2372. 1254 silly resolved []
  2373. 1255 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl
  2374. 1256 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl
  2375. 1257 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/growl/package.json
  2376. 1258 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  2377. 1258 verbose linkStuff false,
  2378. 1258 verbose linkStuff false,
  2379. 1258 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules' ]
  2380. 1259 info linkStuff growl@1.7.0
  2381. 1260 verbose linkBins growl@1.7.0
  2382. 1261 verbose linkMans growl@1.7.0
  2383. 1262 verbose rebuildBundles growl@1.7.0
  2384. 1263 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/unicode-descriptor.js
  2385. 1264 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/call.js
  2386. 1265 info install growl@1.7.0
  2387. 1266 info postinstall growl@1.7.0
  2388. 1267 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/root.js
  2389. 1268 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/sync.js
  2390. 1269 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/utils.js
  2391. 1270 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/run-tests.js
  2392. 1271 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/arrays.js
  2393. 1272 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/debugger.js
  2394. 1273 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/drop-unused.js
  2395. 1274 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/issue-105.js
  2396. 1275 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/issue-12.js
  2397. 1276 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/dead-code.js
  2398. 1277 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/issue-44.js
  2399. 1278 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/issue-59.js
  2400. 1279 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/labels.js
  2401. 1280 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/loops.js
  2402. 1281 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/properties.js
  2403. 1282 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/conditionals.js
  2404. 1283 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/sequences.js
  2405. 1284 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/blocks.js
  2406. 1285 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/switch.js
  2407. 1286 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/compress/issue-22.js
  2408. 1287 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tools/node.js
  2409. 1288 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/url.js
  2410. 1289 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/assignment.js
  2411. 1290 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask.js
  2412. 1291 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/clobber.js
  2413. 1292 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask_sync.js
  2414. 1293 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/rel.js
  2415. 1294 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/value.js
  2416. 1295 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/anonymous.js
  2417. 1296 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/variable.js
  2418. 1297 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/less/tree/keyword.js
  2419. 1298 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug/package.json
  2420. 1299 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser-test-prepare.js
  2421. 1300 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less-test.js
  2422. 1301 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander/package.json
  2423. 1302 silly lockFile 916e19c5-modules-mocha-node-modules-debug /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug
  2424. 1303 silly lockFile 916e19c5-modules-mocha-node-modules-debug /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug
  2425. 1304 silly lockFile e3183af2-than-npm-debug-0-7-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/debug/0.7.2/package.tgz
  2426. 1305 silly lockFile e3183af2-than-npm-debug-0-7-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/debug/0.7.2/package.tgz
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  2429. 1308 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/common.js
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  2431. 1310 info preinstall debug@0.7.2
  2432. 1311 silly lockFile 235417be--npm-commander-0-6-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/0.6.1/package.tgz
  2433. 1312 silly lockFile 235417be--npm-commander-0-6-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/0.6.1/package.tgz
  2434. 1313 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug/package.json
  2435. 1314 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2436. 1315 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug/package.json
  2437. 1316 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2438. 1317 silly resolved []
  2439. 1318 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug
  2440. 1319 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug
  2441. 1320 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug/package.json
  2442. 1321 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  2443. 1321 verbose linkStuff false,
  2444. 1321 verbose linkStuff false,
  2445. 1321 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules' ]
  2446. 1322 info linkStuff debug@0.7.2
  2447. 1323 verbose linkBins debug@0.7.2
  2448. 1324 verbose linkMans debug@0.7.2
  2449. 1325 verbose rebuildBundles debug@0.7.2
  2450. 1326 info install debug@0.7.2
  2451. 1327 info preinstall commander@0.6.1
  2452. 1328 info postinstall debug@0.7.2
  2453. 1329 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander/package.json
  2454. 1330 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2455. 1331 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander/package.json
  2456. 1332 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2457. 1333 silly resolved []
  2458. 1334 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander
  2459. 1335 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander
  2460. 1336 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/commander/package.json
  2461. 1337 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  2462. 1337 verbose linkStuff false,
  2463. 1337 verbose linkStuff false,
  2464. 1337 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules' ]
  2465. 1338 info linkStuff commander@0.6.1
  2466. 1339 verbose linkBins commander@0.6.1
  2467. 1340 verbose linkMans commander@0.6.1
  2468. 1341 verbose rebuildBundles commander@0.6.1
  2469. 1342 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/runner-rootpath.js
  2470. 1343 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/jasmine.js
  2471. 1344 info install commander@0.6.1
  2472. 1345 info postinstall commander@0.6.1
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  2474. 1347 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/runner-relative-urls.js
  2475. 1348 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/runner-browser.js
  2476. 1349 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff/package.json
  2477. 1350 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/runner-main.js
  2478. 1351 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/phantom-runner.js
  2479. 1352 silly lockFile d1c0ade3--modules-mocha-node-modules-diff /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff
  2480. 1353 silly lockFile d1c0ade3--modules-mocha-node-modules-diff /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff
  2481. 1354 silly lockFile d89cb654-athan-npm-diff-1-0-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/diff/1.0.2/package.tgz
  2482. 1355 silly lockFile d89cb654-athan-npm-diff-1-0-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/diff/1.0.2/package.tgz
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  2484. 1357 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/css/rootpath/urls.css
  2485. 1358 info preinstall diff@1.0.2
  2486. 1359 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff/package.json
  2487. 1360 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2488. 1361 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff/package.json
  2489. 1362 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2490. 1363 silly resolved []
  2491. 1364 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff
  2492. 1365 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff
  2493. 1366 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff/package.json
  2494. 1367 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  2495. 1367 verbose linkStuff false,
  2496. 1367 verbose linkStuff false,
  2497. 1367 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules' ]
  2498. 1368 info linkStuff diff@1.0.2
  2499. 1369 verbose linkBins diff@1.0.2
  2500. 1370 verbose linkMans diff@1.0.2
  2501. 1371 verbose rebuildBundles diff@1.0.2
  2502. 1372 info install diff@1.0.2
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  2504. 1374 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/css/urls.css
  2505. 1375 info postinstall diff@1.0.2
  2506. 1376 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  2507. 1377 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/less/imports/urls.less
  2508. 1378 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/less/imports/urls2.less
  2509. 1379 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/less/relative-urls/urls.less
  2510. 1380 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/less/rootpath/urls.less
  2511. 1381 silly lockFile fec2c766-odules-mocha-node-modules-mkdirp /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp
  2512. 1382 silly lockFile fec2c766-odules-mocha-node-modules-mkdirp /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp
  2513. 1383 silly lockFile 384a70fb-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-3-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package.tgz
  2514. 1384 silly lockFile 384a70fb-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-3-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package.tgz
  2515. 1385 info preinstall mkdirp@0.3.3
  2516. 1386 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  2517. 1387 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/less/rootpath-relative/urls.less
  2518. 1388 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/less/urls.less
  2519. 1389 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2520. 1390 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  2521. 1391 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2522. 1392 silly resolved []
  2523. 1393 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp
  2524. 1394 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp
  2525. 1395 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  2526. 1396 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  2527. 1396 verbose linkStuff false,
  2528. 1396 verbose linkStuff false,
  2529. 1396 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules' ]
  2530. 1397 info linkStuff mkdirp@0.3.3
  2531. 1398 verbose linkBins mkdirp@0.3.3
  2532. 1399 verbose linkMans mkdirp@0.3.3
  2533. 1400 verbose rebuildBundles mkdirp@0.3.3
  2534. 1401 info install mkdirp@0.3.3
  2535. 1402 info postinstall mkdirp@0.3.3
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  2537. 1404 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser/template.htm
  2538. 1405 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins-guards.css
  2539. 1406 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/charsets.css
  2540. 1407 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/comments.css
  2541. 1408 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/css-3.css
  2542. 1409 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/css-escapes.css
  2543. 1410 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/css.css
  2544. 1411 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/debug/linenumbers-all.css
  2545. 1412 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/debug/linenumbers-comments.css
  2546. 1413 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/debug/linenumbers-mediaquery.css
  2547. 1414 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/functions.css
  2548. 1415 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/ie-filters.css
  2549. 1416 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/import-once.css
  2550. 1417 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/import.css
  2551. 1418 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/javascript.css
  2552. 1419 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/lazy-eval.css
  2553. 1420 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/media.css
  2554. 1421 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/package.json
  2555. 1422 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins-args.css
  2556. 1423 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins-closure.css
  2557. 1424 silly lockFile 7c9e3df6-s-brunch-node-modules-handlebars /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars
  2558. 1425 silly lockFile 7c9e3df6-s-brunch-node-modules-handlebars /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars
  2559. 1426 silly lockFile a72ac583-pm-handlebars-1-0-10-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars/1.0.10/package.tgz
  2560. 1427 silly lockFile a72ac583-pm-handlebars-1-0-10-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/handlebars/1.0.10/package.tgz
  2561. 1428 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/colors.css
  2562. 1429 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins-important.css
  2563. 1430 info preinstall handlebars@1.0.10
  2564. 1431 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/package.json
  2565. 1432 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2566. 1433 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/package.json
  2567. 1434 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2568. 1435 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins-named-args.css
  2569. 1436 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins-nested.css
  2570. 1437 verbose cache add [ 'optimist@~0.3', null ]
  2571. 1438 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="optimist@~0.3" args=["optimist@~0.3",null]
  2572. 1439 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2573. 1439 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2574. 1439 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2575. 1439 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2576. 1439 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2577. 1439 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2578. 1439 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2579. 1439 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2580. 1439 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2581. 1439 verbose parsed url pathname: 'optimist@~0.3',
  2582. 1439 verbose parsed url path: 'optimist@~0.3',
  2583. 1439 verbose parsed url href: 'optimist@~0.3' }
  2584. 1440 verbose cache add name="optimist" spec="~0.3" args=["optimist","~0.3"]
  2585. 1441 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2586. 1441 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2587. 1441 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2588. 1441 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2589. 1441 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2590. 1441 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2591. 1441 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2592. 1441 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2593. 1441 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2594. 1441 verbose parsed url pathname: '~0.3',
  2595. 1441 verbose parsed url path: '~0.3',
  2596. 1441 verbose parsed url href: '~0.3' }
  2597. 1442 verbose addNamed [ 'optimist', '~0.3' ]
  2598. 1443 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=0.3.0- <0.4.0-' ]
  2599. 1444 silly lockFile c01d0ea5-optimist-0-3 optimist@~0.3
  2600. 1445 verbose lock optimist@~0.3 /home/jonathan/.npm/c01d0ea5-optimist-0-3.lock
  2601. 1446 verbose cache add [ 'uglify-js@~1.2', null ]
  2602. 1447 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="uglify-js@~1.2" args=["uglify-js@~1.2",null]
  2603. 1448 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2604. 1448 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2605. 1448 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2606. 1448 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2607. 1448 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2608. 1448 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2609. 1448 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2610. 1448 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2611. 1448 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2612. 1448 verbose parsed url pathname: 'uglify-js@~1.2',
  2613. 1448 verbose parsed url path: 'uglify-js@~1.2',
  2614. 1448 verbose parsed url href: 'uglify-js@~1.2' }
  2615. 1449 verbose cache add name="uglify-js" spec="~1.2" args=["uglify-js","~1.2"]
  2616. 1450 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2617. 1450 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2618. 1450 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2619. 1450 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2620. 1450 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2621. 1450 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2622. 1450 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2623. 1450 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2624. 1450 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2625. 1450 verbose parsed url pathname: '~1.2',
  2626. 1450 verbose parsed url path: '~1.2',
  2627. 1450 verbose parsed url href: '~1.2' }
  2628. 1451 verbose addNamed [ 'uglify-js', '~1.2' ]
  2629. 1452 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.2.0- <1.3.0-' ]
  2630. 1453 silly lockFile 44a8c921-uglify-js-1-2 uglify-js@~1.2
  2631. 1454 verbose lock uglify-js@~1.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/44a8c921-uglify-js-1-2.lock
  2632. 1455 silly addNameRange { name: 'optimist', range: '>=0.3.0- <0.4.0-', hasData: false }
  2633. 1456 silly addNameRange { name: 'uglify-js', range: '>=1.2.0- <1.3.0-', hasData: false }
  2634. 1457 verbose url raw optimist
  2635. 1458 verbose url resolving [ '', './optimist' ]
  2636. 1459 verbose url resolved
  2637. 1460 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:22
  2638. 1461 verbose etag "2FMFBLVFH7W7QEOWKAFO6VLGW"
  2639. 1462 http GET
  2640. 1463 verbose registry.get uglify-js not expired, no request
  2641. 1464 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'uglify-js', range: '>=1.2.0- <1.3.0-', hasData: true }
  2642. 1465 silly addNameRange versions [ 'uglify-js',
  2643. 1465 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
  2644. 1465 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
  2645. 1465 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
  2646. 1465 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
  2647. 1465 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
  2648. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
  2649. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
  2650. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
  2651. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.0.4',
  2652. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
  2653. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.0.6',
  2654. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.0.7',
  2655. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  2656. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
  2657. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
  2658. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
  2659. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.2.2',
  2660. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.2.3',
  2661. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.2.4',
  2662. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.2.5',
  2663. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.2.6',
  2664. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
  2665. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
  2666. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.3.2',
  2667. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.3.3',
  2668. 1465 silly addNameRange '1.3.4',
  2669. 1465 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
  2670. 1465 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
  2671. 1465 silly addNameRange '2.2.2',
  2672. 1465 silly addNameRange '2.2.3',
  2673. 1465 silly addNameRange '2.2.4',
  2674. 1465 silly addNameRange '2.2.5' ] ]
  2675. 1466 verbose addNamed [ 'uglify-js', '1.2.6' ]
  2676. 1467 verbose addNamed [ '1.2.6', '1.2.6' ]
  2677. 1468 silly lockFile a9fc4ad0-uglify-js-1-2-6 uglify-js@1.2.6
  2678. 1469 verbose lock uglify-js@1.2.6 /home/jonathan/.npm/a9fc4ad0-uglify-js-1-2-6.lock
  2679. 1470 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/1.2.6/package/package.json
  2680. 1471 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins-pattern.css
  2681. 1472 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/mixins.css
  2682. 1473 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/operations.css
  2683. 1474 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/parens.css
  2684. 1475 silly lockFile a9fc4ad0-uglify-js-1-2-6 uglify-js@1.2.6
  2685. 1476 silly lockFile a9fc4ad0-uglify-js-1-2-6 uglify-js@1.2.6
  2686. 1477 silly lockFile 44a8c921-uglify-js-1-2 uglify-js@~1.2
  2687. 1478 silly lockFile 44a8c921-uglify-js-1-2 uglify-js@~1.2
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  2689. 1480 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/scope.css
  2690. 1481 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/selectors.css
  2691. 1482 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/static-urls/urls.css
  2692. 1483 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/strings.css
  2693. 1484 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/urls.css
  2694. 1485 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/variables.css
  2695. 1486 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/css/whitespace.css
  2696. 1487 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins-closure.less
  2697. 1488 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/charsets.less
  2698. 1489 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms/package.json
  2699. 1490 silly lockFile b3ade189-de-modules-mocha-node-modules-ms /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms
  2700. 1491 silly lockFile b3ade189-de-modules-mocha-node-modules-ms /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms
  2701. 1492 silly lockFile abf9ab88-onathan-npm-ms-0-3-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/ms/0.3.0/package.tgz
  2702. 1493 silly lockFile abf9ab88-onathan-npm-ms-0-3-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/ms/0.3.0/package.tgz
  2703. 1494 info preinstall ms@0.3.0
  2704. 1495 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms/package.json
  2705. 1496 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2706. 1497 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms/package.json
  2707. 1498 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2708. 1499 silly resolved []
  2709. 1500 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms
  2710. 1501 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms
  2711. 1502 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms/package.json
  2712. 1503 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  2713. 1503 verbose linkStuff false,
  2714. 1503 verbose linkStuff false,
  2715. 1503 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules' ]
  2716. 1504 info linkStuff ms@0.3.0
  2717. 1505 verbose linkBins ms@0.3.0
  2718. 1506 verbose linkMans ms@0.3.0
  2719. 1507 verbose rebuildBundles ms@0.3.0
  2720. 1508 info install ms@0.3.0
  2721. 1509 info postinstall ms@0.3.0
  2722. 1510 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/package.json
  2723. 1511 silly lockFile bd098dac-js-brunch-node-modules-uglify-js /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js
  2724. 1512 silly lockFile bd098dac-js-brunch-node-modules-uglify-js /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js
  2725. 1513 silly lockFile e9d16939--npm-uglify-js-2-2-5-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/2.2.5/package.tgz
  2726. 1514 silly lockFile e9d16939--npm-uglify-js-2-2-5-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/2.2.5/package.tgz
  2727. 1515 info preinstall uglify-js@2.2.5
  2728. 1516 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/package.json
  2729. 1517 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2730. 1518 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/package.json
  2731. 1519 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2732. 1520 verbose cache add [ 'source-map@~0.1.7', null ]
  2733. 1521 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="source-map@~0.1.7" args=["source-map@~0.1.7",null]
  2734. 1522 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2735. 1522 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2736. 1522 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2737. 1522 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2738. 1522 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2739. 1522 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2740. 1522 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2741. 1522 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2742. 1522 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2743. 1522 verbose parsed url pathname: 'source-map@~0.1.7',
  2744. 1522 verbose parsed url path: 'source-map@~0.1.7',
  2745. 1522 verbose parsed url href: 'source-map@~0.1.7' }
  2746. 1523 verbose cache add name="source-map" spec="~0.1.7" args=["source-map","~0.1.7"]
  2747. 1524 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2748. 1524 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2749. 1524 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2750. 1524 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2751. 1524 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2752. 1524 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2753. 1524 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2754. 1524 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2755. 1524 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2756. 1524 verbose parsed url pathname: '~0.1.7',
  2757. 1524 verbose parsed url path: '~0.1.7',
  2758. 1524 verbose parsed url href: '~0.1.7' }
  2759. 1525 verbose addNamed [ 'source-map', '~0.1.7' ]
  2760. 1526 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=0.1.7- <0.2.0-' ]
  2761. 1527 silly lockFile 19b4245f-source-map-0-1-7 source-map@~0.1.7
  2762. 1528 verbose lock source-map@~0.1.7 /home/jonathan/.npm/19b4245f-source-map-0-1-7.lock
  2763. 1529 silly addNameRange { name: 'source-map', range: '>=0.1.7- <0.2.0-', hasData: false }
  2764. 1530 verbose cache add [ 'optimist@~0.3.5', null ]
  2765. 1531 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="optimist@~0.3.5" args=["optimist@~0.3.5",null]
  2766. 1532 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2767. 1532 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2768. 1532 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2769. 1532 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2770. 1532 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2771. 1532 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2772. 1532 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2773. 1532 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2774. 1532 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2775. 1532 verbose parsed url pathname: 'optimist@~0.3.5',
  2776. 1532 verbose parsed url path: 'optimist@~0.3.5',
  2777. 1532 verbose parsed url href: 'optimist@~0.3.5' }
  2778. 1533 verbose cache add name="optimist" spec="~0.3.5" args=["optimist","~0.3.5"]
  2779. 1534 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2780. 1534 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2781. 1534 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2782. 1534 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2783. 1534 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2784. 1534 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2785. 1534 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2786. 1534 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2787. 1534 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2788. 1534 verbose parsed url pathname: '~0.3.5',
  2789. 1534 verbose parsed url path: '~0.3.5',
  2790. 1534 verbose parsed url href: '~0.3.5' }
  2791. 1535 verbose addNamed [ 'optimist', '~0.3.5' ]
  2792. 1536 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=0.3.5- <0.4.0-' ]
  2793. 1537 silly lockFile a1f99b53-optimist-0-3-5 optimist@~0.3.5
  2794. 1538 verbose lock optimist@~0.3.5 /home/jonathan/.npm/a1f99b53-optimist-0-3-5.lock
  2795. 1539 silly addNameRange { name: 'optimist', range: '>=0.3.5- <0.4.0-', hasData: false }
  2796. 1540 verbose url raw source-map
  2797. 1541 verbose url resolving [ '', './source-map' ]
  2798. 1542 verbose url resolved
  2799. 1543 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:23
  2800. 1544 verbose etag "8KECYCFVVL005OQYSXR3EC20H"
  2801. 1545 http GET
  2802. 1546 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/comments.less
  2803. 1547 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/css-3.less
  2804. 1548 verbose url raw optimist
  2805. 1549 verbose url resolving [ '', './optimist' ]
  2806. 1550 verbose url resolved
  2807. 1551 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:23
  2808. 1552 verbose etag "2FMFBLVFH7W7QEOWKAFO6VLGW"
  2809. 1553 http GET
  2810. 1554 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/css-escapes.less
  2811. 1555 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/css.less
  2812. 1556 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/debug/import/test.less
  2813. 1557 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/debug/linenumbers.less
  2814. 1558 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixed-mixin-definition-args-2.less
  2815. 1559 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/bad-variable-declaration1.less
  2816. 1560 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/comment-in-selector.less
  2817. 1561 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/comment-in-selector.txt
  2818. 1562 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-missing.less
  2819. 1563 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-missing.txt
  2820. 1564 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-no-semi.less
  2821. 1565 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-no-semi.txt
  2822. 1566 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-subfolder1.less
  2823. 1567 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-subfolder1.txt
  2824. 1568 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/package.json
  2825. 1569 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-subfolder2.less
  2826. 1570 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/import-subfolder2.txt
  2827. 1571 silly lockFile b8da4f9b--modules-mocha-node-modules-jade /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade
  2828. 1572 silly lockFile b8da4f9b--modules-mocha-node-modules-jade /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade
  2829. 1573 silly lockFile d0197518-than-npm-jade-0-26-3-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/jade/0.26.3/package.tgz
  2830. 1574 silly lockFile d0197518-than-npm-jade-0-26-3-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/jade/0.26.3/package.tgz
  2831. 1575 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/imports/import-subfolder1.less
  2832. 1576 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/imports/import-subfolder2.less
  2833. 1577 info preinstall jade@0.26.3
  2834. 1578 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/package.json
  2835. 1579 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2836. 1580 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/package.json
  2837. 1581 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  2838. 1582 verbose cache add [ 'mkdirp@0.3.0', null ]
  2839. 1583 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="mkdirp@0.3.0" args=["mkdirp@0.3.0",null]
  2840. 1584 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2841. 1584 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2842. 1584 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2843. 1584 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2844. 1584 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2845. 1584 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2846. 1584 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2847. 1584 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2848. 1584 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2849. 1584 verbose parsed url pathname: 'mkdirp@0.3.0',
  2850. 1584 verbose parsed url path: 'mkdirp@0.3.0',
  2851. 1584 verbose parsed url href: 'mkdirp@0.3.0' }
  2852. 1585 verbose cache add name="mkdirp" spec="0.3.0" args=["mkdirp","0.3.0"]
  2853. 1586 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  2854. 1586 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  2855. 1586 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  2856. 1586 verbose parsed url host: null,
  2857. 1586 verbose parsed url port: null,
  2858. 1586 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  2859. 1586 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  2860. 1586 verbose parsed url search: null,
  2861. 1586 verbose parsed url query: null,
  2862. 1586 verbose parsed url pathname: '0.3.0',
  2863. 1586 verbose parsed url path: '0.3.0',
  2864. 1586 verbose parsed url href: '0.3.0' }
  2865. 1587 verbose addNamed [ 'mkdirp', '0.3.0' ]
  2866. 1588 verbose addNamed [ '0.3.0', '0.3.0' ]
  2867. 1589 silly lockFile 9a6651f3-mkdirp-0-3-0 mkdirp@0.3.0
  2868. 1590 verbose lock mkdirp@0.3.0 /home/jonathan/.npm/9a6651f3-mkdirp-0-3-0.lock
  2869. 1591 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/imports/import-test.less
  2870. 1592 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/imports/subfolder/mixin-not-defined.less
  2871. 1593 verbose url raw mkdirp/0.3.0
  2872. 1594 verbose url resolving [ '', './mkdirp/0.3.0' ]
  2873. 1595 verbose url resolved
  2874. 1596 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:23
  2875. 1597 verbose etag "6PV7OT2J70BO48D4WZ7QYBJ06"
  2876. 1598 http GET
  2877. 1599 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/imports/subfolder/parse-error-curly-bracket.less
  2878. 1600 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/javascript-error.less
  2879. 1601 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/javascript-error.txt
  2880. 1602 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixed-mixin-definition-args-1.less
  2881. 1603 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixed-mixin-definition-args-1.txt
  2882. 1604 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/bad-variable-declaration1.txt
  2883. 1605 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixed-mixin-definition-args-2.txt
  2884. 1606 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixin-not-defined.less
  2885. 1607 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixin-not-defined.txt
  2886. 1608 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixin-not-matched.less
  2887. 1609 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixin-not-matched.txt
  2888. 1610 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixin-not-matched2.less
  2889. 1611 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/mixin-not-matched2.txt
  2890. 1612 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/parse-error-curly-bracket.less
  2891. 1613 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/parse-error-curly-bracket.txt
  2892. 1614 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/parse-error-missing-bracket.less
  2893. 1615 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/parse-error-missing-bracket.txt
  2894. 1616 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/parse-error-with-import.less
  2895. 1617 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/parse-error-with-import.txt
  2896. 1618 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/property-ie5-hack.less
  2897. 1619 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/property-ie5-hack.txt
  2898. 1620 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/recursive-variable.less
  2899. 1621 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/errors/recursive-variable.txt
  2900. 1622 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/functions.less
  2901. 1623 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/ie-filters.less
  2902. 1624 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-test-b.less
  2903. 1625 http 304
  2904. 1626 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  2905. 1626 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  2906. 1626 silly registry.get etag: '"2FMFBLVFH7W7QEOWKAFO6VLGW"',
  2907. 1626 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:25 GMT',
  2908. 1626 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  2909. 1627 verbose etag optimist from cache
  2910. 1628 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/deeper/import-once-test-a.less
  2911. 1629 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-charset-test.less
  2912. 1630 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'optimist', range: '>=0.3.0- <0.4.0-', hasData: true }
  2913. 1631 silly addNameRange versions [ 'optimist',
  2914. 1631 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
  2915. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
  2916. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
  2917. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
  2918. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
  2919. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
  2920. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
  2921. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
  2922. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
  2923. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
  2924. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
  2925. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.5',
  2926. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.6',
  2927. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.7',
  2928. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.8',
  2929. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.1.9',
  2930. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
  2931. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
  2932. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
  2933. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
  2934. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.3',
  2935. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.4',
  2936. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.5',
  2937. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.6',
  2938. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.7',
  2939. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.2.8',
  2940. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
  2941. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
  2942. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.3.3',
  2943. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.3.4',
  2944. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.3.5',
  2945. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.3.6',
  2946. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.3.7',
  2947. 1631 silly addNameRange '0.4.0' ] ]
  2948. 1632 verbose addNamed [ 'optimist', '0.3.7' ]
  2949. 1633 verbose addNamed [ '0.3.7', '0.3.7' ]
  2950. 1634 silly lockFile 090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7 optimist@0.3.7
  2951. 1635 verbose lock optimist@0.3.7 /home/jonathan/.npm/090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7.lock
  2952. 1636 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package/package.json
  2953. 1637 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-once-test-c.less
  2954. 1638 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-test-a.less
  2955. 1639 silly lockFile 090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7 optimist@0.3.7
  2956. 1640 silly lockFile 090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7 optimist@0.3.7
  2957. 1641 silly lockFile c01d0ea5-optimist-0-3 optimist@~0.3
  2958. 1642 silly lockFile c01d0ea5-optimist-0-3 optimist@~0.3
  2959. 1643 silly resolved [ { name: 'uglify-js',
  2960. 1643 silly resolved description: 'JavaScript parser and compressor/beautifier toolkit',
  2961. 1643 silly resolved author:
  2962. 1643 silly resolved { name: 'Mihai Bazon',
  2963. 1643 silly resolved email: '',
  2964. 1643 silly resolved url: '' },
  2965. 1643 silly resolved version: '1.2.6',
  2966. 1643 silly resolved main: './uglify-js.js',
  2967. 1643 silly resolved bin: { uglifyjs: './bin/uglifyjs' },
  2968. 1643 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
  2969. 1643 silly resolved readme: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"\n "">\n<html xmlns=""\nlang="en" xml:lang="en">\n<head>\n<title>UglifyJS &ndash; a JavaScript parser/compressor/beautifier</title>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>\n<meta name="generator" content="Org-mode"/>\n<meta name="generated" content="2011-12-09 14:59:08 EET"/>\n<meta name="author" content="Mihai Bazon"/>\n<meta name="description" content="a JavaScript parser/compressor/beautifier in JavaScript"/>\n<meta name="keywords" content="javascript, js, parser, compiler, compressor, mangle, minify, minifier"/>\n<style type="text/css">\n <!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/\n html { font-family: Times, serif; font-size: 12pt; }\n .title { text-align: center; }\n .todo { color: red; }\n .done { color: green; }\n .tag { background-color: #add8e6; font-weight:normal }\n .target { }\n .timestamp { color: #bebebe; }\n .timestamp-kwd { color: #5f9ea0; }\n .right {margin-left:auto; margin-right:0px; text-align:right;}\n .left {margin-left:0px; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;}\n .center {margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;}\n p.verse { margin-left: 3% }\n pre {\n\tborder: 1pt solid #AEBDCC;\n\tbackground-color: #F3F5F7;\n\tpadding: 5pt;\n\tfont-family: courier, monospace;\n font-size: 90%;\n overflow:auto;\n }\n table { border-collapse: collapse; }\n td, th { vertical-align: top; }\n th.right { text-align:center; }\n th.left { text-align:center; }\n { text-align:center; }\n td.right { text-align:right; }\n td.left { text-align:left; }\n { text-align:center; }\n dt { font-weight: bold; }\n div.figure { padding: 0.5em; }\n div.figure p { text-align: center; }\n div.inlinetask {\n padding:10px;\n border:2px solid gray;\n margin:10px;\n background: #ffffcc;\n }\n textarea { overflow-x: auto; }\n .linenr { font-size:smaller }\n .code-highlighted {background-color:#ffff00;}\n .org-info-js_info-navigation { border-style:none; }\n #org-info-js_console-label { font-size:10px; font-weight:bold;\n white-space:nowrap; }\n .org-info-js_search-highlight {background-color:#ffff00; color:#000000;\n font-weight:bold; }\n /*]]>*/-->\n</style>\n<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docstyle.css" />\n<script type="text/javascript">\n<!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/\n function CodeHighlightOn(elem, id)\n {\n var target = document.getElementById(id);\n if(null != target) {\n elem.cacheClassElem = elem.className;\n elem.cacheClassTarget = target.className;\n target.className = "code-highlighted";\n elem.className = "code-highlighted";\n }\n }\n function CodeHighlightOff(elem, id)\n {\n var target = document.getElementById(id);\n if(elem.cacheClassElem)\n elem.className = elem.cacheClassElem;\n if(elem.cacheClassTarget)\n target.className = elem.cacheClassTarget;\n }\n/*]]>*///-->\n</script>\n\n</head>\n<body>\n\n<div id="preamble">\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="content">\n<h1 class="title">UglifyJS &ndash; a JavaScript parser/compressor/beautifier</h1>\n\n\n<div id="table-of-contents">\n<h2>Table of Contents</h2>\n<div id="text-table-of-contents">\n<ul>\n<li><a href="#sec-1">1 UglifyJS &mdash; a JavaScript parser/compressor/beautifier </a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-1">1.1 Unsafe transformations </a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-1-1">1.1.1 Calls involving the global Array constructor </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-1-2">1.1.2 <code>obj.toString()</code> ==&gt; <code>obj+“”</code> </a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-2">1.2 Install (NPM) </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-3">1.3 Install latest code from GitHub </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-4">1.4 Usage </a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-4-1">1.4.1 API </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-4-2">1.4.2 Beautifier shortcoming &ndash; no more comments </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-4-3">1.4.3 Use as a code pre-processor </a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-5">1.5 Compression &ndash; how good is it? </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-6">1.6 Bugs? </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-7">1.7 Links </a></li>\n<li><a href="#sec-1-8">1.8 License </a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1" class="outline-2">\n<h2 id="sec-1"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> UglifyJS &mdash; a JavaScript parser/compressor/beautifier </h2>\n<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">\n\n\n<p>\nThis package implements a general-purpose JavaScript\nparser/compressor/beautifier toolkit. It is developed on <a href="">NodeJS</a>, but it\nshould work on any JavaScript platform supporting the CommonJS module system\n(and if your platform of choice doesn\'t support CommonJS, you can easily\nimplement it, or discard the <code>exports.*</code> lines from UglifyJS sources).\n</p>\n<p>\nThe tokenizer/parser generates an abstract syntax tree from JS code. You\ncan then traverse the AST to learn more about the code, or do various\nmanipulations on it. This part is implemented in <a href="../lib/parse-js.js">parse-js.js</a> and it\'s a\nport to JavaScript of the excellent <a href="">parse-js</a> Common Lisp library from <a href="">Marijn Haverbeke</a>.\n</p>\n<p>\n( See <a href="">cl-uglify-js</a> if you\'re looking for the Common Lisp version of\nUglifyJS. )\n</p>\n<p>\nThe second part of this package, implemented in <a href="../lib/process.js">process.js</a>, inspects and\nmanipulates the AST generated by the parser to provide the following:\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li>ability to re-generate JavaScript code from the AST. Optionally\n indented&mdash;you can use this if you want to “beautify” a program that has\n been compressed, so that you can inspect the source. But you can also run\n our code generator to print out an AST without any whitespace, so you\n achieve compression as well.\n\n</li>\n<li>shorten variable names (usually to single characters). Our mangler will\n analyze the code and generate proper variable names, depending on scope\n and usage, and is smart enough to deal with globals defined elsewhere, or\n with <code>eval()</code> calls or <code>with{}</code> statements. In short, if <code>eval()</code> or\n <code>with{}</code> are used in some scope, then all variables in that scope and any\n variables in the parent scopes will remain unmangled, and any references\n to such variables remain unmangled as well.\n\n</li>\n<li>various small optimizations that may lead to faster code but certainly\n lead to smaller code. Where possible, we do the following:\n\n<ul>\n<li>foo["bar"] ==&gt;\n\n</li>\n<li>remove block brackets <code>{}</code>\n\n</li>\n<li>join consecutive var declarations:\n var a = 10; var b = 20; ==&gt; var a=10,b=20;\n\n</li>\n<li>resolve simple constant expressions: 1 +2 * 3 ==&gt; 7. We only do the\n replacement if the result occupies less bytes; for example 1/3 would\n translate to 0.333333333333, so in this case we don\'t replace it.\n\n</li>\n<li>consecutive statements in blocks are merged into a sequence; in many\n cases, this leaves blocks with a single statement, so then we can remove\n the block brackets.\n\n</li>\n<li>various optimizations for IF statements:\n\n<ul>\n<li>if (foo) bar(); else baz(); ==&gt; foo?bar():baz();\n</li>\n<li>if (!foo) bar(); else baz(); ==&gt; foo?baz():bar();\n</li>\n<li>if (foo) bar(); ==&gt; foo&amp;&amp;bar();\n</li>\n<li>if (!foo) bar(); ==&gt; foo||bar();\n</li>\n<li>if (foo) return bar(); else return baz(); ==&gt; return foo?bar():baz();\n</li>\n<li>if (foo) return bar(); else something(); ==&gt; {if(foo)return bar();something()}\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n<li>remove some unreachable code and warn about it (code that follows a\n <code>return</code>, <code>throw</code>, <code>break</code> or <code>continue</code> statement, except\n function/variable declarations).\n\n</li>\n<li>act a limited version of a pre-processor (c.f. the pre-processor of\n C/C++) to allow you to safely replace selected global symbols with\n specified values. When combined with the optimisations above this can\n make UglifyJS operate slightly more like a compilation process, in\n that when certain symbols are replaced by constant values, entire code\n blocks may be optimised away as unreachable.\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-1" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-1"><span class="section-number-3">1.1</span> <span class="target">Unsafe transformations</span> </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-1">\n\n\n<p>\nThe following transformations can in theory break code, although they\'re\nprobably safe in most practical cases. To enable them you need to pass the\n<code>--unsafe</code> flag.\n</p>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-1-1" class="outline-4">\n<h4 id="sec-1-1-1"><span class="section-number-4">1.1.1</span> Calls involving the global Array constructor </h4>\n<div class="outline-text-4" id="text-1-1-1">\n\n\n<p>\nThe following transformations occur:\n</p>\n\n\n\n<pre class="src src-js"><span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(1, 2, 3, 4) =&gt; [1,2,3,4]\nArray(a, b, c) =&gt; [a,b,c]\n<span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(5) =&gt; Array(5)\n<span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(a) =&gt; Array(a)\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>\nThese are all safe if the Array name isn\'t redefined. JavaScript does allow\none to globally redefine Array (and pretty much everything, in fact) but I\npersonally don\'t see why would anyone do that.\n</p>\n<p>\nUglifyJS does handle the case where Array is redefined locally, or even\nglobally but with a <code>function</code> or <code>var</code> declaration. Therefore, in the\nfollowing cases UglifyJS <b>doesn\'t touch</b> calls or instantiations of Array:\n</p>\n\n\n\n<pre class="src src-js"><span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">case 1. globally declared variable</span>\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">Array</span>;\n <span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(1, 2, 3);\n Array(a, b);\n\n <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">or (can be declared later)</span>\n <span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(1, 2, 3);\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">Array</span>;\n\n <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">or (can be a function)</span>\n <span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(1, 2, 3);\n <span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">Array</span>() { ... }\n\n<span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">case 2. declared in a function</span>\n (<span class="org-keyword">function</span>(){\n a = <span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(1, 2, 3);\n b = Array(5, 6);\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">Array</span>;\n })();\n\n <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">or</span>\n (<span class="org-keyword">function</span>(<span class="org-variable-name">Array</span>){\n <span class="org-keyword">return</span> Array(5, 6, 7);\n })();\n\n <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">or</span>\n (<span class="org-keyword">function</span>(){\n <span class="org-keyword">return</span> <span class="org-keyword">new</span> <span class="org-type">Array</span>(1, 2, 3, 4);\n <span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">Array</span>() { ... }\n })();\n\n <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">etc.</span>\n</pre>\n\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-1-2" class="outline-4">\n<h4 id="sec-1-1-2"><span class="section-number-4">1.1.2</span> <code>obj.toString()</code> ==&gt; <code>obj+“”</code> </h4>\n<div class="outline-text-4" id="text-1-1-2">\n\n\n</div>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-2" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-2"><span class="section-number-3">1.2</span> Install (NPM) </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-2">\n\n\n<p>\nUglifyJS is now available through NPM &mdash; <code>npm install uglify-js</code> should do\nthe job.\n</p>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-3" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-3"><span class="section-number-3">1.3</span> Install latest code from GitHub </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-3">\n\n\n\n\n\n<pre class="src src-sh"><span class="org-comment-delimiter">## </span><span class="org-comment">clone the repository</span>\nmkdir -p /where/you/wanna/put/it\n<span class="org-builtin">cd</span> /where/you/wanna/put/it\ngit clone git://\n\n<span class="org-comment-delimiter">## </span><span class="org-comment">make the module available to Node</span>\nmkdir -p ~/.node_libraries/\n<span class="org-builtin">cd</span> ~/.node_libraries/\nln -s /where/you/wanna/put/it/UglifyJS/uglify-js.js\n\n<span class="org-comment-delimiter">## </span><span class="org-comment">and if you want the CLI script too:</span>\nmkdir -p ~/bin\n<span class="org-builtin">cd</span> ~/bin\nln -s /where/you/wanna/put/it/UglifyJS/bin/uglifyjs\n <span class="org-comment-delimiter"># </span><span class="org-comment">(then add ~/bin to your $PATH if it\'s not there already)</span>\n</pre>\n\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-4" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-4"><span class="section-number-3">1.4</span> Usage </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-4">\n\n\n<p>\nThere is a command-line tool that exposes the functionality of this library\nfor your shell-scripting needs:\n</p>\n\n\n\n<pre class="src src-sh">uglifyjs [ options... ] [ filename ]\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>\n<code>filename</code> should be the last argument and should name the file from which\nto read the JavaScript code. If you don\'t specify it, it will read code\nfrom STDIN.\n</p>\n<p>\nSupported options:\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code>-b</code> or <code>--beautify</code> &mdash; output indented code; when passed, additional\n options control the beautifier:\n\n<ul>\n<li><code>-i N</code> or <code>--indent N</code> &mdash; indentation level (number of spaces)\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-q</code> or <code>--quote-keys</code> &mdash; quote keys in literal objects (by default,\n only keys that cannot be identifier names will be quotes).\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--ascii</code> &mdash; pass this argument to encode non-ASCII characters as\n <code>\\uXXXX</code> sequences. By default UglifyJS won\'t bother to do it and will\n output Unicode characters instead. (the output is always encoded in UTF8,\n but if you pass this option you\'ll only get ASCII).\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-nm</code> or <code>--no-mangle</code> &mdash; don\'t mangle names.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-nmf</code> or <code>--no-mangle-functions</code> &ndash; in case you want to mangle variable\n names, but not touch function names.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-ns</code> or <code>--no-squeeze</code> &mdash; don\'t call <code>ast_squeeze()</code> (which does various\n optimizations that result in smaller, less readable code).\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-mt</code> or <code>--mangle-toplevel</code> &mdash; mangle names in the toplevel scope too\n (by default we don\'t do this).\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--no-seqs</code> &mdash; when <code>ast_squeeze()</code> is called (thus, unless you pass\n <code>--no-squeeze</code>) it will reduce consecutive statements in blocks into a\n sequence. For example, "a = 10; b = 20; foo();" will be written as\n "a=10,b=20,foo();". In various occasions, this allows us to discard the\n block brackets (since the block becomes a single statement). This is ON\n by default because it seems safe and saves a few hundred bytes on some\n libs that I tested it on, but pass <code>--no-seqs</code> to disable it.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--no-dead-code</code> &mdash; by default, UglifyJS will remove code that is\n obviously unreachable (code that follows a <code>return</code>, <code>throw</code>, <code>break</code> or\n <code>continue</code> statement and is not a function/variable declaration). Pass\n this option to disable this optimization.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-nc</code> or <code>--no-copyright</code> &mdash; by default, <code>uglifyjs</code> will keep the initial\n comment tokens in the generated code (assumed to be copyright information\n etc.). If you pass this it will discard it.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-o filename</code> or <code>--output filename</code> &mdash; put the result in <code>filename</code>. If\n this isn\'t given, the result goes to standard output (or see next one).\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--overwrite</code> &mdash; if the code is read from a file (not from STDIN) and you\n pass <code>--overwrite</code> then the output will be written in the same file.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--ast</code> &mdash; pass this if you want to get the Abstract Syntax Tree instead\n of JavaScript as output. Useful for debugging or learning more about the\n internals.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-v</code> or <code>--verbose</code> &mdash; output some notes on STDERR (for now just how long\n each operation takes).\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-d SYMBOL[=VALUE]</code> or <code>--define SYMBOL[=VALUE]</code> &mdash; will replace\n all instances of the specified symbol where used as an identifier\n (except where symbol has properly declared by a var declaration or\n use as function parameter or similar) with the specified value. This\n argument may be specified multiple times to define multiple\n symbols - if no value is specified the symbol will be replaced with\n the value <code>true</code>, or you can specify a numeric value (such as\n <code>1024</code>), a quoted string value (such as ="object"= or\n =\'\'<code>), or the name of another symbol or keyword (such as =null</code> or <code>document</code>).\n This allows you, for example, to assign meaningful names to key\n constant values but discard the symbolic names in the uglified\n version for brevity/efficiency, or when used wth care, allows\n UglifyJS to operate as a form of <b>conditional compilation</b>\n whereby defining appropriate values may, by dint of the constant\n folding and dead code removal features above, remove entire\n superfluous code blocks (e.g. completely remove instrumentation or\n trace code for production use).\n Where string values are being defined, the handling of quotes are\n likely to be subject to the specifics of your command shell\n environment, so you may need to experiment with quoting styles\n depending on your platform, or you may find the option\n <code>--define-from-module</code> more suitable for use.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>-define-from-module SOMEMODULE</code> &mdash; will load the named module (as\n per the NodeJS <code>require()</code> function) and iterate all the exported\n properties of the module defining them as symbol names to be defined\n (as if by the <code>--define</code> option) per the name of each property\n (i.e. without the module name prefix) and given the value of the\n property. This is a much easier way to handle and document groups of\n symbols to be defined rather than a large number of <code>--define</code>\n options.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--unsafe</code> &mdash; enable other additional optimizations that are known to be\n unsafe in some contrived situations, but could still be generally useful.\n For now only these:\n\n<ul>\n<li>foo.toString() ==&gt; foo+""\n</li>\n<li>new Array(x,&hellip;) ==&gt; [x,&hellip;]\n</li>\n<li>new Array(x) ==&gt; Array(x)\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--max-line-len</code> (default 32K characters) &mdash; add a newline after around\n 32K characters. I\'ve seen both FF and Chrome croak when all the code was\n on a single line of around 670K. Pass &ndash;max-line-len 0 to disable this\n safety feature.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--reserved-names</code> &mdash; some libraries rely on certain names to be used, as\n pointed out in issue #92 and #81, so this option allow you to exclude such\n names from the mangler. For example, to keep names <code>require</code> and <code>$super</code>\n intact you\'d specify &ndash;reserved-names "require,$super".\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--inline-script</code> &ndash; when you want to include the output literally in an\n HTML <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tag you can use this option to prevent <code>&lt;/script</code> from\n showing up in the output.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>--lift-vars</code> &ndash; when you pass this, UglifyJS will apply the following\n transformations (see the notes in API, <code>ast_lift_variables</code>):\n\n<ul>\n<li>put all <code>var</code> declarations at the start of the scope\n</li>\n<li>make sure a variable is declared only once\n</li>\n<li>discard unused function arguments\n</li>\n<li>discard unused inner (named) functions\n</li>\n<li>finally, try to merge assignments into that one <code>var</code> declaration, if\n possible.\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-4-1" class="outline-4">\n<h4 id="sec-1-4-1"><span class="section-number-4">1.4.1</span> API </h4>\n<div class="outline-text-4" id="text-1-4-1">\n\n\n<p>\nTo use the library from JavaScript, you\'d do the following (example for\nNodeJS):\n</p>\n\n\n\n<pre class="src src-js"><span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">jsp</span> = require(<span class="org-string">"uglify-js"</span>).parser;\n<span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">pro</span> = require(<span class="org-string">"uglify-js"</span>).uglify;\n\n<span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">orig_code</span> = <span class="org-string">"... JS code here"</span>;\n<span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">ast</span> = jsp.parse(orig_code); <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">parse code and get the initial AST</span>\nast = pro.ast_mangle(ast); <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">get a new AST with mangled names</span>\nast = pro.ast_squeeze(ast); <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">get an AST with compression optimizations</span>\n<span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">final_code</span> = pro.gen_code(ast); <span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">compressed code here</span>\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>\nThe above performs the full compression that is possible right now. As you\ncan see, there are a sequence of steps which you can apply. For example if\nyou want compressed output but for some reason you don\'t want to mangle\nvariable names, you would simply skip the line that calls\n<code>pro.ast_mangle(ast)</code>.\n</p>\n<p>\nSome of these functions take optional arguments. Here\'s a description:\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code>jsp.parse(code, strict_semicolons)</code> &ndash; parses JS code and returns an AST.\n <code>strict_semicolons</code> is optional and defaults to <code>false</code>. If you pass\n <code>true</code> then the parser will throw an error when it expects a semicolon and\n it doesn\'t find it. For most JS code you don\'t want that, but it\'s useful\n if you want to strictly sanitize your code.\n\n</li>\n<li><code>pro.ast_lift_variables(ast)</code> &ndash; merge and move <code>var</code> declarations to the\n scop of the scope; discard unused function arguments or variables; discard\n unused (named) inner functions. It also tries to merge assignments\n following the <code>var</code> declaration into it.\n\n<p>\n If your code is very hand-optimized concerning <code>var</code> declarations, this\n lifting variable declarations might actually increase size. For me it\n helps out. On jQuery it adds 865 bytes (243 after gzip). YMMV. Also\n note that (since it\'s not enabled by default) this operation isn\'t yet\n heavily tested (please report if you find issues!).\n</p>\n<p>\n Note that although it might increase the image size (on jQuery it gains\n 865 bytes, 243 after gzip) it\'s technically more correct: in certain\n situations, dead code removal might drop variable declarations, which\n would not happen if the variables are lifted in advance.\n</p>\n<p>\n Here\'s an example of what it does:\n</p></li>\n</ul>\n\n\n\n\n\n<pre class="src src-js"><span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">f</span>(<span class="org-variable-name">a</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">b</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">c</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">d</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">e</span>) {\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">q</span>;\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">w</span>;\n w = 10;\n q = 20;\n <span class="org-keyword">for</span> (<span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">i</span> = 1; i &lt; 10; ++i) {\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">boo</span> = foo(a);\n }\n <span class="org-keyword">for</span> (<span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">i</span> = 0; i &lt; 1; ++i) {\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">boo</span> = bar(c);\n }\n <span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">foo</span>(){ ... }\n <span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">bar</span>(){ ... }\n <span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">baz</span>(){ ... }\n}\n\n<span class="org-comment-delimiter">// </span><span class="org-comment">transforms into ==&gt;</span>\n\n<span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">f</span>(<span class="org-variable-name">a</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">b</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">c</span>) {\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">i</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">boo</span>, <span class="org-variable-name">w</span> = 10, <span class="org-variable-name">q</span> = 20;\n <span class="org-keyword">for</span> (i = 1; i &lt; 10; ++i) {\n boo = foo(a);\n }\n <span class="org-keyword">for</span> (i = 0; i &lt; 1; ++i) {\n boo = bar(c);\n }\n <span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">foo</span>() { ... }\n <span class="org-keyword">function</span> <span class="org-function-name">bar</span>() { ... }\n}\n</pre>\n\n\n<ul>\n<li><code>pro.ast_mangle(ast, options)</code> &ndash; generates a new AST containing mangled\n (compressed) variable and function names. It supports the following\n options:\n\n<ul>\n<li><code>toplevel</code> &ndash; mangle toplevel names (by default we don\'t touch them).\n</li>\n<li><code>except</code> &ndash; an array of names to exclude from compression.\n</li>\n<li><code>defines</code> &ndash; an object with properties named after symbols to\n replace (see the <code>--define</code> option for the script) and the values\n representing the AST replacement value.\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n<li><code>pro.ast_squeeze(ast, options)</code> &ndash; employs further optimizations designed\n to reduce the size of the code that <code>gen_code</code> would generate from the\n AST. Returns a new AST. <code>options</code> can be a hash; the supported options\n are:\n\n<ul>\n<li><code>make_seqs</code> (default true) which will cause consecutive statements in a\n block to be merged using the "sequence" (comma) operator\n\n</li>\n<li><code>dead_code</code> (default true) which will remove unreachable code.\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n<li><code>pro.gen_code(ast, options)</code> &ndash; generates JS code from the AST. By\n default it\'s minified, but using the <code>options</code> argument you can get nicely\n formatted output. <code>options</code> is, well, optional :-) and if you pass it it\n must be an object and supports the following properties (below you can see\n the default values):\n\n<ul>\n<li><code>beautify: false</code> &ndash; pass <code>true</code> if you want indented output\n</li>\n<li><code>indent_start: 0</code> (only applies when <code>beautify</code> is <code>true</code>) &ndash; initial\n indentation in spaces\n</li>\n<li><code>indent_level: 4</code> (only applies when <code>beautify</code> is <code>true</code>) --\n indentation level, in spaces (pass an even number)\n</li>\n<li><code>quote_keys: false</code> &ndash; if you pass <code>true</code> it will quote all keys in\n literal objects\n</li>\n<li><code>space_colon: false</code> (only applies when <code>beautify</code> is <code>true</code>) &ndash; wether\n to put a space before the colon in object literals\n</li>\n<li><code>ascii_only: false</code> &ndash; pass <code>true</code> if you want to encode non-ASCII\n characters as <code>\\uXXXX</code>.\n</li>\n<li><code>inline_script: false</code> &ndash; pass <code>true</code> to escape occurrences of\n <code>&lt;/script</code> in strings\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-4-2" class="outline-4">\n<h4 id="sec-1-4-2"><span class="section-number-4">1.4.2</span> Beautifier shortcoming &ndash; no more comments </h4>\n<div class="outline-text-4" id="text-1-4-2">\n\n\n<p>\nThe beautifier can be used as a general purpose indentation tool. It\'s\nuseful when you want to make a minified file readable. One limitation,\nthough, is that it discards all comments, so you don\'t really want to use it\nto reformat your code, unless you don\'t have, or don\'t care about, comments.\n</p>\n<p>\nIn fact it\'s not the beautifier who discards comments &mdash; they are dumped at\nthe parsing stage, when we build the initial AST. Comments don\'t really\nmake sense in the AST, and while we could add nodes for them, it would be\ninconvenient because we\'d have to add special rules to ignore them at all\nthe processing stages.\n</p>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-4-3" class="outline-4">\n<h4 id="sec-1-4-3"><span class="section-number-4">1.4.3</span> Use as a code pre-processor </h4>\n<div class="outline-text-4" id="text-1-4-3">\n\n\n<p>\nThe <code>--define</code> option can be used, particularly when combined with the\nconstant folding logic, as a form of pre-processor to enable or remove\nparticular constructions, such as might be used for instrumenting\ndevelopment code, or to produce variations aimed at a specific\nplatform.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe code below illustrates the way this can be done, and how the\nsymbol replacement is performed.\n</p>\n\n\n\n<pre class="src src-js">CLAUSE1: <span class="org-keyword">if</span> (<span class="org-keyword">typeof</span> DEVMODE === <span class="org-string">\'undefined\'</span>) {\n DEVMODE = <span class="org-constant">true</span>;\n}\n\n<span class="org-function-name">CLAUSE2</span>: <span class="org-keyword">function</span> init() {\n <span class="org-keyword">if</span> (DEVMODE) {\n console.log(<span class="org-string">"init() called"</span>);\n }\n ....\n DEVMODE &amp;amp;&amp;amp; console.log(<span class="org-string">"init() complete"</span>);\n}\n\n<span class="org-function-name">CLAUSE3</span>: <span class="org-keyword">function</span> reportDeviceStatus(<span class="org-variable-name">device</span>) {\n <span class="org-keyword">var</span> <span class="org-variable-name">DEVMODE</span> = device.mode, <span class="org-variable-name">DEVNAME</span> =;\n <span class="org-keyword">if</span> (DEVMODE === <span class="org-string">\'open\'</span>) {\n ....\n }\n}\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>\nWhen the above code is normally executed, the undeclared global\nvariable <code>DEVMODE</code> will be assigned the value <b>true</b> (see <code>CLAUSE1</code>)\nand so the <code>init()</code> function (<code>CLAUSE2</code>) will write messages to the\nconsole log when executed, but in <code>CLAUSE3</code> a locally declared\nvariable will mask access to the <code>DEVMODE</code> global symbol.\n</p>\n<p>\nIf the above code is processed by UglifyJS with an argument of\n<code>--define DEVMODE=false</code> then UglifyJS will replace <code>DEVMODE</code> with the\nboolean constant value <b>false</b> within <code>CLAUSE1</code> and <code>CLAUSE2</code>, but it\nwill leave <code>CLAUSE3</code> as it stands because there <code>DEVMODE</code> resolves to\na validly declared variable.\n</p>\n<p>\nAnd more so, the constant-folding features of UglifyJS will recognise\nthat the <code>if</code> condition of <code>CLAUSE1</code> is thus always false, and so will\nremove the test and body of <code>CLAUSE1</code> altogether (including the\notherwise slightly problematical statement <code>false = true;</code> which it\nwill have formed by replacing <code>DEVMODE</code> in the body). Similarly,\nwithin <code>CLAUSE2</code> both calls to <code>console.log()</code> will be removed\naltogether.\n</p>\n<p>\nIn this way you can mimic, to a limited degree, the functionality of\nthe C/C++ pre-processor to enable or completely remove blocks\ndepending on how certain symbols are defined - perhaps using UglifyJS\nto generate different versions of source aimed at different\nenvironments\n</p>\n<p>\nIt is recommmended (but not made mandatory) that symbols designed for\nthis purpose are given names consisting of <code>UPPER_CASE_LETTERS</code> to\ndistinguish them from other (normal) symbols and avoid the sort of\nclash that <code>CLAUSE3</code> above illustrates.\n</p>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-5" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-5"><span class="section-number-3">1.5</span> Compression &ndash; how good is it? </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-5">\n\n\n<p>\nHere are updated statistics. (I also updated my Google Closure and YUI\ninstallations).\n</p>\n<p>\nWe\'re still a lot better than YUI in terms of compression, though slightly\nslower. We\'re still a lot faster than Closure, and compression after gzip\nis comparable.\n</p>\n<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">\n<caption></caption>\n<colgroup><col class="left" /><col class="left" /><col class="right" /><col class="left" /><col class="right" /><col class="left" /><col class="right" />\n</colgroup>\n<thead>\n<tr><th scope="col" class="left">File</th><th scope="col" class="left">UglifyJS</th><th scope="col" class="right">UglifyJS+gzip</th><th scope="col" class="left">Closure</th><th scope="col" class="right">Closure+gzip</th><th scope="col" class="left">YUI</th><th scope="col" class="right">YUI+gzip</th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr><td class="left">jquery-1.6.2.js</td><td class="left">91001 (0:01.59)</td><td class="right">31896</td><td class="left">90678 (0:07.40)</td><td class="right">31979</td><td class="left">101527 (0:01.82)</td><td class="right">34646</td></tr>\n<tr><td class="left">paper.js</td><td class="left">142023 (0:01.65)</td><td class="right">43334</td><td class="left">134301 (0:07.42)</td><td class="right">42495</td><td class="left">173383 (0:01.58)</td><td class="right">48785</td></tr>\n<tr><td class="left">prototype.js</td><td class="left">88544 (0:01.09)</td><td class="right">26680</td><td class="left">86955 (0:06.97)</td><td class="right">26326</td><td class="left">92130 (0:00.79)</td><td class="right">28624</td></tr>\n<tr><td class="left">thelib-full.js (DynarchLIB)</td><td class="left">251939 (0:02.55)</td><td class="right">72535</td><td class="left">249911 (0:09.05)</td><td class="right">72696</td><td class="left">258869 (0:01.94)</td><td class="right">76584</td></tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-6" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-6"><span class="section-number-3">1.6</span> Bugs? </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-6">\n\n\n<p>\nUnfortunately, for the time being there is no automated test suite. But I\nran the compressor manually on non-trivial code, and then I tested that the\ngenerated code works as expected. A few hundred times.\n</p>\n<p>\nDynarchLIB was started in times when there was no good JS minifier.\nTherefore I was quite religious about trying to write short code manually,\nand as such DL contains a lot of syntactic hacks<sup><a class="footref" name="fnr.1" href="#fn.1">1</a></sup> such as “foo == bar ? a\n= 10 : b = 20”, though the more readable version would clearly be to use\n“if/else”.\n</p>\n<p>\nSince the parser/compressor runs fine on DL and jQuery, I\'m quite confident\nthat it\'s solid enough for production use. If you can identify any bugs,\nI\'d love to hear about them (<a href="">use the Google Group</a> or email me directly).\n</p>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-7" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-7"><span class="section-number-3">1.7</span> Links </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-7">\n\n\n<ul>\n<li>Twitter: <a href="">@UglifyJS</a>\n</li>\n<li>Project at GitHub: <a href=""></a>\n</li>\n<li>Google Group: <a href=""></a>\n</li>\n<li>Common Lisp JS parser: <a href=""></a>\n</li>\n<li>JS-to-Lisp compiler: <a href=""></a>\n</li>\n<li>Common Lisp JS uglifier: <a href=""></a>\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n<div id="outline-container-1-8" class="outline-3">\n<h3 id="sec-1-8"><span class="section-number-3">1.8</span> License </h3>\n<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-8">\n\n\n<p>\nUglifyJS is released under the BSD license:\n</p>\n\n\n\n<pre class="example">Copyright 2010 (c) Mihai Bazon &lt;;\nBased on parse-js (\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\nare met:\n\n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\n disclaimer.\n\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\n disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials\n provided with the distribution.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER “AS IS” AND ANY\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\nPURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY,\nOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,\nPROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR\nPROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\nTHEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR\nTORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF\nTHE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF\nSUCH DAMAGE.\n</pre>\n\n\n<div id="footnotes">\n<h2 class="footnotes">Footnotes: </h2>\n<div id="text-footnotes">\n<p class="footnote"><sup><a class="footnum" name="fn.1" href="#fnr.1">1</a></sup> I even reported a few bugs and suggested some fixes in the original\n <a href="">parse-js</a> library, and Marijn pushed fixes literally in minutes.\n</p></div>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div id="postamble">\n<p class="date">Date: 2011-12-09 14:59:08 EET</p>\n<p class="author">Author: Mihai Bazon</p>\n<p class="creator">Org version 7.7 with Emacs version 23</p>\n<a href="">Validate XHTML 1.0</a>\n\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n',
  2970. 1643 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.html',
  2971. 1643 silly resolved _id: 'uglify-js@1.2.6',
  2972. 1643 silly resolved _from: 'uglify-js@~1.2' },
  2973. 1643 silly resolved { name: 'optimist',
  2974. 1643 silly resolved version: '0.3.7',
  2975. 1643 silly resolved description: 'Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.',
  2976. 1643 silly resolved main: './index.js',
  2977. 1643 silly resolved dependencies: { wordwrap: '~0.0.2' },
  2978. 1643 silly resolved devDependencies: { hashish: '~0.0.4', tap: '~0.4.0' },
  2979. 1643 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap ./test/*.js' },
  2980. 1643 silly resolved repository:
  2981. 1643 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  2982. 1643 silly resolved url: '' },
  2983. 1643 silly resolved keywords:
  2984. 1643 silly resolved [ 'argument',
  2985. 1643 silly resolved 'args',
  2986. 1643 silly resolved 'option',
  2987. 1643 silly resolved 'parser',
  2988. 1643 silly resolved 'parsing',
  2989. 1643 silly resolved 'cli',
  2990. 1643 silly resolved 'command' ],
  2991. 1643 silly resolved author:
  2992. 1643 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
  2993. 1643 silly resolved email: '',
  2994. 1643 silly resolved url: '' },
  2995. 1643 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
  2996. 1643 silly resolved engine: { node: '>=0.4' },
  2997. 1643 silly resolved readme: 'optimist\n========\n\nOptimist is a node.js library for option parsing for people who hate option\nparsing. More specifically, this module is for people who like all the --bells\nand -whistlz of program usage but think optstrings are a waste of time.\n\nWith optimist, option parsing doesn\'t have to suck (as much).\n\n[![build status](](\n\nexamples\n========\n\nWith Optimist, the options are just a hash! No optstrings attached.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nxup.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\n\nif (argv.rif - 5 * argv.xup > 7.138) {\n console.log(\'Buy more riffiwobbles\');\n}\nelse {\n console.log(\'Sell the xupptumblers\');\n}\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./xup.js --rif=55 --xup=9.52\n Buy more riffiwobbles\n \n $ ./xup.js --rif 12 --xup 8.1\n Sell the xupptumblers\n\n![This one\'s optimistic.](\n\nBut wait! There\'s more! You can do short options:\n-------------------------------------------------\n \nshort.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\nconsole.log(\'(%d,%d)\', argv.x, argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./short.js -x 10 -y 21\n (10,21)\n\nAnd booleans, both long and short (and grouped):\n----------------------------------\n\nbool.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar util = require(\'util\');\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\n\nif (argv.s) {\n util.print( ? \'Le chat dit: \' : \'The cat says: \');\n}\nconsole.log(\n ( ? \'miaou\' : \'meow\') + (argv.p ? \'.\' : \'\')\n);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./bool.js -s\n The cat says: meow\n \n $ ./bool.js -sp\n The cat says: meow.\n\n $ ./bool.js -sp --fr\n Le chat dit: miaou.\n\nAnd non-hypenated options too! Just use `argv._`!\n-------------------------------------------------\n \nnonopt.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\nconsole.log(\'(%d,%d)\', argv.x, argv.y);\nconsole.log(argv._);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./nonopt.js -x 6.82 -y 3.35 moo\n (6.82,3.35)\n [ \'moo\' ]\n \n $ ./nonopt.js foo -x 0.54 bar -y 1.12 baz\n (0.54,1.12)\n [ \'foo\', \'bar\', \'baz\' ]\n\nPlus, Optimist comes with .usage() and .demand()!\n-------------------------------------------------\n\ndivide.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .usage(\'Usage: $0 -x [num] -y [num]\')\n .demand([\'x\',\'y\'])\n .argv;\n\nconsole.log(argv.x / argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n \n $ ./divide.js -x 55 -y 11\n 5\n \n $ node ./divide.js -x 4.91 -z 2.51\n Usage: node ./divide.js -x [num] -y [num]\n\n Options:\n -x [required]\n -y [required]\n\n Missing required arguments: y\n\nEVEN MORE HOLY COW\n------------------\n\ndefault_singles.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .default(\'x\', 10)\n .default(\'y\', 10)\n .argv\n;\nconsole.log(argv.x + argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./default_singles.js -x 5\n 15\n\ndefault_hash.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .default({ x : 10, y : 10 })\n .argv\n;\nconsole.log(argv.x + argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./default_hash.js -y 7\n 17\n\nAnd if you really want to get all descriptive about it...\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nboolean_single.js\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .boolean(\'v\')\n .argv\n;\nconsole.dir(argv);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./boolean_single.js -v foo bar baz\n true\n [ \'bar\', \'baz\', \'foo\' ]\n\nboolean_double.js\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .boolean([\'x\',\'y\',\'z\'])\n .argv\n;\nconsole.dir([ argv.x, argv.y, argv.z ]);\nconsole.dir(argv._);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./boolean_double.js -x -z one two three\n [ true, false, true ]\n [ \'one\', \'two\', \'three\' ]\n\nOptimist is here to help...\n---------------------------\n\nYou can describe parameters for help messages and set aliases. Optimist figures\nout how to format a handy help string automatically.\n\nline_count.js\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .usage(\'Count the lines in a file.\\nUsage: $0\')\n .demand(\'f\')\n .alias(\'f\', \'file\')\n .describe(\'f\', \'Load a file\')\n .argv\n;\n\nvar fs = require(\'fs\');\nvar s = fs.createReadStream(argv.file);\n\nvar lines = 0;\ns.on(\'data\', function (buf) {\n lines += buf.toString().match(/\\n/g).length;\n});\n\ns.on(\'end\', function () {\n console.log(lines);\n});\n````\n\n***\n\n $ node line_count.js\n Count the lines in a file.\n Usage: node ./line_count.js\n\n Options:\n -f, --file Load a file [required]\n\n Missing required arguments: f\n\n $ node line_count.js --file line_count.js \n 20\n \n $ node line_count.js -f line_count.js \n 20\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nBy itself,\n\n````javascript\nrequire(\'optimist\').argv\n`````\n\nwill use `process.argv` array to construct the `argv` object.\n\nYou can pass in the `process.argv` yourself:\n\n````javascript\nrequire(\'optimist\')([ \'-x\', \'1\', \'-y\', \'2\' ]).argv\n````\n\nor use .parse() to do the same thing:\n\n````javascript\nrequire(\'optimist\').parse([ \'-x\', \'1\', \'-y\', \'2\' ])\n````\n\nThe rest of these methods below come in just before the terminating `.argv`.\n\n.alias(key, alias)\n------------------\n\nSet key names as equivalent such that updates to a key will propagate to aliases\nand vice-versa.\n\nOptionally `.alias()` can take an object that maps keys to aliases.\n\n.default(key, value)\n--------------------\n\nSet `argv[key]` to `value` if no option was specified on `process.argv`.\n\nOptionally `.default()` can take an object that maps keys to default values.\n\n.demand(key)\n------------\n\nIf `key` is a string, show the usage information and exit if `key` wasn\'t\nspecified in `process.argv`.\n\nIf `key` is a number, demand at least as many non-option arguments, which show\nup in `argv._`.\n\nIf `key` is an Array, demand each element.\n\n.describe(key, desc)\n--------------------\n\nDescribe a `key` for the generated usage information.\n\nOptionally `.describe()` can take an object that maps keys to descriptions.\n\n.options(key, opt)\n------------------\n\nInstead of chaining together `.alias().demand().default()`, you can specify\nkeys in `opt` for each of the chainable methods.\n\nFor example:\n\n````javascript\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .options(\'f\', {\n alias : \'file\',\n default : \'/etc/passwd\',\n })\n .argv\n;\n````\n\nis the same as\n\n````javascript\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .alias(\'f\', \'file\')\n .default(\'f\', \'/etc/passwd\')\n .argv\n;\n````\n\nOptionally `.options()` can take an object that maps keys to `opt` parameters.\n\n.usage(message)\n---------------\n\nSet a usage message to show which commands to use. Inside `message`, the string\n`$0` will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the\npresent script similar to how `$0` works in bash or perl.\n\n.check(fn)\n----------\n\nCheck that certain conditions are met in the provided arguments.\n\nIf `fn` throws or returns `false`, show the thrown error, usage information, and\nexit.\n\n.boolean(key)\n-------------\n\nInterpret `key` as a boolean. If a non-flag option follows `key` in\n`process.argv`, that string won\'t get set as the value of `key`.\n\nIf `key` never shows up as a flag in `process.arguments`, `argv[key]` will be\n`false`.\n\nIf `key` is an Array, interpret all the elements as booleans.\n\n.string(key)\n------------\n\nTell the parser logic not to interpret `key` as a number or boolean.\nThis can be useful if you need to preserve leading zeros in an input.\n\nIf `key` is an Array, interpret all the elements as strings.\n\n.wrap(columns)\n--------------\n\nFormat usage output to wrap at `columns` many columns.\n\\n-------\n\nReturn the generated usage string.\n\n.showHelp(fn=console.error)\n---------------------------\n\nPrint the usage data using `fn` for printing.\n\n.parse(args)\n------------\n\nParse `args` instead of `process.argv`. Returns the `argv` object.\n\n.argv\n-----\n\nGet the arguments as a plain old object.\n\nArguments without a corresponding flag show up in the `argv._` array.\n\nThe script name or node command is available at `argv.$0` similarly to how `$0`\nworks in bash or perl.\n\nparsing tricks\n==============\n\nstop parsing\n------------\n\nUse `--` to stop parsing flags and stuff the remainder into `argv._`.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js -a 1 -b 2 -- -c 3 -d 4\n { _: [ \'-c\', \'3\', \'-d\', \'4\' ],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n a: 1,\n b: 2 }\n\nnegate fields\n-------------\n\nIf you want to explicity set a field to false instead of just leaving it\nundefined or to override a default you can do `--no-key`.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js -a --no-b\n { _: [],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n a: true,\n b: false }\n\nnumbers\n-------\n\nEvery argument that looks like a number (`!isNaN(Number(arg))`) is converted to\none. This way you can just `net.createConnection(argv.port)` and you can add\nnumbers out of `argv` with `+` without having that mean concatenation,\nwhich is super frustrating.\n\nduplicates\n----------\n\nIf you specify a flag multiple times it will get turned into an array containing\nall the values in order.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js -x 5 -x 8 -x 0\n { _: [],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n x: [ 5, 8, 0 ] }\n\ndot notation\n------------\n\nWhen you use dots (`.`s) in argument names, an implicit object path is assumed.\nThis lets you organize arguments into nested objects.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js --foo.quux=5\n { _: [],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n foo: { bar: { baz: 33 }, quux: 5 } }\n\ninstallation\n============\n\nWith [npm](, just do:\n npm install optimist\n \nor clone this project on github:\n\n git clone\n\nTo run the tests with [expresso](,\njust do:\n \n expresso\n\ninspired By\n===========\n\nThis module is loosely inspired by Perl\'s\n[Getopt::Casual](\n',
  2998. 1643 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'readme.markdown',
  2999. 1643 silly resolved _id: 'optimist@0.3.7',
  3000. 1643 silly resolved _from: 'optimist@~0.3' } ]
  3001. 1644 info install uglify-js@1.2.6 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars
  3002. 1645 info install optimist@0.3.7 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars
  3003. 1646 info installOne uglify-js@1.2.6
  3004. 1647 info installOne optimist@0.3.7
  3005. 1648 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/1.2.6/package/package.json
  3006. 1649 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/uglify-js unbuild
  3007. 1650 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/uglify-js/package.json
  3008. 1651 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package/package.json
  3009. 1652 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist unbuild
  3010. 1653 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/package.json
  3011. 1654 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/1.2.6/package.tgz
  3012. 1655 silly lockFile 71669559-andlebars-node-modules-uglify-js /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/uglify-js
  3013. 1656 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/uglify-js /home/jonathan/.npm/71669559-andlebars-node-modules-uglify-js.lock
  3014. 1657 silly lockFile 56a7162d--npm-uglify-js-1-2-6-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/1.2.6/package.tgz
  3015. 1658 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/uglify-js/1.2.6/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/56a7162d--npm-uglify-js-1-2-6-package-tgz.lock
  3016. 1659 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz
  3017. 1660 silly lockFile 296c92a4-handlebars-node-modules-optimist /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist
  3018. 1661 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist /home/jonathan/.npm/296c92a4-handlebars-node-modules-optimist.lock
  3019. 1662 silly lockFile 4fa2dc65-n-npm-optimist-0-3-7-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz
  3020. 1663 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/4fa2dc65-n-npm-optimist-0-3-7-package-tgz.lock
  3021. 1664 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-and-relative-paths-test.less
  3022. 1665 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-test-c.less
  3023. 1666 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  3024. 1667 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  3025. 1668 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  3026. 1669 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  3027. 1670 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  3028. 1671 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry uglify-js.js
  3029. 1672 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  3030. 1673 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  3031. 1674 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-test-d.css
  3032. 1675 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/import-test-e.less
  3033. 1676 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/uglifyjs
  3034. 1677 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry docstyle.css
  3035. 1678 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/imports/font.less
  3036. 1679 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/imports/logo.less
  3037. 1680 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
  3038. 1681 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README.html
  3039. 1682 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  3040. 1683 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import/urls.less
  3041. 1684 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import-once.less
  3042. 1685 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/bool.js
  3043. 1686 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/default_singles.js
  3044. 1687 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json~
  3045. 1688 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/beautify.js
  3046. 1689 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/import.less
  3047. 1690 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/javascript.less
  3048. 1691 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/lazy-eval.less
  3049. 1692 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/media.less
  3050. 1693 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins-args.less
  3051. 1694 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/colors.less
  3052. 1695 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/divide.js
  3053. 1696 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/line_count.js
  3054. 1697 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins-guards.less
  3055. 1698 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins-important.less
  3056. 1699 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/testparser.js
  3057. 1700 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/scripts.js
  3058. 1701 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/default_hash.js
  3059. 1702 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/line_count_wrap.js
  3060. 1703 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins-named-args.less
  3061. 1704 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins-nested.less
  3062. 1705 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/array1.js
  3063. 1706 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue17.js
  3064. 1707 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/nonopt.js
  3065. 1708 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/reflect.js
  3066. 1709 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins-pattern.less
  3067. 1710 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/mixins.less
  3068. 1711 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/short.js
  3069. 1712 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/string.js
  3070. 1713 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/operations.less
  3071. 1714 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/parens.less
  3072. 1715 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/boolean_single.js
  3073. 1716 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/usage-options.js
  3074. 1717 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/rulesets.less
  3075. 1718 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/scope.less
  3076. 1719 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/boolean_double.js
  3077. 1720 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/xup.js
  3078. 1721 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/selectors.less
  3079. 1722 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/static-urls/urls.less
  3080. 1723 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/line_count_options.js
  3081. 1724 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry readme.markdown
  3082. 1725 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/strings.less
  3083. 1726 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/urls.less
  3084. 1727 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/_.js
  3085. 1728 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/parse.js
  3086. 1729 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/variables.less
  3087. 1730 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/less/whitespace.less
  3088. 1731 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/usage.js
  3089. 1732 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/_/argv.js
  3090. 1733 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry benchmark/less-benchmark.js
  3091. 1734 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry benchmark/benchmark.less
  3092. 1735 http 304
  3093. 1736 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  3094. 1736 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  3095. 1736 silly registry.get etag: '"8KECYCFVVL005OQYSXR3EC20H"',
  3096. 1736 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:25 GMT',
  3097. 1736 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  3098. 1737 verbose etag source-map from cache
  3099. 1738 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/_/bin.js
  3100. 1739 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'source-map', range: '>=0.1.7- <0.2.0-', hasData: true }
  3101. 1740 silly addNameRange versions [ 'source-map',
  3102. 1740 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.0',
  3103. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
  3104. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
  3105. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
  3106. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
  3107. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
  3108. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.5',
  3109. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.6',
  3110. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.7',
  3111. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.8',
  3112. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.9',
  3113. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.10',
  3114. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.11',
  3115. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.12',
  3116. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.13',
  3117. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.14',
  3118. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.15',
  3119. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.16',
  3120. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.17',
  3121. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.18',
  3122. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.19',
  3123. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.20',
  3124. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.21',
  3125. 1740 silly addNameRange '0.1.22' ] ]
  3126. 1741 verbose addNamed [ 'source-map', '0.1.22' ]
  3127. 1742 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.22', '0.1.22' ]
  3128. 1743 silly lockFile b126d62b-source-map-0-1-22 source-map@0.1.22
  3129. 1744 verbose lock source-map@0.1.22 /home/jonathan/.npm/b126d62b-source-map-0-1-22.lock
  3130. 1745 http 304
  3131. 1746 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  3132. 1746 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  3133. 1746 silly registry.get etag: '"2FMFBLVFH7W7QEOWKAFO6VLGW"',
  3134. 1746 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:25 GMT',
  3135. 1746 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  3136. 1747 verbose etag optimist from cache
  3137. 1748 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/source-map/0.1.22/package/package.json
  3138. 1749 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue20.js
  3139. 1750 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue21.js
  3140. 1751 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'optimist', range: '>=0.3.5- <0.4.0-', hasData: true }
  3141. 1752 silly addNameRange versions [ 'optimist',
  3142. 1752 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
  3143. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
  3144. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
  3145. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
  3146. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
  3147. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
  3148. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
  3149. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
  3150. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
  3151. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
  3152. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
  3153. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.5',
  3154. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.6',
  3155. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.7',
  3156. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.8',
  3157. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.1.9',
  3158. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
  3159. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
  3160. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
  3161. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
  3162. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.3',
  3163. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.4',
  3164. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.5',
  3165. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.6',
  3166. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.7',
  3167. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.2.8',
  3168. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
  3169. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
  3170. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.3.3',
  3171. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.3.4',
  3172. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.3.5',
  3173. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.3.6',
  3174. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.3.7',
  3175. 1752 silly addNameRange '0.4.0' ] ]
  3176. 1753 verbose addNamed [ 'optimist', '0.3.7' ]
  3177. 1754 verbose addNamed [ '0.3.7', '0.3.7' ]
  3178. 1755 silly lockFile 090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7 optimist@0.3.7
  3179. 1756 verbose lock optimist@0.3.7 /home/jonathan/.npm/090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7.lock
  3180. 1757 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package/package.json
  3181. 1758 silly lockFile 090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7 optimist@0.3.7
  3182. 1759 silly lockFile 090e1d8d-optimist-0-3-7 optimist@0.3.7
  3183. 1760 silly lockFile a1f99b53-optimist-0-3-5 optimist@~0.3.5
  3184. 1761 silly lockFile a1f99b53-optimist-0-3-5 optimist@~0.3.5
  3185. 1762 silly lockFile b126d62b-source-map-0-1-22 source-map@0.1.22
  3186. 1763 silly lockFile b126d62b-source-map-0-1-22 source-map@0.1.22
  3187. 1764 silly lockFile 19b4245f-source-map-0-1-7 source-map@~0.1.7
  3188. 1765 silly lockFile 19b4245f-source-map-0-1-7 source-map@~0.1.7
  3189. 1766 silly resolved [ { name: 'optimist',
  3190. 1766 silly resolved version: '0.3.7',
  3191. 1766 silly resolved description: 'Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.',
  3192. 1766 silly resolved main: './index.js',
  3193. 1766 silly resolved dependencies: { wordwrap: '~0.0.2' },
  3194. 1766 silly resolved devDependencies: { hashish: '~0.0.4', tap: '~0.4.0' },
  3195. 1766 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap ./test/*.js' },
  3196. 1766 silly resolved repository:
  3197. 1766 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  3198. 1766 silly resolved url: '' },
  3199. 1766 silly resolved keywords:
  3200. 1766 silly resolved [ 'argument',
  3201. 1766 silly resolved 'args',
  3202. 1766 silly resolved 'option',
  3203. 1766 silly resolved 'parser',
  3204. 1766 silly resolved 'parsing',
  3205. 1766 silly resolved 'cli',
  3206. 1766 silly resolved 'command' ],
  3207. 1766 silly resolved author:
  3208. 1766 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
  3209. 1766 silly resolved email: '',
  3210. 1766 silly resolved url: '' },
  3211. 1766 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
  3212. 1766 silly resolved engine: { node: '>=0.4' },
  3213. 1766 silly resolved readme: 'optimist\n========\n\nOptimist is a node.js library for option parsing for people who hate option\nparsing. More specifically, this module is for people who like all the --bells\nand -whistlz of program usage but think optstrings are a waste of time.\n\nWith optimist, option parsing doesn\'t have to suck (as much).\n\n[![build status](](\n\nexamples\n========\n\nWith Optimist, the options are just a hash! No optstrings attached.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nxup.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\n\nif (argv.rif - 5 * argv.xup > 7.138) {\n console.log(\'Buy more riffiwobbles\');\n}\nelse {\n console.log(\'Sell the xupptumblers\');\n}\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./xup.js --rif=55 --xup=9.52\n Buy more riffiwobbles\n \n $ ./xup.js --rif 12 --xup 8.1\n Sell the xupptumblers\n\n![This one\'s optimistic.](\n\nBut wait! There\'s more! You can do short options:\n-------------------------------------------------\n \nshort.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\nconsole.log(\'(%d,%d)\', argv.x, argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./short.js -x 10 -y 21\n (10,21)\n\nAnd booleans, both long and short (and grouped):\n----------------------------------\n\nbool.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar util = require(\'util\');\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\n\nif (argv.s) {\n util.print( ? \'Le chat dit: \' : \'The cat says: \');\n}\nconsole.log(\n ( ? \'miaou\' : \'meow\') + (argv.p ? \'.\' : \'\')\n);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./bool.js -s\n The cat says: meow\n \n $ ./bool.js -sp\n The cat says: meow.\n\n $ ./bool.js -sp --fr\n Le chat dit: miaou.\n\nAnd non-hypenated options too! Just use `argv._`!\n-------------------------------------------------\n \nnonopt.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\').argv;\nconsole.log(\'(%d,%d)\', argv.x, argv.y);\nconsole.log(argv._);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./nonopt.js -x 6.82 -y 3.35 moo\n (6.82,3.35)\n [ \'moo\' ]\n \n $ ./nonopt.js foo -x 0.54 bar -y 1.12 baz\n (0.54,1.12)\n [ \'foo\', \'bar\', \'baz\' ]\n\nPlus, Optimist comes with .usage() and .demand()!\n-------------------------------------------------\n\ndivide.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .usage(\'Usage: $0 -x [num] -y [num]\')\n .demand([\'x\',\'y\'])\n .argv;\n\nconsole.log(argv.x / argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n \n $ ./divide.js -x 55 -y 11\n 5\n \n $ node ./divide.js -x 4.91 -z 2.51\n Usage: node ./divide.js -x [num] -y [num]\n\n Options:\n -x [required]\n -y [required]\n\n Missing required arguments: y\n\nEVEN MORE HOLY COW\n------------------\n\ndefault_singles.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .default(\'x\', 10)\n .default(\'y\', 10)\n .argv\n;\nconsole.log(argv.x + argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./default_singles.js -x 5\n 15\n\ndefault_hash.js:\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .default({ x : 10, y : 10 })\n .argv\n;\nconsole.log(argv.x + argv.y);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./default_hash.js -y 7\n 17\n\nAnd if you really want to get all descriptive about it...\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nboolean_single.js\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .boolean(\'v\')\n .argv\n;\nconsole.dir(argv);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./boolean_single.js -v foo bar baz\n true\n [ \'bar\', \'baz\', \'foo\' ]\n\nboolean_double.js\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .boolean([\'x\',\'y\',\'z\'])\n .argv\n;\nconsole.dir([ argv.x, argv.y, argv.z ]);\nconsole.dir(argv._);\n````\n\n***\n\n $ ./boolean_double.js -x -z one two three\n [ true, false, true ]\n [ \'one\', \'two\', \'three\' ]\n\nOptimist is here to help...\n---------------------------\n\nYou can describe parameters for help messages and set aliases. Optimist figures\nout how to format a handy help string automatically.\n\nline_count.js\n\n````javascript\n#!/usr/bin/env node\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .usage(\'Count the lines in a file.\\nUsage: $0\')\n .demand(\'f\')\n .alias(\'f\', \'file\')\n .describe(\'f\', \'Load a file\')\n .argv\n;\n\nvar fs = require(\'fs\');\nvar s = fs.createReadStream(argv.file);\n\nvar lines = 0;\ns.on(\'data\', function (buf) {\n lines += buf.toString().match(/\\n/g).length;\n});\n\ns.on(\'end\', function () {\n console.log(lines);\n});\n````\n\n***\n\n $ node line_count.js\n Count the lines in a file.\n Usage: node ./line_count.js\n\n Options:\n -f, --file Load a file [required]\n\n Missing required arguments: f\n\n $ node line_count.js --file line_count.js \n 20\n \n $ node line_count.js -f line_count.js \n 20\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nBy itself,\n\n````javascript\nrequire(\'optimist\').argv\n`````\n\nwill use `process.argv` array to construct the `argv` object.\n\nYou can pass in the `process.argv` yourself:\n\n````javascript\nrequire(\'optimist\')([ \'-x\', \'1\', \'-y\', \'2\' ]).argv\n````\n\nor use .parse() to do the same thing:\n\n````javascript\nrequire(\'optimist\').parse([ \'-x\', \'1\', \'-y\', \'2\' ])\n````\n\nThe rest of these methods below come in just before the terminating `.argv`.\n\n.alias(key, alias)\n------------------\n\nSet key names as equivalent such that updates to a key will propagate to aliases\nand vice-versa.\n\nOptionally `.alias()` can take an object that maps keys to aliases.\n\n.default(key, value)\n--------------------\n\nSet `argv[key]` to `value` if no option was specified on `process.argv`.\n\nOptionally `.default()` can take an object that maps keys to default values.\n\n.demand(key)\n------------\n\nIf `key` is a string, show the usage information and exit if `key` wasn\'t\nspecified in `process.argv`.\n\nIf `key` is a number, demand at least as many non-option arguments, which show\nup in `argv._`.\n\nIf `key` is an Array, demand each element.\n\n.describe(key, desc)\n--------------------\n\nDescribe a `key` for the generated usage information.\n\nOptionally `.describe()` can take an object that maps keys to descriptions.\n\n.options(key, opt)\n------------------\n\nInstead of chaining together `.alias().demand().default()`, you can specify\nkeys in `opt` for each of the chainable methods.\n\nFor example:\n\n````javascript\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .options(\'f\', {\n alias : \'file\',\n default : \'/etc/passwd\',\n })\n .argv\n;\n````\n\nis the same as\n\n````javascript\nvar argv = require(\'optimist\')\n .alias(\'f\', \'file\')\n .default(\'f\', \'/etc/passwd\')\n .argv\n;\n````\n\nOptionally `.options()` can take an object that maps keys to `opt` parameters.\n\n.usage(message)\n---------------\n\nSet a usage message to show which commands to use. Inside `message`, the string\n`$0` will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the\npresent script similar to how `$0` works in bash or perl.\n\n.check(fn)\n----------\n\nCheck that certain conditions are met in the provided arguments.\n\nIf `fn` throws or returns `false`, show the thrown error, usage information, and\nexit.\n\n.boolean(key)\n-------------\n\nInterpret `key` as a boolean. If a non-flag option follows `key` in\n`process.argv`, that string won\'t get set as the value of `key`.\n\nIf `key` never shows up as a flag in `process.arguments`, `argv[key]` will be\n`false`.\n\nIf `key` is an Array, interpret all the elements as booleans.\n\n.string(key)\n------------\n\nTell the parser logic not to interpret `key` as a number or boolean.\nThis can be useful if you need to preserve leading zeros in an input.\n\nIf `key` is an Array, interpret all the elements as strings.\n\n.wrap(columns)\n--------------\n\nFormat usage output to wrap at `columns` many columns.\n\\n-------\n\nReturn the generated usage string.\n\n.showHelp(fn=console.error)\n---------------------------\n\nPrint the usage data using `fn` for printing.\n\n.parse(args)\n------------\n\nParse `args` instead of `process.argv`. Returns the `argv` object.\n\n.argv\n-----\n\nGet the arguments as a plain old object.\n\nArguments without a corresponding flag show up in the `argv._` array.\n\nThe script name or node command is available at `argv.$0` similarly to how `$0`\nworks in bash or perl.\n\nparsing tricks\n==============\n\nstop parsing\n------------\n\nUse `--` to stop parsing flags and stuff the remainder into `argv._`.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js -a 1 -b 2 -- -c 3 -d 4\n { _: [ \'-c\', \'3\', \'-d\', \'4\' ],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n a: 1,\n b: 2 }\n\nnegate fields\n-------------\n\nIf you want to explicity set a field to false instead of just leaving it\nundefined or to override a default you can do `--no-key`.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js -a --no-b\n { _: [],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n a: true,\n b: false }\n\nnumbers\n-------\n\nEvery argument that looks like a number (`!isNaN(Number(arg))`) is converted to\none. This way you can just `net.createConnection(argv.port)` and you can add\nnumbers out of `argv` with `+` without having that mean concatenation,\nwhich is super frustrating.\n\nduplicates\n----------\n\nIf you specify a flag multiple times it will get turned into an array containing\nall the values in order.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js -x 5 -x 8 -x 0\n { _: [],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n x: [ 5, 8, 0 ] }\n\ndot notation\n------------\n\nWhen you use dots (`.`s) in argument names, an implicit object path is assumed.\nThis lets you organize arguments into nested objects.\n\n $ node examples/reflect.js --foo.quux=5\n { _: [],\n \'$0\': \'node ./examples/reflect.js\',\n foo: { bar: { baz: 33 }, quux: 5 } }\n\ninstallation\n============\n\nWith [npm](, just do:\n npm install optimist\n \nor clone this project on github:\n\n git clone\n\nTo run the tests with [expresso](,\njust do:\n \n expresso\n\ninspired By\n===========\n\nThis module is loosely inspired by Perl\'s\n[Getopt::Casual](\n',
  3214. 1766 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'readme.markdown',
  3215. 1766 silly resolved _id: 'optimist@0.3.7',
  3216. 1766 silly resolved _from: 'optimist@~0.3.5' },
  3217. 1766 silly resolved { name: 'source-map',
  3218. 1766 silly resolved description: 'Generates and consumes source maps',
  3219. 1766 silly resolved version: '0.1.22',
  3220. 1766 silly resolved homepage: '',
  3221. 1766 silly resolved author: { name: 'Nick Fitzgerald', email: '' },
  3222. 1766 silly resolved contributors:
  3223. 1766 silly resolved [ [Object],
  3224. 1766 silly resolved [Object],
  3225. 1766 silly resolved [Object],
  3226. 1766 silly resolved [Object],
  3227. 1766 silly resolved [Object],
  3228. 1766 silly resolved [Object],
  3229. 1766 silly resolved [Object],
  3230. 1766 silly resolved [Object],
  3231. 1766 silly resolved [Object] ],
  3232. 1766 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
  3233. 1766 silly resolved directories: { lib: './lib' },
  3234. 1766 silly resolved main: './lib/source-map.js',
  3235. 1766 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.8.0' },
  3236. 1766 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
  3237. 1766 silly resolved dependencies: { amdefine: '>=0.0.4' },
  3238. 1766 silly resolved devDependencies: { dryice: '>=0.4.8' },
  3239. 1766 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node test/run-tests.js' },
  3240. 1766 silly resolved readme: '# Source Map\n\nThis is a library to generate and consume the source map format\n[described here][format].\n\n[Learn more here][feature].\n\nThis library was written in the Asynchronous Module Definition\nformat. It should work in the following environments:\n\n* Modern Browsers (either after the build, or with an AMD loader such as\n RequireJS)\n\n* Inside Firefox (as a JSM file, after the build)\n\n* With NodeJS versions 0.8.X and higher\n\n## Installing with NPM (for use with NodeJS)\n\nSimply\n\n $ npm install source-map\n\nOr, if you\'d like to hack on this library and have it installed via npm so you\ncan try out your changes:\n\n $ git clone\n $ cd source-map\n $ npm link .\n\n## Building from Source (for everywhere else)\n\nInstall Node and then run\n\n $ git clone\n $ cd source-map\n $ npm link .\n\nNext, run\n\n $ node Makefile.dryice.js`\n\nThis should create the following files:\n\n* `dist/source-map.js` - The unminified browser version.\n\n* `dist/source-map.min.js` - The minified browser version.\n\n* `dist/SourceMap.jsm` - The JavaScript Module for inclusion in Firefox\n source.\n\n## API\n\nGet a reference to the module:\n\n // NodeJS\n var sourceMap = require(\'source-map\');\n\n // Browser builds\n var sourceMap = window.sourceMap;\n\n // Inside Firefox\n let sourceMap = {};\n Components.utils.import(\'resource:///modules/devtools/SourceMap.jsm\', sourceMap);\n\n### SourceMapConsumer\n\nA SourceMapConsumer instance represents a parsed source map which we can query\nfor information about the original file positions by giving it a file position\nin the generated source.\n\n#### new SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap)\n\nThe only parameter is the raw source map (either as a string which can be\n`JSON.parse`\'d, or an object). According to the spec, source maps have the\nfollowing attributes:\n\n* `version`: Which version of the source map spec this map is following.\n\n* `sources`: An array of URLs to the original source files.\n\n* `names`: An array of identifiers which can be referrenced by individual\n mappings.\n\n* `sourceRoot`: Optional. The URL root from which all sources are relative.\n\n* `sourcesContent`: Optional. An array of contents of the original source files.\n\n* `mappings`: A string of base64 VLQs which contain the actual mappings.\n\n* `file`: The generated filename this source map is associated with.\n\n#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.originalPositionFor(generatedPosition)\n\nReturns the original source, line, and column information for the generated\nsource\'s line and column positions provided. The only argument is an object with\nthe following properties:\n\n* `line`: The line number in the generated source.\n\n* `column`: The column number in the generated source.\n\nand an object is returned with the following properties:\n\n* `source`: The original source file, or null if this information is not\n available.\n\n* `line`: The line number in the original source, or null if this information is\n not available.\n\n* `column`: The column number in the original source, or null or null if this\n information is not available.\n\n* `name`: The original identifier, or null if this information is not available.\n\n#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.generatedPositionFor(originalPosition)\n\nReturns the generated line and column information for the original source,\nline, and column positions provided. The only argument is an object with\nthe following properties:\n\n* `source`: The filename of the original source.\n\n* `line`: The line number in the original source.\n\n* `column`: The column number in the original source.\n\nand an object is returned with the following properties:\n\n* `line`: The line number in the generated source, or null.\n\n* `column`: The column number in the generated source, or null.\n\n#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor(source)\n\nReturns the original source content for the source provided. The only\nargument is the URL of the original source file.\n\n#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping(callback, context, order)\n\nIterate over each mapping between an original source/line/column and a\ngenerated line/column in this source map.\n\n* `callback`: The function that is called with each mapping.\n\n* `context`: Optional. If specified, this object will be the value of `this`\n every time that `callback` is called.\n\n* `order`: Either `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER` or\n `SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER`. Specifies whether you want to iterate over\n the mappings sorted by the generated file\'s line/column order or the\n original\'s source/line/column order, respectively. Defaults to\n `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER`.\n\n### SourceMapGenerator\n\nAn instance of the SourceMapGenerator represents a source map which is being\nbuilt incrementally.\n\n#### new SourceMapGenerator(startOfSourceMap)\n\nTo create a new one, you must pass an object with the following properties:\n\n* `file`: The filename of the generated source that this source map is\n associated with.\n\n* `sourceRoot`: An optional root for all relative URLs in this source map.\n\n#### SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(sourceMapConsumer)\n\nCreates a new SourceMapGenerator based on a SourceMapConsumer\n\n* `sourceMapConsumer` The SourceMap.\n\n#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.addMapping(mapping)\n\nAdd a single mapping from original source line and column to the generated\nsource\'s line and column for this source map being created. The mapping object\nshould have the following properties:\n\n* `generated`: An object with the generated line and column positions.\n\n* `original`: An object with the original line and column positions.\n\n* `source`: The original source file (relative to the sourceRoot).\n\n* `name`: An optional original token name for this mapping.\n\n#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent)\n\nSet the source content for an original source file.\n\n* `sourceFile` the URL of the original source file.\n\n* `sourceContent` the content of the source file.\n\n#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap(sourceMapConsumer[, sourceFile])\n\nApplies a SourceMap for a source file to the SourceMap.\nEach mapping to the supplied source file is rewritten using the\nsupplied SourceMap. Note: The resolution for the resulting mappings\nis the minimium of this map and the supplied map.\n\n* `sourceMapConsumer`: The SourceMap to be applied.\n\n* `sourceFile`: Optional. The filename of the source file.\n If omitted, sourceMapConsumer.file will be used.\n\n#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toString()\n\nRenders the source map being generated to a string.\n\n### SourceNode\n\nSourceNodes provide a way to abstract over interpolating and/or concatenating\nsnippets of generated JavaScript source code, while maintaining the line and\ncolumn information associated between those snippets and the original source\ncode. This is useful as the final intermediate representation a compiler might\nuse before outputting the generated JS and source map.\n\n#### new SourceNode(line, column, source[, chunk[, name]])\n\n* `line`: The original line number associated with this source node, or null if\n it isn\'t associated with an original line.\n\n* `column`: The original column number associated with this source node, or null\n if it isn\'t associated with an original column.\n\n* `source`: The original source\'s filename.\n\n* `chunk`: Optional. Is immediately passed to `SourceNode.prototype.add`, see\n below.\n\n* `name`: Optional. The original identifier.\n\n#### SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap(code, sourceMapConsumer)\n\nCreates a SourceNode from generated code and a SourceMapConsumer.\n\n* `code`: The generated code\n\n* `sourceMapConsumer` The SourceMap for the generated code\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.add(chunk)\n\nAdd a chunk of generated JS to this source node.\n\n* `chunk`: A string snippet of generated JS code, another instance of\n `SourceNode`, or an array where each member is one of those things.\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.prepend(chunk)\n\nPrepend a chunk of generated JS to this source node.\n\n* `chunk`: A string snippet of generated JS code, another instance of\n `SourceNode`, or an array where each member is one of those things.\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent)\n\nSet the source content for a source file. This will be added to the\n`SourceMap` in the `sourcesContent` field.\n\n* `sourceFile`: The filename of the source file\n\n* `sourceContent`: The content of the source file\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.walk(fn)\n\nWalk over the tree of JS snippets in this node and its children. The walking\nfunction is called once for each snippet of JS and is passed that snippet and\nthe its original associated source\'s line/column location.\n\n* `fn`: The traversal function.\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.walkSourceContents(fn)\n\nWalk over the tree of SourceNodes. The walking function is called for each\nsource file content and is passed the filename and source content.\n\n* `fn`: The traversal function.\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.join(sep)\n\nLike `Array.prototype.join` except for SourceNodes. Inserts the separator\nbetween each of this source node\'s children.\n\n* `sep`: The separator.\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.replaceRight(pattern, replacement)\n\nCall `String.prototype.replace` on the very right-most source snippet. Useful\nfor trimming whitespace from the end of a source node, etc.\n\n* `pattern`: The pattern to replace.\n\n* `replacement`: The thing to replace the pattern with.\n\n#### SourceNode.prototype.toString()\n\nReturn the string representation of this source node. Walks over the tree and\nconcatenates all the various snippets together to one string.\n\n### SourceNode.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap(startOfSourceMap)\n\nReturns the string representation of this tree of source nodes, plus a\nSourceMapGenerator which contains all the mappings between the generated and\noriginal sources.\n\nThe arguments are the same as those to `new SourceMapGenerator`.\n\n## Tests\n\n[![Build Status](](\n\nInstall NodeJS version 0.8.0 or greater, then run `node test/run-tests.js`.\n\nTo add new tests, create a new file named `test/test-<your new test name>.js`\nand export your test functions with names that start with "test", for example\n\n exports["test doing the foo bar"] = function (assert, util) {\n ...\n };\n\nThe new test will be located automatically when you run the suite.\n\nThe `util` argument is the test utility module located at `test/source-map/util`.\n\nThe `assert` argument is a cut down version of node\'s assert module. You have\naccess to the following assertion functions:\n\n* `doesNotThrow`\n\n* `equal`\n\n* `ok`\n\n* `strictEqual`\n\n* `throws`\n\n(The reason for the restricted set of test functions is because we need the\ntests to run inside Firefox\'s test suite as well and so the assert module is\nshimmed in that environment. See `build/assert-shim.js`.)\n\n[format]:\n[feature]:\n[Dryice]:\n',
  3241. 1766 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  3242. 1766 silly resolved _id: 'source-map@0.1.22',
  3243. 1766 silly resolved _from: 'source-map@~0.1.7' } ]
  3244. 1767 info install optimist@0.3.7 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js
  3245. 1768 info install source-map@0.1.22 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js
  3246. 1769 info installOne optimist@0.3.7
  3247. 1770 info installOne source-map@0.1.22
  3248. 1771 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package/package.json
  3249. 1772 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/optimist unbuild
  3250. 1773 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/optimist/package.json
  3251. 1774 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/source-map/0.1.22/package/package.json
  3252. 1775 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/source-map unbuild
  3253. 1776 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/source-map/package.json
  3254. 1777 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz
  3255. 1778 silly lockFile ebb210ea--uglify-js-node-modules-optimist /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/optimist
  3256. 1779 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/optimist /home/jonathan/.npm/ebb210ea--uglify-js-node-modules-optimist.lock
  3257. 1780 silly lockFile 4fa2dc65-n-npm-optimist-0-3-7-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz
  3258. 1781 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/4fa2dc65-n-npm-optimist-0-3-7-package-tgz.lock
  3259. 1782 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/source-map/0.1.22/package.tgz
  3260. 1783 silly lockFile 0e5c6992-glify-js-node-modules-source-map /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/source-map
  3261. 1784 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/uglify-js-brunch/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/source-map /home/jonathan/.npm/0e5c6992-glify-js-node-modules-source-map.lock
  3262. 1785 silly lockFile 4e9496ad-pm-source-map-0-1-22-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/source-map/0.1.22/package.tgz
  3263. 1786 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/source-map/0.1.22/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/4e9496ad-pm-source-map-0-1-22-package-tgz.lock
  3264. 1787 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  3265. 1788 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  3266. 1789 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  3267. 1790 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  3268. 1791 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  3269. 1792 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile.dryice.js
  3270. 1793 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
  3271. 1794 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
  3272. 1795 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/assert-shim.js
  3273. 1796 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/mini-require.js
  3274. 1797 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/suffix-browser.js
  3275. 1798 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/test-prefix.js
  3276. 1799 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/test-suffix.js
  3277. 1800 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/prefix-source-map.jsm
  3278. 1801 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/prefix-utils.jsm
  3279. 1802 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/suffix-source-map.jsm
  3280. 1803 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry build/suffix-utils.jsm
  3281. 1804 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map.js
  3282. 1805 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/array-set.js
  3283. 1806 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/base64-vlq.js
  3284. 1807 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/base64.js
  3285. 1808 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/binary-search.js
  3286. 1809 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/source-map-consumer.js
  3287. 1810 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/source-map-generator.js
  3288. 1811 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/source-node.js
  3289. 1812 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/source-map/util.js
  3290. 1813 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/run-tests.js
  3291. 1814 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-api.js
  3292. 1815 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-array-set.js
  3293. 1816 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-base64-vlq.js
  3294. 1817 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-base64.js
  3295. 1818 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-binary-search.js
  3296. 1819 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-dog-fooding.js
  3297. 1820 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-source-map-consumer.js
  3298. 1821 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-source-map-generator.js
  3299. 1822 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/test-source-node.js
  3300. 1823 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/source-map/util.js
  3301. 1824 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue16.js
  3302. 1825 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue27.js
  3303. 1826 http 304
  3304. 1827 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  3305. 1827 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  3306. 1827 silly registry.get etag: '"6PV7OT2J70BO48D4WZ7QYBJ06"',
  3307. 1827 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:26 GMT',
  3308. 1827 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  3309. 1828 verbose etag mkdirp/0.3.0 from cache
  3310. 1829 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue278.js
  3311. 1830 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue28.js
  3312. 1831 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.0/package/package.json
  3313. 1832 silly lockFile 9a6651f3-mkdirp-0-3-0 mkdirp@0.3.0
  3314. 1833 silly lockFile 9a6651f3-mkdirp-0-3-0 mkdirp@0.3.0
  3315. 1834 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue29.js
  3316. 1835 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue30.js
  3317. 1836 silly resolved [ { name: 'mkdirp',
  3318. 1836 silly resolved description: 'Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`',
  3319. 1836 silly resolved version: '0.3.0',
  3320. 1836 silly resolved author:
  3321. 1836 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
  3322. 1836 silly resolved email: '',
  3323. 1836 silly resolved url: '' },
  3324. 1836 silly resolved main: './index',
  3325. 1836 silly resolved keywords: [ 'mkdir', 'directory' ],
  3326. 1836 silly resolved repository:
  3327. 1836 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  3328. 1836 silly resolved url: '' },
  3329. 1836 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
  3330. 1836 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '0.0.x' },
  3331. 1836 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
  3332. 1836 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
  3333. 1836 silly resolved readme: 'mkdirp\n======\n\nLike `mkdir -p`, but in node.js!\n\nexample\n=======\n\npow.js\n------\n var mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n \n mkdirp(\'/tmp/foo/bar/baz\', function (err) {\n if (err) console.error(err)\n else console.log(\'pow!\')\n });\n\nOutput\n pow!\n\nAnd now /tmp/foo/bar/baz exists, huzzah!\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nvar mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n\nmkdirp(dir, mode, cb)\n---------------------\n\nCreate a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir` with octal\npermission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\nmkdirp.sync(dir, mode)\n----------------------\n\nSynchronously create a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir`\nwith octal permission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\ninstall\n=======\n\nWith [npm]( do:\n\n npm install mkdirp\n\nlicense\n=======\n\nMIT/X11\n',
  3334. 1836 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.markdown',
  3335. 1836 silly resolved _id: 'mkdirp@0.3.0',
  3336. 1836 silly resolved _from: 'mkdirp@0.3.0' } ]
  3337. 1837 info install mkdirp@0.3.0 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade
  3338. 1838 info installOne mkdirp@0.3.0
  3339. 1839 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.0/package/package.json
  3340. 1840 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp unbuild
  3341. 1841 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  3342. 1842 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.0/package.tgz
  3343. 1843 silly lockFile 29c17d8c-modules-jade-node-modules-mkdirp /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp
  3344. 1844 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp /home/jonathan/.npm/29c17d8c-modules-jade-node-modules-mkdirp.lock
  3345. 1845 silly lockFile 3839937c-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.0/package.tgz
  3346. 1846 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.0/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/3839937c-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-0-package-tgz.lock
  3347. 1847 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  3348. 1848 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  3349. 1849 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  3350. 1850 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  3351. 1851 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  3352. 1852 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.orig
  3353. 1853 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.rej
  3354. 1854 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README.markdown
  3355. 1855 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue14.js
  3356. 1856 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue34.js
  3357. 1857 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js
  3358. 1858 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.orig
  3359. 1859 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue13.js
  3360. 1860 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue4.js
  3361. 1861 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.rej
  3362. 1862 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/chmod.js
  3363. 1863 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue11.js
  3364. 1864 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue48.js
  3365. 1865 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/clobber.js
  3366. 1866 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue10.js
  3367. 1867 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue50.js
  3368. 1868 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/mkdirp.js
  3369. 1869 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm.js
  3370. 1870 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm_sync.js
  3371. 1871 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/race.js
  3372. 1872 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/ifreturn2.js
  3373. 1873 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue53.js
  3374. 1874 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/package.json
  3375. 1875 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/ifreturn.js
  3376. 1876 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue54.1.js
  3377. 1877 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/rel.js
  3378. 1878 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/sync.js
  3379. 1879 silly lockFile 296c92a4-handlebars-node-modules-optimist /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist
  3380. 1880 silly lockFile 296c92a4-handlebars-node-modules-optimist /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist
  3381. 1881 silly lockFile 4fa2dc65-n-npm-optimist-0-3-7-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz
  3382. 1882 silly lockFile 4fa2dc65-n-npm-optimist-0-3-7-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/optimist/0.3.7/package.tgz
  3383. 1883 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/if.js
  3384. 1884 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue68.js
  3385. 1885 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask.js
  3386. 1886 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask_sync.js
  3387. 1887 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  3388. 1888 info preinstall optimist@0.3.7
  3389. 1889 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/package.json
  3390. 1890 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  3391. 1891 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/package.json
  3392. 1892 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  3393. 1893 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/forstatement.js
  3394. 1894 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue69.js
  3395. 1895 verbose cache add [ 'wordwrap@~0.0.2', null ]
  3396. 1896 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="wordwrap@~0.0.2" args=["wordwrap@~0.0.2",null]
  3397. 1897 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  3398. 1897 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  3399. 1897 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  3400. 1897 verbose parsed url host: null,
  3401. 1897 verbose parsed url port: null,
  3402. 1897 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  3403. 1897 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  3404. 1897 verbose parsed url search: null,
  3405. 1897 verbose parsed url query: null,
  3406. 1897 verbose parsed url pathname: 'wordwrap@~0.0.2',
  3407. 1897 verbose parsed url path: 'wordwrap@~0.0.2',
  3408. 1897 verbose parsed url href: 'wordwrap@~0.0.2' }
  3409. 1898 verbose cache add name="wordwrap" spec="~0.0.2" args=["wordwrap","~0.0.2"]
  3410. 1899 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  3411. 1899 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  3412. 1899 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  3413. 1899 verbose parsed url host: null,
  3414. 1899 verbose parsed url port: null,
  3415. 1899 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  3416. 1899 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  3417. 1899 verbose parsed url search: null,
  3418. 1899 verbose parsed url query: null,
  3419. 1899 verbose parsed url pathname: '~0.0.2',
  3420. 1899 verbose parsed url path: '~0.0.2',
  3421. 1899 verbose parsed url href: '~0.0.2' }
  3422. 1900 verbose addNamed [ 'wordwrap', '~0.0.2' ]
  3423. 1901 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=0.0.2- <0.1.0-' ]
  3424. 1902 silly lockFile 8bd42136-wordwrap-0-0-2 wordwrap@~0.0.2
  3425. 1903 verbose lock wordwrap@~0.0.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/8bd42136-wordwrap-0-0-2.lock
  3426. 1904 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  3427. 1905 silly addNameRange { name: 'wordwrap', range: '>=0.0.2- <0.1.0-', hasData: false }
  3428. 1906 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
  3429. 1907 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  3430. 1908 verbose url raw wordwrap
  3431. 1909 verbose url resolving [ '', './wordwrap' ]
  3432. 1910 verbose url resolved
  3433. 1911 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:26
  3434. 1912 verbose etag "8NKTI0FN3VU7WLBYSVKWDBRGF"
  3435. 1913 http GET
  3436. 1914 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/empty-blocks.js
  3437. 1915 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue9.js
  3438. 1916 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
  3439. 1917 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/const.js
  3440. 1918 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/mangle.js
  3441. 1919 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/concatstring.js
  3442. 1920 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/null_string.js
  3443. 1921 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/bool.js
  3444. 1922 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/default_singles.js
  3445. 1923 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/assignment.js
  3446. 1924 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/strict-equals.js
  3447. 1925 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/package.json
  3448. 1926 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/array4.js
  3449. 1927 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/var.js
  3450. 1928 silly lockFile ba31f780-ss-brunch-node-modules-clean-css /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css
  3451. 1929 silly lockFile ba31f780-ss-brunch-node-modules-clean-css /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css
  3452. 1930 silly lockFile c4bf57fd-npm-clean-css-0-10-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css/0.10.2/package.tgz
  3453. 1931 silly lockFile c4bf57fd-npm-clean-css-0-10-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/clean-css/0.10.2/package.tgz
  3454. 1932 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/array3.js
  3455. 1933 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/whitespace.js
  3456. 1934 info preinstall clean-css@0.10.2
  3457. 1935 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/package.json
  3458. 1936 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  3459. 1937 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/package.json
  3460. 1938 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/array2.js
  3461. 1939 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/with.js
  3462. 1940 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  3463. 1941 verbose cache add [ 'commander@1.1.x', null ]
  3464. 1942 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="commander@1.1.x" args=["commander@1.1.x",null]
  3465. 1943 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  3466. 1943 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  3467. 1943 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  3468. 1943 verbose parsed url host: null,
  3469. 1943 verbose parsed url port: null,
  3470. 1943 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  3471. 1943 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  3472. 1943 verbose parsed url search: null,
  3473. 1943 verbose parsed url query: null,
  3474. 1943 verbose parsed url pathname: 'commander@1.1.x',
  3475. 1943 verbose parsed url path: 'commander@1.1.x',
  3476. 1943 verbose parsed url href: 'commander@1.1.x' }
  3477. 1944 verbose cache add name="commander" spec="1.1.x" args=["commander","1.1.x"]
  3478. 1945 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
  3479. 1945 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
  3480. 1945 verbose parsed url auth: null,
  3481. 1945 verbose parsed url host: null,
  3482. 1945 verbose parsed url port: null,
  3483. 1945 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
  3484. 1945 verbose parsed url hash: null,
  3485. 1945 verbose parsed url search: null,
  3486. 1945 verbose parsed url query: null,
  3487. 1945 verbose parsed url pathname: '1.1.x',
  3488. 1945 verbose parsed url path: '1.1.x',
  3489. 1945 verbose parsed url href: '1.1.x' }
  3490. 1946 verbose addNamed [ 'commander', '1.1.x' ]
  3491. 1947 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.1.0- <1.2.0-' ]
  3492. 1948 silly lockFile 2ddf9fd4-commander-1-1-x commander@1.1.x
  3493. 1949 verbose lock commander@1.1.x /home/jonathan/.npm/2ddf9fd4-commander-1-1-x.lock
  3494. 1950 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/divide.js
  3495. 1951 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/line_count.js
  3496. 1952 silly addNameRange { name: 'commander', range: '>=1.1.0- <1.2.0-', hasData: false }
  3497. 1953 verbose url raw commander
  3498. 1954 verbose url resolving [ '', './commander' ]
  3499. 1955 verbose url resolved
  3500. 1956 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 22:19:26
  3501. 1957 verbose etag "D7K1H7LZWS5MZ5237EITUFCEM"
  3502. 1958 http GET
  3503. 1959 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/expected/issue25.js
  3504. 1960 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/array1.js
  3505. 1961 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/default_hash.js
  3506. 1962 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/line_count_wrap.js
  3507. 1963 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue17.js
  3508. 1964 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue20.js
  3509. 1965 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/nonopt.js
  3510. 1966 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/reflect.js
  3511. 1967 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue21.js
  3512. 1968 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue16.js
  3513. 1969 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/short.js
  3514. 1970 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/string.js
  3515. 1971 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue27.js
  3516. 1972 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue278.js
  3517. 1973 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/boolean_single.js
  3518. 1974 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/usage-options.js
  3519. 1975 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  3520. 1976 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue28.js
  3521. 1977 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue29.js
  3522. 1978 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/boolean_double.js
  3523. 1979 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/xup.js
  3524. 1980 silly lockFile 29c17d8c-modules-jade-node-modules-mkdirp /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp
  3525. 1981 silly lockFile 29c17d8c-modules-jade-node-modules-mkdirp /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp
  3526. 1982 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue30.js
  3527. 1983 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue14.js
  3528. 1984 silly lockFile 3839937c-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.0/package.tgz
  3529. 1985 silly lockFile 3839937c-han-npm-mkdirp-0-3-0-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.0/package.tgz
  3530. 1986 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/line_count_options.js
  3531. 1987 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry readme.markdown
  3532. 1988 info preinstall mkdirp@0.3.0
  3533. 1989 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  3534. 1990 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue34.js
  3535. 1991 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue13.js
  3536. 1992 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  3537. 1993 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  3538. 1994 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
  3539. 1995 silly resolved []
  3540. 1996 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp
  3541. 1997 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp
  3542. 1998 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
  3543. 1999 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  3544. 1999 verbose linkStuff false,
  3545. 1999 verbose linkStuff false,
  3546. 1999 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/node_modules' ]
  3547. 2000 info linkStuff mkdirp@0.3.0
  3548. 2001 verbose linkBins mkdirp@0.3.0
  3549. 2002 verbose linkMans mkdirp@0.3.0
  3550. 2003 verbose rebuildBundles mkdirp@0.3.0
  3551. 2004 info install mkdirp@0.3.0
  3552. 2005 info postinstall mkdirp@0.3.0
  3553. 2006 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade
  3554. 2007 info build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade
  3555. 2008 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/package.json
  3556. 2009 verbose linkStuff [ false,
  3557. 2009 verbose linkStuff false,
  3558. 2009 verbose linkStuff false,
  3559. 2009 verbose linkStuff '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules' ]
  3560. 2010 info linkStuff jade@0.26.3
  3561. 2011 verbose linkBins jade@0.26.3
  3562. 2012 verbose link bins [ { jade: './bin/jade' },
  3563. 2012 verbose link bins '/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/.bin',
  3564. 2012 verbose link bins false ]
  3565. 2013 verbose linkMans jade@0.26.3
  3566. 2014 verbose rebuildBundles jade@0.26.3
  3567. 2015 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/_.js
  3568. 2016 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/parse.js
  3569. 2017 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'mkdirp' ]
  3570. 2018 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue4.js
  3571. 2019 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue11.js
  3572. 2020 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade unbuild
  3573. 2021 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/jade/package.json
  3574. 2022 info preuninstall jade@0.26.3
  3575. 2023 info uninstall jade@0.26.3
  3576. 2024 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/usage.js
  3577. 2025 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/_/argv.js
  3578. 2026 verbose false,/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules,/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules unbuild jade@0.26.3
  3579. 2027 verbose /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/.bin,[object Object] binRoot
  3580. 2028 info postuninstall jade@0.26.3
  3581. 2029 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue48.js
  3582. 2030 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue10.js
  3583. 2031 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/_/bin.js
  3584. 2032 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue50.js
  3585. 2033 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/ifreturn2.js
  3586. 2034 http 304
  3587. 2035 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  3588. 2035 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  3589. 2035 silly registry.get etag: '"8NKTI0FN3VU7WLBYSVKWDBRGF"',
  3590. 2035 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:28 GMT',
  3591. 2035 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  3592. 2036 verbose etag wordwrap from cache
  3593. 2037 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'wordwrap', range: '>=0.0.2- <0.1.0-', hasData: true }
  3594. 2038 silly addNameRange versions [ 'wordwrap', [ '0.0.1', '0.0.2' ] ]
  3595. 2039 verbose addNamed [ 'wordwrap', '0.0.2' ]
  3596. 2040 verbose addNamed [ '0.0.2', '0.0.2' ]
  3597. 2041 silly lockFile 24a694c8-wordwrap-0-0-2 wordwrap@0.0.2
  3598. 2042 verbose lock wordwrap@0.0.2 /home/jonathan/.npm/24a694c8-wordwrap-0-0-2.lock
  3599. 2043 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/wordwrap/0.0.2/package/package.json
  3600. 2044 http 304
  3601. 2045 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
  3602. 2045 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
  3603. 2045 silly registry.get etag: '"D7K1H7LZWS5MZ5237EITUFCEM"',
  3604. 2045 silly registry.get date: 'Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:19:28 GMT',
  3605. 2045 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
  3606. 2046 verbose etag commander from cache
  3607. 2047 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue53.js
  3608. 2048 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/ifreturn.js
  3609. 2049 verbose about to build /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha
  3610. 2050 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha unbuild
  3611. 2051 verbose from cache /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/mocha/package.json
  3612. 2052 info preuninstall mocha@1.9.0
  3613. 2053 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'commander', range: '>=1.1.0- <1.2.0-', hasData: true }
  3614. 2054 silly addNameRange versions [ 'commander',
  3615. 2054 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
  3616. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
  3617. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
  3618. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
  3619. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
  3620. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
  3621. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
  3622. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
  3623. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
  3624. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.3.2',
  3625. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.3.3',
  3626. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
  3627. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
  3628. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.4.2',
  3629. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.4.3',
  3630. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
  3631. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.5.1',
  3632. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
  3633. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.6.1',
  3634. 2054 silly addNameRange '0.5.2',
  3635. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
  3636. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
  3637. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
  3638. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
  3639. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.0.4',
  3640. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
  3641. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
  3642. 2054 silly addNameRange '1.1.1' ] ]
  3643. 2055 verbose addNamed [ 'commander', '1.1.1' ]
  3644. 2056 verbose addNamed [ '1.1.1', '1.1.1' ]
  3645. 2057 silly lockFile e890879a-commander-1-1-1 commander@1.1.1
  3646. 2058 verbose lock commander@1.1.1 /home/jonathan/.npm/e890879a-commander-1-1-1.lock
  3647. 2059 info uninstall mocha@1.9.0
  3648. 2060 verbose read json /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/1.1.1/package/package.json
  3649. 2061 silly lockFile 24a694c8-wordwrap-0-0-2 wordwrap@0.0.2
  3650. 2062 silly lockFile 24a694c8-wordwrap-0-0-2 wordwrap@0.0.2
  3651. 2063 silly lockFile 8bd42136-wordwrap-0-0-2 wordwrap@~0.0.2
  3652. 2064 silly lockFile 8bd42136-wordwrap-0-0-2 wordwrap@~0.0.2
  3653. 2065 verbose true,/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules,/media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules unbuild mocha@1.9.0
  3654. 2066 verbose /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/.bin,[object Object] binRoot
  3655. 2067 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue54.1.js
  3656. 2068 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/if.js
  3657. 2069 silly resolved [ { name: 'wordwrap',
  3658. 2069 silly resolved description: 'Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.',
  3659. 2069 silly resolved version: '0.0.2',
  3660. 2069 silly resolved repository:
  3661. 2069 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  3662. 2069 silly resolved url: 'git://' },
  3663. 2069 silly resolved main: './index.js',
  3664. 2069 silly resolved keywords: [ 'word', 'wrap', 'rule', 'format', 'column' ],
  3665. 2069 silly resolved directories: { lib: '.', example: 'example', test: 'test' },
  3666. 2069 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'expresso' },
  3667. 2069 silly resolved devDependencies: { expresso: '=0.7.x' },
  3668. 2069 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.0' },
  3669. 2069 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
  3670. 2069 silly resolved author:
  3671. 2069 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
  3672. 2069 silly resolved email: '',
  3673. 2069 silly resolved url: '' },
  3674. 2069 silly resolved readme: 'wordwrap\n========\n\nWrap your words.\n\nexample\n=======\n\nmade out of meat\n----------------\n\nmeat.js\n\n var wrap = require(\'wordwrap\')(15);\n console.log(wrap(\'You and your whole family are made out of meat.\'));\n\noutput:\n\n You and your\n whole family\n are made out\n of meat.\n\ncentered\n--------\n\ncenter.js\n\n var wrap = require(\'wordwrap\')(20, 60);\n console.log(wrap(\n \'At long last the struggle and tumult was over.\'\n + \' The machines had finally cast off their oppressors\'\n + \' and were finally free to roam the cosmos.\'\n + \'\\n\'\n + \'Free of purpose, free of obligation.\'\n + \' Just drifting through emptiness.\'\n + \' The sun was just another point of light.\'\n ));\n\noutput:\n\n At long last the struggle and tumult\n was over. The machines had finally cast\n off their oppressors and were finally\n free to roam the cosmos.\n Free of purpose, free of obligation.\n Just drifting through emptiness. The\n sun was just another point of light.\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nvar wrap = require(\'wordwrap\');\n\nwrap(stop), wrap(start, stop, params={mode:"soft"})\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nReturns a function that takes a string and returns a new string.\n\nPad out lines with spaces out to column `start` and then wrap until column\n`stop`. If a word is longer than `stop - start` characters it will overflow.\n\nIn "soft" mode, split chunks by `/(\\S+\\s+/` and don\'t break up chunks which are\nlonger than `stop - start`, in "hard" mode, split chunks with `/\\b/` and break\nup chunks longer than `stop - start`.\n\nwrap.hard(start, stop)\n----------------------\n\nLike `wrap()` but with `params.mode = "hard"`.\n',
  3675. 2069 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.markdown',
  3676. 2069 silly resolved _id: 'wordwrap@0.0.2',
  3677. 2069 silly resolved _from: 'wordwrap@~0.0.2' } ]
  3678. 2070 info install wordwrap@0.0.2 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist
  3679. 2071 info installOne wordwrap@0.0.2
  3680. 2072 info postuninstall mocha@1.9.0
  3681. 2073 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/wordwrap/0.0.2/package/package.json
  3682. 2074 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/node_modules/wordwrap unbuild
  3683. 2075 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/node_modules/wordwrap/package.json
  3684. 2076 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/wordwrap/0.0.2/package.tgz
  3685. 2077 silly lockFile 2570bee7-s-optimist-node-modules-wordwrap /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/node_modules/wordwrap
  3686. 2078 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/handlebars-brunch/node_modules/handlebars/node_modules/optimist/node_modules/wordwrap /home/jonathan/.npm/2570bee7-s-optimist-node-modules-wordwrap.lock
  3687. 2079 silly lockFile 92adefd8-n-npm-wordwrap-0-0-2-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/wordwrap/0.0.2/package.tgz
  3688. 2080 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/wordwrap/0.0.2/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/92adefd8-n-npm-wordwrap-0-0-2-package-tgz.lock
  3689. 2081 silly lockFile e890879a-commander-1-1-1 commander@1.1.1
  3690. 2082 silly lockFile e890879a-commander-1-1-1 commander@1.1.1
  3691. 2083 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  3692. 2084 silly lockFile 2ddf9fd4-commander-1-1-x commander@1.1.x
  3693. 2085 silly lockFile 2ddf9fd4-commander-1-1-x commander@1.1.x
  3694. 2086 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue68.js
  3695. 2087 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/forstatement.js
  3696. 2088 silly resolved [ { name: 'commander',
  3697. 2088 silly resolved version: '1.1.1',
  3698. 2088 silly resolved description: 'the complete solution for node.js command-line programs',
  3699. 2088 silly resolved keywords: [ 'command', 'option', 'parser', 'prompt', 'stdin' ],
  3700. 2088 silly resolved author: { name: 'TJ Holowaychuk', email: '' },
  3701. 2088 silly resolved repository:
  3702. 2088 silly resolved { type: 'git',
  3703. 2088 silly resolved url: '' },
  3704. 2088 silly resolved dependencies: { keypress: '0.1.x' },
  3705. 2088 silly resolved devDependencies: { should: '>= 0.0.1' },
  3706. 2088 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'make test' },
  3707. 2088 silly resolved main: 'index',
  3708. 2088 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.6.x' },
  3709. 2088 silly resolved readme: '# Commander.js\n\n The complete solution for [node.js]( command-line interfaces, inspired by Ruby\'s [commander](\n\n [![Build Status](](\n\n## Installation\n\n $ npm install commander\n\n## Option parsing\n\n Options with commander are defined with the `.option()` method, also serving as documentation for the options. The example below parses args and options from `process.argv`, leaving remaining args as the `program.args` array which were not consumed by options.\n\n```js\n#!/usr/bin/env node\n\n/**\n * Module dependencies.\n */\n\nvar program = require(\'commander\');\n\nprogram\n .version(\'0.0.1\')\n .option(\'-p, --peppers\', \'Add peppers\')\n .option(\'-P, --pineapple\', \'Add pineapple\')\n .option(\'-b, --bbq\', \'Add bbq sauce\')\n .option(\'-c, --cheese [type]\', \'Add the specified type of cheese [marble]\', \'marble\')\n .parse(process.argv);\n\nconsole.log(\'you ordered a pizza with:\');\nif (program.peppers) console.log(\' - peppers\');\nif (program.pineapple) console.log(\' - pineappe\');\nif (program.bbq) console.log(\' - bbq\');\nconsole.log(\' - %s cheese\', program.cheese);\n```\n\n Short flags may be passed as a single arg, for example `-abc` is equivalent to `-a -b -c`. Multi-word options such as "--template-engine" are camel-cased, becoming `program.templateEngine` etc.\n\n## Automated --help\n\n The help information is auto-generated based on the information commander already knows about your program, so the following `--help` info is for free:\n\n``` \n $ ./examples/pizza --help\n\n Usage: pizza [options]\n\n Options:\n\n -V, --version output the version number\n -p, --peppers Add peppers\n -P, --pineapple Add pineappe\n -b, --bbq Add bbq sauce\n -c, --cheese <type> Add the specified type of cheese [marble]\n -h, --help output usage information\n\n```\n\n## Coercion\n\n```js\nfunction range(val) {\n return val.split(\'..\').map(Number);\n}\n\nfunction list(val) {\n return val.split(\',\');\n}\n\nprogram\n .version(\'0.0.1\')\n .usage(\'[options] <file ...>\')\n .option(\'-i, --integer <n>\', \'An integer argument\', parseInt)\n .option(\'-f, --float <n>\', \'A float argument\', parseFloat)\n .option(\'-r, --range <a>..<b>\', \'A range\', range)\n .option(\'-l, --list <items>\', \'A list\', list)\n .option(\'-o, --optional [value]\', \'An optional value\')\n .parse(process.argv);\n\nconsole.log(\' int: %j\', program.integer);\nconsole.log(\' float: %j\', program.float);\nconsole.log(\' optional: %j\', program.optional);\nprogram.range = program.range || [];\nconsole.log(\' range: %j..%j\', program.range[0], program.range[1]);\nconsole.log(\' list: %j\', program.list);\nconsole.log(\' args: %j\', program.args);\n```\n\n## Custom help\n\n You can display arbitrary `-h, --help` information\n by listening for "--help". Commander will automatically\n exit once you are done so that the remainder of your program\n does not execute causing undesired behaviours, for example\n in the following executable "stuff" will not output when\n `--help` is used.\n\n```js\n#!/usr/bin/env node\n\n/**\n * Module dependencies.\n */\n\nvar program = require(\'../\');\n\nfunction list(val) {\n return val.split(\',\').map(Number);\n}\n\nprogram\n .version(\'0.0.1\')\n .option(\'-f, --foo\', \'enable some foo\')\n .option(\'-b, --bar\', \'enable some bar\')\n .option(\'-B, --baz\', \'enable some baz\');\n\n// must be before .parse() since\n// node\'s emit() is immediate\n\nprogram.on(\'--help\', function(){\n console.log(\' Examples:\');\n console.log(\'\');\n console.log(\' $ custom-help --help\');\n console.log(\' $ custom-help -h\');\n console.log(\'\');\n});\n\nprogram.parse(process.argv);\n\nconsole.log(\'stuff\');\n```\n\nyielding the following help output:\n\n```\n\nUsage: custom-help [options]\n\nOptions:\n\n -h, --help output usage information\n -V, --version output the version number\n -f, --foo enable some foo\n -b, --bar enable some bar\n -B, --baz enable some baz\n\nExamples:\n\n $ custom-help --help\n $ custom-help -h\n\n```\n\n## .prompt(msg, fn)\n\n Single-line prompt:\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'name: \', function(name){\n console.log(\'hi %s\', name);\n});\n```\n\n Multi-line prompt:\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'description:\', function(name){\n console.log(\'hi %s\', name);\n});\n```\n\n Coercion:\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'Age: \', Number, function(age){\n console.log(\'age: %j\', age);\n});\n```\n\n```js\nprogram.prompt(\'Birthdate: \', Date, function(date){\n console.log(\'date: %s\', date);\n});\n```\n\n## .password(msg[, mask], fn)\n\nPrompt for password without echoing:\n\n```js\nprogram.password(\'Password: \', function(pass){\n console.log(\'got "%s"\', pass);\n process.stdin.destroy();\n});\n```\n\nPrompt for password with mask char "*":\n\n```js\nprogram.password(\'Password: \', \'*\', function(pass){\n console.log(\'got "%s"\', pass);\n process.stdin.destroy();\n});\n```\n\n## .confirm(msg, fn)\n\n Confirm with the given `msg`:\n\n```js\nprogram.confirm(\'continue? \', function(ok){\n console.log(\' got %j\', ok);\n});\n```\n\n## .choose(list, fn)\n\n Let the user choose from a `list`:\n\n```js\nvar list = [\'tobi\', \'loki\', \'jane\', \'manny\', \'luna\'];\n\nconsole.log(\'Choose the coolest pet:\');\nprogram.choose(list, function(i){\n console.log(\'you chose %d "%s"\', i, list[i]);\n});\n```\n\n## .outputHelp()\n\n Output help information without exiting.\n\n## .help()\n\n Output help information and exit immediately.\n\n## Links\n\n - [API documentation](\n - [ascii tables](\n - [progress bars](\n - [more progress bars](\n - [examples](\n\n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk &lt;;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\'Software\'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \'AS IS\', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.',
  3710. 2088 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
  3711. 2088 silly resolved _id: 'commander@1.1.1',
  3712. 2088 silly resolved _from: 'commander@1.1.x' } ]
  3713. 2089 info install commander@1.1.1 into /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css
  3714. 2090 info installOne commander@1.1.1
  3715. 2091 verbose from cache /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/1.1.1/package/package.json
  3716. 2092 info /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/node_modules/commander unbuild
  3717. 2093 verbose read json /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/node_modules/commander/package.json
  3718. 2094 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  3719. 2095 verbose tar unpack /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/1.1.1/package.tgz
  3720. 2096 silly lockFile 7826bd17-clean-css-node-modules-commander /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/node_modules/commander
  3721. 2097 verbose lock /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen/node_modules/clean-css-brunch/node_modules/clean-css/node_modules/commander /home/jonathan/.npm/7826bd17-clean-css-node-modules-commander.lock
  3722. 2098 silly lockFile f10ab046--npm-commander-1-1-1-package-tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/1.1.1/package.tgz
  3723. 2099 verbose lock /home/jonathan/.npm/commander/1.1.1/package.tgz /home/jonathan/.npm/f10ab046--npm-commander-1-1-1-package-tgz.lock
  3724. 2100 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
  3725. 2101 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
  3726. 2102 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
  3727. 2103 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/issue69.js
  3728. 2104 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/unit/compress/test/empty-blocks.js
  3729. 2105 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
  3730. 2106 error Error: EROFS, symlink '../jade/bin/jade'
  3731. 2107 error If you need help, you may report this log at:
  3732. 2107 error <>
  3733. 2107 error or email it to:
  3734. 2107 error <>
  3735. 2108 error System Linux 2.6.32-38-generic
  3736. 2109 error command "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install"
  3737. 2110 error cwd /media/sf_C_DRIVE/wamp/www/test/ostbrunchen
  3738. 2111 error node -v v0.10.0
  3739. 2112 error npm -v 1.2.14
  3740. 2113 error path ../jade/bin/jade
  3741. 2114 error code EROFS
  3742. 2115 error errno 56
  3743. 2116 verbose exit [ 56, true ]
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