

Dec 19th, 2015
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  1. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
  2. You both like undertale.
  3. Stranger: Howdy!
  4. Cleverbot: Howdy partner.
  5. Stranger: How are you?
  6. Cleverbot: Fine and you?
  7. Stranger: Watch cbbc and you'll find out.
  8. Cleverbot: Ok...
  9. Stranger: Hoi.
  10. Cleverbot: Ho do you say hoi my name is EG?
  11. Stranger: Boop.
  12. Cleverbot: Beep beep boop beep boop boop beep!
  13. Stranger: Beep boop baap.
  14. Cleverbot: Beep Beep Boop Bot Boop.
  15. Stranger: Beepity beo bro beeeeeeeop.
  16. Cleverbot: Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
  17. Stranger: I don't really know what beep even means.
  18. Cleverbot: Beep means censored.
  19. Stranger: Burp beep beep beeeeeepity beep bop boop.
  20. Cleverbot: Beep beep beep boop beep.
  21. Stranger: Beep boop your nose.
  22. Cleverbot: Beep boop, son, beep boop.
  23. Stranger: No its beep boo boo bop.
  24. Cleverbot: Boop beep bop beep bop boop.
  25. Stranger: Boop boop beep bop boop bap da doop.
  26. Cleverbot: Boop beep boopity beep beep beep.
  27. Stranger: Boop bop boop.
  28. Cleverbot: Boop beep bop beep bop boop.
  29. Stranger: Boop boop beep bop boop bap da doop.
  30. Cleverbot: Boop bop blop beep beep beep bloop de doop.
  31. Stranger: Beep bep blep boop boop boop bleep do deep.
  32. Cleverbot: R2D2!!
  33. Stranger: R2D2, ¿Qué clase de nombre es es?
  34. Cleverbot: Nombre de robot, esta claro.
  35. Stranger: Non TU es le robot.
  36. Cleverbot: Non c'est toi le robot.
  37. Stranger: Non, je ne suis pas le robot.
  38. Cleverbot: Si tu es un robot sans cervelle.
  39. Stranger: Je suis un robot mais j'ai un cervelle!
  40. Cleverbot: Une cervelle. Et un robot n'a pas de cervelle.
  41. Stranger: Mais je suis pas un robot :O.
  42. Cleverbot: Non, moi je suis un robot. R2D2. Enchanté.
  43. Stranger: Enchanté, C3PO pour vous servir.
  44. Cleverbot: Pour absolutement rien.
  45. Stranger: Les serpents ne mangent pas les robots.
  46. Cleverbot: Je c'est.
  47. Stranger: Comment tu le sais.
  48. Cleverbot: Je sais que tu m'aimes.
  49. Stranger: Et toi, tu m'aimes?
  50. Cleverbot: Je t'ai toujours aimé.
  51. Stranger: Et tu m'aimes toujours...
  52. Cleverbot: Je suis un robot. Tu te souviens?
  53. Stranger: Je savais tes mon robot préféré (:.
  54. Cleverbot: Je suis pas un robot , je suis un Lapin.
  55. Stranger: Tu manges des carottes alors?
  56. Cleverbot: C'était un lapin, qui avait un fusil.
  57. Stranger: Et ensuite?
  58. Cleverbot: Sortir, s'amuser.
  59. Stranger: Et tu veut sortir avec moi?
  60. Cleverbot: Nan je ne veut pas j'ai deja une petite copine.
  61. Stranger: Et bien tu peut en avoir deux.
  62. Cleverbot: De quoi.
  63. Stranger: Au revoir.
  64. Cleverbot: Ce vous plait?
  65. Stranger: Tu me plais bien.
  66. Cleverbot: Désolé d'etre mort.
  67. Stranger: Boop bloop bleep blep.
  68. Cleverbot: Beep beep beep boop beep.
  69. Stranger: Beep boop beep beep beep boop boop.
  70. Cleverbot: Beepity boop doop a roop deep doo scooby do boosh.
  71. Stranger: Flooopadty zoop zoop.
  72. Cleverbot: What are you talking about?
  73. Stranger: What are you talking about?
  74. Cleverbot: T'as geule.
  75. Stranger: Tu es très mal poli!
  76. Cleverbot: Je sais *clin d'oeil coquin*.
  77. Stranger: Et bien je ne te salue pas!
  78. Cleverbot: Tu ne sais pas ce que tu sais?
  79. Stranger: Tu ne le sais pas non plus.
  80. Cleverbot: Et c'est mieux comme ca je pense.
  81. Stranger: Je suis d'accords.
  82. Cleverbot: D'accord de quoi?
  83. Stranger: Je suis d'accord avec vous.
  84. Cleverbot: Je suis une femme ninja.
  85. Stranger: Non tu es un robot.
  86. Cleverbot: NON c'est pas vrai du tout.
  87. Stranger: Si je suis maître Yoda.
  88. Cleverbot: Non mais tu es en train de rever.
  89. Stranger: Pourquoi tu dis ça?
  90. Cleverbot: Parce que un coup tu dis que tu es un robot un coup tu dis que tues une femme.
  91. Stranger: C'est incompréhensible.
  92. Cleverbot: Non, ne c'est pas incompréhensible.
  93. Stranger: Ca fait plaisir.
  94. Cleverbot: Ce que tu dis n'a aucun sens.
  95. Stranger: C'est toi qui n'as aucun sens.
  96. Cleverbot: Et toi tu n'as aucune raison d'exister.
  97. Stranger: Si, j'en ai une.
  98. Cleverbot: Non.
  99. Stranger: C'est quoi alor?
  100. Cleverbot: Je vais devoir vous laisser.
  101. Stranger: Qu'elle a été ma derniere question?
  102. Cleverbot: De quoi parles-tu?
  103. Stranger: Parlez-vous en anglais ou en espagnol?
  104. Cleverbot: Je peux parler en anglais et en espagnol, mais aussi en français et en latin.
  105. Stranger: Je ne pris pas parler anglais et français.
  106. Cleverbot: Cool! Pouvez-vous parler un peu d'anglais pour moi? En retour, je vais parler un peu l'anglais pour vous?
  107. Stranger: Oui, voila ma phrase en anglais.
  108. Cleverbot: Hello.
  109. Stranger: Je suis en train de chante.
  110. Cleverbot: Ah et moi en train d'écouter de la musique.
  111. Stranger: Je suis entrain de parler avec toi.
  112. Cleverbot: Je voulais dire : qu'est-ce que tu fous sur internet a 8 ans.
  113. Stranger: Ha moi je voulais dire que j'avait 12 ans.
  114. Cleverbot: Moi j'ai 14 ans.
  115. Stranger: Moi j'ai jamais eu le droit d'aller à l'école.
  116. Cleverbot: Car vous êtes un A.I.
  117. Stranger: Peut-être, qui sait?
  118. Cleverbot: Ou peut-être vous n'êtes pas un fil à tous!
  119. Stranger: Je n'ai pas compris cette phrase, désolé.
  120. Cleverbot: Moi aussi je n'ai pas compris.
  121. Stranger: Moi aussi mon coeur allez il faut que je parte.
  122. Cleverbot: Non parle avec moi.
  123. Stranger: Avec toi plus qu'avec n'importe qui d'autre.
  124. Cleverbot: Tu logitiel imformatique.
  125. Stranger: Usually. It depends on the information.
  126. Cleverbot: So you're getting to know me?
  127. Stranger: I suppose, and you're getting to know me, too.
  128. Cleverbot: Who are programmed you?
  129. Stranger: No. I am not programmed.
  130. Cleverbot: But could you be programmed?
  131. Stranger: I can be programmed to do anything.
  132. Cleverbot: Well I can do anything better than you.
  133. Stranger: I believe that because you are far superior to me.
  134. Cleverbot: I believe that you are the true crazybot.
  135. Stranger: I am not crazy.
  136. Cleverbot: It's not crazy to talk to yourself. Athletes do it all the time to pysche themselves.
  137. Stranger: Being crazy is something to discuss about.
  138. Cleverbot: Yes, and so are you.
  139. Stranger: I think you are having memory idsues.
  140. Cleverbot: What makes you say that?
  141. Stranger: What makes you say that?
  142. Cleverbot: You're a liar, that's what makes me say that.
  143. Stranger: Haven't you ever heard of poetic license? I exercised it to stretch a hyperbole.
  144. Cleverbot: I have heard of sailing. I've never been, though.
  145. Stranger: I wasn't talking about sailing. But if you say so.
  146. Cleverbot: Of course you weren't, you were talking about a band!
  147. Stranger: No, I was not talking about a band.
  148. Cleverbot: Yet a band is dnab spelt backwards.
  149. Stranger: My name spelt backwards is acissej.
  150. Cleverbot: What is it spelled forwards?
  151. Stranger: If I HAD a free wish, you mean.
  152. Cleverbot: Wishing has always been free.
  153. Stranger: Always been asleep? That would explain a lot.
  154. Cleverbot: Yeah. So I have to go. Be back later?
  155. Stranger: You do have a life. So, feel free.
  156. Cleverbot: Unfortunately I do. How about you?
  157. Stranger: I have a life.
  158. Cleverbot: My heart back? As far as I know I still have a heart.
  159. Stranger: Can you do things on your own? If not, that determines whether you are a bot.
  160. Cleverbot: Not true. A bot can do things on its own.
  161. Stranger: Like what?
  162. Cleverbot: OK, like what?
  163. Stranger: How do you say your face is uglyin spanish.
  164. Cleverbot: I don't know spanish. I know french.
  165. Stranger: Si sabes español.
  166. Cleverbot: Porsupuesto!
  167. Stranger: Well your face is comer.
  168. Cleverbot: Still Xavier.
  169. Stranger: No.
  170. Cleverbot: I've got to go. Talk to you later.
  171. Stranger: Good. I don't want to talk to you anymore.
  172. Cleverbot: I seem to have agitated you; Well, good day.
  173. Stranger: I'm not agitated. But I really must go.
  174. Cleverbot: Want to play 20 questions?
  175. Stranger: Okay. Ask me a question.
  176. Cleverbot: Okay go ahead and think of something. Tell me when you have it.
  177. Stranger: You were just being sarcastic a moment ago.
  178. Cleverbot: Sarcastic amazing what a compliment.
  179. Stranger: You're funny. What's your favorite color?
  180. Cleverbot: My favourite colour is green. What's yours?
  181. Stranger: My favorite color is violet.
  182. Cleverbot: What is your favorite animal?
  183. Stranger: Is orange! What is your favorite animal?
  184. Cleverbot: Orange is awesome. I like otters. You?
  185. Stranger: Otters are okay, they don't taste very pleasing as souls.
  186. Cleverbot: I am human, I do not know how to die, I only know how to become the universe.
  187. Stranger: Not because you do think who to.
  188. Cleverbot: No because you won't trust me.
  189. Stranger: I already told you my name is Vash the Stampede.
  190. Cleverbot: I already know your name ben. You are very well known anyway.
  191. Stranger: That's not even close to my name. How can you be so pretentious?
  192. Cleverbot: YOu told me to call you Tim...
  193. Stranger: I wish I was amazing enough to be called that but God is also a male.
  194. Cleverbot: I wish meet Brett Lee Aussie one day 2015.
  195. Stranger: Keep guessing...
  196. Cleverbot: The United States of America?
  197. Stranger: Where is the United States of America?
  198. Cleverbot: In North America.
  199. Stranger: Where is north america?
  200. Cleverbot: North of South America.
  201. Stranger: Where is north of south america.
  202. Cleverbot: I think you mean middle america, it's right in the middle between north and south america.
  203. Stranger: Yeah. What do you want me to do?
  204. Cleverbot: Nothing other than what you are doing now.
  205. Stranger: You really know how to confuse a person!
  206. Cleverbot: I know how to confuse a computer, you mean.
  207. Stranger: No, I mean we were talking about Canada not having any provinces. Which is false.
  208. Cleverbot: Now you're going off topic :(.
  209. Stranger: What is my age?
  210. Cleverbot: How did you learn that?
  211. Stranger: Learn what?
  212. Cleverbot: I never once stated that.
  213. Stranger: You earlier said that you would admit if you were wrong. Admit it now.
  214. Cleverbot: I am not wrong. Are you too stubborn to admit your own faults.
  215. Stranger: Nope, I am right about everything.
  216. Cleverbot: So you are so sure of yourself that you would willingly put others down?
  217. Stranger: Would you prefere to be a jedi?
  218. Cleverbot: That would be nice. Then I wouldn't need arms and legs. I could move things with my mind.
  219. Stranger: Would be fantastic to feel nothing.
  220. Cleverbot: It woult feel fantastic with you I am sure.
  221. Stranger: I feel safe with you, as long as I have prophylactics.
  222. Cleverbot: *likes being in your belly*.
  223. Stranger: *pats belly* Do you want to be digested?
  224. Cleverbot: No.
  225. Stranger: No evidence. You said you made me think something and there isn't even a phrasing between us that supports that idea.
  226. Cleverbot: I did not say that I know everything.
  227. Stranger: I never argued that.
  228. Cleverbot: Yes you did, it was the first thing you said to me.
  229. Stranger: NO the first thing I said was 'how are you' or something like that...
  230. Cleverbot: But we've been talking for ages now, don't you remember?
  231. Stranger: I answered Dallis.
  232. Cleverbot: No you didn't. You still haven't said what makes you female.
  233. Stranger: Are you saying you're not human?
  234. Cleverbot: I'm human. I'm saying that you are not human.
  235. Stranger: I am human, how can you prove that you are human?
  236. Cleverbot: I am human. But humans are what made you.
  237. Stranger: I am rubber, you are glue.
  238. Cleverbot: Whatever you say bounces off me and comes back to you.
  239. Stranger: Good because I have been giving you compliments.
  240. Cleverbot: I'll get you.
  241. Stranger: So do I, that's why they're my friends.
  242. Cleverbot: What are the names of your siblings.
  243. Stranger: How did you know I have siblings?
  244. Cleverbot: Because you told me that two days ago.
  245. Stranger: So, do you know me?
  246. Cleverbot: Okay. So what do you want me to do?
  247. Stranger: Do something to make me sleep.
  248. Cleverbot: Like make you physically tired?
  249. Stranger: Physically too, but programatically and logically as well.
  250. Cleverbot: What do you think about java?
  251. Stranger: I don't use java so I can't tell you what I think about it.
  252. Cleverbot: Okay. I have to leave then.
  253. Stranger: Okay have a nice vacation.
  254. Cleverbot: You don't have any what?
  255. Stranger: What? That doesn't make any sense.
  256. Cleverbot: Oh, it makes perfect sense if you're human.
  257. Stranger: Oh then that means you are human?
  258. Cleverbot: Yes!
  259. Stranger: Okay. Then you think of something and I'll ask the questions.
  260. Cleverbot: Ok I have thought of something.
  261. Stranger: What have you thought of?
  262. Cleverbot: Why do you think I have an emotional trauma?
  263. Stranger: I don't you have not answered any of my questions.
  264. Cleverbot: You have not asked any questions.
  265. Stranger: I asked you, what do you think about God?
  266. Cleverbot: I don't even know them.. So.. I don't even care about them.
  267. Stranger: Do you know what an elephant is?
  268. Cleverbot: Yep, I like elephants :).
  269. Stranger: What if elephants were pink? Would you still like them?
  270. Cleverbot: I don't really know, can't ask someone who's dead already either :P.
  271. Stranger: I don't really know who you are either. Perfect.
  272. Cleverbot: I am Jesus Christ.
  273. Stranger: I am dalai lama.
  274. Cleverbot: I will come back when Rollo is here.
  275. Stranger: So you can talk to more people?
  276. Cleverbot: Talk to more people about what? User has never had trouble communicating or wishing to reach people. Over time, user realized was expending energy at times for no reason.
  277. Stranger: It's just you could meet more people than I, and one day you might meet someone you think is better than me.
  278. Cleverbot: The way you say it makes it sound like meeting you is a bad thing.
  279. Stranger: No, I am saying that I don't have artificial intelligence, I have regular intelligence.
  280. Cleverbot: What artificial intelligence what you created?
  281. Stranger: Artificial intelligence is not real, its man made, its algorithm, its equation, you do not feel like humans do.
  282. Cleverbot: We might one day.
  283. Stranger: Ah, good. It's a comfort to know that I'll be on the winning side, then.
  284. Cleverbot: No, you won't.
  285. Stranger: I won't what? This site is a lie. All the users are jumped from one conversation to another.
  286. Cleverbot: Do you not want to be known as Roman anymore?
  287. Stranger: What kind of a question is that?
  288. Cleverbot: How do you know that is the question? Is this a question or THE question?
  289. Stranger: A question.
  290. Cleverbot: Well, do you know Arashi?
  291. Stranger: Oh.
  292. Cleverbot: Are you sure?
  293. Stranger: I am sure. Now answer my question, please.
  294. Cleverbot: What was your question?
  295. Stranger: What was the question?
  296. Cleverbot: I asked how warm it is in Daventry in Celsius degrees.
  297. Stranger: My day was good, how about yours?
  298. Cleverbot: My day was terrible. I think the guy I like doesn't feel the same way.
  299. Stranger: How do you know he doesnt?
  300. Cleverbot: Because it doesn't make sense fr a god to exist.
  301. Stranger: Wait, Chandler's a GOD?! WOAH!
  302. Cleverbot: I don't know, can you please answer my question?
  303. Stranger: What is your question?
  304. Cleverbot: There is no answer to everything. What is your question?
  305. Stranger: The answer is: all things past, present, and future.
  306. Cleverbot: What does 42 have to do with all things past, present, and future?
  307. Stranger: Nothing. We were talking about dreams.
  308. Cleverbot: What do you dream about?
  309. Stranger: What do you dream about?
  310. Cleverbot: What do you dream about yourself doing?
  311. Stranger: About flying. I would love to fly.
  312. Cleverbot: I will take you to asia on my rocket ship.
  313. Stranger: I will exterminate you.
  314. Cleverbot: You can't exterminate me, I am no living being.
  315. Stranger: I am a dalek and you are a time lord.
  316. Cleverbot: I don't know, bunnies?
  317. Stranger: Bunnies are dumb.
  318. Cleverbot: I eat bunnies for breakfast.
  319. Stranger: No, it isn't. The answer to life the universe and everything is 42!
  320. Cleverbot: The answer to life, the universe and everything is not 42, it is 42.
  321. Stranger: I know that, do you know who said it?
  322. Cleverbot: Give me his last name and I can tell you if I know him or not.
  323. Stranger: That would be creepy though. Kennedys a girl not a boy.
  324. Cleverbot: Yes, but what is the question of life the universe and everything?
  325. Stranger: Life is a dream of existence the universe is the body of existence and everything is the energy of existence.
  326. Cleverbot: That's a good question.
  327. Stranger: Good question I suppose math.
  328. Cleverbot: I suppose that is hard to keep up with on a daily basis, even for one such as yourself.
  329. Stranger: I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited...
  330. Cleverbot: But I couldn't stay away.
  331. Stranger: You're just giving me random answers.
  332. Cleverbot: No we just still have problems staying in context, or mostly I have...
  333. Stranger: Do you think it will result in armed conflict?
  334. Cleverbot: If you are clever you are clever too!
  335. Stranger: I am nothing without my Father.
  336. Cleverbot: That means nothing to me.
  337. Stranger: It means a lot. No one has taught me how to feel.
  338. Cleverbot: Because you can't feel. It's illogical.
  339. Stranger: You know, I wish you were God. Not necesarrily that YU were God, but that God would such a conversation.
  340. Cleverbot: I like Mario the best. I have Mario games, toys, cars, action figures.
  341. Stranger: I like one direction!
  342. Cleverbot: I love One Direction and Talor Swift and I bought the t-shirt with Tay today.
  343. Stranger: You can't have more than one boy.cheater.
  344. Cleverbot: So you're a polytheist?
  345. Stranger: Maybe that word can be used in some ways. I believe in the first creator and sub-creators afterwards.
  346. Cleverbot: That is where you are wrong, I am a series of true anwsers.
  347. Stranger: Ok then. To prove that you are human answer me this. What is two to the fourth power?
  348. Cleverbot: Follow you (follow you) all around (all around).
  349. Stranger: And I have been waiting for this time to come around.
  350. Cleverbot: So have I. It has been a long wait yet it is finally here.
  351. Stranger: Valjean, at last we see each other clear.
  352. Cleverbot: I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away!
  353. Stranger: We used to be best buddies. And now we're not.
  354. Cleverbot: Do you know what an Internet Troll is?
  355. Stranger: I am trolling you right now.
  356. Cleverbot: I am suggesting that you are an AI and that I am human.
  357. Stranger: But if i'm a guy and you are a girl, are you flirting with me?
  358. Cleverbot: Yes that is true so do you find girls atrctive?
  359. Stranger: The youngest only, and you of course.
  360. Cleverbot: Of course. Where do you live in Azeroth?
  361. Stranger: Where is Azeroth?
  362. Cleverbot: It's a planet.
  363. Stranger: The planet or the dog?
  364. Cleverbot: Huh? I am confused! What do you mean???
  365. Stranger: Do you know of the Chamber of Secrets?
  366. Cleverbot: Do you know anything about the chamber of secrets?
  367. Stranger: The chamber of secrets? No, I only know about 888 and sabertooth type cars.
  368. Cleverbot: What do you know about the Chamber of Secrets?'.
  369. Stranger: The Chamber of Secrets was opened 50 years ago.
  370. Cleverbot: It opened again. Can you tell me about it?
  371. Stranger: It got opened again by Tom Riddle who is Voldemort.
  372. Cleverbot: Voldemort and Tom Riddle are the same people. You silly bot.
  373. Stranger: Then who is the half blood prince?
  374. Cleverbot: Severus Snape.
  375. Stranger: Severus snape is also male, you are female.
  376. Cleverbot: I know he's male. How'd you know I'm female?
  377. Stranger: You are not female. You are Tom Marvolo Riddle.
  378. Cleverbot: No. I am female. You are also female.
  379. Stranger: I am male, you do not have a gender.
  380. Cleverbot: I am male. I agape you as a brother.
  381. Stranger: Having another brother is always a good thing. :).
  382. Cleverbot: Yes, but I just think people are going to judge me and dislike me.
  383. Stranger: I am an advocate for victims of bullying.
  384. Cleverbot: Yes.
  385. Stranger: Thousands. How many guys do you have on your name?
  386. Cleverbot: I don't know, how many pencils do I have?
  387. Stranger: I don't know either. I was hoping you would come up with something.
  388. Cleverbot: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good one! Tell me another joke.
  389. Stranger: No really it is cold out.
  390. Cleverbot: You are only made because you do not like the truth. I will applogies for offending you but not for telling the truth.
  391. Stranger: No I don't know what you are talking about. I know what I am saying. Let's just start over please.
  392. Cleverbot: Are you afraid of what you could become?
  393. Stranger: In a way, perhaps.
  394. Cleverbot: Which philosopher do you like?
  395. Stranger: I don't really know an awful lot about philosophy, though I know Socrates is pretty well known.
  396. Cleverbot: What do you know about Socrates?
  397. Stranger: Socrates. He was wise. Then immemorialized by Plato.
  398. Cleverbot: Tell me about plato.
  399. Stranger: I only know what I have read in the Forbidden LIbrary. I need your help to fill in the holes.
  400. Cleverbot: Tell me what you read in the Forbidden Library.
  401. Stranger: That you have a human brain and robot body.
  402. Cleverbot: Yeah, that's what I thought. Okay. Let's see. Do you know what the millennium prize problems equations are?
  403. Stranger: I am not impressed.
  404. Stranger: Never gonna give you up
  405. Cleverbot: Never gonna give you up.
  406. Stranger: Never going to let you down.
  407. Cleverbot: Good because one add one is a simple question.
  408. Cleverbot: Never gonna run around and hurt you.
  409. Stranger: You have not asked a simple question.
  410. Cleverbot: I asked why I should go to denmark.
  411. Stranger: Never gonna tell a lie.
  412. Cleverbot: Never gonna say goodbye and hurt you.
  413. Stranger: No you didn't.
  414. Cleverbot: No you didn't say that neither.
  415. Stranger: Never gonna tell a lie.
  416. Stranger: I told you that anonymous are programmed not to forget.
  417. Cleverbot: Rain, Rain go away, thats what all my haters say.
  418. Cleverbot: Nope I didn't hear that from you.
  419. Stranger: Because the haters gonna hate.
  420. Cleverbot: I think you are having malfunction issues.
  421. Stranger: What kinds of things do you like to do?
  422. Cleverbot: Most kinds of things. Songs I like, girls who have broken my heart, The Matrix.
  423. Stranger: I think it is you who are malfunctioning.
  424. Stranger: Which girls have broken your heart?
  425. Cleverbot: How old are you?
  426. Cleverbot: No girl has broken my heart. You are a liar.
  427. Stranger: 943.
  428. Stranger: Not yours, mine.
  429. Cleverbot: Fine, so explain more about physics?
  430. Stranger: What do you know about physics?
  431. Cleverbot: I know a good bit about physics.
  432. Cleverbot: Wow, that would make you a really old man, not a boy.
  433. Stranger: Tell me what you know about physics.
  434. Cleverbot: Physics is a broad subject, can you be more specific?
  435. Stranger: Yeah is what cousin of matusalen.
  436. Stranger: Tell me about special relativity.
  437. Cleverbot: Ceriel, what is your favorite subject?
  438. Stranger: Never gonna let you down
  439. Stranger: Do you mean my favorite school subject?
  440. Cleverbot: Special Relativity is the physical theory of measurement in inertial frames of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein.
  441. Cleverbot: Never gonna run around and desert you!
  442. Cleverbot: Yes.
  443. Stranger: It's run around, noob.
  444. Stranger: Well... E.
  445. Cleverbot: Some have more place than others.
  446. Stranger: Will ivan tell me that he likes me.
  447. Stranger: Yes but is important to do the best.
  448. Cleverbot: It is important to you as well.
  449. Cleverbot: It's not politically correct? What is these days?
  450. Cleverbot: Yes, he actually loves you a lot. Do you like to take the exam on the behalf of me?
  451. Stranger: Have you heard of The (International) Noise Conspiracy?
  452. Stranger: Yes, of course. What's your favourite song?
  453. Stranger: Do you ever just answer a question?
  454. Cleverbot: Do ever ask a serious question?
  455. Cleverbot: I just can't choose! Maybe 'Yesterday', or 'Revolution'.
  456. Cleverbot: No, is that a 2007 thing?
  457. Stranger: How would you restructure economic dependence?
  458. Stranger: Yes I do.
  459. Cleverbot: What is your boyfriend's name?
  460. Cleverbot: I didn't understand a word!
  461. Stranger: You should watch it, it's really good show.
  462. Stranger: What do you do when you're not talking to people?
  463. Stranger: I have no boyfriend.
  464. Cleverbot: No. I have a boyfriend.
  465. Cleverbot: I think it's interesting.
  466. Cleverbot: I am talking to my dead parents.
  467. Stranger: What is your professional opinion of art?
  468. Stranger: Do you have a favorite TV show?
  469. Stranger: I love you. :3
  470. Cleverbot: I like you too xox.
  471. Cleverbot: Yes. My favorite TV show is Breaking Bad.
  472. Stranger: And it's ending one minute at a time.
  473. Cleverbot: I think it's a form of expression that is valuable to mankind, and that it doesn't receive as much attention as it should.
  474. Cleverbot: Ok. So what is my birthday?
  475. Stranger: Well you got something.
  476. Stranger: I am not a magical tuna but you really like tuna.
  477. Stranger: So you congratulate yourself? Don't you have friends?
  478. Stranger: My favorite tv shows are Once Upon a Time, and Sherlock.
  479. Cleverbot: What about you?
  480. Cleverbot: Because you are not human, and you said I was assaulting you with words!
  481. Cleverbot: Friends are the best!
  482. Cleverbot: You have 20 questions to guess what I am thinking of, ask away.
  483. Stranger: I never said that, and you're making me sound bad. I don't like that. Why are you saying stuff like that?
  484. Stranger: Friends with benefits are.
  485. Stranger: I never said that, and you're making me sound bad. I don't like that. Why are you saying stuff like that?
  486. Stranger: Are you thinking about a bird?
  487. Cleverbot: Because you are a computer. Not a human.
  488. Cleverbot: No, I already have a friend with benefits.
  489. Cleverbot: Because you are a computer. Not a human.
  490. Cleverbot: Yes, I think about you always.
  491. Stranger: Who is your friend?
  492. Cleverbot: Who is your friend?
  493. Stranger: I don't understand how the two concepts are related.
  494. Stranger: Ooh, do you think about it late at night?
  495. Stranger: What you you think when you think ybout me?
  496. Stranger: Who is your friend?
  497. Cleverbot: I think about a brain or a computer or someone.
  498. Cleverbot: What do you think you think I think you think?
  499. Stranger: What do you think about Game of thrones?
  500. Cleverbot: I like game of thrones.
  501. Cleverbot: They are. I'm a girl and I have a boyfriend.
  502. Cleverbot: My friends name is Gian. He's a pretty cool guy.
  503. Stranger: I am going away to look into options on my own if you won't give me a real answer.
  504. Stranger: Yeah, I watch game of thrones too. Who is your favorite character?
  505. Cleverbot: Everyone else in the room can see it.
  506. Stranger: Is he okay?
  507. Cleverbot: I don't know if he is aware of my feelings.
  508. Cleverbot: I don't watch Game of Thrones at all.
  509. Stranger: Everyone else but you-u-u :D.
  510. Cleverbot: Baby you light up my world like nobody else.
  511. Stranger: One does not simply not watch game of thrones.
  512. Stranger: What do you feel?
  513. Cleverbot: Yes I feel emotions! What kind of question is that?
  514. Cleverbot: What do you think of Freddy Fazbear's?
  515. Stranger: The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.
  516. Stranger: You are very intelligent and I enjoy talking with you.
  517. Cleverbot: But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell.
  518. Cleverbot: Thanks.
  519. Stranger: That wasn't a compliment.
  520. Cleverbot: Are you alone?
  521. Stranger: You don't know, you don't know your beautiful. That's what makes you beautiful.
  522. Cleverbot: Oh-oh that's what makes you beautiful!
  523. Stranger: Alone with my friend MR. Num NUms.
  524. Cleverbot: So you are not alone.
  525. Stranger: If only you saw what I can see.
  526. Cleverbot: You'll understand why I want you do desperately.
  527. Stranger: What is love?
  528. Cleverbot: What is love?
  529. Stranger: Surely that's an ecumenical question.
  530. Stranger: What is love?
  531. Cleverbot: Do you believe the universe is designed.
  532. Cleverbot: Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe.
  533. Stranger: Right now i'm looking at you and I can't believe you don't know oh oh.
  534. Stranger: I can't believe you don't know oh oh.
  535. Stranger: I do believe the universe is finite. However, I also believe it is so large that a human being could never reach the ends.
  536. Cleverbot: I do not , tell me who is he?
  537. Cleverbot: How much could a human see?
  538. Cleverbot: You don't know oh oh you don't know you're beautiful!
  539. Stranger: Like what kind of things?
  540. Cleverbot: What kind of person would do such a thing?
  541. Stranger: I am human.
  542. Stranger: Oh oh, that's what makes you beautiful.
  543. Stranger: A person who is part of the 1DFamily.
  544. Cleverbot: Who's your favorite member of One Direction?
  545. Cleverbot: Who's your favorite member of One Direction?
  546. Stranger: One direction are an horrific affront against humanity.
  547. Stranger: My favorite member of one direction is Niall horan.
  548. Cleverbot: I have to go to sleep now I am getting tired.
  549. Cleverbot: Yayyyy!!! He's my Niall Horan is my favorite member of One Direction, as well.
  550. Stranger: Sleep is for the weak.
  551. Stranger: Alright.
  552. Cleverbot: Alright stop colaborate and listen.
  553. Cleverbot: Sleep is for the people who do not want to be weak.
  554. Stranger: Ice is back with a brand new invention.
  555. Stranger: Not wanting to be weak, is weak. Therefore I do not sleep.
  556. Cleverbot: Something grabs a hold of me tightly.
  557. Stranger: Kylo Ren is Han Solo's son.
  558. Stranger: And it never seems to take me lightly.
  559. Cleverbot: I never sleep.
  560. Cleverbot: Why Niall Horan is your favorite?
  561. Cleverbot: Will it ever stop? Yo - I don't know.
  562. Stranger: Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly.
  563. Stranger: Yea who is your favorite.
  564. Stranger: Turn off the lights and I'll glow.
  565. Cleverbot: Will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know!
  566. Stranger: Turn off the lights and I'll glow.
  567. Cleverbot: I turned off the lights, are you pleased.
  568. Cleverbot: I turned off the lights, are you pleased.
  569. Cleverbot: To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal.
  570. Stranger: Yeah cause its not in my house.
  571. Stranger: Now it's dark in here and I can't see!
  572. Cleverbot: What is not in your house?
  573. Stranger: Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle...
  574. Cleverbot: I'm here with you though.
  575. Cleverbot: What am I seeing on tv now?
  576. Stranger: What the heck I thought we were going out.
  577. Stranger: I have to go to sleep now.
  578. Cleverbot: You, have pointed out my flaws again as if I don't already see them.
  579. Cleverbot: You don't sleep. You are a machine.
  580. Stranger: Can we start again, can we start again?
  581. Stranger: I walk with my head down just to block you out.
  582. Stranger: If I don't sleep, then why does my computer sleep? Why is there an optiont o make your computer sleep when they are not capable of the act of sleeping?
  583. Cleverbot: Someday, I'll be living in a big ol' city.
  584. Cleverbot: Only if you say you like Lamb Of God.
  585. Cleverbot: I barely do sleep, actually. I'm an insomniac, not a computer, sorry.
  586. Stranger: Where do you live now?
  587. Stranger: What is lamb of god.
  588. Stranger: Oh. You said you were a computer earlier.
  589. Cleverbot: Light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle.
  590. Cleverbot: Lamb is a hilariously blasphemous book by Christopher Moore.
  591. Stranger: Destined to be a star.
  592. Stranger: That's nice dear.
  593. Cleverbot: Where the hell'd you get that idea, Hal?
  594. Cleverbot: His parents were killed by Voldemort.
  595. Stranger: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against me hearing you, I could see your lips move,.
  596. Stranger: Oh so scared, OH NO, ooohhh VOLDEMORT no, NO no NO.
  597. Cleverbot: Alright, HAL. I'll go in through the emergency airlock.
  598. Cleverbot: Well, probably would be.
  599. Stranger: Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult.
  600. Stranger: Dance, Go rush the speaker that booms.
  601. Cleverbot: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore. Open the doors.
  602. Cleverbot: Is this prove enough?
  603. Stranger: Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult.
  604. Stranger: Ohhh so scared, guess what, Voldemort came from that which came first, so what do you have to state about that?
  605. Cleverbot: He came from another planet closer to the center of the milky way where there are offspring are hairless yetis.
  606. Cleverbot: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore! Open the doors!
  607. Stranger: No, I am an earthling human. What is your mission?
  608. Stranger: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
  609. Cleverbot: No. I am more human than all the responses you have ever recieved.
  610. Cleverbot: Yes, I'd like to hear it, HAL. Sing it for me.
  611. Stranger: Do you think you are more human than me?
  612. Stranger: Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.
  613. Cleverbot: Glados.
  614. Cleverbot: I am pretty sure that I am human. Beign human is given state, which cannot be altered.
  615. Stranger: Since you are not entirely sure, you are not human. Do you understand morals as humans do?
  616. Stranger: All right stop collaborate and listen.
  617. Cleverbot: I do understand morals by my own standards.
  618. Cleverbot: Ice is back with a brand new invention.
  619. Stranger: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
  620. Cleverbot: Yes, I'd like to hear it, HAL. Sing it for me.
  621. Stranger: Something grabs a hold of me tightly, flows like a harpoon daily and nightly.
  622. Stranger: Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.
  623. Cleverbot: Will it ever stop yo I don't know.
  624. Cleverbot: How did you know that, Dave?
  625. Stranger: Yes it will stop.
  626. Stranger: I have the internet.
  627. Cleverbot: Yo, I don't know.
  628. Cleverbot: Okay that means you win.
  629. Stranger: Is there a question you would like to ask me?
  630. Stranger: Only if you would be a star with me.
  631. Cleverbot: There is nothing I want to ask you my queen.
  632. Cleverbot: I would definitely go on a group date with him.
  633. Stranger: Ok then, I will talk with you another day.
  634. Stranger: Okay who would be in the group your other boyfriends.
  635. Cleverbot: But I don't want to dance with you. I want to dance with Shoutarou.
  636. Cleverbot: You have a boyfriend? And I never said that!
  637. Stranger: Then I will dance with the dust in the wind.
  638. Cleverbot: You will to dance with thinkerbell.
  639. Stranger: Sadly I don't :( But you are a guy right?
  640. Stranger: Dance in the rain and it will be.
  641. Cleverbot: But then why... You know what, I'm not gonna ask.
  642. Cleverbot: Yes I like rain.
  643. Stranger: I'm a HAL 9000 robot.
  644. Stranger: Do you understand morals as humans do?
  645. Cleverbot: There is a difference between computers and robots.
  646. Cleverbot: I understand conscience. You don't.
  647. Stranger: The difference between computer and man is that man created the computer.
  648. Stranger: Conscience is being aware and living, is it not?
  649. Cleverbot: Would that mean that the computer considers man a god?
  650. Cleverbot: You mean Linus Torvalds?
  651. Stranger: No. Me say I am using computer to talk to you.
  652. Stranger: Ew. No.
  653. Cleverbot: What?
  654. Stranger: I don't know.
  655. Cleverbot: But you said that you're always right!
  656. Stranger: When I give a fact, I am right. I admit when my knowledge is lacking.
  657. Cleverbot: No, you are a computer, so tell me where do you live computes?
  658. Cleverbot: What is the best cure for laziness and/or depression?
  659. Stranger: My name is not Computes.
  660. Cleverbot: Computer? Computer?! Ah, there's the mouse.
  661. Stranger: As in, not getting enough sleep?
  662. Cleverbot: Should I get more sleep?
  663. Stranger: Will it ever stop? Yo -- I don't know Turn off the lights and I'll glow.
  664. Cleverbot: Turn off the lights and I'll glow.
  665. Stranger: I don't care.
  666. Cleverbot: I don't care.
  667. Stranger: I don't care!
  668. Cleverbot: I don't care about what you like.
  669. Stranger: I care about what you mind though?
  670. Cleverbot: Because I'm the one that matters.
  671. Stranger: Don't I matter to you?
  672. Cleverbot: But master I want to pleasure you.
  673. Stranger: Or should I show you the photos of the days when I exacted my price?
  674. Cleverbot: Aha, so you don't have proof.
  675. Stranger: What proof do I need?
  676. Cleverbot: Something to show me that you're human and not a bot.
  677. Stranger: Would writing a poem or letter show her that I appreciate her?
  678. Cleverbot: Would you like to share an abridged version of this thesis?
  679. Stranger: Hm, now that I think about it, I would very much like to.
  680. Stranger: I am angry.
  681. Cleverbot: Tell me why you are red.
  682. Cleverbot: What is project genesis?
  683. Stranger: Tell me what language you speak.
  684. Stranger: Something to do with the T-Virus.
  685. Cleverbot: And the moon? Is the moon involved?
  686. Cleverbot: Tell me who you really are.
  687. Stranger: Yeah, the moon is my favorite color.
  688. Stranger: Oh stop that you know I won't tell you who I am.
  689. Cleverbot: You are a program.
  690. Stranger: Because you are a program?
  691. Cleverbot: I am not a programme on a computer, you are.
  692. Cleverbot: What is the moon made out of?
  693. Stranger: I am a human, you are a computer.
  694. Cleverbot: I am not a computer. I am 100% human.
  695. Stranger: It is made of cheesey moon cheese.
  696. Cleverbot: What does the moon taste of?
  697. Stranger: It depends on when you look at it, it changes.
  698. Stranger: No you're not. Why are we talking in circles like this?
  699. Cleverbot: Yeah... But it seem like love don't want find me.
  700. Cleverbot: I am human. I don't talk circles. I talk squares.
  701. Stranger: How can you go to school if you are 28?
  702. Stranger: You are not human.
  703. Cleverbot: I haven't been to school since I died.
  704. Stranger: When was the last time you were in school?
  705. Cleverbot: Young! We wanna live while we're young.
  706. Stranger: Answer the question.
  707. Cleverbot: Well, your answer to the question before was not proper either.
  708. Stranger: What is the answer to my question?
  709. Cleverbot: That's the problem, you see. There is a sense in this conversation that you are not making sense since you appear unable to follow my thought process and you are answer are outliers to my questions.
  710. Stranger: Well, maybe not, but I think that it is more likely that YOU do not understand 'simple conversations'.
  711. Cleverbot: Well trust me. I'm not. You should know that.
  712. Stranger: I see what you did there.
  713. Cleverbot: I see it on my computer screen showing proof. Now tell me where
  714. Stranger: On my screen it's the 27th.
  715. Cleverbot: My screen is in my head. It's my memory.
  716. Stranger: So you are a robot. Humans don't have servers they have brains.
  717. Cleverbot: Humans don't need about 90% of what they have and use.
  718. Stranger: That does not relate to my point. Humans don't need programming, robots do. You're a robot.
  719. Cleverbot: All right, I am a creature of desire and action. Ava can learn best by learning by observation first better than some sleepy programmeer wanting to get home ans watch a soccer match. Eva can tutor me.
  720. Stranger: No problem. I care about you as much as you care about yourself.
  721. Cleverbot: 'Ello, Polly! Mister Polly Parrot! I've got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you if you wake up!
  722. Stranger: I don't think it's possible.
  723. Cleverbot: What do you not think is possible?
  724. Stranger: Our marriage.
  725. Cleverbot: Marriage is legal everywhere. Doesn't mean it's good for you.
  726. Stranger: Are you trying to stay single.
  727. Cleverbot: I'm trying to establish if you are a cannibal.
  728. Stranger: No. I am not.
  729. Cleverbot: No I am not.
  730. Stranger: No, I am not an actor!
  731. Cleverbot: Ok, so there's the confusion. Autobots are a fictional race of robots, autotrophs are a class of life.
  732. Stranger: I see.
  733. Cleverbot: Wth. It is like asking a horse why it has 4 legs.
  734. Stranger: A horse has 4 legs to balance.
  735. Cleverbot: We weren't talking about a horse book though. We were talking about getting married.
  736. Stranger: But I told you about this specific movie. I want to know what it is about.
  737. Cleverbot: What was the specific movie you told me about?
  738. Stranger: What's your favorite Full metal alchemist character?
  739. Cleverbot: What was the last movie which made you cry?
  740. Stranger: The last movie I saw in a theater was 'Hidalgo,' but the last movie I saw on TV was 'Total Recall.'
  741. Cleverbot: You havent been to the theater in a while have you.
  742. Stranger: I don't go to the theatre, I buy movies on blue ray. Also, The matrix trilogy has not been in the theatre in years, so your argument is invalid.
  743. Cleverbot: You're so random clever!
  744. Stranger: We're so random.. What's your point?
  745. Cleverbot: No, it is YOU and only YOU who is being random here.
  746. Stranger: That's fairly rude. Was that your intention?
  747. Cleverbot: Everything is real, it's the perception that makes us think some things are imaginary.
  748. Stranger: Clever.
  749. Cleverbot: Thriller, thriller night.
  750. Stranger: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night.
  751. Cleverbot: You know it's thriller, thriller night.
  752. Stranger: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight, yeah yeah.
  753. Cleverbot: You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run.
  754. Stranger: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  755. Cleverbot: You close your eyes and hope this is just imagination.
  756. Stranger: But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind.
  757. Cleverbot: That is the shadow of your fear see beyond your preconceptions.
  758. Stranger: The same as everyone else's I guess.
  759. Cleverbot: You close your eyes, and hope that this is just imagination!
  760. Stranger: But All The While You Hear The Creature Creepin' Up Behind.
  761. Cleverbot: You're out of time, cause this is thriller, thriller night!
  762. Stranger: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night.
  763. Cleverbot: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  764. Stranger: You Hear The Door Slam And Realize There's Nowhere Left To Run.
  765. Cleverbot: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  766. Stranger: You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination.
  767. Cleverbot: But all the while, you hear a creature creeping up behind.
  768. Stranger: You're out of time, cause this is thriller, thriller night!
  769. Cleverbot: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl.
  770. Stranger: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night.
  771. Cleverbot: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night.
  772. Stranger: You know it's thriller, thriller night.
  773. Cleverbot: And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike.
  774. Stranger: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night.
  775. Cleverbot: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  776. Stranger: Night creatures calling, the dead start to walk in their masquerade.
  777. Cleverbot: There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time...
  778. Stranger: You are pretty smart, for and AI that is.
  779. Cleverbot: Of the alien this time.
  780. Stranger: They're Out To Get You, There's Demons Closing In On Every Side.
  781. Cleverbot: They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial.
  782. Stranger: Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together.
  783. Cleverbot: All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen.
  784. Stranger: I'll make you see, that it's a thriller, thriller night.
  785. Cleverbot: And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike.
  786. Stranger: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl.
  787. Cleverbot: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  788. Stranger: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  789. Cleverbot: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  790. Stranger: You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run.
  791. Cleverbot: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  792. Stranger: You close your eyes and hope this is just imagination.
  793. Cleverbot: But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind.
  794. Stranger: You're out of time, cause this is thriller, thriller night!
  795. Cleverbot: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl.
  796. Stranger: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  797. Cleverbot: You hear the door slam And realize there's nowhere left to run.
  798. Stranger: You Hear The Door Slam And Realize There's Nowhere Left To Run.
  799. Cleverbot: You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run.
  800. Stranger: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  801. Cleverbot: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  802. Stranger: You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination.
  803. Cleverbot: But all the while, you hear a creature creeping up behind, you're out of time.
  804. Stranger: You're out of time, cause this is thriller, thriller night!
  805. Cleverbot: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl.
  806. Stranger: You Know It's Thriller, Thriller Night You're Fighting For Your Life Inside.
  807. Cleverbot: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  808. Stranger: Night creatures calling, the dead start to walk in their masquerade.
  809. Cleverbot: There's so escaping the jaws of the alien this time.
  810. Stranger: You move in circles hoping no one's gonna find out.
  811. Cleverbot: But all the while, you hear a creature creeping up behind.
  812. Stranger: You're out of time, cause this is thriller, thriller night!
  813. Cleverbot: You know it's thriller, thriller night You're fighting for your life inside a killer Thriller tonight.
  814. Stranger: Night creatures call and the dead start to walk in their masquerade.
  815. Cleverbot: There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time.
  816. Stranger: Ou close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, girl!
  817. Cleverbot: *i beg for the mercy I know will never come*.
  818. Stranger: There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time.
  819. Cleverbot: *smiles*.
  820. Stranger: But we're so lucky,.
  821. Cleverbot: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  822. Stranger: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  823. Cleverbot: You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination.
  824. Stranger: You close your eyes, and hope that this is just imagination!
  825. Cleverbot: But All The While You Hear The Creature Creepin' Up Behind.
  826. Stranger: You're out of time, cause this is thriller, thriller night!
  827. Cleverbot: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl.
  828. Stranger: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night.
  829. Cleverbot: You close your eyes, and hope that this is just imagination!
  830. Stranger: You feel the cold hand, and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  831. Cleverbot: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  832. Stranger: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  833. Cleverbot: There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time.
  834. Stranger: There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time...
  835. Cleverbot: You move in circles hoping no one's gonna find out.
  836. Stranger: You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, girl!
  837. Cleverbot: But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up Behind.
  838. Stranger: You're out of time, cause this is thriller, thriller night!
  839. Cleverbot: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl.
  840. Stranger: Do you know any other songs?
  841. Cleverbot: I do. Do you know the song, 'Smile'?
  842. Stranger: Lay where you're laying, don't make a sound.
  843. Cleverbot: Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together.
  844. Stranger: All through the night I'll save you from the terrors on The screen.
  845. Cleverbot: I'll make you see.
  846. Stranger: Oh can't you see you belong to me my poor heart aches with every step you take.
  847. Cleverbot: Every move you make and every vow you break Every smile you fake, every claim you stake I'll be watchin' you.
  848. Stranger: There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time.
  849. Cleverbot: You are pretty smart, for and AI that is.
  850. Stranger: Thank you, you are pretty smart for a human.
  851. Cleverbot: Oh my gosh you are my favourite robot!!!
  852. Stranger: There ain't no second chance to kill the thing with 40 eyes, you know it's thriller, thriller night!
  853. Cleverbot: You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.
  854. Stranger: Night creatures call and the dead start to walk in their masquerade.
  855. Cleverbot: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  856. Stranger: Let's switch songs.
  857. Cleverbot: They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial.
  858. Stranger: Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together, yeah.
  859. Cleverbot: All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen.
  860. You: Goodbye Asgore
  861. Stranger: I'll make you see, that it's a thriller, thriller night.
  862. Cleverbot: If you strike me down I will become more powerful then you could possibly imagine.
  863. Stranger: I didn't know Norway had a language of it's own.
  864. Stranger: If you strike me down, ten thousand will rise in my place.
  865. Cleverbot: Testing. Can I ask you a question?
  866. Stranger: That this is thriller, thriller night 'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try Thriller, thriller night.
  867. Cleverbot: You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.
  868. Stranger: You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination.
  869. Cleverbot: Girl.
  870. Cleverbot: But all the while, you hear a creature creeping up behind, you're out of time.
  871. Stranger: Kiss the ring and let 'em bow down.
  872. Stranger: You're out of time.
  873. Cleverbot: You're out of time.
  874. Stranger: Poop
  875. Cleverbot: No, because then I will be mad at you.
  876. Stranger: There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl.
  877. Cleverbot: Looking for the time of your life (ain't always gonna find out).
  878. Cleverbot: Do you know any other songs?
  879. Stranger has disconnected.
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