
Tender Moments

Oct 7th, 2018
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  3. Back with more Kuromaya! Is anyone all that surprised?
  5. I wrote this so that it could potentially be a sequel fic to Follow My Lead, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. If you want to think of it that way, then by all means, but it isn't officially/strictly related. I feel that fic is strong enough to stand on its own, and this one is going to be more of a collection of canon-verse chapters and oneshots, instead of my own little Amnesia AU.
  7. That being said, this is going to reflect my previous Kuromaya writing a lot, and I apologize if it's so similar, but I want this story/collection to be able to stand on its own as well. Also, had to add (RS) to the official title because I already had a fic by the same name.
  9. Hope you enjoy!
  11. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  13. ------------
  15. Tender Moments
  17. Even at this late, after-supper hour, the dance studio echoes with the sounds of music and tapping footsteps.
  19. Of course, none other than Claudine and Maya would be here at this time of evening, practicing and improving until the last possible moment before curfew strikes.
  21. Claudine has lost track by now of how many numbers they've done together tonight, but as she follows Maya through the motions – as she knows it is her place to follow her, and her alone – she can't help but puff up her cheeks slightly.
  23. She herself feels frazzled and a bit warm from all the physical activity, and yet Maya remains unfazed even after so long. She even makes the lazy sweatshirt and shorts outfit look good somehow, a feat no one else could ever accomplish in Claudine's opinion.
  25. Her only reason for choosing to wear the same thing is that the long sleeves contain a bit of the sweat; sweat Maya never seems to shed no matter how much she dances.
  27. She is truly unbelievable and more than slightly infuriating.
  29. And what's even more infuriating is that Claudine knows the exact reason for that smile – Maya had told her herself. It's because she's so very happy to be able to practice together with Claudine like this, because she's so very happy to watch her progress and observe her unflagging passion firsthand.
  31. Even now as they dance their final number of the night, Maya can't keep the smile off her face as they twirl around the room.
  33. Naturally, knowing what she knows, it makes Claudine visibly pout, which makes Maya smile all the more, which only adds to Claudine's consternation, until they're locked in a never-ending cycle not unlike a dance of emotions.
  35. The music nears its end, and Claudine begrudgingly prepares herself for the finale. Maya supports her back and eases her into the dip to finish, while Claudine expertly distributes her weight, using her core to keep her head up and her impressive flexibility to raise one leg.
  37. Then the silence.
  39. This is always the most infuriating part of all.
  41. She tries with all her might not to let the breathlessness come, but the more she tries to hold it back, the more desperately she feels the need to gasp for air like a woman drowned.
  43. Maya, of course, is unaffected and barely breathing any harder than if she'd taken a leisurely stroll across the courtyard.
  45. Their eyes remain locked in their current positions, and Claudine purposefully tries to blur her vision so as not to have to look directly into that penetrating lilac.
  47. But Maya traps her in place, using her weight and her grip on Claudine to gently prevent her from standing on her own just yet.
  49. Claudine can only last for so long. Finally, she has to admit defeat. A single gasp heaves through her chest, and is swiftly followed by a series of panting.
  51. Maya's smile turns into a devious smirk.
  53. Claudine hates her so much. She'd tell her as much if she could speak, but she can't, so she just has to hope the glare will suffice.
  55. Only now does Maya let her back up onto her own two feet, but she still doesn't let go. She shakes her head.
  57. "Now, now. Your dance is impeccable, but you've really got to work on your breathing."
  59. "Sh-Shut up..."
  61. "A brilliant idea. Allow me to assist."
  63. Maya pulls her in close and presses their mouths together. Claudine stiffens, even though she knew it was coming.
  65. This is how they end every dance, every time. Maya steals her breath right out of her lungs, which doesn't do anything more than fluster Claudine further. But in spite of it all, Claudine can never bring herself to push her away.
  67. One of these days she swears she's going to do just that. But not tonight.
  69. Instead, Claudine relents, and hates herself a little bit for it. But only a little.
  71. Maya can feel she's won yet again in the way the tension drains from Claudine's muscles. She eases back for just a second, allowing her to catch her breath just a little before diving back in.
  73. She loves doing this to her, loves making her heart race faster than any emotional stage play or rigorous dance ever could. She can feel it now resonating through her own chest, a lively rhythm composed of Claudine's passion, the very heart and soul of what has allowed her to get this far – far enough to be here right now in Maya's arms.
  75. She draws back, feels Claudine's breath fanning out quickly against her lips, then kisses her again.
  77. She repeats the process several times, knowing full-well she's doing absolutely nothing to help Claudine's breathlessness.
  79. But she can't let her slightly sadistic side reign supreme for long.
  81. Eventually, she kisses a little less and draws back a little more. Claudine is a fine mess in her arms, and Maya wouldn't have it any other way. She'd closed her eyes a while ago so she wouldn't have to look up at her, which Maya thinks is a shame, but she understands she deserves that small punishment.
  83. She makes the kisses less playful now and more endearing. She opens her hands wide over Claudine's back and side, holding as much of her as possible.
  85. Gradually, she can feel Claudine's breath improving, steadying, deepening. Her heart slows to a tired heavy beat, and the arms around Maya's shoulders begin to lose their grip. Perhaps through admittedly and highly unfair methods, but Maya has made her melt.
  87. At last Claudine exhales the final breath to end the panting once and for all, and burrows her face into Maya's shoulder. Maya hugs her back, running her hands up and down steadily.
  89. "Yes, indeed," she murmurs. "Your breathing definitely needs a lot of work. And your heart seems to be acting up as well."
  91. "I hate you... so much..." Claudine growls, but there's more exhaustion than venom in her voice.
  93. Maya will consider tonight another victory to tuck under her belt. She keeps Claudine on her feet and begins to press small kisses into her hair, the side of her head, and her cheek when she can manage. Judging by Claudine's weaken grip, swaying stance, and quivering back, Maya soon feels the need to atone.
  95. "Perhaps I went a bit overboard. I apologize."
  97. "You'd better... take full responsibility..."
  99. "I certainly will."
  101. Maya holds her for a while longer, ensuring her heart has calmed down from the ordeal. She'd rather stay like this all night with her, but eventually Claudine finds the strength to pull herself back. She finally manages to glare directly up into her eyes, though the blush on her cheeks makes her demanding tone almost comical.
  103. "As punishment, you're hosting tonight."
  105. Maya all but beams in delight.
  107. "Oh my, however will I recover from such divine retribution?"
  109. "Shut up."
  111. But remembering how things had ended the last time she'd said that, Claudine quickly steps away from her and gets to tidying up the room. With a small chuckle, Maya assists.
  113. After putting away the CD player, tossing out all of the empty water bottles, and wiping the floor down a bit, they turn off the lights and head for the showers.
  115. Being they're the only ones present they have the liberty to stand wherever they'd like in the changing room. And of course, Claudine chooses to stand as far away from her as possible, instantly covering herself with a towel and disappearing into the bath area without a second glance. Maya knows she deserves it, but it's still oh so disappointing.
  117. They keep an empty shower stall between them this evening so Claudine can have a chance to recover without having to worry about being teased too relentlessly.
  119. But even with the distance and the hiss of the water, Maya can still pick up on the angelic trill of her hum. She doesn't sing herself, solely in favor of listening to Claudine.
  121. Claudine finishes washing first, swiftly stepping out amongst the mist and grabbing a fresh towel immediately. Maya sighs, but accepts her punishment. She gives her a few moments to change and brush her teeth, then shuts off her own water.
  123. They dress into the nightgowns they'd previously prepared in their cubbies - Claudine's light rosy pink and Maya's ocean-like turquoise. They share a knowing glance, and though Claudine huffs she concedes to their usual routine.
  125. She takes a seat on one of the cushioned chairs first while Maya gets a hair dryer ready. She turns it onto its lowest setting, using her free hand to smooth out the wet sections of silvery-blonde tresses.
  127. She's always very careful with Claudine's cherished curls. It had taken her weeks to even convince her to let her dry it for her in the first place.
  129. She runs her fingers gingerly back through Claudine's bangs, and it's a smooth pull without the usual bump of her headband to obstruct the motion.
  131. This is by far one of her favorite activities of all time. Probably in the top five of her list.
  133. She alternates between smoothing Claudine's hair and fluffing it again, drawing the hair dryer from side to side as well as up and down. She makes sure to tend to the bottom layers as well, drying away the thick wetness that's settled against her back. If Claudine ever wakes with a cold because of her wet hair, Maya would never forgive herself.
  135. She moves the dryer constantly, making sure not to let the hot air blast the porcelain skin at the back of her neck. She'd much rather scorch that with her own two lips, but that will be for another time.
  137. For now, she can tell Claudine's posture is somewhat slouched. Maya rests a hand on her shoulder just to make sure she's still awake.
  139. "I'm almost finished."
  141. "Right."
  143. A one-word answer, but she sounds more exhausted than irked.
  145. Maya goes through Claudine's hair one last time, ensuring it's all dry and warm and soft before she turns off the device and puts it aside.
  147. And before there can be protest she wraps both arms around Claudine and leans herself forward over her, resting her chin on her shoulder. Claudine huffs again, but willingly leans back against her chest.
  149. The warmth of her hair fills Maya's chest, and the warmth of Maya's chest spreads comfortably across Claudine's back. Claudine sighs, but she can't afford to get cozy just yet. She has to return the favor.
  151. In a moment, though.
  153. For now Claudine leans back against her, nuzzling her face against Maya's, brushing their noses together. A steady pulse beats softly between them. They both close their eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling. Claudine only breaks free when she feels she's about to lose consciousness.
  155. "Your turn."
  157. She vacates her seat and has Maya sit instead, switching their spots. She picks up the dryer and gets promptly to work so they can get to bed sooner. Though she doesn't want to be impatient with her work; she wants to do as good a job for Maya as Maya did for her.
  159. Maya enjoys the treatment immensely, closing her eyes as she puts herself in Claudine's care. She loves feeling her fingertips brushing through her hair, loves feeling the small, light touches of her hand against her back and shoulders.
  161. But while Maya would often drag the process out and touch Claudine a bit more than necessary, Claudine doesn't make contact with her anymore than is necessary. Clearly more of her punishment for earlier. Even so, Maya doesn't regret what she did.
  163. After a few moments, Claudine deems her work to be done and shuts off the dryer.
  165. "There." She runs her hand down through the length of Maya's hair in one smooth motion, without the usual ribbon to obstruct the motion. Maya does her best not to lean back into her palm.
  167. "Thank you."
  169. Claudine unplugs the dryer and puts it away, steps into her slippers and makes her way back over to her.
  171. "Let's go, then."
  173. Maya can't tell if she's more eager to get to bed because she's tired or because of other reasons, but she has her musings.
  175. Maya pushes herself to her feet and is about to step into her own pair of slippers when a sudden twinge knots up in the back of her right knee. She stumbles a little, but quickly finds her balance again.
  177. Even so, it doesn't go unnoticed. Claudine is on her in seconds.
  179. "What was that?" she demands. "What just happened? Are you all right?"
  181. Maya holds off on being touched by her concern for a moment as she tries to assess things for herself.
  183. "Yes. Just an ache."
  185. "Are you sure? Don't you lie to me, Tendo Maya."
  187. "I wouldn't dream of it." She offers a reassuring smile, though now she indulges, just a little bit, flattered by the genuine concern swimming in Claudine's eyes. Her hands have reached out as if to help, but been suspended in midair.
  189. Maya takes them both now and pulls her into an embrace. Claudine hugs her back almost angrily, as if she's miffed that Maya had startled her. Maya repents with a kiss to her cheek. Once Claudine breathes a sigh of relief, she eases back.
  191. "Fine. Then shall we?"
  193. Maya doesn't let go of her hand.
  195. "We shall. Lead the way, Ma Claudine."
  197. "We're going to your room," she mumbles. But nonetheless Claudine won't pass up the offer to take the lead for once.
  199. So she sets a brisk pace down the hallway and toward the dorms, knowing with almost chilling accuracy exactly how many strides it will take to reach Maya's room. Once they've arrived Maya gets the door for her and lets her slip inside; not that they really need to be hiding from anyone at this point. Everyone knows.
  201. Once they've entered, Maya closes the door behind them and doesn't even bother with any lights. The room is shrouded in a comfortable hue of evening, with already plenty of moonlight to see by.
  203. Claudine makes straight for the bed as if it were her own and sits down, giving Maya an expectant look. She wastes no time in joining her.
  205. Without a word they come together for a kiss, one that's half tender and half fire. Hands travel across waistlines and through warm locks of hair, resting on hips and shoulders and cheeks. Their lips stray a little, occasionally trailing over foreheads or across cheeks or along jawlines.
  207. Maya gets a bit carried away and dares to kiss the hollow of Claudine's throat, which earns a gasp. When she looks up at her again, Claudine is furiously flattered.
  209. "Sorry," Maya murmurs. "I couldn't resist."
  211. "Then you'd better start learning some restraint," Claudine snaps. "You know I can't-" She cuts off and looks away, letting the silence speak for itself.
  213. Maya shifts closer and pulls her in, cradling her head.
  215. "I know. Your heart is still far too delicate. I'm sorry." Even now she can feel Claudine's pulse high in her throat, sent aflutter so severely with just the beginnings of Maya's antics. Claudine swallows and eventually returns the embrace.
  217. "Sorry..."
  219. "Why are you apologizing?"
  221. Claudine shakes her head.
  223. "For making you wait."
  225. Maya gathers a handful of Claudine's hair and combs it back from the side of her face. She kisses her temple sweetly.
  227. "Don't ever feel you need to apologize for something like that. I'll wait. I'll always wait for you. For as long as it takes, and then some."
  229. Claudine breathes out a long sigh, locking both arms around her neck and shoulders.
  231. "Merci."
  233. "There's no need." Maya kisses her cheek.
  235. They're still for a moment, keeping close enough to feel each other's hearts. After a time, Maya pulls her legs up onto the bed, leaving her slippers behind. Claudine mimics her.
  237. "Let's get some rest."
  239. "Not just yet," Maya smiles. "Lie down."
  241. Claudine narrows her eyes.
  243. "And just what are you scheming?"
  245. "Lie down and you'll find out."
  247. "I swear..."
  249. But in spite of her suspicions, Claudine allows Maya to push her gently until her back bounces against the mattress. She waits expectantly, but Maya doesn't join her. She remains sitting up on her knees. Claudine pouts.
  251. "What is this?"
  253. "You'll find out. On your stomach, if you would?"
  255. "Now hold on just a moment-"
  257. "Do you trust me?"
  259. Claudine purses her lips. Unfair, unfair, unfair. How dare she play that card.
  261. ...Because she knows it'll win, that's why.
  263. So Claudine all but flips herself over, crossing her arms over the pillow and glaring back over her shoulder.
  265. "Get on with it then."
  267. Maya relishes her victory and moves up closer. She sits herself at Claudine's side, eager to begin her complimentary massage, her self-induced punishment for her behavior earlier.
  269. But the tightness in her leg suddenly returns and she's forced to shift her weight quickly, sucking in a sharp breath. Claudine must've felt or heard something odd, because she looks back at her again.
  271. "Maya?"
  273. "...Just getting comfortable."
  275. Something in Claudine's eyes says she still suspicious, but Maya gets to work on easing her mind. She carefully gathers Claudine's hair and brushes it aside over her shoulder to reveal her back. She rests her hands on Claudine's shoulder blades, earning a small squeak. Maya chuckles.
  277. "Easy now. You're always far too tense, Ma Claudine."
  279. "Shut up."
  281. Maya finally stops teasing and gets to work. She presses her palms firmly over Claudine's shoulders, spreading them out and rolling circles. She can feel Claudine is even more tense than usual, so Maya takes things slowly. She curls her fingers over the tops of her shoulders, massaging them in gently, but still hard enough to ease the tautness.
  283. Claudine Saijou has always been the embodiment of stubbornness, and it doesn't shine through any brighter than at times like these.
  285. Maya knows she's biting back every little moan and whimper of relief that comes naturally with a massage. It may be cruel of her, but it's another one of Maya's favorite games to play with her; seeing how long she can go before she breaks her.
  287. She can already feel the change in Claudine's breathing, the stiffness in her back and sides.
  289. Maya rubs her palms in circles across her shoulders for a moment before gradually moving down. She applies pressure here and there, in all the right places and with just the perfect amount of force to help her loosen up without causing her pain.
  291. The first time she'd done this, that had been her biggest concern, that she might end up hurting her somehow. Always, in anything she does, that is Maya's greatest fear.
  293. She knows Claudine would never tell her even if she was in pain though – her pride would never allow it. So Maya has to be very careful and very observant.
  295. She pays close attention to how Claudine breathes, noting any change in the pattern. When her breath quickens, Maya slows. She makes her way down over Claudine's sides, pressing lightly over her ribs, then easing off again.
  297. It's always a struggle to help her relax, especially when she's such a delicate person by nature. All those sharp words and piercing glares are nothing more than a front to conceal a soft and very fragile interior.
  299. Maya knows this better than anyone. In fact, she likes to believe she is the only one who knows.
  301. Which is another reason why no one else could ever be her partner. She'd never trust anyone else with Claudine's precious heart.
  303. She continues her ministrations, moving her hands in soothing motions until she reaches the small of her back. That's when Claudine's grip on the pillow tightens ever so slightly and her breath catches. Maya pauses.
  305. "Does it hurt?"
  307. "No."
  309. A blatant lie. Maya doesn't move.
  311. "Claudine-"
  313. "Just-" she huffs, hiding her face into the pillow. "Just push. Please."
  315. If it's painful enough to have Claudine asking nicely, Maya knows it's not just the usual ache.
  317. So she balances herself on her knees and holds her hands in place over Claudine's back, then gently leans forward. She applies only a bit of weight per second, gradually building it up.
  319. Claudine whimpers as the tension culminates in her lower back, all but stinging. She can feel something about to break, and she's scared, but she knows it needs to happen. She bites the pillow and holds her breath, waiting-
  321. Maya pushes down and feels it for herself when something cracks in Claudine's back. It earns a sharp yelp from her partner, and Claudine immediately curls in on herself. Maya lies down beside her right away, still rubbing her back for her.
  323. "Claudine...?" There's a bit of fear in her voice and in her heart. She never wants to hurt her, not even like this.
  325. Claudine catches her breath again as the pain subsides and the tension melts away. She opens her eyes slowly to find Maya right there, waiting as always. Claudine lets out a shaking breath and smiles as she wraps both arms around her.
  327. "Merci..." she sighs.
  329. And this is why this is probably Maya's third favorite activity on her list, only behind dancing with her and kissing her. She loves helping her feel better, loves being able to help alleviate some of the tension and the pain that comes with such a physically-demanding career.
  331. Maya holds her close, stroking through her hair.
  333. "It's my pleasure. Does it still hurt?"
  335. "Not at all."
  337. Now she's being truthful about it, and Maya can tell. Claudine has relaxed significantly by now. She's all but melted again.
  339. She rolls herself over onto her back and takes Maya with her, too elated to even care about the consequences. She's grateful enough to let Maya do as she pleases.
  341. And though Claudine's comfort is reward enough, Maya still won't refuse such a generous and rare offer.
  343. But she doesn't want to overwhelm her, so she sticks to peppering tiny kisses across her face, nuzzling into the side of her neck. She feels Claudine's hands on her back roaming aimlessly, as if to repay the favor in some minuscule measure. She's too relaxed now to be as flustered as she might typically be, and that's something they can both enjoy.
  345. Claudine keeps making happy little sighs and hums that warm Maya's heart. So Maya rests her head on Claudine's chest to listen to hers.
  347. And just like that, she's gotten to do her most favorite things today within the course of a few hours.
  349. She can tell by Claudine's breathing now that she's just about to fall asleep. Before she does, Maya makes sure to remind her of one very important thing.
  351. "Je t'aime, Ma Claudine."
  353. She hears the skip in Claudine's pulse and chuckles.
  355. "Oh, my. Your heart seems to be acting up again, mademoiselle."
  357. Claudine curls her fingers into Maya's nightgown.
  359. "Quiet..."
  361. "Tell that to your heart. It's quite loud."
  363. She's gone too far again. That much is made clear when Claudine's chest heaves with a huff. She pushes herself up and over, rolling Maya beneath her now and settling on top. She cracks one eye open to glare.
  365. "Maybe this will keep you quiet, you insufferable woman."
  367. "Maybe," Maya laughs. She hugs Claudine on top of herself now, encircling her back with both arms, letting her fingers curl through that silken silver hair.
  369. Claudine exhales and rests her head on the front of Maya's shoulder, closing her eyes once again.
  371. "Je t'aime."
  373. It's another huff, but it's the most endearing huff Maya's ever heard.
  375. She kisses Claudine's head, letting one hand slip down to the small of her back and rest there. She rubs small circles over the sore spot until she can feel for herself that Claudine has drifted off.
  377. For this, Maya is always more than glad to have her go first; in this case, she prefers to follow.
  379. The eventful evening becomes a tranquil night.
  381. And it should've stayed like that until morning.
  383. If only it could've...
  385. . . .
  387. Maya can't make sense of what's happening. It must be some kind of dream, something that has her teetering on the borderline of sleeping and waking.
  389. She can't think. Her senses aren't working. Until-
  391. "Ah-!"
  393. A sharp, searing pain shoots through her leg, painfully yanking her back into consciousness.
  395. It's burning. It's absolutely excruciating.
  397. Her nails dig into whatever they can make purchase on and tear as her body thrashes in agony.
  399. But the more she moves the worse it gets. It feels like something's eating her alive.
  401. She freezes, unable to move as the muscles in her leg constrict and spasm.
  403. It consumes her senses. It consumes all of her.
  405. She cries out again, only this time someone replies.
  407. "Maya!"
  409. Even in the throes of her agony, Maya recognizes Claudine's voice. She forces her eyes open to find her there, more panicked and frazzled than ever.
  411. And there are tears.
  413. She's crying.
  415. She's crying...
  417. The pain subsides as quickly as it'd come, draining Maya of both tension and feeling for a moment. She lies there on her back, struggling for breath as she tries to keep her eyes open. Claudine calls for her again.
  419. "Maya! Maya-!"
  421. This is bad. She'd never made her cry before. That hurts immensely more than the pain in her leg had.
  423. Maya moves her hand, trying to reach for Claudine, but the shock and intensity from the pain just now hardly lets her twitch her fingers. Even so Claudine notices, and she clutches Maya's hand with both of hers.
  425. "Maya! Wh-What happened? I'll call for help-" She chokes on her sobs and begins to scramble to get up. But Maya uses her remaining strength to hold onto her fingers, to make her stay.
  427. "It's all right-" she rasps.
  429. "No!" Claudine shrieks. "No, it isn't! You're hurt-"
  431. "It was only a cramp..." Maya insists. "It's over."
  433. Maya hates her own weakness right now. Claudine's eyes are wide with terror, spilling more and more tears by the second. One of her hands has gone to clutch at her chest. Maya wants to hold her more than anything right now. Her beautiful disaster.
  435. "I'm fine," Maya manages. "I swear to you. That's all it was."
  437. She can feel Claudine's hand trembling. Maya tightens her grip a little more as her strength gradually comes back to her.
  439. Claudine still looks as though she's about to bolt for the door to get help, but she's shaking so badly she probably wouldn't make it two steps across the room. Maya pools enough of her strength now to sit herself up.
  441. "I'm fine. I promise, Claudine."
  443. The hand Claudine has gripping her chest has turned bone-white. Maya knows her heart must be out of control beneath it.
  445. She can't bear it any longer. She pulls Claudine back to her, wrapping both arms around her. Sure enough she can feel her heart racing, thundering with fear.
  447. "You scared me-" she whispers. "I was so scared..."
  449. Maya bites her lip and squeezes her tighter.
  451. "I'm sorry."
  453. Claudine reaches out for her now, fingers making quivering purchase around her shoulders.
  455. It's been years since she'd experienced such awful pains herself, and now that Claudine knows that's all it was tonight, it puts her at ease, just a little. She's never heard of Maya suffering such cramps. She didn't think it was possible.
  457. This reminds Claudine that even the renown Maya Tendo is only human.
  459. She breaks down in Maya's arms, sobbing at full force.
  461. Maya holds her, pressing close, hoping to share her own steadier pulse with Claudine's frantic one. It's still racing, almost hammering, which speaks volumes to just how badly the ordeal had frightened her. Maya pets softly through her hair, up and down her back.
  463. "Shh... It's all right." She curls her legs beneath her, even the bad one, but no pain resides anymore.
  465. That's when Maya catches sight of the stray strands of silver hair littering the bed. There are at least five or six of them.
  467. Maya instantly feels a horrible dread gripping her stomach. She's never seen a strand of Claudine's hair shed before, not even in her own bed. Maya prays what she's imagining is wrong.
  469. Slowly, she opens her hand that had been secure on Claudine's back and glances down.
  471. Her heart twists.
  473. Several more strands of Claudine's hair are tangled around her fingers. But what's even worse than that is when Maya notices the faint redness staining the tips of her nails.
  475. "Claudine-"
  477. She draws away from her crying partner who still can't manage to lift her head. Maya looks again at her hand and the loose strands in her fingers.
  479. She'd been unconscious at the time. The pain had been so severe. She hadn't known what was happening.
  481. But she remembers now how her nails had dug into whatever they could make purchase on, how she'd writhed violently because of the pain.
  483. Claudine, who had no doubt been sleeping peacefully with her at the time, had been roughly torn off of her by none other than Maya herself.
  485. Maya feels her throat closing up.
  487. "Claudine-"
  489. In spite of her dismay, Maya carefully has Claudine turn her head to one side. She brushes the locks of silver hair aside, revealing the back of her neck. Four red scratch marks mar her skin there.
  491. A wave of nausea rises up in Maya's throat. To know she'd ripped her hair, drawn her blood...
  493. "Claudine!" Maya clings to her with fervency, with as much force to hold her close now as she'd used to push her away before. "I'm sorry-"
  495. The guilt in her throat is as thick as Claudine's pulse against her chest. Maya covers the back of Claudine's neck with her hand, wishing she could erase the marks.
  497. Just like that, her greatest fears had come true.
  499. She'd hurt her. Without knowing. Without trying.
  501. Hurting her unintentionally is worse than stabbing her straight through the heart. Even so, Maya feels like she's done just that.
  503. "Forgive me..." she begs. "I never meant to-"
  505. But Claudine doesn't let her finish. She lifts her face sharply and glares directly into her eyes, with tears tumbling from her own.
  507. "Don't you think I know that, you idiot-?"
  509. It's something between a bark and a whimper, as the tears still haven't stopped. But it's enough to snap Maya out of her guilt. Claudine sniffles, still trying to pout in spite of it all.
  511. "You didn't mean to... I know that... And besides, who cares about something so trivial? ...You..." She shakes her head, breath hitching again. "I thought... you were having some kind of episode... I didn't know wh-what to do, Maya-" She breaks down all over again, slumping against Maya's chest.
  513. Maya just holds her again, gritting her teeth to keep back tears of her own.
  515. Claudine is wrong. Tearing her hair and making her bleed aren't trivial matters. Not to Maya.
  517. To Maya they are sins she'll need to atone for for the rest of her life, and even then she still may not forgive herself. To have her greatest fear come to life within the comfort of her own bed...
  519. "I'm sorry..." It's all she can think to say. "I'm sorry, Ma Claudine..."
  521. Claudine sniffles sharply and lifts her face again.
  523. "Ma Maya... my idiot Maya..." she growls. "Are you apologizing for pulling my hair... or for making me worry about you?"
  525. Maya gives her a miserable look. Claudine scrunches her nose.
  527. "Wrong answer."
  529. Claudine kisses her lips firmly enough to wake Maya fully from her trance. She even glides her teeth against her lip just to be sure. When she eases back Maya's eyes seem clearer.
  531. "I'm not hurt," Claudine reiterates, though with the way the tears are drying on her cheeks it's difficult to believe. "You don't need to worry about me. All you need to worry about is eating more potassium. If that happens again... if I ever have to see you in so much pain like that ever again... my heart won't be able to take it."
  533. Maya cradles the back of her head and kisses her brow.
  535. "I know. I'm sorry. I'll do whatever I can to ensure it doesn't happen again."
  537. Claudine breathes out.
  539. "You'd better."
  541. Maya nods. She nudges Claudine softly, having her turn to one side a little. She clears her hair away once again, with extreme care, making sure not to tug a single strand. She kisses the scratch marks she'd made on the back of Claudine's neck, a wordless apology to follow the verbal ones.
  543. Claudine blinks the last of her tears away, then wipes her sleeve over her face. She turns around in Maya's arms, pecking her cheek.
  545. "Are you sure you're all right?" She brushes her fingers through Maya's bangs and tucks them back, gazing sternly up into her eyes. Maya dips her head and kisses the bridge of her nose.
  547. "I'm sure. I promise."
  549. "I'm going to have Nana-san make extra banana snacks for you tomorrow."
  551. "I'll look forward to it."
  553. Claudine loops her hands behind Maya's neck and kisses her again out of sheer relief.
  555. Maya keeps her close, squeezing her tightly. But in contrast, her hands move gently though Claudine's silvery-blonde curls, massaging the back of her head at the roots she'd torn. She plants several kisses through her hair in apology.
  557. She'll do this all night if Claudine will let her.
  559. But her partner pulls herself back, gently forcing Maya to stop.
  561. "Enough," she murmurs. "If you keep feeling so guilty about it I'll never sleep tonight, and neither will you." She presses another quick, sweet kiss to Maya's lips. "I'm all right if you are. Oui?"
  563. At last, the final wave of guilt that had been squirming in Maya's stomach dissipates.
  565. "Oui."
  567. She kisses her again, gliding her hands up Claudine's sides. Claudine returns the favor and gives her a squeeze. Then she leans back, pulling Maya down with her onto the mattress. They bounce once, letting out a mutual sigh. Maya looks her over one more time, kisses her one more time.
  569. "Claudine, I-"
  571. "No more apologies. I'm exhausted."
  573. "I was going to say I love you."
  575. A blush blossoms across Claudine's face in two seconds flat.
  577. "That... That's fine then..."
  579. "Sorry. Was your heart not prepared?"
  581. "It's just... you usually use French..."
  583. Maya smiles.
  585. "I'll learn it in whatever other languages you like."
  587. "That won't be necessary."
  589. Claudine turns her face away, pouting because of the blush and because of the fact that her cheeks are still puffy from crying. Maya can't resist easing herself down to brush a kiss onto either side of her face. She hums, nuzzles, sighs.
  591. "Je t'aime, Ma Claudine."
  593. Claudine looks back up at her coyly.
  595. "Je t'aime... Ma Maya."
  597. One more kiss.
  599. It always seems like one more, like the one before should've been the last for the night, but then another opportunity just perfectly presents itself.
  601. In fact, it's a few more than one this time.
  603. They lose count, doing it again and again until they quite literally can't any longer.
  605. Claudine falls asleep first, allowing Maya to pepper a few more kisses here and there along her hairline and her cheeks. She rests her forehead against hers and lets go of the last of her guilt. Her heart feels light and free once more, as she knows Claudine forgives her, even if she can't forgive herself.
  607. Claudine's forgiveness is all she needs – all she'll ever need.
  609. "I love you," she whispers. "With everything that I am."
  611. A few more kisses. Just a few.
  613. At last she settles herself carefully and rests her head over Claudine's heart.
  615. She listens for a long while, savoring the rhythm, committing it to memory.
  617. She listens until the nighttime hours sweep over her mind and take her to whatever dream Claudine is having.
  619. -----------
  621. A/N: It's been a while (thankfully) since I've had athlete's cramp attack me in the middle of the night but let me tell you I wouldn't mind it all that much if I had a girlfriend to help make it all better.
  623. The original idea for this was just to have it be that, but then I thought of Maya giving Claudine a massage and then I wanted them to dry each other's hair and then I wanted them to dance and then it was 6,500 words and 14 page long. Whoops.
  625. Will probably be more additions to this to come! Not sure if they'll be standalones or will be directly related to this. We'll see!
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