
Bot Like Doang

Dec 18th, 2012
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  1. <?php
  2. ##############config####################
  3. $bot['like'] = true; //
  4. $bot['ck_k'] = true; //
  5. $bot['ck_u'] = false; //
  6. $bot['time'] = false; //
  7. $bot['aces'] = "AKSES TOKEN MASUKAN DISINIIIIIIII"; //Ambil di
  8. ########################################com_like($cl,$ck,$cu,$tm,$access_token)
  9. ##############By Me####################
  10. # BOT Facebook v 1.0cr 20/januari/2011
  11. #
  12. # Created by kasperkae
  13. # simple bot komment & like
  14. # thanks to balikita team
  15. #
  16. # mohon untuk tidak merubah tulisan ini untuk saling menghargai.
  17. # tunggu Versi bot berikutnya. :D salam
  18. #######################################
  19. com_like($bot['like'],$bot['ck_k'],$bot['ck_u'],$bot['time'],$bot['aces']);
  20. ###############komentar################
  21. function cmn($text,$ck,$cu){
  22. ##########umum
  23. $cmn_umum = array("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  24. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  25. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  26. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  27. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  28. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  29. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  30. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  31. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  32. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  33. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  34. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  35. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  36. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  37. "Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi",
  38. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  39. "exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  40. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  41. "Wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  42. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  43. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  44. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  45. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  46. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  47. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  48. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  49. "GxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD",
  50. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  51. "Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  52. "Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  53. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxanju",
  54. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  55. "Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi",
  56. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb",
  57. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp",
  58. "Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  59. "PokxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD",
  60. "Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  61. );
  62. ##########kondisi
  63. $comment = array(
  64. array(
  65. array("sqjfjq",
  66. "psqjfjq sqjfjqa",
  67. "psqjfjq kmn",
  68. ),
  69. array("axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe",
  70. "aQ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.",
  71. "txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD",
  72. "Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  73. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  74. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  75. )
  76. ),
  77. array(
  78. array("sqsqjfjqa",
  79. "mqsqjfjq",
  80. "aqsqjfjq",
  81. ),
  82. array("Amin <name>.. hihii ",
  83. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi",
  84. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  85. )
  86. ),
  87. array(
  88. array("jqsqjfjq",
  89. "aqssqjfjq",
  90. "rqasqjfjq",
  91. "fqqusqjfjq",
  92. "bqaqsqjfjq",
  93. ),
  94. array("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe",
  95. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD",
  96. "sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwk",
  97. "jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxk ",
  98. "Wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe",
  99. "axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxk",
  100. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm",
  101. "MxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD",
  102. )
  103. ),
  104. array(
  105. array("lqasqjfjq",
  106. "hqusqjfjq",
  107. "cqsqjfjq",
  108. "lqasqjfjq",
  109. "kqeqsqjfjq",
  110. ),
  111. array("Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn",
  112. "mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwk",
  113. )
  114. ),
  115. array(
  116. array("wqksqjfjq",
  117. "cqksqjfjq",
  118. "gqksqjfjq",
  119. "hqasqjfjq",
  120. "xqisqjfjq",
  121. "hqisqjfjq",
  122. ),
  123. array("Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  124. "Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  125. )
  126. ),
  127. array(
  128. array("pqsqjfjq",
  129. "oqsqjfjqu",
  130. "nqgasqjfjqk",
  131. "bqsqjfjqk",
  132. "tqsqjfjqr",
  133. ),
  134. array("Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.",
  135. "sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  136. "Oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  137. "Mexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixi",
  138. )
  139. ),
  140. array(
  141. array("pquqsqjfjqg",
  142. "mquqsqjfjq",
  143. "sqsqjfjqla",
  144. "pqusqjfjqg",
  145. "lqisqjfjqr",
  146. ),
  147. array("lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.",
  148. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  149. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxk",
  150. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.",
  151. )
  152. ),
  153. array(
  154. array("gqsqjfjqu",
  155. "rqsqjfjqh",
  156. "gqsqjfjqsah",
  157. "Gqsqjfjqu",
  158. ),
  159. array("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?",
  160. "eh.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  161. "sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.",
  162. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  163. )
  164. ),
  165. array(
  166. array("sqsqjfjqr",
  167. "sqaqsqjfjqr",
  168. "sqaqhsqjfjqurr",
  169. ),
  170. array("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe",
  171. "axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..",
  172. "bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwk",
  173. )
  174. ),
  175. array(
  176. array("pqsqjfjq",
  177. "gqsqjfjqh",
  178. "hqsqjfjqng",
  179. ),
  180. array("nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..",
  181. "nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhe..",
  182. "bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..",
  183. "mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe.."
  184. )
  185. ),
  186. array(
  187. array("Aqxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsqjfjqum",
  188. "axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxqsqjfjqm",
  189. "qsqjfjqWr",
  190. ),
  191. array("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  192. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  193. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  194. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  195. )
  196. ),
  197. );
  198. $komentar = '';
  199. $cr_kondisi=false;
  200. foreach($comment as $cx){
  201. foreach($cx[0] as $ct){
  202. if(ereg($ct,$text)){
  203. $cr_kondisi=true;
  204. $komentar = $cx[1][rand(0,count($cx[1]) - 1)];
  205. }
  206. }
  207. }
  208. if($cr_kondisi==true && $ck==true){
  209. return $komentar;
  210. }else{
  211. if($cu==true){ return $cmn_umum[rand(0,count($cmn_umum) - 1)]; }
  212. }
  213. }
  214. #######################################
  215. function com_like($cl,$ck,$cu,$tm,$access_token){
  216. $beranda = json_decode(httphit(",from,type,message&limit=100&access_token=".$access_token))->data;
  217. $saya_cr = json_decode(httphit("".$access_token));
  218. if($beranda){
  219. foreach($beranda as $cr_post){
  220. if(!ereg($saya_cr->id,$cr_post->id)){
  221. $log_cr = simlog($cr_post->id);
  222. if($log_cr==true){
  223. if($ck==true){
  224. $url_ck = cmn($cr_post->message,$ck,$cu);
  225. $url_ck = str_replace("<name>",$cr_post->from->name,$url_ck);
  226. if($tm==true){ $url_ck = $url_ck.wkthit(); }
  227. $url_ck = urlencode($url_ck);
  228. if($ck==true OR $cu==true){
  229. httphit("".$cr_post->id."/comments?method=POST&message=".$url_ck."&access_token=".$access_token);
  230. }
  231. if($cl==true){
  232. httphit("".$cr_post->id."/likes?method=POST&access_token=".$access_token);
  233. }
  234. }
  235. }
  236. }
  237. }
  238. }
  239. }
  240. #######################################
  241. function httphit($url){
  242. return file_get_contents($url);
  243. }
  244. function wkthit(){
  245. $ent="
  246. ";
  247. $hari=gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7);
  248. if((gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7))=="Sun"){ $hari="Minggu"; }
  249. if((gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7))=="Mon"){ $hari="Senin"; }
  250. if((gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7))=="Tue"){ $hari="Selasa"; }
  251. if((gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7))=="Wed"){ $hari="Rabu"; }
  252. if((gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7))=="Thu"){ $hari="Kamis"; }
  253. if((gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7))=="Fri"){ $hari="Jum'at"; }
  254. if((gmdate("D", time()+60*60*7))=="Sat"){ $hari="Sabtu"; }
  255. $jam="Jam : ".gmdate("g:i a", time()+60*60*7);
  256. return $ent.$ent." Hari ".$hari." , Tanggal : ".gmdate("j-m-Y", time()+60*60*7)." | ".$jam.".";
  257. }
  258. function simlog($cr_id) {
  259. $fname = "cr_log.txt";
  260. $lihatiplist=fopen ($fname, "rb");
  261. $text='';
  262. if($lihatiplist){
  263. $spasipol = "";
  264. do {
  265. $barislistip = fread($lihatiplist, 512);
  266. if(strlen($barislistip) == 0){ break; }
  267. $spasipol .= $barislistip;
  268. } while(true);
  269. fclose ($lihatiplist);
  270. for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {$spasipol = str_replace(" ","",$spasipol);}
  271. $text=$text.$spasipol;
  272. }else{$text="";}
  273. if(ereg($cr_id,$text)){
  274. return false;
  275. }else{
  276. $text = $text.$cr_id;
  277. $w_file=@fopen($fname,"w") or bberr();
  278. if($w_file) {
  279. @fputs($w_file,$text);
  280. @fclose($w_file);
  281. }
  282. return true;
  283. }
  284. }
  285. ?>
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