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uplay activation - storm360

a guest
Dec 16th, 2012
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  1. -upc_uplay_id ---
  2. replace --- with the number for the desired game
  3. Anno 2070 - 22
  4. Anno 2070 (Steam) - 71
  5. Anno 2070 Beta - 45
  6. Assassin's Creed - 82
  7. Assassin's Creed II - 4
  8. Assassin's Creed II (Steam) - 56
  9. Assassin's Creed III - 54
  10. Assassin's Creed III (Steam) - 102
  11. Assassin's Creed III (Rus) - 103
  12. Assassin's Creed III (Jpn) - 104
  13. Assassin's Creed III (Cz) - 105
  14. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - 26
  15. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Steam) - 57
  16. Assassin's Creed Revelations - 40
  17. Assassin's Creed Revelations (Steam) - 59
  18. Assassin's Creed Revelations -The Lost Archive - 97
  19. Call of Juarez The Cartel (Steam) - 37
  20. Driver: San Francisco - 13
  21. Driver: San Francisco (Steam) - 55
  22. Far Cry 2 - 85
  23. Far Cry 3 - 46
  24. Far Cry 3 (Steam) - 101
  25. From Dust - 30
  26. From Dust (Steam) - 64
  27. I Am Alive - 93
  28. Might & Magic Heroes VI - 44
  29. Might & Magic Heroes VI - 48
  30. Might & Magic Heroes VI (Steam) - 60
  31. Might & Magic Heroes VI Beta - 25
  32. Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands - 11
  33. Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands (Steam) - 63
  34. The Settlers 7 - 8
  35. The Settlers 7 (Steam) - 61
  36. The Settlers 7 Balance - 27
  37. The Settlers 7 Beta - 16
  38. The Settlers 7 Demo - 17
  39. Tintin - 33
  40. Tom Clancy's EndWar - 83
  41. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier - 53
  42. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier (Steam) - 65
  43. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier - Arctic Strike DLC Pack - 115
  44. Tom Clancy’s HAWX - 86
  45. Tom Clancy’s HAWX2 - 21
  46. Tom Clancy’s HAWX2 (Steam) - 62
  47. Rayman Origins - 80
  48. Shaun White Skateboarding - 20
  49. Silent Hunter 5 - 3
  50. Silent Hunter 5 (Steam) - 68
  51. Splinter Cell Conviction - 2
  52. Splinter Cell Conviction (Steam) - 58
  53. Splinter Cell Conviction - Deniable Ops: Insurgency - 96
  54. World in Conflict - 69
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