
A Fateful Eve by TypoGuy

Aug 18th, 2014
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  1. >be anon
  2. >in just a few short minutes, you'll be taking your first trip to Manehattan.
  3. >you decided a while back that you needed a vacation from the arduous trials of Ponyville.
  4. >and by arduous, you mean Twilight's constant nagging to be your marefriend.
  5. >today was not unlike the rest.
  6. "Oh please anon?"
  7. >"No, you are not coming with me."
  8. "Whhhhhhy!?"
  9. >you let out a deep sigh.
  10. >"Because, I need this trip to get away from your constant advances."
  11. "Maybe I wouldn't be so forward if you'd just accept my love for you."
  12. >letting out a groan, you turn away from your packing and face the purple menace.
  13. >"It's not love, Twilight. You started pushing for this relationship between us after that night with Rainbow."
  14. >she stomps her hoof in irritation after you say that.
  15. "It is love! And I will not stop pursuing you until you accept it."
  16. >this is getting you nowhere.
  17. >you decide to pull out your "get out of jail free" card.
  18. >you reach your hand out towards her head and start scratching her behind her ear.
  19. >she tenses up at your touch.
  20. >you can see her trying to fight the sensation that is taking over her.
  21. >her body starts to shake as she loses the conflict inside herself.
  22. >she finally breaks and leans into your fingers while letting out a cute little coo.
  23. >"I knew I would win. Now lets stop this before it becomes an argument."
  24. >you pull your hand away, much to the disappointment of the princess.
  25. "I hate when you do that."
  26. >she has a slight blush on her cheeks.
  27. >you kneel down in front of her.
  28. >she looks into your eyes, a hint of sadness in hers.
  29. >"Sorry, but I didn't want us to fight. Now, how about you help me finish packing, and then we'll head to the train station."
  30. >she lowers her head a little and sighs.
  31. "Ok anon."
  32. >the next few minutes go by without a hitch.
  33. >after the packing is done, you and Twilight start to leave your house.
  34. >It's not much, but you didn't care.
  35. >It was a place you could call home.
  36. >you lock the door on your way out, as Twilight has your luggage in her magical grasp.
  37. >not much happens between you two on the way to the station, besides a little small talk.
  38. >as you arrive at the station, you notice that Pinkie Pie and Rarity are waiting for you on the platform.
  39. >they both wave when they notice you approaching.
  40. >you give a little wave back as you get closer to them.
  41. >as you reach them, Pinkie is the first to talk.
  42. "Oh anon. I'll miss you."
  43. >you give her a questioning look.
  44. >"I'm only going to be gone a week, Pinkie."
  45. "I know, but don't you worry. I'll have an awesome "Welcome Back!" party ready for you when you get back."
  46. >you reach over and pat the top of her head.
  47. >"I look forward to it."
  48. >she giggles as you ruffle her already ruffled mane.
  49. >you look over to Rarity who is observing her friends petting with a small smile on her face.
  50. >you clear your throat to get her attention.
  51. >she looks at you for a second before she realized that was directed at her.
  52. "Oh, my apologies, anon."
  53. >"It's ok. Did you get it set up?"
  54. >she nods before pulling out a piece of paper and floating it over to you.
  55. >you take the paper from her magic, and give it a once over.
  56. "It's all ready for you, darling. I got you the finest hotel room so you can truly relax during your trip."
  57. >"Thanks Rarity. You truly are generous."
  58. >she shakes her hoof at you, brushing that comment aside.
  59. "Oh pish posh. Anything for a friend."
  60. >you pocket the paper with your hotel info on it.
  61. >"Still, I really would like to pay you back."
  62. >she smiles deviously towards you.
  63. "Oh, you will, darling. Your clothes are made by yours truly. Wearing my brand and letting the ponies of Manehattan see it is payment enough."
  64. >...
  65. >"So I'm your personal billboard."
  66. >she opens her mouth to speak when the train whistle interrupts her.
  67. >Twilight starts pushing your luggage into your hands.
  68. "Anon, you have to get on the train. Hurry up."
  69. >you grab your luggage and start heading into the train.
  70. >you find yourself a seat by a window.
  71. >the three girls are still on the platform.
  72. >you open the window and stick your head out.
  73. >"I'll see you girls in a weeks time."
  74. >as usual, Pinkie responds first.
  75. "Bye, nonny. Don't party to much!"
  76. >"I won't. And Rarity, when I get back, we'll be having a talk about this free advertisement."
  77. >she sheepishly grins and waves to you.
  78. >Twilight steps a little closer to the train.
  79. "Now be careful, anon. Don't get yourself into trouble. And no bringing home any strange ponies."
  80. >"I'll remember that, 'Mom'."
  81. >her ears drop and she looks a little irritated at that remark.
  82. "ANO-"
  83. >(insert train whistle here)
  84. >the train starts to rumble as it begins to take off.
  85. >you wave once more to the girls.
  86. >they wave back, although Twilight looks a little irked, but she just shakes her head and smiles.
  87. >you bring your head back into the train and close the window.
  88. >you recline in your seat, letting out a contented sigh.
  89. >looking out the window, you can see Ponyville starting to shrink in the distance.
  90. >you really needed this vacation.
  91. >as you watch the landscape shift outside, you think about Twilights comment.
  92. >strange ponies.
  93. >now what are the possibilities of that.
  94. >as the train slowed to a stop at the Manehattan station, you gather your two pieces of luggage.
  95. >with your suitcase in your hand, and bag slung across your shoulder, you depart the train onto the crowded platform.
  96. >some of the ponies start to stare, while others give you a wide berth.
  97. >when you first came to Equestria, that bothered you a bit due to you becoming the center of attention.
  98. >now, you look at it as a blessing as you quickly make your way out of the station.
  99. >as you step out into the city, you put your free hand up to block the evening sun.
  100. >as you admire the sunset splashed behind the towering city, a sudden yawn catches you by surprise.
  101. >train rides are more tiring than you thought.
  102. >you decide that it'll be better if you head straight to the hotel and rest up after your trip.
  103. >there are a few taxis lined up at along the street.
  104. >you start heading for the one nearest to you.
  105. >when you are just a few feet from the taxi, the driver notices you.
  106. >he then speaks with a generic Manehattan accent.
  107. "Hey, no freaks allowed."
  108. >you stop and look at him.
  109. >"And what exactly determines if I'm a freak?"
  110. >he gives you a 'you can't be that stupid' look.
  111. "Well, it's obvious, ain't it? My patrons must have two things. Four hooves and a cutie mark. And seeing as you have no hooves, I ain't gonna let you on. Understand, stupid?"
  112. >your about to say something when a deep, gruff voice sounds from behind you.
  113. "Hey, is he giving you any trouble?"
  114. >you turn around to see another pony.
  115. >the pony that stands in front of you is a earth pony stallion.
  116. >his coat is a rust brown, while his short mane is black, with streaks of silver starting to form near the hairline.
  117. >he has a lit cigar in his mouth.
  118. >but the one thing that got your attention the most, was his size.
  119. >he looks like he might be about half a foot taller than Big Mac.
  120. >and Mac just about came up to your neck when standing upright.
  121. >this one could just about look you straight in the eyes.
  122. >the driver speaks up before you can say anything.
  123. "Nah, boss. In fact, I think he was about to get on his way."
  124. >the 'Boss' gives you a once over before speaking up.
  125. "Well, I heard what this fellow said to you, and it was rude on his part."
  126. >he looks towards the cab, then back towards you.
  127. "But that's our policy. So why don't you just go about your way and avoid making a scene."
  128. >he then turns around and climbs into the cab.
  129. >he lifts his hoof and taps it twice on the front rail of the cab.
  130. >without a word, the driver takes off into the street.
  131. >…
  132. >what the hell just happened?
  133. "Are you ok?"
  134. >you turn around to see another cabbie looking at you.
  135. >"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what happened."
  136. >the cabbie, who happens to be a zebra, looks at you sadly.
  137. "Don't let it bother you. That one is not the nicest pony around. Anyway, I take it you might need a ride?"
  138. >you pull out the paper Rarity gave you, and show it to him.
  139. >"Yeah, I was trying to get to this address."
  140. >he looks at the paper and then smiles and nods.
  141. "I can get you there. Get in, my friend."
  142. >"Thank you."
  143. >you set your bags in the cab before getting in yourself.
  144. >the driver starts to take off towards your destination.
  145. >a couple minutes into the ride, he decides to strike up a conversation.
  146. "So, is this your first time in the city?"
  147. >pulling yourself away from the scenery, you look towards him.
  148. >"Not really. I've been in a city before, back where I'm from."
  149. "Oh? Is it anything like here?"
  150. >"Sorta, but I see guys like the one back there are just like back home."
  151. >the driver lets out a sigh.
  152. "Hopefully, that is the last time you see him."
  153. >you lean forward in you seat and rest your arms on the rail.
  154. >"What do you mean by that?"
  155. >the cab slowly comes to a stop.
  156. >"Why are we stopping? Did I say something to offend you?"
  157. >he just chuckled and pointed to his right.
  158. "No, my friend. It is because we have reached your destination."
  159. >"... oh."
  160. >you depart the cab and turn to grab your belongings.
  161. >as you're unloading the cab, the driver clears his throat.
  162. "I don't know much about that pony, but if you do see him again, avoid him at all costs."
  163. >you look into his eyes and nod.
  164. >"Thank you for the warning. Now, how much for the fare?"
  165. "Fifteen bits, my friend."
  166. >you pull out your bits and give him twenty.
  167. >"A tip for the advice."
  168. "Thank you, my friend. And I wish you happy times during your stay."
  169. >he then starts to head down the street, merging into the rest of the traffic.
  170. >you turn to look at the hotel.
  171. >Rarity really outdid herself.
  172. >you start to head inside.
  173. >as you enter the lobby, you admire your surroundings.
  174. >there would be more here, but the writer isn't to good with room descriptions.
  175. >you make your way to the front desk.
  176. >as you reach the desk, the receptionist looks up at you and smiles.
  177. "Good evening, sir. How may we help you?"
  178. >You pull out Raritys paper and hand it to the receptionist.
  179. >"Yes, I have a reservation."
  180. >she looks at the slip then looks at the registry.
  181. "Ok, sir. We just need proof of identification, and we'll get you to your room."
  182. >you pull your wallet out and show her your Equestrian ID.
  183. >you're happy that Celestia decided to grant you citizenship.
  184. >mostly due to Twilights insistence that you were a sentient species.
  185. >you never really thanked her for it.
  186. >the receptionist writes something down on some paperwork, then turns around and grabs a key.
  187. >she then puts the key on the counter.
  188. "Here you go sir. Room 625. I'll call a bellboy down, and you can head up to your room. Is there anything else you need?"
  189. >you grab the key and pocket it.
  190. >"No thank you."
  191. >she then smiles and rings a bell.
  192. "Enjoy your stay sir."
  193. >you turn around as another pony is headed in your direction.
  194. >you always thought those bellboy uniforms looked funny, but it's hard not to laugh when a pony wears one.
  195. >as he reaches you, you can see him tense up at your sight.
  196. >great. another one of these.
  197. "Good evening, sir. If you'd just follow me, I will take you to your room."
  198. >well, he's hiding his fear really well.
  199. >he turns and starts heading for the elevator.
  200. >you follow behind him, looking around at the lobby again.
  201. >he is already waiting for the elevator when you catch up to him.
  202. >the elevator signals its arrival to this floor before the doors open.
  203. >you both enter, while the bellboy pushes a button for the desired floor.
  204. >the doors close and it starts to rise.
  205. >neither of you say anything.
  206. >you decide to break the ice.
  207. >"Hi, my name-"
  208. "Please don't eat me!"
  209. >he has his hooves over his head.
  210. >"I'm not gonna eat you. I swear, you ponies come up with the strangest ideas."
  211. >he lowers his hooves and looks at you.
  212. "You mean, your not gonna eat me?"
  213. >"No, never eaten a pony and I never will."
  214. >well, that's not entirely true.
  215. >you tasted the rainbow.
  216. >he seems the relax at this.
  217. "Sorry about that. I'm not the bravest one. If you couldn't tell."
  218. >"Nope. Didn't pick up on it at all. Anyway, my name's Anon."
  219. >you put your hand out to shake his hoof.
  220. >he seems hesitant at first, but he slowly puts his hoof in your hand. and shakes it.
  221. "Baxter."
  222. >you let go of the shake, right when a bell signals you arrival to the floor.
  223. >the door opens and Baxter exits first, and you follow shortly behind him.
  224. >before you know it, you're in front of your room.
  225. >you pull out your key and unlock the door.
  226. >you enter the room and Baxter follows behind you.
  227. >you look around the room and come to a decision.
  228. >if this is what you get, you have no trouble being Raritys personal billboard.
  229. >once again. room description.
  230. >you set your bags on the only bed on the room.
  231. >when you turn around, Baxter in standing by the door, waiting for any further instructions.
  232. >you head over to him, pulling out some bits.
  233. "Do you need anything else?"
  234. >"No, I think I'm just going to get some sleep."
  235. >you hand him a few bits.
  236. >he pockets them and nods before heading out the room.
  237. >you head back to the bed, and pull some sweatpants out of you bag.
  238. >after organizing your stuff a bit, you lay in the bed.
  239. >as you lay there, you think about the events that transpired earlier today.
  240. >that is the first time you have ever been intimidated by a pony.
  241. >you push the thoughts aside before they keep you up.
  242. >you get comfortable in the bed before you feel sleep starting to overtake you.
  243. >tomorrow's going to be a full day.
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