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Sombra's Deal

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Jun 18th, 2014
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  1. "And how do I know that you'll keep your end of the bargain?"
  3. "Shining, no!" Cadence tried to speak out in protest, not wanting her husband to do this. However, Shining Armor only kept his eyes glued onto the figure in front of them. Afraid of what could happen if he does this, Cadence grabbed his shoulder with a hoof as she pleaded to him. "Please, don't do this! It doesn't have to happen this wa--"
  6. A loud stomp interrupted the alicorn's pleading, as the thundering hoof of Sombra shook the floor slightly. "Silence!" shouted the large unicorn as he glared at both of the potential new leaders of his Kingdom. "This is none of your concern, Princess!"
  8. Breathing out in a satisfied hiss, Sombra turned his attention back to Shining, narrowing his red eyes onto the Guard as he glared back at him. "This is just between me... and you."
  10. Shining attempted to hold his ground as he stood in front of the black-coated figure; however, he still felt a low shudder within himself, mostly from a mix of both fear and self-loathing. But despite his looming fears of regret, the Guard stood as strongly as he could in front of Sombra, despite knowing that he was basically powerless in front of him now.
  12. "So..." keeping a stern voice, Shining Armor spoke to the former king with an obvious tone of malice, hoping to avoid the fearful stare from his wife standing next to him. "... Will you agree to leave this Empire, as well as Equestria, to never return again?"
  14. Keeping his smug grin on Shining, Sombra pulled hip lips apart to make his smile bigger, exposing his jagged white fangs. "I give you my word as King," said Sombra with a deep brooding tone, "I will give you what you want... If you give me what I want first."
  16. Shining breathed out through his nostrils in an attempt to not show his fear, but it still came out shakily enough to show his overbearing dread. "Okay, then," said Shining, hoping his voice wasn't coming out too whimpered underneath his serious tone. "Then it is agreed."
  18. "Shining, PLEASE!" Unbale to let her husband go forward with this, the Princess stood in front of him as she tried to add some sense to him. "Shining, I know you want this to end peacefully, but this shouldn't happen! Not like this!"
  20. "I SAID SILENCE!" bellowed Sombra as he gave a bloodthirsty glare on the Princess. "Unless you want me to just take both of you out now and reclaim my Kingdom once more, you will NOT interfere!"
  22. "Cadence..."
  24. Hearing Shining's now calmer voice beside her, Cadence looked up into the unicorn's stunning blue eyes, seeing those orbs she fell in love with years ago.
  26. "I know this shouldn't happen, but I don't think we have a better choice." Even with Sombra's impatient stare on them, Shining put a hoof to his loving wife's face as he continued. "Honey, I promised I would do whatever it took to protect you, as well as Equestria. And..."
  28. Shining took a quick glance over at Sombra, shuddering to himself a little as he saw the figure's narrowing stare on him. "...And..." Shining looked back to his wife as he finished. "I'd rather do something like this, then risk losing millions of innocent lives. I would never forgive myself."
  30. Cadence closed her eyes as she looked away, hating that this was actually going to happen. While she knew in her heart that this would be the most painless option, the last thing she wanted was for that retched leader to do... that... to her beloved.
  32. However, the Princess still sighed under her breath in defeat, making Sombra grin in satisfaction. "Good..." uttered the tyrant with a pleased sneer. "Then let us begin..."
  35. "Just..." Shining looked back up to Sombra, while holding Cadence close to his side as he spoke. "Just let me talk with her one more time."
  37. Even with an obvious groan in irritation, Sombra merely gave a light nod to Shining. "Very well, but make it quick!"
  39. Ignoring Sombra's attitude, Shining gave one more loving stare to his wife. Closing his eyes, Shining shared a deep kiss with the Alicorn, hoping to alleviate her tensions a little as she kissed back. Knowing what was going to happen to him, several tears escaped the Princess's clenched eyes as she held him, not wanting this moment to end anyti--
  41. "Alright!" Lifting a hoof to beckon the Guard, Sombra motioned them to end their embrace. "Let this begin."
  43. Closing his eyes, Shining sighed before looking back at Cadence one last time. "I love you, Cadence. I always will."
  45. Shining began to pull back, making Cadence look at him with worried eyes as she still teared up. "I love you too, Shiny."
  47. With that, Shining breathed in before turning around, facing the tyrant who was looking at him with a lustful smile.
  49. "Now then..." Sombra lifted a hoof, pointing to the hallway as he motioned Shining to lead the way. "Show me the bedroom."
  51. ------------------------
  53. Walking down the massive hallway, Shining's hoofsteps began to shake more with each passing step. Sombra, however, was grinning more and more as he walked up closer behind the Prince. Luckily though, both of them stayed silent as they walked through the emptied castle, not making a sound before they entered the bedroom. As he motioned Sombra to enter his and his wife's living quarters, Shining looked around before locking the door behind him, feeling eternally grateful that this room was soundproofed. As he turned back around to face the former king, Shining felt something like a brick in his chest as soon as he saw Sombra run a hoof on the lavender linens of the bed.
  55. "I must say," said Sombra in a brooding tone as he ran a hoof against the sheets, "I can already tell this bed has been used many times before..."
  57. Sombra then looked back to Shining, grinning with delight at seeing the unicorn already looking uneasy. Patting the bed with his hoof, Sombra motioned Shining to come to bed, making the Guard shudder at having to obey. Feeling more regretful with each passing second, Shining reluctantly walked over to the bed slowly.
  59. "So tell me," asked Sombra as he watched Shining climb onto the bed while avoiding his gaze. "Was this bed where you took Cadence for the first time?"
  61. Gritting his teeth in aggravation, Shining kept his eyes away from him as he replied, "N... no... It wasn't."
  63. "Hmmm... pity." Sombra then climbed into the bed as well, keeping his eyes locked on Sombra like a lion stalking his prey. "I would've enjoyed this more if it was."
  65. Shining had to keep himself from snapping at Sombra at that part. Gripping the sheets under his hooves, Shining just hoped that this would be quickly; however, knowing how this Tyrant ran things, he knew that it probably wouldn't.
  67. Even so, it was better this way. Better him than her.
  69. "But still..." Sombra crawled up closer to Shining, close enough to make the Guard feel his hot breath brush against his back and make him shudder harder. "I can't say that I'm completely dissatisfied. While I would've loved to take your precious wife in this bedding inste--"
  71. "STOP!" shouted Shining as he glared back at him. With his horn glowing a violently bright blue, the unicorn hoped to speak up as domineering as he could. "Don't you DARE speak about her in that wa--"
  73. "Or what?" Despite Shining's horn pointed straight at him, Sombra just keep his smug grin, both of them knowing that it was useless against him. "YOU... were the one who made the proposal, Shining Armor... Do you want me to change my mind? Do you want me to do this to Cadence?"
  75. "No!" Keeping his glare on Sombra, Shining's breathing came out heavier, further showing his looming feeling of uneasiness. "I... I won't let you do that!"
  77. "Oh really?" Sombra then crawled even closer to Shining, stopping only after placing a hoof on the stallion's thigh. "Then tell me, little 'Prince'..." Sombra gripped Shining's leg tighter, making the unicorn wince and look away from him.
  79. "What is it that you want me to do? I want you to tell me... What is it that you really want?"
  81. "I want you to leave," said Shining almost instantly. Slowly, Shining looked back to Sombra, glaring at him with intense hated as he spoke. "I want you leave this Empire, and to never return."
  83. Grinning even more, Sombra peered closer into Shining's eyes. Even with the stong glare, Sombra was able to detect pure fear right behind them. "No, Shining... not that... I want you to tell me what it is you want me to do... What I should do to make you leave..."
  85. "I don't--" Shining looked away from Sombra again, hating himself for getting himself into this. Even though he was the one who made the suggestion, it was only in a halt-hearted attempt to protect his wife. And certainly not something he expected Sombra to accept so quickly. However, that didn't change the former king's demeanor as he waited for an answer. Shining gritted his teeth for another moment before speaking.
  87. "I... I just want you to do what you want... and then leave. To never return."
  89. Sombra wanted the unicorn to look at him; however, he didn't need to see his face to know how uncomfortable Shining was right now. Grinning like a madman, Sombra spoke with deeper lust as he wanted a clear answer. "Tell me, Shining... What is it that you offered me to do?"
  91. Shining clenched his eyes shut and lowered his head, not wanting to say those words out loud. However, knowing it was the only way to save this Empite, the Prince swallowed his pride, taking a moment before he muttered with great disdain.
  93. "You... you can...
  95. "You can mate with me."
  97. The room grew silent that at last part, which just made Sombra close his muzzle with a smile and let the moment sink in. Shining, who was hating every second that went by without a response, just waited in agony as he sat defenseless, hating himself more than ever before for saying that.
  99. Finally, Sombra reopened his muzzle, breathing in before me spoke more maliciously. "No, Shining... What I said during our negotiations, was that I offered to leave if I were to fuck your wife, in which you said, and I quote, 'Absolutely not, I'd rather you take me.' Is that correct?"
  101. Shining breathed out heavily again, biting his tongue hard enough to risk drawing blood. After a moment of silence, Shining finally responded. "Y... yes... Yes I did."
  103. "So..." Sombra then lifted a hoof, using it to pull Shining's face back toward his. Staring at him with his burning red eyes, Sombra kept the unwilling unicorn in place as he spoke. "I want you to say what it is you said I could do... I want you to say what you want me to do, in order to save this Kingdom..."
  105. Shining winced in Sombra's grasp, which just made the tyrant grip him tighter. Biting his lip in helplessness, Shining slowly reopened his eyes, making himself look back at Sombra in front of him. After a moment of silence, Sombra moved in closer, making his face just inches from Shining's as he repeated. "I want you to say it. Out loud. Right. Now."
  107. Shining closed his eyes again, and opened his muzzle meekly. "I... I want you to... fuck me."
  109. Shining quickly exhaled shakily, but Sombra didn't loosen his grip. Instead, he just made it tighter as his stare became more intense. "Say it to me."
  111. Shining took another deep breath before slowly reopening his eyes. Looking at Sombra's lustful stare on him, Shining almost wanted to retch at the fact that he said something like that for him. However, the unicorn swallowed his pride, keeping his eyes open as he spoke again.
  113. "I... I want you to fuck me."
  115. Sombra's grin became bigger then it ever has before, and his grip didn't loosen. "Again."
  117. Shining shuddered again; however, his fear was starting to lessen, and become replaced with aggravation. Not wanting to feel hopeless like this, the unicorn started to grow a scowl as he stayed in Sombra's grasp. "Just... just do it! I want you to fuck me, and then leave!"
  119. "Prove it."
  121. Shining began to struggle in Sombra's grasp, but didn't keep his eyes away from him. "You heard me! Just... just fuck me! I want you to fuck me, leave, and never come back! So do it! Just fuck me!"
  123. Happy that the room was soundproof, Shining finally broke himself from Sombra's grasp. The Prince then turned himself around, surprising Sombra greatly as Shining Armor lifted his flank in front of him. Laying on the bed with his flank pointed towards Sombra, Shining lifted his tail at him, exposing himself as he yelled out, "Get it over with! I want you to fuck me, RIGHT NOW!"
  125. Even though he didn't expect Shining to act like this, Sombra still smiled in delight, feeling glad that this was still going his way. Knowing what he wanted to do, the former king slowly began to move his head down to Shining's exposed flank. Placing a hoof against the pony's soft white fur, Sombra felt a restrained shiver come from Shining as he kept his head away from him.
  127. "Well, well, well..." Sombra began to slowly pet the Prince's flank, not caring about how impatiently aggravated Shining was getting. "Someone is a bit overzealous... Is this what you really wanted?"
  129. "No!" Shining shouted as he kept his head on the bed away from Sombra. "I just want you to leave! So just get it over with!"
  131. "Not so fast, little 'Prince'..." Sombra then placed his other hoof on the other side of Shining's flank, positioning himself so his face was less than a foot from the Prince's most private area. "Is this the first time you've ever been in this sort of position? Has Cadence ever done any... experimentation... with you?"
  133. "N... no..." Shining clenched his eyes shut, just hopeful that he could answer any questions Sombra had so he could get it over with already.
  135. "Oh? You mean that she never did anything like, this..." Sombra then began to pull Shining's cheeks apart, making his hole pucker slightly from surprise. Shining gasped as he felt the Tyrant's grip against him. "Has she ever been over you like this, making herself the dominant one in the bedroom?"
  137. "N- no!" Shining buried his face in the sheets beneath him, hoping this onslaught would end soon.
  139. "So it was always you in charge?" asked Sombra with an evil grin, bearing his fangs as he pulled Shining's cheeks some more. "It was never the other way around? Cadence never suggested to try mounting you? To let you be hers for the night, like a little bitch?"
  141. "NO!" Gripping the sheets even tighter, Shining just repositioned his hindlegs, spreading them apart a little more to entice Sombra and end this. "I was always in charge, alright?! So just shut the fuck up and do it!"
  143. Back when he was in rule, any statement like that towards him would've ended with an instant beheading. However, Sombra had other plans, which just made him more determined as he moved in closer to Shining's flank. "Well then... this will definitely be a new experience for you, wouldn't it? Because right now, you... are mine."
  145. Before he could attempt to reply or protest, Shining gasped as he felt a sudden feeling of warmth underneath him. Sombra, whose tongue was modified to work like a dragon's, put it to great use as he slowly began to caress Shining Armor's balls. Feeling the unicorn's panicked shaking from this new sensation, Sombra didn't stop licking, and kept his attention on the black orbs between the Prince's legs. Running his smooth tongue against the loose skin, Sombra took his time with each lap, knowing what needed to be done before he could begin.
  147. Shining, who was clenching his eyes shut, tried to block out what Sombra was doing right now. However, his heavy breathing started to come out more shakily, unable to hide how much this new sensation was getting to him. Clenching his teeth, Shining held onto the bedding as he tried to think of something, ANYthing to avoid the fact that Sombra was doing this to him. However, even as he tried to think of Cadence, the tingling warmth under him was nothing like anything his wife tried to do with him. Slowly, Shining felt his cock begin to grow out of his sheath, which just made him feel even worse. Nevertheless, Shining tried to keep himself strong, and attempt to bury his muzzle within the covers to muffle any noises that could come out.
  149. When he saw that Shining's balls were glistening with his saliva, Sombra grinned in satisfaction as he pulled back. Keeping Shining's cheeks spread apart to expose his hole, Sombra slowly breathed out as he moved in, making sure that his hot breath touched Shining before he could start. After seeing Shining's hole pucker from the feeling of his breath, Sombra extended out his tongue, using it to give a slow lap.
  151. Shining, feeling Sombra's tongue touch him a place Cadende never did, winced as he felt the wet warmth slowly brush along his plothole, only stopping as it reached the underside of his tail. However, Sombra wasn't finished, and quickly moved his tongue back at the entrance. After several more sensual licks, each making Shining shake even more than the last, Sombra moved his muzzle in, closing off any distance as he began to work his tongue in.
  153. Shining gasped shakily again as he felt Sombra's tongue begin to enter him. Clenching himself shut, Shining hoped more than anything that the Tyrant wouldn't be able to breach his ring; however, Sombra's wettened tongue, combined with its strength, was more than enough to slowly move its way further with each lick. Whimpering a little in self-loathing, Shining realized that he never felt this helpless in his life. Even with all the years he spent as a guard, sworn to uphold his honor and never give up, the Prince never felt this exposed or pathetic before. For the first time, Shining felt like he wanted to surrender. So, after one last attempt to keep himself clenched, Shining knew that Sombra wasn't going to give in.
  155. And with that, Shining Armor began to relax, and let in the King.
  157. With a particulatily strong thrust of his tongue, Sombra didn't hold back as he moved his long tongue inside of the Prince. Even though he intended to gasp, a surprised yelp escaped Shining's muzzle, as he gripped the bedding as tight as he could. However, with each movement from Sombra's tongue inside of him, Shining was becoming less able to hold back the sensations he was feeling within him. By now, Shining's cock was fully erect, throbbing greatly as he took in each sensual lick. Eventually, with each flick of Sombra's tongue, the breaths that escaped Shining started to become more audible.
  159. Even with his tongue working at full intensity, Sombra kept his attention on Shining's voice as it came out weakly. Knowing that he was close to breaking, Sombra pinned his eyes on the Prince lying on the bed. With his eyes clenched shut, it was clear to Sombra that Shining was enjoying this greatly, making him close his eyes and do one more strong flick of his tongue.
  161. At the feeling of Sombra's tongue brushing against his prostate, Shining could no longer hold it in. With his muzzle out of the bedding, Shining kept his eyes closed as he tried to breathe out quietly; however, as soon as he opened his mouth, he let out a deep moan in pleasure, which was only accentuated by Sombra's oral assault.
  163. As soon as he heard Shining moan like that, Sombra quickly pulled his tongue out, making the Prince gasp in shock. Sombra then mounted himself on top of him, pinning Shining down with his hooves as he finally spoke again.
  165. "Good, Shining Armor... That was what I wanted to hear from you before I began..."
  167. Sombra's throbbing black cock began to rub against Shining's backside; however, the King kept himself from entering just yet, and instead moved his muzzle up to Shining's ear.
  169. "You really enjoyed that, didn't you? Don't deny it..."
  171. "" Shining whimpered as he stayed underneath Sombra. Shivering in self-loathing at the feeling of being mounted like this, all that Shining wanted to do was get this over with, so he could regain control as the rightful Prince. However, that didn't stop his cock from throbbing badly, desperately needing to cum after all that stimulation. "I... I can't..."
  173. Sombra tightened his grip on top of Shining Armor, peering in as he spoke in a whisper. "Just admit it, Shining... I want you to tell me the truth. The moment you begin speaking honestly, I will begin, and this will end much sooner...
  175. "So... tell me that you liked it."
  177. Shining gritted his teeth as he tried to move his head from Sombra's muzzle. However, with his backside quivering, and his puckered hole aching for that kind of sensation again, Shining knew that he wasn't able to hold himself together. Knowing that he already gave in, the Prince winced as he breathed out, burying his head in the bedding as he spoke out faintly.
  179. "I... I..."
  181. "You what?" whispered Sombra directly into Shining's ear. "You what, Shining Armor?"
  183. "I... I...
  185. "I... liked it..."
  187. Even though he hated himself for saying that, he knew that it had to be said, just so Sombra could start already. However, Sombra only pulled his head back, and positioned himself so the head of his cock was just barely pressing against Shining's hole. "Tell me again..."
  189. Shining whimpered a little again, but didn't falter much as he repeated the statement. "I... I liked it, alright?"
  191. Sombra pressed against Shining's entrance a little more, but not nearly enough for the head to go in. "Good... Now... I want you to tell me what you want, Shining Armor...
  193. "What you REALLY want."
  195. "I... I..."
  197. Shining sniffed a little, hoping to hold back any tears that were beginning to form in his clenched eyes. In a defeated tone, Shining reopened his muzzle as he spoke.
  199. "I... I want you to fuck me..."
  201. Sombra grinned even more at hearing that, knowing that this was the first time Shining said that, instead of telling him to leave. However, the King wanted more. "Say it like you mean it."
  203. "I said FUCK ME!" screamed out Shining as he tried to move his flank back. "Just... just fuck me, please! Just fuck me already! Fuck my ass! Rut me like a mare in heat, PLEASE!!!"
  205. With that, Sombra made sure that his hooves were pinned against the back of Shining's shoulders, ensuring he was pinned down and without any control. Sombra then began to push harder, but held back as he spoke down to the Prince.
  207. "Now... I want you to do something for me. I'm going to ask you some questions, and every time that you answer truthfully, I will go faster. Do you understand?"
  209. Shining's breathing came out heavier as he nodded while keeping his eyes closed. "Y... yes."
  211. "Good..." Sombra then began to push harder, making Shining gasp as he felt Sombra push the head in. As he felt Shining's puckered hole tightly wrap around his rigid cock, Sombra grinned in satisfaction, feeling glad that the Prince was still a virgin in some aspects.
  213. "Now..." Sombra slowly began to push in deeper, making Shining wince in pain while he spoke down to him. "I want you to tell me, Shining Armor... do you like this feeling inside of you?"
  215. Biting his lip, Shining wanted to say no instantly as the burning pain became more intense. Even with his hole as wettened as it was by Sombra's saliva, the massive girth of the Tyrant's cock was far too much for the unicorn's body. However, underneath each burning wave of pain that pulsated inside of him, Shining also couldn't ignore what else he was feeling. Shuddering under his breath, Shining began to relax himself as he took more of Sombra's length in, feeling himself get more filled with each pulsating inch. Soon, as Sombra was getting close to being at full length inside of him, Shining moaned faintly.
  217. "Uhhhhh....yes...."
  219. Hearing Shining's voice as he hissed out that, Sombra settled as he finally went full-length inside of him, making his own balls touch Shining's gently. "Say it, Shining. And I will begin."
  221. "I... I like this... I like this feeling..."
  223. By now, Shining no longer cared about his pride. Even though he hated being here, he knew it would be over soon. Keeping his eyes closed, Shining just hoped that this would end quickly enough. However, as he began to slowly pull himself out, Sombra wanted to make sure his plan will work as be started.
  225. Slowly, Sombra stopped as he pulled himself halfway out of Shining, taking a moment before he slowly pushed back in. At the feeling of being filled again, Shining moaned loudly again, knowing he couldn't hold it in anymore. For a while, neither of them spoke as Sombra thrusted slowly, taking his time was he worked himself against Shining's hole. After several show thrusts, Sombra finally asked his first question.
  227. "Now, Shining... Right now, I have you under my hooves, letting me use you like this. Just look at yourself, taking me in like a little whore..."
  229. Even though Shining snarled slightly at that, he still kept his muzzle shut as he took Sombra in with each thrust. Knowing that he wasn't going to talk back, Sombra smiled even bigger as he continued.
  231. "Do you really think this what a Prince would do? To let himself be taken in this easily, and to LIKE it? I want you to tell me honestly, Shining Armor... Do you really think that this makes you a worthy leader?"
  233. Shining clenched his eyes shut, hating that Sombra asked that; however, he also but his lip as he tried thinking it over. Even with what he said to his wife, hoping that this would help save the Empire, he knew that this wasn't right. Being used by Sombra like this was beyond low, which just made his enjoyment even worse as he felt himself begin to drip pre on the bedding. With a shuddering sigh, Shining kept his head away from Sombra as he answered.
  235. "N... no..."
  237. Sombra stopped his movements as he spoke down. "Say it, Shining. Tell me the truth, and I will go faster."
  239. "I...I..." Even with his building feelings of self-hatred, Shining breathed in slowly before he uttered out his response. "I... I'm not...
  241. I'm not a worthy leader."
  243. Before Shining could sigh in remorse at saying that, Sombra immediately thrusted again. Keeping to his word, Sombra picked up the pace, making his thrusts faster than before. Feeling this growing intensity inside of him, Shining only breathed heavily a couple times before openly moaning once more. Even with his heart feeling heavier at what he just said to Sombra, Shining was trying to keep his mind blank. But even with his attempts to clear his head, his focus kept going back to the burning pleasure he was feeling with each thrust. Even though he didn't want to admit it, Shining knew that what he didn't feel like a worthy leader right now. Right now, he wasn't a Prince.
  245. All he was, was Sombra's toy.
  247. "Now," continued Sombra as he kept thrusting, "You just said you're not a worthy leader... and I agree. So... how do you think I fare in comparison to you?"
  249. Shining slowly reopened his eyes at hearing that, realizing what it was Sombra was going to ask him.
  251. "I want you to tell me. Who do you really think is a better leader? Do you think you and Cadence are better leaders... or am I?"
  253. Shining clenched his eyes shut again, not wanting to think about Sombra's answer; however, Sombra began to slow his thrusts, waiting to hear an answer before he continued. Thinking it over, Shining knew what he had to say. Since Sombra ruled for so long, he already showed that he was an effective leader. A horrible leader, but still effective. And since he and Cadence haven't even started yet, the fact that he was being fucked by Sombra right now was good enough proof of what he was really thinking.
  255. "I... I... I think..."
  257. Feeling himself begin to well up, Shining breathed in faintly, only taking a moment before he spoke honestly.
  259. "I... I think that... you're... you're better."
  261. Sombra quickly stopped again, making Shining clench around his cock while he heard him speak down. "Say what it is I'm better at."
  263. "You... you're...
  265. "You're a better leader than me."
  267. Grinning in delight, Sombra began to thrust even faster, now fucking the Prince legitimately. Making his balls lightly slap against Shining's with each thrust, Sombra knew that this was almost complete. Hearing Shining's moans of guilty pleasure, Sombra didn't wait long to ask his next question, knowing that it had to happen now or never.
  269. "Now... You just said I'm a better leader. Do you mean that?"
  271. "Y... yes!" shouted Shining between moans, "You... you are! You're a better leader!"
  273. "Good," continued Sombra, "so now, I have one more question to ask... If it were up to you, Shining Armor, the undeserving 'Prince'... who, do you think should serve the other?"
  275. Shining tried to regain his composure; however, Sombra's repeated pumping was making him stop caring anymore. He knew what the question was going to be, but right now, all he wanted was for Sombra to go faster.
  277. "Who should serve who, Shining Armor? Should I be the one serving you...
  279. "Or should you be serving me?"
  281. "I...I..." Clenching his eyes shut, Shining was now taking in each thrust from the King. However, as soon as Sombra began to slow his pumps, Shining wanted more, making him scream out what he knew to be true.
  283. "I should be serving you! I... I SHOULD BE SERVING YOU!!!"
  285. Keeping his thrusts, Sombra didn't go faster this time. Instead, he lit his horn in a ghastly red, using it to levitate a mirror that was hanging on the wall nearby. Floating it over to the bed, Sombra placed the mirror in front of the two of them while Shining kept his eyes closed. After positioning the mirror on the bed, Sombra stopped thrusting altogether, hoping to catch Shining's attention. When Shining realized that Sombra stopped, he slowly reopened his eyes, only to see the mirror in front of him.
  287. Looking at himself, Shining saw just how pathetic he was right now, hunched over with Sombra over him like a common whore. Before he could look away, Shining heard Sombra's voice as he spoke down.
  289. "Look at me in the mirror."
  291. Slowly, Shining obliged, as his eyes slowly glanced up to see Sombra's stare on him. Keeping his eyes on the Prince through the mirror, Sombra kept himself still inside of Shining, not moving his cock an inch as he spoke in a brooding tone.
  293. "Now... I want you to tell me everything you said to me. I want you to say every truthful thing you admitted to me since we started."
  295. Breathing heavily, Shining felt utterly helpless as he saw himself like this. With his heart beating heavily, Shining didn't want to repeat any of the things he said like this. However, with the burning in his body wanting this to be complete, Shining took a moment, swallowing some excess saliva before he spoke faintly.
  297. "I... I liked... I liked doing this.... I... I don't... deserve to be a leader... You're... You're a better leader than me.... and..."
  299. Shining closed his eyes, feeling himself begin to tear up as he finished his statement. "I... should be serving you."
  301. Keeping his horn lit, Sombra gripped Shining's head, making him look straight at his own reflection in the mirror.
  303. "Now... say it again... But this time, I want you to say it to yourself..."
  305. Shining shuddered as he looked right at his reflection, seeing just how low he's gotten. Right now, he was bent over on the bed, the very bed he shared so many nights with his wife, with Sombra over him dominantly. Seeing how he looked, Shining had to keep himself from crying right there. Knowing what had to be done, Shining took a deep breath, struggling to keep his eyes open as he spoke to himself.
  307. "I... I liked doing this... I... I'm not a worthy leader...."
  309. Several tears escaped Shining's eyes, as he realized that he really felt those statements to be true.
  311. "Sombra... Sombra is a better leader than I am... and... I should be serving him..."
  313. Sombra lowered his head down, peering into Shining's eyes through the mirror while he looked at himself. "And do you mean that, Shining Armor?"
  315. "Y... yes." More tears came from Shining, which just made the unicorn feel worse about that realization. However, as he let those words sink in, he felt his heart feel slightly warmer, like a weight was removed from his gut. Realizing that what he said was true, Shining Armor kept his eyes glued to his reflection, looking at himself as he repeated what he just admitted about himself.
  317. "I.... I like this... I like being like this... I don't deserve to be a Prince... I shouldn't lead at all.... Sombra is meant to lead... And not me.... I... I should be under him.... I should be serving Sombra... just like this...."
  319. As his tears slowly began to stop flowing, Shining didn't notice how large Sombra's grin was at hearing all that. Knowing that he already won, Sombra needed to do one more thing. Keeping Shining pinned under him, Sombra spoke once more, hoping to finish this once and for all.
  321. "Now... I have one more question for you, Shining. And once you answer me, I will finish... and I will give you what you really want. Do you understand?"
  323. "Y... yes..." Shining barely paid much attention at Sombra, as he kept looking at himself in the mirror. However, before speaking again, Sombra pulled the mirror away, leaving Shining to only pay attention to him.
  325. "Good. Now... I want to ask you, Shining Armor... What is it that you really want?"
  327. Shining Armor closed his eyes, shuddering as he lowered his head away from Sombra.
  329. "I want you to tell me honestly, Shining... Do you want me to leave, and to never return? Or...
  331. "Do you want me to stay and be your King?"
  333. A deep breath quickly escaped Shining Armor, obviously showing much resistance at hearing that question. Tightening his grip, Sombra moved his head down, placing his muzzle next to Shining's ear as he whispred into it.
  335. "I promise you, Shining Armor, that I will give you what it is that you want. Once you tell me what you want... What you TRULY want... I will finish, and I will grant you what you desire..."
  337. Shining began to shake in hesitance under Sombra's grip, not phasing the Tyrant at all he he repeated his question.
  339. "So, Shining Armor... What is it that you want? Do you want me to leave... Or... Do you want me to stay?"
  341. Shining shuddered as he exhaled, unsure of what to say. Even with all he knew he would lose if he said it, all that Shining could picture was how he looked... How he looked when he admitted those truths to himself. He didn't want to say them just to end this. He truly meant each word he said as Sombra took him for himself. He shouldn't be a leader. Sombra should be the one leading.
  343. And he should serve under him.
  345. "I... I want... I want you... to..."
  347. Shining slowly bent his head down against the mattress, closing his eyes as he accepted his fate. After all was said and done, Shining knew he had to admit the truth. He knew what is was he truly wanted.
  349. He knew that he had to surrender.
  351. "S... stay..."
  353. Sombra breathed out in satisfaction, feeling more glad than anything that Shining was finally broken like this. However, Sombra didn't loosen his grip, and instead spoke down once more.
  355. "To stay... as what?"
  357. Shining breathed out heavily, accepting his defeat as he spoke softly.
  359. "To stay... as King..."
  361. With that, Sombra used his magic to pull the mirror back onto the bed. Placing it in front of them again, Sombra positioned it in front of Shining before giving his final order.
  363. "I want you to say it towards me... Once you say it, to me... I will rule once more.... I will reclaim the Crystal Empire as my own... I will rule as I have before... and you, my pathetic little nothing of a 'Prince', will only live to serve me... Just like this...
  365. "So tell me, Shining Armor...Is that what you want?"
  367. Shining reopened his eyes as he looked at the mirror. Looking up to see Sombra's reflection, Shining stared into his burning red eyes, taking in their intensity before he spoke honestly.
  369. "Yes... Yes I do..."
  371. "Then say it, Shining... Say what it is you truly want..."
  373. Shining took a deep breath, not closing his eyes as he kept them pinned at Sombra. Knowing what had to be said, Shining slowly exhaled, letting his defeat sweep over him as he opened his muzzle.
  375. "I... I want you to stay. I want you to stay... and I want you to rule as King."
  377. Seeing Sombra's smile down at him, Shining felt a huge wave of relief flow through him. Saying that out loud, Shining felt no regrets or hesitation.
  379. Instead, he positioned himself better underneath Sombra, wanting their proposal to be complete.
  381. "Are you ready for me to finish inside you, Shining Armor?"
  383. "Yes... Yes I do."
  385. As Sombra positioned himself on top of Shining again, hoping to finish what he started, he looked at him through the mirror one last time, hoping to hear one more thing.
  387. "Yes... to who?"
  389. Shining took a deep breath, keeping his eyes on Sombra through the mirror as he answered.
  391. "Yes... my King."
  393. Looking into Shining's eyes, which showed no sign of remorse or displeasure at saying that, Sombra smiled down before pulling back. Leaving only the head of his cock inside of Shining, Sombra waited a moment before ramming back in, making the unicorn moan loudly in ecstasy. All the while, Shining never left his eyes closed, choosing to keep them pinned on the stallion above him.
  395. Sombra continued to thrust as hard as he could, pumping Shining's body as he prepared to give him his seed. "Say it!" barked the King as he rammed the former Prince below him. "Say what you want! Say who you want to own you!"
  397. Shining moaned once more, falling deeper into submission as Sombra's thrusts moved faster. "I... I want you! I... I want you, King Sombra! I want... I want you to own me!"
  399. Shining had his eyes half-lidded in a lust-filled craze, but still kept them on Sombra in the mirror. With each forceful thrust of the Tyrant's cock inside of him, Shining knew this was what he wanted. He didn't deserve to lead. This was all he deserved. To be used for his King's own personal pleasure.
  401. And he was loving every second of it.
  403. "Say it!" shouted Sombra, nearly reacing the breaking point. "Say who owns you, Shining Armor!"
  405. "K... KING SOMBRA OWNS ME!!!"
  407. With that, Sombra bottomed out deep inside the unicorn, ramming as hard as he could as he shot out his load inside of him. Feeling blast after blast of the King's burning seed inside of him, Shining clenched down as he came alongside him, never having felt this kind of pleasure with anyone before. Not even his own wife.
  409. Sombra kept pumping inside of him, making sure every drop of seed was inside of Shining to seal their deal. As soon as the last of his load was out, Sombra kept his cock inside while Shining stayed below him. Breathing heavily, Shining looked up at Sombra through the mirror, keeping his eyes on his like he knew he should.
  411. Keeping his hooves on Shining's back to pin him down, Sombra waited until he knew the unicorn was over his orgasm before speaking down. "Now... Shining Armor... how do you feel?"
  413. "I... I feel..." Never closing his eyes, Shining gave a relieved sigh before smiling up at him, making sure to clench himself around his King's member in an attempt to keep him inside. "I feel amazing."
  415. "Good..." Even though he felt his cock getting clenched in between Shining's cheeks, Sombra still managed to pull himself out quite easily due to its new slickness. With a loud groan from the unicorn below him, Sombra dislodged himself from before letting Shining slump down on the bed.
  417. Sighing in pleasure, Shining was motionless for a moment as he laid in his bed, while a slow trickle of the King's seed began to escape his loosened hole.
  419. Sombra got himself off of the bed before calling to Shining. "Now, Shining Armor..."
  421. Shining looked up at Sombra from the bed, breathing heavily as he came down from his lustful high. Looking into his red eyes, Shining no longer felt fear or hatred as he stared; instead, he only felt admiration, like these were the eyes he should be looking at with pride and devotion.
  423. "Now that we are complete, I want you to look at yourself again..."
  425. Shining immediately obeyed as he looked over to the mirror once more. No longer staring at the Tyrant who broke him in, the Prince only stared at himself, lying in his and Cadence's bed while Sombra's seed continued to come out of him. Seeing how he looked, a light blush began to appear on the unicorn's face.
  427. "I want you to tell me," said Sombra as he stood dominantly over him, "do you like the way that you look right now? Seeing yourself used like a common whore... do you think this looks better on you?"
  429. Shining's blush became deeper, but it didn't stop him from slowly nodding. "Y... yes..." said Shining as he stared at his used body, "It... it does. I... I like looking like this..."
  431. "What do you see when you look at yourself now?" continued Sombra in a malicious tone of voice. "Do you see someone that should be a Prince?"
  433. Taking a deep breath, Shining Armor slowly exhaled as he kept his eyes on himself. Looking at the state he was in, Shining began to grow a small smile on his muzzle as he shook his head. "N-no..."
  435. "Good..." Sombra's smile began to turn more sinister. "Do you see someone... that should be given any kind of leadership at all?"
  437. Hearing that, Shining shook his head again as he looked at himself, his smile growing bigger with understanding. "No... No I don't..."
  439. "Then tell me, Shining... what is it that you see? Because in my eyes..."
  441. Sombra narrowed his glowing red orbs on him as he stared more meticulously. "All I see on that bed... is a worthless nothing... Someone who shouldn't be given any kind of leadership or respect... All I see is a whore. Someone who is meant for one thing, and one thing only...
  443. "To serve someone like me for pleasure..."
  445. Looking at himself in the mirror, Shining only nodded as he kept his smile, looking like he couldn't agree more.
  447. "So Shiny... tell me what you see..."
  449. "I see..." With his blush growing bigger, Shining never closed his eyes as he stared at himself and spoke. "I see the exact same thing you do."
  451. More razor-sharp teeth appeared in Sombra's smile as it became wider. "Which is?"
  453. "I see..." Knowing what he needed-- no... what he wanted to say, Shining took a deep breath before he made his answer, all while keeping a smile on his face. "I see...
  455. "I see a worthless nothing in front of me, Sombra... All I see, is someone who shouldn't be a leader... I see someone who doesn't deserve any title, or respect of any kind... All I see is a servant... A slave, even... Someone that should only serve for someone else's pleasure... All I see... is a common whore... A complete waste... Someone that's completely worthless..." Saying that, Shining's smile turned truly content as he sighed in agreement.
  457. "I'm... I'm completely worthless..."
  459. Shining then turned to Sombra's gaze, and looked up to him with a smile as he looked for confirmation. "I'm completely worthless... Aren't I?"
  461. With that, Sombra knew that Shining was fully broken, leading him to only nod in approval. "Yes, Shining Armor... Yes you are...You are completely worthless..."
  463. Hearing that, Shining blushed a little deeper as he smiled, looking like he just found a new part of his life that he so desperately needed. Which was ironic. because he was now throwing his life away.
  465. "But..." With a maniacal grin, Sombra's eyes narrowed on Shining as he continued, "Even with that, I still feel generous enough to give you what you want..."
  467. Looking up at the powerful being before him, Shining kept his smile as he stayed low on the bed, hanging his head to show his place.
  469. "So... If you feel you are ready, Shining Armor, I want you to step off of the bed..."
  471. Even though his entire body ached after being rutted earlier, Shining still got off of the bed quickly, keeping his smile as he stood before Sombra. The Tyrant's grin grew bigger as he continued.
  473. "Now... without making a word... I want you to show me exactly what it is you want... what it is you really want to do from now on...
  475. "And I promise to give you your true desire."
  477. Looking into Sombra's red eyes, Shining no longer felt disdain or remorse. Knowing what it was he truly wanted, the unicorn closed his eyes as he breathed in, savoring this moment for what it was. After making a deep exhale, letting the last of his dignity wash away from his conscience, Shining decided his fate.
  479. Shining Armor, the former Prince and Head of the Royal Guard, looked up to Sombra with a grateful smile, not hesitating for a second before he turned himself around. With a blush on his face, the unicorn quickly lowered himself and raised his flank up for Sombra. He lifted his tail obediently, exposing himself as he still leaked the Tyrant's cum. However, Shining showed no guilt, and instead stayed silent as he presented himself.
  481. "Good boy..." Sombra lifted one of his hooves, using it to pet Shining's soft fur like an obedient puppy. "And this is what you truly want?"
  483. Shining only nodded, blushing at the feel of his Master's touch. "Yes, my King. This is what I truly want from now on."
  485. Sombra sighed in pleasure, keeping his hoof on Shining's flank as he looked down at him. "And what is that?"
  487. Shining took another deep breath, keeping himself presented before Sombra before answering.
  489. "I want to be under you, King Sombra. I want you to lead... and I want to serve you... just like this."
  491. Sombra kept his grin as he chuckled at the sight before him. Seeing how quickly the Prince has changed, Sombra couldn't help but stay silent for a moment, marveling at Shining's new stance. However, as he felt himself getting hard, the Tyrant knew what he wanted to do.
  493. "That's good to hear. Because I'm going to give you my first order..."
  495. Sombra walked up to Shining's stance, and began to mount him as he spoke with a growing sneer. "Are you ready to please your true leader, Shining Armor?"
  497. "Yes," said Shining with a smile as he looked up to the Tyrant above him. "Yes I do, my King."
  499. ------------------------------------------
  501. Shining Armor walked at a steady pace down the hallway, feeling a lot better with himself while Sombra walked behind him. Even though his flank hurt quite a bit, Shining knew it was worth it. The deal was nearly complete, and now he knew what he had to do to finish it.
  503. "So, Shining," said Sombra from behind him, "How does it feel to lead the way like this?"
  505. Shining looked back at Sombra as they walked, noticing the King's growing grin. "Because the moment we reach the main room, this will be the last time you will ever lead again."
  507. Keeping a gracious smile, Shining nodded in agreement before he looked back ahead of him. "I'm fine with that. Honestly, I don't mind at all. I meant everything I said, and I'll be glad to end it like this."
  509. "Good..." Sombra then walked up closer to the pony, marveling at the Prince that he broke as he continued, "And this is what you truly want?"
  511. "Yes. Oh..." Realizing what he needed to say, Shining stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned around. Keeping his smile, Shining lowered his head as he bowed down to Sombra. "Yes, my King."
  513. "Very good," said Sombra as he patted Shining on the head. Closing his eyes, Shining smiled as he felt his King's hoof, grateful to make him happy like this.
  515. Before long, the two finally reached the outside of the main throne room. Before Shining could open the door to face Cadence, Sombra stopped him with a hoof, and made him look back at him.
  517. "Now..." Grinning in satisfaction, Sombra kept a domineering pose over the unicorn. Shining, who used to stand tall with pride, was now keeping his stature slightly slumped as he looked up at Sombra. The stallion also had his head bowed slightly as a way to show his place. But still, the Prince never stopped smiling as he stood submissively in front of him.
  519. "Once we enter that room, what is it that will happen?"
  521. Shining kept his eyes up to Sombra's, not hesitating for a second as he spoke. "You and I will enter the room together. I will tell Cadence what will happen, and then let you lead instead of us."
  523. "That's right," said Sombra with an evil grin. "And then... what will you do?"
  525. Shining Armor gave a light smile before responding, "I will then show my loyalty to you. I will do what you tell me, and I will give myself to you... in front of her."
  527. Even though Shining hesitated a little at that last part, it wasn't enough to falter the smile on his muzzle. Smirking back at him, Sombra motioned to the door. "Well then... let us complete this."
  529. Shining bowed his head to Sombra with a smile. "Yes, my King."
  531. Shining then opened the doors and walked into the throne room, making Cadence run over to him with tears coming down her eyes. Cadence hugged Shining tightly, feeling glad that this was finally over. Slowly, Shining hugged her back, feeling glad to feel her like this again; however, he knew what had to be done, which made him let go and step back after a brief moment.
  533. "So..." Cadence looked over at Sombra, who was looking at her with a surprisingly smug grin. After making a quick glare at him, Cadence looked back to Shining as she asked, "It's done? You... you did it?"
  535. Shining kept a light smile as he nodded. "Yes, honey. I... I did it... So... now he's going to give me what I want."
  537. Cadence kept a cheerful smile as she hugged him again. However, Sombra spoke up as he caught the Princess's attention. "So, Shining Armor... tell her what it is that you want."
  539. Cadence let go of Shining, looking at him with a confused look on her face. Shining took a step back towards Sombra, breathing in before he spoke with confidence.
  541. "Princess Cadence, I promised Sombra that if I gave myself to him, that he would give me what I wanted. But what I want now, is not what I wanted before I left with him."
  543. "W... what?" asked Cadence with a worried look on her face.
  545. "I realized what it was I really wanted before it was complete. And..."
  547. Even with a slight twinge of guilt in his soul, Shining barely felt much holding him back as he took a deep breath. After exhaling, the Prince looked at his confused wife as he spoke truthfully.
  549. "What I really want now is for Sombra to stay... and for him to lead as my King."
  551. "WHAT?!" Before Cadence could try to respond or react, Sombra lit up his horn, enveloping the Princess in a ghastly red aura.
  553. "Now..." While Cadence tried to break herself free, Sombra spoke in a brooding tone as he walked up to Shining. "I want you to surrender."
  555. With Cadence struggling within Sombra's aura, there was nothing she could do but watch in horrified terror. Standing before Sombra, Shining closed his eyes as he bowed himself to Sombra. With a smile on his face, Shining Armor kept himself kneeled before the tyrant as he spoke.
  557. "King Sombra, as the former Head of the Royal Guard, and the previous ruler to the Crystal Empire, I, Shining Armor, hereby surrender this Kingdom to you."
  559. "NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Cadence thrashed within her aura, which did nothing but fling fresh tears from her eyes around the room. Sombra, not paying any attention to the broken-hearted Princess, lifted a hoof to Shining Armor as he spoke.
  561. "Shining Armor, I accept your surrender. And because of your actions, I want you to show your allegience to me, so...
  563. "Kiss my hoof."
  565. Shining reopened his eyes as he looked up at his King, smiling as he saw the hoof in front of his face. Not caring about his wife screaming behind him, Shining closed his eyes as he bent in, not hesitating for a moment as he pressed his lips against the bottom of Sombra's hoof.
  567. "Good boy..." hissed the new King, before putting his hoof back down. Not caring about his wife thrashing behind him, Shining kept his head bowed before Sombra.
  569. "Present yourself to me, Shining."
  571. Shining immediately obeyed his new King, turning his body around while keeping a smile on his muzzle. Shining then lowered his body, keeping his flank up as he lifted his tail for Sombra.
  573. "Tell me what you want, Shining Armor," ordered Sombra as he spoke over Cadence's screams. "Say what it is that you want while she watches."
  575. With Cadence unable to move from the Tyrant's magical grip, she could only look in horror as she heard her husband respond.
  577. "I want to serve you, King Sombra, and I want to make you happy. So please... please rut me!"
  579. Cadence tried to scream out once more, but Sombra used his magic to close her muzzle. How floating in forced silence, Cadence could only cry as she saw what her husband had become. Shining, still smiling as he kept himself presented, didn't falter at all when Sombra began to mount him. Instead, he only lowered his body more so his flank could be raised higher, allowing the Tyrant to get better leverage as he pointed his cock against Shining's entrance.
  581. Since it was still lubed from his seed from their previous time, Sombra had no problem shoving his length in while Cadence watched mortified. Even though it still hurt quite a bit for Shining Armor, he only gave off a light groan as he relaxed his backside, letting the King inside of him once more so he could begin.
  583. With his red eyes burning with intensity, Sombra stared over at Cadence as he began thrusting as hard as he could into her husband's body. While the stallion below him only moaned loudly with each thrust, pushing back so each thrust felt harder, Sombra gave a menacing grin to Cadence as she laid trapped within his magic.
  585. "Soon, my Princess..." Sombra kept his eyes glued to Cadence's as he continued rutting her broken husband. "Soon... You won't be crying much longer..."
  587. Cadence continued to thrash against Sombra's magic, her tears now flowing out of her as he continued to speak menacingly.
  589. "Soon, you'll be like Shining here... You'll soon submit to me, and you'll understand how much better it is that I lead instead of you..." He then looked down at Shining's blushing face as he continued plowing him. "Is that right, Former Prince Shining Armor?"
  591. "Yes," moaned the stallion as he continued to let the King ravage him. "Yes it is, my King."
  593. Cadence could only stare at Shining in horror, barely able to comprehend how Sombra could've corrupted him so easily. However, as she continued to writhe in his grasp, hoping to break free, she once again noticed Sombra's glowing eyes as they stared back at her.
  595. "I promise you, Princess Cadence... When I'm done with you...
  597. "I'll give you exactly what you want."
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