
Letter responses to Theta

Jul 29th, 2013
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  1. She's very eager to keep in touch with you. Her interests actually seem to be reading, solving puzzles, and just learning in general, and the only thing she really doesn't like is Millie. Whenever you send her riddles or puzzles it always takes her a little bit longer than normal to respond, but she usually gets them right, or answers with an off-the-wall creative sort of answer you don't expect. She seems to have a high degree of intelligence, and a fairly solid grasp of social norms. When you send her the one about Regent Cid, she takes a much longer time than usual to reply, but when she does, she writes:
  3. "Oooh, that's so dirty! I had to spend ages sifting through books to find out anything about Regent Cid. I didn't know you were that kind of person, but you seem nice enough, so maybe that's not a bad thing. Here's one, too. What kind of ice cream does Gilgamesh have when his girlfriend's away?"
  5. She writes the answer upside down. "Double scoop." with an angry face and a picture of Gilgamesh with Chell and Belle on either side of him. Gilgamesh has an expression somewhat like!!!.png
  7. To your question, though, she responds, "No, but she got really mad at Chell and Belle, and talked about some kind of jailbreak..."
  9. Abigail:
  11. "They are back, yes. I'm fairly sure I could leave at this point without a problem, but convincing the other two would likely be a much more difficult task
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