
Mist Dragon

Oct 8th, 2014
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  1. Mist Dragon
  3. Rank 4
  5. A shroud of mist begins to blanket the battlefield, before rising up around you. The white fog gently begins to wrap around your clothes and your features, replacing them with the white gown, pale skin, and long white hair of an elegant lady. You exist within her form, protected as a mother would shield a child, and she calls forth the mist around your feet to rise into the shape of a dragon.
  7. Abilities:
  9. Freezing Mist: The entire battlefield fills with an ice-cold mist that deals (PWRx16)+2d6 Ice m.arm damage to an enemy Group. Lesser enemies must roll opposed Force or be encased in ice for a turn, stunning them.
  11. Fog Form: The Mist Dragon may take on the form of a gigantic cloud of Mist for one round. During this time, anytime an ally within the cloud is physically attacked, the Mist Dragon counters with Freezing Mist. She may perform this once per summoning.
  13. Shroud of the White Lady: When the Mist Dragon is summoned, all allies gain the Aura status effect. Aura's 4 round timer does not begin until the Mist Dragon is dismissed.
  15. Mists of Time: The Mist Dragon may cast the Reset spell once per round as a free action.
  17. Spells: Time Slip, Reset, Time Stop, Barrier, Holy (Use Power)
  19. Astral Flow: Radiant Breath - The Mist gathers up into solid form, increasing the Mist Dragon's size by almost double, with her human incarnation standing on the beast's shoulder. She lifts her hands up and the dragon's mouth sparkles with light, before it breathes out a shining cloud that devastates the enemy, negating any Absorb, Immunity or Resistance to Holy before dealing (PWRx30)+2d6 Holy damage. The cloud lingers on allies, granting them the Blink status effect. Blink allows one to avoid the next physical attack taken, before being expended.
  21. Special: Immune to Ice and Holy.
  23. Devotion: The Mist Dragon grants her favor to those who she deems worthy. A simple task cannot win her gift, but she herself must judge the summoner's character and choose accordingly.
  25. Pact Gift: To those she favors, she grants a portion of her oracular sight, allowing one to peruse the mists of time. By concentrating on a subject or question, the summoner can fortell a possible future. This is a harder ability to utilize than the Wisdom Aura and is not guaranteed in its effects to be accurate to the timeline, but will always show something that is possible. This meditative state can be entered in any moment of rest and is not limited in usage.
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