
(6) Everything's coming up gaynon

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. >So where were we?
  2. >Oh yeah
  3. >May have to go live with my parents
  4. >Great
  5. >Anyway, after I got out of the hospital, Pinkie decided to throw me a massive welcome home party
  6. >Arrive at the party, with crutches and pumped full of painkillers
  7. >It's in the school gyn
  8. >Walk in
  9. >No one there
  10. >3....2....1...
  11. >"SURPRISE!"
  12. >Yep, totally predictable
  13. >There are actually a surprising amount of people here.
  14. >First time seeing the girls in ages
  15. >They hug me like I almost died or something
  16. >Oh wait, that's right
  17. >Decide to put off telling them about me moving away
  18. >Just decide to enjoy the party for now.
  19. >We just talk, joke around, everything we did before everything went down
  20. >"So anon...." Rarity starts
  21. >"Applejack told us what happened...."
  22. >I look over at Applejack, smiling
  23. "Did she now?"
  24. >She's blushing
  25. >"So," Rairty continues
  26. >"Does this mean you guys are dating now?"
  27. >All the girls look at me with wrapped attention
  28. "Maybe, I mean, I guess we'll just see where it goes."
  29. >Applejack stifles a small laugh
  30. >Then everything goes back to normal
  31. >That was a little weird
  32. >But anyways
  33. >The party begins wrapping up, and everyone begins to leave
  34. >Applejack pulls me to the side, away from the other girls
  35. >"Anon, can I talk to you?"
  36. "Sure."
  37. >She pulls me over by the bleachers
  38. >"Listen, I need to tell you something..."
  39. "Don't even tell me you're pregnant, that's not how it works. Even I know that."
  40. >She giggles
  41. >"No,it's not that"
  42. >She continues
  43. >"It's just that, when you were in the hospital.... I was afraid I was gonna lose you. And I realized that I don't want that, I wanna stay with you."
  44. >Well, that's not exactly something you hear everyday
  45. >But what about the plan to move away?
  46. >How is this gonna work out
  47. "Listen, Applejack..."
  48. >She gives me a worried look
  49. "Right now..... I can't afford to live in Canterlot anymore."
  50. >She looks a little shocked
  51. "With the condition I'm in.... I have no way to support myself. I may need to move back in with my parents."
  52. ---
  53. >Applejack looks really worried now
  54. >"But I.... I mean.... you can't leave! You can't just leave me here! And not just me! WHat about the rest of the girls?"
  55. "Applejack, I can't live here anymore. I got no money coming in. What do you want me to do? Me options are limited."
  56. >"What about Pinkie? Maybe she could get you a job at Sugar Cube Corner... or maybe Rarity has an opening down at the shop..."
  57. "It's not gonna pay enough, my apartment alone costs me $800, there's no way I would survive."
  58. >She thinks for a moment
  59. >"Why don't you stay at Sweet Apple Acres? Just until you get back onto your feet?"
  60. >Well, I'm a little hesitant
  61. >But my options are limited
  62. >Do I stay here?
  63. >Or move halfway across the country?
  64. "Alright... I mean I guess I could do that..."
  65. >Applejack wraps me in a tight hug
  66. >"I really don't wanna lose you"
  67. >I return the hug
  68. "...."
  69. "I am pretty great, right?"
  70. >Crap, I'm cheeky
  71. >That night I just sat on my sofa and looked around.
  72. >What am I bringing with me anyhow?
  73. >It's not like I'm gonna be able to bring all this crap with me
  74. >Maybe I could put some of it on eBay.
  75. >And give the money to Applejack's family to make it up to them.
  76. >Yeah, that sounds like a plan
  77. >Suddenly my heart sank
  78. "Aww crap" I said at loud
  79. >If I go to Sweet Apple Acres, that means I can't drink or smoke weed anymore. Or, you know, at least for the time when I'm staying there.
  80. >Crap
  81. >Welp, I still got my painkillers.
  82. >Seriously, why do I always have to have some kind of drug in me?
  83. >Because life is hard
  84. >But I just make it hard on myself
  85. >I really gotta get my life on track.
  86. ---
  87. >My bed is gone, my couch, I don't really need the TV anymore
  88. >Should I keep the laptop?
  89. >Yeah, I guess so
  90. >Tables, chairs, coffee table, dresser
  91. >All that needs to go
  92. >Once I get to Applejack's house I can move all my stuff into the dresser in the guest bedroom
  93. >You couldn't even begin to make it up to them for letting them stay with you
  94. >Letting go of all the alcohol and weed was worth it to be able to stay here with your friends.
  95. >I heard a horn outside
  96. >It was Granny Smith
  97. >She pulled up in her old pickup truck
  98. >I threw all my clothes and personal belongings into a bag and grabbed my phone and computer.
  99. >I walked up to the empty door and looked around one last time
  100. >Nope, nothing left to grab
  101. >It's a little sad though, right
  102. >Nahh
  103. >It's just an apartment
  104. >No memories here except for fragments of getting drunk
  105. >I closed the door and locked it one last time, and put the key under the door mat
  106. >I threw my bag in the truck bed, and got in the cab.
  107. >"Ready dearie?"
  108. "Yep, off we go"
  109. >And we drove off towards sweet apple acres
  110. >I got settled in pretty quickly
  111. >Just put my clothes in the dresser, hooked up my laptop, plugged my phone in, and got comfortable
  112. >Someone knocked on the open door
  113. >I looked up
  114. >It was Applebloom
  115. >"Hey... anon."
  116. >Oh great
  117. "Hi, uh... Applebloom."
  118. >"So, can I ask you something?"
  119. >I already knew what was coming
  120. "Yep. Go ahead"
  121. >"So, you told me, you um, didn't like girls, right?"
  122. "Right."
  123. >"But now you have a soft spot for my sister?"
  124. >Wait, how did she even know about that?
  125. "How did you hear about me and your sister?"
  126. >"I overheard her talking about it with her friends on the phone."
  127. >I closed my laptop and sighed
  128. "Listen, Applebloom. That was a long time ago, I only did what I felt was right in my heart. At the time, that's what I thought I wanted. But now, things are a little different."
  129. >She looks sad
  130. "Look, like I said before, it's not like I don't like you. I'm sure there are boys in your class that'd be dying to be with you."
  131. ---
  132. >She perks up a little and gives a small smile
  133. >"You said that last time."
  134. "And I meant it. There has to be someone in your class that has taken a shining to you."
  135. >"Well, there might be somebody..."
  136. >She gives another faint smile and blushes
  137. "Well that doesn't come as a surprise to me."
  138. >I smile at her
  139. >"Thanks anon. Oh! And I heard about your accident. Glad to hear you're alright."
  140. >Well, I'm still in massive amounts of pain
  141. >There's a metal rod in my left leg
  142. >There are scares everywhere
  143. >But I'm not dead yet.
  144. "Thanks Applebloom. You're a really caring girl, you know that? Maybe you should become a nurse or something."
  145. >She smiled
  146. >"I do like to help people. You think that'd be my special talent?"
  147. "Maybe, I mean, there's only one way to find out."
  148. >At least I managed to cheer her up.
  149. >"Bye anon!" she yelled as she bolted out the door
  150. >Well that was awkward
  151. >Back to business
  152. >Then there was another knock on the door
  153. >I looked up
  154. >It was Big Mac
  155. ---
  156. >Well this was a surprise
  157. >What was even more surprising?
  158. >I didn't really feel attracted to him anymore
  159. >Maybe that kiss with Applejack effected me a little more than I thought
  160. >I was probably just attracted to him from a physical physical standpint anyway
  161. >"Hey anon, can I talk to you?"
  162. "Yeah, sure, what's up?"
  163. >"Listen, I know Applejack likes you, a lot...."
  164. >She really needs to learn to keep her mouth shut
  165. >"And I wanted to let you know a few things."
  166. "Like?"
  167. >"Like that we, as a family, expect you to help the family out, like chores and stuff."
  168. "Okay."
  169. >"Second, I don't want any kind of hanky panky nonsense going on now that you and Applejack are living in the same household
  170. >Hue
  171. >Not likely that I would do that anyways
  172. "Alright, I got you"
  173. >"Thanks anon"
  174. >He comes over and gives me a handshake
  175. >"You're a good man"
  176. >Things are getting weird again
  177. >He left the bedroom
  178. >After a few weeks I became more and more depressed
  179. >All I did was sit around the house all day.
  180. >I couldn't really go anywhere
  181. >My leg was still messed up.
  182. >Applejack was always out doing chores around the property or out on the town doing business
  183. >I had nothing to do but eat, sleep and watch TV
  184. >I was in a rut
  185. >I couldn't help very much
  186. >Most chores were too strenuous for me
  187. >I did little things, like sweeping, mopping, organizing stuff
  188. >I was beginning to feel like a burden
  189. >I needed to get out and break my cabin fever.
  190. >Applejack came in one Sunday and asked if I wanted to go to church with them
  191. >I guess I could do that.
  192. >If I ever needed a time to go back, it was now.
  193. >I had no job, no money, was homeless, crippled, an alcoholic
  194. >What did I have to lose
  195. >It was a small church
  196. >I hadn't been to one in so long
  197. >"Don't worry, you got nothing to be afraid of" everybody tried to tell me
  198. >The message was all about how God forgives us no matter how messed up we make our lives. No matter what we do, we always have love to support us, even in our darkest times
  199. >I came back home, and was actually pretty happy.
  200. >Not just because I got the chance to leave the house, but because of the message also.
  201. >If I needed support at any time in my life, it would be now
  202. >I still wish I could make myself useful around the house somehow.
  203. >I already gave them what money I had left.
  204. >Maybe I should look for a job
  205. >Something that requires no skill set, no hard labor, and pays good.
  206. >Yeah, this should be fun
  207. >I ended up browsing the internet for about 12 hours a day for a job.
  208. >I narrowed it down to two choices.
  209. >Cashier at a retail job, which is easily one of the most despicable positions someone can ever work in.
  210. >Or at telemarketing place taking phone calls.
  211. >Alright, looks like I'm trying the telemarketing job.
  212. >Go to the job place
  213. >Ask to apply
  214. >They tell me that they are conducting interviews now, and I can just go in if I want.
  215. "Well, I don't know, at the moment I'm terribly underdressed."
  216. >"It's fine, no one can see you over the phone anyway."
  217. >This job seems pretty laid back
  218. >Maybe this is the way to go.
  219. >Go in for the interview
  220. >Just standard questions, did you graduate high school, why do you think you'd be good for this job, etc.
  221. >Turns out they were just looking for someone with a high school diploma (check), someone who likes to talk (yep), and someone who knows how to use a computer (I'm a teenager, I live off of the computer)
  222. >They told me they would call me soon with a decision
  223. >A few days later, turns out I got the job. I start next Monday
  224. >Sweet
  225. >So this is what it feels like to make something of yourself.
  226. >After I tell the Apples about my plan to help pay my way around here, they initially refuse.
  227. >They're trying to tell me that it's not necessary, I've done enough, etc.
  228. >Shut up and take my money!
  229. >They relent
  230. >Now I don't have to feel guilty anymore.
  231. >The job is pretty good.
  232. >The company gets paid to call people trying to advertise products, it's simple as can be.
  233. >I tend to piss people off a lot anyways.
  234. >But now I get paid $9 an hour to do it!
  235. >Things are starting to look up for me a little.
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