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a guest
Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. Viridian Kayle
  2. Judgment Kayle
  3. Foxfire Ahri
  4. Hired Gun Graves
  5. Tundra Fizz
  6. Northern Storm Volibear
  7. Assassin Master Yi
  8. Traditional Sejuani
  9. Blood Knight Hecarim
  10. Lord Darius
  11. Full Metal Jayce
  12. Tribal Ryze
  13. Dark Crystal Ryze
  14. Dark Valkyrie Diana
  15. Hextech Sion
  16. Barbarian Sion
  17. Celestine Soraka
  18. Recon Teemo
  19. Firefang Warwick
  20. Hyena Warwick
  21. Forsaken Olaf
  22. Brolaf
  23. Pentakill Olaf
  24. Mafia Miss Fortune
  25. Woad Ashe
  26. Queen Ashe
  27. King Tryndamere
  28. Sultan Tryndamere
  29. Temple Jax
  30. Nemesis Jax
  31. Surfer Singed
  32. Augmented Singed
  33. Shadow Evelynn
  34. Emumu
  35. Ninja Rammus
  36. Bird of Prey Anivia
  37. Royal Shaco
  38. Mr. Mundoverse
  39. Deep One Kassadin
  40. Nightblade Irelia
  41. Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
  42. Minuteman Gangplank
  43. Special Forces Gangplank
  44. Traditional Karma
  45. White Mage Veigar
  46. Traditional Trundle
  47. Bilgewater Swain
  48. Tyrant Swain
  49. Resistance Caitlyn
  50. Obsidian Malphite
  51. Sandstorm Katarina
  52. Void Nocturne
  53. Bloodfury Renekton
  54. Darkforge Jarvan IV
  55. Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
  56. Victorious Elise
  57. Gothic Orianna
  58. General Wukong
  59. Jade Dragon Wukong
  60. Vandal Brand
  61. Acolyte Lee Sin
  62. Dragonslayer Vayne
  63. Heartseeker Vayne
  64. Galactic Nasus
  65. Black Belt Udyr
  66. Spirit Guard Udyr
  67. Battle Regalia Poppy
  68. Gragas, Esq.
  69. Ruthless Pantheon
  70. Full Metal Pantheon
  71. Vandal Vladimir
  72. Blood Lord Vladimir
  73. Frosted Ezreal
  74. Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
  75. Pentakill Yorick
  76. Crimson Akali
  77. Sanguine Garen
  78. Iron Solari Leona
  79. Crimson Elite Talon
  80. Redeemed Riven
  81. Championship Riven
  82. Warlord Shen
  83. Commando Lux
  86. RP-114
  87. IP-40k
  88. Season3-Golden
  89. Season2-Silver
  90. Season4-Silver
  92. runes
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