
Zettai Bouei Leviathan - Mini Takibi Gekijou - 07

Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. Intro: Zettai Bouei Leviathan - Mini Bonfire Theater (This is on the wood sign, in burnt-like letters)
  2. "About the title..." (This is also on the wood sign, in black letters)
  4. Mu-chan: This is weird.
  5. I should be taking a vacation at the sea.
  6. This is weird.
  7. Syrorin: You're still going about that?
  8. Mu-chan: Well, I guess this kinda looks like the sea.
  9. It's full of sand.
  10. He.. hehe...
  11. I'm sorry.
  12. Levi-tan: You're doing all this for my spear.
  13. Mu-chan: That's right.
  14. It's not my spear.
  15. I should have stayed in my villa.
  16. If I had done that I would have a fluffy bed.
  17. I don't want to sleep in the sand!
  18. I want to lie in a bed!
  19. Syrorin: Come on...
  20. I guess it's at times like these when being a rich girl has it's downs.
  21. When we're working for the Defense Force we'll have to sleep in all kinds of places.
  22. You should get used to it soon.
  23. Mu-chan: I don't wat to get used to it!
  24. And I never said I would join!
  25. Syrorin: You're saying that again?
  26. Gosh, you're so tsundere.
  27. Levi-tan: Bahamut has only a cold si...
  28. Hyaa! (bubble)
  29. Jorm: So... may I say something?
  30. Syrorin: What is it, Jormungand?
  31. When you say Defense Force, you don't imagine this, do you?
  32. Levi-tan: What do you mean?
  33. Jorm: I can't really put my finger on it, but this looks kinda weak.
  34. Mu-chan: What are you gonna do, Syrop?
  35. The only person that joined you is loosing her will to figh.
  36. Syrorin: Jormungand.
  37. Our duties as a Defense Force are only starting.
  38. Right now we're still practising.
  39. You can expect passionate fights later.
  40. Jorm: If that's what everyone wants to do, I'm fine with it, but...
  41. when you say Defense Force, don't you think about a much bigger scale?
  42. Syrorin: Like a Planet Defense Force, or a Space Defense Force?
  43. Jorm: Yeah, that's it.
  44. Mu-chan: That?
  45. Jorm: You see, it's Ultimate Defense Leviathan.
  46. Do you even know the title?
  47. When you hear this title, what comes to mind?
  48. Isn't it something like this?
  49. (I'm gonna ask something really silly... do you want to do the karaoke? If so, I'll include it at the end, with aproximated times).
  50. Syrorin: The time to settle this has finally come, Demiurgos.
  51. We'll definitely protect our mother planet, and all its inhabitants.
  52. Even if costs me my life!
  53. Aquafall Defense Force, launch formation!
  54. Everyone: Roger!
  55. Levi-tan: Let's go.
  56. Everyone: Yeah!
  57. Go!
  58. Jorm: Starring Tom Cruise as the leading role. (Maybe I'm deaf, but I swear she said that).
  59. With the world at stake! Passion and reegret!
  60. Everyone, let's combine.
  61. Did you see that? The divine cutter! The unexpected sword! Combine! (I'm not sure about this one at all. I hear "kami ga kattaa! Henken! Gattai". I could be wrong though).
  62. We will protect everyone's smile!
  63. Ultimate defense Leviathan!
  64. I'm really excited.
  65. So, this it the thing, right?
  66. Eh?
  67. Wait, everyone. Why are you sleeping?
  68. Let's get fired up together!
  69. It'll be fun!
  70. Wake up!
  71. Waake uup!
  75. Ok, little explanation (althought it should be pretty obvious): To the left, the time. Each time has three lines: one in kanji, one in romaji, and one in English. I include the three because, again, it's pretty easy for me. If you want to do this, you can include the ones you want, and forget about the rest... well, it would be pretty weird if you picked the kanji and romaji ones, and left out the English one, but whatever you want to do is fine for me
  76. The song is Syrop's character song, called 嗚呼!アクアフォール防衛隊 (Aaa! Aquafall boueitai/Yes! Aquafall Defese Force).
  78. 2:07 大気が、海が、
  79. taiki ga, umi ga,
  80. The atmosphere. The sea.
  81. 2:10 大地があり愛がある
  82. daichi ga ari ai ga aru.
  83. The vast land. And love.
  85. 2:14 この星を守り抜く
  86. kono hoshi wo mamorinuku
  87. I gather the beautiful heroes
  88. 2:17 集えし美しい勇者達よ!
  89. tsudoeshii yuusha-tachi yo!
  90. that will protect this world to the end!
  92. 2:26 嗚呼!アクアフォール防衛隊
  93. Aaa! Aquafall boueitai.
  94. Yes! Aquafall Defese Force.
  96. 2:34 小さな身体で大きな世界
  97. chiisana karada de ookina sekai
  98. Protecting a big world with
  99. 2:38 守る
  100. mamoru.
  101. a little body.
  103. 2:41 さあー!
  104. saa-!
  105. Come on!
  106. 2:42 いくよ!
  107. ikuyo!
  108. Let's go!
  109. 2:44 腹が減っては戦はできぬー!
  110. haragahette ha ikusa ha dekinu-!
  111. We can't fight on an empty stomach!
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