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a guest
Apr 7th, 2015
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  1. $ gs/debugbin/gswin32c.exe -ZP
  2. GPL Ghostscript GIT PRERELEASE 9.18 (2015-04-07)
  3. Copyright (C) 2015 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
  4. This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
  5. [P]Clipping path:
  6. (path not valid)
  7. inner_box=(0,0),(793,1123)
  8. outer_box=(0,0),(793,1123) rule=-1 list.refct=1
  9. list count=1 xmin=0 xmax=793
  10. rect: (0,0),(793,1123)
  11. [P]Clipping path:
  12. (path not valid)
  13. inner_box=(0,0),(793,1123)
  14. outer_box=(0,0),(793,1123) rule=-1 list.refct=1
  15. list count=1 xmin=0 xmax=793
  16. rect: (0,0),(793,1123)
  17. GS>0 0 moveto 100 100 lineto stroke showpage
  18. [P]Path 0x1ef5280 before reducing:
  19. % state_flags=3 subpaths=0, curves=0, point=(0.000000,0.000000)
  20. % box=(8388607.996094,8388607.996094),(-8388608.000000,-8388608.000000) last=0x0
  21. % segments=0x1ef4e00 (refct=5, first=0x0, current=0x0)
  22. [P]Path 0xced00 after reducing:
  23. % state_flags=3 subpaths=0, curves=0, point=(0.000000,0.000000)
  24. % box=(8388607.996094,8388607.996094),(-8388608.000000,-8388608.000000) last=0x0
  25. % segments=0xced00 (refct=1, first=0x0, current=0x0)
  26. [P] 0.0000 0.0000 moveto % 0x1ef5310<0x0,0x0>:0 #curves=0 last=0x1ef5310
  27. [P] 133.3320 133.3320 lineto % 0x1ef5358<0x1ef5310,0x0>:0
  28. [P] -0.4688 0.4688 moveto % 0x1ef5380<0x0,0x0>:0 #curves=0 last=0x1ef5380
  29. [P] 0.4688 -0.4688 lineto % 0x1ef53c8<0x1ef5380,0xcdcdcdcd>:0
  30. [P] 133.8008 132.8633 lineto % 0x1ef53f0<0x1ef53c8,0xcdcdcdcd>:0
  31. [P] 132.8633 133.8008 lineto % 0x1ef5418<0x1ef53f0,0xcdcdcdcd>:0
  32. [P] closepath % 0x1ef5440<0x1ef5418,0x0>:0 -0.4688 0.4688 0x1ef5380
  33. [P]release closepath % 0x1ef5440<0x1ef5418,0x0>:0 -0.4688 0.4688 0x1ef5380
  34. [P]release 132.8633 133.8008 lineto % 0x1ef5418<0x1ef53f0,0x1ef5440>:0
  35. [P]release 133.8008 132.8633 lineto % 0x1ef53f0<0x1ef53c8,0x1ef5418>:0
  36. [P]release 0.4688 -0.4688 lineto % 0x1ef53c8<0x1ef5380,0x1ef53f0>:0
  37. [P]release -0.4688 0.4688 moveto % 0x1ef5380<0x0,0x1ef53c8>:0 #curves=0 last=0x1ef5440
  38. [P]release 133.3320 133.3320 lineto % 0x1ef5358<0x1ef5310,0x0>:0
  39. [P]release 0.0000 0.0000 moveto % 0x1ef5310<0x0,0x1ef5358>:0 #curves=0 last=0x1ef5358
  40. >>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
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