
The Great and Powerful Followup

Nov 12th, 2012
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  1. >It's been about a month since Trixie opened up to you.
  2. >She's been friendly ever since... in her own weird way.
  3. >You're still getting used to her coming to the library for something other than lambasting poor Twilight, who already has enough to deal with.
  4. >Speaking of Twilight.
  5. >"Hey Anon, can you hand me 'High School Magic'?"
  6. >It's around noon, and you are currently knee high in books. It's organization day. You and Twilight have to pull all the books out once a week and go through them before reshelving them.
  7. >It's a handy way to see what books have been checked out and which ones have been returned.
  8. >It's also really fun bugging people until they return what they took.
  9. >Most of the time they just forget to bring it back, there aren't many library thieves in Equestria, apparently.
  10. >You shuffle through the pile a bit and find the book she needs before handing it to her.
  11. >She smiles slyly as she slides it into its place on the shelf with her magic, "So, Anon."
  12. "So?"
  13. >"You and Trixie?"
  14. "Riiight. She's been hanging out a lot here lately."
  15. >Twilight smirks, "But not with me. We've had a drink a few times, and she doesn't despise me anymore, but I'd say her primary interest in my library is the fact that you live here."
  16. >You scoff.
  17. "You're not suggesting..."
  18. >The smirk never leaves her face.
  19. "No, no you're just fucking with me now. First of all I'm a completely different species, and second of all Trixie is a bit too..."
  20. >"Narcissistic?"
  21. "Yeah, that's the word."
  22. >Twilight sighs and turns to you, "Trixie was problematic when she first came here."
  23. "Yeah, you told me the story."
  24. >"Right, and that's just the way it was until you came along."
  25. "Uh huh. I could picture it now; Anonymous, psychologist extraordinaire."
  26. >She frowns, "I'm serious Anon, she's really turned around since the two of you started talking. I hear her shows are doing rather well."
  27. "Every few days she comes back with more good news."
  28. >You're conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door. Then you hear a sing song voice, "Oh Anonymoooous~."
  29. >You sigh.
  30. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear."
  31. >You carefully step over your book pile and make your way to the door.
  32. >Upon opening it Trixie barrels in and starts rambling and raving, "Ugh Trixie is so TIRED! The carriage was late to pick her up from the hotel in Canterlot, and she didn't get to eat breakfast at all because by the time she got to the train station her train was already about to leave! Trixie TRIED to be reasonable with the ticket booth pony but they were so rude. By the time Trixie got on the train she was in a sour mood and there was a little newborn crying the entire time! Trixie can't even believe half of the things she has to put up with just to travel."
  33. >You are powerless to stop her. Your only choice is to wait until she's done.
  34. >Luckily, she finally shuts her trap long enough to toss you a smile, "And how has your day been?"
  35. "Um... I've been helping Twi organize the library."
  36. >Trixie frowns, "How dreadfully boring."
  37. "Hey!" shouts Twilight, "This is a very important task. It helps us keep track of all the books that we have."
  38. >Trixie rolls her eyes, "Come with Trixie, Anonymous, she wants to show you a few things."
  39. >"Don't stay out too late kids."
  40. >"Silence, Librarian."
  41. >Twilight only giggles as you follow Trixie outside.
  42. >She leads you away from the library and towards the town square. You can only presume that she's leading you to the small hotel in Ponyville that she usually stays at.
  43. >It's not a very long walk, but you can't help but wonder what she's showing you.
  44. >It's a small place, with only one floor and about twenty rooms, but ponies passing through Ponyville usually stay here, so it's hard to get rooms, sometimes.
  45. >She leads you inside, nodding a greeting to the pony at the lobby counter.
  46. >Her room is apparently at the very end of the hallway on the right.
  47. >With a flash of magic, a key floats from her cape and unlocks the door. She kicks it open and you follow her inside, "Close the door behind you."
  48. >She always sounds so... bossy.
  49. >You've gotten used to it by now. It's just the way she is, but she hasn't really been acting like a bitch lately, so it's hard to be mad at her.
  50. >As the door shuts behind you, Trixie makes her way to the corner of her room, past the bed where her bag and most of its contents are sprawled all across the floor.
  51. >Someone's a messy unicorn.
  52. >After a moment of waiting, she stands tall with a grin, "Ah ha! Trixie has found you, little rat!"
  53. >You think she's talking to an inanimate object, but then you hear the sound of a small cage opening. She turns and you see what's floating in front of her. You almost do a double take.
  54. >It is literally a rat.
  55. "Uh... Trixie?"
  56. >"Yes Anonymous?"
  57. "Why do you have a rat?"
  58. >"Oof, I know, nasty little creatures, aren't they? However, it serves a purpose to Trixie."
  59. >You can only laugh. This shit is absolutely ridiculous.
  60. "Alright, this better be fucking good."
  61. >"This particular rat is part of Trixie's show. When you advised Trixie to practice, she listened, but even new tricks can get old and dull if used too often. Trixie started getting... inventive."
  62. >You raise an eyebrow.
  63. "Are you sure inventive is the word you're looking for?"
  64. >Trixie frowns, "Be silent. You will be amazed by what this rat can do."
  65. "Where did you even get it?"
  66. >"The yellow one gave it to Trixie when she asked for it."
  67. "Fluttershy?"
  68. >"Yes, that's her. She attempted to give Trixie a dog, but Trixie wanted something that was... easier to take care of."
  69. "So you went with the rodent."
  70. >"Her name is Ray."
  71. "You named the rat?"
  72. >For some reason she blushes, "This is nothing surprising. It is an intelligent creature and responds to its own name."
  73. "Seems like all of Fluttershy's... pets are like that."
  74. >"Watch closely."
  75. >The rat finally floats down to the floor as it's released from the magic hold Trixie has on it. Trixie walks over to her bed and pats the corner with her hoof, "Up up."
  76. >The rat reacts instantly, running to the bed and climbing the side until it's where Trixie tapped her hoof.
  77. >Trixie walks over to you, a smug little smirk on her face the entire time, "Watch this Anonymous." When she's next to you, she turns back towards her bed, "Ray, catch."
  78. >A small blue orb flies to the bed. It looks like it's about to overshoot the rat, but the little critter jumps into the air and grabs the orb.
  79. >It stays in mid air, hanging onto the orb for dear life.
  80. >You hear Trixie laugh.
  81. >You've barely heard her laugh. She's always usually boasting about some new trick she learned, or rambling on and on about trivial little things.
  82. >You look at her, and she has a wide smile on her face. You're not even paying attention to the rat anymore.
  83. "You have a nice laugh."
  84. >God dammit. You really need to start thinking before you blab like that.
  85. >Trixie's face lights up, and you hear the squeak of the helpless rat as it falls back to the bed with no magic. You hear the rattle of its cage as it scurries back to relative safety.
  86. >Trixie turns to you with a frown, still blushing, "We... where is this coming from?"
  87. "Sorry. I just haven't heard you laugh much since we've met. It just sounded nice."
  88. >She huffs, "You broke Trixie's concentration."
  89. "Haha, I noticed, why are you getting all flustered?"
  90. >"Trixie is not flustered, she is merely surprised at your ineptness."
  91. "Oh really now? Then why does it look like your head belongs in one of Applejack's trees?"
  92. >"It's HOT in here. The air conditioner has been broken since Trixie got here and the service ponies haven't even been by the room to see if she is a satisfied customer. Ridiculous how one cannot even get proper service in this place!"
  93. "Whatever you sa..."
  94. >Before you can finish your sentence you feel a tug at your collar. You look down to see Trixie's magic tugging you towards her.
  95. >You don't have much time to think before Trixie leaps onto her hind legs and plants her lips against yours.
  96. >When you first got to Equestria, one of your first worries was that you would never have another girlfriend or get laid in your life. You weren't exactly into horses back on Earth, but then again... these weren't normal horses.
  97. >And despite all her faults, her short temper, talking in third person, trying to one up everyone around her, Trixie wasn't a bad person.
  98. >You recall the story about her mother, and the fact that she's given you her company every day that she could since then.
  99. >Maybe Twilight was right, after all.
  100. >Maybe you and Trixie have something going on.
  101. >And maybe, just maybe... you're kissing her right back.
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