
Miscast - Chapter 3

May 22nd, 2012
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  1. >Still Day 2 in Equestria
  3. >Brushing char and ashes off your body.
  4. >"I'm still sorry about that, I, uh, have no control."
  5. >You find it odd that he doesn't have control over something he does like that.
  6. >However, you remember the flame brought something with it.
  7. "So, you can spit fire, and letters come out?"
  8. >"Yeah, I'm a direct line between Celestia and Twilight."
  9. >...
  10. >"...though she doesn't seem to be helping much lately."
  11. >You can say that again.
  12. >Transporting a creature from another dimension should be of most importance.
  13. >Anywhere.
  14. >Oh well. You're here, you have food, you have company.
  15. >Besides, this whole ordeal has been pretty entertaining!
  16. >What would you be doing right now if not here?
  17. >Surfing the internet?
  18. >Boring.
  19. >This place is exciting!
  20. >It has fucking TALKING HORSES.
  21. >And dragons, albeit short and adorable, still fucking dragons.
  22. >It even has magic n' shit.
  23. >Its awesome!
  24. >And once you have had your fill, you'll see to getting a way out of here.
  25. >Sound like a plan!
  26. >The only immediate issue you see is getting more clothes.
  27. >Twilight said that she was going to get someone to help with that though.
  28. >What could these things know about clothes?!?
  29. >Everyone's naked!
  30. >Okay, enough with the interal monologue crap.
  31. >Fine, screw you too.
  32. >You're me.
  33. >Whatever.
  34. >Gotta find a nice way to pass the time.
  35. >Or a bathroom.
  37. "So little dude, what do you do for fun around here?"
  38. >"Well, usually first I get all the chores Twilight wants me to do out of the way."
  39. >He puts a claw up to his chin.
  40. >"Then I..."
  41. >Silence.
  42. "Then you...?"
  43. >Still nothing.
  44. >"I...for fun,"
  45. >What's up with him? He can't think of anything to do for fun?
  46. >Maybe he just doesn't want to say.
  47. >You see him strain.
  48. >"Uhm...I usually...nnnhh..."
  49. >Oh my god.
  50. >He actually can't think of anything he does on his own for fun.
  51. >He really is a slave!
  52. >Gotta stop this kid before he explodes!
  53. "Nevermind, nevermind. Different question."
  54. >He takes a deep breath of relief.
  55. >You could have sworn he was going to pop a gasket with that one.
  56. "What are your chores around here?"
  57. >That he can relate to!
  58. "OH! You see, I start with the bookshelves..."
  60. >Meanwhile, at Carousel Boutique
  62. >A white marshmellow with purple hair was sorting fabrics.
  63. >Wait, this isn't from Anon's view.
  64. >A white p0ny with purple mane was sorting fabrics.
  65. >"Ahh, this silk will be for the gowns...and this cloth will make perfect hoods for the overcoats!"
  66. >As she rambles on about each and every material and their predestined purpose, Twilight knocks on the door.
  67. >"Just a second~"
  68. >The white p0ny places down the fabrics neatly and walks over to the door.
  69. >She swings it open, preparing for her grand entrance.
  70. >"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! I'm Rari-"
  71. >She stops, recognizing the p0ny in front of her.
  72. >"Oh, hello there Twilight!"
  73. >She blushes slightly at expending such a wonderful entrance on her already excellent friend.
  74. >However, she notices that Twilight isn't looking too wonderful herself.
  75. >"Twilight, darling, what happened? Are you alright?"
  76. >She starts scanning Twilight up and down, noticing the rustled mane and coat.
  77. >"We need to style your mane, right aw-"
  78. >"Not now Rarity!"
  79. >That instantly stops Rarity's makeover lust.
  80. >"Look, there is something very very strange in my house right now and it needs clothes."
  81. >...
  82. >"There's a weird thing...that needs clothes?"
  83. >Twilight groans.
  84. >"Just grab a lot of fabrics and come with me."
  85. >Rarity squeaks back inside to get some materials.
  87. >"...and then I sweep the floors a THIRD time!"
  88. >Holy fuck, maids don't clean as much as this kid.
  89. >"Isn't that awesome?!?"
  90. >This poor soul.
  91. "Yeah, it really is... a lot."
  92. >"And that's not even half of it! Then, I-"
  93. >He's cut off by Twilight and a white marshmellow walking into the treehouse-library.
  94. >The white one's horn is glowing a vibrant blue, matching the floating bags of material near it.
  95. >Great, another magic marshmallow.
  96. >Oh enough with the 'it' and 'marshmallow', you know it's a freakin' p0ny.
  97. >Anything that can talk deserves to be treated with respect.
  98. >You never let me have any fun!
  100. >Instantly, you wave.
  101. >Good manners are a habit!
  102. "Hello there."
  103. >The white marshme-P0NY drops all her bags with a shrill gasp.
  104. >Oh great, this one's just outright afraid of you.
  105. >""
  106. >Yep, being an alien still sucks.
  107. >"We NEED to get you out of those clothes!"
  109. >She instantly runs to you with measuring tape in her teeth.
  110. >"My my, you're a tall one!"
  111. >Whoa, she's not afraid. Or freaked out.
  112. "Uh, aren't, you know, scared?"
  113. >You sound like an idiot asking that.
  114. >"You may look like nothing I've seen before, deary.."
  115. >She starts levitating the tape.
  116. >"But you have manners, wear clothes, and desperately need a new set."
  117. >She pulls your arms up with magic so she can measure.
  118. >"Besides, Twilight asked me to help. If she trusts you near me, you must be fine."
  119. >Fair enough, you suppose.
  120. "Well, thank you! I'm Anon."
  121. >She does what you suppose is a curtsey, in p0ny form.
  122. >"Rarity. So, I have to ask, what are these?"
  123. >She tugs at your denim jeans.
  124. "Oh, those are pants."
  125. >Twilight and Rarity both give you a look of utmost confusion.
  126. >"...pants?"
  127. >This is gonna be a pain.
  128. "You don't know anything about pants?"
  129. >"Well, I had a doll named Smarty Pants..."
  130. "Was it wearing pants?"
  131. >" that you mention it...I never knew why it had those things on."
  132. >Okay, so pants do exist! Apparently as doll clothes.
  133. >Rarity then chimes in.
  134. >"Then there's my gentleman friend, Fancypants."
  135. "Does HE wear pants?"
  136. >"I never knew pants were a thing!"
  137. >She ponders what she just said.
  138. >"Now that you mention it, I never understood his name..."
  139. >I guess pants really are a...rarity.
  140. >The puns fucking stop now.
  142. >"Don't worry about it however, it should be no problem to make new ones."
  143. >That's a relief.
  144. >"Just give me those and I'll copy them the best I can."
  145. >Wait.
  146. "You mean, just give them to you?"
  147. >"Yes, dear! I'll make you brand new ones, and they'll be much more fabulous!"
  148. >This mare wants to get in your jeans.
  149. >Literally.
  150. "Oh, well they can wait then."
  151. >You'd like to keep your pants.
  152. >"What's the matter? I'll fix them and give them back, I promise!"
  153. >You remember they are all naked, technically.
  154. >They have no concept of nudity.
  155. >Fuuuuuck.
  156. "It's fine, really. I'd, uh, like to keep these on."
  157. >Rarity shrugs.
  158. >"Are you sure? Do you not think I can do it, that my work won't be..."
  159. >She starts getting teary eyed.
  160. >"...good enough?"
  161. >Holy shit she layed that on thick.
  162. >Is she going to get depressed because you want to stay decent?!?
  163. "No, no! I'm certain you'd do a fantastic job."
  164. >She lights up like she never even started with the waterworks.
  165. >"Wonderful! then I'll just be taking these~"
  166. >Her horn starts to glow.
  167. >That oh so familiar floating feeling overtakes you.
  168. >You're being levitated. Again.
  169. >Fuck.
  171. >You feel you pants get pulled down off of you, and you land back on the floor with a thud.
  172. >She immediately takes her prize and lays them out on the floor, measuring them and inspecting them carefully.
  173. >Dazed, you sit back up.
  174. >We can see who wears the pants in this arguement.
  176. >Well now you're pantsless.
  177. >Luckily you still have your comfy plaid boxers!
  178. >"More pants?"
  179. >You hear Rarity as she notices your boxers.
  180. >"I guess I'll be taking those too!"
  181. "NOOOOO!"
  183. >It's been an hour since Rarity showed up to help with your clothing issue.
  184. >Which means you've been without pants or boxers for 59 minutes.
  185. >Crazy bitches stealin' your underwear!
  186. "How's it coming along?!"
  187. >You yell from inside the bathroom.
  188. >"It would be a lot easier if you came out here and helped me~"
  189. >Rarity's been attempting to construct pants.
  190. >Sounds like she could actually use your help on getting a few things right.
  191. >Like hell you're going out there in your birthday suit!
  192. >At least you have a shirt on.
  193. >For now.
  194. "I'm certain it will be fine!"
  195. >Spike and Twilight have been discussing what to do with you.
  196. >Luckily they are within earshot of the bathroom, so you catch most of it.
  197. >"First of all, we need to set some ground rules for this thing."
  198. >"It's a he, Twilight."
  199. >"How do you know? It could be genderless!"
  200. "I'M A GUY."
  201. >"How do I know?!? I have no idea what dictates male/female in your species!"
  202. >This is exactly what you are trying to hide.
  204. >"Fine, you're a guy."
  205. >Glad that's over.
  206. >"I want scientific proof later though!"
  207. >Yeah fucking right.
  209. >"Anyways, 'he' is going to sleep in a large container, I'll get it to use a litter box, we'll take it for walks twice a day..."
  210. >Twilight doesn't seem to understand that you are a sentient being.
  211. >Even fucking Rarity gets it.
  212. >Is she that worried you're going to murder everything?
  213. >You walk over to the bathroom door to make sure Twi can hear you.
  214. "Look, I don't know why you think I'm a wild animal!"
  215. >No response.
  216. "...I can sleep in a normal bed, eat normal food, use the bathroom, and I don't need freakin' walks."
  217. >"Look, Anon, I-"
  218. "I even have a name! How many wild animals give themselves names?"
  219. >At that moment, the bathroom door swings open.
  220. >"Here you are, Anon, try these o-"
  221. >With lightning speed, you swipe the clothes from her magical levitato-cloud, and slam the door shut.
  223. >Rarity remains silent outside the door.
  224. >"Well, wild animals don't get embarassed, I'll give you that!"
  225. >Twilight chuckles at her own joke.
  226. >Really? THIS is what it took for her to get it?
  227. >Psycho p0nies, you swear.
  229. >After a minute, you come out of the bathroom in all new attire.
  230. >A nice black button-down shirt, with new, albeit oddly proportioned, blue jeans.
  231. >You put your old charred shirt in a pile with Rarity's leftover fabrics.
  232. "These are wonderful, thank you Rarity."
  233. >"Of course, Anon. I must say, you look smashing in them."
  234. >You can't tell if she's admiring her own handiwork or not.
  235. >Either way, you take the complement.
  236. >"I wish had brought some gems with me, those 'pants' would go lovely with some sapphires!"
  237. >No they wouldn't.
  238. >And gems? Aren't those a bit expensive?
  239. >Maybe not here.
  240. "Nono, it looks just fine."
  241. >You did notice that there is a severe lack of underwear though.
  242. >"Oh, I almost forgot, these too."
  243. >She levitates another piece of clothing to you.
  244. >Boxers!
  245. >Made entirely of denim.
  246. >AnonFacepalm.png
  248. >"Thank you so much, Rarity!"
  249. >Twilight gives her friend a goodbye.
  250. >"It was a pleasure! Very nice to meet you, Anon."
  251. >She curtseys once more.
  252. "You as well."
  253. >She walks over to Spike.
  254. "And goodbye my little Spikey Wikey!"
  255. >She picks him up and gives him a big hug.
  256. >Setting him down, she trots out of the library.
  257. >Spike's in a daze, staring at Rarity while she walks away, tongue sticking out like a dog.
  258. >Aww, widdle dwagon has a cwush on Wawity!
  259. "Spike, you left your jaw on the floor."
  260. >He shakes his head and collects himself.
  261. >"W-what? I wasn't staring or anything..."
  262. "No, of course not...hey, she's coming back!"
  263. >"REALLY?!?" He shoots up and runs to the door.
  264. >Seeing there's no one outside, he turns back at you.
  265. >You have the biggest shit eating grin on right now.
  266. >"Not funny."
  267. "To you."
  268. >Twilight walks over to you.
  269. >"Spike, can you clean this up?"
  270. >She motions towards some of the mess left by Rarity.
  271. >"Sure thing, Twilight!"
  272. >He skips over to the mess and starts sweeping it up.
  273. >It's like chores are the only interesting thing for him to do!
  274. >Poor guy.
  276. >Twilight then turns her attention to you.
  277. >"Alright, Anon, time to get down to business."
  278. >She magically pulls you up a chair, and puts you in it.
  279. >This magic manipulation shit is going to get old fast.
  280. "Uhh...what's this?"
  281. >"If you aren't a wild animal, I'm not going to treat you like one."
  282. >That's a start.
  283. >"But I do need to learn as much as I can about you!"
  284. "That seems fair. So you're gonna just ask me stuff?"
  285. >Twilight nods.
  286. >"More or less. I don't think you're going to lie to me."
  287. >Good! She's no longer insanely obsessed with the fact you might just kill everyone.
  288. "Alright. But I should get to ask YOU things as well!"
  289. >Twilight shrugs.
  290. >"I suppose that's fine. What do you want to know?"
  291. >You ponder. What DO you want to know about this place?
  292. "Well, how about this. Other than p0nies and dragons, what other sentient beings are there?"
  293. >"Well, there are Buffaloes, Donkeys, Cows, Dogs..."
  294. >So generic farm animals.
  295. >"...Griffons, Changelings, Sea Serpents, Minotaurs..."
  296. >And now it's suddenly D&D.
  297. >Wonderful.
  298. >"...and that's about it. Now it's my turn!"
  299. "Go right ahead."
  300. >"How does your species determine between male and female?"
  301. "..."
  302. >It's going to be a long fucking day.
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