
WIP Magic System

Jul 16th, 2014
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  1. General Idea Behind Crafting Spell:To start with we have no idea how magic works, what it can do and even if we can accomplish much however by searching through hook or by crook we can manage to find different components of spells to learn and begin to understand and research our own types of spells by going out and exploring the world. A friendly merchant that you help along the way may have a tome of the spell component Seen for example to help establish your research.
  4. How it works: Compile what the spell can do mechanically along with a description of it. Then calculate the spells's value is before reaching a total. At that point you can begin investing spell caster perk to begin learning the spell. Must make the system follow along the same guide lines as the SLSS system of gathering materials, in this case; paper, ink, time and actually knowing the proper components to begin with to begin researching.
  6. Use the following as a guideline to sort out the complexity of a spell. Again only YOU know the complexity of your spell so make sure to sound out other players before becoming dead set on your spell.
  8. Spell Level 8 or less: “Simple” Difficulty Target 10- 100 $ meta value SN 5
  9. Spell Level 9 to 14: “Average” Difficulty Target 100-1000 $ Meta value SN 10
  10. Spell Level 15 to 22: “Difficult” Difficulty Target 10,000-100,000 $ Meta Value SN 15
  11. Spell Level 23 or more: “Daunting” Difficulty Target 100,000 - 1,000,000 Meta Value SN 20
  13. In regards to determining the Spell Point cost of a spell so others may learn from your grand wizzardy treat Spell Level as Spell Points. Unless calculating the damage of a spell go to the damage values below.
  15. Example Fireball is a Seen [2], Immediate [1], Diminish [1], Heat [1], d6 [4sp 3SL] spell. Using the table above you can determine the complexity which is 2+1+1+1+3= 8! Conversly figuring the spells Fatigue cost follows the same format resulting in the spell costing 5 FP to cast. A high end tier of the simple spell range, meaning that you then at the beginning of your week start to roll with the SN provided above. Once that week is completed you managed to complete 20$ worth of the spell research!
  17. NOTE: Of course to begin researching you of course have to actually have the components of the spell to even begin crafting such a thing which would be given below.
  19. Ideas on the range target and Duration.
  20. The further/longer the spell goes, the more SP you need
  21. [19:52] <Star_> Target: Self=0 , Pony=1 , Group=2 , Area=3
  22. [19:53] <Star_> Range: Very close=0 , Close=1 , Medium=2 , Far=3
  23. [19:54] <Star_> Duration: Short=0 , Medium=1 , Long=2 , Permanent=3
  25. Range determines the connection between the caster and the most inaccessible target. A Spell's Range may be any one of the following:
  26. FP 1
  27. Contact (Spell Level +1) means that the target is the caster themselves or is in direct physical contact with the caster. 1 sp
  28. Seen (Spell Level +2) means that the target can be easily seen by the caster at the time the Spell is cast (line of sight). 2 sp
  29. FP 2
  30. Known (Spell Level +4) means that the target is known well by the caster; it may be a friend, a familiar object, etc. 4sp
  31. FP 4
  32. Unknown (Spell Level +8) means that the target isn’t necessarily Familiar to the caster but still may be targeted by the Spell. 8 sp
  34. Duration determines how long the Spell’s effects are meant to last. A Spell's Duration may be any one of the following:
  35. Fatigue 1
  36. Immediate (Spell Level +1) means that the Spell is instantly resolved and completed, such as a flash of light or teleportation. 1 SP
  38. FP Dependant on What the base cost of the spell is then half rounded up to continue the spell.
  39. Sustained (Spell Level +2) means that the Spell lasts as long as the caster focuses on it, such as a shield bubble or an illusion. 2Sp
  40. FP 3
  41. Temporary (Spell Level +4) means that the Spell lasts for a short time without needing to be focused on, such as temporary wings. 4 Sp
  42. FP 4
  43. Persistent (Spell Level +8) means that the Spell lasts for a long time without needing to be focused on, such as sealing a chest. 8 sp
  45. Effect(s) determine the basic effect of the Spell. A Spell's Effect(s) may be any one or more of the following:
  47. Fatigue 1
  48. Deceive (Spell Level +1) obscures or hides things from detection, or gives things false characteristics.
  49. Reveal (Spell Level +1) reveals hidden things and imparts knowledge about things.
  51. Diminish (Spell Level +1) makes something a ‘less perfect’ version of itself, damages it, or even eliminates it entirely.
  52. Forge (Spell Level +1) creates something from nothing, or improves something, making it a ‘more perfect’ version of itself.
  54. Fatigue 2
  55. Animate (Spell Level +1) governs physical manipulation of something, whether through concentration or by self-manipulation.
  56. Modify (Spell Level +1) gives something a property or ability it does not normally have according to its function or normal capabilities.
  58. Fatigue 3
  59. Combine (Spell Level +1) allows for the merging, or fusion, of multiple elements into a whole, or a functional hybrid.
  60. Separate (Spell Level +1) splits things into their component parts to various degrees of specificity.
  65. Subject(s) determine the basic area of composition the Spell is affecting. A Spell's Subject(s) may be any one or more of the following:
  67. Fatigue Cost 1
  68. Air (Spell Level +1,) encompasses atmosphere, gases, smoke, and other gaseous materials.
  69. Heat (Spell Level +1) encompasses thermal matters such as warmth and coldness, as well as fire, melting, and freezing.
  70. Earth (Spell Level +1) encompasses stone, dirt, sand, metal, gemstones, and other non-living solid material found underground.
  71. Water (Spell Level +1) encompasses all fluids and physical liquids, not only water itself.
  72. Weather (Spell Level +1) encompasses natural weather effects, including clouds, lightning, wind, rain, snow, thunder, and hail.
  74. Fatigue Cost 2
  75. Shadow (Spell Level +1) encompasses tangible shadow-stuff, physical darkness, and gloom made manifest.
  76. Light (Spell Level +1) encompasses pure light, but not elements which naturally give off light, such as fire.
  77. Sound (Spell Level +1) encompasses noise and perceived sound, including music, voices, and other tones.
  79. Fatigue Cost 2
  80. Energy (Spell Level +1) encompasses pure non-magical energy and energy-like effects, such as electricity, magnetism, and radiation.
  81. Force (Spell Level +1) encompasses solid barriers of magical energy, like impassable shields and force fields.
  82. Magic (Spell Level +1) encompasses pure magical power and the mystical energies which make up spell effects.
  84. Fatigue Cost 3
  85. Mind (Spell Level +1) encompasses the minds of higher creatures with the ability to speak.
  86. Body (Spell Level +1) encompasses the physical bodies (but not the minds) of higher creatures with the ability to speak.
  87. Construct (Spell Level +1) encompasses manufactured objects, some with multiple interacting component parts.
  89. Fatigue Cost 3
  90. Plant (Spell Level +1) encompasses natural plants and flora, as well as plant creatures.
  91. Animal (Spell Level +1) encompasses lower animals such as cats, dogs, and birds—animals which cannot speak.
  94. Rough draft of creating a damage type spell.
  96. d2 1sp SL 1
  97. d4 2sp SL 2
  98. d6 4sp SL 3
  99. d8 8sp SL 4
  100. d10 16 sp SL 5
  102. And I guess the elemental effects would be something along the lines of Fire-Half the inflicted damage as burn damage, water as treating the target as soaked, Earth with a chance to stun the target against their Vit modifier, and Air would be the same since it can be used to bludgeon or cut
  104. Table of Effects using the selected elements below in Damage category spells.
  106. Fire=[Burning]-Until the enemy goes prone to put themselves out, d2 damage every round
  108. Water= Target is soaked for a turn dripping with water.
  110. Earth= Caster rolls to hit, then again if successful to contest the targets vit score.
  112. Air= Fashioned into blunt or blade the pc must declare which is used before rolling. If successful the stun roll is made a -3 modifier to over come the targets vit score and if blade then the target suffers d2 bleed damage till the wound is staunched.
  114. Racial Abilities- Thought up on and fancied.
  116. Unicorn- Magic Sense - Being born of one of the most Magically Active races you find that you can easily sense the lay of a ponies magic and the area you reside in. Allows for ease of locating specific locations by searching for magic signatures of either towns, leyline, or even ponies themselves to a distance of 1k meters.
  118. Pegasus- Wind Buffet - Pegasus use their wings to stir up winds to either blow their foes off their feet or harrass them to disrupt their concentration! PC rolls to over come VIT score. After which turn is used up as it is a standard action.
  120. Earth- Bones of the Mountain - It's common knowledge that Earth ponies are the work horse of equestrian logistics as their internal magic has been commonly documented to reinforce their muscles and bones for hard labor. When calculating Damage Pony can use FP to take the damage instead of HP until they reach 1/3 of their total FP as they become Tired. At which point the damage is dealt as before.
  122. Bats- Darkvision - Simliar to the Night Vision quirk, this ability allows for the Batty to see in low light areas when they wish, however unlike the quirk they have controll over their sight allowing them to change from day time to night time without hassle. Think night vision googles that can be turned on or off.
  124. Zebra- Evil Enchantress - Living in Zebrica can be a frightening time when everything and its mother is trying to eat you! Luckily all zebra have a bit of spiritual help in the form of spooking creatures and predators. PC rolls d20 plus their will modifier to cause a target to flee, when used against multiple targets roll against the highest target if success the rest of the party flees after their leader. Dc is depending on the targets will roll to resist.
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