
Mind of Matter - Chapter 03

Jul 16th, 2012
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  1. <Chapter 03>
  3. > You are Celestia
  4. > You're suddenly awaken by a terrible dream.
  5. > IT started with you greeting your subjects of the royal court, the elements of harmony present
  6. and...something else, something you never saw before was standing there.
  7. >You try to see what it is, but his figure is erratic
  8. > you try harder
  9. > it suddenly changes to something horrific and lunges at you.
  10. > Darkness.
  12. > You shoot awake in an instant, panting hard, sweat along your brow as you cough a bit, easing out of bed to get a drink of water.
  13. > you looked out over the kingdom of Canterlot as the night sky captivated your gaze with the brilliance of a full moon and stars, your sisters handy work as you close your eyes.
  14. > your horn glows as a message goes out.
  15. > Silence for a long while.
  16. > its eventually interrupted by the wing beats of another Alicorn. Luna, the younger sister and second princess to Celestia, made her way down upon the observatory platform, facing you before bowing her head slightly. "It is a quiet night sister, why tho set to me during my nightly rounds?"
  17. You gazed over your midnight blue sibling, giving a rather unsettling sigh of relief.
  18. "I had wanted to ask your presence sister, for I feel the time of something deep draws near. Each night I have been visited by a spirit in my dreams, a creature not like anything seen upon this plane. I fear that what it may bring could cause serious consequences to this world."
  19. "Surely you jest."
  20. Luna remarked
  21. "I doubt any form of such item can exist away from the realms of sleep."
  22. "I am not so sure, something...seems almost real about it."
  23. "Real, sister? How so?"
  24. You simply shivered your wings, your ever flowing mane casting along your face.
  25. "It was aware of me..." you said as it grazed over your eyes, the vision of its own returning the stare before you woke. Luna seemed a bit unsure of what you had said,but the expression her eyes gave seemed to bear witness to the fact.
  26. "Then what shall we do?"
  27. " not now. I have no idea what creature this may be, but I will be certain it shall be coming soon."
  28. Luna nodded, turning herself slowly back towards the twinkling stars of the night."
  29. "Then we must prepare, and you need your rest Sister, i SHALL check upon thee in the dawn." and off she went.
  30. YOU sighed, seeing her leave into the night before turning to settle back into your bed.
  31. This slumber, for the first time, brought uncertainty of what tomorrow would bring.
  33. --
  35. You are Luna
  36. What your sister had said troubled you
  37. A creature not of this world
  38. It made you uneasy, but your sister would surely be a lot more on edge
  39. This thing would most likely be out during the day
  40. your nights remained calm.
  41. You feel terrible for your sisters plight, but know you cannot waver from your responsibilities.
  42. As you land at the observatory, you begin by surveying your sisters Royal subjects of Ponyville, since your return, Ponyville had been the jewel of Equstria aside from Canterlot, it held great value to your sister as it was the home of the Elements of Harmony.
  43. >As you survey the farmland at the edge of the town, you witness something among the vast apple trees;
  44. something you could not identify.
  45. It moved with purpose, speed, and great skill, it would climb tree,pluck apples, and then leave them in
  46. baskets around the trunk.
  47. You were certain it was not anypony you knew, none of your sisters subjects often took to the night, so the interest in something ELSE being active during your period of diligence was...exciting.
  48. You watch it further, carrying a large ladder from one tree to the next, doing the same thing as before, stopping now and then.
  49. It stood upon two legs, perhaps it was one of the beasts of the Everfree forest, but that could not be.
  50. How could such a creature comprehend such tasks as this one was committing.
  51. Your interest has been doubled
  52. You think back to your sisters words
  53. "Something not of this world."
  54. Your eyes go wide
  55. Could that? cannot be something she would fear?
  56. You decide it would be best to investigate yourself
  57. you spread your wings
  58. but..
  59. you pause, you cannot, your duty as princess of the night required you to remain vigilant.
  60. You sigh in disbelief, gazing through the telescope again to see the creature work.
  61. It...whatever it was, was certainly strong. As it climbed into the tree, it would pick apple after
  62. apple, dropping them down right into the buckets at the base of each tree,slowly filling them with as much
  63. effort as it could muster.
  64. Once the tree was picked, it would climb down, move the ladder to another tree and then go back to grabbing a pair of buckets again to fill.
  65. Strange, it seemed like it had its own routine
  66. Your wings beat with puzzlement as you slowly drew your body from the observatory deck.
  67. You couldn't hold it in, this thing had to be seen closer, your telescope couldn't do justice.
  68. But, what if its harmful.
  69. Of course not! it does not seem like the thing to do so...
  71. You are Anon
  72. You like working nights
  73. You've do so in many jobs before back home, you honestly preferred it
  74. The silence
  75. Stillness
  76. Picking apples at night was a cake walk in itself, you didn't have anyone bothering you, no supervisor looking over your shoulder.
  77. Peace and quie-
  78. "Someone is coming comrade."
  79. Cermina is standing below you, her gaze is upwards to the sky as she hisses
  80. "at this hour?" you ask, dumping a few more apples it the basket below you.
  81. "Its seems to be coming in from further than Ponyville."
  82. "So its not some pony from there... Then who?"
  83. Cermina hissed
  84. "whoever it is, she has strength, i sense great magics"
  85. You pause, remembering what AJ and Pinkie sad said about the princesses, they were near-god like entities right?
  86. Could one of them?
  87. No, why, that made no sense as you
  88. You cant be sure what the reason is, but she is coming, the only thing you can guess is that white one got smart and decide to investigate.
  89. Great... So much for an easy night.
  91. You slip right into the leafage of the tree, pressing your back tight against the trunk and both arms pressed against two branches, keeping you steady.
  92. Wingbeats, big ones
  93. You brace tightly against the tree, all around you is leafage, you huff one last time as you keep your eyes to the hole you made coming in.
  94. You had a decent view below the tree to finally see the late night inspector
  95. But its nothing like you expected
  96. There, landing gently at the base of the tree is an alicon, but not the white one you say before.
  97. This one was smaller. At least half the size of the great white one but with dark blue fur and a ever flowing mane that match the night sky above.
  98. Who the fuck is this?
  100. She is
  102. Beautiful.
  104. The Alicorn Princess looks around a bit, confused no less to find nothing where something was before.
  105. "Creature of the night." she began, her voice proud and booming
  106. It hurt to hear as you grimaced a bit.
  107. "I, Princess Luna of Equestria, seek an audience to understand thy creatures purpose."
  108. She sounds so...ugh...royalty.
  109. But she looks...well...she looks something better than the white one you've seen before.
  110. Easing forward a bit,trying too get a better view.
  111. Cermina hisses a bit, suddenly you see why
  112. Your shoulder nudges an apple
  113. It falls
  114. right
  115. on
  116. the
  117. alicorn.
  118. *Thump!*
  119. right on its head
  120. " Celestias horn, what treachery is this!? I seek only answers and you reply with force?! I shall be swift in judging your actions!"
  121. She turns directly to the tree
  122. directly to you
  123. but she cannot see you.
  124. You can see the magic slowly orbiting around the apple tree, leaves gently pulling away
  125. "Move!" Cermina barks as you quickly double back downward, taking the opposite side of the tree down to the ground and running, very fast, away from the princess as she opens the entire leave litter
  126. Nothing
  127. "I shall find thee beast of the night for thy answers I seek!"
  128. You run, no par-cour skills in you, but bounding off trees as you go deeper seems cooler
  129. Cermina is right behind you, watching your back
  130. love that drake
  131. You make it to another tree, quickly clambering up and getting into the same position like in the last one
  132. just as the other Alicorn arrives
  133. "Beast of the Night!" she calls
  134. "I ask for no struggle between us, but seek answers, you have been witness by royal eyes as concerning and my sister has deemed a creature of wariness to come. Let me see you for my own eyes to pass if thy is worthy of being welcome to our realm"
  135. Is she serious?
  136. She is seriously saying that they think you're a threat
  137. Fuck this shit
  138. you pluck another apple, you are doing this one on purpose as she looks around
  139. "Perhaps we are not clear, we seek an audience with you to pass judgement on you, a threat or ally, we seek to know."
  140. You drop the apple, you WANTED to throw it, but this was a lot more fun.
  141. it falls, waking her along the head again.
  142. Newton would be proud at your accuracy.
  143. *CLUNK*
  144. "|INSOLENCE!" she barks, looking up at the tee
  145. "Do you seek our rage and not our kindness!?"
  146. She does the same magic trick, pulling the leaves apart right as you ditch the tree again
  147. Landing down, you move quickly yet again, running further and further until you reach the last group of trees before the stream
  148. no were else but up!
  149. You clamber up into a tree
  150. safe again as you wait.
  151. Silence
  152. No trotting of hooves, did she give up, no, it can't be that easy to escape someone of royalty who wants to know what you are. You can't help but wonder who she is, definitely NOT the white one, just seeing her fur as dark blue and a mane of dark night was enough to guess this was the sister AJ mentioned of their Princess Celestia, who was she, Luna? The Nightmare Moon who had overpowered Celestia but was banished to the moon.
  153. You smirk, she's pretty cool to be able to do that, but that smirk is cut short as you heard a soft Fwump
  155. above.
  156. You look up to see the Alicorn standing atop the tree, wings outspread as she bellows/
  157. "Creature of the night, this is the last warning thee shall receive! I grow tired of your insolence, we asked merely to speak, but you toy with us, we are not amused, and we shall have our answers by truth from your maw or by force!"
  158. "By force?" you call back "well, if lil miss night puff here can force it out of me, then lets see what she's got!"
  159. Luna grew a bright red blush on her face, swinging her head left and right, seeking the voice out, but not sure exactly from where.
  160. "You...dare question a royal demand?"
  161. "I question it enough to know that I don't give a damn."
  162. "You...little, show yourself, so that we may dispense the judgment of your actions!"
  163. She doesn't seem to realize you're below her.
  164. Good, that's what you want.
  165. Slowly you ease your hands out through the top of the leaf covering of the tree, you can see the Princess
  166. looking left and right, wings drawn up, horn glowing steadily as you gently grip her fore-hooves and yank
  167. her forward.
  168. She comes right down into the tree, her lower half still above while her upper half, the part with her head, is pulled down right in front of you.
  169. "AUGH!!" Luna exclaims, closing her eyes as you pause, having her now half way through the leaves of the top of the tree, you hold her in place.
  170. "What, what is this, dare defile my hooves with your...." she flails a bit, her eyes closed as her horns
  171. glows.
  172. "Easy there..." you whisper "You are under my control not move or you shall draw harm to yourself."
  173. "Ah.,..the beast speaks, s-show yourself!" she tries to open her eyes but you place your hat upon her face
  174. "Do not see, you do not need to. I am the beast of the night you witness, and I have now caught you as my
  175. prey."
  176. She grows tense, you can feel her body quiver in your hands as you press yourself against her, trying to keep your balance.
  177. "I come here for the night, a night I gander at and enjoy, a night that is mine, where I rule."
  178. "YOUR night?" she demands "I had brought the moon and stars, this is not YOUR night!" she struggles, trying to free her self from your hands, but you hold her tighter.
  179. "No, this is MY night, for you are now under MY power, i may slay you, but no...a waste of such beauty does not require blood."
  180. "W-waste o-of beauty?" she seems to stutter a bit, her expression calms just for an instant as she hesitates in her next few breaths,
  181. "Yes...a fine....almost succulent specimen to divulge in...I have not eaten in quiet awhile" you bring your mouth close to her ear and make a small "bite" sound with your teeth
  183. Its enough.
  185. "AHHHH!!" she starts screaming like crazy, you can feel her whole body shake and flail as you try to keep her contained, but she is too much, and shoving and pulling, pushing and failing eventually causing you both to slip, you holding her, and tumbling right down from the tree....with a loud thud...onto thew soft grass.
  187. You wake up slowly, eyes gently opening as you see Cermina crouched beside you
  188. "She is a fine one comrade....but her powers are not as strong as the white one."
  189. You blink, suddenly feeling a hefty weight on your chest, looking up, you see the blue Alicorn right atop
  190. you. Her legs sprawled outward as her body pressed against yours. It felt...oddly cool and her ever flowing mane twinkled like the stars above.
  191. "Whao..." is all you can say admiring the dark blue mare as she slowly begins to fidget.
  192. "Ah...have we...fallen asleep on our duties..." she looks around, seeing her eyes slowly come into focus before she looks down to you
  193. wide eye
  194. "YOU!"
  195. She gets up instantly, horn forward right before you.
  196. "Dare see that we are now in control, THIS is our night, and this is what we say of insolence to the crown."
  197. You huff a bit, easing up
  198. "Well gee, look who was the one who feel upon me, dare say you owe me an apology?"
  199. "Only because you had caused it! I do not see need to apologize for a transgression in harassing a princess"
  200. "Harassing? You call teasing you harassment, well geeze aren't we the one wound up tight."
  201. "we are not wound, we are not some toy you may give a fille. We are Princess Luna, and you have dared to cross the royal highness of the night."
  202. "Highness of nothing is what I see."
  203. You prod her, it seemed fun to watch the princess get steamed, it wasn't often you could do this as you
  204. see her horn glow.
  205. "INSOLENCE, you shall pay!"
  206. Her horn glows a vibrant purple blue as she sends a wave of magic towards you. It tickles, but, you cannot
  207. feel any pressure from it. Perhaps she was trying to lift you, or something, but the magic doesn't stick, and you shake it away.
  208. "What...this cannot be? What trickery is this?" she demands, sending another spell at you.
  209. No effect
  210. "Seems your mumbo jumbo ain't gonna cut it."
  211. You smirk
  212. "C'mon, is that what the great princess of the night has to offer, I've seen fillies with more magic then that.
  213. A nerve, you can see her turn red.
  214. " are finished!" she lowers her horn, fixating it directly onto you as she suddenly charges head long.
  215. You avoid it easily.
  216. Her eyes were closed, and within a second you here a thump as she lodges herself into the tree behind you.
  217. "What....what is this!" she struggles, eyes still closed
  218. "Unhand me you...vagrantbeast!"
  219. "I'm not holding you!' you call as she slowly opens her eyes and sees herself in the situation.
  220. "Oh dear me!" she exclaims, trying to get free, but finding her long horn properly stuck through the trunk.
  221. "Well...seems the great princess is no longer a threat, my my, and its been so long since I ate.
  222. "Wh-what!?"
  223. You walk towards her, admiring her form, a subtle body, but well portioned as you creep around her flanks
  224. "You see, I have only been eating apples here, but my species cannot simply live off these...small fruit...we need protein, we need sustenance only live creatures can give...and indeed, I am famished, I have not eaten my protein fill in quiet awhile....maybe I'll start with a leg..."
  225. You gently grip her rear leg as the princess yelps softly, closing her eyes. Her body is quivering.
  226. "And then...a little thigh." you grace your hand along her leg, very gently, slowly, up to her flank where
  227. her markings were; a crescent moon on a night sky, circling it with a finger.
  228. "And then...a helping of rump!" and swat her behind
  229. She yelps loudly, squeezing her tights together as you suddenly hear a little...dripping.
  230. Did she...
  231. you start to smell it
  232. :Oh...d-dear me....please...just...end me quickly...." she whined a bit, her inner thighs were now wet with
  233. what you can only guess is urine as you back away
  234. "tut...I do not wish to eat such chicken beast who cannot hold her bladder, you must taste awful!"
  235. "W-whaty!? dare you call me a chicken...I do not..." she struggles to get free "bear feathers of those rump is perfectly accepting as an Alicorns can be."
  236. "Well if you're an Alicorn, I still think you taste bad."
  237. " can you..."
  238. she looked at you, you smile, a sheepish smile
  239. " kid you not."
  240. You nod "I guess you can say, but I didn't expect you to be so easily scared
  241. "I'm not you do not wish to eat me, what do you plan?"
  242. You ponder, tapping your chin
  243. Well, you did kinda act mean to me, maybe I;ll leave you here for somep0ny to find you
  244. "NO!"
  245. "Or maybe some wild creature will see you...well...smell you, and come running for a feast
  246. "NO!"
  247. > she cries louder
  248. "Or maybe...
  249. "ENOUGH! PLEASE!" she closes her eyes "P-please...s-stop...I do not wish to be nothing...."
  250. "Who said you were nothing"
  251. you walk over to her, you can see she starting to tear up
  252. "Hey...easy now..." you gently stroke her cheek, but she fidgets, trying to move away.
  253. "Why do you mock me, why do you toy with me? What have I don wrong to deserve this?"
  254. You pause, sighing
  255. "You've done fact, you did the right thin, I guess I got carried away teasing you.
  256. Carried away, but you are still here?"
  257. "Figure of speech..."
  258. "Then what does it mean
  259. "I went overboard, I went a bit far teasing you...I'm sorry."
  260. She looked at you, a slight blush of embarrassment
  261. "I guess...I need to find ways to better protect myself, you monster, you would have feast on my flesh!"
  262. "That actually isn't all true. I don't think your kind carries the kind of sustenance I need."
  263. She gulped a bit "r-really"
  264. "No...but I don't know for sure...maybe I should..." you stroke a finger along her flank, she shivers,
  266. tingling down her spine.
  267. "Ah....I kid...I shall not wish to eat you."
  268. "t-then stop it, you scare me...I do not wish to be toyed so!"
  269. You ease away from her, studying her figure
  270. "What are you doing?"
  271. "trying to figure out how t get you free."
  272. W" will you?"
  273. "Well, I may need to tug you out from your horn...may I?" you point to her, she blushes, looking around she turns back and gazes at you, the expression in her eyes enough to permit a yes.
  274. You ease right up to her, gently placing one arm around her neck and the other on her horn,you gently tug.
  275. "Hrmmm, its not that bad, clean puncture in, won't be too hard to pull out.
  276. She fidgets sin your grip
  277. "Hrmmm"
  278. you ease away
  279. "W-what is it now?" the princess asked.
  280. "Well, if i free you, whats stopping you from trying to square me again hrmm, or maybe use your magic to
  281. tickle me?"
  282. "Ah...demands now, you seek demands for my freedom, you arrogant-"
  283. "Hey...never said any demands yet Missy, now shush and listen. If I free you, will you spend the night with me here. I have...questions to talk about and maybe one of the royal family can help me answer....if you wouldn't mind it."
  284. She looks at you,. blushing a bit "I-i see why will not eat me?"
  285. "No...I doubt you'd taste good anyway."
  286. She huffed, ruffling her wings, but doesn't say anything
  287. "Fine...I accept your request, free me, and I shall remain by your side JUST for tonight...insolent little beast."
  288. "Thank you"
  289. you grip her horn and her body, slowly pulling her with a gentle increase in weight,
  290. Slowly, she eases out of the impact hole
  291. Slowly
  292. Slowly...
  293. Suddenly with an unexpected POP you both tumble from the tree, you landing against another tree and she...well...
  294. She now being free tumbles and lands right against you.
  295. She sees you and quickly flies off, landing before you on the grass.
  296. "There...all free."
  297. She doesn't say anything, looking at you, seeing her now standing as she soon, and can't help but awe.
  298. "I...thank thee for their aid, but still disdain thee for their insolence!"
  299. you grin
  300. "WEll exxccccuse me princess."
  301. she huffs, her wings flutter but she does not speak, instead she looks away
  302. You humm a bit as you slowly get up, smirking as you extend your hands."
  303. "Fine, fine, this is your night, you say what yours is yours."
  304. She seems hesitant, looking at you.
  305. "We harm in your appearance... Do you hide your identity from us, or do you seek to bewilder?"
  306. "Neither, but you're right that you probably never saw something like me before.|
  307. Luna looks back, she can see that you really don't look all that threatening as she can see no sort of claws, mandibles or horns upon your body, just some...hairless thing.
  308. "What...what are you?" she said, taking her stance defensibly now, but her horn back before you
  309. "A-are you discord, or some changeling from the scotched lands?" her Horn wavers a bit as you can see she's not too intent on fighting. You step forward a bit.
  310. "Again, I am neither, but I would ask what those beasts be, this land is...unfamiliar to me."
  311. She stops, easing her head fully up, both in surprise, and amazement.
  312. "You...are not of this land?"
  313. "Nay your highness, which I believe is what you are."
  314. "Y-yes, are no noble subject of I or my sister's grace, why tho thee permit such formalities to an unknown majesty?"
  315. You shrug "I came for peace here, the night has been my home, my salvation away from my own realm, I seek solicitation, and thy noble of this establishment has done much to offer her kindness to my willing."
  316. |"Ah, so you speak thee of Applejack, she is one of sisters favorites, truly I shall make note good sir, why thou are thee?"
  317. You bow a bit
  318. "I be a human M'lady, simply a human, a wanderer in this land. I have been offered work for thy AppleJack as her nighttime shift, which is what I have been doing until you disturbed me"
  319. "Then behalf of my horn I apologize to thee.
  320. "I accept, thank you."
  321. Luna smiles as she looks up
  322. "Uhm....I'm...sure I shouldn't be talking all...formal like that, is the royal Canterlot expression. Oddly... I...feel comfortable with you to request we speak like this...if you can accomplish that." she seemed to give a rather sultry gaze to you, seeing to test you a bit as you smirk.
  323. "Well that's perfectly acceptable, I don't mind speaking calmly with you. I am Anonimuspole, but you can call me AnoN."
  324. "Anonimuspole." Luna muttered, it sounded like Anuunmispoll
  325. "Well...Anon...I greet thee to Equestria, I am Princess Luna of Canterlot. Oh! Have you been welcomed by the soft pink one?"
  326. You blink
  327. "You mean Pinkie"
  328. "Y-yes, the pink one, Pinkie Pie."
  329. "Well, yeah, kinda, I was able to avoid the Ponyville welcoming commit, but she met me on calmer terms elsewhere.
  330. "Calmer?"
  331. "I guess she just seemed calm around me, by the way she goes about it she can be one heck of a speedster, I'd gather she was acceptable with being calm when it helped her realize the kind of person I am."
  332. "You do not approve of her antics?"
  333. You blink
  334. " I got nothing against them, I think they're hilarious...I just."
  335. "Wasn't open to making new friends?"
  336. You look at Luna, a sheepish smile on her muzzle.
  337. "I know the feeling...I have yet to meet well with the elements, but,the moments I had allowed me to share some..comfort in knowing and understanding them. Others...did not seem me as such."
  338. "SO I've heard..."
  339. She looked "You know of it!? Oh dear me, I...I..!" she turned away, fluttering her wings as if she was about to take off.
  340. "No wait!" you call "I...never said I didn't like it, in fact, I want to know more about it!"
  341. Luna pauses mid skip into flight, eyes open wide as she looks
  342. "You, wish to know, but, you had said."
  343. "Yes, its a figure of speech, I heard of your tale, being resentful of your sisters day and seeing how her subjects plaid about while slept during your night. It is...sorrowful, but a realization of how things work."
  344. She slowly eased her hooves down flat, folding her wings slightly before turning back to you.
  345. "You wish to know of me as Nightmare moon. Oh...but you will be upset by what I've done, even I cannot...cannot forgive myself for it. She was mys sister...." tears in her eyes, you ease closer, step by step, waiting to see her reaction as she doesn't move.
  346. "Hey....don't cry, its...not becoming of a princess to cry like that."
  347. "Oh...?" she sniffs "and what is, to be sadden by the fact you never could be better than your sister, or the fact you did what you did against her because you secretly hated her..."
  348. she paused, eyes wide as she looked at you, almost a "OHSHIT" face.
  349. " seems my theory was right."
  350. She looks confused.
  351. "Theory?"
  352. "A thought process. I had understood the story of Nightmare moon. I found out about it when I was reading an encyclopedia about Ponyville. makes sense, best I can say is that it makes perfect sense what you did, and completely reasonable. I still think you acted...harshly, did what you had to do."
  353. Luna stepped back a bit, she seems bewildered, puzzled to the point that this suddenly UNKNOWN creature had not only bested her physically, but was able to allow her to be accepted as Nightmare Moon, holding no resentment towards herself.
  354. She nearly feel to her stomach had her wings not shot out to send her flying upwards slightly. She landed quickly, trying to hold her composure of one quiet unusual and almost delightful smile as she trotted over to you.
  355. "I...have never been so grateful in all my life..."
  356. "uhhh..."
  357. you pause a sigh and look at her, its almost as thought a heavy weight was lifted.
  358. "You're welcome..."
  359. "I am glad...I'm not sure what I should make of this,of you, what are you?"
  360. "We're called humans"
  361. "Hoo-mans?"
  362. " can say that"
  363. "And what are these Hoo-mans like?"
  364. "Well, they're me. I'm an average human, well maybe above average but hey..."
  365. you try a joke, she doesn't seem to catch it.
  366. "So I do look fine for a species we have never seen before."
  367. Your rub the back of your head
  368. "ehehe, thanks."
  369. "What is your species capable of?"
  370. "many things we are builders, thinkers, explorers, warriors..." you pause
  371. "Oh my, so many things, it interest me so as we to ha- OW!"
  372. You blink
  373. "Are you okay?
  374. Luna shakes her head
  375. "N-no, my hurts."
  376. You can't see anything wrong with it
  377. " sure, looks fine to me?"
  378. She shakes her head
  379. "There is my horn."
  380. You walk over to her
  381. "m-may I?" you ask, extending a hand around her horn. She flushes, easing away a bit
  382. "I..I wish you do is....sensitive."
  383. "Sensitive?"
  384. she nods
  385. "Ow..."
  386. You shrugged, sitting back as she waggles her head about
  387. "Augh...I do not understand, why is this pain so...OW!"
  388. You walk over to her.
  389. fuck if shes a princess.
  390. fuck if its sensitive.
  391. You gently grab her horn.
  392. Her eyes go wide as she stares at you.
  393. "A-ANON!"
  394. "Shush, can't stand to see a lady in pain"
  395. "L-lady..." she quivered a bit "oooOOhh..."
  396. You sorta see why she said it was sensitive.
  397. You gently stroke along its length, it was quiet long, never seen a unicorns horn, even one this big before, but you can tell she is enjoying the gentle stroke; her wings flutter ever so briefly each time you run the length of it.
  398. "ahhh....oh that is nice..." she giggled a bit as you stop for a second, she blinks
  399. "W-what is wrong, why did you..."
  400. She pauses as you plunk an apple, feel it, and then look at her
  401. " cannot mean what I think..."
  402. -THUNK!-
  403. "oooooH!"
  404. you slam the apple onto her horn, impaling the poor fruit on her point before slowly pushing it down until a good quarter of the tip is deep inside the core.
  405. "I think this will help..."
  406. "y-you think!?" she exclaims "Why do you t-think....oooh~" she closed her eyes a bit
  407. "D-don't...that's....all sticky..." she whines a bit, whimpering as you turn the apple about her horn with
  408. one hand, rotating it along as its acidic juices begin to dribble down the horns length.
  409. She gasped, huffing softly as you turned the apple slowly, pushing it down gently until it now was at the half way point.
  411. Luna's head jumps upward at the shift, exhaling deeper breaths as her wings spring straight out.
  412. you push the apple further, she lets out more moans as you now twist the fruit with both hands
  413. Her legs shiver, her body quakes, she closed her eyes tight as bright blush rushes across her cheeks
  414. Lower on her horn.
  415. the moans get louder
  416. finally, as you "hilt" the apple to the base of her horn Luna lets out a wetly scream
  417. The sudden smell of
  418. Cream pie?
  419. Fills the air.
  420. "Oh by Celestias horn...~" she cooed a bit, collapsing to her stomach as her rump settled in a pool of
  421. her...essence.
  422. "That was...amazing!~"
  423. "That's kinda nasty..." you think to yourself.
  425. Well, for the first night out on your own here, what did you accomplish?
  426. You had filled several baskets of apples
  427. Got the interest of a princess
  428. Damaged property of your employers
  429. Befriended said princess and made her cream herself by trying to help her.
  430. and now have the princess's SISTER a the future.
  431. Not...what to really expect from a place of magic and friendship.
  432. Its funny, but your mind can realize that the thing this place is going about is in good form; nothing wrong is being commit.
  433. He was an alien.
  434. The princess's sister, also a princess oddly enough, has been granted concern by your presence.
  435. It seemed that even remotely trying to meet her, or anyone who is really close with her would be considered a very bad scenario.
  436. "As much as it may mean comrade, its obvious you cannot seriously get involved."
  437. Cermina muttered as she stood over the princess blissfully unconscious body.
  438. "I honestly don't now, I mean, never realized the horn was so sensitive use yours for fighting."
  439. Cermina has a "duh" look on her face
  440. " mean?"
  441. "They still have some nerves comrade, we can feel lightly.
  442. "I can see that, s'long as you don't break the root."
  443. "Exactly, similar to 'shedding"
  444. You nod in agreement at the thought before turning down to the princess.
  445. First order of business was to clean her up.
  446. You didn't know how ponies, let alone alicorns, act in water. The topic of "taking a horse to water" Began to filter in your head. Its obvious you won't know if she will disintegrate, or actually sink.
  447. She looks light enough, hell, I'm sure she's as buoyant as ever.
  448. You pick her up slowly into your arms, cresting her fore legs and rear legs over your arms, holding directly at her inner arms and thighs. It was slightly so close know...but you gotta do something right or it would end rather sour.
  449. Fortunately, you had moved further back from the main farm to be near the small brook. AJ said they used it for their water supply further up stream, so it was fine to use this brook here.
  450. You sigh, you're not really wearing swimming gear and the fact you had clothes on made it even weirder, but what choice did you have, plop her down, strip, and go in with her...
  451. God that was perverted.
  452. You huff, slowly easing your shoes off, using your toes to rub your socks off before slowly slipping in.
  453. The water...was actually rather warm for being a 'wild' brook, kinda creeped you out.
  454. fuck it, roll with it.
  455. It almost feels like bathwater, without the soapy suds in it.
  456. As you slowly ease the alicorn into the water, you can see her shiver as it slowly let her body submerge in, rear legs downward first as her rump landed squarely on the sand bed just beneath the surface, having her sit upright with her neck well above the water.
  457. Which was another problem in itself as it reek of apple.
  458. Let alone how sticky it was.
  459. You take the chance to spread out her wings a bit, least thing to do would be clean those, scrubbing a hand along the bone length, easing out to the tips of her feathers.
  460. "Damn wings..." you mutter
  461. "Dragons are better." you here Cermina at the shore, watching you with delightful intent.
  462. "Ah fuck you, ain't that messed up.
  463. She stuck her tongue out, flipping her talon before turning back around, sighing a bit as she grinned,
  464. watching in her periphery.
  465. You ease down her flank to her rump, not wanting to feel between her legs as you run up to her neck, gently swishing water over it.
  466. You don't mind this.
  467. you wanted to groom dogs at one point in your life.
  468. ponies are just a step up.
  469. it takes roughly twenty minutes before you realize your phone is in your pocket. Yanking it out, you look with satisfaction it somehow survive.
  470. It didn't make sense at first, but fuck it, your phone's good, you can listen to music again.
  471. It also tells you that making mistakes happen.
  472. hell, but this ain't no mistake if your plan to help a horn in pain turned into a sexual escapade.
  473. It wasn't intentional, but you didn't know.
  474. You feel a slight jitter as you realize her body is waking up.
  475. Her eyes suddenly open wide.
  476. "wh-what is this, what s going on!"
  477. She seems afraid instantly, suddenly splashing about as she nearly knocks you right in the head.
  478. You duck underwater in an instant, seeing her slowly start to raise her back hooves.
  479. You swim back, whip kick propelling you as fast as you could go before Luna returns to all four hooves and
  480. instantly calms down, blinking.
  481. "Oh...dear me..."
  482. she looks around
  483. "Uhh hello..."
  484. bubbles suddenly from her right as she watches them stop right in front of her
  485. her eyes gazed at them in confusion before your head slowly pops up.
  486. Your hat almost freaking her out as she looks wide eye'd at you. Your expression quite serious as you reach quite high compared to her.
  487. She gulps a bit, stamping back a bit.
  488. "A-ah H-hello...s-sorry if I may have...surprised you."
  489. You instantly relax
  490. "Nah its okay, I want to apologize know."
  491. "Oh t-think nothing of it..." she blushed realizing what you were saying when she had her thoughts return.
  492. "Are you-"
  493. "Oh yes...I-I am perfectly fine with that, no harm has become of me, and no shame towards thy name. I am greatful for the night you have offered...and am sorry if we are...interesting creatures."
  494. "Diplomatic, you're ponies, that's all I can see, got no problem with that."
  495. She smiles, a quite relived. She was pretty, her mane all wet, it looked like a sea of stars, a single long line of light blue along it had turned into what looked like a galaxy spiral arm.
  496. Riveting.
  497. "You never told me why you like being out so late, surely your species require the day for work and the night for rest as ours do?"
  498. "Yeah... thats 100 percent correct, the thing is, humans are very adaptive, and sometimes, we need to make sure we can get work done as efficiently during the night as we could during the day. Its something I can credit myself saying I had learn how to do."
  499. "So that is why you are up?"
  500. "Pretty much, I work for AJ, she's sweet enough."
  501. "No...why else, I know there is more than what you say."
  502. >you pause a bit, surprised how...interested she was in the subject now."
  503. "Well... I think its simply beautiful. The night has so much to offer to us in regards to sheer beauty, but also in the symbolism of it; peaceful tranquility and an endless expanse of knowledge and splendor. Such sights we see at night can ONLY be seen at night, for the sun makes the sky blue, and we lose the way of the stars."
  504. Luna seemed to blush deeply, much more so than from the apple's sensation.
  505. You can see this.
  506. It's quite a lovely purple, slight glimmer to it as though stardust littered them.
  507. Was she...crying?
  508. You can see a teardrop, not one of sorrow, one or utter joy and perfection as she raises a hove to wipe it, gently holding it upon the flat base of it to show you.
  509. "That is truly sweet Anon, I...I have never guessed your kinds mind is willed to such desires of beauty and hope; to see the night such as that...I am truly blessed to be the princess for them."
  510. The drop looks like a world; a brilliant blue hazed over like the complete cover of a water world, clouds wafting all around it.
  511. "Oh, dear me, the dawn!"
  512. Your mind returns to reality as you can suddenly see the crackle of light in the distance.
  513. "My sister shall be raising the sun, I must put away the moon; thank you Anon, and may our paths cross again."
  514. She handed you the tear, its form now as solid as glass as you gently take it in your hands before she turns and flies off towards a mountain bristling with a city.
  515. "Time to go comrade, the apples be waiting."
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