

Nov 7th, 2016
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  1. >"Twilight have you seen Anon this morning? He skipped breakfast so I never got a chance to ask him about staying with you in ponyville."
  2. "I saw him about an hour ago. He asked me about the royal musicians so I directed him to their rooms."
  3. >"The royal musicians? Perhaps our new friend is musically inclined? I have always favored a colt who can play music or sing. Especially if I can make them do it."
  4. >Celestia throws you that sly wink that causes a blush to come to your face as you smile
  5. >Since you became a princess she has been joking with you like you were Cadence or even Luna.
  6. >You are still not used to your caring teachers lewd side
  7. >Quickly you two set off to visit the royal musicians and inquire about Anon
  8. >Anon
  9. >There is a stallion unlike any other you have met
  10. >He has only been in Equestria for about two months and yet he takes everything in stride
  11. >Even learning that he cant go home didn't seem to bother him
  12. >Which caused you much relief since it is kinda your fault that he is here
  13. >He strolls around with that dopey smile of his
  14. >The one that makes your heart flutter and your wither-
  15. >You quickly shake your head to get rid of the thoughts
  16. >You are not ready to admit to yourself that you have a crush on him. Even if it is obvious to yourself (and probably everyone else to)
  17. >"Your Highness what can I do for you today?"
  18. >The voice, which was dripping with a Prench accent, knocks you out of your own head and back to reality
  19. >"Ahh Mezzo Forte. You are looking wonderful today."
  20. >The older black furred stallion gently blushes and waves his hoof at her
  21. >"Please Celestia it is too early for your compliments. They will got to my head and make my mane even more unmanagable. Now please what can this humble servant do for you today."
  22. >"Monsieur Forte your mane would look handsome even with bedhead."
  23. >She gives him a sultry look that makes both of you blush more
  24. >Celestia must not have been kidding when it came to musicians earlier
  25. >"Now I am sorry to bother you but have you seen our guest Anon?"
  26. >He quickly nods seeming glad to draw the attention away from himself
  27. >"Oh yes! He came by here earlier and borrowed a spare guitar we had in storage. I offered to have my sister tutor him but he said he was quite proficient with it."
  28. >"Indeed? That stallion is just full of surprises isn't that right Twilight?"
  29. >The conversation turning to you surprised you
  30. "Uhh yes! Anon is wonderful!"
  31. >The sound of you shoving a foot in your mouth must have been audible as a blush once again touched your cheeks
  32. >Celestia and Mezzo but started laughing at your little outburst
  33. "P-perhaps he went back to his room princess?"
  34. >Quickly change the subject Twi! Save yourself!
  35. >She calms herself and places a wing over your shoulder as if to apologize for laughing
  36. >"Indeed Twilight. Lets go and see if he is there."
  37. >She turns back to Mezzo
  38. >"I would like to thank you for your help. Also, though I hate to be a bother, I was wondering if at some point you might have your piano brought to my sitting room and give me a solo performance. I just love the way that the ebony and ivory dance together."
  39. >Quickly you walk away trying to escape your teacher hitting on the stallion who taught you how to play your first instrument
  40. >Eventually you hear Princess Celestia catch up with you
  41. >Her longer legs quickly letting her catch up
  42. >The rest of the walk to Anon's room is silent but every time you look over at Celestia she winks at you again causing your blush to deepen and her to giggle to herself
  43. >Why is it that ever since you got these wings she decided its alright to tease you?
  44. >When you reach Anons door you can hear the twang of guitar strings being played
  45. >The sound fades for a minute, the end of what he was playing you guess, before they start up again
  46. >You go to knock but Celestia taps your horn gently and shakes her head
  48. >The gentle playing of the guitar has almost a melancholy feel to it
  49. >Then you hear his voice come in
  50. >"I hurt myself today."
  51. >His voice harsh and sad it makes you freeze in place
  52. >That one line just stabs at your heart and makes your throat tighten
  53. >He singing goes on
  54. >Each line stabbing you with pangs of sadness
  55. >Each word making you [spoiler]blame yourself for the pain behind them.[/spoiler]
  56. >Tears are openly falling down your cheeks and all you can do is stand there taking shaky breaths
  57. >The music starts to pick up and it breaks the spell for just a second
  58. >"And you can have it all. My empire of dirt. I will let you down. I will make you hurt."
  59. >You look up to Celestia to see her eyes closed and a single tear fall down her cheek
  60. >Her hair is limp and greyed and she seems to sag and her wings hang limp touching the floor
  61. >The music drops and the spell is broken
  62. >You are near to bawling right there outside of his room when the door opens in a golden glow
  63. >Sitting in the corner of the room is Anon with a guitar on his lap and a single tear running down his cheek
  64. >When he sees you both he wipes away the tear and gets that dopey smile back on his face
  65. >Setting down the guitar next to him he tries to stand but its too late
  66. >You run as fast to him and jump up onto his lap knocking him back against the chair
  67. >You wrap your legs and wings around his chest as you half shout half cry into his shoulder
  68. "I'm sorry Anon! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ruing your life! It was an ac-ac-accident"
  69. >After that you are crying like a little colt into his shoulder
  70. >All you can get out between the sobs are the occasional "I'm sorry!"
  71. >He wraps his arms around your barrel and starts stroking your back and mane with his hands
  72. >"Twilight calm down. Its OK! Its just a song from my world that I liked. You didn't ruin my life. I LOVE being in Equestria and these last two months have been like a dream come true. Please dont cry Twi."
  73. >You slowly calm down until you are no longer sobbing yet the tears continue to flow
  74. >That is when you feel the wing wrap around you
  75. >looking up you see that The princess has enveloped you both in her wing
  76. >"Anonymous. I have to say that was the most painfully sad thing I have ever heard. It was what I can only describe as beautifully sad."
  77. >You feel his hand reach up from your mane and wipe tear off of Celestia's face
  78. >"I would love to hear the song again when I am more emotionally prepared for it. I have but one request Anon."
  79. >"That is?"
  80. >"Never. EVER. EVER. Let my sister hear that song."
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