
Can Bent Penis Surgery Cause Complications?

Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. Possessing a severely bent penis – a condition officially known as Peyronie’s Disease – can be problematic for some men. Some degree of curvature is not unusual and is not a sign of a penis health issue. But when the bent penis curves at an extreme angle – whether to the left or right, or up or down – it can cause issues problems that require attention. There are several treatment options recommended for a severely bent penis. In some instances, a doctor may even recommend surgery as an option.
  3. Peyronie’s disease
  4. Peyronie’s disease usually develops as the result of fibrous scar tissue accumulating in the penis. In order for the penis to function properly, it needs to freely expand during an erection, which requires skin that is pliable and flexible. When a lump of scar tissue accumulates in one spot, it impedes that flexibility, but only on the side of the penis where the lump occurs. Thus, when the penis gets erect, the rest of the penis expands as normal, but the affected side cannot match it in expansion. As a result, the penis pulls toward the affected side, creating the bent penis.
  6. A severely bent penis can impact a man’s ability to penetrate a partner, whether vaginally or anally. It also can cause pain to the man, a soreness from the skin stretching unevenly during the erection. In addition, some men may feel embarrassed or ashamed of having a bent penis, considering it a deformity.
  8. If a man does have Peyronie’s disease, he should contact a qualified urologist for an official diagnosis and to discuss treatment options.
  10. Treatments
  11. The Urology Care Foundation estimates that about 13% of Peyronie’s disease cases are self-resolving – that is, the curvature will disappear on its own in time. For this reason, many doctors advise taking a “wait and see” approach with a bent penis.
  13. There is only one drug that is specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Peyronie’s, and that is collagenase, approved for use in men with curvature greater than 30 degrees. This drug is delivered via injection, as are several other “off-label” drugs sometimes used for a bent penis. There are also some oral medications that some doctors use, though there is a need for more studies to determine their efficacy.
  15. In persistent and stubborn cases, or cases in which there is an unusual degree of curvature and/or pain, a doctor may recommend surgery. This may involve shortening the unaffected side; cutting the scar tissue and grafting new skin on the affected area; or utilizing a penile implant.
  17. Complications
  18. Some men worry about complications that might arise when surgery is performed on the penis. All surgery carries some risks, and there have been reports of complications from Peyronie’s surgery.
  20. Probably the most common complication is a loss of penis sensation, especially following the surgery which cuts the scar tissue and grafts new skin on the penis. But one important study found that the loss of sensation was temporary. Only 21% of men in the study experienced it, and almost all of them reported a full return of sensation within a year of surgery.
  22. Another complication is that shortening the unaffected side of the penis can make the entire penis shorter, something some men might be disturbed about.
  24. Men with a very bent penis should definitely discuss the pros and cons of surgery with a specialist. Whatever their decision, they need to help maintain their penis health via daily use of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes will contain vitamin C, a key component of collagen, which in turn is essential for giving penis skin its tone and elasticity. In addition, the crème should contain an amino acid known as L-arginine. This ingredient helps the body in its production of nitric oxide, which is crucial for helping penile blood vessels to expand to accommodate influxes of blood.
  26. Visit for additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy penis. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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