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Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. 2:04:03The Cursed Prodigy: "Either that, or you were planning on finishing the job." Sasuke narrowed his eyes at his brother angrily still. Shivering in the winter air as they head towards the exit of the forest. He heard the comment, and listened to his brothers words. He kept silent as he marched not answering his brothers question as they walked slowly through the forest. He turned, and it looked as if he was sizing his brother down. His hand reached for his blade. There was a sharp hiss as the blade made contact with a black throwing weapon. A kunai clinging off the blade. His eyes spotted the twelve year old Mist genin in the branch of the tree that had been following them for some time. "This is what you made me." He said calmly. There was a swift motion it was like a blurr. The blade thrown right at the ninja before he had time to react. The harsh steel impaling the boy's heart, and sliding through him like a ka-bob. There was a hissening noise of death as he fell lifeless against the ground. The pool of blood from the small barely ranked assassin began to seep through the ground. He looked over the male with heartless eyes as he sheathed the blade. "I will destroy all of Konoha for making me suffer such lengths." His hand moving to brush back his brother's bang as he stepped forward to meet him. It was a unspoken attraction as he took his brother in. His nose buried into his collarbone as he took in his scent. "Your mouth tastes like blood.. Would it be easier for me to kill you?" He whispered in soft remorse of asking that. His hand pulling him closer by his jacket against him. His eyes closing as his lips met the males collarbone. Kissing up in a trail of fire as he pushed the male up against the nearest tree. "We are going somewhere.. I can only take those I trust.."
  2. 2:11:27Itachi`Uchiha: He watched calmly as the Genin was killed, frowning just slightly. "They let them attempt assassinations at that age? He wasn't even trained," he clicked his tongue, disappointed in the Mist. "Ah... No need to destroy the village... The ones who gave my orders are all gone. Everyone else just knows I'm rogue and killed our clan," he told his brother with a bit of a sigh. He seemed comforted by the sudden closeness, the nose against his collar. "My mouth always tastes like blood... I've been sick for some time. It's not painful, if that's what you're asking," he smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. A soft blush crossed his cheeks as he felt the warm kisses up his neck, his arms wrapping tightly around the younger. "Where's that?" he asked softly, resting his forehead against Sasuke's again, a bit of a romantic gesture even if it was only so he could see the other's eyes clearly - Sasuke needn't know that.
  3. 2:25:24The Cursed Prodigy: The other's forehead against his own was strange. He kept a cautious eye on his brother as he spotted the blush on his sickly's brother cheeks. The arms wrapped tight around his waist made him smile slightly as he rocked against the others frame. The other's eyes weren't terribly damaged yet, and he heard the story from Tobi. He kept the gaze with the other. "What's causing your sickness?" He asked raising a brow as he relaxed in his brothers arms. The tenseness in his muscles gone as his head rest in his siblings chest. He heard the other fret about the leaf village. His hands moving to the males collar as he drove him back against the bark of the tree. "I wasn't asking for permission. " A growl breaking the tension as he took a step back from the other shaking his head. His hand rubbing the back of his obsidian locks as he scanned the other wearily. "Tobi warned me that there would be burdens on my path. If you don't play carefully by my rules then you won't be left breathing." He made sure to state that to the other very clearly as he took a few more steps back. He popped his shoulder in his Akatsuki robe groaning as he rolled it before looking at the other cautiously. His teeth bared, and there was still evident hate in his eyes. It wasn't as simple as forgiving him for killing his mother, and father, and everybody else they loved. "The place we are going is..where I turned to be like this.." His hand moved to touch over his seal on his neck as if remembering who had made him truly turn to the darkness. "I'm not sure if we should part ways or not. Hm."
  4. 2:31:56Itachi`Uchiha: "Mm... I'm not sure. It could be genetic, or one of the many poisons I've breathed. The closest I've seen to a doctor has been Sasori," he chuckled some, though his face blanked for a moment as Sasuke suddenly angered again. He shook his head. "Tobi... Only about half of what he says can be taken seriously," he replied, though he was clearly still not too worried about being killed. "Orochimaru," he commented darkly as he saw the seal, remembering the old man's proposal to Itachi as well. "I don't trust him... I never have. If I didn't hate him before... Seeing what he did to you - well... I very nearly have reason to kill him, and I won't hesitate to if he decides to show his face to me," he tilted his head, always the pacifist even when he was angry. He swallowed some, trying to get that metallic taste from his mouth, and sighed. "Sasuke... He's only training you so he can have your body. I assume you know that... You're smarter than to rely on him," he seethed for just a moment, prodding his brother's forehead once more, more firmly this time.
  5. 2:40:07The Cursed Prodigy: "I think you know." He said at the observation of the male chuckling as his brother got inside his head a bit. Letting him discredit Tobi, and Orochimaru isn't something he normally would let someone do. The dar comment about the seal got a head nod. The comments about his master were dismissed with a wave of his hand. The tap of the fingers against his forehead more sternly made him bite into his lower lip. "Tsk..older brother.. How little you really know." He said shaking his head at the other as he took steps towards his brother. It was cold out, but his jackets protected him slightly as the snow finished falling. His obsidian cores shut as his forehead brushed over his brothers. His lips whispering over the others as his left leg wrapped around the male's waist. "I need to get my head straight.." And with that.. His lips pressed against his brothers passionately. His tongue entering his mouth, and his body ground up against his elder brothers. They hadn't talked much since they first kissed. He figured he'd get the sexual tension out the natural way.
  6. 2:48:35Itachi`Uchiha: He shook his head lightly - normally, he would be the one saying something like that to Sasuke. "None of this is going to straighten out anything, for either of us," he pointed out, but didn't resist, nearly stumbling back as Sasuke leaned and ground into him. His hands gripped the younger's hips almost desperately, pulling him as close as humanly possible. Of course, he'd been taught that this wasn't right - then again, so were half of the other things he did, and that had never stopped him. One hand slid from his left hip, along the thigh that was pressed against his waist. His own tongue rose to the challenge, meeting and wrestling with Sasuke's in such an awkward way it immediately told how rusty Itachi was.
  7. 2:55:02The Cursed Prodigy: He broke the sloppy kiss at the awkwardness of his brother's tongue. He licked his own lips for a moment as he looked at the male. The male desperately tugging at him made him smirk as his eyes bore at his elder sibling. His obsidian cores exploring the others eyes as he leaned in to whisper against his ear. "Feel weird kissing because it's me, or because you're so out of practice?" He asked giving a grind of his hips against the other's body. His needy frame seeking the others as his leg tightened around him pulling as close as he could get to the other. Night was falling, and they were alone in the forest. His leg slipped from the other. His body twisting so his ass was now back up against his brothers. His left hand curled in his brothers locks, as he ground up against him sensually. His head craned back. "Make me love you again Itachi."
  8. 2:55:15The Cursed Prodigy: [[ Can you give me like a thirty minute warning before you leave if possible? ]
  9. 2:55:38Itachi`Uchiha: This would probably just about be that warning. xD;]
  10. 2:57:16The Cursed Prodigy: Ah alright. Hope I'm still playing up to your standards. I haven't roleplayed Naruto in a long, long time. ]
  11. 3:00:49Itachi`Uchiha: "I... I don't kiss much," he admitted, almost instinctually grinding into him. "The rest... May be awkward because I've never thought about you in this way until... well, today," he continued, leaning down to nip gently at the younger's neck. Slowly, he reached forward and unbuttoned Sasuke's cloak, fingers trailing along the clothing and chest underneath as he did so. Once the cloak was open, he slid both hands into the sides of his brother's pants, almost teasingly grabbing the other's hips to pull him closer and increase the friction between him. "I can't make it painless, at first... Is that alright?" he asked, wanting to make sure he didn't end up making the younger hate him more.
  12. 3:01:20Itachi`Uchiha: You are, for sure. It took me a minute to get back into Itachi's character -- It's been a year or two since the last time I played him, so I hope the same. x3]
  13. 3:04:50The Cursed Prodigy: "It seemed smarter than killing you." He said in response to the other thinking about him this way. The nip to his neck got a soft gasp as his cloak fell to the ground with ease. The other setting the pace behind him grabbing his jeans, and pulling him closer got a soft moan from the other as the friction increased. His member throbbed in his pants. His older brother was getting him hotter than a boiling kettle. He nodded in half lidded eyes as he heard the ask. "You don't have to ask.. Make me your slut." It was a very dominant tone, that said if he didn't then Itachi was bound to be his. It was a primal, savage need that Sasuke was embarking on. He needed his brother, and now." His hand in his hair moving to the cloaks button. Unclasping them behind him as he heard it fall to the floor a moment later.
  14. 3:05:56The Cursed Prodigy: [ You definitely are. No worries. ]
  15. 3:08:38Itachi`Uchiha: The primal tone made him shudder a bit, his lips now forming a smirk. He took that as permission to not hold back, undoing and unzipping Sasuke's pants at the same time his own cloak fell to the ground to show his lithe form dressed in a tank top underneath. He still had the ANBU symbol on his arm. Carefully, he slid Sasuke's pants down just enough to expose his member's tip to the freezing air. "Are you sure you don't want to go inside, somewhere, first?"
  16. 3:09:00Itachi`Uchiha: Frack, short, sorry. Guess who has too much blood in her caffeinestream.]
  17. 3:14:08The Cursed Prodigy: He liked that his brother took the hint as his pants were dropped as the freezing air ghosted over his member. His eyes shutting to the cold air as he nodded at his brothers words. He took his hand leading him towards where they had been heading all along. To the secret entrance to Orochimaru's liar. He turned, his hand covering his brother's eyes as if he would remember anyway. He pushed him down the entrance of the tunnel. Leading him. He heard Kabuto, and Orochimaru discussing something in one of the rooms. He led his brother into his room. A picture of Itachi was by his bed side. There were a dozen signs of hate in the room alone but what Sasuke was doing now was out of love. He kicked his pants off, and sandals. He bent over his bed for the other looking back to him. "We have to be quiet..they'll hear..but fuck me." His hungry eyes looking back to his older brother that was still as handsome as he used to be. "If you can make me cum before you..then I'll suck you off later."
  18. 3:14:39The Cursed Prodigy: [ You're fine no worries. Sorry for the very brief entrance to Orochimaru's lair..but. Yeah. ]
  19. 3:18:24Itachi`Uchiha: He left his cloak where it was, following the male. He hissed softly at the voices of the other two, but continued on to Sasuke's room. He would comment on it later - there were more important matters to tend to. He blushed again as the other bent over his bed for him, nearly begging. A hand slid up Sasuke's back, the elder smirking a bit. "I'm used to being quiet," he told him with a nod, looking around for a moment. Not supposing his brother had any sort of lubrication, and certainly not about to ask, he settled for saliva, as poor a job as it did. He thoroughly wetted two of his own fingers, using the opposite hand to spread Sasuke's cheeks, and prodded carefully at the waiting hole with a slimey finger before slipping one in, gently.
  20. 3:19:48The Cursed Prodigy: Want to end it here for now? ]
  21. 3:20:08Itachi`Uchiha: Alrighty. ~Accept add.~]
  22. 3:20:30The Cursed Prodigy: I'll talk to you either tonight or whenever you are on next. Thanks for the awesome roleplay.
  23. 3:20:54Itachi`Uchiha: I should be on tonight, around 3:30 my time - assuming I get out of work on time And thank you. c:
  24. 3:22:26The Cursed Prodigy: No worries. I'll see you when I see you, night.
  25. 3:23:06Itachi`Uchiha: Night.
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