
theme 56: the judge

Sep 23rd, 2015
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  900. <p>You can put all of your updates here or something else. Just whatever your heart desires. The scrollbar is hidden, but it's still there so you can make this as long as you want. </p>
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  960. <a href="/" title="url"><img src=""></a>
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  1004. <div id="asker">{Asker} sent:</div>
  1005. <div id="question">{Question}</div>
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  1008. <!---- - END ANSWER & QUESTION / DONT TOUCH!!! - --->
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  1080. <a href="{Permalink}">{DayOfMonth} {ShortMonth} {Year} </a> —
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  1102. <a href=""title="made by im-halsey"><i class="fa fa-diamond"></i></a>
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