
Update for Today

Aug 13th, 2018
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  1. Here's your song to start:
  3. 1. This weekend was pretty good. I went and saw Eighth Grade, which was a very good movie and then followed that up with ramen, a sushi roll and some takoyaki and rounded the night out by finishing up stuff in Octopath. Definite top 10 for the year for me. Sunday involved some cleaning and going with dp to Red Cow again which was also a good time as usual. Red Cow is a great place and not far from where the SGDQ 2018 venue was so if we're back there for 2019 I would like to bring a bigger group.
  5. 2. I picked Shining Resonance Refrain back up and it's still a pretty generic rpg with a harem mechanic but it's enjoyable enough. Just gonna cut through that over the next week so that we can start fresh the weekend after that with the new games for the end of the year.
  7. 3. The New Japan G1 Climax tournament wrapped up this weekend and it was extremely good. NJPW has really brought me back to wrestling in the best way, though it has a couple aspects that are kind of boring (mostly the westernized style brought in by Bullet Club and the Cody/OG stuff). This next weekend is NXT Takeover Brooklyn and Summerslam though so that first part should be fantastic and the second part should be worth some derisive tweets.
  9. 4. Still planning on starting up the stream for real after this next weekend. Hopefully the AC gets fixed tomorrow while I'm at work and I'll probably start with Shenmue HD. I'll probably do some wrestling recaps and such during streams? I think that sounds fun. I've got some more cleaning to do before all of this happens.
  11. That's all I got.
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