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Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. # This is a template config file
  2. # define your parameter and its value like:
  3. ErrorMessage: "&c [TE] : Some error occured."
  4. HelpMessages:
  5. banner:
  6. msg: "=== &e[&aTokenEnchant Commands List&e] &r==="
  7. help:
  8. msg: "/tokenenchant or /tokenenchant help : display this help menu."
  9. reload:
  10. msg: "/tokenenchant reload : reloads config file."
  11. permission: "tokenenchant.reload"
  12. set:
  13. msg: "/tokenenchant set <name> <amount> : sets <name> <amount> tokens."
  14. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  15. add:
  16. msg: "/tokenenchant add <name> <amount> : adds <name> <amount> tokens."
  17. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  18. remove:
  19. msg: "/tokenenchant remove <name> <amount> : removes <name> <amount> tokens from <name>."
  20. permission: "tokenenchant.add"
  21. balance:
  22. msg: "/tokenenchant balance [name] : displays the token balance of yourself or [name]."
  23. permission: "tokenenchant.balance"
  24. withdraw:
  25. msg: "/tokenenchant withdraw <amount> : withdraws the specified amount of tokens from your account."
  26. permission: "tokenenchant.withdraw"
  27. expexchange:
  28. msg: "/tokenenchant expexchange : exchanges the current EXP values to tokens."
  29. permission: "tokenenchant.expexchange"
  30. #
  31. # if UseToken is true, the plugin use its own tokens, if it's false
  32. # it uses economy thorugh Vault
  33. UseToken: true
  34. EnchantSign: "[&9Enchant&8]"
  35. CostPlaceHolder: "{ench_cost}"
  36. #
  37. ExchangeSign: "[&9Exchange&8]"
  38. ExchangeRate: 1
  39. RatePlaceHolder: "{ex_rate}"
  40. #
  41. ExpExchangeSign: "[&9EXP Exch&8]"
  42. ExpExchangeRate: 20
  43. ExpRatePlaceHolder: "{exp_rate}"
  44. #
  45. WithdrawSign: "[&9Withdraw&8]"
  46. #
  47. RepairSign: "[&9Repair&8]"
  48. RepairBase: 1
  49. RepairDiscount: 0.05
  50. RepairRatePlaceHolder: "{rep_rate}"
  51. #
  52. TokenItem: MAGMA_CREAM
  53. TokenItemName: "&aTokenItem"
  54. TokenItemLore: "&bClick to redeem &eTokens"
  55. #
  56. Messages:
  57. SelfBalance: "&a[TE] You currently have &b%token% &atokens."
  58. NoOthersBalance: "&c[TE] You are not allowed to check other's balance."
  59. NoTargetPlayer: "&a[TE] A palyer needs to be specified."
  60. PlayerOffline: "&a[TE] &e%player% &ais currently offline."
  61. PlayerNotFound: "&a[TE] &e%player% &awas not found."
  62. Balance: "&a[TE] &e%player% &acurrently has &b%token% &atokens."
  63. SetSuccess: "&a[TE] You have set &e%token% &atokens to &e%player%&a."
  64. AddSuccess: "&a[TE] You have added &e%token% &atokens to &e%player%&a."
  65. Received: "&a[TE] You have received &e%token% &atokens."
  66. Deducted: "&a[TE] &e%token% &atokens have been deducted."
  67. RemoveSuccess: "&a[TE] You have removed &e%token% &atokens from &e%player%&a."
  68. NotEnoughTokens: "&c[TE] You do not have enough tokens."
  69. NotEnoughTokenItems: "&c[TE] You do not have enough token items. You need at least %needed% token item(s)."
  70. NotEnoughExpLevels: "&c[TE] You do not have enough EXP levels. You need at least %exp_needed% EXP level(s)."
  71. WithdrawSuccess: "&a[TE] You have withdrawn &e%tokens% &atokens."
  72. ExchangeSuccess: "&a[TE] &e+ %token% &atoken(s) has been added to your account."
  73. NeedToHoldItem: "&c[TE] You need to hold an item to enchant."
  74. CannotEnchantThis: "&c[TE] You cannot enchant the item you're holding."
  75. CannotRepairThis: "&c[TE] You cannot repair the item you're holding."
  76. EnchantSuccess: "&a[TE] &e+ 1 &d%enchant% &aenchantment level. %token% tokens have been deducted."
  77. RepairSuccess: "&a[TE] &eThe item repaired. %token% tokens have been deducted."
  78. MaxedOut: "&c[TE] Your item has already maxed out on &e%enchant% &cenchantment."
  79. NoPermission: "&c[TE] You don't have a permission for this!"
  80. NoSuchEnchant: "&c[TE-Admin] That is not a valid enchant. Please specify the enchant listed in the config file."
  81. TokenItemsGiven: "&a[TE] &e%tokenitems% &atoken items were given to &e%player%&a."
  82. #
  83. #
  84. #
  85. UseRomanNumeral: true
  86. #
  87. MaxEnchantLevel: 100
  88. #
  89. #
  90. TokenFormula:
  91. # Valid values are: LINEAR and EXPONENTIAL
  92. # If an invalid value is entered, this will reset to the default setting, which is LINEAR
  93. # CONSTANT: price
  94. # LINEAR: price + (level * price)
  95. # EXPONENTIAL: price + price * level ^ exponent
  96. Curve: Linear
  98. Constant:
  99. Linear:
  100. Exponential:
  101. exponent: 1.80
  103. DefaultPotionDuration: 200
  104. DefaultPotionAmplifier: 2
  105. #
  106. # supported potion effects:
  107. # Haste (Bukkit name: FAST_DIGGING)
  108. # Speed (Bukkit name: SPEED)
  109. # Nightvision (Bukkit name: NIGHT_VISION)
  110. # Jump (Bukkit name: JUMP)
  111. # Regeneration (Bukkit name: REGENERATION);
  112. # FireProtection (Bukki name: FIRE_RESISTANCE)
  113. # DamageResist (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE
  114. # Aqua (Bukkit name: WATER_BREATHING)
  115. # Saturation (Bukkit name: SATURATION)
  116. # HealthBoost (Bukkit name: HEALTH_BOOST)
  117. # Strength (Bukkit name: INCREASE_DAMAGE)
  118. # Blindness (Bukkit name: BLINDNESS)
  119. # Confusion (Bukkit name: Confusion)
  120. # Harm (aka Instant Damage, Bukkit name: HARM)
  121. # Hunger (Bukkit name: HUNGER)
  122. # Poison (Bukkit name: POISON)
  123. # Slow (Bukkit name: SLOW)
  124. # Weakness (Bukkit name: WEAKNESS)
  125. # Wither (Bukkit name: WITHER)
  126. # Molten (custom : attacker catches fire)
  127. # Fly (custom effect : item holder can fly)
  128. Explosive : this is a custom effect, which will blow up surrounding blocks. It has an option of auto smelt. This Explosive effect works with MineResetLitePlus's mined block counting as well as Lucky Block feature!
  129. # Excavation : this is a custom effect, It is just like Explosive but it will remove entire cuboid
  130. # Sphered : this is a custom effect, It is just like Explosive but it will remove entire sphere
  131. # BedrockBreaker (custom: allow you to break a bedrock block)
  132. #
  133. # You can set the duration to -1 to give infinite potion effects.
  134. #
  135. # You can set the occurrence
  136. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  137. # always: occur always.
  138. # occurence: random
  139. #
  140. Potions:
  141. Haste:
  142. duration: 200
  143. amplifier: 2
  144. price: 10
  145. max: 10
  146. # You can set the occurrence
  147. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  148. # always: occur always.
  149. occurrence: random
  150. Speed:
  151. price: 10
  152. max: 10
  153. # You can set the occurrence
  154. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  155. # always: occur always.
  156. occurrence: random
  157. Nightvision:
  158. price: 10
  159. max: 10
  160. # You can set the occurrence
  161. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  162. # always: occur always.
  163. occurrence: random
  164. Jump:
  165. price: 10
  166. max: 10
  167. # You can set the occurrence
  168. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  169. # always: occur always.
  170. occurrence: random
  171. Harm:
  172. price: 10
  173. max: 1
  174. #
  175. # level_multiplier * the level of potion will be used as
  176. # the level of Harm potion.
  177. level_multiplier: 1
  178. # You can set the occurrence
  179. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  180. # always: occur always.
  181. occurrence: always
  182. Regeneration:
  183. price: 10
  184. max: 2
  185. duration_multiplier: 1800
  186. #
  187. # You can set the occurrence
  188. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  189. # always: occur always.
  190. occurrence: always
  191. FireProtection:
  192. price: 10
  193. max: 1
  194. duration_multiplier: 1800
  195. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  196. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  197. # always: explosion occur always.
  198. occurrence: always
  199. Strength:
  200. price: 10
  201. max: 3
  202. duration_multiplier: -1
  203. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  204. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  205. # always: explosion occur always.
  206. occurrence: always
  207. Aqua:
  208. price: 10
  209. max: 1
  210. duration_multiplier: -1
  211. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  212. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  213. # always: explosion occur always.
  214. occurrence: always
  215. Saturation:
  216. price: 10
  217. max: 3
  218. duration_multiplier: -1
  219. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  220. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  221. # always: explosion occur always.
  222. occurrence: always
  223. HealthBoost:
  224. price: 10
  225. max: 3
  226. duration_multiplier: 1200
  227. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  228. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  229. # always: explosion occur always.
  230. occurrence: always
  231. Explosive:
  232. price: 10
  233. max: 10
  234. # you can nominate the world, which prevents explosive
  235. invalid_in_world:
  236. - plotworld
  237. # you can turn on automatic pickup.
  238. pickup: true
  239. # you can turn on automatic smelting
  240. smelt: true
  241. # you can turn on/off explostion sound/visual effects
  242. effect: true
  243. # you can turn on/off explostion sound effects
  244. sound: true
  245. # you can increase the number of exploded blocs with in a radius
  246. multiplier: 2
  247. # you can specify the radius whithin which explosion will occur.
  248. # it is not recommended to have a large radius. it may cause lag.
  249. radius: 2
  250. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  251. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  252. # always: explosion occur always.
  253. occurrence: random
  254. # You can set the list of blocks exempt from explosiont.
  255. # use this list to avoid your crates being exploded.
  256. # AIR and BEDROCK are already exempted by defalt
  257. exemptions:
  258. - ENDER_CHEST
  259. - GLOWSTONE
  260. - LADDER
  261. - STONE_PLATE
  262. Excavation:
  263. price: 10
  264. max: 5
  265. # you can nominate the world, which prevents explosive
  266. invalid_in_world:
  267. - plotworld
  268. # you can turn on automatic pickup.
  269. pickup: true
  270. # you can turn on automatic smelting
  271. smelt: true
  272. # you can turn on/off explostion sound/visual effects
  273. effect: true
  274. # you can turn on/off explostion sound effects
  275. sound: true
  276. # You can set the occurrence of explosion.
  277. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  278. # always: explosion occur always.
  279. occurrence: random
  280. # You can set the list of blocks exempt from explosiont.
  281. # use this list to avoid your crates being exploded.
  282. # AIR and BEDROCK are already exempted by defalt
  283. exemptions:
  284. - ENDER_CHEST
  285. - GLOWSTONE
  286. - LADDER
  287. - STONE_PLATE
  288. Fly:
  289. price: 10
  290. max: 1
  291. # You can set the occurrence
  292. # random: randomly occur based on the level
  293. # always: occur always.
  294. occurrence: always
  295. #
  296. # Supported Enchantment:
  297. # Sharpness (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_ALL)
  298. # Baneofarthropods (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS)
  299. # Smite (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_UNDEAD)
  300. # Efficiency (Bukkit name: DIG_SPEED)
  301. # Unbreaking (Bukkit name: DURABILITY)
  302. # Fireaspect (Bukkit name: FIRE_ASPECT)
  303. # Knockback (Bukkit name: KNOCKBACK)
  304. # Fortune (Bukkit name: LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS)
  305. # Looting (Bukkit name: LOOT_BONUS_MOBS)
  306. # Respiration (Bukkit name: OXYGEN
  307. # Protection (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL)
  308. # Blastprotection (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS)
  309. # Featherfall, Featherfalling (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_FALL)
  310. # Fireprotection (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_FIRE)
  311. # Projectileprot (Bukkit name: PROTECTION_PROJECTILE)
  312. # Silktouch (Bukkit name: SILK_TOUCH)
  313. # Aquaaffinity (Bukkit name: WATER_WORKER)
  314. # Flame (Bukkit name: ARROW_FIRE)
  315. # Power (Bukkit name: ARROW_DAMAGE)
  316. # Punch (Bukkit name: ARROW_KNOCKBACK)
  317. # Infinity (Bukkit name: ARROW_INFINITE)
  318. # Thorns (Bukkit name: THORNS)
  319. #
  320. Enchants:
  321. Fortune:
  322. price: 10
  323. max: 10
  324. Silktouch:
  325. price: 10
  326. max: 10
  327. Efficiency:
  328. price: 10
  329. max: 10
  330. Unbreaking:
  331. price: 10
  332. max: 10
  333. Items:
  335. - Unbreaking
  336. - Fortune
  337. - Efficiency
  338. - Explosive
  339. - Speed
  340. - Jump
  341. - Nightvision
  343. - Unbreaking
  344. - Fortune
  345. - Efficiency
  346. - Explosive
  347. - Speed
  348. - Jump
  350. - Unbreaking
  351. - Fortune
  352. - Efficiency
  353. - Explosive
  354. - Speed
  356. - Unbreaking
  357. - Fortune
  358. - Efficiency
  359. - Explosive
  360. - Speed
  362. - Unbreaking
  363. - Fortune
  364. - Efficiency
  365. - Explosive
  366. - Speed
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