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The Autumn Babby Cup Draw

a guest
Oct 5th, 2015
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  1. Hey, /vp/!
  3. First off, I'm still surprised we got as many responses as we did in the Autumn roster poll -- it's probably a record, and it makes me happy to see the team has solid fan presence. Thanks again to everyone who voted!
  5. I'm also happy with how the Vidya Bowl turned out: I was away for a good part of the weekend, came back in time for /vp/-/vr/ in the group stage, and took it all the way with an absolutely insane finish. Being best vidya board is a good feel.
  7. On to more serious matters, though:
  9. The Autumn Babby draw is complete, and we've landed in Group F with /lit/, /lgbt/, /c/, and /pol/. I have to say that while it's not the worst group we could possibly have gotten, it's also not the best.
  11. /lit/ is considered one of the best teams relegated from Summer for a few reasons: a.) their 4th-place finish in Winter; b.) Autocrat, probably known as one of the most autistic managers in the Cup; and c.) holy fuck /i/'s meme tictacool jeans did you see that cheeky lob how did /lit/ lose that game? It should go without saying that any Pot 1 team is not to be taken lightly under any circumstance, and /lit/ is out to prove their patrician status.
  13. Noticeable though is the fact that Autocrat seems to have a certain mentality that doesn't serve him well, as evidenced by his response to losing to /i/...
  15. /lgbt/ is, in all senses of the word, a gigantic question mark. Memes and righats aside, their manager is a complete unknown who's taking over from the old one since he seems to be kill. Even worse is that we're their first match of the cup, which makes it difficult to understand how they operate in any capacity, so this is a match-up to take zero chances on.
  17. Unknown, however, won't necessarily mean good -- it could perfectly well be nothing. It's still best to be careful though.
  19. /c/, while generally considered to be an awful team, concerned me as I watched their performance in Spring. They went from being blown the fuck out by /b/ to beating /a/, who most people thought would take a freak accident to miss Summer. Pay attention to the fact that /c/ is /vp/'s last match, just like Spring of three cups ago, who failed to advance only because Konata spaghetti'd hard at the last second. It's perfectly possible for /c/ to pass without incident, but I wouldn't take too much stake in that myself. It's not "just /c/".
  21. /pol/ is...well. After winning in Spring last year they never quite recovered, but it's probably not a good idea to discount them: a grand total of THREE TIMES in the last Babby they actually got cucked by cheeky 90+ goals and PES magic. Think about that: three times pretty much in a row they were denied wins that could have easily let them 9-point and go to Summer. If the manager is anything as good as he is at spamming Can Can Sandstorm in IRC when /b/ scores, /pol/ is a legitimate contender.
  23. I'm not saying any of this to be pessimistic or extremely paranoid -- just some things to note about every team. One often hears statements being thrown around, especially in /4ccg/ (which is probably not a good place to be lurking anyway) every which way that says "x team is shit" without actual PES knowledge or just plain "have a (You)"-level baiting so it's important to clear up misconceptions and size up teams like so.
  25. /vp/ may have a good chance in this group, but since we ourselves aren't seen as a good relegated team from Summer we don't deserve to rest easy at all.
  27. I've said it in the thread but I'm going to reiterate it here: good luck to everyone in this group, and the cup as a whole.
  29. Regardless of how salty I end up after every match anyway, because that always happens.
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. On the internal side of things, I've been busy as of late but testing has been going more or less good whenever I get the opportunity.
  35. It's interesting to note that I'm probably worth shit for making base tactics but better at making live changes, while my co-manager admits (or at least thinks) he's a bad live-manager, but on the other hand I like to think he makes better set-ups than I do, given that we won the Vidya Bowl on a meme formation he made and a tweak he suggested after we stopped fooling around with >LB-CB-RB. With that in mind, I think it comes together pretty well for us personally.
  37. At the end of the day, though, it's a virtual divegrass tournament meant for fun and not muh e-sports, and win or lose I hope you, anon, continue to support /vp/. If you didn't quit when we sucked total shit for pretty much our entire existence before last Autumn, why now?
  39. Neither of us are him (ripip ;___;7) but we hope to bring back his magic. Last Autumn was an amazing time to be a /vp/ fan, and this Autumn we want to make it the same.
  41. Tell me, /vp/: do you believe?
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