
Homo bible version 3.0x1 beta nigger

Oct 3rd, 2015
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  1. So it started with this really dull party and allah said let there be disco
  2. And on the 1st day the great homie og allah recreated his huge penis
  3. Adam and eve got 2 sons because they didnt know how to create potatoes
  4. How did they reproduce
  5. So it started with adam and eve but they are renamed Dashiqua and hank
  6. They were transexual and had herpies
  7. So dashiqua was male and now female
  8. And hank was female now male... wait no he sucks
  9. And anyway they had
  10. And they got 2 girls which was totaly gay but they couldnt help it
  11. And then dashiqua and hank died of unlimited aids cancer
  12. Then their doughters had lesbian sex on a large pizza
  13. Until the discovered a monkey with three dicks
  14. And had sex with it
  15. Then they got black babies because they forgot to take the anti-faggot-pill
  16. Dashiqua and hank were gay niggers from outer space with like eye lasers and shit
  17. Yeah
  18. They were really op and had aimbot
  19. So OG homie allah nerfed the lesbian doughters tic tacs
  20. And then
  21. Dashiqua's gh0st sucked the forbidden cock of madness
  22. That was placed there by satan (also lesbian) to lure in old grannies (which was weird since there were no present, but whatever)
  23. * Dashiqua(Gh0st) and Hank(Ghoul) was permabanned from the garden of eve by (OG Homie Allah) reason: SUCK IT, SCRUBS!
  24. Then Noah said - who needs jesus anyways?
  25. Then he built an ark out of his dried semen and a virgins blood (so basicaly his own blood)
  26. Noah was very perverted and let one of each gender of all animals twice enter his ark if they add him on facebook
  27. Noah's ark was actually a park named disney land with little children in it
  28. Then the people of Disney land had a fight of what the national anthem was for Disney land
  29. The two anthems was barbie girl , YMCA and a toaster
  30. The toaster eventualy lost by default because allah was more into bananas
  31. Noah then banned everyone that wanted barbie girl because he wanted a song made by gays (note: he was actualy the song writer)
  32. Then Hatsune Miku (Noah's husband) was teaming up with the children on the park to fight the communist dinosaurs
  33. And thats how they died out on the arc
  34. And by them we mean the little children that is why little children don't exist anymore
  35. That is why every pedophile is suicidal and hangs out on 4chan
  36. Then the park collapsed and everyone died (rofl) but Noah because he glued to the water that is why only male humans exist today
  37. How did he reproduce
  38. Why? becuase allah said so (quote: i dont want my fucking planet be taken over by faggots, so let there be only men, k?)
  39. K
  40. Then Stevie wonder said - fuck moses
  41. And banned him from his kitchen
  42. Then the first world war started but nobody cared because it wasn't real and probably staged in hollywood
  43. Stevie Wonder then said - fuck you hitler
  44. And then burned his collection of ice tea bags (consisting of 2 trash cans)
  45. And hitler rage quit world war 2 like a noob
  46. Stevie Wonder then took hitlers place because swag
  47. He then got fed up with stalin's addiction to eating gummy bears and released all the jews later to be killed by jagex terrorists
  48. Stevie Wonder then looked for someone to cross the desert with but he was blind so he led 50 brids to the ocean where they drowned And ded
  49. then he wrote the 12 commandments with the blood of a frog which was one of the birds from before but it somehow morphed because of A meth overdose
  50. Which are:
  51. #1 420 blaze it, faggot
  52. #3 you can only belive in one god which is allah and the actual god
  53. #3 always let there be disco because allah said so
  54. #7 you have to be able to create a guitar out of your pubic hair and be able to play YMCA with it backwards (with your feet ofc)
  55. Stevie Wonder then puked out all of his 2 cent beer and was too drunk to finnish it but nobody cared anyways because they were dead
  56. Out of the beer foam the spice girls emerged
  57. How
  58. Because
  59. K
  60. They consisted of: Jackson Spice, MichÆl Black Spice, johnny White Spacebar, Freddy Barsoap and The Profesor dOCTOR PHD Crogiañol dOcToR.
  61. Allah said k, but don't fuck with my snapple winter collection (consisting of green apples and big macs)
  62. Then the spice girls said who the fuck does allah think he is dancing! he acts like a greenpeace employee
  63. Ofc OG Allah was madden12bc beta, because of their sinning, wait no sin then zapped away their genitalia with the help of a big Book Air
  64. Jackson didn't have any problems with the punnishment since his lack of kit kats
  65. MichÆl was more concerned about Steve Rambo being banned from UK parlaments pornomentistery since he was a squirter
  66. Freddy was enraged because his dick would not fit in his squirrel how 2 write cosplay and it totally ruined his myspace profile Picture on runeskype
  67. But dOCTOR dOcToR give me the jews said Noah, but then he rememberd he was dead so he deded don't forget his pony farm that one Of his dads grave
  68. Fuckspacebaritsucks
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