
MG-CC: Shula takes Sam out PT1

Feb 18th, 2016
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  1. [15:25] Sam [Magical Girl AU: Back at the beginning]
  2. [15:26] Sam The bell rings, and the students quickly filter there way out of the school, save for those who have clubs or sports to attend to. Most are quite happy to be outside were the warmth of the sun banishes the doldrums of high-school education.
  3. [15:27] Shula is leaning against the walll of a certain school, red headphones shimmering in the light, boots making noises as her heal is raising and falling and a bubble appearing in front of her mouth as she waits for her prey.
  4. [15:27] Sam ambles outside at a sedate pace, a satchel thrown over one shoulder. He doesn't have any church-work today, or anything else that would keep him busy. He is intent to enjoy the day with doing some light reading and schoolwork.
  5. [15:31] Shula stretches herself as her familar is moving below her shirt cold scale on warm skin as she heads for ihm the apple gum slowing being blown and expanded. before she tries to pop it close to him.
  6. [15:32] Sam "Hello Shula, nice weather we're having." He says with only a brief glance at the girl's direction.
  7. [15:33] =-= WolfieBed is now known as Pale_Wolf
  8. [15:37] Shula *pop* "Well yes it is, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the skirts are getting shorter. So, how was your day among the infidels?"
  9. [15:38] Sam "Oh it was fine." he says blandly "Burned a witch or two, tortured out some confessions of apostasy, beheaded a heretic. Same old same old. You?"
  10. [15:40] Shula "Tempted a few kids, engaged in the spreading of naked akram pictures, presented some of janes homework as my own after I had asked her for that, the usual... Oh and won a game of luck in the mall"
  11. [15:49] Sam "Scandalos." he deadpans
  12. [15:52] Shula "I might have won two tickets for a holliday there~"
  13. [15:53] Sam "I'm sure Jane will be quite happy to hear that. Or Akram if that suits your desires at the moment."
  14. [15:55] Shula "Both of them are currently occupied elsewhere, I might have given the whole thing a slight push.."
  15. [15:55] Shula smiles like the cat with the mouse
  16. [15:55] Sam "I have no doubt you'll find someone suitable for you. . . needs, then."
  17. [16:03] Shula "Well yeah, a weekend with the long one thanks to the hollidays , filled with museums tours, board and a old castle with a natural hot spring .... Oh and the 340 year old monastry"
  18. [16:04] Sam "Sounds quite interesting, you're rather lucky."
  19. [16:09] Shula "Well, as you already think so, then I assume it is no problem that I I am taking you as my companion~"
  20. [16:10] Sam "I never agreed to that, and I am quite capable of refusing."
  21. [16:16] Shula "Cap0pable yes, but willin to do so is another qestion.."
  22. [16:16] Sam "No."
  23. [16:16] Sam "There. Done."
  24. [16:16] Sam "Besides, I'm busy on Sundays anyways. I'm helping my Grandfather this weekend."
  25. [16:25] Shula "Well, of course it makes sense that you do what he says."
  26. [16:25] Shula nods
  27. [16:25] |<-- Pale_Wolf has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  28. [16:26] Sam "Exactly, so regardless of my feelings on the matter, I'm afraid I can't join you."
  29. [16:30] -->| Pale_Wolf ( has joined #AdEva3AU
  30. [16:32] Shula "Of course , "She walks slightly faster to turn and look him into the face nonchalant" Which is why he said yes as I asked him about that"
  31. [16:33] Sam ". . . . . . . . . . ." Sam stops. ". . . ." He reaches for his phone, and what follows is a very short, rather on sided conversation that ends with a somewhat bewildered looking Sam. ". . . He already packed my bag. . ." He says, staring at his phone in shock.
  32. [16:42] Shula "I know, it is best to leave such matters not in your hands after all."
  33. [16:43] Sam ". . . ." Sam closes his eyes and takes a long breath. "Well, I suppose it's decided then."
  34. [16:48] Shula smiles and pats his head "he is suuch a understanding man, and quite charming and nice ~"
  35. [16:50] Sam He shrugs. "Lord give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. . . You know the rest I think."
  36. [16:51] Shula "I heard it quite often after all~"
  37. [16:52] Sam "Well, I don't see a point in putting up a fight over this. it's unbecoming of me to do so."
  38. [16:55] Shula pouts +
  39. [16:56] Sam d
  40. [16:56] Sam "Do you really expect me to be overjoyed at being forced into this?" he doesn't sound angry, just amused.
  41. [17:03] Shula "Well you never said that you do not want.zo fo do <3
  42. [17:06] Sam "No, I suppose I didn't. . . . " Sam shrugs again. "As I said, no sense in raising a stink over it, and I do appreciate the thoughtfulness of invitelling me with."
  43. [17:09] Shula "Well I had to plan arond a bit for your willfull untamed manner as you are like a colt "
  44. [17:09] Sam "I'm not sure I like being compared to a horse here. . . ."
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