
Clothier (FiE:4.5)

May 17th, 2012
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  1. >You are Fiddlesticks
  2. >And right now, you are staring at a ridiculous looking tent...thing.
  3. >Is that embroidery?
  4. >”Why are ya just starin at it like that? Get your flank over here.” Ever since you promised not to harm her, she has been bossy as all hell
  5. >* stare *
  6. >”Stare all ya want, stick man, but yer goin in there, one way or another”
  7. >You shake your head.
  8. >”Then I guess we will have to do this the hard way.” She lets out a sly smile, as she kicks her back hoof into the dirt.
  9. >Oh god, the hard way involves kicking.
  10. >You silently, but visibly, sigh and head towards the carousel styled building.
  11. >”Imanna head back to the farm, You stay out of trouble, ya hear?”
  12. >The door closes behind you.
  13. >As you walk in, you are surrounded by ponies in all forms of rather fancy dress.
  14. >Wait a minute, why are none of these ponies moving?
  15. >You tighten your grip on your scythe, and your eyes begin to glow a bright green.
  16. >If this was a trap, whoever thought they could trap you had another thing coming.
  17. >You hear a high pitched voice in the back room.
  18. >”Sis, the door!”
  19. >”I heard it, Sweetie. Would you be a dear and tell them I'll be out in a moment?” an older, eloquent voice spoke responded.
  20. >The soft pattering of hoof-steps approaches your ear, when the tiniest p0ny you have ever seen approaches you.
  21. >You 2 stare at each other for a good minute.
  22. >You see her little filly chest inflate
  23. >Oh god, you know where this is going.
  24. >She screams.
  26. >If you had blood, it would curdle at the sound.
  27. >”Sweetie Belle?!” The door in which the fancy voice resides behind glows blue for a moment, before swinging open
  28. >A white unicorn with a purple mane runs out of the room.
  29. >She freezes when she sees you.
  30. >The littlest p0ny has stopped screaming.
  31. >Big p0ny looks at little p0ny
  32. >Little p0ny looks at big p0ny.
  33. >You look at little p0ny, then at big p0ny.
  34. >Both p0nies are now staring at you, unblinking.
  35. >Come on, Fiddle, ease the tension.
  36. >“Hello.”
  37. >Smooth.
  38. >Both p0nies look at each other.
  39. >Oh god save your metaphysical ear drums.
  40. >The glass was cracking from their screams.
  41. >”AHHHH!!! MONSTERMONSTERMONSTERMONSTERRUNRUNRARITYRUUUUN!!!” The tiny p0ny takes off, running in circles around the store.
  42. >”GET OUT YOU UNCOUTH RUFFIAN! LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE!” the unicorn's horn begins to glow.
  43. >Well, this usually didn't mean good thi-
  44. >You quickly raise your scythe, and deflect an oncoming projectile.
  45. >Thank god for combat reflexes. If you hadn't have deflected that spool of thread, your death would have been painful and slow.
  46. >Same goes for that bolt of cloth.
  47. >And that pincushion full of needles.
  48. >Whatever this unicorn did for a living, it was definitely clothing related.
  49. >After deflecting the 14th clothing related object, the thought flashes in your mind to slay the walking marshmallow and get it over with.
  50. >But you decided against it, seeing that you needed to be sewn back up.
  51. >And while you could do it yourself, it wasn't optimal.
  52. >You decide maybe you should try to fight with your words for once.
  53. >”Please stop throwing things at me” you plea over the high pitched sound of a screaming filly.
  54. >The whole room seems to freeze. Hey, maybe your request didn't fall on deaf ears.
  55. >”NEVER, YOU UNCOUTH RUFFIAN!” the mare screams, throwing more bolts of cloth and miscellaneous hats in your direction. The filly takes off again, screaming even louder than you thought possible.
  56. >Welp, so much for that plan
  57. >You are quite the wordsmith, Fiddlesticks.
  58. >Fuck off brain, like you could do better.
  59. >The little filly is now dashing throughout the entire store, leaping off of chairs and counters, occasionally tossing more ammo towards the bigger p0ny
  60. >And she never stopped to breathe.
  61. >Seriously, how the hell do these p0nies go without oxygen for so long?
  62. >More clothier supplies fly at you.
  63. >After about 2 minutes of a little filly running around the store screaming bloody murder, and you deflecting miscellaneous tailoring gear, MarshmallowP0ny has finally run out of ammo.
  64. >You lower your scythe
  65. >”Are you done yet? Or would you like me to toss some of these items back so you can throw them at me again?”
  66. >”What... What are you? What are you doing in my shop?” Rarity asks you.
  67. >You look down at your chest, and back at her.
  68. >“You aren't going to attack us, are you?” Her eyebrow cocks
  69. >You shake your head
  70. >”Oh. I see. Perhaps we can get you cleaned up then. I highly doubt you enjoy being that... dirty” she grimaces at the word
  73. >Well damn, she sewed you up pretty nicely.
  74. >She even let you use her shower.
  75. >You also finally learned what a shower is.
  76. >Indoor plumbing is pretty sweet.
  77. >Not that you really have a need for a toilet.
  78. >But it was nice to be able to clean the mud, blood, and other rather uncouth stains and fluids off of yourself.
  79. >Perhaps that is why the little p0ny starting screaming like it did
  80. >A blood covered scarecrow with a terrifyingly large scythe walks into a tailors shop.
  81. >Sounds like a bad joke in the making, Fid.
  82. >Fuck off, brain.
  83. >Wait, when did you start using that word, Fiddle?
  84. >What word?
  85. >Uncouth.
  86. >Well, brain, I decided to start using the word around the time I narrowly escaped death by bolt of silk.
  87. >The first bolt?
  88. >No, the second.
  89. >Ah.
  90. >You exit the bathroom. Apparently the store is a front, and Rarity lives in the back rooms.
  91. >The rooms are well kept, except the one you only caught a glimpse of, labeled “inspiration room”
  92. >The door quickly shut before you got a better look
  93. >”Now now, a gentlecolt such as yourself should know better than to go snooping through a woman's quarters.”
  94. >Gentlecolt?
  95. >Oh. Right. P0ny world. P0ny words.
  96. >”Well darling, you look positively... ahem... better than before?” Rarity awkwardly smiles.
  97. >* stare *
  98. >”Perhaps... we should do something to make you look a little more...” she clears her throat ”Presentable?”
  99. >* shrug *
  100. >”Oh how wonderful! A makeover will do WONDERS for your rather gruff appearance,”
  101. >You should be offended, but you agree.
  102. >”Besides, I have always loved a challenge”
  103. >Ow, that mare just stabbed you in the non-existent heart.
  104. >You hang your head low, avoiding her gaze.
  105. >”Oh... I... I'm so sorry, dear. I didn't mean to offend.”
  106. >You raise your head a little, her eyes revealing the genuine nature of her apology.
  107. >You nod.
  108. >”I think I have just the thing for you” she smiles.
  109. >Why does that smile rustle your jimmies?
  111. >After around an hour of trying on various outfits, the best she can do is give you a top hat and monocle, and replace your scythe with a fancy looking cane.
  112. >You bow to her to thank her, and then reach into your coi-
  113. >Shit.
  114. >You usually got money by killing champions and their minions.
  115. >When you entered the Fields of Justice, your coin bag would appear when you started the fight.
  116. >You look at your feet.
  117. >”I have no money, I apologize. I will work to pa-” You are interrupted by Rarity.
  118. >”Oh, don't be silly, you don't have to pay!” she exclaims.
  119. >”I feel bad if...”
  120. >”Don't feel bad at all, dear. Consider this reparations for attacking you with bolts of cloth, and referring to you as a ruffian.” She smiles.
  121. >You would smile in response, if it wouldn't cause her to run away in fear.
  122. >She won't take no for an answer.
  123. >That works for you.
  124. >You graciously accept, and take your leave, grabbing your scythe on the way out.
  125. >As you are walking down the moonlit street, you look again at the cane.
  126. >Wow, how did you not notice the massive sapphire on the end?
  127. >You can see your reflection on it.
  128. >As you admire your top hat and monocle for a moment, your reflection's eyes briefly flash blue, a smile creeping along its face.
  129. >You flinch, and hold the cane away from you.
  130. >You are probably just mentally exhausted, and your eyes are playing tricks on you as a result. You used a lot of magic today.
  131. >You simply need to rest your mind a while, an you will be fully cha-
  132. >Wait.
  133. >Where are you going to rest?
  134. >After about 10 minutes of walking, you approach your destination
  135. >The Everfree seems like as good of a place as any.
  136. >Well, good enough for someone of your particular stature.
  137. >You enter far enough in where the p0nyfolk arent going to bother you, but not so far as to be eaten by whatever monsters lie within the heavily wooded forest..
  138. >You clear your mind, and quickly fall into a mind-numbing stupor.
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