
RevoX Chapter #5179

Sep 13th, 2015
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  1. [World]ANIKI:bad timing i guess
  2. [World]UallHoes™:why is that ? lol
  3. [World]ANIKI:kuro what did you change your name too?
  4. [World]ANIKI:PM to XC
  5. [Notice]Congrats to Illusion™ for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  6. [Current]Dutyon:alguien español?
  7. [Current]Dutyon:*Dutyon*
  8. [World]Ogden:warship maxed out 8 5, 8 100
  9. [World]UallHoes™:DAMM
  10. [World]M0rpheus:Are those coordinates for one piece?XD
  11. [Notice]tojo89 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  12. [World]Drock:It was
  13. [World]Drock:Now I will have to put the booTy somewhere else
  14. [World]Milo™:sup ladies
  15. [World]M0rpheus:such an original name Milo,how'd you come up with it?
  16. [World]Milo™:it was my original name.. til i change to d.milo
  17. [World]M0rpheus:Was being sarcastic,my bad XD
  18. [World]Milo™:would have stayed d.milo but some douche sabotaged it ._.
  19. [World]M0rpheus:thought u chose a wacky name
  20. [World]8===D_PP:Guys what the HP of the judicial islan adventure boss stage
  21. [World]8===D_PP:60
  22. [World]bloodarrow:5 milion?
  23. [World]Ogden:1m
  24. [World]Ogden:about 1 m for stage 200 per opponent
  25. [World]Ogden:Luffy or Kuzan make it possibru
  26. [World]UallHoes™:Milo im going to beat you RIGHT NOW
  27. [World]bloodarrow:with luffy easy pew pew
  28. [World]Ogden:BTW UallHoes*sama
  29. [World]Ogden:I wanted to ask you, who's the strongest 139?
  30. [World]Ogden:Milo it is?
  31. [World]Milo™:Uall please dont :(
  32. [World]Milo™:im only 138 ogden
  33. [World]UallHoes™:Eagle™.sng_20
  34. [World]Ogden:Eagle is 140, ain't he?
  35. [World]UallHoes™:no
  36. [World]Milo™:no eagle is 139
  37. [World]Ogden:no wait, i mixed up eagle and boss*sama
  38. [World]UallHoes™:just wondering can you beat milo ogden ?
  39. [Notice]Congrats to PewPewDiez for getting Advanced crew member Van Augur!
  40. [World]Milo™:yes by luck....
  41. [World]UallHoes™:so what are the odds of me beating you ? :P
  42. [World]Milo™:lol with that acc you still have awhile to go :P
  43. [World]UallHoes™:so right now 0 ? XD
  44. [World]Milo™:try to duel me 10 times...
  45. [World]Milo™:see how many you can win...
  46. [World]UallHoes™:so apparantly odds are 0 XD
  47. [World]Milo™:v
  48. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:try 100 times, you'll win eventually :v
  49. [World]UallHoes™:anytips master ?
  50. [World]UallHoes™:http:***8g0jxg
  51. [World]Milo™:like butaw said^^^
  52. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:change to navi and use gin bug :v
  53. [World]UallHoes™:that doesnt seem like 100 bro :V
  54. [World]UallHoes™:whatever lol **** happens ? :V
  55. [World]UallHoes™:now imma set formation where i will win 100% how does that s
  56. [World]Milo™:please do...
  57. [World]UallHoes™::D :D
  58. [World]UallHoes™:gimme 10 mins im outta silver lmao
  59. [World]Milo™:lol i see what you did... nice trick :v
  60. [World]UallHoes™:wait ill perfect it bro
  61. [World]HanneKun!:Heyoo
  62. [World]UallHoes™:and... its not a trick
  63. [World]Milo™:all i have to do is make garp slower than your robin...
  64. [World]UallHoes™:you can do that bro ? XD
  65. [World]HanneKun!:Hey Miley'
  66. [World]Milo™:now try :v
  67. [World]UallHoes™:you can play this game all day man :V
  68. [World]UallHoes™:i know your exact speeds so ......
  69. [World]Milo™:yeah nice bot tho....
  70. [World]UallHoes™:i dont have bot my friends do :D
  71. [World]Milo™:yeah sure heard that one before....
  72. [World]UallHoes™:but odds changing from 100 to minus 100 are funny lol
  73. [World]UallHoes™:im not the one thats VIP 9 though hahaha
  74. [World]Milo™:well you should now by now vip dont have nothing to do with
  75. [World]Milo™:it... its all about skill and formation
  76. [World]UallHoes™:yeah although im sure lux dev doesnt hurt XD
  77. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:The rule back in the day was vip doesnt matter
  78. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:until you reach vip9
  79. [World]Risy:ok... pp doesn't want to start, cuz it's overloaded?
  80. [World]Risy:http:***8g0oyb
  81. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:vip9 is when it becomes a game changer :v
  82. [World]HanneKun!:Lord Burgess has Logged In
  83. [World]Milo™:as to non of my chars are luxed...
  84. [World]Milo™:im the weakest vip 9 youll meet here....
  85. [World]UallHoes™:you sure that Vip doesnt help getting 90% haki ? :v
  86. [World]Zippo:why
  87. [World]Zippo:why vip 9 ?
  88. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:Since the amount you need to top up to get it
  89. [World]Milo™:no... 90% haki is from saving gold to get haki scrolls
  90. [World]UallHoes™:gotta give respect though :V i beat a Vip 9 :V
  91. [World]Zippo:i collected 1.2k gold in 2 weeks xD
  92. [World]HanneKun!:lol
  93. [World]Milo™:with your bots help... ill give you that...
  94. [World]UallHoes™:*Franky*
  95. [World]UallHoes™:bot cant display crews man just saying
  96. [World]8===D_PP:*Franky*
  97. [World]8===D_PP:Uall not a bot
  98. [World]8===D_PP:lol
  99. [World]UallHoes™:*Robin*
  100. [World]UallHoes™:hahaha :P
  101. [World]Milo™:yet how many accs do you have?
  102. [World]UallHoes™:i only have 2 noone is botter :)
  103. [World]UallHoes™:i dont need to lie though
  104. [World]Ogden:Zippo, 9.6 gold is minimum if you pplay daily + dungeons
  105. [World]Milo™:its all gravy bro^^^^
  106. [World]Ogden:1.2k is quite. well, bad I'd even say
  107. [World]Zippo:u mean cards?
  108. [World]Zippo:cause dageuon dailly i have 4 free
  109. [World]Zippo:plus the daily pot vit
  110. [World]Zippo:random gold is alot
  111. [World]Ogden:yupp, 48 cards a week. log in and gl
  112. [World]Ogden:yeah, i do the same. I today spend 56 minutes to finally
  113. [World]Ogden:use my vitpots on dungeons
  114. [Affiliation][Instructor]Wortex™:Anyone looking of a legion
  115. [World]UallHoes™:Acheivement unlocked beat second strongest under lvl 140 hha
  116. [World]Ogden:damn mun, you beat Milo?
  117. [World]UallHoes™:100%
  118. [World]UallHoes™:he changed marco speed again dafuq lol
  119. [World]Milo™:100%?
  120. [World]Ogden:Is there a limit to young lord Muneeb sama?
  121. [World]Milo™:like i said... its all about your formation...
  122. [World]Ogden:One day you'll eve beat Butaw and Sinbad, say all VIP Dias
  123. [World]Ogden:yeah, I was close to beating Rooffy once. once....
  124. [World]Milo™:go ahead read marcos speed :P
  125. [World]UallHoes™:X.X milo apparantly got offended :V
  126. [World]Ogden:Depends what you understand by the word "formation"
  127. [World]Milo™:not really offended tho?
  128. [World]UallHoes™:Holy **** man why are you making me use different haki
  129. [World]UallHoes™:only 9 speed difference ? :V
  130. [World]UallHoes™:oh its 100 very doable milo
  131. [World]UallHoes™:its an endlless game since my speed range is upto 42k hahaha
  132. [World]Milo™:you think so...
  133. [World]UallHoes™:well i wont say i can beat a Vip9 100%
  134. [World]Monkey.D.T:this game is still very dead...
  135. [World]Ogden:true, but more lively than ever though
  136. [World]UallHoes™:well ogden i proved my point XD most under 140 are beatable
  137. [World]Monkey.D.T:pretty nuch the same people still pla from wehn i left 5 mon
  138. [World]Monkey.D.T:months ago*
  139. [World]Milo™:Uall duel me now...
  140. [World]Monkey.D.T:plus no new content
  141. [World]UallHoes™:hmm okay
  142. [World]Zippo:WHEN Tthe update for this game comes lol
  143. [World]Zippo:this coming soon on crew upgrade is 2 years old
  144. [World]Monkey.D.T:?
  145. [World]Zippo:?
  146. [World]Zippo:what didnt you understand xD
  147. [World]Monkey.D.T:how you said it...
  148. [World]Monkey.D.T:either way this is the only one piece game im ashamed of
  149. [Notice]bazingaa88 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  150. [World]UallHoes™:milo man.... O.O
  151. [World]UallHoes™:i can beat this one too :*
  152. [World]Milo™:sup
  153. [World]Zippo:i need changes its the same like 2 years ago that i quit it
  154. [World]UallHoes™:Hebe is the only one i cant beat AT All
  155. [World]UallHoes™:you know i can simply give t1 from franky to garp and boom..
  156. [World]Monkey.D.T:onto pirate warriors 3 ntill they make some changes to this
  157. [World]Monkey.D.T:until*
  158. [World]BradsClone:i can beta milo too :P
  159. [World]Hisøka:i can too :v
  160. [World]UallHoes™:shame on you 140 people this is 140 below war
  161. [World]BradsClone:but milos a vip 9
  162. [World]Hisøka:but i can 3 man him :v
  163. [World]Hisøka:does it count ?
  164. [World]Hisøka:3 man is bait franky choppa prot
  165. [Current]UallHoes™:140 compe***ion with 140 hahahah
  166. [World]UallHoes™:Hisoka 3man is more power than 6 man ;)
  167. [World]Teras:even I can beat Milo right now :v
  168. [World]UallHoes™:Maxie so modest hahaha
  169. [World]Hisøka:wut about prot garp only ?
  170. [World]UallHoes™:now thats good dea lol
  171. [World]Hisøka:go see qq lol
  172. [World]Hisøka:alredy did it
  173. [World]UallHoes™:cant beat me with 2 :*
  174. [World]Hisøka:u sure :v
  175. [World]UallHoes™:just a sec lemme put on jozu hahaha
  176. [World]Hisøka:u choke to prot choppa
  177. [World]Hisøka:same with garp prot XD
  178. [World]UallHoes™:lemme try :* im not sure
  179. [World]UallHoes™:WTF hax soka
  180. [World]Hisøka:wut hack :v
  181. [World]UallHoes™:so OP wkwkw but like i said 140 no match :V
  182. [World]Ogden:Mun, will you do my tuesdays ladder if it's not reseted till
  183. [World]Hisøka:but i am just vip 0 :v
  184. [World]UallHoes™:ofc
  185. [World]Ogden:thanks, i tell you later, if it really is necessary. g'nigh
  186. [World]Ogden:nice rank for a vip 0 his0ka
  187. [World]Ogden:pirate shop or hard grinding?
  188. [World]UallHoes™:ogden dont fall for his tactics :V
  189. [World]UallHoes™:he is the best strategist in game :V
  190. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:kek
  191. [World]UallHoes™:Master Soki
  192. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:skrilim was r1 earlier as well
  193. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:nothing to say today :d
  194. [World]Teras::v Pfish is back
  195. [World]UallHoes™:lols peach is always here :V
  196. [Notice]Treasure hunters have appeared on the sea, kill them to obtain their treasure maps!
  197. [World]Ogden:best strategist? aye. so i will raise franky speed, low else
  198. [World]Ogden:g'nigh
  199. [World]UallHoes™:but that is paiful wkwkwkw :V too much power lost :V
  200. [World][Red Diamond VIP]Butaw:IM NUCLEAAAR
  201. [World]Drock:shurulululu
  202. [World]Zippo:but u are butaw the legendery donator xxD
  203. [World]Drock:what is your point Zippo the light?
  204. [World]BloodSwoRd:wew. so many dies in ladder 2 day ^^
  205. [World]Dя.Doom™:thanks skril, for moving me rank 93
  206. [Notice]Dя.Doom™ has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  207. [Notice]Ðన్☪☠ killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  208. [World]Milo™:3v3
  209. [World]Morph2:NEVER!
  210. [World]Morph2:I do 3v3 until I get positive points then do group :D
  211. [World]BloodSwoRd:done. 8 loses today
  212. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:you are rather unlucky, batsy ._.
  213. [World]Dя.Doom™:nine loses here
  214. [World]Milo™:lol doom
  215. [Notice]Romero.s005 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  216. [World]Milo™:3v3 guys
  217. [World]BloodSwoRd:i m out. cya every1 ;)
  218. [World]M0rpheus:Doom,time for you to retire :p
  219. [World]Batman™:huhu
  220. [Notice]Romero.s005 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  221. [World]Dя.Doom™:ikr ? 9 loses... i quietly retire just dont get mad
  222. [World]Dя.Doom™:when i take arena rank^^
  223. [World]Dя.Doom™:milo , morph is bullyiing me
  224. [World]Wh✮D✮es:lol
  225. [World]Dя.Doom™:cya
  226. [Notice]Congratulations to Butaw, the new Champion of the Arena!
  227. [Notice]Congratulations to Nemuri, the new Champion of the Arena!
  228. [Notice]Kuruno.sng_20 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  229. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  230. [Notice]zoro192046 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  231. [Notice]Ghifari has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  232. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  233. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  234. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  235. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  236. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  237. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  238. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  239. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  240. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  241. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  242. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  243. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  244. [Notice]Congratulations to Illusion™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  245. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  246. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  247. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  248. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 40 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 80%!
  249. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  250. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  251. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  252. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  253. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  254. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  255. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  256. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  257. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  258. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  259. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  260. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  261. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  262. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  263. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  264. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  265. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  266. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  267. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  268. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 40 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 80%!
  269. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  270. [Notice]kaalii successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  271. [Notice]bazingaa88 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  272. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  273. [Notice]He11.s005 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  274. [Notice]villain successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  275. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  276. [Notice]Nemuri successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  277. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  278. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  279. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  280. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  281. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  282. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  283. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  284. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  285. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  286. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  287. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  288. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  289. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  290. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  291. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  292. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  293. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  294. [Notice]Pekelemebe successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  295. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  296. [Notice]BoaClara successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  297. [Notice]Nemuri successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  298. [Notice]Romero.s005 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  299. [Notice]Ðన్☪☠ killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
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