
Multi-armed loving

Jun 9th, 2014
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  1. The first rays of the rising summer sun hitting my face marked the beginning of the day. Grumbling as I crawled out of bed, I made my way down to the kitchen to spruce up some breakfast. Opening time was in an hour.
  3. Being an ice vendor in a valley village was not an easy job. Refrigeration wasn’t always accepted among the older folks. There just aren't that many things people needed to be cooled. Taking up my father’s trade had taken years of stubborn back and forth bickering, and when my old man finally kicked the bucket, I was left with nothing but a basement of ice and an empty shop.
  5. Finishing my morning needs, it was finally time to start the day. Summer was almost here, and that meant hiking up the prices as the demand for my ice would start rising. It was also the end of the month, too. The business ran on a schedule of me making the day’s journey to Kaldr Mountain, gathering a month’s worth of ice, and coming back to store it in the basement for sale. My monthly trip was coming soon, and my ice supply was starting to run low. Good sales this month? Probably just its gradual melting.
  7. After flipping the sign, I finally settled down behind the counter when the door slammed open.
  9. “Guess who's back?” Called a loud, boisterous voice as a hulking frame made its way through the door.
  11. Shit.
  13. Cary Aepoth, standing a head and a half taller than me, strolled over to the counter with a confident smile. Her brown, shoulder length hair waved around as she swayed her hips seductively. She wore a loose tank top with baggy pants, her visible well toned abs struck at my pride. Heavy sounds from her boots echoed around the room as she made her way over, slamming all six of her hands down on the counter.
  15. Did I mention she had six arms? Her father, a traveling medicine man, met her mother of the same species in a far off country. He settled there, and the two produced Cary a while later, who would eventually take up her father’s business. She’s told me this story so many times; it’s been etched into my mind like the date of my birth.
  17. Every year, for the past five years, she’d come by my village to request for an entire year’s worth of ice. “I know an old wizard the next town over who could keep it from thawing,” she’d say. When I visited myself, I could find no such person.
  19. The first two years, she had aggressively insisted I make the ten day trip for her year’s worth. For her price, I simply couldn’t refuse. The third, fourth, and fifth year I had prepared her supply beforehand. This year, however, the annual visit had slipped from my mind.
  21. “It’s that time of year again, you have my ice for me?” She asked, flexing her arms and showing off glistening muscles on every appendage.
  23. “Haha, about that…” I laughed nervously; sweat clearly running down my neck as I raised my hands up in surrender. I didn’t notice the corners of her mouth curling up as she leaned forward, her face closing in on mine.
  25. “Ho~ so you mean you don’t have it, even though this is our sixth year of doing business?” She flashed a wicked grin, propping her head up on the counter with her top pair of arms, while her middle and bottom pairs crossed themselves, pushing up her ample bosom, tantalizing me with her revealed cleavage.
  27. I cleared my throat, but before I could open my mouth to speak again, she pressed the assault.
  29. “And how long do you think it’ll take for you to get my year’s worth of ice?” She asked, now absent mindedly caring for a nail on one of her hands.
  31. “W-well, it’s a day to Kaldr Mountain, three to climb it, two to gather the ice from Ethreain Cave, three more to climb down, and another day to come back. That’s only if the weather is good…” I trailed off. “So m-maybe about ten days?”
  33. She leaned in even closer, I could feel her breath on my face, and the strong scent of her feminine musk wrapped around my mind, making it hard to think. She towered over me, those gleaming yellow eyes bearing down on me like a danuki’s on a man who didn’t pay his rent.
  35. “It’s not nice to keep a girl waiting,” she whispered, “Who do you think is going to pay for my loss of business while I’m here, waiting for you?” She was breathing heavily now, a predatory gaze in her eyes as they bore down on me. Before I had any chance to answer yet again, she wrapped all six of her arms around me, hoisting me from the counter with ease and lifting me into the air.
  37. With her top two arms holding me in the air by my wrists, her middle pair wrapped about my torso, and bottom pair around my waist, she squeezed me to her chest, pressing my face to her breasts. The silky mounds were making it hard to breath, and I squirmed under her grip.
  39. “You have no idea how long I've waited for this,” she cooed as she swayed about with me literally in her arms, “but punishment is in store for not having my ice ready, don’t you think?” I tried to mumble a response, but suddenly, she slammed my back to a nearby wall, pinning me vertically. She forced her lips to mine; her tongue worked its way into my mouth and started to wrestle with my own. It was a one sided battle.
  41. Meanwhile, with her top pair of arms still vice gripping my wrists, she lifts me so I can just barely support myself with my own feet. Her middle pair of arms reached under my shirt and up to my chest area, feeling every inch of my torso, sending electric sparks up my body with her touch. Meanwhile, her bottom pair of arms found the belt of my pants, pulling them down in one perfected swoop, revealing my penis to the humid summer air. Her hands worked my shaft with expert technique, one hand stroking the bottom in a steady pace while the other glided its way up and down the top, grazing my glans enough to send chills up my back.
  43. As I was worked into a sexual frenzy, I couldn’t help but thrust my own hips into her eager hands. I was oozing precum, it was practically leaking out of my penis as she steadily worked me. Seeing this, she pulls back her mouth and smiles, leaving me in a heaving mess, struggling for air. She moved her hands faster, stroking my cock with ever increasing vigor as I quickly approached orgasm.
  45. I looked up to her, pleading, as she simply smiled down on me, saying nothing as my breathing became faster heavier. She stroked me faster, her middle pair of hands exploring my body became wilder, and even small moans were escaping her at this point.
  47. However, just as I was about to explode onto her hands, just as I was about release my seed in a final moment of euphoria, Cary shut everything down. Her hands released my cock just in the moment before I came, and her middle pair of hands grasped me in the waist, pinning me to the wall once more.
  49. I gasped in pleading, almost in tears at the denial of release. Her superhuman strength kept my body to the wall, and I squirmed harder than ever for my desire to come. She laughed at my futile struggling, at my powerlessness.
  51. “You seem to have forgotten that this was still punishment, hm?” She snickered, putting her bottom pair of hands to her hips, as her top and middle keep me to the wall. Her face was almost as flushed as mine, but she smiled in victory. “Maybe if you beg for forgiveness, I might indulge you.”
  53. I begged and pleaded with her, crying out in frustration and swearing my life and possessions to her. I promised all the ice she wanted, and anything else too. She watched with glee, further acknowledging the fact that she had full power over me. "That's right, you've been a good boy. Don't you think it's time you got your reward?" She said in an alluring tone. I nodded furiously as her bottom pair of hands reached up and slowly worked their way down my chest, sending shivers up my spine.
  55. Having been here several times in the past, she knew her way around my shop perfectly. Carrying me with ease to a back room, she turned around and plopped herself down on my cheap, black leather couch. She set me down on her lap, and skillfully began using her arms to undress the both of us simultaneously. Her bottom pair of arms slipped her tank top off of her, following by tugging her pants and boots off. Her top and middle pairs efficiently peeled my shirt off, half drenched in sweat from my earlier denial.
  57. There we both were, completely naked, a glistening six armed woman lifting a man like a toy, with the look of a predator in her eyes. She held me in the air and slowly spread her legs, finally revealing her sacred place. Her pussy was already sopping wet; her folds twitching a little as if inviting me inside. "This is what you wanted, right?" She asked innocently, her words betraying that wicked grin on her face. Again, I didn't have a chance to answer, but my quickly forming erection answered for me. In one swoop, she swung me onto her, impaling herself on my dick.
  59. The inside of her was hot, hotter than I had ever expected. She started grinding my body against hers, thrusting me back and forth using her arms. She was moaning uncontrollably at this point, caught in the pleasure of her human dildo. Her top pair of hands found my own, interlocking our fingers as she continued to grind me onto her. The middle pair of arms wrapping around my torso, hugging me close to her body. Her bottom arms separated; her left gave a firm slap to my ass before clenching it tight, while her right grasped the back of my head, pushing it into hers. Our lips met, and her tongue forced its way into my mouth. Once again, it dominated my own tongue, exploring my mouth without resistance.
  61. The wet folds of her pussy continually contracted on my cock, sending wave after wave of pleasure to me. Cary herself was starting to buck her hips, her own orgasm approaching. Feeling my climax approaching, I gritted my teeth as I shot my load into her, splattering the inside of her cunt with ribbons of white, hot cum. In that very instance, she screamed in ecstasy as she rose over the peak, spraying out femcum onto my balls and inner thighs. In the heat of the moment, as if her six arms gripping me and completely restraining my movement were not enough, her long, slender, but muscular legs wrapped themselves around me, locking me to her body during her climax.
  63. As afterglow started to settle in, Cary goes limp, letting go of me and collapsing on the couch right there. Likewise, as my own orgasm subsided, I couldn't help but relax into her arms. We stayed there for a few minutes, breathing heavily as the coziness and warmth of her body slowly lulled me to sleep. Her top arms grasped me by the shoulder, raising me from my slumber and making me look into her eyes.
  65. "You don't suppose you'll need some help lugging all that ice from the mountain, don't you?" She asked, a warm smile replacing the wicked grin she had minutes ago. She slowly brought her arms up, wrapping them around me for a six armed hug. She nuzzled my cheek affectionately. Her top arms grasped my opposite shoulders while her middle arms entwined themselves down my middle. Her bottom hands teasingly fondled and squeezed my ass, as her legs cross themselves with my own. Her warmth covered my entire body. I wanted to stay like that forever, protected by her arms.
  67. "Sure," I reply, "I could always use some extra hands."
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