
The Lake: Part VI

Mar 29th, 2012
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  1. >Afternoon of day five.
  2. >It's still drizzling as you return to the island.
  3. >At first, they want to know where their friend has gone.
  4. >”Hooman take fwiend! Where fwiend go?!” the silver unicorn asks.
  5. >You attempt to explain what you've done, but they all hide from you anyway.
  6. >”No wan' go poofy-bye!” the yellow earth fluffy cries.
  7. >You decide the only way to solve this problem is tell the truth.
  8. >You explain that you took the orange fluffy to a land full of spaghetti.
  9. >motherofgod.jpg
  10. >The fluffies run over to you as fast as their stubby legs will carry them.
  11. >”We wan' go sgetti-wand! We wan' go!” the earth fluffies cry.
  12. >Well, that was easy.
  13. >Now there's a different issue.
  14. >You want them to go into the crate.
  15. >They don't.
  16. >You discover that herding fluffy ponies is like trying to teach nuclear physics to a goldfish.
  17. >If they're not hugging your legs, they're bouncing around shrieking 'pway wif hooman!' or 'pick fwuffy!' or 'wan' sgettis!'
  18. >You decide to simplify matters.
  19. >After fighting your way to the wooden crate, you tip it upright again.
  20. >Then you begin picking them up and setting them into it.
  21. >”No sowwy-bocks!” the red pegasus screams.
  22. >”Fwuffy sowwy! No put fwuffy in dawk pwace!” the purple earth fluffy wails.
  23. “Calm down, the box won't hurt you.”
  24. >They don't buy it. Soon, you have a wooden crate full of crying fluffies.
  25. >”Pwease wet out, fwuffy be good!” they beg.
  26. >You realize you have another problem.
  27. >This box is too damn big to carry by yourself.
  28. >And even if you could get it to the shore, it's not going to fit in your car.
  29. >You hear buzzing and look down into the crate.
  30. >The pegasus fluffies are trying to fly, but they only get about three inches off the bottom.
  31. >”Wet out! Wet out! Fwuffy wan' pway outside!” the green one yells.
  32. >You take a minute to consider your options.
  33. >Since the crate has gaps between the planks, it won't fill with water.
  34. >They won't drown. Theoretically.
  35. >They also won't get themselves hurt by running around.
  36. >Figuring you've bought yourself some time, you go inside to call your friend for help.
  37. >He's got a truck, too, which is a bonus.
  38. >You depart the island, trying to ignore the fluffy cries.
  40. >In the crate, simplistically articulated accusations are starting to fly.
  41. >”You make hooman weave!” the silver unicorn sniffles.
  42. >The two pegasus fluffies are indignant. At least, they're as indignant as something with an IQ of 12 can be. ”No, I good fwuffy! Good fwuffy no make hooman go poofy-bye!”
  43. >”You twy fwy outta sowwy-bocks!” the blue earth fluffy says.
  44. >”Sowwy-bocks bad! Fwuffy wan' pway! Fwuffy is good fwuffy!”
  45. >They don't notice the yellow earth fluffy in the corner by herself, shaking furiously.
  46. >They do notice the smell soon after.
  47. >”No smell pwetty!” the green pegasus gasps. “Fwuffy make poopies in sowwy-box!”
  48. >Outright panic sets in. The yellow earth fluffy sobs, while the others all shove themselves in the farthest corner.
  49. >”Fwuffy bad! Fwuffy make bad poopies!”
  50. >”Had to! Fwuffy tummy hurted!”
  51. >”You no s'pose make poopies in sowwy-bocks!”
  52. >She is freaking out at this point.
  53. >”No wan' sowwy-stick! No wan'! Fwuffy sowwy make bad poopies!”
  54. >The red pegasus loses her mind when she hears 'sowwy-stick'.
  55. >”We all gon' get sowwy-stick! We all be in twouble!”
  56. >The fluffies begin screaming to nobody in particular about how sorry and good they are.
  57. >This keeps going until you return with your friend and look in the crate.
  58. “What are you yelling about?”
  59. >They bawl loudly and scream apologies, crowded so tightly into the corner that the yellow fluffy is forced to the center.
  60. >”Move! Wet in! Wet in! Fwuffy no wan' be awone! Fwuffy not bad fwuffy! Fwuffy had make poopies!” she cries.
  61. >You see the problem and sigh.
  62. >Your friend is just snickering.
  63. >You have to ask, even though you know the answer.
  64. “Who shit in the crate?”
  65. >The yellow earth fluffy experiences an entirely new level of fear.
  66. >She's so afraid, she lies down and hyperventilates.
  67. >She tries to cover her head with her stubby forelegs, hiccuping a broken series of 'sowwy' all the while.
  68. >When you reach down toward her, she screams and begins to piss herself.
  69. >In reaction, the fluffy ponies huddled together begin shitting everywhere.
  70. >They apologize for this even as they do it, crying and begging for forgiveness.
  71. >This begins a cycle of defecation and remorse that causes your friend to laugh loudly.
  72. >
  73. >You now have a crate full of crying, shit-covered fluffies.
  74. >The yellow one is still pissing herself and shaking.
  75. >They all implore you to not injure them.
  76. “This is just fucking great.”
  77. >Your tone sends the fluffies into a new round of terror.
  78. >In desperation, they blame the shit, running around and sobbing as they scold their feces for betraying them.
  79. >They reaffirm that they are good fluffies. They are sorry fluffies.
  80. >Your friend gasps for air as he laughs.
  81. “Well, you're not going to spaghetti land now.”
  82. >They lean up on the side, begging for mercy.
  83. >”Sowwy! Pwease wuv fwuffies! Pwease go sgetti-wand! Pwease no sowwy-stick!”
  84. >The smell is unlike anything you have ever encountered.
  85. >Not even Snowflake's shit stunk like this.
  86. >It's like they have some sort of ability to enhance the stink if they're afraid.
  87. >Perhaps it's evolution's attempt to give them some sort of deterrent against predators.
  88. >Maybe it was a practical joke between gene scientists at the lab.
  89. >You glare down at them, annoyed, as they try to climb out and hug you.
  90. >Hugs fix everything.
  91. “No. Stay in there while I figure out what to do with you.”
  92. >They take that to mean 'sowwy-stick'.
  93. >Once again, they shit themselves in self-defense.
  94. >Big. Fucking. Sigh.
  95. >Your friend looks in the crate while you walk away to think.
  96. >”Hey, why's this one not moving?”
  97. >”Fwiend? Fwiend? We sowwy cawl you bad fwuffy!” they all hug the motionless one. “Pwease hug!”
  98. >It's hard to tell, but finally, you see some yellow through all that brown.
  99. >The yellow earth fluffy scared, pissed, and shat herself to death.
  100. “Let her be.”
  101. >You telling them not to hug her confuses them.
  102. >”Why? Fwuffies wuz mean to yewwa fwuffy, wan' make betta!”
  103. “You can't make her better. Just sit in the corner, please.”
  104. >They reluctantly agree, still babbling about how sorry and good they are and not meaning to hug even though hugs fix everything.
  105. >There's no point in explaining this to them.
  106. >Your friend isn't laughing anymore as you send him into your house for gloves.
  107. >The six shitty, fluffy ponies are now five.
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