
Lamport Clock in Oz

Feb 8th, 2012
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  1. declare
  2. proc {Loop S Clock UpdatePort P1 P2}
  3.    NewClock Response
  4. in
  5.    case S of H|T then
  6.       if H.clock > Clock then NewClock = H.clock + 1
  7.       else NewClock = Clock + 1 end
  8.       {Send UpdatePort NewClock#H}
  9.       Response = msg(clock:NewClock value:H.value+1)
  10.       {Send P1 Response} {Send P2 Response}
  11.       {Loop T NewClock UpdatePort P1 P2}
  12.    end
  13. end
  14. fun {ClockFilter L Clock DisplayPort}
  15.    case L of H|T then
  16.       if Clock > H.clock then
  17.          {Send DisplayPort H.value}
  18.          {ClockFilter T Clock DisplayPort}
  19.       else  H|{ClockFilter T Clock DisplayPort} end
  20.    [] nil then nil
  21.    end
  22. end
  23. proc {Display Updates Stack DisplayPort}
  24.    case Updates of (Clock#Msg)|T then
  25.       {Display T {ClockFilter Msg|Stack Clock DisplayPort} DisplayPort}
  26.    end
  27. end
  28. proc {DumbDisplay Updates Stack DisplayPort}
  29.    for _#Msg in Updates do {Send DisplayPort Msg.value} end
  30. end
  31. proc {Process Name S1 S2 P1 P2}
  32.    Msgs MsgPort = {NewPort Msgs}
  33.    Updates UpdatePort = {NewPort Updates}
  34.    Displayed DisplayPort = {NewPort Displayed}
  35. in
  36.    thread for X in S1 do {Send MsgPort X} end end
  37.    thread for X in S2 do {Send MsgPort X} end end
  38.    thread {Loop Msgs 0 UpdatePort P1 P2} end
  39.    % Replacing Display by DumbDisplay breaks the garantee that causal order
  40.    % will be respected.
  41.    thread {Display Updates nil DisplayPort} end
  42.    {Browse Name(Displayed)}
  43. end
  44. fun {DelayStream S}
  45.    thread
  46.       case S of H|T then {Delay {OS.rand} mod 2000 + 500} H|{DelayStream T} end
  47.    end
  48. end
  49. proc {MakeDelayPort Port Stream} Tmp in
  50.    Port = {NewPort Tmp} Stream = {DelayStream Tmp}
  51. end
  52. S12 P12 {MakeDelayPort P12 S12}
  53. S13 P13 {MakeDelayPort P13 S13}
  54. S21 P21 {MakeDelayPort P21 S21}
  55. S23 P23 {MakeDelayPort P23 S23}
  56. S31 P31 {MakeDelayPort P31 S31}
  57. S32 P32 {MakeDelayPort P32 S32}
  58. C12 = {Connection.offer S12}
  59. C13 = {Connection.offer S13}
  60. C21 = {Connection.offer S21}
  61. C23 = {Connection.offer S23}
  62. C31 = {Connection.offer S31}
  63. C32 = {Connection.offer S32}
  64. {Process n1 S21 S31 P12 P13}
  65. {Process n2 S12 S32 P21 P23}
  66. {Process n3 S13 S23 P31 P32}
  67. {Send P21 msg(clock:0 value:0)}
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