Guest User


a guest
Feb 27th, 2011
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Batch 0.63 KB | None | 0 0
  1. cd C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Downloads
  2. if not exist Documents mkdir Documents
  3. move *.odt Documents
  4. move *.doc Documents
  5. move *.docx Documents
  6. move *.pdf Documents
  7. if not exist Archives mkdir Archives
  8. move *.tar Archives
  9. move *.rar Archives
  10. move *.zip Archives
  11. move *.gz Archives
  12. if not exist Music mkdir Music
  13. move *.mp3 Music
  14. move *.ogg Music
  15. move *.flac Music
  16. if not exist Images mkdir Images
  17. move *.jpg Images
  18. move *.jpeg Images
  19. move *.gif Images
  20. move *.png Images
  21. move *.tiff Images
  22. if not exist Video mkdir Video
  23. move *.mpg Video
  24. move *.avi Video
  25. move *.wmv Video
  26. move *.flv Video
  27. move *.mkv Video
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