
Anon reads Creepy Pasta to Twilight(Anon x Twilight)

Sep 9th, 2014
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  1. >”Anon, earlier you mentioned a part of human literature known as “Creepy Pasta.” can you read me one?”
  2. >Twilight smiled up at you, and you couldn’t refuse.
  3. “I can, but it will be pretty scary. Sure you can handle it?” She blushes when you boop her nose.
  4. >”I’ve read tons of horror stories. Show me your worst.” She put on a ‘fierce’ smile.
  5. >Well, not really fierce, more like an adorkable look of concentration.
  6. >It probably was intended to look fierce, but instead it just looks cute.
  7. “Alright I’ll tell you the story about… Slenderman I guess.”
  8. >”Slender-Man?”
  9. “Yeah. See the story is…”
  10. -
  11. >”Wow, anon..” Twilight looked physically disturbed. “I didn’t think human horror stories were so…”
  12. “Scary?”
  13. >She chuckled. “Yeah.”
  14. “Well it is called horror for a reason.”
  15. >You stretch and yawn.
  16. “Man it is getting late.”
  17. >You look out the window and see the Moon is starting to raise into the sky.
  18. >Guess it’s time to turn in.
  19. “I think I’m going to go hit the hay.” You pop your neck, causing her to wince.
  20. >”A- alright. Goodnight anon…” Twilight’s voice trails off.
  21. >Shrugging, you walk into the guest room of the treehouse, flip off the lamp and crawl under the warm covers.
  22. >Sometime before you slip into sleep, the door to your room creaks open and someone steps in.
  23. >”Anon?” You hear Twilight’s hushed voice.
  24. “Yeah?”
  25. >”I’m kind of… scared… can I sleep with you tonight?”
  26. >...
  27. “Sure I guess…”
  28. >Twilight crawls under the covers next to you, burying her head in your chest.
  29. >You hold her there, providing a welcome border between her and the darkness of the room.
  30. >Unexpectedly, Twilight gives you a quick peck to your cheek.
  31. >”Night anon…”
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