

Nov 20th, 2012
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  1. 23:58 *** bananaman joined #frgm
  3. Topic set by Mr_Wilt on Fri Oct 05 2012 18:44:09 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
  4. 00:05 bananaman Wilt
  5. 00:05 bananaman you know how you said runs should be in a specific universe
  6. 00:05 bananaman n shit
  7. 00:05 Mr_Wilt word
  8. 00:05 Mr_Wilt respond to me in frooc
  9. 00:05 Mr_Wilt first
  10. 00:12 Mr_Wilt bananaman: okay
  11. 00:12 Mr_Wilt go on
  12. 00:12 Mr_Wilt what's up
  13. 00:14 bananaman Okay
  14. 00:14 bananaman So I was thinking on that one run I have approved
  15. 00:14 bananaman with robot andrew jackson
  16. 00:15 bananaman So the run is in this fascimile of washington dc in 1812 with history kinda wonky and very exaggerated historical stuff
  17. 00:16 bananaman So what if these are like, little brass windups for different history periods that are really just in some alternate dimension study
  18. 00:16 Mr_Wilt First off, I'm glad you're understanding what I'm saying
  19. 00:17 Mr_Wilt You're trying to justify it so it's not silly random robots with no creators or reason
  20. 00:17 Mr_Wilt that is good
  21. 00:17 Mr_Wilt My concern is how you're going to convey that it's that
  22. 00:18 bananaman I was gonna have the sky black with looming figures that are never acknowledged by the in-run people
  23. 00:18 bananaman ike, just huge ass blurs in the sky nobody notices but the poolboys
  24. 00:18 bananaman hinting at something bigger than the robots
  25. 00:19 bananaman that the robots are not big deal
  26. 00:19 bananaman and have all the robots windup, like timepieces
  27. 00:19 bananaman and at the end of the run
  28. 00:19 bananaman it all shudders
  29. 00:19 bananaman and resets after they leave
  30. 00:20 Mr_Wilt Hmmm...
  31. 00:20 Mr_Wilt Can I make some suggestions, if it wouldn't offend?
  32. 00:21 bananaman I'm open to anything
  33. 00:22 Mr_Wilt Firstly, one of the Poolboys is going to ask one of the robots about the people in the sky
  34. 00:22 Mr_Wilt it's unavoidable
  35. 00:22 Mr_Wilt Rather than have them act oblivious or disregard it,
  36. 00:23 Mr_Wilt have them act oblivious until the scene moves on, and then have one of the robots say "Pssst, shut up! They're watching!" or something like that
  37. 00:23 bananaman Ooh yeah
  38. 00:23 Mr_Wilt and immediately after be like 'HOHO CITIZEN I KNOW NOT WHAT YOU SPEAK OF"
  39. 00:24 Mr_Wilt Second, and I'm not sure if this is too silly or not, but
  40. 00:24 Mr_Wilt Maybe make it so that one of the soldiers has to be rewound?
  41. 00:24 Mr_Wilt Or maybe like something falls in from the sky that is obviously out of place
  42. 00:25 Mr_Wilt Not overtly comedic like a giant chip, but
  43. 00:25 bananaman Or something that has fallen out of the sky
  44. 00:25 bananaman and is now just embedded in the ground
  45. 00:25 Mr_Wilt Oh!
  46. 00:25 Mr_Wilt Maybe make it so that a crucial building they go to or meet up at is destroyed by something that fell from the sky
  47. 00:25 *** Dexanote quit (Quit: night)
  48. 00:25 Mr_Wilt And the robots act like it's still there
  49. 00:25 bananaman hah, yesss
  50. 00:26 Mr_Wilt Or make convient excuses as to why they can't go into the building
  51. 00:26 Mr_Wilt "Jackson! Fetch the guns from inside!"
  52. 00:26 Mr_Wilt "Oh, no, Washington! It's locked! But there's some guns down the street!"
  53. 00:26 Mr_Wilt "Oh, how brilliant!"
  54. 00:26 Mr_Wilt But make it seem like they're all nervous or obviously forcing the adlib
  55. 00:26 bananaman It's not Jackson and Washington, it's jackson and madison
  56. 00:26 Mr_Wilt Nervous shifty eyes
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