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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- ############################################################################
- #
- #
- # AUTHOR(S): Eric Goddard,
- #
- # PURPOSE: Create a Local Relief Model from input DEM. Adapted from
- # Rebecca Bennett's bash script.
- #
- # COPYRIGHT: (C) 2013 Eric Goddard
- #
- # 2011 Bennett, Rebecca. Archaeological Remote Sensing: Visualisation and analysis
- # of grass-dominated environments using airborne laser scanning and
- # digital spectra data. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Electronic Document,
- #,
- # Accessed 25 February 2013.
- #
- # 2010 Hesse, Ralf. LiDAR-derived Local Relief Models - a new tool for archaeological
- # prospection. Archaeological Prospection 17:67-72.
- #
- #
- #############################################################################
- #%module
- #% description: Creates a Local Relief Model from input raster.
- #% keywords: lrm
- #% keywords: lidar
- #% overwrite: yes
- #%end
- #%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
- #% key:input_map
- #% description: Select input raster
- #% required: yes
- #%end
- #%option
- #% key: output_prefix
- #% description: Prefix for output LRM files
- #% required: yes
- #%end
- #%option
- #% key: kernel
- #% type: integer
- #% description: The kernel size to be used in the low pass filter.
- #% required: no
- #% answer: 25
- #%end
- import sys
- import os
- import grass.script as grass
- if not os.environ.has_key("GISBASE"):
- print "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program."
- sys.exit(1)
- def main():
- input_map = options['input_map']
- output_prefix = options['output_prefix']
- kernel = options['kernel']
- #Processing files
- lp_out = "%s_lpf" % output_prefix
- lp_subtract = "%s_lpf_difference" % output_prefix
- LP_contour = "%s_diff_contour" % output_prefix
- LP_points = "%s_points" % LP_contour
- LP_purged = "%s_purged" % output_prefix
- lrm_output = "%s_lrm" % output_prefix
- #Run the low pass filter on input map
- grass.message("Running low pass filter on %s." % input_map)
- grass.run_command("r.neighbors", input=input_map, output=lp_out, size=kernel, method="average")
- #Subtract the result of the low pass filter from the input map
- grass.message("Subtracting low pass from DEM...")
- grass.mapcalc("$lp_subtract = $input_map - $lp_out", lp_subtract = lp_subtract, input_map = input_map, lp_out = lp_out)
- #Extract the zero contours
- grass.message("Extracting zero contours from low pass difference...")
- grass.run_command("r.contour", input=lp_subtract, output=LP_contour, minlevel=0, maxlevel=0, step=10)
- grass.run_command("", input=LP_contour, llayer=1, type="line", output=LP_points, dmax=10)
- grass.run_command("v.what.rast", map=LP_points, raster=input_map, layer=2, column="along")
- #Get mean distance between points to optimize spline interpolation
- meanDist = grass.parse_command("", flags="e", input=LP_points, raster_output=LP_purged, layer="2", column="along", method="bilinear")
- #The -e flag on returns a length 1 dictionary key string
- #containing the Estimated point density and mean distance between points,
- #with the mean distance between points as the last value. Extact the
- #dictionary key, split it into a list using space as a separator, and
- #the last element in the list is the mean distance between points.
- #Double to get length of spline step for interpolation.
- splineStep = round(float(meanDist.keys()[0].split(" ")[-1])) * 2
- grass.message("Interpolating purged surface using a spline step value of %.0f..." % splineStep)
- #Interpolate using with meanDist * 2 as sie and sin
- grass.run_command("", input=LP_points, raster_output=LP_purged, layer="2", sie=splineStep, sin=splineStep, column="along", method="bilinear")
- #Subtract the purged surface from input surface to get the local relief and apply a grey color table.
- grass.message("Creating Local Relief Model...")
- grass.mapcalc("$lrm_output = $input_map - $LP_purged", lrm_output = lrm_output, input_map = input_map, LP_purged = LP_purged)
- grass.run_command("r.colors", map=lrm_output, color="differences")
- grass.message("Done.")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- options, flags = grass.parser()
- main()
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